Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - Black Metal from Germany
Interview with Velnias
Interview by Jay Parker
1) Tell us about DNS… Why, when and where was the band formed? Who is in the current line up? DNS: To be honest this when/why question has been asked a tiring amount of times
before. D. N. Slaughtercult was spawned
been doing interviews p r e t t y much since our debut release in 1999. Bas i c a l l y that’s over twenty years this very question has been asked. Therefore I’ll be brief about the reason why
e r i f e h t g n niti g i s n a e m at h t g n i h t To inspire e som r o f e n o e . r o f within som n r u b y l iteral l f l e s r u o y you back in the cold wintery months 1997. We have