Spring 2021 Recreation Services Programs Brochure

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SPRING 2021 REGISTRATION Registration for Spring 2021 programs will begin: TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 2021 7:00AM





1. Go to www.arbutusclub.com.

The fastest way to register for multiple people in your family is the “Family Registration” option, available under ‘Classes & Events’.

Type in a class number or title in the search bar and then select the names of the participants you wish to register.

Continue this process for all classes you wish to register your family for.

Once completed you can review the summary on the right hand side and click on ‘Confirm Registrations’. Classes in your summary list will be held for you for up to 10 minutes.

Please be sure to read the class details and cancellation policies in advance as this information is not viewable when you use this feature.

2. Log in with your username and password. 3. Hover over the ‘Recreation Services’ tab and click on ‘Booking & Reservations’.

REGISTRATION METHODS Registration is conducted online only on the first day. If you need assistance to navigate the site, please contact the Recreation Services Desk before registration day and we will guide you through the process. PRIVATE LESSONS Private Lessons are booked with the Head Pro, Manager or Director of the activity area directly. Contact details are listed on the next page for your convenience. DEPENDENTS To register a new dependent in your family for a program, please ensure they have been added to your membership account well before registration day to avoid any delays. Forms are available at Club Reception or you can contact Christine Piner, Membership Manager at cpiner@arbutusclub.com or 604-269-8892.


4. To register for a class, click on ‘Classes & Events’, and either type in the class # or title in the search bar, or search for an activity under the direct program category. 5. To reserve a facilty booking or a court, click on the specific facility (i.e. tennis, squash, rink, pickleball, etc), located on the green bar at the top of the screen. Please note that for facility bookings each member must log into the website individually to book for an activity under their name. The corresponding booking rules will apply to the ‘owner’ of the reservation. USING A SMARTPHONE, TABLET, OR CLUB APP


Visiting www.arbutusclub.com will take you to a mobile friendly version of the our registration site.

Have your class names and #’s ready to go in advance.

For smart devices, or if you are using the Club App, click on the menu button on the top left of the screen and then on ‘Bookings & Registration’.

The mobile version of GameTime will appear. For full site features, including ability to search by program category or season, and to view or cancel classes you or your family is registered in, click on the ‘Desktop’ option at the bottom of the menu.

Ensure you are aware of any prerequisites that may be required for a class, as participants who are not at the correct level may be withdrawn by the Head Pro or Coordinator before the start date.

The system will not notify you if you have registered in courses that run on the same day and time, so be aware of class conflicts.

If the class you want is full when you try to register, add yourself to the waitlist. As spaces become available, waitlisted participants will automatically be registered for the program or facility and be notified by email. Please ensure your email address is up to date, and remove yourself from waitlists if no longer needed.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with all cancellation policies listed on each page of this brochure and on the details for each class in GameTime. A reminder email will be sent to registrants in advance of the cancellation deadline for the activity. It is up to the member to cancel within the designated timeline.

To view or cancel classes, click on ‘My Account’ (top right) and click on the ‘Appointments’ tab to view either ‘My Bookings’ or ‘Family Bookings’.

604-269-8800 registration@arbutusclub.com


If you or a member of your family is not yet activated on the Club website, you will need to click the “Member Registration” link to register the account first.

If you’ve simply forgotten your password, click the “Password Reset” link.

If you need assistance, contact Club Reception at 604-266-7166.

On registration day, we recommend using your desktop or laptop.

recreation services team We are proud to present one of the most comprehensive selections of programs offered by top professionals, coaches and instructors. We have activities for everyone in your family to stay active and healthy, share time together, and most importantly have fun. We invite you to look over the brochure and give us a call with any questions you may have, as well as any comments or feedback about the programs, and suggestions for new activities.

Recreation Services Admin



SUE SNOW Recreation Services Manager ssnow@arbutusclub.com 604-269-8801

MARLENE HERSHFIELD Dance Director mhershfield@arbutusclub.com

SERENA LY Tennis & Pickleball Admin Assistant pickleball@arbutusclub.com 604-269-8895

MEGAN GALLANT Recreation Services Coordinator mgallant@arbutusclub.com 604-269-8909 SALONA NARAYAN Registration Coordinator registration@arbutusclub.com 604-269-8800

Aquatics JULIA BROBBEL Aquatics Manager jbrobbel@arbutusclub.com 604-269-8805

Basketball ERIC BUTLER Head Basketball Coach eric@splitsecondbasketball.com

Fitness & Wellness DANIELA TEMPESTA Group Fitness Coordinator dtempesta@arbutusclub.com 604-269-8807 ROBERT GIBB Fitness Centre, Wellness and Personal Training Manager rgibb@arbutusclub.com 604-269-8825

Gymnastics NICOLE MCNAUGHT Gymnastics Director nmcnaught@arbutusclub.com 604-269-8840

Hockey JASON FOTHERGILL Hockey Director jfothergill@arbutusclub.com

Children CONNIE SMITH Children’s Centre Manager csmith@arbutusclub.com 604-269-8812

Karate ALICE CHUNG Karate Coordinator achung@arbutusclub.com

Skating PAM GREENSLADE Skating Director pgreenslade@arbutusclub.com 604-269-8855

Squash DREW HENDERSON Squash Director dhenderson@arbutusclub.com 604-269-8892

Tennis MARK STOPFORTH Tennis Director mstopforth@arbutusclub.com 604-269-8894 TENNIS OFFICE tennis@arbutusclub.com 604-269-8895

Youth ALANNA TOTH Youth, Children & Family Coordinator atoth@arbutusclub.com 604-269-8898

CONTENTS 02 General Information 03 Cancellation Policies 04 Facility Reservations

ACTIVITY AREAS 06 Adults 07 Aquatics 11 Basketball 12 Childminding 13 Children’s Programs 14 Dance 16 Fitness Centre & Wellness 18 Fitness: Group 20 Fitness: Pilates 21 First Aid 22 Gymnastics 25 Hockey: ACHD 24 Karate 25 Music 26 Pickleball 27 Skating 28 Squash 30 Tennis 34 Youth & Family



GENERAL INFORMATION SESSION DATES Spring Session: Monday, March 29, 2021 - Sunday, June 20, 2021. STATUTORY HOLIDAYS Group programs are not scheduled to take place on statutory holidays or weekends when a statutory holiday falls on a Monday or Friday, and program fees have been pre-calcuated accordingly. Exceptions include group fitness classes. Holiday weekend schedules and hours will be posted online at www. arbutusclub.com one week prior to the holiday. CLUB COACHING POLICY The use of professional instructors or coaches from outside the Club is not permitted. Only instructors and coaches who have been contracted by the Club may teach on Club premises. PROGRAM FEES All program and related fees will be billed to your Member account. Regular weekly programs will be billed monthly for the duration of the program. Workshops and short-term activities will be billed in the month they occur. ACTIVITY & SPORT ASSOCIATION FEES Some program areas are required to have Members register with their provincial sport governing association for the purpose of insurance coverage to compete in tournaments and events. These fees may be billed seasonally or yearly and are listed on the program pages for which they apply. Some areas also have Activity Fees, billed seasonally or yearly, and are used to pay for special equipment, gifts, awards, seasonal parties, events and other program enhancements. UNDER-AGE REGISTRATION POLICY Children under-age for a specific program must receive approval from the Coordinator/Director of that program before registering. If permission is given, under-age participants must register with the Recreation Services Desk directly so that we may bypass the established age restriction. Please note that receiving advanced approval does not guarantee a spot in the program. PROGRAM APPROVALS Some programs require approval from the Coordinator/Director of the activity area, prior to registering, to ensure participants are at a required level for the class. If a Member is incorrectly registered for a class, the Coordinator/ Director reserves the right to remove them and recommend another class more suitable for their age or skill level. REGISTRATION WAITLISTS During the initial days of each registration period, it is recommended to make use of the wait list feature if you do not secure your preferred program dates and times. As space becomes available for the program, waitlisted participants will automatically be registered and notified by email. If you no longer want a spot on the waitlist, please remove yourself or your child, or contact the Recreation Services Desk upon receipt of the notification.

MISSED/MAKE-UP CLASSES If you miss a class for any reason, it is the decision of the Coordinator/ Director of each activity area, as to whether or not they can accommodate a make-up lesson. Most activity areas do not offer this option as it is disruptive to participants registered and is challenging for Staff to accommodate. CHILDREN UNDER 8 YEARS A parent/caregiver (16yrs+) must accompany children under 8 years old at all times while in the Club. You must drop off and pick up your child for all programs as children under 8 years of age will not be released from the program on their own. ALLERGY AWARE Recreation Services Staff are allergy aware and request that parents do not pack snacks for their children that contain common allergens, such as peanuts. If your child has an allergy you would like us to be aware of, please contact the Recreation Services Desk and we will notify the instructor. GUEST POLICY In this phase of the Club’s re-opening plan, during the COVID-19 pandemic, guests are not permitted to attend Recreation Services programs, events or activities until further notice. PROGRAM FEEDBACK We welcome your feedback about our programs, camps, services and events at any time in person, by phone or by email. We also have an evaluation form available online at www.arbutusclub.com/services/recreation in case you would like to complete it anonymously. ACTIVITY COMMITTEES The success of our activity areas is in large part due to the contributions made by volunteer Committee Members. If you would like to participate in one of our Activity Committees, please fill out an application form available at Club Reception or email Sue Snow at ssnow@arbutusclub.com. CLUB ACCESSABILITY In order for members to access the club, they must be booked in a session or using one of our food and beverage outlets.

EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS Email notifications including class reminders, registrations, cancellations, and other program communications are sent regularly. It is very important to ensure your email address is up to date for yourself and your dependents by contacting Accounting at 604-269-8787 or admin@arbutusclub.com.

CANCELLATION POLICIES REGULAR PROGRAMS & CLASSES • For a full refund, cancellations must be made before the program starts. • After the program begins, cancellations must be made within 24 hours after the first class, to receive a pro-rated credit. • Cancellation fees may not apply if one of the exemptions noted at the bottom of this section can be provided. • Contact the Recreation Services Desk to inquire. If approved, further pro-rated credits will be applied to your Arbutus Club account on your next statement. ONE-DAY PROGRAMS & SPECIAL EVENTS • One day camps require two business days notice, based on the start date and time of the camp. Cancellations for camps held on Mondays at 9:00am must be received by 9:00am the Thursday prior to the camp. • Special events for Aquatics and Youth, and Fitness Centre Orientations require 48 hours notice. CAMPS & WEEK-LONG PROGRAMS • For a full refund, cancellations must be made one week prior to the start day and time. This includes camps that are 2-5 days in length for any week, as well as camps/programs that run in two week formats. PRIVATE LESSONS • Members will not be billed for a private lesson if they cancel a minimum of 24 hours before the lesson is scheduled. • Exceptions may be made due to emergency or illness. This is to be arranged with the professional with whom you booked the lesson. • Some areas such as Aquatics, Music and Tennis have specific cancellation policies for private lessons, listed on their respective brochure pages. WHEN THE ARBUTUS CLUB CANCELS A PROGRAM • Insufficient registration for an activity may result in the cancellation of that activity and a full credit will be made to your account in the event an activity is cancelled by the Recreation Services Department prior to the start date. • There will be a full credit if Members are unable to attend programs due to changes in time or date caused by the Recreation Services Department. • We will make every effort to run programs. If the activity is cancelled prior to the posted end date, a credit will be made on a pro-rated basis. CANCELLATION FEE EXEMPTIONS: The cancellation fee will not apply if: • A waitlisted member can fill the spot • A signed doctor’s note is provided due to a medical reason • Approval has been provided by the Coordinator/Director of the activity

COVID-19 Response Plan In an effort to ensure the health and safety of our valued members and staff, Club Management has developed a comprehensive reopening plan based on the orders and guidelines of the Provincial Health Officer, WorkSafe BC, Vancouver Coastal Health and other related associations and governing bodies. THE PLAN STRIVES TO REDUCE THE RISK OF SPREADING COVID-19 BY:

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Establishing strict guidelines as to who can visit the club

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2 metre physical distancing must be maintained

Employing increased cleaning and sanitization measures following best practices from the BC Centre for Disease Control

Introducing contact tracing by ensuring all programs and facilities are booked in advance by reservation

Promoting good hygiene for members and staff

Masks must be worn in the hallways, lobbies, foyers and common areas for anyone 3 years+. Limiting the amount of physical contact and contact intensity in our facilities and programs at all times

Protocols have been established for each facility that members and staff must become familiar with and adhere to at all times. These are viewable on the Club’s website at arbutusclub.com. Management will continue to monitor BC’s Restart Plan and ongoing updates to guidelines, providing timely messaging regarding any required changes or updates. MEMBER HEALTH DECLARATION We kindly ask that the Member Health Declaration and Policy Compliance Form is completed prior to your initial visit to the Club. Members who book facilities and classes must acknowledge the ‘waiver’ or ‘registration policy’ to ensure that everyone has read and understands the health declaration. We are permitting particular activities based on the assurances members make to the Club and to each other in these forms. The Club appreciates your cooperation. ILLNESS SYMPTOMS Symptoms may vary from person to person. Some people may experience mild symptoms, while others have more severe symptoms. If you have COVID-19, or think you might have it, help prevent spreading it to others by self-isolating from the start of your symptoms. If you are sick,www.arbutusclub.com stay home.


WHAT TO EXPECT THIS SPRING If you haven’t done so yet, we recommend for you and your family to become familiar with the protocols for each area prior to using the facility or joining a program. Facility protocols are all listed on the Club website under Covid-19 Protocols. We are all in this together, and you can help keep everyone safe by following these guidelines. COVID-19 PROTOCOLS

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Members may only access the Club with a facility reservation, when registered in a program or to use the Food & Beverage outlets. There is no drop-in participation until further notice. Stay home if you or your family are feeling unwell. If you travel outside Canada, self-isolate for 14 days. Maintain a physical distance of 2 metres from those outside your bubble. Wash or sanitize your hands frequently. Hand sanitizer is available at all facility entrances and exits. Avoid touching surfaces and your face. Stay to the right when using the hallways. Follow all signage, wayfinding and traffic markers. Children 8 and under should remain within arm’s length of their parents/caregivers at all times while travelling through the Club to their pick-up or drop-off locations. Arrive no more than 15 minutes prior to a program or facility booking. Bring only what you need for your program or booking and ensure it is stored in a tote or backpack and placed in designated locations. Touchless water filling stations are available. Bring a water bottle.


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Some activities require members and staff to wear a mask (such as Pilates, Music Lessons and use of the Fitness Centre). Masks will be available for purchase at The Shoppe. Wear a non-medical mask or face covering when you can’t maintain a 2 metre distance from others. Masks are mandatory in the hallways & common areas. Here are a few tips on how they can be safely used: • Ensure your mask is made of at least two layers of tightly woven fabric. • Wash your hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer before and after touching your mask. • Use the ear loops or ties to put on and remove the mask. • Make sure your nose and mouth are fully covered.


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A cohort or a pod – also known as bubbles, are small groups of people who can interact regularly without staying 2 metres apart. The Club understands that many families are ‘cohorts’ outside the Club. Those cohorts must also respect physical distancing.


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All recreation and athletic facilities must be booked by advanced reservation, in order to ensure facilities are properly sanitized for safe use, and for staff to employ contact tracing as required. All members must be listed on the reservation, and must check in with Club staff upon arrival. No show fees will apply for those who do not check-in. Please ensure you cancel your reservation if you are no longer able to attend so that waitlisted members may have access to the booking. Facility protocols are listed on the Club website, and booking rules will be listed on the registration site, on the ‘Dashboard’ (for the desktop version) and on the ‘News’ section (for the mobile version).


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All activity areas are following the recommended guidelines set out by their provincial sport governing body and health officials to ensure safety for both members and staff. You can expect: • Smaller class maximums, based on facility size. • Fewer programs being offered in some areas due to the addition of time between classes for cleaning and safe transition of users. • Increased health and safety protocols including daily health screenings and cleanings. • Some areas may require participants to wear a mask; and in most areas, instructors will be wearing a mask. • Private lessons may only be offered for some activities and a parent/caregiver may be required to participate (such as preschool age activities that normally would require physical support from an instructor). • There are no birthday parties, or large group special events until further notice. • Additional information for you to read and acknowledge prior to the start of your program, may be emailed. Please ensure the email address for yourself and your dependents is up-todate. You can do this under your profile on the Club website or contacting admin@arbutusclub.com.




CLUBS WITHIN THE CLUB 25 YEAR CLUB The 25 Year Club was launched in 1990 and is made up of Members who have been paying full dues at The Arbutus Club for 25 years or more. The 25 Year Club Committee meets several times throughout the year to plan and host a variety of activities that offer a welcoming ambience for both singles and couples.


Recreation Services Coordinator 604-269-8909 mgallant@arbutusclub.com Megan is the staff liaison for a number of recreational program areas at The Club, including Clubs within the Club for adult Members. She is always looking for new ideas for events and programs. and welcomes your feedback or suggestions.

In-person events and activities are temporarily on hold until further notice. Information about virtual events will be listed in The Bark and emailed to 25 Year Club Members as they become available. New ideas and suggestions for activities are always welcome. Contact Judy Simonett, 25 Year Club Committee Chair, at jtsimonett@shaw.ca. To be added to the email list, contact Megan Gallant. BOOK CLUB Meet other Members who share a common interest in this year-round, Member led Book Club. Participants take turns selecting a book and leading discussions to enjoy the shared reading experience. For more information contact JoAnn Murtagh at joann.murtagh@shaw.ca. Location: on Zoom Meets the first Monday of each month 10:30am-12:00pm DUE TO COVID-19 ACTIVITIES LISTED BELOW ARE ON HOLD. BOOKLESS CLUB Are you interested in meeting with a group of members to discuss topics of interest without turning a page? Have we got the Club for you. It’s just like a Book Club, only there’s no book, and no club...and you attend as your schedule allows, or as the material suits you. The topics range from motivating, to intriguing, to hilarious and the open discussion is fast paced and fun. Jane Macdougall, a well-known journalist and Club Member is the liaison for this Club. For more information contact Megan Gallant at 604-269-8909 or mgallant@arbutusclub.com. Location: Shaughnessy (Youth) Room) Meets the first Wednesday of each month 10:30am-12:00pm





For the health and safety of members and staff, all activities in the pool will continue to operate by reservation only. There is no drop-in access to the pool until further notice.

KEEP IT CLEAN All swimmers must remove their shoes, sanitize their hands upon check in and shower prior to entering the pool.

RESERVATION NOTES • Children 8 years and older may participate in a pool booking without a parent/caregiver. • When arriving at the pool please line up on the right side of the hallway on the 2m/6ft floor decals and wait until the Lifeguard opens the door. • If you arrive late to your swim, please ask Club Reception to radio the Lifeguard to let you in as the door will be locked during the session. • Additional pool protocols are listed on the Club website.

MAIN POOL Children under 8 years of age must be accompanied by an adult (16 yrs+), wearing a bathing suit, in the water and within arms-reach, regardless of the swim level. TOT POOL AND HOT TUB Children under 5 years of age must have an adult (16 yrs+), wearing a bathing suit, in the water and within arms-reach regardless of swim level.

Aquatics Manager 604-269-8805 jbrobbel@arbutusclub.com

LANE BOOKINGS • Members may book 1 lane, for up to 2 people (from the same household or a trusted pod) per day, to a maximum of 4 bookings per 6 day period. • Bookings open online at 7am each day. • Parents/caregivers accompanying youth members who wish to book a lane, must book themselves in the ‘General Swim’ class to ensure they are accounted as part of the maximum number permitted in the pool • Due to waitlist demand, no show participants will be charged $10/person

Children 7 years old and under must be actively supervised. Active supervision means, having your eyes on your children at all times (no reading, cell phone usage etc.) Supervision is done from the tot pool deck by an adult (16 yrs.+), wearing bathing attire (bathing suit, shorts, t-shirt, and bare feet).

Julia has over a decade of management experience in both aquatics and fitness, as well as over 20 years of experience in aquatic training through fitness and swimming precision. She still carries the National Lifeguard certification as well as First Aid Instructor certifications with the Red Cross, Heart and Stroke Foundation and WorkSafe BC. Julia strives to enhance member services through instructor and first aid training.

CIRCLE SWIM • Due to increased demand for lane swimming, lanes 3 and 4 are available for ‘circle lane swims’ for up to 6 swimmers to use physically distanced. • Book these sessions under Classes & Events, in the ‘Facility Reservations’ program category. • Due to waitlist demand, no show participants will be charged $10/person GENERAL SWIMS • Families can sign up in a designated session listed under the ‘Classes & Events’ heading in GameTime, under the ‘Facility Reservations’ program category. • Each session allows a maximum number of swimmers in accordance with other pool activities taking place at the same time. • Parents/guardians who wish to observe on deck, must book themselves in as well to be included in the maximum number. • Seating is available on the pool deck. • Due to waitlist demand, no show participants will be charged $10/ person and up to $25 per family. CHECK IN • When arriving at the pool please line up to the right in the hallway on two-metre decal markings and wait until the Lifeguard opens the single auto door for check in. If you arrive late to your swim, please have Reception radio the Lifeguard so you may come and enjoy your 75-minute booking.

OBSERVATION ON DECK No spectators due to Covid-19 restrictions. SWIM DIAPERS Children who have not been fully toilet trained must wear a swim diaper with a swim diaper cover or a tight bathing suit (swim diapers available at the Aquatics Admin. Office).



SWIM ASSESSMENTS If you are not sure what swim level your child should be in, please feel free to contact Julia Brobbel, Aquatics Manager, at 604-269-8805 or by email at jbrobbel@arbutusclub.com to arrange a free 15 minute assessment with one of our instructors.


Aquatics In-Charge 604-269-8804 sbenmore@arbutusclub.com Sydney has worked in Aquatics for over a decade, and was a competitive swimmer and an NCCP Level 1 Swim Coach for many years before that. She has been with The Arbutus Club as a Lifeguard/Swim Instructor since 2013 and is committed to supporting the Aquatic staff to provide exceptional programming and Member service. www.arbutusclub.com





REGISTRATION Private Lessons will be booked on a first come first serve basis starting at 7am on Tuesday, March 2, 2021. To book, contact Julia Brobbel, Aquatics Manager, at jbrobbel@arbutusclub.com book by email only with your member number, participants name, age, level and top 3 preferred days/times.

We are not currently offering preschool swim lessons or Swim Kids 1-4 in group formats, due to restrictions with physical distancing. During this phase, we welcome you to register for private lessons for your younger children. A parent/guardian will be required to be in the water with all children under the age of 8 and not yet in Swim Kids 5. Instructors will maintain physical distance on the pool deck while teaching.

LESSON RATES Private: Semi Private: X 2 people X 3 people

$31.25 (30 min) $18.50/person (30 min) $12.25/person (30 min)

LESSON AVAILABILITY Spring Session: Monday, March 29 - Sunday, June 20, 2021 Mon - Fri: 10:00am-11:45am, 2:00pm-7:30pm Saturdays: 9:00am-1:00pm Sundays: 9:30am-12:00pm *Note: Availability may change due to program additions or cancellations. *these may change if we add an extra Aqua Fit class PRIVATE LESSON POLICIES • Cancellations for private lessons must be received 24 hours in advance of the lesson, otherwise the lesson fee will apply. Contact Julia Brobbel at 604-269-8805 or Sydney Benmore at 604-269-8804. • There are no lessons on statutory holidays or weekends when a statutory holiday falls on a Monday or a Friday. • If you wish to withdraw after committing to the private lesson booking, you must notify the Aquatics Manager directly and you will be billed one week from the date the notice was received. • In a semi-private lesson, if one swimmer cancels, the remaining participant(s) will be charged according to the number of people attending if they wish to continue in the same lesson. • If you miss 4 classes per season (fall, winter, spring,) you will need to forfeit your spot and will be billed for the 4th class. • All lessons are physically distanced. The Instructor must remain on deck and not in the water during lessons until further notice.

SWIM LEVEL & PROGRAM REGISTRATION For group swim classes, please ensure that your child is registered for the swim class level that is correct for their development. If your child is registered for an incorrect level, they will be removed from the program before the start date, so that other participants in that level may participate. If you are not sure what swim level your child should be in, contact Julia Brobbel, Aquatics Manager, at 604-269-8805 or jbrobbel@arbutusclub.com to arrange a free 15 minute assessment with one of our instructors. 8


SPRING BREAK STROKE CLINICS These clinics are geared to improving technique, learning new drills and working out any kinks in your stroke. It is a great way to focus on that one stroke that your child may be stuck on in a Red Cross Swim Kids level. Cancellations for this one day program require two business days notice. SPRING BREAK - BACK CRAWL CLINIC (7YRS+) Mar 16 T 4:35-5:35PM $16.00/1 sess. Mar 23 T 4:35-5:35PM $16.00/1 sess.

21080 21081

SPRING BREAK - BREAST STROKE CLINIC (7YRS+) Mar 17 W 4:35-5:35PM $16.00/1 sess. Mar 24 W 4:35-5:35PM $16.00/1 sess.

21082 21083

SPRING BREAK - FRONT CRAWL CLINIC (7YRS+) Mar 18 Th 4:35-5:35PM $16.00/1 sess. Mar 25 Th 4:35-5:35PM $16.00/1 sess.

21084 21085

SCHOOL AGE LESSONS SWIM KIDS 5 (6-14 YRS) This level introduces the back crawl (15m), sculling skills, whip kick on the back, stride dives and treading water. Front crawl increases to 15 metres. Endurance is developed through a 50-metre swim. Pre-requisite: Swim Kids 4 SPRING

Mar 30-Jun 15 Apr 01-Jun 17

T Th

3:40-4:10PM 3:40-4:10PM

$96.00/12 sess. $96.00/12 sess.

21000 21001

SWIM KIDS 6 (6-14 YRS) This level refines front crawl with a focus on hand entry and breathing (25m), back crawl with a focus on arm positions and body roll (25m), and introduces elementary back stroke (15m). Endurance is developed through a 75-metre swim. Pre-requisite: Swim Kids 5 SPRING

Mar 30-Jun 15 Apr 01-Jun 17

T Th

3:40-4:10PM 3:40-4:10PM

$96.00/12 sess. $96.00/12 sess.

21003 21004

SWIM KIDS 7 (6-14 YRS) This level builds skills and endurance for the front crawl (50m), back crawl (50m) and elementary backstroke (25m) and introduces whip kick on the front. Swimming endurance is increased to a 150-metre swim. Pre-requisite: Swim Kids 6 SPRING

Mar 30-Jun 15 Apr 01-Jun 17

T Th

4:35-5:05PM 4:35-5:05PM

$96.00/12 sess. $96.00/12 sess.


21006 21007

SWIM KIDS 8 (6-14 YRS) This level is an introduction to breaststroke (15m) and feet-first surface dives. Endurance is built on a 300-metre swim. Front crawl and back crawl distances are increased to 75 metres each. Pre-requisite: Swim Kids 7 SPRING

Mar 30-Jun 15 Apr 01-Jun 17

T Th

5:10-5:40PM 5:10-5:40PM

$96.00/12 sess. $96.00/12 sess.

21009 21010

SWIM KIDS 9 (6-14 YRS) This level refines the front crawl (100m), back crawl (100m), elementary back stroke (50m), breaststroke (25m), and encourages swimmers to combine different kicks for fitness (3 mins). Endurance is built through a 400-metre swim. Pre-requisite: Swim Kids 8 SPRING

Mar 30-Jun 15 Apr 01-Jun 17

T Th

6:05-6:35PM 6:05-6:35PM

$96.00/12 sess. $96.00/12 sess.

21012 21013

SWIM KIDS 10 (6-14 YRS) This level is a final assessment of the strokes for technique and distance (front crawl 100m, back crawl 100m, elementary back stroke 50m, breaststroke 50m and sidestroke 25m). Endurance is built with a 500-metre swim. Prerequisite: Swim Kids 9 SPRING

Mar 30-Jun 15 Apr 01-Jun 17

T Th

6:40-7:10PM 6:40-7:10PM

$96.00/12 sess. $96.00/12 sess.

21015 21016

CANCELLATION POLICIES PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS 24 hours notice, in advance of the lesson, is required for a full refund. SWIM KIDS PROGRAMS For a full refund, cancellations must be made before the start day. Once a program begins, cancellations must be received within 24 hours after the first class for a pro-rated credit. ADVANCED AQUATIC LESSONS As staff prepare course materials in advance for each course, 2 weeks’ notice is required for a full refund. Cancellation fees may be waived if a waitlisted member can fill the spot, a doctor’s note is provided for medical reasons or approval is provided by the Aquatics Manager. www.arbutusclub.com



AQUA FIT (Due to COVID-19 restrictions we may not be able to offer) This low impact, water-based exercise class is designed to build strength, flexibility and cardio fitness. Aqua Fit is great for relieving joint pain and all individuals are encouraged to work to their own ability. Classes are 45 minutes in length offered on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. To ensure fair access, registration will open monthly on the 26th day of the month for the upcoming month, with the exception of April, which will open on March 2nd with Spring Registration.



APRIL The following classes will open for registration online on: Friday, March 26th at 7:00am. Apr 05 M 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. Apr 12 M 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. Apr 19 M 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. Apr 26 M 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. Apr 07 W 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. Apr 14 W 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. Apr 21 W 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. Apr 28 W 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. Apr 02 F 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. Apr 09 F 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. Apr 16 F 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. Apr 23 F 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. Apr 30 F 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess.

21036 21037 21038 21039 21051 21052 21053 21054 21065 21066 21067 21068 21069

MAY The following classes will open for registration online on: Monday, April 26th at 7:00am. May 03 M 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. May 10 M 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. May 17 M 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. May 24 M 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. May 31 M 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. May 05 W 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. May 12 W 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. May 19 W 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. May 26 W 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. May 07 F 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. May 14 F 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. May 21 F 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. May 28 F 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess.

21040 21041 21042 21043 21044 21055 21056 21057 21058 21070 21071 21072 21073

JUNE The following classes will open for registration online on: Wedesday, May 26th at 7:00am. Jun 07 M 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. Jun 14 M 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. Jun 02 W 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. Jun 09 W 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. Jun 16 W 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. Jun 04 F 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. Jun 11 F 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess. Jun 18 F 9:10-9:55AM $10.00/1 sess.

21045 21046 21059 21060 21061 21074 21075 21076

CANCELLATION POLICY Cancellations for Aqua Fit classes must be received 24 hours in advance to avoid class fees. Fees may be waived if a waitlisted member can fill the spot, a doctor’s note is provided for medical reasons or approval is provided by the Aquatics Manager.



Experienced Split Second Basketball Coaches create a fun, challenging and supportive environment to help young athletes build competence, confidence and character through basketball. The goal of the program is for players to have fun, create great habits, and master fundamental basketball skills. Our players do more than just ‘play’ basketball. We break the game down into six Split Second Habits and teach the little technical details that matter the most. Then we practice, teach, practice, teach, practice...until great habits are developed.


WE CARE ABOUT YOUR SAFETY During the COVID-19 pandemic, Split Second coaches are committed to minimizing risks by following Basketball BC recommendations. Players are encouraged to use the hand sanitizer provided and basketballs will be disinfected between sessions. Our coaches will set up drills to promote proper physical distancing. Coaches will be wearing masks.



Mar 15-Mar 19 Mar 22-Mar 26


10:00-12:00PM $250.00/5 sess. 10:00-12:00PM $250.00/5 sess.

22048 22049


Mar 30-Jun 08 Apr 01-Jun 10

T Th

4:00-5:00PM 4:00-5:00PM

$275.00/11 sess. $275.00/11 sess.

22040 22044


Mar 30-Jun 08 Apr 01-Jun 10

T Th

5:15-6:15PM 5:15-6:15PM

$275.00/11 sess. $275.00/11 sess.

22041 22045


Mar 30-Jun 08 Apr 01-Jun 10

T Th

6:30-7:30PM 6:30-7:30PM

$275.00/11 sess. $275.00/11 sess.


Head Basketball Coach eric@splitsecondbasketball.com


22042 22046

Eric Butler played basketball at Prince of Wales High School, the University of British Columbia and then professionally in Europe. He has helped thousands of local players develop their skills and build personal confidence from their experience at Split Second.


CANCELLATION POLICY For a full refund, cancellations for weekly basketball programs must be made before the start day and time. Once the program begins, cancellations must be received within 24 hours after the first class for a pro-rated credit. Cancellation fees may be waived if a waitlisted member can fill the spot, a doctor’s note is provided for medical reasons or approval is provided by the Head Basketball Coach.




CHILDMINDING Our qualified staff offer a safe, fun and nurturing environment for children 8 weeks to 8 years old. They provide activities such as arts and crafts, manipulative toys and outdoor fun, all enabling children to learn through play and exploration. Our Childminding Staff use positive guidance and encourage the development of social skills and friendships among peers. Childminding hours may vary based on avaiability.


Children’s Centre Manager 604-269-8812 csmith@arbutusclub.com Connie was born and raised in Vancouver and holds a Bachelor of Arts from UBC, an International Montessori Diploma, an ECE Certificate, and a BC K-12 Ministry of Education Teaching Certificate. She has been working in an early childhood setting for many years as an educator. She truly enjoys teaching creative and engaging curriculums as well as program planning for the Children's Centre.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Note: Hours may change depending on the number of registered. Childminding will be closed on all statutory holidays.


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •



8:30-12:00pm & 1:00-5:00pm 8:30-12:00pm & 1:00-5:00pm 8:30-12:00pm & 1:00-5:00pm 8:30-12:00pm & 1:00-5:00pm 8:30-12:00pm & 1:00-5:00pm 10:00-3:00pm Closed

Childminding services must be booked in advance online in GameTime under the ‘CC’ heading. Parents may book a session under their own name and provide the child’s name in the ‘notes’. Side by side bookings with the same member name are not available, so parents with two or more children are encouraged to create a username and password for their child for the Club website, in order to sign in and book with the users details in GameTime. Reservations are available 6 days in advance Reservations may be made for a minimum of 30 minutes to a maxmium of 2 hours. Fees are $10/hour and are auto adjusted according to length of stay. A 15 minute break will follow each reservation for transition and cleaning. Cancellations must be made 6 hours prior to the reservation or a late cancellation fee will apply. No shows will be billed the full session. Please pick up your child on time, as late pick-up fees will apply.

COVID HEALTH AND SAFETY PROTOCOLS HEALTH ASSESSMENTS & ILLNESS POLICY Health assessments, including temperature checks, will be conducted for all children using Childminding services, as well as Children’s Centre Staff. Anyone with symptoms of illness, including children, parents/caregivers and staff, must not come to the Club until they are symptom free. No exceptions. Protocols are in place if a child or staff member develops symptoms while at the Club. DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP We kindly ask parents/caregivers not to gather or socialize in the hallway or by the Children’s Centre entrance as it makes physical distancing difficult for others. Parents/caregivers are expected to follow 2m/6ft physical distancing and a one-way flow of traffic during drop-off and pick-up times. Signs and markers will be posted. To further ensure safety, parents/caregivers, as well as Children’s Centre staff, will be required to wear a mask. Only one parent/ caregiver will be permitted per family. PHYSICAL DISTANCING FOR CHILDREN The Children’s Centre rooms have been designed to encourage as much physical distancing as possible, however, during your child’s visit, parents/ caregivers need to be aware that Children’s Centre Staff and children may be close at times. Playing with friends is an important development skill for young children and we want to continue to support your child’s development while keeping safe. CONTACT & EMERGENCY INFORMATION Parents/caregivers will be asked to complete an emergency contact form on your first visit, so please be sure you have your child’s medical information. A contact phone number will be requested in case Children’s Centre Staff need to reach you promptly. RATIOS, NAPS, DAILY SCHEDULE We follow the Vancouver Coastal Health regulations of 4:1 ratio for babies and toddlers up to 2 years old, and 8:1 ratio for children 3 to 7 years. We have two nap rooms with cribs and monitors. Sanitation of the nap room is done after every visit. We have a no face-down nap policy. Please speak to the caregivers about your child’s schedule for the day. WHAT TO BRING Please send your child with a snack, diapers, wipes and a change of clothes. We also request that you do not bring toys or personal items from home to the Children’s Centre, to ensure that they will not get lost or damaged. All personal belongings will be placed in the lockers outside of Room A and Children’s Centre Staff will retrieve as needed. SNACKS, NUTRITION & ALLERGIES The Children’s Centre does not provide snacks, utensils or dishes. Children are encouraged to bring snacks and/or a lunch from home to eat while staying at the Centre. Please label all cups, bottles and containers. The Children’s Centre is Allergy Aware. Please be considerate toward Members with allergies by avoiding bringing foods that may contain nuts.



The Toddler Play Zone is available to use with bookings for the South Gymnasium. A limited number of toys and equipment will be made available for use. Please see page 34 for hours and reservation details.

SPORTBALL MULTI-SPORT (3-5 YRS) Sportball is a non-competitive sports program for preschoolers. Children are introduced to 7 popular sports: soccer, hockey, basketball, baseball, volleyball, tennis, and golf. Sportball classes are high-energy, fun, and creative.



Health and Safety measures are in place for the following programs. The room will be divided to create pods, children will be assigned their own table, and be provided with personalized supplies to promote physical distancing. SHINING STARS (2-3 YRS) Let your child come and discover all things art with stars. They will explore different mediums and learn new art skills every class. SPRING

Mar 30-Jun 15 Apr 01-Jun 17

T Th

9:15-10:30AM 9:15-10:30AM

$225.00/12 sess. $225.00/12 sess.

22000 22001

PLAYDOUGH PALS (2-3 YRS) Let’s play playdough! Join us for the fun playdough class where they can create personalized creations. SPRING

Mar 30-Jun 15 Apr 01-Jun 17

T Th

11:15-12:30PM 11:15-12:30PM

$225.00/12 sess. $225.00/12 sess.

22004 22005

ART EXPLOSION (3-5 YRS) Have a child who is creative and loves art. This independent class will satisfy your little artist. Children will be introduced to all sorts of unique art concepts. SPRING

Mar 30-Jun 15



$270.00/12 sess.


SPRINGTIME LEGO (3-5 YRS) Drop off your child and let us build great things together. Individualized Lego or Duplo projects will be available to your child each week to inspire him/her to use Lego in fun ways. Fun games, challenges, art work and Lego stories will also be a part of this program. SPRING

Apr 01-Jun 17




$270.00/12 sess.


CANCELLATION POLICY For a full refund, cancellations for children’s programs must be made before the start day and time. Once the program begins, cancellations must be received within 24 hours after the first class for a pro-rated credit. Cancellation fees may not apply if a waitlisted member can fill the spot, if a doctor’s note is provided for medical reasons, or approval is given by the Children’s Centre Manager.

Mar 30-Jun 15 Mar 30-Jun 15 Mar 30-Jun 15 Apr 01-Jun 17

T T T Th

10:45-11:45AM 12:30-1:30PM 1:45-2:45PM 10:45-11:45AM

$272.00/12 sess. $272.00/12 sess. $272.00/12 sess. $272.00/12 sess.

22015 22016 22017 22018

SPORTBALL INDOOR SOCCER (3-5 YR) Children will learn soccer fundamentals in a supportive and non-competitive setting, indoors here at the Club. Classes will be packed with high-energy fun, using imaginative coaching techniques and lots of new drills and fun games. SPRING

Apr 09-Jun 18



$251.00/11 sess.


SPRING BREAK CAMPS (2-5YRS) Classes for children 2-3 years, will engage participants in guided recreational play. We will have different play stations set up around the room for the children to explore. Classes for children 3-5 years will include recreational play through games, playdough and gym time. COVID-19 measures are in place to keep your child safe. Please bring a healthy snack and drink. SPRING BLOSSOM SPRING BREAK CLASSES (2-3 YRS) Mar 15-Mar 19 M/W/F 9:00-10:30AM $67.50/3 sess. Mar 15-Mar 19 M/W/F 11:00-12:30PM $67.50/3 sess. Mar 16-Mar 19 T/Th 9:00-10:30AM $45.00/2 sess. Mar 16-Mar 19 T/Th 11:00-12:30PM $45.00/2 sess.

23000 23001 23002 23003

BUNNIES SPRING BREAK CLASSES (2-3 YRS) Mar 22-Mar 26 M/W/F 9:00-10:30AM $67.50/3 sess. Mar 22-Mar 26 M/W/F 11:00-12:30PM $67.50/3 sess. Mar 23-Mar 26 T/Th 9:00-10:30AM $45.00/2 sess. Mar 23-Mar 26 T/Th 11:00-12:30PM $45.00/2 sess.

23007 23008 23009 23010

LIL’ LEPRECHAUN SPRING BREAK CLASSES (3-5YRS) Mar 15-Mar 19 M-F 9:00-11:30AM $160.25/5 sess. Mar 15-Mar 19 M-F 11:00-1:30PM $160.25/5 sess. Mar 15-Mar 19 M-F 1:30-4:00PM $160.25/5 sess.

23011 23012 23013

BUNNY HOP SPRING BREAK CLASSES (3-5YRS) Mar 22-Mar 26 M-F 9:00-11:30AM $160.25/5 sess. Mar 22-Mar 26 M-F 11:00-1:30PM $160.25/5 sess. Mar 22-Mar 26 M-F 1:30-4:00PM $160.25/5 sess.

23014 23015 23016

*Please see page 35 for Spring Break Camps for children 5-12 years. www.arbutusclub.com




Dance Director mhershfield@arbutusclub.com Marlene Hershfield, A.I.S.T.D, is one of Vancouver’s most respected dance educators. Some of her students have gone on to notable dance careers. She has an extensive background in teaching ballet, jazz and national as well as choreography and has adjudicated at numerous festivals. She brings decades of wisdom, and leadership to the dance program. Marlene is proud of her dynamic team of experienced teachers who are sure to inspire your children to explore and enjoy dance in many exciting forms.



The Arbutus Club Academy of Dance cultivates young dancers, ages 2.5-19 years from their first step into a dance studio through their pre-professional training. Students discover their individual artistic voices in a creative environment with the guidance of an internationally recognized faculty. The personal attention encourages students to mature as dancers, grow as individuals and enrich their passion for the art form.

Notices about classes, cancellation dates and other details will be emailed to parents of class participants throughout the year. To receive these emails, please ensure your email address is up to date by contacting Accounting at 604-269-8787 or admin@arbutusclub.com.



Here are some new procedures to know before you arrive for your class: • Participants should not arrive earlier than 5 minutes prior to their class, and must leave promptly following. • Participants arriving for their class must line up in the designated waiting area, so that the class beforehand can leave safely. • Please arrive ready to dance. • All personal items must be stored in a bag (i.e. backpack or tote bag) and brought into the studio. Nothing may be left in the hallway. • If the Club closes at any time due to COVID-19, classes may be offered via Zoom so that participants can keep learning and practicing. • Masks will be worn according to the format of the class.

PROGRAM INFORMATION Students enrolling in dance, with the exception of preschool classes, are required to make a full-year commitment as classes are progressive and depend on weekly development. Class placement is determined at the teachers discretion. There will not be a recital dance in exam classes. PROGRAM ATTENDANCE While we want our students to have fun, dancing is a commitment. Students registered in dance are expected to remain in the program for the full term. We ask that parents ensure students arrive on time, attend every class and inform us in advance by email at mhershfield@arbutusclub.com if they have to miss a class for medical, illness or other reasons. SMALL CLASSES All classes require a minimum of five participants to run at the listed price. If a class has fewer students, the teacher may offer the class with an additional charge. Members will be contacted prior to incurring any additional costs.



BALLET EXAMS Exams motivate both competitive and recreational dancers to develop discipline, confidence and a sense of achievement. Students are examined by the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing, London, England, in either the Imperial Society of Dance or the Cecchetti Society. Usually held in June and administered by international examiners, exams involve additional expenses such as entry fees and outfits. Instructors determine which dancers are ready to be examined. Examination candidates must register for at least two ballet classes per week from the grade one level. Students on pointe require a minimum of three lessons per week.

PRIVATE LESSONS $90.75 (60 min) $46.25/person (60 min)

Private lessons allow dancers to work on a skill, correct a movement, and prepare for examination and competitions. To book contact Marlene Hershfield at mhershfield@arbutusclub.com.


$73.00/year (billed in February 2021)

Ballet Exams, Competitions and Virtual Performances are all subject to safety and protocol measures due to COVID-19. VIRTUAL PERFORMANCE We will be filming the performance the week of March 1 2021 at the Arbutus Club. The time of the filming will be mostly held at the regular class time as per your childs dance lesson.

VIRTUAL PERFORMANCE COSTUMES Due to COVID-19, our ballet exams, costumes and performances are all subject to the safety and protocols measures required to run safely. More information will be provided throughout the year as available. VIRTUAL PERFORMANCE COSTUMES Any student unable to participate in the virtual performance should inform the teacher before that date or they will be charged the full cost. Extra costs may apply for loss or damages. • • • •

Performance Costume Purchase Some costumes for the virtual performance are purchased and range from $50.00-$100.00 per costume. Fees billed in March 2021. Performance Costume Rental Some costumes for the Virtual Performance are rented. For example, a dancer in five separate dances pays for five separate costume rentals. The average cost of costume rental is typically $100.00 or less per costume. Fees billed in March 2021.

Competition Costume Rental Additional rental fees are charged for each costume used in a competition. The rate for a single costume rental for competitions is based on the number of competitions performed. The rate is less than a one time wearing charge but can increase significantly based on the number of competitions entered and the number of dances performed.

DRESS CODE Dancers must conform to the following dress code. Please do not wear extra clothing, jewellery or watches. Hair must be pulled back off the face and neck.

NEW PARTICIPANTS There is still space in several dance classes listed in the Fall and Winter brochure, or online in GameTime under the Fall 2020 or Winter 2021 season. These programs continue until June, however participants are welcome to join when the spring session starts, at the discretion of the Dance Director. Fees will be pro-rated to your start date. Contact Marlene Hershfield at mhershfield@arbutusclub.com to inquire. The following classes are a few examples that are still accepting new registrations. DANCING TODDLERS (2YRS) Mar 20-Jun 15 T 10:30-11:30AM

$255.00/12 sess.


FUNKY FEET (2YRS) Jan 25-Jun 14 M

$255.00/11 sess.


LEVEL 1 AND 2 BALLET (6-8YRS) Mar 30-Jun 15 T 4:55-5:45PM $255.00/12 sess.


Level 2, 3, 4 Maroon leotard, Motion Wear style #2524C

BREAKDANCE (5-11YRS) Mar 31-Jun 16 W 4:00-5:15PM

$318.75/12 sess.


Level 5-8, Pre-Intermediate and Advanced Black spaghetti strap

JUNIOR JAZZ (6-9YRS) Mar 31-Jun 16 W 6:00-6:55PM

$255.00/12 sess.


CHARACTER Character skirts made and billed to your account Shoes: Black character shoes

TAP YOUR TOES (5-8YRS) Apr 3-Jun 19 Sa 11:45-12:40PM $212.50/10 sess.


TAP LEVEL 2 (7-10YRS) Apr 3-Jun 19 Sa 11:50-12:45PM

$212.50/10 sess.


KIDZ HIP HOP (5-7YRS) Mar 29-Jun 14 M 4:00-4:45PM $212.50/10 sess.


RECREATIONAL PRE-TEEN HIP HOP (9YRS+) Mar 29-Jun 14 M 5:50-6:45PM $212.50/10 sess.


BALLET Shoes: Pink pleated leather or soft canvas Hair: Pulled back in a bun Pink ballet tights Preschool, Primary, Level 1 Pink leotard with cap sleeve, pink skirt; Mondor 1635

JAZZ/TAP Leotard: Black jazz pants Jazz Shoes: 3-6 years - Black color, laceless leather split sole 7+ years - Beige color, laceless leather split sole Tap shoes: Junior Tap - Black oxford style flat shoes with Mary Jane style strap or laces/elastic Tap Level 4 - Beige, 1.5 inch heel shoe with capezio teletone taps with one strap. Intermediate/Advanced Tap - Beige, 2-2 1/2 inch heel tap shoe with strap Hair: Long hair in ponytail, short hair with headband HIP HOP/BREAK DANCE Running shoes or hip hop shoes. Baggy sweat pants and t-shirt or tank top.


CANCELLATION POLICY For a full refund, cancellations for dance programs must be made before the start day and time. Once the program begins, cancellations must be received within 24 hours after the first class for a pro-rated credit.




FITNESS CENTRE Health starts here. We have the latest cardio and weightlifting equipment and have developed several specific user areas with stunning aesthetics to create a workout experience that’s truly inspiring. All members who wish to use the Fitness Centre must reserve a spot in advance. Drop-in’s are not permitted until further notice.


Fitness Centre & Wellness Manager 604-269-8825 rgibb@arbutusclub.com

• • •

Over the last 20 years Robert has explored and mastered many areas of the health and fitness industry. He has used this knowledge to become a master trainer who is not only able to take you through the acute stages of rehabilitation, but push you towards achieving your goals.

• • • • •

Equipment has been spaced at least 2m/6ft apart where possible, and plexiglass barriers are installed between cardio machines. Cleaning stations and cleaning supplies are readily available. 5 minute breaks allow staff to clean between sessions. The entire Fitness Centre is sanitized thoroughly twice a day using an electrostatic spray device created by Victory Innovations. Member check-ins allow for quick contact tracing if required. Maximum numbers per area has been posted, and movement arrows promote appropriate physical distancing and flow of traffic. Touchless water fountains are available. Bring a water bottle. Lockable cubbies and mini lockers are available and must be cleaned after use. Masks must be worn at all times unless you are using the cardio machines.


Fitness Centre Coordinator 604-269-8833 FitnessCentre@arbutusclub.com Rachel has many years of experience managing fitness and health facilities as well as managing her own team. Along with being a certified trainer, she is also a Holistic Nutritionist. While helping her clients with their health goals and accomplishing their fitness goals, Rachel is always available for questions or comments regarding the fitness centre, fitness and overall health.



Reserve online in GameTime, under the ‘Fitness Centre’ heading Fitness Centre staff will meet members at the door 5 minutes before the start of the session. Youth Members age 12-15 years must complete the Youth Fitness Centre Orientation in order to book and use the facility on their own. Youth Members under 12 are not permitted to use the Fitness Centre Those 12 years and older who have not completed the orientation must be accompanied by a parent who must also have a booking. Due to waitlist demand, members who do not show for their reserved time will be billed a $10 no show fee.

FITNESS ORIENTATIONS YOUTH FITNESS ORIENTATION (12-15YRS) This introductory course will teach youth age 12-15 years the basics of how to safely and effectively use the Fitness Centre. Successful completion of this course will allow youth to come in on their own without a parent/caregiver. Cancellations must be received 48 hours prior to the start day and time. SPRING

Apr 3 Apr 24 May 8 May 22 Jun 12

Sa Sa Sa Sa Sa

12:00-1:30PM 12:00-1:30PM 12:00-1:30PM 12:00-1:30PM 12:00-1:30PM

$46.50/1 sess. $46.50/1 sess. $46.50/1 sess. $46.50/1 sess. $46.50/1 sess.

23510 23511 23512 23513 23514

Note: We offer group sessions every month but if the day and times listed do not fit your schedule, contact Robert Gibb, Fitness Centre and Wellness Manager at rgibb@arbutusclub.com or 604-269-8825 to book an individual or small group session. FITNESS CENTRE ORIENTATION (16YRS+) We are always happy to conduct Fitness Centre Orientations. These 30 minutes sessions are designed to show you around the space, introduce you to the equipment and help you familiarize yourself with the current protocols. Please contact us at 604-269-8833 to book. • • •

Sessions are limited to 30min Sessions limited to space available in the Fitness Centre Limited to ages 16 and above (unless you already have a Youth Fitness Orientation)

PERSONAL TRAINING SERVICES Regardless of your fitness level or goal, we have a team of highly educated and experienced Personal Trainers who will motivate and challenge you through a wide array of training sessions, group classes or private lessons. CREATING A SAFE ENVIROMENT • • • • • •

Trainers have access to several areas of the Club including outdoor spaces and the Fitness Centre. Hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies are readily available. Trainers have been educated on the cleaning protocols required across the Club. All training spaces and fitness equipment are sanitized several times a day. Each time a member books an appointment they will need to fill in a health declaration. Mask are worn by Trainers.

Personal Training Services • Registered Kinesiology • Nutrition Counselling • Olympic Lifting coaching • Fascial Stretch Therapy • Titleist Golf Performance-Strength coaching • Kettlebell coaching • Corrective Movement Therapy and Mobility Training • Joint replacement rehabilitation programs • Healthy Aging programs

Personal Training Rates: $55.00 30 min $75.00 60 min $55.00/person 60 min Partner Training (2pp) Registered Kinesiologist/ CHEK Trainer Rates: $88.00 60 min Fasical Stretch Therapy Rates: $88.00 60 min

Physio & Wellness


The new Physiotherapy & Wellness Centre is now located inside the Fitness Centre, enabling us to provide a collaborative and multi-disciplinary approach to help members achieve and maintain their optimal physical health and wellness goals. We will be introducing services that we feel represent the best path forward to support your journey.

Physiotherapy $85.00 $127.00 $170.00

We are committed to excellence in the assessment, treatment and prevention of injuries associated with sport, physical activity, occupation, and aging. We treat every member as a unique individual, and customize intervention plans centred on evidence based and proven treatment techniques. All sessions are in a direct one-to-one environment, using hands-on clinical skills and therapeutic exercises to assess, diagnose and treat injuries and movement dysfunctions. We strive to provide the best treatment possible to help members in achieving their optimal quality of life. WE CARE ABOUT YOUR SAFETY • • • • • • •

All Therapists follow the guidelines of their governing bodies and Worksafe BC recommendations Hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies are readily available Fifteen-minute windows between sessions are provided for cleaning and safe transition of clients. Eash treatment room is deep cleaned daily Members must complete a health declaration prior to each appointment Therapists will wear masks during all appointments Bringing your own mask is mandatory

Our team of certified professionals provide treatment to people suffering from musculoskeletal and biomechanical dysfunction. Let us help you alleviate pain, improve function and enhance performance. Physiotherapy Services: • Dry Needling (IMS) • Sports Taping • Blood Flow Restriction Therapy • Physiotherapist lead Clinical Pilates Rates: 30 min 45 min 60 min

Cheyenne Laatsch Physiotherapist MPT, BKin, FDN, MCPA

Justin Mazzei Physiotherapist MPT, BKin

Check the website for full list of available services.

REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPY Our Massage Therapists can help you release physical pain, stress and tension, allowing for an improvement in your physical and mental well-being. Massage Services: • Therapeutic Massage • Rehabilitation Massage • Sports Massage Massage Rates: $100.00 45 min $120.00 60 min $150.00 75 min $180.00 90 min

Oliver Thomas Registered Massage Therapist (RMT)

Kate Hounsell Registered Massage Therapist (RMT)



Wellness Appointments can be booked through Club Reception at 604.266.7166, the Arbutus Physiotherapy & Wellness Centre at 604.269.8771, on The Arbutus Club app.

With respect for the Therapist’s and Trainers’ time, please observe the 24 hour cancellation policy. A full service fee will be charged to your account for missed appointments and cancellations inside of 24 hours notice.

Our team of experts drawn from various areas of the Wellness industry to offer you the largest variety of services under one roof.

Massage Services: • Swedish • Deep Tissue • Prenatal • Hot Stone • Shiatsu

Aretha Moller-Roth Swedish/Deep Tissue Massage​

Audrey Cheng Massage Therapist


WHAT TO KNOW The monthly Arbutus FitPass is on hold until further notice. In the meantime, our Group Fitness team will continue to offer cardio, strength and yoga classes in accordance with each PHO update. Registration for classes will continue through GameTime and the most updated Group Fitness Schedule will remain posted on GameTime and the Club website. Please note the following:


Group Fitness Coordinator dtempesta@arbutusclub.com 604-269-8807 Daniela’s background in dance has led to a successful 19 year career in the fitness industry. Her focus is on education and instructor development through courses, workshops, evaluations and mentoring. She is an ACE-Certified Fitness instructor as well as a BCRPA Trainer of Fitness Leaders, Personal Trainer and an RYT-200 Yogi. Her Bachelor’s specialization was in Kinesiology, Sociology and Gerontology. Dani is a BCABBA Fitness competitor, fitness model, and international presenter for a number of well known associations. Her most recent accolade is being awarded as one Canada’s Top Fitness Instructors of 2019 by IMPACT magazine. If you know Dani, you are getting an authentic, joyful encounter peppered with much laughter. And if you don’t know her, she can’t wait to formally meet you.



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Minimal equipment will be made available. Members must sanitize equipment then and after use. Come dressed for your workout. Towel service is available. Touchless water station is available. Bring a water bottle.

CLASS REGISTRATION • Classes are available to view and book online under the ‘Classes & Events’ heading, and the ‘Fitness-Group’ program category. • All participants must pre-register. Drop in’s are not permitted. • As class sizes have been reduced to accomodate physical distancing, and to ensure fair access for all Members, registration for Group Fitness classes will take place on the 26th day for the upcoming month. • April classes = Friday, March 26th at 7:00am. • May classes = Monday, April 26th at 7:00am. • June classes = Wednesday, May 26th at 7:00am.

CANCELLATION POLICY For a full refund, cancellations for group fitness classes must be received 24 hours prior to the class start time. No shows will be billed the full fee. Cancellation fees may not apply if a waitlisted member can fill the spot, if a doctor’s note is provided for medical reasons, or approval is given by the Group Fitness Coordinator.



BODY 360 Get the best of cardiovascular training, muscle conditioning and core sculpting in one great class. A variety of equipment used will keep you energized for a total body experience. This class may have choreography components as part of the cardiovascular segments.

PRESENTLY NO CYCLING IS OFFERED You will be updated as resitrictions are lifted

BOSU BLAST A complete BOSU total body workout. You will exercise your mobility, cardio, strength and stability, using the BOSU as the featured piece of equipment. Combining various equipment with the BOSU as the feature, prepare to challenge your body and mind. This workout is a great compliment to all levels and the everyday movement prescription that nurtures the body to be healthy and injury free for years to come. CIRCUIT Circuit training allows you to fit a large variety of movements into your workout, resulting in a full body challenge and none of the boredom that can come with repetitive exercise. This class may move through stations around the room or individual circuits on the spot. There may be cardio or strength components in this format, but does not contain choreography. GENTLE FIT Join this gentle fitness class that focuses on mobility, stability, and fall prevention. Stay strong and stable through this supportive and encouraging environment. LIFT A strength-based conditioning class that will sculpt, tone and strengthen your entire body. Challenge all your major muscle groups while you push, pull, press, and bend using a variety of equipment including free weights resistance tubing and more. This class does not contain choreography or cardio. STEP 360 Get the best of cardiovascular training, muscle conditioning and core sculpting in one great class. A variety of equipment used will keep you energized for a total body experience. This class will have choreographed cardio segments. ZUMBA Take the ‘work’ out of working out and dance yourself into great shape. Zumba is a fun and effective workout set to Latin and International music, mixing low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness party.

HILLS & DRILLS A drill-based group cycling class focusing on intensity and power output with intervals,rolling hills, sprints, climbs, runs, surges and jumps all to music hand-picked to motivate and inspire. RIDE 360 Prepare for a fully body experience in this class. Move through intervals of cycling and conditioning, finishing with a relaxing stretch component. A variety of equipment will be used. RIDE FLOW Push yourself through a high-energy cardio ride and then reward yourself with a session of yoga-inspired stretching focused on the lower body. Percentage of ride/stretch will vary. RHYTHM RIDE The rhythm rider will enjoy a fun, heart-pumping workout moving on and off the saddle, simulating varied terrain from the shoreline to the hills. Suitable and safe for all levels, including beginners. BIKE & BOSU A combo cardio & resistance class like none other! Start with a ride and finish with resistance training using the BOSU ball.

YOGA & STRETCH FLOW YOGA Flow Yoga is characterized by a flow of dynamic connecting postures that link the movement to the breath. These classes will help you build endurance, stamina, strength and flexibility while calming the mind. A moderate to high-intensity class. HATHA YOGA Hatha uses postures and stretches in combination with the breath while holding the poses to develop flexibility and relaxation. A mild to moderate intensity class for beginners, those with previous injuries and those who want to relax. MAT PILATES An all-levels class that will help you develop stronger core strength, lower back stabilization and longer, leaner muscles. Modifications and use of props and equipment will make this practice suitable for everyone including those who want to improve balance and coordination to enhance athletic performance. YIN YANG YOGA Combine your two favourite paths of yoga: Yin and Yang for a perfectly balanced experience. Move and heat the body, focusing on lengthening the muscles and couple that with a relaxing Yin component to focus on the joint connective tissue. www.arbutusclub.com




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Group Fitness Coordinator dtempesta@arbutusclub.com 604-269-8807 Daniela’s background in dance has led to a successful 19 year career in the fitness industry. Her focus is on education and instructor development through courses, workshops, evaluations and mentoring. She is an ACE-Certified Fitness instructor as well as a BCRPA Trainer of Fitness Leaders, Personal Trainer and an RYT-200 Yogi. Her Bachelor’s specialization was in Kinesiology, Sociology and Gerontology. Dani is a BCABBA Fitness competitor, fitness model, and international presenter for a number of well known associations. Her most recent accolade is being awarded of Canada’s Top Fitness Instructors of 2019 by IMPACT magazine. If you know Dani, you are getting an authentic, joyful encounter peppered with much laughter. And if you don’t know her, she can’t wait to formally meet you.

To ensure physical distancing, limited equipment will be available for use Socks & Gloves are recommended Instructors and participants will wear a mask or face shield Class maximums and duration have been reduced 15-minute breaks have been scheduled between each class for safe transition of participants and cleaning of equipment Touchless refillable water fountain is available; bring your own water bottle Bring only what you need for class into the studio


$96.50 (45 min) $49.75/person (45 min) $39.75/person (45 min)


$87.25 (45 min)

To book a private lesson please contact Daniela Tempesta, Group Fitness & Pilates Coordinator at 604-269-8807 or email dtempesta@arbutusclub. com.

PILATES POLICIES REGISTRATION Online registration for all pilates classes closed on Sunday, January 17th. New registrants may still register if space is still available and approval is provided. Contact Daniela Tempesta at 604-269-8807 or dtempesta@arbutusclub.com to inquire. DROP-IN POLICY Drop-in participants are not permitted until further notice. All participants must be registered for a session, in order to promote small pods to practice with from week to week. MAKE UP CLASSES At this time, with limited space in classes, we are not allowing make up sessions. If you need to miss a private or semi-private session, it is at the instructor’s discretion and availability to allow a make up.

CANCELLATION POLICY For a full refund, cancellations for pilates programs must be made before the start day and time. Once the program begins, cancellations must be received within 24 hours after the first class for a prorated credit. Cancellation fees may not apply if a waitlisted member can fill the spot, if a doctor’s note is provided for medical reasons, or approval is given by the Group Fitness & Pilates Coordinator. 20





Our First Aid courses are offered by Canadian Red Cross or Lifesaving Society certified instructors. Our courses will help you become considerably more confident in your skills to be able to help someone in distress. If a medical crisis strikes, prepare yourself to control emergencies as you wait for professional responders to arrive. Caregivers are welcome to attend.

CPR C CERTIFICATION - FULL COURSE (12YRS+) This course is a must for every member in the household. Learn to recognize signs of cardiac arrest and stroke and receive hands on training in CPR and AED. You will learn the Priority Action Approach to keeping yourself safe while maintaining lifesaving CPR until paramedics arrive. This course will also cover choking for adults, children and infants. You will receive a CPR C certification at the end of the course.

CANCELLATION POLICIES One week notice based on the course start date and time is required for cancellations for any First Aid program. The fee may be waived if a waitlisted member can fill the spot, a doctor’s note is provided due to medical reasons, or approval is provided by the Aquatics Manager.


Apr 17



$73.75/1 sess.


EMERGENCY FIRST AID FULL COURSE (12YRS+) Designed for parents and caregivers, this course will teach you basic steps to responding to emergencies like severe bleeding, respiratory and circulatory emergencies, burns and wound care. This is a one-day course with hands on training in CPR and AED and at the end of the day you will receive a certification in EFA with CPR A/B. This course also includes CPR C certification. SPRING

Apr 17



$118.00/1 sess.


STANDARD FIRST AID - FULL COURSE (12YRS+) This course covers all aspects of First Aid and CPR. Prepare for in depth training in First Aid such as spinal injuries, bone and joint injuries, environmental emergencies, abdominal and chest injuries and other sudden medical emergencies such as diabetes, seizures, respiratory and circulatory emergencies etc. Upon completion you will feel more confident in your CPR and AED skills. You will receive an SFA certification at the end of the course, this course is a pre-requisite for taking the National Lifeguarding program (NLS)


Aquatics Manager 604-269-8805 jbrobbel@arbutusclub.com Julia has over a decade of management experience with more than 20 years of experience in aquatic training. She still carries the National lifeguard certification and First Aid Instructor certifications with Red Cross, Heart and Stroke Foundation and WorkSafe BC. Julia strives to enhance member services through teacher training education and first aid training with staff so that you receive top notch swim instructors and first aid delivery.


Apr 17-Apr 18

Sa/Sun 9:00-5:00PM

$176.00/2 sess.


RED CROSS BABYSITTING COURSE (11YRS+) This course will teach you the basics of child care and how to become a confident, responsible and knowledgeable babysitter. Youth will learn how to care for children of varying ranges of development and how to respond to emergencies. A course manual is provided, and a certificate is awarded when the course is completed successfully. A lunch break will be provided, and participants can either bring a lunch or purchase lunch from the Bistro. SPRING

Apr 24



$88.50/1 sess.


CPR C RE-CERTIFICATION (12YRS+) This is a refresher course for those who have taken the course before and want to renew their certification. CPR C is an Adult, Child and Infant CPR recertification. To attend this course you must show proof of your previous certification to the Instructor at the start of the class. SPRING

Apr 25



$59.00/1 sess.

21029 www.arbutusclub.com





The primary goal of our program is for each child to enhance their physical literacy through age appropriate gymnastic activities and to build self-esteem in a safe and fun environment. Each child is supported and instructed at their own pace by our nationally Certified Coaches, and will learn through movement exploration, body awareness, and safety skills.

Both recreational and competitive gymnastics camps will be offered during the second week of spring break. Camps are grouped by age and all participants will work at their own level in a small group setting.


Gymnastics Director 604-269-8840 nmcnaught@arbutusclub.com As a gymnast Nicole reached the National level and now is a Level lll NCCP Certified Coach with over 35 years of experience at the national and recreational level. Nicole is proud to offer a program that is of the highest standard in promoting a healthy and positive experience for each child at every level and age.

The Arbutus Gymnastics program is following all recommended guidelines set out by Gymnastics BC to ensure safety for both members and coaching staff during this phase of the Return-to-Play. Please be sure to read the information package which will be sent to you via email prior to class. The information package will include our safety and cleaning protocols, what to bring and wear to your class and all required documents /waivers that will need to be signed and submitted before the Winter session begins.

PRIVATE LESSONS At this time, we are offering semi-private lessons only. SEMI-PRIVATE $37.00/person (60 min)

ADDITIONAL FEES Gymnastics BC Fees: Recreational $42.00year Interclub / Junior Olympic $153.00/year Gymnastics Activity Fee $22.50/year

WINIT GYMNASTICS SPRING CAMP (6-9YRS) Mar 22-Mar 25 M-Th 9:30-11:00AM $108.00/4 sess.


WINIT GYMNASTICS SPRING CAMP (8-14YRS) Mar 22-Mar 25 M-Th 11:15-12:45PM $108.00/4 sess.


COMPETITIVE GYMNASTICS SPRING CAMP (9-18 YRS) Mar 22-Mar 25 M-Th 1:15-3:45PM $180.00/4 sess.


POD TUMBLE TIME This is a weekly semi-private gym time with 3-5 participants made up of families who are in each other’s social bubble and are not required to physically distance. Children must be accompanied by a parent/caregiver and may play freely in the designated areas of the Gymnastics Studio. Age appropriate activities along with obstacle courses will be set up to develop both fine and gross motor skills. Participants must commit to all dates within the short session. Once a pod has been established, only one member from the pod needs to register for an available time slot online. Once a time slot has been secured, they will be contacted to provide the names of other participants. Fees are $37 per participant per 60 minute session, and will be billed to each participating members’ account. POD TUMBLE TIME (8MON-5YRS) SPRING

CANCELLATION POLICY For a full refund, cancellations for gymnastics programs must be made before the start day and time. Once the program begins, cancellations must be received within 24 hours after the first class for a pro-rated credit. Cancellation fees may not apply if a waitlisted member can fill the spot, if a doctor’s note is provided for medical reasons, or approval is given by the Gymnastics Director. Cancellation requests for any reason for full year programs, requires approval of the Gymnastics Director.



Mar 29-May 03 Mar 29-May 03 May 10-Jun 14 May 10-Jun 14


9:30-10:30AM 11:00-12:00PM 9:30-10:30AM 11:00-12:00PM

$185.00/5 sess. $185.00/5 sess. $185.00/5 sess. $185.00/5 sess.

24255 24256 24257 24258



The Arbutus Club Hockey Development program (ACHD) is designed to give each player the best opportunity to develop his or her skills in the game of hockey, at any age. Our professional Coaches are all well qualified to help you or your player build the skills and confidence needed to excel.

There is no drop-in use of the Main or Mini Rink until further notice. Members may book available ice times in advance online in GameTime.


$100.00 (60 min)

SEMI-PRIVATE X 2 people X 3 people X 4 people

$65.00/person (60 min) $53.33/person (60 min) $47.50/person (60 min)

RESERVATIONS • Rinks are divided into ‘North’ and ‘South’ sides and each is available for 1 hour bookings followed by a 15 min flood • The blue divider must remain in place at all times. • Bookings are available for families living in the same household or trusted pods of up to 6 people for general use • Maximum of 3 bookings per booking ‘owner’ per 6 day period • Members 8 years and under must have 1 adult supervising and included in the rink booking • No spectators permitted at this time.

To book a private lesson, please contact one of our instructors:


Rafie Protopapas rafieprotopapas@hotmail.com Lucas Bedford lucas.bedford@alumni.ubc.ca Jason Fothergill jfothergill@arbutusclub.com

MINOR HOCKEY Minor Hockey Registration will take place for returning players in April online through the Hockey Canada Registry. All returning players will be notified of exact dates via e-mail. For new player registration or further information on the 2021-2022 season, please contact Jason Fothergill at jfothergill@ arbutusclub.com.

Weekly Programs: For a full refund, cancellations for ACHD programs must be made before the start day and time. Once the program begins, cancellations must be received within 24 hours after the first class for a pro-rated credit. Cancellation fees may not apply if a waitlisted member can fill the spot, if a doctor’s note is provided for medical reasons, or approval is given by the ACHD Director. Private Lessons: A minimum of 24 hours notice is required. Notice must be provided to the Instructor with whom the lesson is booked with.



Minor Hockey & ACHD Director jfothergill@arbutusclub.com A former Junior Hockey player, Jason has been involved in the development of players at the Minor Hockey level, and coaching athletes at the Pee Wee and Bantam AAA levels. He has served as Assistant Coach with the Burnaby Express Junior A Hockey Club of the BCHL. He also worked with the BC Best Ever programs at both the male and female levels. Follow us on Twitter: @ArbutusClubMHA

SPRING 4 ON 4 Our 4 on 4 program allows players to go out and enjoy structured 4 on 4 in a fun creative manner. Prior to each on ice session the players are divided up evenly and after a brief warm up the puck drops for a game of 4 on 4. Our staff officiate the games and run the score clock to bring an added game like atmosphere. If you are looking to stay on the ice once a week and have a great skate our 4 on 4 program is ideal for your player. ACHD 4 ON 4 (U7, U8 & U9) Apr 01-Jun 10 Th 4:00-5:00PM

$275.00/11 sess.


ACHD 4 ON 4 (U11) Apr 01-Jun 10 Th


$275.00/11 sess.


ACHD 4 ON 4 (U13) Apr 01-Jun 10 Th


$275.00/11 sess.


ACHD 4 ON 4 (U15 & U18) Apr 01-Jun 10 Th 7:30-8:30PM

$275.00/11 sess.

29026 www.arbutusclub.com





Shito Ryu (pronounced Shee-toe-roo) is one of the four main styles of Karate practiced worldwide. The Shito Ryu Karate offered at The Arbutus Club is affiliated with the Shito Ryu International Karate do Kai of Japan. If you would like to improve coordination, increase flexibility, develop strength, and learn self-defense then try karate.

LITTLE NINJAS (5-6 YRS) This is a starter class for children interested in karate. Classes are fun, yet structured and disciplined to build self-control and confidence. Fundamental movement skills will be introduced through basic karate skills such as punches, kicks and forms, taught in a safe and friendly environment.



Karate Coordinator achung@arbutusclub.com Alice is a fifth degree black belt and was awarded the title of Renshi by the Japanese Shito Ryu Karatedo Association in 2015. She was previously a Member of the Atlantic-Richfield Karate Team and the Transworld Oil Karate Team in the mid 1980’s. She was also nationally ranked by Karate Illustrated Magazine. Alice was a gold medallist at the 6th World Shito Ryu Karate Championships in New York in 2007, and a bronze medallist for the 7th World Championships in Japan.

The Club’s karate program is following all recommended guidelines set out by Karate BC to ensure safety for both members and coaching staff during this phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. • Class sizes have been reduced to ensure physical distancing. • Transition time has been provided between classes for participants to enter and leave the studios safely and provide time for cleaning. • Hand sanitizer and disinfectant is readily available. • Participants are encouraged to wear martial arts shoes or grip socks to class (instead of bare feet), and wash their hands regularly.

REQUIRED CLOTHING Beginners are not required to wear the karate uniform. Appropriate attire is loose fitting, comfortable clothes. White karate uniforms and protective equipment may be ordered through the Karate Professional and billed to your account.

PRIVATE LESSONS PRIVATE $30.00 (30 min) SEMI-PRIVATE $16.50/person (30 min)

ADDITIONAL FEES Karate Activity Fee $14.00/season Shito Ryu Fee $20.00/year Karate BC Fees: • Children (under 16 yrs) $35.00/year • Adults (16 yrs+) $55.00/year • Black belts $70.00/year • Grading $20.00/belt


Apr 01-Jun 17 Apr 09-Jun 18

Th F

3:45-4:30PM 3:45-4:30PM

$144.00/12 sess. $132.00/11 sess.

25525 25526

BEGINNER KARATE - WHITE AND RED BELTS (7YRS+) Beginners start with the ABC’s of athleticism (agility, balance, coordination and speed), taught through principles of karate including direction of movement, body shifting, defense techniques and basic stances, punches, strikes, kicks and blocks. Games and activities will encourage improvements in quickness, agility, strength, and a positive mental outlook. SPRING

Mar 29-Jun 14 Apr 01-Jun 17 Apr 09-Jun 18

M Th F

3:40-4:40PM 4:40-5:40PM 4:40-5:40PM

$160.00/10 sess. $192.00/12 sess. $176.00/11 sess.

25530 25531 25532

COLOUR BELT KARATE - YELLOW TO BROWN (7YRS+) Students continue to develop fundamental movement skills and improve on their karate techniques in order to advance to the next belt level. Defensive concepts, decision making and focus of power are further explored through physically distanced skills and drills. SPRING

Mar 29-Jun 14 Apr 09-Jun 18


4:40-5:40PM 5:40-6:40PM

$160.00/10 sess. $176.00/11 sess.

25535 25536

COLOUR BELT KARATE - ADVANCED (12YRS+) This class is for more advanced coloured belt students to continue to develop fundamental movement skills and improve on their karate techniques in order to advance to the next belt level. Defensive concepts, decision making and focus of power are further explored through physically distanced skills and drills. If you are unsure if this is the correct class for you, contact Alice Chung at achung@arbutusclub.com SPRING

Apr 01-Jun 17



$192.00/12 sess.


ADULT PROGRAMS CANCELLATION POLICY For a full refund, cancellations for karate programs must be made before the start day and time. Once the program begins, cancellations must be received within 24 hours after the first class for a pro-rated credit. Cancellation fees may not apply if a waitlisted member can fill the spot, if a doctor’s note is provided for medical reasons, or approval is given by the Karate Coordinator. 24


ADULT KARATE - ALL LEVELS (16+YRS) This is a supportive class designed for beginner to advanced levels. Once the basics are learned, participants begin to explore more complex movements and strategies, such as defensive and offensive concepts, that focus on physical and mental conditioning. Skills and drills will be physically distanced until further notice. SPRING

Apr 01-Jun 17



$288.00/12 sess.




The study of Music can be an amazing tool for helping people of all ages, particularly children, develop creatively, intellectually and emotionally. This is why the Arbutus Club Music Program offers private lessons in piano, guitar, saxophone, flute, clarinet and voice, for members of all ages. We have highly qualified, enthusiastic and experienced teaching staff available five days a week at very competitive rates. We believe in providing the best instruction with emphasis on recreational playing, providing the student with the basics of music education tailored with music that they enjoy.

REGISTRATION Private music lessons are booked for the full year from September to June. Weekly lessons of 30, 45 or 60 minutes are available and scheduled at the mutual availability of student and teacher. Regular attendance and practice between lessons is important to students’ success. Students new to the program can either contact the teacher of their choice or Megan Gallant at mgallant@arbutusclub.com or 604-269-8909 for help selecting a teacher.

OUR TEACHERS Clarinet/Saxophone/Flute

Graham Howell



Adam Rohrlick


Piano/Music Theory

Olga Iouskevitch Djina Stojkov Martina Govednik

604-269-8879 604-269-8883 604-269-8873

Voice (online only)

Martina Govednik



$40.00 (30 min) $60.00 (45 min) $80.00 (60 min)

ACTIVITY FEE $65.00/year

LESSON DELIVERY The Music Teachers will follow the guidelines and recommendations of the BC Registered Music Teachers’ Association and public health officials to ensure the health and safety of students, parents and Teachers. Music lessons will be available online or in-person delivery, with the exception of voice which will be available online only until further notice. The method of delivery will be dependent upon Teacher and student preferences. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS • Students will be asked to complete a waiver prior to the first lesson. • For in-person lessons, students must wait outside the music studio until the Teacher invites them in. • Students and Teachers will wash or sanitize hands before and after the lesson. • Teachers will wear a mask or face shield, and students are also asked to bring and wear a mask or face shield, as 2m/6ft physical distancing may not be possible at all times. • Teachers will sanitize instruments and studio furniture in between lessons • Alternative facility spaces will be utilized for lessons to ensure proper air circulation and physical distancing as much as possible • No voice or wind instrument lessons due to COVID-19. • MISSED LESSONS At the discretion of the Teacher, one lesson from January-June, may be made up due to illness, if a minimum of 24 hours notice is provided. There are no credits or make-ups for lessons missed for sports, vacation or other leisure activities. Teachers will hand out a department calendar at the first lesson, with information about term session dates and holidays for reference.



Recreation Services Coordinator 604-269-8909 mgallant@arbutusclub.com Megan is the staff liaison for a number of recreational program areas at The Club, including the Music & Dramatics Arts Program. She is always looking for new ideas for events and programs. and welcomes your feedback or suggestions.

WITHDRAWALS If a student wishes to withdraw after committing to the private lesson program, the Teacher must be notified in writing directly. The student will be billed one month from the date the notice was received. An exception may be made if the lesson time can be filled immediately by another student or if a doctor’s note is provided if the reason is due to medical reasons. RECITALS Music Recitals are typically held three times per year, for our young musicans to showcase their skills and talents in front of a live audience. Recitals will be on hold until further notice.







Pickleball is a dynamic sport that combines badminton, tennis and table tennis. The net is lower to allow for faster play and it is a very social sport where you can meet, play and have fun with fellow Members. New players are always welcome.

Please note that the Coach reserves the right to move participants who are not registered for the correct level. Participants are strongly encouraged to bring their own paddle, or purchase one from The Shoppe.

There are two designated pickleball courts, P1 and P2, located outdoors, as well as indoor courts available in the North Gymnasium. All courts must be reserved in advance. There is no drop-in play, round robins or spectators until further notice.

LEARN TO PLAY PICKLEBALL (16YRS+) Begin your process of understanding this fast-growing sport. Participants will leave with an understanding of the basic rules of pickleball, the proper way to hold a paddle, how to keep score and how to serve.


Pickleball & Tennis Admin Assistant 604-269-8895 pickleball@arbutusclub.com

Serena plays a key role supporting both the Pickleball and Tennis departments. If you would like more information on this dynamic sport contact Serena.

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Courts must be booked in advance online in GameTime and a minimum of 2 players names must be listed. No walk-on or drop-in play permitted. One court per member may be booked up to 6 days in advance, starting at 6am online. Players must check in for their court at Club Reception upon arrival. Same day bookings are permitted if courts are available Players are encouraged to play with members of the same household or trusted pods. Spectators & guests are not permitted. Each player must use their own paddle and balls. Refillable water fountain available, bring a water bottle. Players must setup and take down the nets before and after their booking, unless the following court is booked for an incoming group and they have arrived.

OUTDOOR COURTS P1 AND P2 • Court reservations are available under the ‘PICKLEBALL’ heading in GameTime. NORTH GYMNASIUM • Court reservations are available under the ‘NORTH GYM’ heading in GameTime.

EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS Schedules, notices and information about Pickleball is sent out regularly through email. To be added to our mailing list please email pickleball@ arbutusclub.com


Apr 06-Apr 27 May 04-May 25 Jun 01-Jun 22 Apr 07-Apr 28 May 05-May 26 Jun 02-Jun 23


12:00-1:15PM 12:00-1:15PM 12:00-1:15PM 5:15-6:30PM 5:15-6:30PM 5:15-6:30PM

$120.00/4 sess. $120.00/4 sess. $120.00/4 sess. $120.00/4 sess. $120.00/4 sess. $120.00/4 sess.

28330 28331 28332 28333 28334 28335

INTERMEDIATE PICKLEBALL (16YRS+) For players who have a strong knowledge of the rules and play but want to develop their skills further. Participants will leave with an understanding of different serves and placement, shot placement during a game, developing and improving their third shot, making proper forehand and backhand shots, play lob shots, hit an overhead shot and smash, understanding how to volley and improving their dinking skills. SPRING

Apr 06-Apr 27 May 04-May 25 Jun 01-Jun 22 Apr 07-Apr 28 Jun 02-Jun 23


1:15-2:30PM 1:15-2:30PM 1:15-2:30PM 6:30-7:45PM 6:30-7:45PM

$120.00/4 sess. $120.00/4 sess. $120.00/4 sess. $120.00/4 sess. $120.00/4 sess.

28340 28341 28342 28343 28344

ADVANCED BEGINNER PICKLEBALL (16YRS+) Geared toward the player who is new to the sport and has an understanding of the rules. Participants will increase their knowledge of pickleball by learning about key parts of the game; ball placement, making proper forehand and backhand shots, dinking and game strategy. SPRING

Apr 06-Apr 27 May 04-May 25 May 05-May 26 Jun 01-Jun 22


2:30-3:45PM 2:30-3:45PM 6:30-7:45PM 2:30-3:45PM

$120.00/4 sess. $120.00/4 sess. $120.00/4 sess. $120.00/4 sess.

28360 28361 28362 28363




For a full refund, cancellations for pickleball programs must be made before the start day and time. Once the program begins, cancellations must be received within 24 hours after the first class for a pro-rated credit. Cancellation fees may not apply if a waitlisted member can fill the spot, if a doctor’s note is provided for medical reasons, or approval is given.



EQUIPMENT AND ATTIRE Children 8 years and under or Level 6 and below, are required to wear a CSA approved helmet while on the ice for any of the following programs. Wear warm clothing that does not restrict movement. Gloves are mandatory.

This is a skill-based, technical program focusing on edge control, turns, crosscuts, power thrusts, agility maneuvers and drills. Participants must be able to focus on technical skating basics and be able to skate backwards. Full hockey gear encouraged. Gloves and a CSA approved helmet are required.

PRIVATE LESSONS Prviate lessons offer a great opportunity for improvement due to individual attention, instruction and correction. Rates are dependent on the numbers of students and the certification of the instructor.

POWER SKATING 1 (5-7YRS) Mar 29-Jun 07 M 4:00-5:00PM Apr 11-Jun 13 Su 11:00-12:00PM

$194.40/9 sess. $194.40/9 sess.

24525 24526

POWER SKATING 2 (8-12YRS+) Mar 29-Jun 07 M 7:45-8:45PM Apr 11-Jun 13 Su 12:15-1:15PM

$194.40/9 sess. $194.40/9 sess.

24527 24528

ADDITIONAL FEES Billed once per season September 2020 - August 2021


Skate Canada Fee $43.65/year Figure Skating Activity Fee Junior Skaters $29.15/year (skate 1x/week) Senior Skaters $49.15/year (skate 2x/week) Learn to Skate Activity Fee $20.00/year

The Figure Skating program encompasses 7 levels ranging from beginner to advanced. Skaters progress from learning the basics of glide, stroke and balance, both forward and backward, to techniques for edges and turns and then to spin, jump and creative movement. Skaters will be divided into groups according to ability.

LEARN TO SKATE The Learn to Skate program serves as the feeder program for all ice sports and will prepare students for recreational skating, figure skating or hockey. The program encompasses 5 skill levels moving from beginner to advanced. All participants must be able to stand and move independently. LEARN TO SKATE – PRESCHOOL 1 BEGINNER (3-5YRS) Classes for this level will be offered on a private lesson basis only. A parent or caregiver will be required to be on the ice. Contact Pam Greenslade to inquire.

JUNIOR ACHIEVER LEVELS 2-4 (4YRS+) Mar 29-Jun 07 M 4:00-5:00PM Mar 30-Jun 08 T 4:00-5:00PM Mar 31-Jun 09 W 4:00-5:00PM Apr 09-Jun 11 F 5:15-6:15PM Apr 10-Jun 12 Sa 11:00-12:00PM

$194.40/9 sess. $237.60/11 sess. $237.60/11 sess. $216.00/10 sess. $194.40/9 sess.

24900 24901 24902 24903 24904

EXCEL LEVELS 5 AND 6+ (4YRS+) This is an advanced class designed to bridge the gap between the advanced levels of our Junior Achievers program and private lessons. This program builds on the basics taught previously and will prepare skaters for entry into the Skate Canada test and competitive system. The syllabus will touch on the freeskate, interpretive, dance and skills components of Skate Canada programs. Most skaters do a mix of group and private or semi-private lessons. It is recommended that skaters do at least 2 sessions per week. Mar 29-Jun 07 M 4:00-5:00PM $194.40/9 sess. 24905 Mar 30-Jun 08 T 4:00-5:00PM $237.60/11 sess. 24906 Mar 31-Jun 09 W 4:00-5:00PM $237.60/11 sess. 24907 Apr 09-Jun 11 F 5:15-6:15PM $216.00/10 sess. 24908 Apr 10-Jun 12 Sa 11:00-12:00PM $194.40/9 sess. 24909

LEARN TO SKATE - PRESCHOOL 2 (3-5YRS) Mar 30-Jun 08 T 9:45-10:15AM $176.00/11 sess. Mar 30-Jun 08 T 1:30-2:00PM $176.00/11 sess. Apr 01-Jun 10 Th 9:45-10:15AM $176.00/11 sess. Apr 01-Jun 10 Th 1:30-2:00PM $176.00/11 sess.

24500 24501 24502 24503

LEARN TO SKATE - PRESCHOOL 3 TO ADVANCED (3-5YRS) Mar 30-Jun 08 T 10:15-10:45AM $176.00/11 sess. Mar 30-Jun 08 T 2:00-2:30PM $176.00/11 sess. Apr 01-Jun 10 Th 10:15-10:45AM $176.00/11 sess. Apr 01-Jun 10 Th 2:00-2:30PM $176.00/11 sess.

24504 24505 24506 24507

LEARN TO SKATE - PRESCHOOL ALL LEVELS 2+ (3-5 YRS) Apr 11-Jun 13 Su 1:30-2:00PM $144.00/9 sess.



LEARN TO SKATE - SCHOOL AGE LEVEL 2 TO ADV (5YRS+) Mar 29-Jun 07 M 4:00-5:00PM $194.40/9 sess. Mar 30-Jun 08 T 4:00-5:00PM $237.60/11 sess. Mar 31-Jun 09 W 4:00-5:00PM $237.60/11 sess. Apr 09-Jun 11 F 5:15-6:15PM $216.00/10 sess. Apr 10-Jun 12 Sa 11:00-12:00PM $194.40/9 sess. Apr 11-Jun 13 Su 2:00-3:00PM $194.40/9 sess.

24515 24516 24517 24518 24519 24520

Cancellation policies for skating programs, are the same as all other areas, and are listed on page 2. Cancellations may not apply for some medical exceptions, or when approval is provided by the Skating Director. Private lessons require a minimum of 24 hours to cancel or lessons will be billed in full.



Skating Director 604-269-8855 pgreenslade@arbutusclub.com Pam is a Gold Medallist and an NCCP Level III - partial Level IV-certified coach. She holds a B.Ed degree from UBC. Pam has trained skaters from recreational to elite level competitors. She has had students compete at the regional, provincial, national and international level in singles and pairs. Many of Pam’s students have attained Gold Medal status in Figures, Freeskate, Dance, Skills and Interpretive components of the Skate Canada figure skating program.




• • • • • • • DREW HENDERSON

Head Squash Pro dhenderson@arbutusclub.com 604-269-8892 After spending a year in England watching his father play on the Oxford University squash team, young Drew was hooked on squash. After moving to Victoria BC, he was coached by Phil Green and started playing competitive junior squash. Competing at the Provincial and National Level, Drew quickly became one of the top players in BC and started playing in Professional events. He began Coaching Squash in Victoria with Ben Uliana at the Cedar Hill Squash Club. After moving to Vancouver he became the Assistant Pro at the Bentall Athletic Centre and the Vancouver Lawn and Tennis Club. He has also spent time in Toronto coaching Canada’s top junior programs at some of the countries finest clubs.



• • • •

No walk-on or drop-in play is permitted until further notice Courts must be booked in advance online in GameTime One court per day may be booked, up to 6 days in advance starting at 6am Same day bookings are permitted if courts are available Players must check in with Club Reception before proceeding to the court Players are encouraged to play with members of the same household or trusted pods Strongly recommended for each player to use their own balls and racquets Ball machine is available at $10.00 per court time. Refillable water fountain available, bring a water bottle Additional spectators are not permitted in the Squash Lounge Courts and Lounge are to be used for squash activities only (no fitness, pickleball, etc)

EQUIPMENT & ATTIRE All players must wear non-marking court shoes and are strongly encouraged to wear protective eye wear to prevent droplet transmission. Eyewear is mandatory for all junior players, age 18 years and under. Racquets, balls and protective eyewear are not available to sign-out at Club Reception currently. Sanitized racquets and eyewear may be available to members registered in programs or private lessons.

PRIVATE LESSONS PRIVATE 1 session 5 sessions SEMI-PRIVATE 1 session 5 sessions

$65.00 (45 min) $300.00 (45 min)

$86.75 (60 min) $403.00 (60 min)

$38.00/person (45 min) $183.50/person (45 min)

$50.00/person (60 min) $246.50/person (60 min)

To book private lessons, please contact the Squash Pro, Drew Henderson, at 604-269-8892.




To prevent the spread of COVID-19: • Squash courts, equipment and high touch surfaces will be sanitized frequently throughout the day • Squash Coach will wear a full-face shield and mask while instructing programs and private lessons • Participants will be encouraged to physically distance while on court and in the Squash Lounge. • Maximum of 2 players per court will be enforced (except for group programs or clinics, in a controlled format) • Participants must bring their own racquet and eyewear • Hand sanitizer and disinfectant is available

Leagues, ladders and drop-in sessions are currently on hold. The Club’s squash programs will follow all recommended guidelines set out by Squash BC to ensure safety for both members and coaching staff during this phase of the Return-to-Play. Information will be communicated to squash players through email.

EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS To be added to our squash mailing list please send your email to Drew Henderson at dhenderson@arbutusclub.com.

SPRING BREAK CAMPS Youngster beginner/intermediate squash players will learn how to properly play the game of Squash! Skills, drills and movement patterns will be taught with use of specialized equipment while maintaining a focus on FUN and fitness throughout the sessions. Squash-based games will be played throughout. GET SQUASHED - SQUASH FUNDAMENTALS CAMP (8-12YRS) Mar 15-Mar 19 M-F 10:00-12:00PM $235.00/5 sess. 26662 GET SQUASHED - SQUASH STARS CAMP (12-18YRS) Mar 22-Mar 26 M-F 10:00-12:00PM $235.00/5 sess. BI-RACKETS SPRING BREAK CAMP (10-14YRS) Mar 15-Mar 19 M-F 10:00-2:30PM $528.75/5 sess. Mar 22-Mar 26 M-F 10:00-2:30PM $528.75/5 sess.


26665 26666


SQUASH STARS - GOLD (12-18YRS) These sessions are for players who have played for a few years and want to take their game to the next level. Intermediate/Advanced players will perform drills at a higher pace and difficulty. Skills like rotating drives, volleys and attacking shots will be the focus. Competitive match play also plays a big part throughout these sessions so that juniors get a feel for winning the game. Juniors at this level should be playing local tournaments and getting used to competition.



Mar 29-Jun 14 Apr 01-Jun 17

M Th

5:15-6:15PM 6:15-7:45PM

$235.00/10 sess. $423.00/12 sess.

26648 26649

ADULT CLINICS LADIES SQUASH DRILLS (18YRS+) This group session is for women who have a good understanding of the game and are comfortable doing basic drills. There will be a theme each session and drills/exercises to work on specific shots and strategies. Games will be played at the end of each session focusing on what was learned that day. SPRING

SQUASH FOR KIDS (6-8 YRS) This class is a great way to get your child into the game of Squash. The basics such as throwing and catching will be taught along with hand eye coordination and swinging the racket. Fun games will be played throughout. Equipment will be provided if necessary.

BEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE Mar 29-Jun 14 M 1:00-2:00PM $235.00/10 sess. Apr 09-Jun 18 F 1:00-2:00PM $258.50/11 sess. INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED Apr 10-Jun 19 Sa 11:15-12:15PM $235.00/10 sess.

26657 26658 26660


Mar 31-Jun 16



$282.00/12 sess.


SQUASH FUNDAMENTALS (8-12YRS) Youngster beginner/intermediate squash players will learn how to properly play the game of Squash. Skills, drills and movement patterns will be taught with use of specialized equipment while maintaining a focus on FUN and fitness throughout the sessions. SPRING

Mar 29-Jun 14 Mar 30-Jun 15 Mar 31-Jun 16 Apr 01-Jun 17 Apr 09-Jun 18 Apr 10-Jun 19

M T W Th F Sa

4:00-5:00PM 4:00-5:00PM 4:00-5:00PM 4:00-5:00PM 4:00-5:00PM 1:45-2:45PM

$235.00/10 sess. $282.00/12 sess. $282.00/12 sess. $282.00/12 sess. $258.50/11 sess. $235.00/10 sess.

26635 26636 26637 26638 26639 26640

SQUASH STARS (12-17YRS) Beginner/Intermediate players will learn drills to better their game along with strategy, tactics, and techniques. Match play also plays a big part throughout these sessions so that juniors get a feel for the game. Once junior players reach this level, they are encouraged to participate in the local tournaments to slowly introduce them to competition.

MEN’S BEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE SQUASH DRILLS (18YRS+) These fun drill sessions are a great way to get in shape and practice specific shots and combinations. Men who mostly play matches are encouraged to attend these drill sessions to improve their game. Drills that focus on footwork, shot selection and technique and will be tailored to the participants needs. Beginner and Intermediate players are welcome. SPRING

Mar 31-Jun 16 Apr 09-Jun 18


6:30-7:30PM 6:30-7:30PM

$282.00/12 sess. $258.50/11 sess.

26654 26655

MEN’S ADVANCED SQUASH DRILLS (18YRS+) These sessions are for players 1300pts and above. Take your game to the next level. These sessions will focus on volleys, attacking, getting better length, winning strategy and much more. Players who attend these sessions should already be playing competitive matches and wanting to sharpen their skills. It will be a tough workout. SPRING

Mar 29-Jun 15 Apr 10-Jun 19

T Sa

6:30-8:00PM 3:00-4:30PM

$423.00/12 sess. $352.50/10 sess.

26651 26652


Mar 30-Jun 15 Apr 09-Jun 18 Apr 10-Jun 19

T F Sa

5:15-6:15PM 5:15-6:15PM 12:30-1:30PM

$282.00/12 sess. $258.50/11 sess. $235.00/10 sess.

26644 26645 26646






Tennis Director & Head Tennis Pro 604-269-8894 mstopforth@arbutusclub.com As a team, The Arbutus Tennis Department strives to welcome members of all levels and all ages. Whether you are looking to start playing, wanting to improve your tennis game, or aspiring to compete, our Tennis Canada Certified coaches have the experience and expertise to develop your skills and help you reach your tennis goals.

TENNIS TEAM Pat Macken Gerry Macken Thaddy Brine Todd Crowther Max Brown Jeremy Salvo Stephanie Laoun Tiana Xie Wes Bertsch Steve Yesowick Elias Faltenhine

TENNIS CONTACTS Mark Stopforth General Inquiries, Ladders, Adult Programs & Facilities mstopforth@arbutusclub.com Serena Ly Billing Inquiries & Private Lessons tennis@arbutusclub.com



Courts must be booked in advance online in GameTime and a minimum of 2 players names must be listed No walk-on or drop-in play is permitted until further notice. One court per member may be booked up to 6 days in advance, starting at 6am online in GameTime. Same day bookings are permitted if courts are available Players are encouraged to play with members of the same household or trusted pods Physical distancing of 6ft/2m (3m on court) must be observed at all times Strongly recommended for each player to use their own balls and racquets Refillable water fountain available, bring a water bottle

TENNIS ATTIRE Men/Boys: Tennis related t-shirts, shirts (with sleeves), and shorts. Women/Girls: Tennis related t-shirts, shirts or coordinated tennis outfits. Leggings/yoga pants may be worn with a skirt. Please note that the following items are not to be worn to lessons or on the courts: basketball shorts, swim shorts, skateboard shorts, walking shorts, dress pants, jeans, dress shoes or running shoes that leave marks.

TENNIS BUILDING ACCESS If you have a court booking for courts 1-4, please enter through the main entrance of the tennis building and exit via the south door. When dropping off children for classes, parents are asked to leave the building once their children are settled into the classes. All players are asked to wash or sanitize their hands before and after each lesson. Please remember to practice physical distancing at all times.

EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS Receive updates about tennis at the Club by subscribing to the tennis mailing list. To join, send your email address to the Tennis Office at tennis@ arbutusclub.com.



HEAD TENNIS PRO Private $88.00 (60 min) Semi-Private $50.25/person (60 min) Group of 3 $37.75/person (60 min) Group of 4 $30.25/person (60 min) SENIOR TENNIS PRO Private Semi-Private Group of 3 Group of 4

$85.00 (60 min) $49.25/person (60 min) $34.50/person (60 min) $28.25/person (60 min)

TENNIS PRO Private Semi-Private Group of 3 Group of 4

$80.00 (60 min) $42.75/person (60 min) $31.25/person (60 min) $26.25/person (60 min)



PROGRAM REGISTRATION NOTICE Please note that we ask that you do not sign yourself or your children up for group programs based strictly on time convenience. It is important that players are registering for classes that are a suitable level in fairness to all Members. The Tennis Pros reserve the right to move players across levels as they see fit. Programs require a minimum of three participants to run. If a program does not fill, we may ask you to join a class of the same level on another day. ATTENDANCE AND MAKE-UP LESSONS There is no credit or make ups for missed group lessons. HOLIDAYS Group programs are not scheduled to run on statutory holidays or long weekends, and the program fees are pre-calculated to reflect this.


$20.00/season (Junior Programs only)

Privately arranged tennis lessons run for 60 min and may be scheduled at the mutual availability of participant and coach. Members may enroll in lessons at any time of the year pending court and coach availability. BOOKING LESSONS Private lessons may be booked directly with a Tennis Pro, or you can contact the Tennis Office at tennis@arbutusclub.com or 604-269-8895. HOLIDAYS Private lessons will not take place on statutory holidays. The Club follows the public school calendar. If this does not suit your schedule, please note this at the time of booking with the Tennis Pro and special arrangements may be made in advance.

CANCELLATION POLICIES Weekly Programs: For a full refund, cancellations for tennis programs must be made before the start day and time. Once the program begins, cancellations must be received within 24 hours after the first class for a pro-rated credit. Cancellation fees may not apply if a waitlisted member can fill the spot, if a doctor’s note is provided for medical reasons, or approval is given by the Tennis Director. Please note that sessions within a program may be cancelled from time to time for special tennis events or tournaments. Participants will be informed in advance if their class will be cancelled and a refund will be provided. Private Lessons: A minimum of one business day’s notice is required. Contact the Tennis Office at tennis@arbutusclub.com or 604-269-8895.






“What level of play do I sign myself or my children up for?” To help guide you through this process, The Arbutus Club Tennis Department uses the Universal Tennis Rating Program for determining skill levels.

The following classes are offered in monthly sessions. • April classes will open for registration on Tuesday, March 2nd at 7:00am with the first day of Spring Registration. • May classes will open for registration on Monday, April 26th at 7:00am.

ADULT LEVEL DEFINITIONS BEGINNER: UTR 1.0-2.5 This player is in the initial phase of development. Clinics and drills will be structured with the primary focus being understanding ball control, grips, footwork patterns and recovery with sound fundamentals and consistency being the outcome. Players will also begin to understand court positions, basic tactics and tennis scoring. INTERMEDIATE: UTR 2.5-4.5 This player has strong fundamentals and can maintain a consistent rally from all parts of the court. Clinics and drills will be structured with a focus on power and spin. Players footwork, stroke conformity and on court movement will be challenged with consistency combined with power and spin being the intended outcome. Intermediate players currently compete in leagues, tournaments and social matches.


Mar 29-Apr 26 Apr 09-Apr 30




BEGINNER TENNIS CLINIC (19YRS+) Mar 30-Jun 15 T 1:00-2:00PM Mar 30-Jun 15 T 6:00-7:00PM Apr 01-Jun 17 Th 1:00-2:00PM Apr 01-Jun 17 Th 6:00-7:00PM

$282.00/12 sess. $282.00/12 sess. $282.00/12 sess. $282.00/12 sess.

27060 27061 27062 27063

SECONDARY TENNIS CLINIC (19YRS+) Mar 31-Jun 16 W 1:00-2:00PM

$282.00/12 sess.


INTERMEDIATE TENNIS CLINIC (19YRS+) Mar 30-Jun 15 T 2:00-3:00PM $282.00/12 sess. Mar 30-Jun 15 T 7:00-8:00PM $282.00/12 sess. Apr 01-Jun 17 Th 2:00-3:00PM $282.00/12 sess. Apr 01-Jun 17 Th 7:00-8:00PM $282.00/12 sess.

27070 27071 27072 27073

ADVANCED TENNIS CLINIC (19YRS+) Mar 30-Jun 15 T 8:00-9:00PM Mar 31-Jun 16 W 2:00-3:00PM Apr 01-Jun 17 Th 8:00-9:00PM

27075 27076 27077

$282.00/12 sess. $282.00/12 sess. $282.00/12 sess.

2:00-3:00PM 2:00-3:00PM

$94.00/4 sess. $94.00/4 sess.

27015 27016


2:00-3:00PM 2:00-3:00PM

$94.00/6 sess. $94.00/7 sess.

27017 27018


May 03-Jun 14 May 07-Jun 18


Mar 29-Apr 26 Mar 29-Apr 26 Mar 31-Apr 28 Apr 09-Apr 30 Apr 09-Apr 30


9:00-10:00AM 2:00-3:00PM 9:00-10:00AM 9:00-10:00AM 2:00-3:00PM

$94.00/4 sess. $94.00/4 sess. $117.50/5 sess. $94.00/4 sess. $94.00/4 sess.

27020 27021 27022 27023 27024

May 03-Jun 14 May 03-Jun 14 May 05-Jun 16 May 07-Jun 18 May 07-Jun 18


9:00-10:00AM 2:00-3:00PM 9:00-10:00AM 9:00-10:00AM 2:00-3:00PM

$141.00/6 sess. $141.00/6 sess. $164.00/7 sess. $164.00/7 sess. $164.00/7 sess.

27025 27026 27027 27028 27029


ADVANCED: UTR 4.5-8.0 This player is consistent when hitting medium paced shots, can serve to target, has sound footwork patterns and court movement. Clinics and drills will be structured to improve performance on demand, increase or reduce point pace, change ball direction at high tempo whilst maintaining quality strokes. Advanced players will often be seen playing high tempo matches at local tournaments, competing in our strongest league teams or refining their patterns of play in practice matches.



Mar 29-Apr 26 Mar 29-Apr 26 Mar 29-Apr 26 Mar 31-Apr 28 Apr 09-Apr 30 Apr 09-Apr 30 Apr 09-Apr 30


9:00-10:00AM 1:00-2:00PM 2:00-3:00PM 9:00-10:00AM 1:00-2:00PM 9:00-10:00AM 2:00-3:00PM

$94.00/4 sess. $94.00/4 sess. $94.00/4 sess. $117.50/5 sess. $94.00/4 sess. $94.00/4 sess. $94.00/4 sess.

27035 27036 27037 27038 27039 27040 27041

May 03-Jun 14 May 03-Jun 14 May 03-Jun 14 May 05-Jun 16 May 07-Jun 18 May 07-Jun 18 May 07-Jun 18


9:00-10:00AM 1:00-2:00PM 2:00-3:00PM 9:00-10:00AM 9:00-10:00AM 1:00-2:00PM 2:00-3:00PM

$141.00/6 sess. $141.00/6 sess. $141.00/6 sess. $164.50/7 sess. $164.50/7 sess. $164.50/7 sess. $164.50/7 sess.

27042 27043 27044 27045 27046 27047 27048



Mar 29-Apr 26 Mar 29-Apr 26 Apr 09-Apr 30 Apr 09-Apr 30


9:00-10:00AM 2:00-3:00PM 9:00-10:00AM 2:00-3:00PM

$94.00/4 sess. $94.00/4 sess. $94.00/4 sess. $94.00/4 sess.

27050 27051 27052 27053

May 03-Jun 14 May 03-Jun 14 May 07-Jun 18 May 07-Jun 18


9:00-10:00AM 2:00-3:00PM 9:00-10:00AM 2:00-3:00PM

$141.00/6 sess. $141.00/6 sess. $164.50/7 sess. $164.50/7 sess.

27054 27055 27056 27057

$180.00/10 sess.




Mar 29-Jun 14



U10 TENNIS (8-10YRS) Our U10 program is a great opportunity for our 8 to 10 year old players to build on their existing fundamentals whilst continuing to work on their agility, balance, coordination and listening skills. Coaches will use a combination of modified courts, orange and green dot balls to set our players up for success. SPRING

Mar 30-Jun 15 Apr 01-Jun 17

T Th

5:00-6:00PM 5:00-6:00PM

$282.00/12 sess. $282.00/12 sess

27007 27008

U14 TENNIS (11-14YRS) The U14 program is aimed at players who have a worked on their fundamentals in past programs or during summer camps and would like to keep adding to their skill set. This program will use regular balls and players will gain the confidence to play tennis outside of the group environment either socially or in entry level tournaments. Please note this is an outdoor program for the spring and therefore will be weather dependent. SPRING

Mar 30-Jun 15 Apr 01-Jun 17



T Th

4:00-5:00PM 4:00-5:00PM

$282.00/12 sess. $282.00/12 sess.

27009 27010


Mar 29-Jun 14 Mar 30-Jun 15 Apr 01-Jun 17

M T Th

11:00-12:00PM 1:00-2:00PM 1:00-2:00PM

$180.00/10 sess. $216.00/12 sess. $216.00/12 sess.

27085 27086 27087




Mar 29-Jun 14 Mar 31-Jun 16


1:00-2:00PM 1:00-2:00PM

U18 TENNIS (15-18YRS) Our U18 program continues to solidify our players core tennis skills preparing our players for high school tennis and beyond. Please note this is an outdoor program for the spring and therefore will be weather dependent.

$180.00/10 sess. $216.00/12 sess.

27090 27091

JUNIOR PROGRAMS The objective of the Arbutus Club Junior Program is to help players develop their skills to play tennis socially with family and friends, as well as for those who aspire for more competitive play to help them develop the skills to do so. Generally, we hope to inspire players to develop healthy lifelong habits, and to develop a love for the sport of tennis. Specifically, each program will address the following: • Athletic motor skills including ABC’s (agility, balance, coordination) • 3 stroke families (groundstrokes, volleys, serve/overheads) • Playing etiquette and rules • Lifelong values and habits • Modified racquet, balls, court size when needed U8 TENNIS (5-7YRS) Our U8 program is the perfect opportunity for our youngest players to learn the fundamentals of tennis, whilst working on agility, balance, coordination, listening skills and personal space management. This program will use modified courts and red balls.

Mar 30-Jun 15 Apr 01-Jun 17

T Th

5:00-6:00PM 5:00-6:00PM

$282.00/12 sess. $282.00/12 sess.

27011 27012

U12 TOURNAMENT TRAINING - BY INVITATION (10-12YRS) Players in this program consider tennis to be their primary sport, committing to extensive training and match play to prepare for higher level Tennis BC Tournaments. This program is by invitation only. SPRING

Mar 29-Jun 14 Mar 31-Jun 16


4:00-6:00PM 4:00-6:00PM

$470.00/10 sess. $564.00/12 sess.

27000 27001

U16 TOURNAMENT TRAINING - BY INVITATION (13-16YRS) Players in this program consider tennis to be their primary sport, committing to extensive training and match play to prepare for higher level Tennis BC Tournaments. This program is by invitation only. SPRING

Mar 29-Jun 14 Mar 31-Jun 16


4:00-6:00PM 4:00-6:00PM

$470.00/10 sess. $564.00/12 sess.

27002 27003

TOURNAMENT MATCH PLAY - BY INVITATION (10-18YRS) Players need to participate in our U12TT, U16TT, U18 Provincial groups or have a minimum UTR 6.0 to register. This program is by invitation only. SPRING

Apr 09-Jun 18



$396.00/11 sess.



Mar 30-Jun 15 Apr 01-Jun 17

T Th

4:00-5:00PM 4:00-5:00PM

$282.00/12 sess. $282.00/12 sess.

27005 27006






The Shaughnessy (Youth) Room will remain closed until further notice. An opening date will be communicated to Members when more information is available. Youth members and famiies may utilize the South Gymnasium for general use times, with advanced reservations.

YOUTH TOUR (8YRS+) This is a great opportunity for your child to become more familiar with The Club and meet other children their age. Includes a tour of the Club, general guidelines and policies that are important to know when using the Club on their own, and a detailed rundown of the Shaughnessy (Youth) Room and so that they never feel uncomfortable using equipment. The session will end with pizza with their new Club buddies.


Youth , Children & Family Coordinator 604-269-8898 atoth@arbutusclub.com Alanna Toth who has been working in both the Children’s Centre as a Teacher and in the Youth Room will now be taking on the role of the Children/Family/Youth Coordinator. Alanna recently graduated from UBC with her Bachelor of Kinesiology and uses her background to find creative ways to incorporate active learning into the youth and children’s programs. In her free time, Alanna loves staying active outdoors and hiking the local mountains.

• • • • • • • •


8:30am-1:15pm, 3:30pm-7:00pm 8:30am-5:15pm

Click on the ‘Classes & Events’ section, and locate the day and time listed under the ‘Facility Reservations’ category for ‘South Gymnasium’. Hours are subject to change without notice based on reservations numbers. Sessions with zero participants registered may be cancelled up to 24 hours in advance. Sessions are available to book, 6 days in advance. Check in with Youth Staff on the first floor, Mini Rink entrance. Activities will include basketball, floor hockey, soccer and volleyball in the gymnasium, as well as toddler toys and slides in the Toddler Play Zone (located in the front area). Children 8 years and older may attend on their own. Children 7 years and under must have a parent/caregiver accompany them and also have a reservation. Food is not permitted. Water bottles or cups with lids are permitted. Touchless water filling station is available.

EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS Weekly emails are sent out to inform youth and parents about upcoming activities and special events happening for youth. To stay in the loop, send your email address to atoth@arbutusclub.com.

Apr 17 May 08 Jun 12

Sa Sa Sa

10:00-11:30AM 10:00-11:30AM 10:00-11:30AM

FREE/1 sess. FREE/1 sess. FREE/1 sess.

27500 27501 27502

HOME SAFE COURSE (10-12YRS) This course will help children to feel more comfortable and confident staying at home alone. They will learn skills such as establishing a routine, house key responsibilities, handling calls or visits from strangers, what to do in an emergency, basic first aid and internet safety. Registrants will receive a certificate of completion and a boxed lunch. SPRING

May 29



$42.00/1 sess.


MAKE & TAKE (6-12YRS) At the beginning of each month, our Youth Team will be hosting a ‘Make and Take’ night where children 6-12 years can join and create their very own art project to take home. Youth Leaders will be present to lead activities. Due to COVID, masks will be required by all children 5 and older unless they are eating or drinking. Individually-packaged snacks will be provided. SPRING

EASTER EDITION Apr 01 Th 4:00-5:30PM MOTHER’S DAY EDITION May 03 M 4:00-5:30PM FATHER’S DAY EDITION Jun 14 M 4:00-5:30PM

$15.75/1 sess.


$15.75/1 sess.


$15.75/1 sess.


MAD SCIENCE NIGHT (6-12YRS) Embrace your inner mad scientist and come to the Youth Room for a night of fun science experiments and activities, complete with a take-home experiment. Afterwards, we will play some games and eat an individually boxed dinner. Please only sign up for one time slot as space is limited. SPRING

Apr 07 27509 Apr 07 27510





$31.50/1 sess.



$31.50/1 sess.

GLAMARAMA SPA NIGHT (6-12YRS) This is a fabulous event for your child to enjoy a fun, yet relaxing night out with friends. The Youth Leaders will be leading various activities such as DIY spa treatments, crafts and games. An individually boxed dinner and snack will be provided. Please only sign up for one time slot as space is limited. SPRING

Apr 20 Apr 20


4:00-5:30PM 6:00-7:30PM

$31.50/1 sess. $31.50/1 sess.

27511 27512

WHO’S GOT GAME? (6-12YRS) Love all types of competition? The Youth Leaders are hosting an awesome games night with Jeopardy, Jenga, board games and more. An individually boxed dinner and snack will be provided. We ask that members please only sign up for one time slot as space is limited. SPRING

May 11 May 13

T Th

4:00-6:30PM 4:00-6:30PM

$37.50/1 sess. $37.50/1 sess.

27513 27514

CAMP OUT EVENT (6-12YRS) Our much-loved event is back again this year. Your child will enjoy a campingthemed night in with dinner, s’mores, camp games, and more. SPRING

May 26



$45.00/1 sess.


ART ZONE (6-12 YRS) Your young artist will explore a variety of techniques using watercolors, polymer clay, pastels, acrylic and mixed media, while creating art in different genres (portraits, landscapes, still life, abstract). In the ‘Art Zone’, children will travel to different places and times and be introduced to various styles and movements in art, while learning how to express and represent their ideas visually. SPRING

(6-8 YRS) Apr 01-Jun 17 (9-12 YRS) Apr 01-Jun 17



$396.00/12 sess.




$396.00/12 sess.


ARBUTUS ART CLUB (9-13 YRS) Come and celebrate Fridays with us. This end of the week class is structured to provide young Club Members the opportunity to create art based on works of famous artists and as well to relax and socialize in a creative environment SPRING

Apr 09-Jun 18



$363.00/11 sess. 27518



Make the most of your spring break by registering early for our single day Spring Break camps. Sign up for a single day or the entire week if it fits your schedule. These camps will include a variety of different activities, games and crafts. A full schedule will be sent out closer to Spring Break. We have teammed up with Sprotball for the first week of Spring Break Camps - March 15-19. For Spring Break Camps for children 2-5 years old, please see page 13. SPRING BREAK CAMPS (5-7YRS) Mar 15 M* 9:00-4:00PM Mar 16 T* 9:00-4:00PM Mar 17 W* 9:00-4:00PM Mar 18 Th* 9:00-4:00PM Mar 19 F* 9:00-4:00PM

$86.00/1 sess. $86.001 sess. $86.00/1 sess. $86.00/1 sess. $86.00/1 sess.

27520 27521 27522 27523 27524

Mar 22 Mar 23 Mar 24 Mar 25 Mar 26

9:00-4:00PM 9:00-4:00PM 9:00-4:00PM 9:00-4:00PM 9:00-4:00PM

$75.25/1 sess. $75.25/1 sess. $75.25/1 sess. $75.25/1 sess. $75.25/1 sess.

27525 27526 27527 27528 27529

SPRING BREAK CAMPS (8-12YRS) Mar 15 M* 9:00-4:00PM Mar 16 T* 9:00-4:00PM Mar 17 W* 9:00-4:00PM Mar 19 F* 9:00-4:00PM Mar 18 Th* 9:00-4:00PM

$86.00/1 sess. $86.00/1 sess. $86.00/1 sess. $86.00/1 sess. $86.00/1 sess.

27530 27531 27532 27534 27533

Mar 22 Mar 23 Mar 24 Mar 25 Mar 26

$75.25/1 sess. $75.25/1 sess. $75.25/1 sess. $75.25/1 sess. $75.25/1 sess.

27535 27536 27537 27538 27539

M T W Th F

M T W Th F

9:00-4:00PM 9:00-4:00PM 9:00-4:00PM 9:00-4:00PM 9:00-4:00PM

CANCELLATION POLICIES Weekly Art Programs: For a full refund, cancellations for these programs must be made before the start day and time. Once the program begins, cancellations must be received within 24 hours after the first class for a pro-rated credit. Orientations & Training Courses: One week prior to the start date and time. Youth Events: 48 hours prior to the start day and time. Spring Break Camps: Single day camps require two business days notice prior to the start date and time. Cancellations for camps held on Mondays must be received by the Thursday prior to the camp.





the fireside




sauteed langoustines, smoked tomato butter sauce, asparagus frites or


bacon, dashi, Japanese shimeji mushroom, napa cabbage, scallions or


golden beet salad, roaster red pepper & saffron vinaigrette, watercress


olive, caper & warm green bean salad, lemon garlic potatoes or


risotto minestrone, roasted parsnips, braised leeks, madeira sauce or


grilled paneer cheese, portabella fritters, parmesan risotto, tomatillo verde sauce


Mascarpone cheese folded lemon curd, macaroon, basil crème anglaise or


vanilla gelato, berries, caramel sauce, candied walnuts

5 nights a week!

Your meal is waiting around the corner

Thursday, February 18 PASTA NIGHT

Tuesday, February 23 BIG SALAD NIGHT

Thursday, February 25 FISH BAKE NIGHT

$59.95 | Serves 4

$59.95 | Serves 4

$59.95 | Serves 4

Meat lasagna, penne carbonara, Caesar salad, garlic bread, and mini chocolate chip cookies for dessert.

Mediterranean salmon salad: poached wild salmon fillet (4-4oz & chilled), butterleaf lettuce, quinoa, golden beets, tomatoes, cucumber, feta cheese, olives, lemon caper dressing. Comes with 1L loaded baked potato soup and focaccia.

Baked red snapper, shrimp & leeks, mornay sauce, herb crumb topping zucchini Provençal, steamed brown rice with chives, mixed green salad, honey lime dressing and old fashion donuts for dessert.

Wednesday, February 24 FRENCH DIP NIGHT

Friday, February 26 WEST COAST DATE NIGHT

$59.95 | Serves 4

$99.95 | Serves 2

Thinly sliced roast beef & Swiss on a baguette served with au jus dip, Caesar salad, fresh-made BBQ spiced potato chips, and a baked peach & berry crumble Chantilly cream for dessert.

Seafood cioppino: prawns, scallops, mussels, calamari stew, Dungeness crab cakes, red pepper aioli, vegetable medley: zucchini, asparagus, peppers and snow peas, steak fries, sourdough bread, garlic butter and chocolate brownie delight with house-made marshmallow, fresh berries, roasted pecans, and caramel sauce for dessert.

Friday, February 19 PRIME RIB DATE NIGHT $99.95 | Serves 2 Shrimp cocktail, slow roasted CAB prime beef ribeye, au jus Yorkshire pudding, twice baked potatoes, roasted vegetables, zucchini, mushrooms, peppers. For dessert chocolate profiteroles, vanilla custard cream, and friandises.

Monday, February 22 DINER’S CHOICE The Fireside/Lounge Menu Order off the Lounge/Fireside menu and pick up at the Chef To Go portal. Guarantee your order and time before 12 noon day of and we will guarantee the freshness and quality.

Your meal is waiting around Order the Details corner

Order at arbutusclub.com or on the Club mobile app Order by 12 noon on Monday for Chef to Go on Mon, Tues & Wed Order by 12 noon on Tuesday for Chef to Go on Thursday Order by 12 noon on Wednesday for Chef to Go on Friday

Club Hours Monday-Sunday 6:00am-10:00pm Statutory Holiday 6:00am-10:00pm The Arbutus Club 2001 Nanton Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6J 4A1 604.266.7166 www.arbutusclub.com

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Articles inside


page 28


pages 32-40


pages 30-31


page 29


page 26


pages 24-25

Fitness: Pilates

page 22

First Aid

page 23

Fitness: Group

pages 20-21

Children’s Programs

page 15


pages 16-19


pages 9-12


page 14


page 13

General Information

page 4


page 8

Cancellation Policies

page 5

Facility Reservations

pages 6-7
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