SCHEDULE OPTIONS • USC is a residential campus that operates 24/7, therefore schedules should be driven by departmental functions and aligned with department business needs. • This section provides some flexible schedule options regardless of work arrangement as well as highlighting a few ideas to consider for hybrid teams.
Options for All Work Arrangements: Options
Adjusted Work Schedules
Non-standard hours
7am-4pm, 10am-6:30pm. This could help mitigate commute issues
Seasonal Flexibility
Different schedule or work arrangement in the “off-season”
Remote/hybrid work during academic calendar breaks. This could be effective for student facing units like Student Affairs and Academic Units
Considerations for Hybrid Teams: • Everyone in the office on the same day for in person meetings and/or activities • Rotational schedules to meet specific business needs – helpful for a team providing in person services • Identifying core hours when everyone is available for collaborative work
These are not an exhaustive list of options. It is important to work with your HR Partner to find the methods that work best for your team culture. 17