Perceived parental relationships and their relation with antisociality
Kaidi Kübar MSc Artikkel Tartu Ülikooli psühholoogia instituudis kaitstud magistritööst / Master’s thesis Abstract The aim of this master thesis was to study the connections between perceived relationships with one’s parents and antisocial behaviour. The sample comprised 108 male inmates, out of which 52 were Estonian and 56 non-Estonian. The research study was based on Parental Acceptance-Rejection Theory. The PARQ and PAQ questionnaires based on the theory and Father Involvement, Substance Use and Personality Assessment questionnaires were used to measure the degree the father was involved in his child’s life, substance use, depression and personal qualities. The results showed that internal reliability of the questionnaires was good, in the case of PARQ mother version the general scale and subscales’ Cronbach’s alpha was in the range 0.95 - 0.99. It was found that the inmates perceive the relationships they had with their parents at the age of 11-14 years worse than the reference group. There were statistically significant differences between Estonians and Non-Estonians only in subscales of PARQ. No relationships were determined between perceived parental rejection and psychological maladjustment among the inmates. Psychological adjustment was predicted by the CES-D scale, Neuroticism and Agreeableness and marital status. The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between psychological maladjustment and substance abuse. In EPIP-NEO scale there were higher scores in Neuroticism and Conscientiousness and lower scores in Openness to Experience. 426