Stotfold News Magazine April 2022

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News from Roecroft

Lower School

How wonderful it has been to watch Spring arrive, daffodils have been blooming all over the school grounds and certainly do add a pop of colour. March was a busy month in school with staff and children enjoying some missed events from the last two years. World Book Day was a huge hit; staff all dressed as various members of the Where’s Wally family, much to the children’s delight. We also enjoyed the Roecroft Masked Reader, staff changed their voices and wore a mask to record popular stories whilst the children had a guess at who was behind the mask. Red Nose Day was a sea of red across the building, we raised money in a number of ways, one being a huge copper haul where each class competed to find the most loose change at home for an always-desirable prize of class non-uniform day. Please do enjoy an update from Miss Emmerson, our Key Stage 1 phase leader.

Key Stage 1 Update: Over the spring term, KS1 have been super busy with their new topics of learning. Year 1 have been focusing on the theme 'A Knight's Tale' and have been thoroughly enjoying the story 'How to Catch a Dragon'. The children made predictions about how the dragons could be caught and then retold the story in groups with some very expressive actions! Within this topic, the children also took part in a history-based day to explore castles. This included carrying out research, looking at castle features and then creating their own castle model. In Year 2, their learning has been based upon the topic 'Kings and Queens' and the children have learnt about the history of some of our most famous monarchs. Roecroft welcomed an external drama company in for the day. All classes dressed up as Tudors and took part in an immersive history day to find out about aspects of Tudor life. Now the end of term is approaching, I am sure the children are all excited to take home their Easter egg cards that they have been working hard to make and perhaps take part in some Easter egg hunts with their friends and families. I know we are also looking forward to the summer events across year 1 and 2 such as school trips and we cannot wait for some much-needed sunshine! Wishing you all an April filled with sunshine, Mrs Cross

Community Governor Vacancies

Roecroft Lower School in Stotfold are looking for two supportive volunteers to fulfil the role of Community Governors in our team. Community governors help to bring balance and diversity of knowledge to governing bodies. It is a fantastic way to give something back to the community, making a real difference in influencing the standard of education delivered in Stotfold.

Governing bodies provide strategic leadership in schools and are accountable for; 1) Ensuring clarity of vision and ethos, 2) Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school/pupils, 3) Overseeing the financial performance of the school, 4) Ensuring the voices of stakeholders are heard. Some of the ways we achieve this includes participating in Governing Body meetings (twice termly), engaging with the school through governor visits, and contributing to sub-committees where you have aligned skills/interests. We would be delighted to hear from anyone who has: • A desire to contribute to and represent the community • An enquiring mind, with an ability to look at issues objectively/ make informed judgements • The ability to work as part of a team

Experience in school governance, working in a primary school, or fulfilling any leadership role would be advantageous.

What we can offer: • Development of skills in strategic management and experience in working at board level • Training to develop an understanding of specific school issues • A sense of achievement in making a difference to our school, its pupils and Stotfold

You will be joining an established Governing Body, supported by fellow governors with many years of combined experience. If you are interested in the role of Community Governor, please contact the Chair of Governors, Arlene Hui ( by 29th April 2022. Note: In accordance with our Safer Recruitment policy, all governors must provide two personal references and agree to complete Disclosure and Barring Service checks prior to appointment. 12

To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986

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