Mum of Three Shares her Life Lessons Victoria Cochrane Interview by Michelle R Price Psychic Communicator and Spiritual Healer, Victoria Cochrane, is preparing to release her latest labour of love, a book which sheds light on the meaning of life.
“The messages are important, I think, to help other people learn that they can be empowered to make a difference or that you don’t have to be doing amazing things or be really famous on earth to be making a difference,” she explained.
The Tasmanian-based former teacher, literary coach and dairy farmer experienced kind of an awakening at the age of 48 when she began randomly smelling cigarette smoke with no clear source and saw a spirit walk through a home. Victoria said she eventually figured out “It was my maternal Grandfather, Pa, and so it took me quite a while to work that out and I had to go to Psychics myself”.
Victoria’s book also touches on the state of global panic sparked by Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 and addresses the need for humans to change the way they live on the planet. Her aim is to help readers overcome their fears and embody their spirituality.
“Then I did a Spiritual Development Course and along the way I learnt to be a Reiki Master and an Advanced Theta Healing Practitioner, but I kept teaching until 2018 and I was kind of fitting this business into that one” she said. Victoria largely took 2019 off to develop her spiritual business some of her gifts being seeing, feeling and hearing spirit.
Victoria also added meditations to her fourth book, one for each chapter. On the subject of meditation, Victoria said she heard from one client, who had listened to a meditation she channelled via Metatron, that it had cured her Macular Degeneration. The Book of Life: Lessons from Mother Earth will be available for purchase from 10 November, 2020. There will be a book launch on 14 November, 2020.
She has channelled and self-published three books and will release her fourth in November 2020. Victoria said The Book of Life: Lessons from Mother Earth came to her in a meditation. “It’s like one of those children’s books that’s all really three d[imensional] and you feel like you’re going into the story” Victoria explained. The book aims to uncover what we, as humans, can learn from our time on Earth. She examines ways the natural world can be used as a guide to adapt to changes we experience on a daily basis. “It’s all about how we can equate our lives to nature in the way that a river is like going with the flow and actually I’ve done channellings before which I’ve included in the book, that the bloodstream is the river of life and that when we’ve got blood disorders…it’s something about the will to live,” Victoria said. All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41
OUT 10 NOV Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020