Rebirth Magazine October 2020

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Edition 4 | October 2020



Melissa Groom an interview with Sarah Watkins page 4

David Laws

manifesting for kids page 7

Sneak Peak

Kim McCosker


Road to Wealth

@ brand new Spiritual Discovery Journal page 14 with Pip & Michelle page 12 and 24

shares a vegan choc chip cookie winner page 10 with Emilia Tomeo page 8

DISCOVER YOUR LOVER ARCHETYPE Detailed guidance and information on your Lover Archetype; the health of your chakra’s and your current level of consciousness

TAKE THE QUIZ FOR FREE REBECCA-LEE.COM Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020 2

All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

Crown Chakra


We interview Melissa Groom 4 Destiny Fae Mother Blessing Ceremony 6 David Laws Manifesting Magic for Kids! 7 Emilia Tomeo - MJB Seminars 8 A Lesson Learned Became my Life Mission

Daniel Mangena 9 Stepping Beyond Intention

Kim McCosker Vegan Choc Chip Cookies 10 Marsha Schultz Healing Naturally 11 Pip Coleman Angel Connections 12 Victoria Cochrane 13 Mum of Three Shares her Life Lessons

Spiritual Discovery Journal Feature 14 Our Wellness Community 16 Leonie Featherstone 20 Make Sleep your Friend

Jeannette Longworth 21 Time to stop hiding in the Wardrobe

Rebecca-Lee Acknowledging your Growth 22 Selena Joy Lovett Feeling Lost? 23 Michelle Lightworker 24 Get to know the Archangels

Jessica Beard The Law of Vibration 26 Vicki Haspels My Heart’s Journey 27 Dr Maxine Therese Children’s Wellbeing 28 Victoria Cochrane 29 Secrets of a Lightworker

Journaling my way 30 Book Reviews 31 Connection Corner 32 Meditation 33 Astrology - Upcoming Moon Cycles 34 Tarotscopes - Collective Tarot 36 Easy Print Directory 38 Pop Up Psychics 42

As your crown chakra opens, you are increasingly aware of the divine spiritual presence within you. Quiet your mind and let creation be your inspiration as you move forward. You experience an expansion of consciousness and a great sense of knowing. Be grateful as you receive guidance from higher beings. Be conscious at this time of the pollutants of your body, mind and spirit. Clear yourself and your surroundings of toxins. You understand now that this earthly experience is a learning process, so be open to the lessons that you are learning. Your connection to sources sees you never alone.

Cover by Jane Marin Jane Marin, is an intuitive mixed media artist/teacher from Bundaberg, Queensland. Her work explores the way art can heal through colour, shapes and symbols. Many of her works feature the faces women and men, each piece channeling love, empathy, courage and compassion having the potential to make positive changes to the energy of those around them. Vision and comments expressed by individuals do not necessarily represent those of the publishers and no legal responsibility can be accepted for the result of the use by readers of information or advice of any kind given in this publication, either in advertisements or editorials. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of Synk Media.

Editor | Sarah Watkins

Synk Media & Spiritual Events Directory

Designer | Kathy Shanks Synk Media & Turtle Creative

Journalist | Michelle R Price Michelle R Price Writer & Clairvoyant

A SYNK MEDIA Production

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Melissa Groom

Interview with Sarah Watkins

Melissa works with conscious solopreneurs ready to showcase their expertise & gain vast popularity in their industry, teaching them how to increase their profile & income using video. Melissa has such an inspiring story of overcoming childhood sexual abuse. She didn’t just survive the abuse she thrived on the other side of it. Q Over five years ago, you plucked up the courage to share your story on a blog post. What did you share? A I shared my story about my childhood sexual abuse I had endured by two of my mum’s boyfriends between 9-14 years of age. I wanted to share with people who had experienced the same as I (as statistics state 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 8 boys experience sexual abuse) that there are good people in the world, that you do matters, it was not your fault and that you are worthy of having a good life.

Q Afterwards, you spiralled down to a very low point in your life- receiving backlash from the post. What happened and how did you get through it? My adopted parents were so cross with me for sharing our dirty laundry on Facebook. They

asked me if I was doing it for attention and I said yes but only to inspire others that they can get through this. I was told that it happened over 30 years ago so there is no need to keep bringing it up and no one wants to hear that stuff. I became so depressed and was so hurt. I wondered if I would ever get through the pain of the strained relationship I had with my adoptive mother. I get that it hurt her too, so bringing it up is probably like rubbing salt into a wound. I just felt that it might help others from ending their life. I questioned why I was born for 19 years of my life.

Q You had a moment where you went outside and threw your hands up in the air and asked...” God, how can I serve you?” What happened next? I was questioning life again. I was asking- What is all of this for? Surely there has to be a purpose for all of this? I believe in every adversity there is a gift. It is our lesson—an opportunity to grow and become stronger, to be a better person. I heard the whisper back - “You need to teach people what you know about video so they can share their story/message/knowledge/expertise. You know so many amazing people, but no one knows who they are. So you must teach them how to grow their profile online just as you did when you created your web tv show - Toddlers To Teens TV and grew yours and the other 7 women on the panels online profile.”

Q What advice would you give to your 16-year-old self? Wow, that was a big year for me. I was going


Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020

All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

through court cases in between going to school, living out of home, working at night to survive and feeling so lost in the world. Although I grew up hoping every night I wouldn’t wake up this was the first time I seriously considered ending my life, but I’m so glad I called a friend who came over and sat with me. She would tell me you are so loved. You are worthy of being loved, treated with respect, and feeling like you belong. You are a miracle and a true gift to the world. You can do anything that you set your mind to. You deserve a happy life. Set boundaries and don’t tolerate people treating you badly. Hard times will come, but they too will pass. Surround yourself with good people. Find what brings you joy and do that.

Q How have you been able to rise above your childhood traumas I have been lucky that I have a big family, so I am very blessed. I have done a lot of work and tried many things. Journaling was all I had when I was a kid, so I wrote a lot. I found it very cathartic. I wrote my autobiography when I was eighteen, which helped me heal even more. I went to a psychologist from 14-18 and then again when I was 21. I have continued to see

All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

healers and use other methodologies, but what I truly found the most helpful was a methodology called Creatrix which totally changed my perception of myself. I now no longer feel dirty or disgusting, ashamed about what happened to me, now I love and respect myself. I have learned I have to fill up my own cup first. I feel it’s an impossible task as a mother because children do come first. But I can now see in hindsight after letting my health go that the children can wait and it really is important to look after you first so you can be the best version of yourself. I now make sure I do the things that bring me joy which is spending time with my family and friends, running my business and meeting incredible people all over the world, going for walks along the beach, bike riding, singing, going on picnics and eating healthy delicious food.

Q Your final words of wisdom We are not promised tomorrow. Today and every day is a gift. So live your life to the fullest. Love, laugh, have fun and do something good for yourself every day and a random act of kindness to a stranger, even if it’s just a smile and hello. You are here to make a difference so shine your light bright so others can find their way out of the darkness.

Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020


What is a Mother Blessing Ceremony? Destiny Fae found out first hand Destiny Fae is one well-travelled mum-to-be. In this conversation, the self-professed ‘visionary’ and ‘psychic’ talks about the spiritual practice that is a Mother Blessing Ceremony. Destiny will welcome her first child into the world in a few short weeks but in a former life, the Sunshine Coast local was known as a ‘spiritual nomad’. Destiny travelled the world for more than three years. During that time, she engaged in public speaking, writing books, offering multimodality therapies and spiritual and psychic guidance, as well as creating online events and summits for the New Earth, with a focus on Unity, Inner divinity, ancient wisdom, sustainable living and well-being. On her list of achievements is being a selfpublished author and passionate poet/channel of light frequencies and language. Destiny was told by a Psychic overseas that she would meet a man who she would settle down and start a family with. She returned to Australia and met her partner around 12 months ago via an event she was organising. She admits they discussed starting a family the day they met but she only discovered they had conceived late in the first trimester when she began to feel nauseous.

Interview by Michelle R Price strengthen her mind, body and spirit for her upcoming journey to bring new life into the world. Destiny explained that during the ceremony, all of the women were bound together using a red band. As well, each woman contributed a bead which formed a bracelet that Destiny will wear until her child arrives. There was also a candle lighting ceremony which began with the lighting of a large candle. Several smaller candles were lit from that one and each woman was asked to state the names of their mothers and any children they may have. Destiny’s Mother Blessing Ceremony was held at The Wonderdome in North Arm on the Sunshine Coast. Destiny said she had already been to a bunch of events at The Wonderdome and was thrilled to hear that she would return for this sacred gathering. She said the building itself reminded her of an actual womb. On the subject of birthing, Destiny said her Doula has hospital access, so they have a Plan B if need be. We at Synk Media wish Destiny and her partner all the best for their impending arrival.

The young globetrotter tracked down a Doula, a woman who provides advice and support during the birthing process and decided she would like to have a water birth in her own home, when the time came. She has also been studying hypnobirthing. During her pregnancy, Destiny’s Doula mentioned the Mother Blessing Ceremony. Fast forward to August 2020 and Destiny’s own sacred gathering took place. Traditionally performed by the Navajo people, the purpose of a Mother Blessing is to celebrate a woman’s right of passage into motherhood and


Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020

Photographer: Nicole Yardley Living Studio; Venue: The Wonder Dome Sunshine Coast; Event Organizer: Belinda Kelly - Sunshine Coast Doulaservices

All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41


Magic for Kids! by David Laws - The Famous Flower Man and Psychic, Mentor, Speaker

One of the greatest things I believe we can teach our children is the power of manifestation & how The Universe works energetically. Sadly, school will never teach our kids how powerful & important it can be to set an intention through creating a vision board or writing a manifestation list. Around 11 years ago my daughter Alexandra was in her early teens & was a keen photographer. When her mum & I asked her what she wanted for Christmas she told us she wanted a particular Canon camera which I’ll call an XPE30A for example. When I asked her how much it was she said it was around $2,500!! We nearly died of shock & told her that Santa was on a budget that year & she grinned, as she knew we couldn’t afford it back then as times were very tough for us at that time. So I suggested to her to get a picture of the camera she wanted & put it on her vision board that we had helped her create. She cut out a picture & pasted it on the board around 2-3 months before Christmas. The golden rule we taught her was that to manifest whatever she wanted all she had to do was express her desire to The Universe through a vision board & then detach from the outcome of HOW & WHEN it was going to manifest in her life! Christmas day came & went & a few days after Christmas some dear friends of ours invited us over for Christmas / New Year drinks. Our friend’s eldest son Marty, had just returned home for Christmas from where he lived in Florida where he worked on the big cruise liners over there. After dinner was finished, Marty, who at the time was in his late twenties, got talking to Alexandra, asking her about her life & passions. When she told him she loved photography he lit up & told her that he too was

All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

fond of photography & asked her if she had her old camera with her, which she did, as she had taken some Christmas shots of us that day. He asked her to grab the camera out of the car so he could show her some photography tricks which she delighted about. Marty had a new camera too & he took her outside & they took some nice evening shots around the canal where they lived. After 30 minutes or so, Alexandra came back inside with a look of shock & disbelief on her face! When I asked her what was wrong, she just pointed to Marty’s camera that she was holding & said that Marty had gifted his brand new camera to her that he had just purchased duty free in the U.S. on his way back home! He told her that he had another newish camera & didn’t really know why he bought a brand new one, but decided on a spur of the moment whim to very graciously gift it to our beautiful daughter, who, at the time, was going through some stress in her life. What camera do you think it was? You guessed it, it was a BRAND NEW Canon XPE30A, the EXACT camera that she had put on her vision board! Never underestimate when, where or how your dream will manifest! Your job is just to show The Universe what you’d like to manifest, then walk away & pepper it with unwavering faith & belief that it’s already on its way! A young teenage girl couldn’t POSSIBLY have imagined that her dream camera was just a couple of months away from being delivered the moment she put it on her vision board . . . It’s living proof that THE MAGIC is always waiting to appear in your life!! Happy Manifesting my lovely friends!


Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020


A Lesson Learned Became my Life Mission by Emilia (Mills) Tomeo from MJB Seminars Emilia has a BA in Education and over 10 years experience in education. She has over 16 years experience in the Personal Development industry and is a key driving force in shaping the creative content and presentation of material in MJB Seminars. Who would have thought I’d be here, teaching people about financial systems and wealth creation, when eighteen years ago I couldn’t even get my head around some of the basics. You see, back then I thought that if I just focused on the money then the savings would magically appear. But I did what many people do and made the most common mistake in the book. I tried to sidestep working on my self-worth thinking growing my net worth would solve everything. I was in for a rude awakening. Who would have thought money actually can’t just solve all your problems! Duh! Let me explain what I mean. When you think of saving money, it’s easy to assume that it’s as simple as having more cash going into your account than coming out. But there is something much deeper at play. And it starts with how you see yourself. Because people aren’t actually looking for ‘more’ money. What they’re really chasing are things like freedom, connection, and choice. Things they perceive as missing within them and that the outer solution of ‘money’ will help them pretend that everything is ok. I’ve fallen into this trap more times than I can count. One example for me, in my twenties, was setting my heart on getting a shiny, ruby red convertible. I was obsessed with the idea. I mean, who wouldn’t want a stylish, flashy car to go cruising around in? But what I didn’t realise at the time, was that I didn’t want it because it was a good car, or to put the top down to feel the wind in my hair. I wanted it because I was lacking a feeling of freedom and confidence within myself. And it didn’t stop there. Whether it was concert tickets to see my favourite bands or trips to India, I’d buy these wonderful things and then


Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020

end up feeling empty, like I didn’t truly deserve them. This it’s because when we are looking for something physical, we’re actually seeking something that is missing at another level. As humans, we all have a deep spiritual quest as well as a deep physical quest. A physical quest is something we would love materially. Like money, a promotion, holiday or new partner. While a spiritual quest is something we are looking to ultimately feel as a result - think success, freedom, love and connection. Most people focus on just the one. And usually, that one is the physical, because it is tangible and seems like it is ‘within our grasp’. While the other goes on the back-burner, as we cross our fingers and simply hope that it will miraculously appear. Let’s talk about money as the physical for now - our net worth. Money flows to where it’s ‘appreciated’ most. We think that this is relative to watching money appreciate in the bank account. But actually, the opposite is true: we need to look at ourselves or the bank account within - the spiritual - by appreciating what it took to get there. To really take stock of the magic of who we are and what we summoned within ourselves to get to this moment. In my case, what I’d failed to do was ‘appreciate’ who I was and what I had called upon within me to be able to get to the point of buying the red convertible, or getting myself to India. As soon as I did though - I started to appreciate ME. I recognised the worth I brought to the table and realised I didn’t need some outer representation of that knowledge. It had always been within me. That was the moment it all changed and my net worth and my outer world began to reflect the essence of what I saw within. Now I teach people around the world through an online course (as well as in live events under normal circumstances), how to not just focus on their physical or spiritual quests alone, but on BOTH in order to be the best example of themselves and transform their lives! And I’m still cruising around in a convertible - albeit a more modest white one! ;-) All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

Stepping Beyond Intention by Daniel Mangena

Frustrated by your desires? Feeling stuck? Maybe you’re starting in the wrong place. Hi my name’s Daniel. I am a best-selling author, entrepreneur, philanthropist and public speaker from East London, England. I now live a beautiful, abundant life in Cabo, Mexico. I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I have had to build myself and my fortunes from scratch. Along the way I have had a number of pretty spectacular failures. I made my first million at the age of 19. Within six months I was broke again. By 23 I amassed another multi-million pound fortune, but once again; I lost everything. This time I was taken out to the point that I felt completely done. So much so that I not only contemplated suicide, I actively sought out a way to take my own life. What saved me? Well actually it was the fear of failure and the resulting recognition that the common denominator in all of it: was (and still is) me! Everything that has happened in your life, you have called in to your experience, whether consciously or subconsciously. At some level you wanted it and you have to own that! The reason why I had built fortunes and then unwittingly lost them again, all came down to a lack of alignment. I hadn’t been defining what success looked like accurately enough for myself. I therefore wasn’t making decisions commensurate with any outcome.

Creation can only happen from the present (that’s all that is real anyway) so we also have to do the work of clearing ourselves energetically and bringing our minds, clutter-free, to the present (I told you this is harder than it sounds). I have had huge success in creating my own ideal life and helping others in my programs do the same, because I focus on creating alignment. So this is my encouragement to you: if you’re struggling with realising a goal, focus on understanding exactly how your life would feel if you achieved it. Then find a method that works for clearing yourself of emotional baggage (be it meditation, breath work, exercise etc…) and keep making choices in alignment with that outcome. Wishing you all a joyful, abundant, purpose-driven life!



That may sound obvious and simple, but in practice it really isn’t!

Just like the analogy of the ship’s compass being off by one degree; you’ll arrive somewhere unintended! All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41



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By renowned fashion illustrator Marta Madison

As seen on page 35 of this issue. The highly anticipated, limited edition series of the 12 star signs has been two years in the making. Each A4, hand-drawn poster describes the personality traits of each sign, including its flower and birth stone. Printed on 215gsm white felt art paper. Set of 12 only $499.ºº incl GST. Other sizes available. +61 419 251 705. Free delivery in Australia. Wholesale enquiries welcome. SAMPLE ACTUAL POSTER





We can not complain about something not happening for us, even when we work really hard, if we are not clear on what we want in the first place. The universe wants to give it to you, believe me, but if it’s some vague notion of owning a yacht or whatever, without a tangible idea of what that would really be like; forget it!



I’m sure you all have certain goals and aspirations, that for whatever reason have not come to pass. I invite you to really interrogate yourself over them. Do you know precisely what life would look like, or more importantly; feel like, if you achieved them?



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quarius-born are shy and quiet , but on the other hand they can be eccentric and energetic. However, in both cases, they are deep thinkers and highly intellectual people who love helping others. They are able to see without prejudice, on both sides, which makes them people who can easily solve problems. Although they can easily adapt to the energy that surrounds them, Aquarius-born have a deep need to be some time alone and away from everything, in order to restore power. People born under the Aquarius sign, look at the world as a place full of possibilities. The ruling planet Uranus has a timid, abrupt and sometimes aggressive nature, but it also gives Aquarius




visionary quality. They are capable of perceiving the future and they know exactly what they want to be doing five or ten years from now. Aquarius is an air sign, and as such, uses his mind at every opportunity. If there is no mental stimulation, they are bored and lack a motivation to achieve the best result. Strengths: Progressive, original, independent, humanitarian Weaknesses: Runs from emotional expression, temperamental, uncompromising, aloof Stone: Amthyst Flower: Clematis Planet: Uranus

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Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020 Spirit magazine ad Marta Madison 1-8 page.indd 2


4/09/2020 12:19:11 PM

Choc Chip Cookies Makes 12

2 very ripe bananas (200g) 1½ cup (150g) quick oats 1/3 cup (100g) raw peanut butter ¼ cup (40g) vegan choc chips Pre heat to 180°C. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Mash the bananas and combine with remaining ingredients. Roll a tablespoon of mixture into a ball and place on the tray. Gently press with a fork. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown. Optional: Substitute the vegan choc chips for alternative mix-ins liked dried cranberries, blueberries or chopped almonds for extra crunch.


Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020

RECIPE FROM: 4 Ingredients Veggie & Vegan which is ON SALE NOW for just $24.00 delivered FREE anywhere across Australia All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

Healing Naturally by Marsha Schultz

When I healed myself naturally from Fibromyalgia and Multiple Sclerosis after 7 years of chronic illness, I was so angry… I remembered the time I was offered medical retirement (disability pension). I was 45. Of course I said “no!”

to stay positive. I realised that autoimmune is an invisible illness and this explained why I found it difficult to talk about the depth of my suffering.

We often forget how good our bodies are meant to feel...

The phone rang. It was Ros, my friend of 17 years. She invited me to a health event the next day. I knew I had to go. I asked for guidance, so I had to follow through. Was this the answer to my prayers?

I left that clinic for good.

Yes, it was… I spoke with a doctor who attended the event, about my symptoms of memory loss, cognitive issues, trembling, blurry vision, bladder intolerance, eczema, food allergies, IBS and systemic pain. He suggested a protocol, with products I’d never heard of before…

And the time I was referred to a psychiatrist after complaining about severe inflammatory pain in my whole body, every single day. The depression, anxiety and insomnia sent me over the edge and I contemplated suicide. It was at this point that I knew I had to take control… It took all my strength not to allow the complexity of my situation to take over. I prayed all day, every day, for 3 days. Thank you for my healing. Show me the way, I surrender, I’m ready for your guidance, bring me the people. Over and over and over. I forced myself to eat. I didn’t sleep much. I held back my tears. I resisted the urge to cry or I knew I would collapse and not be able to get back up. Thinking over recent years about all the money I had spent on ‘experimental’ alternative therapies that left me more than ten thousand dollars in debt, the jobs I had to leave and the relationships that suffered, it was difficult

All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

Four months later, I was symptom free. I channelled that anger and shared my story on facebook which connected me with others, who had experienced similar frustrations (I knew it wasn’t ‘all in my head’). My followers started noticing drastic improvements in their health too. 18 months on, I am an Autoimmune Recovery Coach and I am blessed to have experienced the suffering and the healing, so that I can be an inspiration and support to others. We often forget how good our bodies are meant to feel and that given the right nutritional support, the body can heal itself.

Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020


Angel Connections Pip Coleman is an Author, Intuitive Coach, Reiki Master, Meditation and Psychic Development Teacher, Advanced Angel Intuitive and Bowen Therapist. When I first started to work with the Archangels, Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides, it was not a mainstream thing to talk about. It was something that I kept to myself mostly for self-preservation. A lot of spiritual people have felt the same way. Nowadays there are a lot more people talking about wellness, spirituality, psychic development and specifically connecting with Angels and Archangels, which is so great! My heart is filled with joy. You may already know that the Archangels are the team leaders of the Angels. They are super-powerful non-denominational beings with specific skills to assist you with all areas of your life. There are Archangels for relationships, career, health, love, forgiveness, anger management and female cycles. The most well-known of the 15 Archangels are Michael, Gabriel and Raphael because of their high-level protective, healing and clearing abilities. I have my favourites, of course … including Jophiel (Archangel of Beauty) and Haniel (Archangel of Moon Cycles). I love that high vibrational feminine energy. And recently, I had a very intense interaction with Metatron (Archangel of Spiritual gifts & self esteem) which I wrote about in my book. It consolidated my intention for my business and my life.


Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020

by Pip Coleman

“I went to the beach and did a powerful meditation with Archangel Metatron. I saw him standing in front of me with books and scrolls. He said to me: The more real you are with your book, and in life, the more people will connect with you. Stand up tall. Stick your boobs out! Then he charged my chakras by linking them together with lightening. It felt incredible. The lower chakras need to be connected to the upper chakras. You can’t deny they exist. All are important. By denying the existence of one part of yourself, you are not fully yourself. Embrace all of you. I feel that it’s time to share all of me for my healing and closure.” (page 227 – Finding my Soul at Sea by Pip Coleman) In the process of writing and publishing my book, I have refined the purpose of my life and my business. It became clear that I am here to teach people to honour and accept themselves as equally Divine unique souls. By accepting myself fully, I’m modelling and supporting selfacceptance for others. If you have a desire to know your true Self more deeply, perhaps it’s time for you to connect with the Archangels with me. They are a marvelous way to bridge the gap between the earthly realm and the spirit realm, so that you can remember how to use your intuition, practice listening to your Soul Self, follow your own inner guidance and feel more supported and connected to the Universe.

All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

Mum of Three Shares her Life Lessons Victoria Cochrane Interview by Michelle R Price Psychic Communicator and Spiritual Healer, Victoria Cochrane, is preparing to release her latest labour of love, a book which sheds light on the meaning of life.

“The messages are important, I think, to help other people learn that they can be empowered to make a difference or that you don’t have to be doing amazing things or be really famous on earth to be making a difference,” she explained.

The Tasmanian-based former teacher, literary coach and dairy farmer experienced kind of an awakening at the age of 48 when she began randomly smelling cigarette smoke with no clear source and saw a spirit walk through a home. Victoria said she eventually figured out “It was my maternal Grandfather, Pa, and so it took me quite a while to work that out and I had to go to Psychics myself”.

Victoria’s book also touches on the state of global panic sparked by Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 and addresses the need for humans to change the way they live on the planet. Her aim is to help readers overcome their fears and embody their spirituality.

“Then I did a Spiritual Development Course and along the way I learnt to be a Reiki Master and an Advanced Theta Healing Practitioner, but I kept teaching until 2018 and I was kind of fitting this business into that one” she said. Victoria largely took 2019 off to develop her spiritual business some of her gifts being seeing, feeling and hearing spirit.

Victoria also added meditations to her fourth book, one for each chapter. On the subject of meditation, Victoria said she heard from one client, who had listened to a meditation she channelled via Metatron, that it had cured her Macular Degeneration. The Book of Life: Lessons from Mother Earth will be available for purchase from 10 November, 2020. There will be a book launch on 14 November, 2020.

She has channelled and self-published three books and will release her fourth in November 2020. Victoria said The Book of Life: Lessons from Mother Earth came to her in a meditation. “It’s like one of those children’s books that’s all really three d[imensional] and you feel like you’re going into the story” Victoria explained. The book aims to uncover what we, as humans, can learn from our time on Earth. She examines ways the natural world can be used as a guide to adapt to changes we experience on a daily basis. “It’s all about how we can equate our lives to nature in the way that a river is like going with the flow and actually I’ve done channellings before which I’ve included in the book, that the bloodstream is the river of life and that when we’ve got blood disorders…it’s something about the will to live,” Victoria said. All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

OUT 10 NOV Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020


Spiritual Discovery Journal


Kerryn Slater

Mindfulness Practice that Nurtures Heart Coherence Interview by Michelle R Price

Kerryn Slater is just one of the contributors featured in Synk Media’s Spiritual Journal. Known as the Inspired Spiritual Alchemist, she shares with us ways in which we can get back into alignment. As a certified Meditation Teacher, Self-Discovery Master Coach, Hypnosis practitioner, Reiki Master Teacher, Theta healer and Psychic Medium and soon to be Thrive Factor Profiler, she helps clients connect to their own wisdom. Kerryn used meditation to get her through a dark time of drug addiction, saying she preferred that over seeking medical advice and potentially being labelled ‘crazy’. We asked Kerryn a few questions about her Spiritual Journal contribution:

Q Can meditation reduce stress levels? A Kerryn said she has had women come to her meditation teachings with the sole aim of reducing their stress levels. “I have watched them develop over years of sitting meditation, such a deep sense of self. They’ve increased in their confidence. One woman specifically could never actually speak for herself. Her confidence has really gone through the roof but they’ve developed intuition and [are] listening to their own inner voice and their own guidance and that’s with no psychic development at all” she said.

that technique to determine if what she is feeling is from the heart or the mind, something that is useful for empaths.

Q You talk about meditation giving us more time – how so? A. “If we’re in a constant state of stress and anxiety, time moves very fast. But when we come back to the breath, when we’re centred and when…I’m focusing on my breath, I’m aware of my body sitting in this seat, I’m present and paying attention to what I’m doing, I’m aligned, I’m connected to my heart so I’m consciously aware of what I’m doing, how I’m feeling and time slows down” she said. “And I’ve used this, if I’ve got to get to an appointment and I’m running late, I don’t stress about running late, I become more present.”

Q Why ‘Heart Coherence’? A. “For me, my discernment is dropping into heart centre because in that space I can breathe, it’s peaceful, it’s centred,” and Kerryn asks herself if what she is feeling is ‘true’? She uses


Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020

ORDER NOW All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

Spiritual Discovery Journal


Melissa Mills

Connecting with Loved Ones in Spirit Interview by Michelle R Price

Medium and Soulful Alignment Mentor, Melissa Mills, is one of several contributors who feature in Synk Media’s Spiritual Journal. Melissa hopes to use her contribution to encourage readers to use their own abilities to connect with loved ones after they have passed away. “I truly believe that it’s not your loved one’s job to show you that they’re around; it’s your job to develop your mediumship ability”. We asked Melissa a few questions about what she shared.

Q Can anyone learn how to connect with their passed-over loved ones? A “We all have the ability to be a Medium or a channel because every single one of us can tap into our intuition, or we just have that gut feeling so it’s pretty much being able to use your senses to interpret what they’re really saying to you.”

Q What do you mean when you say, ‘sitting in the power’? A “What sitting in the power allows us to do is to go from those feelings of grief and deep sadness and anger and guilt and all of the five stages of grief that we go through; to then align ourselves to the energy of the pure unconditional love. So it’s not a meditation process, it can literally be done in like 30 seconds. It’s super easy…and because you’re not in a meditation state, you’re coming to your consciousness straight away.” Melissa Mills will release a set of cards, ‘Whispers From Above’, also published by Synk Media. Melissa’s intention is that readers will use the cards with her journal contribution. The illustrations were done by Melissa’s mum and will be released in November 2020.

Q Why would readers find this useful? A “My goal, and I use the hash tag #MakingMediumshipTheNorm because I believe that Mediumship is one of the most powerful sources in the universe because it allows you to connect to pure unconditional love, which is what your loved ones are and when you connect to that energy you’re empowered, you remember who you truly are and you realise that you do come from an abundant universe…so my goal is to bring Mediumship into the everyday hearts, the everyday homes and the everyday conversations.”

All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

ORDER NOW Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020


Our Wellness Community

Michele Scott


In this issue I would love to introduce you to some of the ways in which we educate, inspire and entertain our members in Our Wellness Community. Wine & Wellness Evenings are our best seller, as we bring together a complimentary glass of wine on arrival with a variety of inspirational speakers. This is a real life event and a safe container for women in wellness to connect with each other and have a dedicated space held for them to heal, learn and evolve. Wellness Conversations is a popular talk show on Casey Radio 97.7FM, Tuesdays 3-4pm, and in this space our women in wellness business share their stories. We learn through each other. Often what has initiated her wellness journey and helped our guest grow better in life can help our audience too. This conversation also occurs LIVE on Spiritual Events Directory Page, every Sunday evening from 6-7pm, and we added a touch of Woo Woo to it in this space and talk about the unique, the unusual, and the unknown. Wellness Shows is a new addition and creates each week in our wellness community something to look forward, learn from, and tune into. This space is only occupied and held by our wellness collaborators. We have Weekly Wisdom on Monday nights with Chakra Angel Oracle, Psychic Development on Wednesday evenings with Optimystic Xzavia, Heal With Gwenda at midday on Thursdays & Soul Train on Thursday nights with Pathway to Peace. Other special events in our wellness community include Future Me, an annual event held on the Mornington Peninsula and also Wellness Talks which includes a range of informative topics our speakers, teachers & healers can be booked for. Our gatherings are designed to invoke a sense of belonging because every bee needs a hive and every lady needs a tribe! Ready to move forward in your wellness journey? Come join us.

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Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020

Trish Murray

SOUL COACH® PRACTITIONER | REIKI MASTER ENERGY HEALER | CRYSTAL THERAPY PRACTITIONER I am an experienced Healer and Energy Worker and my passion is to Support others in times of feeling lost, facing significant changes or what some may call the “TOUGH TIMES” My own journey, including as far back as a young child, has been one of many good and not so good experiences which have taught me many lessons which have empowered me with knowledge to help support and nurture others to stand in their OWN POWER. I have participated in many workshops and learnings, sat in circle with amazing mentors over the years to deepen my own knowledge and skills and EMPOWER MY OWN LIFE and SPEAK my SOUL’S TRUTH. As a Healer working with Energy, I have helped many people to reach into their Inner Core to bring understanding as to their WHY they are living a Life that is not their TRUTH. Delving into the AKASHIC Records and SOUL Readings are also another powerful way to work with the blocks within, bring them to the surface and heal in order to move forward. As an End of Life Doula I am passionate about supporting people during times of illness, be it a short or long term prognosis, acting as your ADVOCATE in supporting the needs, wants, must haves and non-negotiables at the same time as providing a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen to any concerns and help in bringing as much comfort, peace and joy as possible.

Services Soul Readings, Energy Healings , Soul Coaching Programs and Workshops, Holistic Counselling

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My name is Gigi, and I am an Online Biz Designer with passion for design, empowerment, simplicity and the importance of the ‘little step’. I help conscious creative entrepreneurs have an online presence that completely reflects who they are and what they offer. I empower them to attract their ideal clients, so they make more money and create a more significant impact in the world.

What boxes should be ticked for women in Wellness business to ensure they attract clients & get seen online? Many wellness business owners think that getting their certification, a website and purchasing a logo are the only important steps in their business success. They are, of course essential, but there is a lot more to it. Below are six tips that will support them: 1. Firstly, be you for authenticity. 2. Make sure your promotion tools are updated, e.g. links work on your website. 3. Figure out your speciality. You are unique so sell that! 4. Create an irresistible offer or freebie to start collecting emails. 5. Be seen and heard. Get out there! 6. Focus on the money-making activities.

What’s unique about the services you offer in the holistic & spiritual field? I approach my clients on the level they are in their business. I aim to make it simple, easy and fun with my step by step approach, so you don’t get stuck in the process. I customize the packages to suit your needs and budget to affordable prices. I easily relate to the importance of being reflected correctly online. It is not only about design, copy and offers. It is about energy as well and I intuitively scan my clients and add that energy to their website, landing and course platform. My clients also receive a How-To Video Series that empowers them to use their new online platform.

CONTACT ME FOR A CHAT: All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

Sandra Reiser

AREEKEERA PRACTITIONER | WOMEN’S CIRCLES For most of her life Sandra has had a love for all things holistic. After experiencing her first full body massage back in the late 80’s, Sandra‘s adventure in healing modalities began. This includes various forms of massage, energy healing, psychic development, meditation and women’s circles. In 2018 Sandra was introduced to AreekeerA – a revolutionary form of energy healing which aligns the seven energy bodies and has subsequently achieved accreditation in this modality both as a Practitioner and Facilitator. Using a combination of AreekeerA and massage, Sandra runs a business where she supports clients with relaxation techniques, stress release and anxiety management. Another benefit is the promotion of quality sleep by enabling her clientele to feel a greater sense of connection with their bodies. Sandra also facilitates Women’s Circles, a safe space where women can connect with like-minded souls (in person an remotely).

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We believe it is one of a kind! Our platform for your online workshop or course is dedicated to holistic wellbeing in body, mind, & soul, easily attracting your ideal client and audience so you can share what you know. It’s a unique teaching environment that grows your students and also magnifies your brand in the holistic & spiritual marketplace. We support your workshops & courses and help you build your community through additional marketing & promotions. OWC & SED are like-minded communities with a big and existing platform of Collaboration, and we believe we are amongst the first to offer our Teachers & Practitioners a respected space to sell their courses & be promoted on Social Media. It’s the next level up. Ready to take that next step? Join our community & message Michele & Sarah for more details!

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Our Wellness Community

Gigi Gem

Our Wellness Community

Love Yourself First They say you must love yourself first. But why is this? Loving yourself means that you can see mistakes you’ve made, acknowledge them and not beat yourself up about it but rather, see how you can do better. It means looking in the mirror and smiling at your reflection instead of hating what you see. It means having the courage to accept and believe compliments when they are given. Having your focus on the positives about yourself rather than fixing flaws. It means talking to yourself the same way you would talk to a friend. If a friend told you she thought she looked fat, you would tell her she’s amazing just the way she is. Would you say that to yourself if you thought you looked fat? Or tell yourself mean things? The monkey mind may always bring us back to negative thoughts, however do you fight these or do you unquestionably accept them as truth? Every time we are hard on ourselves or believe we are bad people, we make our inner child cry. A good way to turn this around is to catch ourselves saying these negative thoughts and imagine saying them to our inner child – you wouldn’t call a child, stupid or horrible or not worthy of love would you? No. So why let yourself tell yourself these things? So how does this relate to relationships? If we love ourselves, we know ourselves, our boundaries and deal breakers and we stick to these. We back ourselves up, and speak up about being mistreated. We leave situations when they are no longer good for us. If we can look at our own flaws, accept them and still treat ourselves lovingly, we dissipate the shame that is felt around these. When you have a lot of shame, you will hide these


Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020

Kiara Jade

with Relationship and Self Worth Consultant, KDIndustry flaws, become defensive and be quick to anger. When we can accept our own flaws, we bring them into the light, are aware of them and we know when something pushes our buttons. This makes it easier to communicate in disagreements. If we can know our own flaws and still love ourselves it is easier for us to accept this in our partners as well, and get less emotionally heightened by their stuff. This way you can accept them too and show them how to love the parts of themselves they probably don’t like. Finally and most importantly, we accept the love we think we deserve in relationships. If we do not love ourselves, we believe we deserve less and that we are not worthy of a great relationship. This is usually unconscious and will manifest itself in partners who treat you poorly. Someone who loves themselves, knows they deserve a level of respect, kindness, acceptance and love and they will not allow people who don’t give that to them into their lives. They know that they’d rather be loving themselves alone than in a relationship where they are not cared for and loved. That’s why it’s imperative to love yourself, as it is a reflection of what you stand for and therefore who comes into your life.

Struggling with Self love? I’m running a four-week deep dive journey into loving yourself starting Oct 8th. Find us on the KDIndustry Relationship Goals Facebook page. Kiara Jade is passionate Relationship & Self Worth Coach who loves to help women break their patterns of relationships which do not serve them. Having learnt her own life lessons, she feels her purpose is to teach others how to heal themselves so they too can receive they love they truly deserve.

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Our Wellness Community

Sondré Callec Are you stuck in the never ending pattern of hesitating to take the action you know you need to, to build your business or just to get on with your life ?

What I have come to learn is that hesitating is a very “busy” activity. It takes up so much of our mental and physical energy that it robs us of the ability to take clear and decisive action. Why, because hesitation is an unseen action, it has us in our heads often frozen in indecision, instead of being visible in our communities and making a difference to the people we are here to serve. When I created The Wealthy Goddess Code, I wanted it to be more than just being handed a template and been told “you go girl”. The WGC has been designed to help, to be there when the expected and the unexpected hesitations show up, because we know they will. There is no shame, no blaming and no being told just get on with it and do the work. Hesitation is normal, we are all human and it’s a human trait hard wired into us. It’s there to keep us safe, to look before we leap, if you like. However, we can become controlled by our overactive constantly vigilant brain trying to keep us safely in our comfort zone.

So, let me ask you: Do you find yourself hesitating when you know you should be taking action and are you exhausted by always having to push yourself through? Do you doubt yourself in small or big moments? Do you know you have true value to offer, but you are hiding? Do you know the basics, or have you already created programs and courses that will change others’ lives for the better and yet you still can’t promote it? Do you find yourself shying away from sales conversations and hoping and praying your marketing copy will do it all for you? All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

Well my gorgeous Goddess this is to be expected as you step out of your comfort zone but what can you do this very moment that would make a difference and get you into action? Mel Robbins has a simple and very clever starting ritual, 5-4-3-2-1-Go. This is my go-to mantra to get myself into action and kicks hesitation in the ass! Being in action will change the lives of the people you are here to serve but most importantly it will change your LIFE! If you want to find a way out of the confusion and hesitation and especially if you want to get on with building a business then pop on over to the Wealthy Goddess Community on Facey or take action and book a call @ Life is short, life is an adventure and there are lives to change – let’s do this together. WEB FB Wealthy Goddess Community Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020


Make Sleep your Friend!

by Leonie Featherstone

How would you rate your relationship with sleep? So many people who are battling in life are often either overlooking or struggling with one critical component. Restorative sleep! Research shows us that all lost sleep accumulates progressively as an ever-growing sleep indebtedness. This sleep deprivation has been linked to impaired memory/judgement, accidents, mood irregularities and health/weight issues. Those are compelling reasons to make restful sleep a priority! So, how can we harness this evasive and critical component of our holistic wellbeing? Whilst there is no ‘one size fits all’ remedy, the following are universal guidelines. Identify, Decide, Act! Keep a ‘sleep diary’ to uncover patterns of behaviour and activities leading up to bedtime that could be sabotaging your sleep efforts. ›› What are you thinking about while you can’t sleep – what are you ‘feeling’? ›› Check your ‘conditions’ - Lighting/Bed/Pillows/ Temperature ›› Avoid watching ‘bad news stories’ ›› Avoid stimulating foods and beverages ›› Remove technology from the bedroom ›› Create a calming environment with rituals eg Meditation/Journaling/Music/Essential oils ›› Maintain a Rhythm with a regular sleep schedule, going to bed at the same time and waking up at the same time to help regulate your body’s internal clock “One of the most simple but important reasons technology affects our sleep is cognitive stimulation,” says Mark Rosekind, PhD, former director of the Fatigue Countermeasures Program at the NASA Ames Research Center and president and chief scientist at the scientific consulting firm Alertness Solutions.


Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020

“As your brain revs up, its electrical activity increases and neurons start to race -- the exact opposite of what should be happening before sleep.” “That ‘glow’ from electronics is also at work against quality shuteye. The small amounts of light from these devices pass through the retina into a part of the hypothalamus (the area of the brain that controls several sleep activities) and delay the release of the sleep-inducing hormone, melatonin.” What else can WE do to enhance our sleep? For thousands of years, essential oils have been utilized for their calming and soothing properties, so they are ideal bedtime companions. Here are my favourite pre-sleep rituals: ›› Wind down time with music and doTERRA Balance blend ›› Journal and use essential oils that support those thoughts/feelings ›› doTERRA Lavender Peace in my diffuser and spritzed onto my pillow ›› doTERRA Jasmine, Rose and Neroli anointing my shoulders, arms and ear lobes ›› Asking myself – ‘what was the best thing that happened to me today?’ ›› Gratitude – being thankful for everything in my life ›› Faith – feeling comforted knowing that I am protected by a higher power

Scents of Restoration doTERRA Vetiver Wild Orange Lavender

Room Diffuser 3 drops of each

Rollerball (10ml) 3 drops of each & top with Fractionated Coconut Oil

All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

Time to stop hiding in the Wardrobe

by Jeannette Longworth

Those who know me know that fashion and clothes are not the top of my list of priorities. But recently I have found myself watching vlogs about the choice of clothing you put on; These weren’t done by experts in fashion, they are just regular women who have all recently had moments of epiphany around their image, and it strangely all made sense to me. With a vague feeling of unease, I began thinking about my wardrobe. I opened the doors and began to pull it all out onto the bed. As I looked at the mass of clothes, I couldn’t help but notice an air of exhaustion about the majority of it, a little bit faded, a little bit worn and with a massive amount of grey! Staring up at me from the bed was something that I managed to overlook when it was all hidden behind the closed mirrored door. And it hit me – my clothes were sending out an unmistakable message to the world that I was past it and not worth a second look. OMG!! When did that happen??

there is and there would be no sign of grey. I would put on the ‘I am woman, hear me roar’ suit for meetings no matter what colour it was (except grey); I would wear the ‘hippy, dippy’ multicoloured jacket walking down the street and I wouldn’t give a toss. I would choose the me I was presenting to the world. I want to be THAT version of me, and I want to be that woman I have just described. So, it is time for this me to stop hiding in the wardrobe and let that me out. Because at the end of the day, what you choose to wear really is a reflection of who you are choosing to be. And if that means sometimes it is leggings and a long jumper, then that’s okay too - as long as it is a choice.

I know I have looked good in the past. I know I have received compliments and made the guy who never gave me a second look do a double take. I know I have gone to business meetings with an air of confidence in my well-dressed self; but somewhere along the line in the last few years, making an effort became too much of an effort to make. Fashion designer Peter Morrisey said, “Dress like you’re embracing life, not hiding from it”. Not only have I been hiding from it, but I have also been dressing like I have pulled up the drawbridge and thrown away the key. But that is not who I am. I am the Badass Warrior, a Crystal Goddess, a woman with fire in her heart, a need to prove that being over 50 is not the end of the world and that there are new adventures to be had! If I genuinely embraced all those things I say I am, I would be wearing purple, red, turquoise, orange or any other in your face colour that All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020


Acknowledging your Growth By Rebecca-Lee

I have many people undertake my Unlock Your Love Blocks program multiple times over the last few years. It is not because they are damaged a quote from Jim Rohn that has always stuck with or somehow flawed. Actually, they are quite the me: “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were opposite. They are, what I believe, to be what a better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for true badass warrior is! These are the sisters that more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge, wish are quietly, but powerfully going about minding for more wisdom.” their own business and getting on with their own excavation work inside their This really helped me to Soul. They want relationships understand more deeply it is not with themselves, their lovers, about what happens outside of their friends, family and the me. So much of that I can not earth that are of the highest and control! But I can be more; I can deepest connection, and they be better; I can be less of a victim; are willing to take responsibility I can be resourceful and creative to manifest what they want in in how I approach challenges. It their life, by looking within! really shifted me and empowered me. Evolution of the Soul is a slow and gradual process. Yes, there Yes we can work on eliminating are moments where there are things and people in our lives that massive aha’s and shifts, but are no longer good for us or serve that is because of a lot of other our highest path, however, life can personal and spiritual work that and still will throw curve balls at was done leading up to that. I you. The truth is that as you begin often say to my students that it to grow and learn and release old can be difficult to recognise at wounds, and shift perspectives, time the scope of the changes things that may have bothered you that are taking place within in the past, don’t seem to bother Rebecca-Lee photograph by Lauren Biggs Photography. Growth image from Rebecca-Lee’s you. Especially when you are you anymore. Or moments in the Unlock Your Love Blocks Oracle Card Deck - artist dedicated to your own personal Argnesh Rose @Give Them Wings. past that may have triggered you work, and shit just seems to into anger, you seem to just deal keep coming in life. We may still hold on to with quite calmly now. You may not recognise beliefs that external rewards such as wealth and these things straight away. These subtle shifts, abundance, a certain weight or other external that start to happen more and more and more, successes are the only measure of our success. until one day you realise you have changed. You But they are not. are not the same person anymore. It is your response to life. It is your shift There is this time of transition when you start on perception. It is your sense of being. I remember your path : this place where you recognise you want to change or need to change. You make decision about your life, and what you do with yourself and the people in your life, and you begin to let go. Leave jobs, friends, relationships etc, and in that in-between you don’t really know who you are anymore. You don’t really know where you are going and the “new” hasn’t quite The Awakening Code manifested in your life yet. But then things start to shift and your life begins to change one step at Detailed guidance and information on your a time over time. You may recognise some things Lover Archetype; the health of your chakra’s and your current level of consciousness over time, but one day. That one fine day you look back and you see, “I’ve made it to the otherside”. This is one sure fine day worth celebrating! U N L O C K YO U R C O D E F O R F R E E Until the next transition! R E B ECCA - L E E .CO M ®


Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020


All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

Feeling Lost?

by Selena Joy Lovett

Have you ever felt lost and unable to make choices? This spirals into not being able to make any type of decisions!!! Whether it’s about what to wear? Where to go? And well, forget those big decisions like whether to change your job or not. Yikes should I stay, or should I go?!? Selena Joy Lovett said she used to feel like this most of the time. “It was a horrible vibration/ habit to be in as I began to doubt myself so much and I felt that I couldn’t rely or trust my judgement at all”. “This led me to look at others to see what they were doing and ask if that’s what I was supposed to be doing. But inevitably it wasn’t, and I just ended up going in the wrong direction again as, of course, we are all on separate journeys. “Then I remembered I had my Tarot cards. I had been gifted them years ago and loved them in my 20’s but then with travelling etc they had been forgotten. “I took them out of their hiding place and dusted them off and asked them for some guidance and I listened, firstly to help me make some small choices and then for advice around the big decisions I had coming up. “I really started to bond with my cards and asked them what was blocking me? Stopping me from reaching my full potential? “I received the insight and guidance I had never been able to find elsewhere. I realised that by using my tarot cards I was stimulating and waking up my gift (the gift we all have) of intuition. I started listening more to myself, becoming more aware of how my body felt when I asked what it wanted to do, eat or go. “I noticed I felt excitement when something felt good and was the right choice for me. I also noticed I felt jittery and nervous when my energy was rejecting a decision. The more I connected with spirit or meditated and grounded myself the more self confident I felt. “I still use my Tarot regularly, as they continue to help me improve my intuition, helping me make the right choices on a daily basis. I feel more empowered and in charge of my life and the more I feel like this, the less fear I have around living life. All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

“I also have more faith in life, in the universe and that there is something more out there helping and guiding us along – we just have to listen. “If you feel that you could use a ‘tool’ to help you make the right choices for you, in work, love life and how best to use the energy of the day, then maybe it’s time to get yourself a Tarot deck. “You can check the SED live feed and see what cards the psychics are using and look for the one you feel drawn to and then just start getting to know your cards by connecting and talking to them daily. Selena runs regular courses and has written a book to help the general public be enlightened by Tarot. You can download The Journey to Enlightenment by contacting Selena or buy it in Amazon kindle.

Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020


Get to know the


by Michelle Lightworker

I will give you a general overview of three Archangels in how they came to me and others. However, remember that your own personal relationship with the Archangels is what really impacts and creates change in your life. Make a personal connection with them. Just imagine your own personal guidance counsellors assisting you with every little detail. It’s enough to make you feel like a king or queen. We all deserve it! The Archangels told me that they would provide some extra guidance channelled through me in the following descriptions. These are in italics. The information came through referring to a specific subject they wished to communicate to me.

Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is the Lightworker Advocate. He helps us with commitment and dedication to our truth and the courage and energy to carry that out. He helps clear the space for the light. We use him for helping clear away that which no longer serves us. I know it’s not nice to play favourites, but hey Archangel Michael is my right-hand man. He gives me lots of protection when I feel vulnerable and helps me to get really in tune with the truth of any situation and person. He clears away any toxic fallout from negative thinking and taking on the toxic fallout from other people’s negative thinking, abuse and projections. I always feel safe when I call on him. Like I am a warrior. But


Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020

at the same time, I don’t feel violent. It’s not that kind of protective feeling. It’s more that he’s providing protection from untruth and untruth cannot hurt me. I could spend a lot of time on Archangel Michael and the benefits of his presence as he is my favourite at this time, and I work mostly with him. I have asked him to be my intermediary with all others over the threshold. I know I am dealing with truth coming from any information from other Spiritual sources or beings that have crossed over or are yet to cross over. Thereby, I always know what I am hearing is true from what they are saying. He did hand me his sword during a meditation and said that I was to use it to know what is true. Regarding Spiritualising Our Will: Archangel Michael says: “I am here to help you to spiritualise your will. It is no good for you to be driven without direction and truth. It gets you nowhere fast and a lot of pain in the process. If you want to have drive, determination, pursue your goals to the finish and stay centred in the light and speaking your truth, call on me. I will energize your will when it is depleted. When you feel burnt out and empty, I will restore your energy like a battery charger. Call on me Precious Lightworkers. We are a team. You will never run out of steam whilst you call on me.” Regarding Living in Our Truth: Archangel Michael says: “When you are honest with yourself you give a gift to the world of setting others free to be honest with themselves. This is a profound aspect of healing. One cannot heal what one does not see, or at least the healing is temporary because one is not conscious of the responsibility of their own truth in order to affect long-term change.”

All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael is primarily the healing Archangel that rejuvenates the vibrations that we are lacking. Those vibrations, if not tended to, will attract more of what we don’t want. Archangel Raphael is our Angelic doctor to restore our vibrations to be in balance. He has been known to help with resolving the need for addictions/cravings, pet therapy, traveling and helping humans heal themselves and others. Regarding Healing: Archangel Raphael says: “Thank you to those who wish to pass on the healing of vibrations for humans to evolve. We applaud you in stepping out and making this a reality for the general public. It is actually such a normal activity for us. It is what we do. It is how we help. When I say we, I mean all those beings who assist in the transportation of the healing vibrations. Fairies and other helpers are always around. There is healing surrounding your all the time. You just need to tap into the vibration. All you need is willingness and to ask in order to be open to receiving it. We will do the rest. We will never interfere with your free will.”

All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

Archangel Gabrielle

Gabrielle is the Archangel that oversees the nurturing of children and our inner child. She helps with creative projects including conception, adoption, art related projects, writing, television and radio work. She was the Archangel that announced the birth of Jesus. Regarding Rejuvenation: Archangel Gabrielle says: “When you are tired and weary call on me to be that soft and nourishing place that will provide the nurturing you need to resource your mind, body and Spirit back to health.” Regarding Conception: Archangel Gabrielle says: “If you fret when you want to conceive you are fighting the flow of life and your destiny.All is in perfect order. I will Guide you with your choices to help you conceive but never through anxiety or worry. You will know I am present when you feel soft, surrendered and solid all at the same time.” Regarding Creative Projects: Archangel Gabrielle says: “You never have to try to be creative. When you are in the flow, you can create. If you are not receptive you are not in the flow. I can help you be receptive if you call on me. All I do is connect you to the flow of the source of All and you will be challenged not to create!”

Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020


The Law of Vibration by Jessica Beard

“I need to watch what I say”. This is not a new principle but I believe the global unconscious is more heightened and chaotic than ever before. I have noticed everyone seems to be so much more magnetised. I have friends who are manifesting things, even things they didn’t really want, simply by saying out loud that they wished for something. Have you noticed yourself and friends having constant synchronicities? I have seen friends and family fall into the deepest pits of despair while others are having the most blissful time of their life. The difference between the two groups is the constant work on maintaining their vibration; let me share a paragraph about the Law of Vibration. “Therefore, when one experiences the higher and lower natures at battle, it is important, on the road to mastery, to acknowledge BOTH sides of the duality and walk the middle of the road. In the Oneness, ALL must be addressed and understood - nothing can be omitted. The key to transformation, then, is not to attach any emotion to the lower vibratory patterns, but only to feel the strength of the love and higher energies. Once this is accomplished, the individual will move quickly through the experience, enabling manifestation of the higher kingdom of Light and love to be realised more quickly.”

It is absolutely vital to see and understand both sides any situation. The good and the bad. The light and the dark and then not attach perceptions of the ‘negative’ as being bad. People who tell you not to focus on the bad stuff because you are feeding it energy and it might manifest. They are wrong. Its only if you take action that it will manifest, the act of observation has no energy. You need to see and understand the bad but then you must take The Middle Road and in that moment you need to choose NOT to take actions that would send you down into ‘Hell’ or lower vibrations. Instead you choose actions which will send you to ‘Heaven’ or higher vibrations. It’s in these higher vibrations or higher aspects of yourself that you can manifest, have clear intuition and soul growth. If you ‘Fall’ down into the lower vibrations then that is when you experience hard lessons, self loathing, hating the world, destructive repetitive patterns etc. Let me share another passage from the same chapter; “All that is experienced in life is nothing more than events designed within the Law of Vibration to provide Initiates opportunities to learn of the Law of Vibration and to choose to remain on that level, digress to a lower level, or aspire to a higher one. Once an individual moves to a higher level, that which was experienced on the lower level is never experienced again as a test of learning.” I have seen lives completely transformed when people dedicate themselves to staying in their sovereign and taking the higher vibration option. Quotes: The Light Shall Set You Free by Dr Milanovich and Dr McCune.


Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020

All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

My Heart’s Journey by Vicki Haspels

Walking a Spiritual path is everything to me. However, before I learned to trust The Way, my life needed to be torn apart, utterly, to reveal my Divine Power to me. We may not have the same stories, but we share the same feelings, and this is the Divine Power that connects our Souls. I have been psychic all my life and awake for 27 years now. I am going to share a little of what I’ve learned along the way with a big thank you to all who have inspired me, especially my clients. #1 Everybody’s belief system is perfect for them—Wiccan, Buddhist, spiritualist, Christian, satanist etc. Don’t let anyone shame you for your choices. When anyone is vehemently trying to change your mind, then there is a lack of faith within them. They desperately need you to validate their choice. Stick to what works for you; this is your life.

#5 You will always have your trauma. You can, however, minimise its effect on your life choices. Self Awareness is the way. #6 Anxiety is your friend. Anxiety is crippling, but there is a purpose behind the various levels you experience. Anxiety = psychic sensitivity. #7 Compassion, Gratitude and Forgiveness are states of being, not doing. As you become these for yourself, they naturally flow to the rest of your life. Start with you. #8 Discomfort is a good thing. It means your vibration is lifting. Lean into it. #9 Find a mentor, teacher or guide. Become a mentor, teacher and guide. #10 Your life purpose is to be at peace. How you achieve, it is up to you. There is no right “path”. Follow your joy.

#2 You do not take on emotional baggage. You are being triggered. Let that sink in. You are being triggered. When you are triggered, you have control; otherwise, you become the eternal victim.

How do I know this, and how can you find your own personalised path?

#3 Sometimes, terrible things happen for no apparent reason. Looking for the why (trying to control things) drains energy, understanding the what and how (strengthening your intuition) heals. How you navigate this is personal, refer to #1

›› I found teachers that I trusted. Who resonates with your Soul?

#4 When you are stuck in a toxic relationship remember this, the Soul recognises the potential of the Heart, it does not recognise the human condition. We are all born with the potential to be our best selves, and we don’t always achieve that. The Heart never lying, it’s sentient, when you are stuck, look with your human eyes.

All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

›› I listened to my guides. Do some deep soul meditation. Get lost in the Power of Spirit. Let go.

›› I always check in with my Heart. If the wisdom is right, I’ll know. ›› I Walk My talk. ›› I strive to be honest, at least with myself. Remember, you are more powerful than you know. Be that Divine Power. With Love,

Vicki xx

Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020


Children’s Wellbeing Dr Maxine Therese interview by Michelle R Price

There is an innovative new way for children to get in touch with their needs. Dr. Maxine Therese, a leading expert in the field of children’s wellbeing, has developed a tool which will be of great assistance to parents and teachers everywhere. Dr. Therese has been researching ways to better understand children from a holistic perspective for the past 17 years and released her Children’s Wellbeing cards in September, 2020. There are 28 cards in the deck, four for each of the seven foundational needs according to the Indian chakra system. It is hoped the cards will give children a voice when they are struggling to put their needs into words.

She said the message and image on each card was individually channelled, making the deck a true, ‘Labour of love’. The cards promote positive mental health in early childhood. Dr. Therese, founder and director of Childosophy, said she has seen children just get lost in the illustrations on each of the Children’s Wellbeing Cards, adding she remembers getting lost in swap cards when she was a child and recalls being taken places while looking at various images. “I really wanted children to have an image that resonated with a theme that they could then start to talk about their feelings,” she said. Her work to nurture the greatest potential in children has been her focus and passion for decades. Dr. Therese trains practitioners, teachers and parents in her child-centred wellbeing methods and explained that when adults jump in and try to get a child to tell them how they are feeling, “That can shut down really vital pathways”. She also said children can seize up when they can’t describe how they are feeling; especially when they don’t have words, colours or smells to describe how they are feeling. “The cards…evoke, I guess, a resonance in children and then there’s a reading for each card. So, the reading then talks about the theme and they are all channelled as well,’ Dr. Therese said. The idea is that a child will draw a card using their intuition. They may have a tummy ache or be having trouble sleeping and be able to get some guidance around what might be causing the issue she said. Dr. Therese explained the cards can also be used for, ‘Adult inner child work’. There is a guidebook and a journal available to use in conjunction with the cards as well. They are available for sale in various retail outlets and Dr. Therese hopes they will also be welcomed into schools in the future.


Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020

All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

Secrets of a Lightworker by Victoria Cochrane (M.Ed. Hons.) The term ‘Lightworker’ and is used a lot these days, with many people claiming to be one. Many more people would not even know what it means, let alone if they are one! In New Age circles, a Lightworker is known as a soul whose purpose is to awaken early to their own spiritual and psychic gifts to help others onto the path of Oneness and Ascension. They can also be called “Wayshowers”. In most cases, these people work hard at releasing their past trauma and emotional baggage, trust their guidance and bring their gifts in with intention and purpose. However, there are masses of ordinary people in the world who could be labelled a ‘Lightworker’ simply because they are who they are, lighting up the world for the people around them. I call these people ‘Unintentional Lightworkers.’ Intentional Lightworkers are those who know and recognise their connection to God, the Creator, to the Universe and to Mother Earth, and who regularly and intentionally send their light and love to the planet to help ease the pain and suffering upon her. These people understand that, while we all have free will and a right to refuse healing or intervention, love is the only thing in the Universe that is real and the only way to raise the Earth out of Third Dimensional drama, ego, war, hatred and suffering. Lightworkers send love and light to waterways, to places on Earth where people are suffering and to Mother Earth herself. They may send angels to help when an ambulance goes past, send love from their heartspace to a sad child and call upon Mother Mary to help them, or bring up the Violet Flame around the Earth’s human collective consciousness to transmute negative energy and to allow the love of the Creator into areas where disconnection has occurred.

Intentional Lightworkers may also be spiritual healers and teachers but they can also be religious people or followers who use their faith to help others. They may be missionaries, but they can also be parishioners who go out of their way to help others in their community. Lightworkers may also be massage or Reiki therapists, psychologists, doctors, naturopaths, surgeons or primary school teachers. Yes, many Lightworkers are professional people earning a living from their trade, but the rule of thumb for a Lightworker is that they follow their soul’s urge to serve humanity for the greater good, quite often sacrificing their own time and resources in the process. There are many people around the world, however, who send light and unconditional love from their heartspace to the people and world around them, even when they are not conscious of it. Their natural state of being is to live and work from their heartspace, radiating love, light and kindness without thinking about it. This energy can range from of a simple smile, a random act of kindness, caring for a stranger in a crisis or the intentional sending of love and healing through meditation or prayer. I call these people ‘Unintentional Lightworkers’. Unintentional Lightworkers are those genuine, loving people who simply care for others and for the planet without thinking about it. These people often put their own needs last and will work to help, often tirelessly, other people, the church, charity, the community, the environment or for friends and family without making a fuss or expecting anything in return. They are passionate but not in ego - they do it because they love to help and are just lovely, friendly, happy people who make the world a better place by just being in it. These people are generally more spiritually aware and open-minded, but not all of them will awaken to be conscious ‘bridges’ or Wayshowers for Ascension. My point is, one does not need to label themselves a ‘Lightworker’ to be make a difference in the world. Now more than ever, the Earth needs ALL humans to feel love in their hearts and to send it out to the people in their lives and the greater world around them. So, be the Lightworker that you are and shine your light out to the world!

All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020


by Kathy Shanks

Journaling my way Each issue Kathy will share the many ways we can use journaling for our daily self care practice. Kathy Shanks is the author and creator of the Uplevel your Life Journal.

Create ‘I am’ Statements that change your life Here’s a little process I like to do at the beginning of each year. Firstly, grab a blank book or piece of paper... maybe a coffee or a glass of wine, and a comfy spot to sit. Answer these questions: 1. What’s happening in your life right now with your health, relationships, mindset, personal growth and life mission/career? (Just a couple of sentences about each topic is fine). 2. Where would you like to be (dream big now) in each of these parts of your life? 3. What does a typical day look like if you’re living your dream life? 4. How will you FEEL when you’re living your dream life? 5. What types of skills do you need to live this life? 6. What traits will you have when you are living this life (for example, confidence, assertiveness, credibility, focus, passion)?


Now, we can begin the process of creating belief. To live the life you REALLY want, you need to BELIEVE you are the person who DESERVES this life. I want you to have a think about your dreams, look through each section (health, mindset etc) and decide who you need to become to achieve these goals. What person are you right now that doesn’t reflect the person you want to be. What behaviours and thought patterns do you need to change to be that person? What words can you start saying to yourself to bridge the gap?

This is so important to understand…

YOUR thoughts, create YOUR reality, YOUR words, create YOUR world. What are the statements you currently repeat to yourself when looking in the mirror? Are you thinking negative thoughts? Are your thoughts currently supporting the person you want to be, or are they reinforcing the person that you don’t want to be?

What follows the two words ‘I am’ dictates what you believe about yourself, how you show up in the world, and what results you create. Your future success depends on what you believe about yourself. ‘I am’ statements are really just a list of things you want to do, the person you want to be and feelings you want to have.

Are your thoughts supporting your goals or holding you back?

Our thoughts create our reality, our words create our world.


Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020

Are you saying you want a certain lifestyle, whilst thinking that you don’t deserve it? When you say what you want with the words I am in front of them, your subconscious will start to believe what you tell it. Happy journaling,

All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

by people who love books

Book Reviews Book of Life: Lessons from Mother Earth by Victoria Cochrane In the “Book of Life: Lessons from Mother Earth”, Victoria Cochrane affirms for us that love is the only way out of darkness. Each chapter guides the reader on a journey to understanding that we are all one, connected, influential to the collective consciousness and responsible for working towards ascension. Victoria writes in a way that makes complex knowledge about the universe and the way in which it operates accessible to all. She gives her readers an understanding of the importance of taking responsibility for their own spiritual journey through meditation in its many forms and of the importance of keeping thoughts positive. I particularly like part two, our connection to nature and the gratitude it inspires within me to wonder in awe about how amazing Mother Earth actually is. I also love the addition of a meditation aligned with each chapter to put into action the

All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

knowledge within the chapter. This book offers humanity hope at a time when many are filled with fear and dread about the future and is definitely one I see myself returning to over and over. Pre-Order available from the-book-of-life-pre-order/

Great-Grandma Elské’s Bamboo Cane By Rhonda Valentine Dixon An incident that occurred in the author’s Tai Chi class inspired this delightful tale. Elské loses her bamboo cane. She doesn’t need it to assist her mobility; she and all the women in the class use canes and swords to practice Tai Chi. Eventually the cane reappears and a second reason for Elské’s attachment to it is revealed. It’s a multi-generational story that highlights family tradition while demonstrating value in the elderly. At ninety-nine years old, Elské still attends classes weekly. The book embraces principles in Australia’s Early Years Learning Framework and New Zealand’s Te Whariki, Early Childhood Education Curriculum. Available from

Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020


by LK Tommi

Connection Corner Connections are the centre of our family. It is through connections that we learn and grow individually and together. We are all energy and we draw our energy from the month and the year of our birth, which are linked to the elements of Earth, Fire, Water and Air. We can use these elements as a way of having deep connections with our family. You will notice the birth dates of a family of four people, with their unique birth footprint.

Case Study Family Member 1 Scorpio ~ Water ~ Rabbit ~ Wood Qualities: Observant, creative, imaginative, intuitive and emotional Secondary Qualities: Clever, quick-witted, lively in appearance, and perceptive of the heart Family Member 2 Virgo ~ Earth ~ Ox ~ Wood Qualities: Responsible, disciplined, self-control, good managers Secondary Qualities: Restless, decisive, straightforward, and always ready to defend the weak and helpless Family Member 3 Aries ~ Fire ~ Ox ~ Earth Qualities: Spontaneity, inspiration, intuition, and big passions Secondary Qualities: Honest and prudent, with a strong sense of responsibility Family Member 4 Aquarius ~ Water ~ Snake ~ Water Qualities: Observant, creative, imaginative, intuitive and emotional Secondary Qualities: Clever, creative, lively, and communicative, but sentimental


and effect on any decisions the family makes or how they act or react to different life experiences.

The first thing you will notice in the profile is that there are close to three main elements within the family dynamics being primary, water with secondary of wood and earth being complementary.

With the fire and water element, these two family members require time to have creative time together, which harmonises the two elements, otherwise water dampers fires passion. These two elements together are highly intuitive and often think they have shared their thinking with each other, but often this is not the case.

What does this mean? This means that the family has a strong base of creativity, imagination, intuition and being observant, a clear eye for detail. The picture that the family profile represents is of a brook running through a forest. To be in a space of growth and harmony, we need all of the elements to connect, as the different elements have different effects and qualities.

The other combination to consider is water and water; as these two elements can often go in flow in their own direction, without communicating with the other.

The element of wood separates earth, it can be like a tree uplifting the earth or the roots can break up the soil and rock. The elements of earth and wood can be supportive as the wood relies on the earth to live. However, the wood and earth elements need to learn to problem solve with the water and fire elements to live in harmony. As water and earth are nature-based elements, where fire and wood are dependent on the nature-based elements, for example fire forms earth through volcanoes. Volcanoes cannot exist without the combination of the elements, but when they do combine, they can generate eruptive emotions. The family has an added element of emotion with the element of water. Therefore, the family needs to pay particular attention to the emotional resilience of the family, and truly understand how their emotions can have a cause

Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020

A check in process for the family is essential to ensure they are all on the same communicative page is essential. Each element evokes different energy. Fire has high energy, water energy needs continual movement, woods energy is often stationary and earth has centred energy. Which means there are four different energy types in the one family. Therefore, family activities need to represent the different energies of the family and each family members relaxation activity aligns with their natural energy level. If you would like to know more about how the elements can strengthen your family connections. Please Facebook PM LK Tommi and your family will be profiled in the next edition. You will also receive a 1-hour consultation with LK Tommi in relation to creating strong family connections within your family.

All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41


Letting Go Meditation Closing your eyes and taking a nice deep breath. Allowing yourself to breath. To stop and take a moment for yourself. Noticing any heaviness or tiredness in your body as you breathe in and out. Relaxing your muscles and allowing them to let go. Just say to yourself, “I now allow myself to let go”. Every time we let go, we allow Spirit to help us. To take the burdens we are carrying. To restore responsibility back to its rightful place. To show us solutions to issues at hand. To enable us to feel reenergised. Now noticing that in front of you there is a circle. Within this circle appear things that are creating heaviness in your life. It may be activities, people, attachments or a certain situation. Take your time and notice the circle slowly filling with images, words and symbols that represent each thing that you need to let go of. Now imagine that you could wrap all these up together like one big present. Notice the colourful paper. Ask your spiritual helpers to assist you. They may even provide a pretty ribbon to tie it all together.

All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

by Michelle Lightworker

Now see this big present being held in the palm of the Spirit’s hand. The Universe has got this. You don’t need to hold onto it anymore. You can let go. Allow Spirit to take this wonderful present from you and feel yourself lighten as you see it disappearing into the distant until it is no longer in sight. Feel your spiritual helpers sending you a wonderful Lightfilled energy to restore you to wholeness right now. Breathing it in, feeling it coming in through your breath. And with every in-breathe feeling yourself filling up with this wonderful resource. Feel this light expanding all throughout your body. Penetrating through your skin, from the outside to the inside. Feel it expanding outwards as you fill up. The more full you are with this light, the more you have to give. Feeling this dual effect of expansion and contraction with every in-breath. Breathing it in through your skin now. With every out-breath feeling it expand. As you breathe it in, you receive it. As you are breathing out, you give it. So you have this balance of the in-breath of receiving and the outbreath of giving. If there is anything in the way of receiving please let it go on the out breathe as well until you feel as if you are completely full of this wonderful loving Lightfilled energy. You have all you need right now. When you are ready open your eyes.

Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020


by Deb Norman

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What does this mean for the collective? It means we are being offered the opportunity to dig deep, look at our beliefs and paradigms both culturally and environmentally to find what requires reviewing, rebirthing and restructuring, both in our immediate neighbourhood and Globally.


@9 Degrees 2 OCT 2020 | 7.05AM AEST Full Moon’s signify a right of passage, spiritually, emotionally, and metaphysically. As above so below is one philosophy that takes precedence when it comes to our soul’s evolution. This aspect puts our male and female expression in opposition with the risk of projection. Spheres such as our planets, and asteroids, are created by light and sound and vibrate much higher than humans. They have earned the right to create and sustain life. We are downloaded with their essential codes at birth and activated by transits during important global cycles for our healing and evolution. This Full Moon chart is not only ruled by Scorpio Rising/Pluto but will be in quincunx to the ascendant in Scorpio/square Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn. The Moon will then square Jupiter 1am on the 3rd, then Pluto 10am, conjunct Mars at 2pm, square Saturn 4pm. Each phase of the moon takes 3.5 days.


Its time to take action steps that will improve our daily lives and ensure that deep seated rage and anger is transformed and directed where it is most appropriate; for the necessary changes we require to move forward. Many will be tempted to unconsciously fall into old emotional habits and behaviours and may lash out, feeling victim to their circumstance, however this will only add fuel to the fire of humanities own creation. Humanities unprocessed, disowned anger, resentment, victim consciousness and entitlement projected into the field over centuries has finally manifested into our physical reality in the form of things we do not want. Remember, where focus goes energy flows, and our time is up. We must own our unconscious drives and be willing to restructure old outworn programs that can no longer sustain us in the current vibrational shift. This is a time to work on self at a deeper level than ever before. For those feeling spiritual growth and downloads, take the time to shut yourself away for a while, and give your mind, body and soul a chance to readjust to the new vibrations. Only self-reflection, study and open mindedness can support the release and growth you seek.

Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020


@23 Degrees 17 OCT 2020 | 5.31AM AEST Two weeks after this energetic invitation we will be presented with the New Moon in Libra Libra and Venus being the chart ruler. This puts the Luminaries together to bring about a peaceful union as we learn to harmonise and integrate our masculine and feminine side, while in deep contemplation. We must remember our outer world is a reflection(moon) of our Inner world or spirit (sun). We affect the planetary vibration and our subconscious drivers dictate how that will be for us. Over the following 4 hours the Luminaries will make a square aspect to Saturn, the lord of karma, time, and foundations. This will be a great time to go through the old patterns found on the full Moon that no longer serve and look at how it is dominating your decisions and actions. Apply what is happening now to your early family conditioning and look for patterns that have brought you your current results and be ready and willing to let go of these outworn beliefs. As Mercury will be in Scorpio in the 1st house, and in opposition to Uranus, the ruler of freedom, innovation, change and chaos, in the 7th, be conscious, and All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

by Deb Norman

Astrology This semi harmonious energy will support the restructuring of rules, hidden agendas, and cultural beliefs that are unsupportive with a fresh new wave of energic earthing from spirit to matter. Illu str ati on arta yM sb


aware of your thoughts and how you express them to others. There is an unstable energy driving these deep unconscious thoughts and Uranus is just the man to trigger projection and curve balls as humanity struggles to release the bond of resistance toward those who dare to think differently and challenge the status quo. The 1st of November is our Blue Moon month AEST while for EST it will sit in October.

cultural paradigms that require reviewing and replacing. This is the age of technology and information, use it diligently, dig deep within, and observe your environment closely, do not get trapped in the delusion that allows those in power to use your confusion for control. If we are to create the change, we want to see in the world it must start with us. Stand up and be counted.


@23 Degrees 15 NOV 2020 | 3.07PM AEST


@8 Degrees 1 NOV 2020 | 12.49AM AEST On November 1st, we flip back around to a fixed Moon and Sun opposition to review the Scorpio/Taurus frequency from another perspective. The Moon will be conjunct Earth and Uranus in Taurus, while in Opposition to the Sun and Vulcan in Scorpio. This brings us the opportunity to allow higher knowledge to download and ground. This will assist the anchoring of Uranian energy. Uranus rules our electrical nervous system. Please take care of yours and ground daily. Watch how fast many will change their views as this opposition over the next few days aspects Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn, which bring to light what many are thinking but not asking or questioning. All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

This energy will be quite intense as the Luminaries are conjunct in Scorpio in the 8th house. Here I feel the uncertainty as humanity attempts to sort itself out. New Moons offer us the opportunity to set new standards, or reset past actions, feelings, and ways of being. Some will call for a total restructuring of government and laws while others will stay stuck in their old paradigms while projecting and resisting change. Those in power will not change easily or willingly. There is a lot of stuck energy in this set up. There may be a lot of rage coming out into the open. Many will speak out with vengeance while others attempt to keep the peace. With Neptune going through the 12th, there may be a bit of confusion around what the truth is as we attempt to uncover the depth of what is being offered by those in power. Neptune is in hard aspect to the south Node, pulling us back into the past to look at


@8 Degrees 30 NOV 2020 | 7.23PM AEST This Full Moon is referred to as a Blue Moon. Here we are being offered the ability to sit in our subconscious from a lighter perspective and ask ourselves how we would like to live, based on our truth. Our quest is to find meaning and purpose of life here by reviewing past thoughts and actions. I know that our subconscious holds the key to our freedom. Perhaps it is time to really look at why we follow so willingly those concepts we know nothing about with blind faith. Perhaps this Full Moon is asking us to step up and really look at what we have created and why we settle for a community that is built on separation and delusion. To find out how this affects your personal chart contact Deb contact details in the directory.

Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020


by Merendi Leverett


October Collective Reading General

The first card “Page of Raphael” heralds a message of great emotional impact. Your intuition and/or psychic gifts are rising to a new level or maybe becoming stronger if you are just starting on your spiritual journey. This month you will receive wonderful intuitive insights, so take some time to sit in a peaceful place to meditate or just be quiet and listen to the thoughts that pop into your head. These will be messages from your Spirit Guides. They have lots to share with you. This card also refers to social invitations, so be prepared to receive a lot more invitations to attend events with friends and families through October.

Love The card “Two of Gabriel” is telling you to make bold and ambitious decisions when it comes to your love life whether you are in a new relationship or existing relationship. It is time to spice your love life up to keep the sparks flying. Try or do something different with your partner to keep things interesting. The relationship you are in is a very important one as this month you finally realise that you and partner share the same life goals. If you are not yet in a relationship, be on the lookout this month as


a new and important romantic relationship will evolve. Don’t be indecisive if someone asks you out, bite the bullet and go, do not over think the invitation. You need to approach this new relationship by listening to your heart, not your head.

Family The card “Ace of Michael” refers to the start of something new for you and your immediate family. The previous months ideas had eluded you, but this month it is like you receive a ‘light bulb’ insight into a recent problem or situation that has affected your family. You have had an idea for some time, but you did not know how to execute it. An opportunity presents, which will allow you to steam forward with your idea. Spend this month putting attention to the details in your idea, to become a plan of action, but remember to keep an eye on the big picture. It might feel like a bumpy start but don’t fear, this is part of the journey. A new phase is coming to you and your family. Enjoy.

Work/Career The card “The Sun” is a great card for this month in relation to your work/career. Life is truly wonderful and your work situation is about to take off. Great things are headed your way in regards to your career.

Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020

Keep your thoughts and words positive, especially if you have been in the job hunt for some time. Believe in yourself and that dream job will soon be yours. If you have a job, then this month is the time for promotion or a change of direction at work that will bring you a new found joy and motivation. You may even receive public recognition or an award for your recent efforts.

Health The card “The World” is congratulating you on a wonderful job you have done in trying to improve your health or for getting through a recent health crisis. Whatever was happening in previous months in regards to your health – mental or physical, it is now time to breath and relax, and know that bad period will pass this month. It is now time to focus on further improving your health. If you have been working on improving your health through better eating, less smoking/drugs, or moving more - well done on taking the first steps, because this month you will be rewarded for making small changes. This month is also the time to say thank you to those who have helped you in your recent health journey, as without their support and guidance you would not be where you are now. All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

by Merendi Leverett


November Collective Reading General

The 1st card “Divine Guidance” tells me that for November you are not alone, that there are many amazing people around you from whom you can lean on, gain support and draw strength from. This month calls for you to seek out ‘likeminded’ people who share your values and beliefs. Join a support group or start a new activity to meet new friends. Take a class in spirituality or join an organisation that aims to do good in the world and give back. This month is also the time to be open to ideas and perspectives from others. You never know what they may have to offer to you or what they say may spark new ideas from within. If you find yourself stuck or finding barriers to moving forward, then it is time to think outside the box.

Love The card that popped out when I asked a question about love for November was “The Lovers”, how fitting. This card is about following your heart. Depp emotions are going to be felt and experienced as a new romantic relationship enters your life. If you are already in a committed relationship this card resembles a new person entering your life that you can trust and that this new friendship will be life changing for you in a very positive way. This card also means that you may have an important decision

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that needs to be made this month. This decision needs to be made from your heart and not your head or other people’s influences. Only you can make this choice.

Family This card “Seven of Michael” tells me there is a better course of action when it comes to a question or situation you have about your immediate family. Mulling on this by yourself is not going to work, you really need to talk to all those in your family that this might impact or involve. It will be best to have a group discussion as there will be something you are missing or not seeing. Another point view will help make the right decision. There is always more than one option, like a fork in the road. You cannot see the forest for the trees and including your family in a heartfelt and meaningful discussion will help guide you along the right path.

Work/Career The card “Knight of Gabriel” is all about taking action in regards to progressing and changing your career. The changes you started back in October continue to rumble into November and this month you need to focus fully. Do not allow others to distract you from your career goal or aspirations. However, you still need to keep a level head and think and work things thoroughly before acting

with speed and certainty. Rely on your instincts and intuition to guide you on what steps you need to take to propel your career forward. This month you will find the self-confidence you have lacked previously, so draw on this energy especially if you are applying for new jobs. When you feel confident on the inside, it will be felt by others.

Health The card “Two of Michael” is all about making a choice when it comes to good health, especially your own health. This month you may feel like you have taken a massive step backwards in your health and you are struggling to know what to do next to get yourself back on track. You need to stop overanalysing the situation or ignoring it. Your heart is in conflict with your mind, you have lost the balance of mind, body and soul. This is causing you to feel exhausted and stressed. Quiet your mind through meditation or a simple craft activity. Trust your intuition that you will make the best decision and don’t let outside influences distract you. There are a number of solutions available to you, but you may need to compromise in order to achieve the health outcomes you dream of. Any small step you make this month to improve your health is a good one and by doing this, it will start moving you forward in the right direction.

Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020



Jess Beard - Inner Alchemist Discovering what archetypes are active in your life can give you the power to take control of your life. - 30 Day Coaching Intensive - 1 Hr Archetypal Readings - Archetypal Counselling E | FB |

Victoria Cochrane Psychic Communicator and Spiritual Healer

Psychic readings, Energy clearing and alignment, Nuero Linguistic Programing, Hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy ™. Holistic wellbeing and Clarity. P | Berta 0413 396 392 or Destiny 0475 681 089 FB | BestinyDivineUnion

Accurate, Passionalte, Life-Changing Contact Victoria for accurate psychic readings and healings that will remove past traumas and cleanse negativity from your belief systems and energy fields. W | E | victoriacochrane44 M | 0417 581 107 FB | Reaching Out Spiritual News with Victoria Cochrane YT | UCUXFZoWohlk5Ywi3om65Afg

Sondré Callec

Pip Coleman

Bestiny (Berta Christopher and Destiny Fae)

Work with Sondré and learn to stand in your power, unlock your value and make the change you wish to see in the world all while living the life you desire.

P | +61 400 999 903 Web |

Childosophy Dr Maxine Therese is a leading expert in the field of children’s wellbeing. Her Ph.D. research proposed a theory of the child as a soul with integrated body, mind and spirit and a new developmental model for children’s wellbeing based on the Indian chakra system.

Conscious Courses and Therapies In my courses, therapies and books, my focus is on offering simple and practical skills to honour and fully accept yourself, using Reiki Energy Healing, Psychology and Meditation. W | FB | Pip Coleman – Conscious Courses and Therapies

Rhonda Valentine Dixon Rhonda writes people’s stories with empathy and compassion. She has published short fiction, articles, autism resources and a children’s picture book.

W | FB | Childosophy


Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020 E |

Creative Generations Foundation – LK Tommi

I teach young people to connect their emotions, thoughts and energy to their life experiences, developing self-mastery and wellbeing. My services is a facilitated on-line course for children from 7 years of age in either self-mastery or wellbeing.

P | 0423 496 423 W | E | Lk@creativegenerations. FB | LK Tommi IN | LK Tommi

Leonie Featherstone Scents Of Empowerment

Connect with me for your FREE 30 minute ‘Scent-sational Exploration’ to engage your senses as your Master Guides. Together we will tailor-make a plan to unleash the power and purity of doTERRA essential oils and integrate them into every aspect of your mind, body, spirit and household so you can have improved wellness and peace of mind. P | 0411 744767 E | FB | ScentsOfEmpowerment All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

I help conscious creative female entrepreneurs to have an online presence that completely reflects who they are and what they offer.

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Melissa Groom P | 0414 948 109 W | E | FB | elissagroomthe visibilitymentor IN | the_visibility_mentor/ YT MelissaGroomThe VisibilityMentor LI melissa-groom-57239b55/

Vicki Haspels Heart Journey Guide Vicki is a practicing psychic and energy healer. She works with people to recognise the Power of Spirit within. Strengthening that Power to enable them to live their best lives P | 0421 649 841 W |

Kiara Jade - KD Industry KDindustry offers webinars and healing workshops on relationships, boundaries and self love, and spiritual 1:1 relationship coaching for those wanting to heal from their past. FB | kdindustriescoaching E |

All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

David Laws – The Famous Flower Man and Psychic, Mentor ,Speaker I am a very gifted psychic who has been practicing the ancient & incredibly beautiful art of flower reading for over 31 years years & today I am one of just 4- 5 people in the world who conduct flower readings as a full time profession. P | 0481 598 520


Michelle Lightworker


Gigi Gem

Founder of Lightworker Practitioner Training. Enlightenment Counselling, education, author 11 books, publishing, producing & hosting film/tv/radio since 2001. Passionate about being a part of the solution of our global community. FB | mlightworker E |

Jeannette Longworth I’m a motivater, a mentor and storyteller. My purpose is to protect, to guide and to help people discover their own stories to move forward in a better life.

Take my survey and uncover • Your Sacred Lover Archetype discover how you love to love and • Your Vibrational Blueprint - See where you are energetically

E | Jeannette.longworth IN | Jeannette Longworth

Visit my website

Daniel Mangena

I invite you to Awaken Your Spirit Within through my programs: • Unlock Your Love Blocks • Unlock Your Money Blocks • Awaken your Spiritual Gifts • Healing with the Ancestors • High Vibe Body • Cosmic Rebel Studio W | FB | rebeccaleeofficial IN | rebeccalee_official

I offer my clients a range of unique, heart-centered, wholistic programs and materials - designed to enable them to live an abundant, joyful, purpose-driven and financiallyfree life. FW | IN | dreamerceo

Merendi Leverett

Kim McCosker

Merendi is a vibrant & passionate Spiritual healer who is an accredited Crystal Healer, Numerologist, certified SoulLife® Recall Regression Therapist, and certified Women & Teens Circle Facilitator. W | FB | MerendiHolisticCounsellor P | 0408 988 762

Kim is a well-known presenter and much loved for her easy, informative and funny storytelling. Her ability to talk, cook and serve all at the same time is VERY ENTERTAINING! To book Kim for your next function or event, as a keynote or MC please contact Melinda on P | 0431 297 923 E | W|

Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020



Melissa Mills Medium & Soulful Alignment Mentor

Our Wellness Community

Michelle R Price

- Personal mediumship readings - Online mediumship development - Live and online mediumship shows W | FB | sMelissaMillsNZ IN | melissamillsnz

MJB Seminars Emilia (Mills) Tomeo Visit our website to know more about how to follow the wealth principles of natural law. P | (08) 9240 7553 E | FB | mjbseminars INSTA | mjbseminars YT | Dorothy and the Dealer LI | MJB Seminars

An online centre for wellness in body, mind, heart & soul. We bring people together & bring out the best in them. OWC believes that when you know better, you do better. We have carved out many pathways to wellness – learning how to transcend fear, manage stress & overcome anxiety, depression and feelings of hopelessness. We want to be pivotal in your return to a state of fullness – feeling joyful, wonderful, hopeful, and fulfilled. P | 0425 732 274 W | ourwellnesscommunity. E | FB | ourwelnesscommunity

Trish Murray

Physic D Danielle

• Certified SOUL Coach ® Practitioner • Certified Holistic Counsellor • Certified Grief & Bereavement Counsellor • End of Life Doula

Ms Psychic D Danielle is regarded as one of Australia’s most respected, influential and accurate Psychic Readers, specialising in psychic prediction, law of attraction mentoring and intuitive counselling.

M | 0478 002 064 W |

W | FB | mspsychicd

Deb Norman

Pop Up Psychics

@ The Quantum Blueprint

Have you ever wanted a reading? Experience online and face to face readings with some truly gifted Psychic Mediums, Clairvoyants, Healers, Teachers and Tarot. We offer you premium psychics that are not only accredited but tried and thorough. P | 0423 402 715 W | FB | popuppsychics

A global education platform that heals holistically using Psychology, Astrology, Metaphysics, Science and energy body work. W | FB | thequantumbp


Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020

Michelle is passionate about all things spiritual and has been seeing and communicating with spirit since she can remember. • Angel Card/Intuitive Readings • Mediumship • Past Life Connections • Pranic energy healer Michelle has a knack for getting to the root of a concern, particularly for health - and bringing through confirmation from the spirit world. P | 0408 984 219 FB | michellerprice76 E | angelgirl2002wings@

Sandra Reiser Balanced & Scented Using a combination of AreekeerA and massage, Sandra supports clients with relaxation techniques, stress release and anxiety management. Additional benefits include better quality sleep and enabling her clientele to feel a greater sense of connection with their bodies. FB | Balanced and Scented

Marsha Schults – Autoimmune Recovery Coach Taking the confusion out of healing naturally and debunking the ‘no cure’ myth W | FB | autoimmune recoverynaturally IN | autoimmune recoverynaturally All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

If you need answers to help find the correct pathway forward, I connect with spirit to gain insight about your future to obtain information and guidance about your situation and any problems to help guide you to find solutions and help unblock any negative energy standing in the way of you achieving your personal goals and happiness. I also offer Mediumship readings to connect with your passed loved ones to receive messages and guidance from them and to provide comfort and closure W | E | selenajoylovett FB | Selenajoypsychic

Kerryn Slater Kerryn Slater is the Inspired Spiritual Alchemist. As a certified Meditation Teacher, Self Discovery Master Coach, Hypnosis practitioner, Reiki Master Teacher, Theta healer and Psychic and soon to be Thrive Factor Profiler, she’s a wealth of wisdom and inspiration, with an ability to hold space for genuine transformation. Are you ready to • Discover the real you • Learn ways to experience inner calm • Improve your mental and emotional wellbeing • Release beliefs that are holding you back • Achieve your goals P | 0432 118 454 W | Holisticessentials FB | HolisticEssentials TherapyandConsulting IN | holistic_essentials_ All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

Spirit School

The Podcast Power Academy


Selena Joy Psychic Medium

Broadcast Your Message to The World in just 8 weeks The #1 Program designed to get your message to the world and build your authority W | / shaynebrian/podcast W | PodcastPowerAcademy

Our platform for your online workshop or course is dedicated to holistic wellbeing in body, mind, & soul, easily attracting your ideal client and audience so you can share what you know. It’s a unique teaching environment that grows your students and also magnifies your brand in the holistic & spiritual marketplace. It’s the next level up. Ready to take that next step? Join our community & message Michele & Sarah for more details! FB | @spiritschool

Uplevel your Life Daily Journal

Spiritual Events & Directory SED is a Global Media Company specialising in showcasing conscious solopreneur’s through varies media platforms, for people seeking information or education about spiritual wellbeing. P | 0423 402 715 W | FB | spiritualeventdirectory

A daily journal to: • Improve your daily thoughts • Set daily intentions • Live in a state of gratitude • Manifest the future of your dreams Manage all your self development tools in one location • gratitude journal • daily affirmations • set your intentions • vision boards • reflection • goal setting Uplevel your life - in 10 minutes a day! • Health • Relationships • Mindset • Upskilling / Education • Careeer / Mission

Synk Media • We specialise in helping conscious leaders become published authors through a variety of mediums: • book publishing • magazine publication • oracle / tarot cards • journal publishing P | 0423 402 715 E | FB | synkmed FB | uplevelyourlifetoday IN | uplevelyourlife Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020


by Psychic D Danielle Send your questions to us at rebirth@ and we might feature you in our next issue

Question 1: Will I have another baby girl? Donna As soon as I channeled in on your energy and asked your specific question, I did pick up on an energy in spirit for you however I have to say that I am seeing blue and hearing the word boy with this connection. I’m not sure if you are having some financial concerns or worries at the moment which are consuming you but spirit are telling me, to tell you, that money doesn’t buy love and that you are always fully supported by the universe. This may also indicate that you have some much needed funds coming in to your home to assist you both financially and emotionally. I am also seeing somebody possibly coming in to sweep you off your feet so that will be wonderful for you. You have a lot of positive changes coming in for you regardless.

Question 2: What can I do to connect with spirit better? Lately I’ve been hearing voices like a tv in the other room, I think it’s my guides but I don’t understand what is being said. Melissa The first thing to know about spirit energy is that they are extremely high vibe, meaning highly energetic, so for any of us wanting to connect with them, we need to discover our own way to shift our own personal energy into that same vibration. For many it may be through meditation or stillness but for others, like


myself, I loved to listen to music which raised my own frequency and vibration that way, enabling me to be in more of a receptive mode to receive their messages. Spirit connect with you via any or all of your senses. It sounds to me like you can hear them so my guidance for you initially would be to acknowledge their presence in your life. Explain to them that you are learning to receive their messages more clearly and ask them to offer you specific words or signs for you to write down in that moment. Regardless of whether what you receive makes sense to you or not, sit quietly and automatically write down the words or sensations you hear/feel. Do this regularly. and practice. Avoid comparing what you receive and how you receive it with other channellers because you are unique and there is no right or wrong in connecting with spirit. Keep us posted on how you go!

Question 3: Will I have a baby one day? Tabitha Hi There Tabitha! As soon as I read your question I heard twins or possibly 2 babies. If you don’t have specific twins, I would say that you could possibly have 2 babies within 18 months of each other as there is a real closeness being felt between these children. Spirit remind you to focus on the becoming of all things generally as opposed to the absence of those things which you desire. I feel this pregnancy will happen to you naturally. I feel you will either conceive or give birth in the warmer part of the year as I see lovely little snuggle bunnies alongside you

Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020

in the colder months dressed all warm and cosy haha. I definitely pick up on a girl energy too and she is pretty damn delicious!! Enjoy the process darling.

Question 4: What can I learn about my heritage, and my existence story, and will I ever meet blood relatives besides my own 3 children? Denna Wow Denna! I must say that I have never received a question quite like yours before! As soon as I asked your question, spirit said to me “What do you want to learn?” LOL. Helpful right? Ummm No! Lol. We are rather unsure about what you mean when you say ‘existence story’ to be honest because we personally see you where you are and where you are going, rather than where you have been or come from so to speak. Maybe a specialist in past lives could help you more in regards to that specific area as that is not our personal niche. We hope you understand. In regards to your question about meeting blood relatives, we feel that there is a strong possibility of doing so but I must say that there a huge volume of them protecting you and your family in spirit as we speak! I see them dancing and singing some sacred type of chants around a fire etc and I hear the word ‘Aunty’ now so maybe the possibility of tracing an Aunty or great Aunty is a possibility for you? We guide you to get researching on this if it is important to you as spirit show me a family tree now so that is my symbol for: ‘What you seek you will find’. Wishing you all the very best sweetness. All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020


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