Shito Ryu (pronounced Shee-toe-roo) is one of the four main styles of Karate practiced worldwide. The Shito Ryu Karate offered at The Arbutus Club is affiliated with the Shito Ryu International Karate do Kai of Japan. If you would like to improve coordination, increase flexibility, develop strength, and learn self-defense then try karate.
LITTLE NINJAS (5-6 YRS) This is a starter class for children interested in karate. Classes are fun, yet structured and disciplined to build self-control and confidence. Fundamental movement skills will be introduced through basic karate skills such as punches, kicks and forms, taught in a safe and friendly environment.
Karate Coordinator achung@arbutusclub.com Alice is a fifth degree black belt and was awarded the title of Renshi by the Japanese Shito Ryu Karatedo Association in 2015. She was previously a Member of the Atlantic-Richfield Karate Team and the Transworld Oil Karate Team in the mid 1980’s. She was also nationally ranked by Karate Illustrated Magazine. Alice was a gold medallist at the 6th World Shito Ryu Karate Championships in New York in 2007, and a bronze medallist for the 7th World Championships in Japan.
The Club’s karate program is following all recommended guidelines set out by Karate BC to ensure safety for both members and coaching staff during this phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. • Class sizes have been reduced to ensure physical distancing. • Transition time has been provided between classes for participants to enter and leave the studios safely and provide time for cleaning. • Hand sanitizer and disinfectant is readily available. • Participants are encouraged to wear martial arts shoes or grip socks to class (instead of bare feet), and wash their hands regularly.
REQUIRED CLOTHING Beginners are not required to wear the karate uniform. Appropriate attire is loose fitting, comfortable clothes. White karate uniforms and protective equipment may be ordered through the Karate Professional and billed to your account.
PRIVATE LESSONS PRIVATE $30.00 (30 min) SEMI-PRIVATE $16.50/person (30 min)
ADDITIONAL FEES Karate Activity Fee $14.00/season Shito Ryu Fee $20.00/year Karate BC Fees: • Children (under 16 yrs) $35.00/year • Adults (16 yrs+) $55.00/year • Black belts $70.00/year • Grading $20.00/belt
Apr 01-Jun 17 Apr 09-Jun 18
Th F
3:45-4:30PM 3:45-4:30PM
$144.00/12 sess. $132.00/11 sess.
25525 25526
BEGINNER KARATE - WHITE AND RED BELTS (7YRS+) Beginners start with the ABC’s of athleticism (agility, balance, coordination and speed), taught through principles of karate including direction of movement, body shifting, defense techniques and basic stances, punches, strikes, kicks and blocks. Games and activities will encourage improvements in quickness, agility, strength, and a positive mental outlook. SPRING
Mar 29-Jun 14 Apr 01-Jun 17 Apr 09-Jun 18
M Th F
3:40-4:40PM 4:40-5:40PM 4:40-5:40PM
$160.00/10 sess. $192.00/12 sess. $176.00/11 sess.
25530 25531 25532
COLOUR BELT KARATE - YELLOW TO BROWN (7YRS+) Students continue to develop fundamental movement skills and improve on their karate techniques in order to advance to the next belt level. Defensive concepts, decision making and focus of power are further explored through physically distanced skills and drills. SPRING
Mar 29-Jun 14 Apr 09-Jun 18
4:40-5:40PM 5:40-6:40PM
$160.00/10 sess. $176.00/11 sess.
25535 25536
COLOUR BELT KARATE - ADVANCED (12YRS+) This class is for more advanced coloured belt students to continue to develop fundamental movement skills and improve on their karate techniques in order to advance to the next belt level. Defensive concepts, decision making and focus of power are further explored through physically distanced skills and drills. If you are unsure if this is the correct class for you, contact Alice Chung at achung@arbutusclub.com SPRING
Apr 01-Jun 17
$192.00/12 sess.
ADULT PROGRAMS CANCELLATION POLICY For a full refund, cancellations for karate programs must be made before the start day and time. Once the program begins, cancellations must be received within 24 hours after the first class for a pro-rated credit. Cancellation fees may not apply if a waitlisted member can fill the spot, if a doctor’s note is provided for medical reasons, or approval is given by the Karate Coordinator. 24
ADULT KARATE - ALL LEVELS (16+YRS) This is a supportive class designed for beginner to advanced levels. Once the basics are learned, participants begin to explore more complex movements and strategies, such as defensive and offensive concepts, that focus on physical and mental conditioning. Skills and drills will be physically distanced until further notice. SPRING
Apr 01-Jun 17
$288.00/12 sess.