Rebirth Magazine October 2020

Page 23

Feeling Lost?

by Selena Joy Lovett

Have you ever felt lost and unable to make choices? This spirals into not being able to make any type of decisions!!! Whether it’s about what to wear? Where to go? And well, forget those big decisions like whether to change your job or not. Yikes should I stay, or should I go?!? Selena Joy Lovett said she used to feel like this most of the time. “It was a horrible vibration/ habit to be in as I began to doubt myself so much and I felt that I couldn’t rely or trust my judgement at all”. “This led me to look at others to see what they were doing and ask if that’s what I was supposed to be doing. But inevitably it wasn’t, and I just ended up going in the wrong direction again as, of course, we are all on separate journeys. “Then I remembered I had my Tarot cards. I had been gifted them years ago and loved them in my 20’s but then with travelling etc they had been forgotten. “I took them out of their hiding place and dusted them off and asked them for some guidance and I listened, firstly to help me make some small choices and then for advice around the big decisions I had coming up. “I really started to bond with my cards and asked them what was blocking me? Stopping me from reaching my full potential? “I received the insight and guidance I had never been able to find elsewhere. I realised that by using my tarot cards I was stimulating and waking up my gift (the gift we all have) of intuition. I started listening more to myself, becoming more aware of how my body felt when I asked what it wanted to do, eat or go. “I noticed I felt excitement when something felt good and was the right choice for me. I also noticed I felt jittery and nervous when my energy was rejecting a decision. The more I connected with spirit or meditated and grounded myself the more self confident I felt. “I still use my Tarot regularly, as they continue to help me improve my intuition, helping me make the right choices on a daily basis. I feel more empowered and in charge of my life and the more I feel like this, the less fear I have around living life. All contributor contact details are on pages 38-41

“I also have more faith in life, in the universe and that there is something more out there helping and guiding us along – we just have to listen. “If you feel that you could use a ‘tool’ to help you make the right choices for you, in work, love life and how best to use the energy of the day, then maybe it’s time to get yourself a Tarot deck. “You can check the SED live feed and see what cards the psychics are using and look for the one you feel drawn to and then just start getting to know your cards by connecting and talking to them daily. Selena runs regular courses and has written a book to help the general public be enlightened by Tarot. You can download The Journey to Enlightenment by contacting Selena or buy it in Amazon kindle.

Rebirth Edition 4 | October 2020


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Rebirth Magazine October 2020 by Rebirth Vade Mecum - Issuu