What's New: Andrea Timm CPA Inc. Helping You Thrive and Focus with Professional Accounting Services You can Trust Story & photos by Margaret Pennock
or Andrea Timm, leaving the corporate world to start her own small business was a huge leap of faith but one that has been incredibly rewarding. As an established CPA who has been practicing for well over a decade, she found her true calling as a small business owner after she was asked again and again, by friends and acquaintances for financial advice and tax assistance. Today, as an independent CPA and owner of Andrea Timm CPA Inc (ATCPA), she works to take the confusion out of financial statements and tax planning so that her clients can focus on what they love to do best. “My passion is doing accounting work. It is an incredible privilege to work with and share the progress of my clients working towards their dream of owning their own business. When a person launches their own business, it is an equal force of excitement and unknowns. Their invitation to partner with my clients on the challenge of finding success is fuel to my passion for numbers and accounting.� Andrea has worked with firms ranging in scale from 10 to 3,000 employees, is experienced as a controller in a firm of 500 employees across three states as well as served as chief
SiouxFallsWoman.net | February/March 2021