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Wellington, New Zealand

Salient is the student magazine of Victoria University of Wellington. We were founded in 1938 and made our issuu in 2011. We are partially funded by the students of Victoria University of Wellington through the student services levy, as well as with revenue from advertising.


Issue 24 - Finalient

October 14, 2012

Issue 22 - Power

September 30, 2012

20 - Politics

September 15, 2012

19 - The Language Issue

September 9, 2012

18 - The Arts Issue

August 19, 2012

14 - Queerlient

July 21, 2012

Issue Seven - Justice

April 29, 2012

Issue Six - Tabloid

April 22, 2012

Issue Three - Evil

March 18, 2012

Issue Two - Education

March 11, 2012

24 - The Last Issue

October 9, 2011

23 - Politics

October 2, 2011

21 - The ???'s Issue

September 18, 2011

20: Tertiary Education

September 11, 2011

19 - Self-improvement

September 4, 2011

18: Gaylient

August 14, 2011

17: The Arts

August 7, 2011

16: Justice

July 31, 2011

15: Flatting

July 24, 2011

14: Te Ao Marama

July 17, 2011

13: The Environment

July 10, 2011

10: Money

May 15, 2011

09: Science

May 8, 2011

08 - Design

May 1, 2011

07: Beliefs

April 10, 2011