Brainblast - Technical Death Metal from Colombia
Interview with Edd Jimenez
Interview by Jay Parker
1)When and where was BRAINBLAST formed? Who is in the current line up? I came up with the concept of forming a band around 2015 when mostly at that time I was a very young dude mostly focused on playing drums for other bands, then I wanted to form my own, but it wasn’t until 2018 that I came up with a new line up focusing exclusively on the techni-
cal level that demanded the style of the band, since then the band has never stopped working a single day. The band right now is in a
our page in the near future! 2) The technical level, from a musician’s and a listener’s point of view, in your music is outstanding. Tell us about the band members and their experience and training… Well as you said, we focus and prior mostly on the musicianship and interpretation inside the band, it’s required for every member to have a
n o y l t s o m s u ip c o We f musiciansth the interpreta inodn. and e the ba insid private process of finding some new members, we will make announcements on