Sky Crypt Incipit Anarchia Eternity. Continuing in the Incipit Anarchia dilogy, Sky Crypt returns with their second album Eternity. They are a trio melodic death metal band from Russia. Eternity is a concept album (I’m a sucker for concept albums) about a warrior, a prince, a king, a war, tyranny, betrayal and eventually, freedom. Sky Crypt is a new edition for myself in the world of melodic death metal and it’s off to a good start. The album starts off with “Inception”, an instrumental hymn that calls forth the coming storm. “The Dawn of Tyranny” pulls no punches with crunchy riffs and guitar hooks that would make Andy Gillion (formely of Mors Principium Est) so proud. Lead singer Alexander Mikhailov’s voice has that awesome growl in his voice that fits this style so well. “The Solemn Rite” kicks
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Review by Luc St-Clair off with wicked guitar licks and thunderous drums, this one has some Amon Amarth & Desultory influences, but I say that with love. Things slow down a bit with “The Last Day”, a terrific number that has anthem written all o v e r it, it will have you
pumping your fists to the sky, something tells me this song would be excellent at a live show. “King or Curse” is my favorite, fast and relentless, packed with melodic guitar leads & solos. The album ends with “Eternity”, an acoustic instrumental that wraps up this musical journey. With everything I’ve mentioned with some well-placed keyboard moments, Incipit Anarchia: Eternity doesn’t reinvent the wheel for this style, but if you like the genre and with the music in the hands of talented musicians, it’s worth your time & money.