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Our Global Office Team is willing to speak at women’s events or conferences. Empowerment – Kimberly Ann Hobbs Teaching – Julie Jenkins
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We are a team unified in His love and will intentionally pray about any presented opportunities to speak at your next event.
Join us at Keiser University in West Palm Beach, FL for our seasonal events for a time of praise and worship, prayer, guest speakers, and gathering.
Experience God’s extravagant love and your exquisite purpose through the Women World Leaders’ podcast that focuses on teaching, inspiration, and encouragement.
Our prayer is that as your intimacy with God grows, your love for one another will flourish, enabling you to live out a courageous, purpose-driven life, fueled by the Word, led by the Spirit, and propelled forward into your God-given destiny through fearless faith! From His heart to yours, we are Women World Leaders!
It is with extraordinary joy we bring yet another edition of Voice of Truth to you wherever you are. We have been praying to stay faithful to what God has called us to do within this magazine. It is an honor and a privilege to be committed to something as wonderful as writing and producing this magazine to bless women in the name of Jesus. We pray you will be enriched as you open and read the pages and columns from women who reside in places all over the world.
Throughout the world, God is faithful. His faithfulness is great and can be seen in many ways. He continues to blow my mind that wherever there are people, wherever His creation is—even before creation—He is there. He was and is and is to come. God’s presence is everywhere; may we all proclaim, “How great is His faithfulness!”
You may be outdoors right now reading this magazine on a chair sitting under the sky. Have you ever thought about what Psalm 36:5 says? Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies (NIV). Our God is so faithful, even to the distance between the heavens and the earth. He will always reach us with His messages of love.
Think about what season you are living in right now, wherever you
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
are placed in the world as you read Voice of Truth. The Bible says that God’s faithfulness is steadfast; it never changes and never ends.
If your heart is hurting right now and you need some inspiration or to be uplifted, Women World Leaders chooses to believe that God has allowed you to encounter this magazine for a purpose. God’s faithfulness is shown in His character, His promises, and who He is. The writings in this magazine will encourage you. Please know that God cares about your troubled heart, your thankful heart, or whatever your heart may be feeling today. May your soul be touched and moved through your reading here.
The stunning photo we chose for this edition’s cover depicts a geyser in North America named Old Faithful. People who visit this special place in the United States marvel at the site and witness that it’s true to its name. You may ask why. As you will read in the cover story, the water in this location faithfully spouts up from the ground and sprays at regular intervals throughout each and every day. We can take a lesson from Old Faithful. Even when we feel like God is absent from our lives, we can trust that He is, indeed, faithful. One of the ways He shows His care is by leading so many to a magazine like Voice of Truth. That is what He has done for you today. As you read, know that God is near to your heart and He is faithful to continually step in and help you, even when you don’t recognize that you need Him.
We pray as you open to the array of various columns, you will hone in and be immersed in the scriptures that identify God’s nearness to your heart, His provision for your life, and His faithfulness to always being the magnificent God who will forever be exactly who He says He is.
God’s faithfulness is clearly demonstrated even when we are unaware of His holy presence in our lives. I pray you understand today that God’s faithfulness is
enough for you! No matter where you are physically in this vast world, may you know that, in all ways, you belong to God. He fully sees every aspect of you in each situation—emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. And He desires a relationship with you.
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22-23 NIV).
As God is faithful to us, may we also always be faithful to Him. He gives us scriptures to understand the importance of our faithfulness to Him.
Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.
Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.
We are here for you, sweet women of God. Please pull up a comfortable spot, nestle in, and enjoy the beauty of a moment with God today as you read on.
Exceedingly, Abundantly, and Beyond, Kimberly
Queridas damas de todo el mundo, Es con una alegría extraordinaria que les traemos otra edición de Voice of Truth dondequiera que estén. Hemos estado orando para permanecer fieles a lo que Dios nos ha llamado a hacer dentro de esta revista. Es un honor y un privilegio estar comprometida con algo tan maravilloso como escribir y producir esta revista para bendecir a las mujeres en el nombre de Jesús. Oramos para que se enriquezcan al abrir y leer las páginas y columnas de mujeres que residen en lugares de todo el mundo.
En todo el mundo, Dios es fiel. Su fidelidad es grande y se puede ver de muchas maneras. Él sigue asombrándome de que dondequiera que haya personas, dondequiera que esté Su creación, incluso antes de la creación, Él está allí. Él era, es y vendrá. La presencia de Dios está en todas partes; que todos proclamemos: “¡Cuán grande es Su fidelidad!”.
Quizás ahora mismo estés al aire libre leyendo esta revista en una silla sentada bajo el cielo. ¿Alguna vez has pensado en lo que dice el Salmo 36:5? Tu amor, oh Señor, llega hasta los cielos, tu fidelidad hasta las nubes (NVI). Nuestro Dios
Por el gran amor del Señor no hemos sido consumidos,y su compasión jamás se agota. Cada mañana se renuevan sus bondades; muy grande es su fidelidad.
es tan fiel, incluso en la distancia entre los cielos y la tierra. Siempre nos alcanzará con sus mensajes de amor.
Piensa en la época en la que estás viviendo ahora mismo, dondequiera que estés en el mundo mientras lees La Voz de la Verdad. La Biblia dice que la fidelidad de Dios es firme; nunca cambia y nunca termina.
Si tu corazón está sufriendo en este momento y necesitas algo de inspiración o aliento, Women World Leaders elige creer que Dios te ha permitido encontrar esta revista con un propósito. La fidelidad de Dios se muestra en Su carácter, Sus promesas y en quién es Él. Los escritos de esta revista te animarán. Ten en cuenta que Dios se preocupa por tu corazón atribulado, tu corazón agradecido o cualquier cosa que tu corazón pueda estar sintiendo hoy. Que tu alma sea tocada y conmovida a través de tu lectura.
La impresionante foto que elegimos para la portada de esta edición muestra un géiser en América del Norte llamado Old Faithful. Las personas que visitan este lugar especial en los Estados Unidos se maravillan con el sitio y son testigos de que es fiel a su nombre. Quizás te preguntes por qué. Como leerás en la historia
Que nunca te abandonen el amor y la verdad; llévalos siempre alrededor de tu cuello y escríbelos en la tabla de tu corazón. Contarás con el favor de Dios y tendrás buen nombre entre la gente.
de portada, el agua de este lugar brota fielmente del suelo y salpica a intervalos regulares todos los días. Podemos aprender una lección de Old Faithful. Incluso cuando sentimos que Dios está ausente de nuestras vidas, podemos confiar en que Él es, de hecho, fiel. Una de las formas en que demuestra Su cuidado es guiando a tantas personas hacia una revista como Voice of Truth. Eso es lo que Él ha hecho por ti hoy. Mientras lees, recuerda que Dios está cerca de tu corazón y que es fiel para intervenir continuamente y ayudarte, incluso cuando no reconoces que lo necesitas.
Oramos para que, al abrir la serie de columnas, te concentres y te sumerjas en las escrituras que identifican la cercanía de Dios a tu corazón, Su provisión para tu vida y Su fidelidad a ser siempre el Dios magnífico que siempre será exactamente quien dice ser.
La fidelidad de Dios se demuestra claramente incluso cuando no somos conscientes de Su santa presencia en nuestras vidas. ¡Oro para que hoy entiendas que la fidelidad de Dios es suficiente para ti! No importa dónde estés físicamente en este vasto mundo, que sepas que, en todos los sentidos, perteneces a Dios. Él ve plenamente cada aspecto de ti en cada situación: emocional, espiritual y mentalmente. Y desea una relación contigo.
Por el gran amor del Señor no hemos sido consumidos,y su compasión jamás se agota. Cada mañana se renuevan sus bondades; muy grande es su fidelidad (Lamentaciones 3:22-23 NVI).
Así como Dios es fiel con nosotros, que nosotros también seamos siempre fieles a Él. Él nos da escrituras para que entendamos la importancia de nuestra fidelidad a Él.
Que nunca te abandonen el amor y la verdad; llévalos siempre alrededor de tu cuello y escríbelos en la tabla de tu corazón. Contarás con el favor de Dios y tendrás buen nombre entre la gente. (Proverbios 3:3-4 NVI)
Estamos aquí para ustedes, dulces mujeres de Dios. Por favor, siéntanse en un lugar cómodo, acomódense y disfruten de la belleza de un momento con Dios hoy mientras siguen leyendo
Excesivamente, abundantemente y más allá,
Que nunca te abandonen el amor y la verdad; llévalos siempre alrededor de tu cuello y escríbelos en la tabla de tu corazón. Contarás con el favor de Dios y tendrás buen nombre entre la gente.
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From wherever you are on the globe, join us!
Meet and connect with women from around the world and find out how you can be a leader wherever you are located. You can use your God-given gifts to help others draw closer to Jesus. We can do it together. Women World Leaders is here to help!
Kimberly Ann Hobbs – VOT Founder & WWL co-CEO
Julie T. Jenkins – VOT Lead Editor & WWL co-CEO
Kelly Williams Hale – Graphic Designer
Johana Torres – Spanish Translator
Kelley Rene – Editor
Kaye Hollings – Editor, Proofreader
Kerri Bridges – Editor
Jo Anne McKinney – Proofreader
Shelly Haas – Proofreader
Arlene Salas – Giving Acknowledgments
Kimberly Ann Hobbs – co-CEO
Julie T. Jenkins – co-CEO
Lisa Hathaway – Business & Finance
Diana Brown – Prayer
Janet Berrong – Connection Coordinator
Jessica Morneault – Events
Connie Van Horn – Encouragement Ambassador
Kelly Williams Hale – Graphic Arts
by Renee Schiedt
Everyone loves to get good news, especially when things look bleak. This is the very reason why we, as women of faith, must share the gospel. The Greek word for “gospel” literally translates to “good news.” What could be better news than having our sins forgiven, peace in our hearts, and knowing eternal life in heaven awaits after our earthly bodies perish? Why would we hesitate to tell others the most important message they could ever hear?
The gospel can change a person’s life, not just their eternity. Knowing the gospel can empower us to live the best, most fulfilling life here on planet Earth. That’s why Apostle Paul said he was not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the
power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes (Romans 1:16 NIV). I’ve personally seen its power at work in my own life. I will be eternally grateful that a stranger reached out to me when I was a 17-year-old high school junior because he cared about the salvation of my soul.
My plans were already in place. I received early acceptance at UNC-Chapel Hill while in the 11th grade. Early on, it was always known I would be headed to Carolina. But God intervened in my life when a man I didn’t know asked me a direct question.
“Do you know, if you died, that you’d go to heaven?”
I could have been insulted and responded, “I was raised in church! I’m president of the
youth group, and I sing in the choir. Why are you asking me this? Go ask some bum on the street!”
Instead, I honestly replied, “I hope so.”
He proceeded to tell me I could “know so,” which I’d never heard. Despite my religious background, I had the idea that good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell. Although I wasn’t as good as I could be, I surely wasn’t as bad as a lot of people. So I figured that when my life was over, God would put my good and bad works on His great golden scales. If the good outweighed the bad, then I’d slide into heaven because I had been good enough to make it!
I soon found out nothing could be further from the truth. This
man took the Bible and showed me that no matter how good I might be, I could never be good enough to earn my salvation, because all people have sinned and fallen short of perfection (Romans 3:23). He said even the best works I might do were like filthy rags in the eyes of a holy, perfect God (Isaiah 64:6). Then he turned to Ephesians 2:8-9, For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast (NIV).
This was news to me! Instead of trying to earn my salvation by works, God wanted to give it to me as a gift. Salvation, spending eternity in God’s presence, was not something I deserved. Instead, it is something freely given to those who place their trust in Jesus as the one who died in their place, paid the penalty of sin completely, and now invites us to Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved (Acts 16:31 NIV). The eyes of my heart were opened to understand how Jesus took my sin and gave me His righteousness so I could stand before God, cleansed from all the wrong I had done. Because I put my trust in Jesus to save me instead of trying to save myself, I could be assured of a home in heaven. I could KNOW I was heaven bound.
I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know you have eternal life.
(1 JOHN 5:13 NIV)
What could be better news than that?!
Little did I realize how putting my faith in Jesus would dramatically change my life. Instead of going to my beloved Carolina, I had such a strong desire to know the Bible that I attended Bible College. There, I met my future husband, Chuck. We both went on to graduate from Seminary and enter full-time Christian Ministry. Now, 52 years later, I have experienced over and over the power of the gospel to change lives.
With such wonderful good news, why would any of us keep it to ourselves? Tell others this gospel message of grace and be amazed at how it works in their lives, too.
Renee C. Scheidt
267 Stafford Estates Dr. Salisbury NC 28146 704-305-0275
“Finding Hope in Real World Living”
If you need prayer, please email us at prayer@womenworldleaders.com so we can encourage you further.
We love that God has called us, as a ministry, to love and empower women who desire to love God, come closer to Him, and serve Him with their whole hearts.
Instead of trying to earn my salvation by works, God wanted to give it to me as a gift.
Les escribo estas cosas a ustedes que creen en el nombre del Hijo de Dios, para que sepan que tienen vida eterna.
(1 JUAN 5:13 NVI)
by Renee Schiedt
Atodos nos encanta recibir buenas noticias, especialmente cuando las cosas se ven sombrías. Esta es la razón por la que nosotras, como mujeres de fe, debemos compartir el evangelio. La palabra griega para “evangelio” se traduce literalmente como “buenas noticias”. ¿Qué mejor noticia que el perdón de nuestros pecados, la paz en nuestro corazón y el saber que nos espera la vida eterna en el cielo después de que nuestros cuerpos terrenales perezcan? ¿Por qué dudaríamos en decirles a los demás el mensaje más importante que jamás podrían escuchar?
El evangelio puede cambiar la vida de una persona, no solo su eternidad. Conocer el evangelio puede capacitarnos para vivir la mejor y más plena vida aquí en el planeta Tierra. Por eso el apóstol Pablo dijo que no se avergonzaba del evangelio, porque es el poder de Dios que trae salvación a todo aquel que cree (Romanos 1:16 NVI). Personalmente he visto su poder obrar en mi propia vida. Estaré eternamente agradecida de que un extraño se haya puesto en contacto conmigo cuando tenía 17 años y estaba en el tercer año de secundaria; porque le importaba la salvación de mi alma.
Mis planes ya estaban en marcha. Recibí una aceptación temprana en la UNC-Chapel Hill mientras estaba en el 11.º grado. Desde el principio, siempre se supo que me dirigía a Carolina. Pero Dios intervino en mi vida cuando un hombre que no conocía me hizo una pregunta directa.
“¿Sabes que, si murieras, irías al cielo?”
Podría haberme sentido insultada y haber respondido: “¡Me crié en la iglesia! Soy presidenta del grupo de jóvenes y canto en el coro. ¿Por qué me preguntas esto? ¡Ve y pregúntale a algún vagabundo en la calle!”.
En cambio, respondí honestamente: “Eso espero”.
Él procedió a decirme que yo podía “saberlo”, cosa que yo nunca había oído. A pesar de mi formación religiosa, yo tenía la idea de que las personas buenas van al cielo y las malas al infierno. Aunque yo no era tan buena como podría ser, seguramente no era tan mala como mucha gente. Así que pensé que cuando mi vida terminara, Dios pondría mis buenas y malas obras en su gran balanza de oro. Si las buenas superaban a las malas, entonces me desplazaría al cielo porque había sido lo suficientemente buena para lograrlo.
Pronto descubrí que nada podría estar más lejos de la verdad. Este hombre tomó la Biblia y me mostró que no importa cuán bueno pudiera ser, nunca podría ser lo suficientemente bueno para ganar mi salvación, porque todas las personas han pecado y no han alcanzado la perfección (Romanos 3:23). Dijo que incluso las mejores obras que pudiera hacer eran como trapos de inmundicia a los ojos de un Dios santo y perfecto (Isaías 64:6). Luego pasó a Efesios 2:8-9, Porque por gracia ustedes han sido salvados por medio de la fe; y esto no procede de ustedes, pues es don de Dios; no por obras, para que nadie se gloríe (NVI)
¡Esto fue una novedad para mí! En lugar de tratar de ganarme la salvación por obras, Dios quiso dármela como un regalo. La salvación, pasar la eternidad en la presencia de Dios, no era algo que yo mereciera. En cambio, es algo que se da gratuitamente a quienes ponen su confianza en Jesús como el que murió en su lugar, pagó la pena del pecado por completo y
En lugar de tratar de ganarme la salvación por obras, Dios quiso dármela como un regalo.
ahora nos invita a creer en el Señor Jesús y serás salvo (Hechos 16:31 NVI). Los ojos de mi corazón se abrieron para entender cómo Jesús tomó mi pecado y me dio Su justicia para que pudiera estar delante de Dios, limpiado de todo el mal que había hecho. Debido a que puse mi confianza en Jesús para salvarme en lugar de tratar de salvarme a mí mismo, podía estar segura de un hogar en el cielo. Yo podía SABER que estaba destinada al cielo.
Les escribo estas cosas a ustedes que creen en el nombre del Hijo de Dios, para que sepan que tienen vida eterna (1 Juan 5:13 NVI).
¿Qué mejor noticia que esa?
No me imaginaba que poner mi fe en Jesús cambiaría drásticamente mi vida. En lugar de ir a mi amada Carolina, tenía un deseo tan fuerte de conocer la Biblia que asistí a la Escuela Bíblica. Allí conocí a mi futuro esposo, Chuck. Ambos nos graduamos del Seminario y nos dedicamos al ministerio cristiano a tiempo completo. Ahora, 52 años después, he experimentado una y otra vez el poder del evangelio para cambiar vidas.
Con tan maravillosas buenas noticias, ¿por qué quedarnos con esta información y no compartirla?
Cuéntale a los demás este mensaje evangélico de gracia y sorpréndete de cómo funciona también en sus vidas.
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podcast—every Monday!
Experience God’s extravagant love and your exquisite purpose through the Women World Leaders’ podcast that focuses on teaching, inspiration, and encouragement.
Our prayer is that as your intimacy with God grows, your love for one another will flourish, enabling you to live out a courageous, purpose-driven life, fueled by the Word, led by the Spirit, and propelled forward into your God-given destiny through fearless faith! From His heart to yours, we are Women World Leaders!
Or scan code to listen now!
Do not be ashamed to tell people about our Lord Jesus.
2 Timothy 1:8
Let us learn to be faithful to God because He is faithful to us! Our faithfulness to God means trusting Him and loving Him through all circumstances.
As we walk through this life, we are continuously faced with people who let us down; they don’t follow through on their commitments, therefore leaving us discouraged and often brokenhearted. But we don’t ever have to worry about God letting us down. He is faithful. So how can we, in return, be faithful to God, our Father in heaven, who is holy and never leaves us or forsakes us? There are multiple ways! I would love to empower you with some practical encouragement about how you can be faithful to God.
I stumbled and stammered through my early Christian years because I was everything BUT faithful to a God who loved me and called me His own. I made tremendous mistakes in my so-called Christian life, which left me feeling unworthy, alone, and unable to ever serve our faithful God. I was much like Jonah in the Bible, who ran far away in the opposite direction from where
God was calling him. I ran away from God and from what I felt called to do. When God got ahold of my heart, and I began to understand His faithfulness and offer of forgiveness, my life radically changed forever. I surrendered everything to Him as I repented and asked for His forgiveness. And now, nothing holds me back from being faithful to God in my life and in my ministry service to my King.
A place to start with your faithfulness to God is to put your complete trust in Him. Trusting in God means following Him wherever He leads you. God longs for us to love Him just as He loves us, and it will always benefit us to go where He sends us! We can trust Him even when life gets difficult and seems to veer off the path of what we want in our own flesh. You may not be able to change your situation, but what you CAN change is what you believe about it, trusting God’s control and ever-present faithfulness.
Another way we can be faithful to God is to seek His counsel, especially when we don’t know the answers to things we question. Having others around to help you process what you hear in the world will help you remain faithful to God. There is an enemy always lurking and trying to take you away from the only One true love who requires your commitment: Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Be honest with God and confess any unbelief or sin that creeps into your life. Lay them on the altar before God and ask Him for His forgiveness so that you can stay faithful to Him in your relationship.
Keep God at the forefront of your thoughts, and remember to always spend time with Him. He wants to have a relationship with you each and every day, not just when bad things happen that cause you to look to Him for help. God wants our faithfulness every day, not just sometimes. Always remember to be grateful, thanking Him for His faithfulness to you!
It has been helpful to me to find and intentionally focus on a scripture that reminds me of God’s faithfulness to me in every situation. I encourage you to find something in God’s Word you can cling to whenever you feel wobbly. Recite that scripture verse aloud. My personal scripture is Ephesians 3:20—ask God to show you yours! Wait on the Lord, and then when you hear His voice, wait on the Lord again! God is faithful to answer. Even when it feels like our prayers are unanswered, we can trust He is working.
May you examine your life and be counted among the faithful to God. He loves you exceedingly abundantly beyond what you could ever imagine a Father’s love for his daughter might be!
We can learn a plethora of lessons from studying the life of David, whose full story is fascinating and can be read in 1 Samuel 16-1 Kings 2.
David is considered the greatest king of Israel, was deemed a man after God’s heart, and became an ancestor of Jesus. However, he was also a liar, adulterer, and murderer. There is no doubt David was a complex individual! (I think I know someone else whose past and responses to God run the gamut from faithful to disobedient—maybe you do, too. The person I know has a two-letter pronoun that begins with an M and ends with an E!)
Despite his ups and downs (or maybe because of his ups and downs), there is much we can learn from David, who was a deep thinker with a passion for prayer. One of those lessons is how to respond when we are feeling lonely. See, before he was King David, young David was a shepherd boy who was unexpectedly anointed to be the king and later put in a position of fleeing for his life. David ran and hid and prayed and processed. During that time, he wrote many of the Psalms.
In Psalm 25, David prays to God, begging for His guidance and forgiveness and proclaiming his reliance on the Lord. When we get to verse 16, we see David’s anguish mount as he cries out to God:
Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted.
Relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish.
Look on my affliction and my distress and take away all my sins.
See how numerous are my enemies and how fiercely they hate me! Guard my life and rescue me; do not let me be put to shame, for I take refuge in you.
May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope, Lord, is in you.
(Psalm 25:16-21 NIV)
David puts words to his distress—confessing that he is lonely and afflicted. Have you ever been there?
I know that I have! David expands on his misery, naming many troubles that are all converging. But he doesn’t stop there, simply hanging out his complaints to sway in the wind. Instead, David offers his grievances to God in full disclosure and trust, petitioning his true King to free him by removing his troubles, sins, and enemies. As he cries out in pain, David’s pleas resonate with hope. He trusts God to guard and rescue him from his loneliness and affliction, claiming that his hope lies in the integrity and uprightness of the Lord.
We surmise that David’s true loneliness was caused by his isolation from God, which came about as he allowed his troubles, afflictions, distress, sin, and enemies to consume him. The cure came when David looked to God, took refuge in Him in obedience, and allowed his hope to grow.
There is no worse feeling of loneliness than turning away from the love of God. On the other hand, when we practice the presence of God—crying out to Him in joy, despair, gratefulness, or repentance—our loneliness and affliction fade as hope and love are ushered in.
If you are feeling lonely, take a cue from David—reach out to God in full transparency and trust. We all go through peaks and valleys in our lives. And we all experience different stages of community and isolation. Perhaps God allows us to experience times of seclusion and despair so we will draw closer to Him. Have you ever considered that God is lonely for you? That He is yearning for YOUR presence? I’ve heard it said that if there are 1000 steps between you and God, God will take 999, but you must take one step to close the gap!
When you are fighting loneliness, follow David’s prescription. Take that one step—cry out to God with transparency, staking the claim that you trust His perfection. When you do, I guarantee that God WILL come through for you. God will never leave you alone! Basking in His presence is the best cure for loneliness.
Do you ever find yourself wanting more clothes even though you have a closet overflowing with things you don’t wear? Is your garage too full to park your car in? Are your cupboards overflowing to where they can’t hold even one more appliance or dish?
For most of us, this is the case. And yet, we still want more. We may even work longer hours in an attempt not to feel empty or satisfied. There’s only One who can satisfy us: Jesus.
Is having an overflow wrong? What does the Bible say about overflow?
Our heavenly Father wants to bless His children to overflowing! But what does He want us to overflow with?
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13 NIV).
“Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’”
(John 7:38 ESV).
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
(Psalm 23:5 NIV)
May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you (1 Thessalonians 3:12 NIV).
Recently, as I was out on an afternoon walk admiring the beautiful surroundings and thinking, How Great is our God, I came upon this fountain. There is something so calming about the sound of running water. I stood there watching as the water overflowed from one level to the next and was filled with gratitude at the favor of the Lord on my life. I have overflowing hope, peace, joy, and love that only come from the Spirit who lives in me.
If you want overflow, put your trust in God. His love and mercy are endless.
Michele Hughes, a #1 best selling author, resides in Jupiter, Florida,with her husband. They own and operate GoLifeSavers.com where Michele has taught CPR classes since 2011 as the lead instructor. Michele holds a master’s degree in education and serves on the leadership team in Women World Leaders. She loves the Son/sun, family, paddle boarding, travel, and encouraging others.
Jeremiah 2:2: “Go and cry in the hearing of Jerusalem saying, “Thus says the Lord: I remember you, the kindness of your youth, the love of your betrothal, when you went after Me in the wilderness, in a land not sown.”
by Dr. Jia Conway
Wemove into what God has called us to do and what we are equipped to do through the unction of the voice of God. He calls to His sons, His chosen, His set apart, just as He called to the young prophet, Jeremiah, to “Make Your Case,” for the next of God. God is using you to cry out before a generation to not forget that God remembers them, God loves them, and is coming for them. Make Your Case, as you remember the God of your youth who kept you unknowingly, guided you through every season, and was your path in the wilderness of desperation. Make Your Case, Sons of Kings, and stand in defense as witness to the God of mercy, love, compassion, recompense, restoration, and redemption. Be strong in your defense and your position with boldness and authority.
Make Your Case, Sons of Kings, you do not have anyone to impress. Speak to what you know and stay confident in the foundation of the Word, the Wisdom of God, and your Worship. Stay on course and stick to the theme, one profound issue, and one message, and watch the impact of your witness. Man of God, watch your witness transform a nation from your backyard to courtyard. Make Your Case and strike the heart and heads of those whose path you cross and lives you intersect. God is using the pages of your life to tell a story, and He is still writing your journey. So in the meantime, Make Your Case for the God who is mindful, kind, and intentional; someone needs your testimony.
by Lisa Hathaway
Ona Monday night in May, after the release of a book I had trusted the Lord with co-authoring, I received a phone call. It was my dad. I had not anticipated this because my dad usually does not purchase books or have time to read. My stomach dropped to the floor when he asked why I shared about feeling alone and unseen in my childhood. What he didn’t understand was that the book was not about me. Unseen: You Are Not Alone is about how God sees us when we feel alone and even like our world is ending. This book was a labor of love. I knew this collection of stories written by college girls who came to trust God completely would touch so many because the subject is so prevalent in today’s society.
As I talked to my dad and shared my heart with him, tears streamed down my face. Prior to my writing, my dad’s and my relationship had been restored and redeemed as only God could have orchestrated. But on the phone at that moment, I thought, “I have ruined this relationship with my dad by writing my chapter.”
God was working behind the scenes, giving me time and space.
confirmed they would come for a few days. However, two days before we left, they said they decided not to go because they wanted my family to enjoy the time without tension. I was heartbroken, but I had to keep trusting that God was working and would mend hearts. I had to release the fact that my dad was hurting, and I couldn’t fix it. I wanted them with us at the beach, but God knew what my soul needed. The beach trip with my husband and my three teenage children was the best vacation we have ever had. It was the sweetest time of refreshing and connecting with my kids. God knew. God saw me and what I needed.
No matter how old you are or what has occurred, a daughter’s heart longs for love from her father. I love my dad so much and want to continue growing in the depth of our relationship. As I settled down, I knew I had been obedient to the Lord in writing what I did. It was not easy. It did not make others happy. But I had to trust that God was moving in the hurt. I had to stand by the truth God had placed in my heart. John 13:7 is one of my favorite verses. It says, Jesus answered…“What I am doing you not understand now, but afterward you will understand” (ESV).
After the phone call, the week continued, and I went on vacation with my immediate family; before that, my dad and step-mom
God doesn’t leave us. When we are in pain, we can trust that, in His perfect timing, He will step in to make the way so much better. He will never leave you empty. He is a God who will fill you with all of His blessings—it just might look a little different than you thought or imagined. You see, in the hurt I was experiencing, God was working behind the scenes, giving me time and space as He brought healing. My dad has seen my heart transformed by God’s gentle touch.
I continually stand amazed at how God moves. If your faith is ever running low and you feel like He is not present, look back at what He has already done in your life and remember that if He did it back then, He will do it again over and over. Rehearse what you know of God and how He has shown up and seen the depths of your soul.
Our God sees you!
by Melissa Gissy Witherspoon
Eleven years ago, I set out on a journey of recovery from substance use disorder, better known as addiction. The truth is, that was not my first time trying to recover. Several previous attempts to get sober had resulted in relapse— eventually landing me at a rock bottom I almost didn’t bounce back from. But God… He met me at my lowest point and placed me on a path of recovery. This time would be different. This time, I was willing to go to any length to find freedom from years of pain and suffering. By working a 12step program, I found acceptance that God was my saving grace.
In the beginning, I searched for material rewards as markers of success and progress. I had built a life with that mentality, so it only came naturally. But along the way, as I continued building a relationship with God, I started recognizing the beautiful spiritual gifts He was granting me. My heart began to change, and so did my ideas of what was important, giving me a new lease on
life. While material success can provide temporary satisfaction, it does not offer the lasting peace and fulfillment that comes from spiritual blessings. True healing and recovery are rooted in the soul, where spiritual transformation takes precedence over outward gains.
Spiritual blessings such as humility, peace, and hope are far more valuable than any material possession. These gifts are not dependent on external circumstances; they are deeply personal and eternal. Recovery is not simply about achieving external milestones but about nurturing an inner transformation that brings true freedom from addiction.
Humility keeps us grounded, reminding us that recovery is not a journey we undertake alone. Being humble is a daily surrender, an acknowledgment
that we need God’s grace and the support of others to walk the path of healing. Humility strips away the ego and the desire for material validation, allowing us to focus on the true purpose of recovery: becoming whole in mind, body, and spirit. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves (Philippians 2:3 NIV).
The mistakes of the past can feel like heavy chains, making it difficult to move forward. But the Bible reminds us that Jesus came to set us free from those chains. His birth marked the beginning of a story of redemption—a story that tells us that no matter what we have done, God’s grace is enough. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast (Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV). God’s grace covers every mistake, every
relapse, every moment of weakness. It’s a gift we often don’t feel we deserve but are given freely—a gift that has the power to heal and restore.
God’s peace transcends all understanding and brings comfort, especially in times of struggle. The peace of God is not simply the absence of conflict or stress; it is a deep, abiding sense of well-being that comes from trusting Him completely. This peace anchors us in the storm, reminding us that no matter what challenges we face in recovery, we are never alone. God’s peace reassures us that we are guided and protected on our journey. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7 NIV).
Addiction robs us of hope, making the future seem bleak and full of despair. But with God, there is always hope that things can change, that healing is possible, and that our Heavenly Father has a plan for us, even when we can’t see it. Hope gives us the strength to keep going, even when the road to recovery is long and difficult. It reminds us that no matter how many times we may fall, God is always with us to help us begin again. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13 NIV).
Seeking spiritual blessings over material rewards helps us stay focused on what truly matters—our relationship with God, our personal growth, and our connection to others. Recovery is more than just
overcoming addiction; it’s stepping into a completely new life, one filled with hope, purpose, and the opportunity for transformation. Through God’s grace, we are given the chance to leave behind the weight of our past and embrace the fresh start He offers. God doesn’t just patch up the broken pieces—we each become a new creation with a new identity rooted in His love and grace. His blessings offer freedom from the cycle of addiction that once controlled us. May the spiritual gifts that God so graciously gives us be with you in abundance every step of your recovery path, one day at a time.
For information on mental health issues or substance use disorder, visit the national website for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) at https://www.samhsa.gov/ or call the national hotline at 1-800-662-HELP.
Melissa is Founder/CEO of the non-profit Sober-Now, a motivational speaker, recovery advocate, social media influencer, best-selling 4X award-winning author of I’m Sober…So Now What? A Journey of Hope and Healing, contributing author of the international best-seller Miracle Mindset, and a contributing author of the best-seller Hope Alive. To stay in touch with her, visit Linktr.ee/sobernow or email her at Melissa@Sober-Now.com.
And I sent messengers to them, saying, “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you?”
by Connie VanHorn
I’m fighting for something kinda big—something that can bring significant change. I’m counting on my big God to pull it off! But there are moments when I feel like giving up.
It’s all too easy to feel overwhelmed and tempted to throw in the towel, especially when life and influences try to convince us to quit! I’ve been in my own battle for many years, waiting on God to deliver me. Yet, even when everything around me seems to scream, “Give up!” I’ve learned to just keep going.
I love the story of Nehemiah. He was a leader who heard about his people in Jerusalem, whose walls were in ruins and whose gates were burned. Nehemiah didn’t shy away from the weight of this news; instead, he took a moment to have a good ugly cry… and then he turned to God and prayed. He felt a deep calling to rebuild those walls, gathering others to help him even though it would feel like walking through fire.
Nehemiah’s story resonates deeply with my own. I’m trying to rebuild something big that almost seems impossible.
What are you fighting for that feels impossible? For me, it’s about seeking revival in my family and breaking generational patterns that have threatened to chain me down.
Revival can’t begin until one person completely surrenders his or her life and says, “Yes, Lord. Start with me.”
In August of 2014, I gave my whole heart to Jesus. On that day, I became new, and my life completely changed. It was that day that the chains in my life started to break. I became the one!
My children now experience a life of being raised by a Christian mother. I am part of God’s greatest mission. I am following the path Christ set for us all those years ago. I no longer have to carry my pain or mistakes from the past. But although God made me new, there is still work to be done.
The vision to build something new takes strength and resilience to withstand the opposition that comes with trying to change BIG things. God needs us to be ready for battle. Sometimes, that means walking through the fire!
From the time I was a little girl, God has used difficult circumstances to create built-in courage in me. My childhood was not easy; it was full of trauma. But I had a special way of coping. I would pretend that I was someplace other than the place of my reality. My favorite place to daydream was sitting on an old cement wall that backed up against a canal near my home. I recently realized that God used my time on that cement wall as practice for what was to come!
I can look back and see that God never left my
side. He knew I would have to endure hard things, and He gave me built-in courage to survive it. He wanted me to learn to be alone with Him. He wanted to teach me about the wall. I went through hard things, but God was there to catch my tears and pick me up when I had no strength.
I long to see a revival in my family and change in the world. My life has been a trail of broken things, but God is putting it all back together. He can do the same for you! It only takes one person to decide to sit on the wall and change the course for generations to come.
Something has to break. No matter how hard it gets or how long it takes, stay on the wall.
(EXODUS 14:14 NIV)
As I was preparing to write this, God kept bringing me back to Nehemiah. One day during my quiet time, I opened my Bible to a random place, asking God to show me what He wanted me to study that day. My Bible opened to Nehemiah 1. Wow! On the next page was a folded piece of paper with a secret clue from God. I spent all day unpacking Nehemiah.
God put a plan in Nehemiah’s mind. Nehemiah exhibited patience, reminding the people to trust God; God would fight for them and help them.
Nehemiah believed God would use him to get the wall rebuilt. He never tried to attack his enemies but trusted God would deal with them.
I saw from this that God wants us to slow down and wait on His timing.
Nehemiah stayed the course. Through the opposition, struggles, and doubt, he stayed in position. He wanted to see revival. He wanted to do the will of God.
Sometimes, God calls us to sacrifice as we fight for something different from the world’s expectations. I found a good purpose to fight for. In the face of adversity and despite the negative, God has called me to build a wall of faith to protect my family. I have submitted, saying, “Whatever that looks like God. I’m in position.”
God created us to be His kingdom-expression here on earth. You were created for a purpose. Sometimes, it can be difficult to fulfill your God-given purpose. It can even hurt. Be assured that although what He has called you to may be a big responsibility, it also offers a big reward.
In this life, we will suffer.
Suffering might be a big part of your calling.
But suffering will change you, and God will enable you to persevere in your calling.
Don’t give up!
God has a plan, and He is walking through it with you.
It might be challenging and painful, but when we walk through dark places, we learn to be the flashlight.
Believe in God’s promises.
Keep going!
Stay on the wall and keep looking to the day when you will stand face to face with Jesus, and He will look at you and say, “Great job!”
Satan will try to discourage you, hurt you, and distract you from doing what God wants you to do. Satan wants you to fall off the wall.
You must hold tight to our Lord and Savior! Stay true to your calling; don’t stop walking toward the destiny God has for you.
Your obedience can become a revival that changes the course of tomorrow and releases you and those around you from the past. You can be the one!
You have no idea what God can do with your obedience as He builds through your focus and commitment to stay firmly on that wall and do His great work in your family, church, ministry, school, or workplace. Know that you are doing a great thing. GOD is doing a great thing THROUGH you.
The impact of one revived heart can change everything.
Stay on the wall. No matter how long it takes. You are not done until God says you are done—and neither am I. Stay on the wall with me and continue in His strength so that others in generations to come may experience all He has to offer.
(ISAIAH 43:16, 19
by Dr. Jia Conway
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
(PSALM 139:14 KJV)
You are fearfully and wonderfully made. What does that really mean? It means that God did not spare His best when He created you. God knew that you would experience the best and the worst of life, but He knew He created you to endure and be victorious.
God loves you with an everlasting love. He calls you His own. You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, special, and chosen by God. God did a marvelous thing when He created you. God did a marvelous work when He called you by name. Everything about you is an attribute of God. You have believed and known the love of God because you abide in His love. You have experienced righteousness because it is the character of God's love. You have experienced grace because it is the favor of God's love. Your soul knows this all too well because the love of God abides in you.
Praise God for the wonderful work He has done in you and continues to do through you. You are not unaccepted, abandoned, or rejected; you are FEARFULLY & WONDERFULLY MADE! Embrace the masterpiece of your womanhood.
Love You,
Dr. Jia
Women World Leaders and World Publishing and Productions presents:
Women world leaders books are touching lives around the world by creating a burning flame of positive change.
True impact ignites a fire that cannot be extinguished,a burning desire that spreads to others encouraging them to go out into the world and make a difference.
You are in place for a purpose. God has purposes that He is accomplishing through your life and He will sovereignly put you in places for the spread of His glory.
We invite you to read testimonials of personal encounters with God through powerful stories courageously shared. Esther 2:17 reminds us as He placed Esther in position to be queen, God has a purpose for us to do more than we can imagine!
This edition's IMPACTED stories include:
n Annalise Elle Mccall with Hope Alive: Debilitated to Exhilarated with God
n Haley Walker with Hope Alive: Debilitated to Exhilarated with God
n John Riggs with Fit 2 Fight: Are You Armored Up?
n Stacy Thomas with Surrendered: Yielded With Purpose
n Megan Thorne with Joy Unspeakable: Regardless of Your Circumstances
n Lillian Cucuzza with Who Is Able? The Dana Louise Cryer Story
Please contact us if you have read any of our books and would like to share how you have been impacted through a story or a teaching.
Email us at: Connie@womenworldleaders.com
I want to start by saying that I’m incredibly grateful to Women World Leaders for all the support and prayers. Your prayers have allowed me to be here today.
After my mom shared my accident story in the book Hope Alive: Debilitated to Exhilarated with Christ, I became inspired to share my own rescue story! God rescued me and used a real-life scary thing to get my attention. This book has impacted my life so much, but it’s the women in this ministry who have really inspired me. The way you all have impacted my mom’s life has changed my life as well. Thank you! For all those who prayed for me, I want to share my side of the story and how your prayers changed my life.
I can honestly say that 2022 was a great year for me. I was working at a job that I loved, going out with my friends on the weekends, and had girls’ trips planned on a regular basis. I also began dating a great guy. Going to the gym and focusing on my physical health became a priority.
I had my own struggles and deep wounds that have yet to be healed, but from the outside, everything seemed perfect. It felt great for the most part. Life was going really well for me.
On the morning of January 2nd, 2023, I was heading home to get ready for my shift at work when I lost control of the wheel of my car. I remember trying to avoid hitting the car next to me. Then, I saw my blue airbag and everything went black. My car flipped three or four times, and I was thrown out of the passenger window. The very next thing I remember is being in the ambulance and speaking to the paramedic. I asked the paramedic if my words were making sense. The back of my head was in a lot of pain; I knew something bad had happened to me. To this day, I can still feel the scars underneath on my scalp.
I never expected something like this to happen to me. I had a severe brain injury from being ejected from my car window. I only remember parts of this because of my concussion; my ankle was fractured, my toe was broken, and the glass from the window had ripped up my back and the top of my head down to my toes. The beautiful thing is that the front side of my body barely had a mark.
The people who cared for me that day—the paramedics, police officers, and nurses—all said I shouldn’t have survived. I know my being alive was a miracle resulting from all the prayers that were prayed for me.
I barely remember the days after. My mom took amazing care of me, cleaned my wounds, and washed my hair. She even shaved my legs for me. Strangers were also showing up for me! My boyfriend was very supportive and helped me as well. I was shown true love by the people around me.
As soon as I was able to walk and had regained my strength, something big happened. There was an instant fire that ignited within me. I wanted to make something of myself and to make God proud! I started to realize the gravity of what I had been through and how it was a miracle from God that I survived.
Leading up to my accident, I had been waiting for something or someone to guide me through life. But all along, God was waiting for the perfect time to get my attention.
It finally became clear to me that no one else could fulfill the purpose God had set for me. It was only my responsibility. With my cast boot on and staples still in my head, I showed up for my waitressing job and announced that I wanted to work. They suggested I answer phones, taking it easy on my leg and allowing myself to heal, but that wasn’t my approach. I decided to push through and get back to it, even with physical injuries. I had survived the unimaginable, so this was the easy part. God changed me on the cement of that highway; now I share with everyone about my God!
The healing process wasn’t always easy, but I had become resilient and driven to build a beautiful life. This determination fueled me, allowing me to keep going.
As time passed, I fully recovered, and it has all become a memory. My near-death experience taught me to appreciate my life and to make the most of the tools that God has given me.
God often uses difficult experiences to teach big lessons. In my case, I learned just how powerful I can be by believing God for who He is. Life is too short to wait for the perfect moment or opportunity; time will continue to pass. I wish it hadn’t taken me being thrown from a car to realize this, but that was the wake-up call I needed after drifting through life in search of the wrong things.
Ultimately, I’ve been impacted by many experiences, particularly by God, this ministry, and the book Hope Alive, but most of all by the work my mom is doing because Women World Leaders believed in her. The same way she believes in me. It’s this kind of impact that changes the world. She has repeatedly asked me to write in this or that for the ministry, and it wasn’t until she shared the title Impacted that I felt I just had to write. This ministry has impacted me in countless ways, far too many to tell you here. I am grateful. Thank you once again for your prayers that kept me alive and for all the incredible work you’re doing for God and people in the world.
You can read my mom’s side of my miracle story in Hope Alive. I know it will impact you.
As the saying goes, “God doesn’t call the equipped. He equips the called.”
I had no idea what was in store when God prompted me to pursue this “Yes.”
Before the book even had pen to paper, Hope Alive: Debilitated to Exhilarated with God was bathed in prayer. Certainly, God was already orchestrating whose hands this book would end up in, whose heart it needed to touch, and whose life needed healing.
When God calls us to something, we don’t know the behind-the-scenes details. These details often are YEARS in the making before He calls you to your piece of His master plan.
This is what happened with Hope Alive.
In the spring of 2023, the book meetings began; the team and I were thrilled with the book launch in April of 2024 as it reached 9X best-seller, which means it was #1 in nine different categories on Amazon.
Little did we know what God had in store and who He had already hand-picked to read Hope Alive.
I am amazed to see miracles CONTINUING to happen with Hope Alive four months after the launch! I stepped out in faith and purchased 100 books, praying God would lead me to distribute them according to His will. I have truly been impacted by Women World Leaders, the book ministry of Hope Alive, and Voice of Truth magazine!
My uncle is a new Christian who is on FIRE for the Lord. In a way only the Lord could organize, my awesome uncle has started a new ministry where he provides beds for those in need. You read it right—BEDS. It’s baffling how many mothers and children do not have a bed to sleep in each night! Once Hope Alive launched, my uncle was so supportive that he ordered twenty books—and he’s ordered even more since then. He began placing a book on each bed that he delivered as a gift to the mothers! INCREDIBLE! What started as a simple “providing beds for those in need through his church” has exploded into a nonprofit ministry in Northwest Florida that he has titled Beds of Hope. If anyone wishes to
contribute to these blessings, the VENMO is: @bohnwfl. 100% of the proceeds go to Beds of Hope to purchase beds and bedding for mothers and children.
Here is another amazing impact from Hope Alive that I have witnessed firsthand. My mom works as a Precinct Election Official during voting seasons. A lady she currently works with, sadly, has an aggressive, terminal cancer, but she is a believer and has an amazing outlook on life and is still praising Jesus! My mom gifted her Hope Alive. The lady read my story and is now reading the other incredible stories within the book. She loved the book and was so touched that she proceeded to buy 35 copies for her Bible Study at church! Who knew? I certainly would have never anticipated God having this in the works for my book distribution list. The books that were sitting in boxes in my garage had a purpose; they are now reaching the WORLD.
God knew before my pen hit the paper whose hands these books would be in.
He equips. He’s in the details.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28 NIV).
I’d love to connect with you!
Instagram: @HaleyWalkerCreates | Email: walker.haley@outlook.com
I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I wrote a chapter in a men’s ministry book. I’ve been in law enforcement for most of my adult life, so I’m very good at fact-based, no-emotion writing. However, Fit 2 Fight: Are You Armored Up? is not just any book. Just like its two predecessors (United Men of Honor: Overcoming Adversity Through Faith and Navigating Your Storm: By United Men of Honor), Fit 2 Fight gives its readers a broad view of life’s adversities through the eyes of its writers, but that’s just the beginning.
This book inspires the reader to overcome life’s difficulties through faith in Jesus, the power of God’s love, and the enduring truth of God’s Word. When my lifelong friend, the visionary author of Fit 2 Fight, Ken Hobbs, asked me to write a chapter in the book, I was a bit hesitant. However, as we talked, I could feel the Holy Spirit literally giving me the topic of the chapter I would write, and I knew I would say yes. I also knew this topic had broken me inside and made me question God, asking Him, “Why?”.
I must admit that writing my chapter was one of the most difficult and painful things I’ve ever done; it was about the death of my 33-year-old daughter, Crystal. In September 2020, Crystal was hit by a drunk driver in front of her home. She passed away from her injuries three weeks later.
As I began putting my thoughts together for my chapter, I could feel the pain welling up in me. The memories of what my family went through. The anger at the drunk driver. And the thoughts of my failure to protect my daughter. What could I have done differently? It all came back in like a flood. So, I began the process of writing, and with each word, I could feel the Holy Spirit lifting me up, telling me it was okay to cry, and prompting me to investigate God’s Word. As I wrote, I could see that I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful, large family. They could see this was a difficult process for me, being a tough guy—a former cop and all. As time went on and the chapter began to take shape, I could see a common theme in the story. Through any adversity, even one this severe, God’s love endures forever. He will never leave you alone to face life or go through challenges without His tender, loving care. Although I referred to many scriptures in my chapter, I felt drawn to the Psalms. As I researched and read scriptures, I could feel God’s healing hand moving in my spirit as my healing process took a leap forward.
I was truly blessed to be given the opportunity to share my story in Fit 2 Fight. I am equally blessed to be associated with these men of honor who shared their stories so that others could be blessed by the lessons they teach.
Men, families, communities, and countries must be on guard as courageous and battle-ready warriors. We are each commissioned to be vigilant conquerors, prepared to lead the fight to overcome evil. The valiant Fit 2 Fight share how they have overcome using the weapons that ensure victory no matter what
Fighters, there is no triumph without a trial! There is no freedom without a fight! Let’s link arms and fully understand that although God’s Word does not declare that no weapon will be formed against you, it does say that nothing intended to harm you will prosper. And the evil accuser has no reign when we stand on God’s truth. Learn how to use the armor and weapons our mighty God offers, and prepare to be Fit 2 Fight!
God works in such amazing and beautiful ways. In 2011, I attended a worship service where I heard the Lord tell me I would one day write a book.
Quietly, I chuckled and thought to myself, Yeah, right. I don’t even have a journal.
Though I never had a desire or skill to write, God thought differently. When given the opportunity to be a contributing author in Surrendered: Yielded With Purpose, I agreed at the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I had been working on a book, and I thought writing for Women World Leaders would be a hindrance.
Boy, was I wrong…
Working alongside these gifted women was a refreshment to my soul and has impacted my life in so many ways!
This book mission super-charged my passion to share my testimony. God used this experience to encourage my writing and grow my confidence as I shared pieces of my story that had been protected in the depths of my heart.
The book launched on my 52nd birthday and was elevated to Best Seller as the day progressed. Excitement took over, and I began planning book signings and bookstore interviews. Book signings provided opportunities to share the gospel and encourage others. A local Christian magazine featured my book, allowing it to further travel the Florida Panhandle.
Surrendered is currently being sold in a local coffee shop, along with other Women World Leaders best-selling books! The coffee shop is located on the beach, attached to a Transitional Living Ministry. Visitors from all over the world visit and purchase these stories of God’s love. Readers have expressed their gratitude for this book and shared the impact on how they’ve experienced God along the way.
I am grateful to God for His grace, mercy, and love. He continues to prove over and over that He does not make mistakes and His plan is perfect. Surrendered: Yielded With Purpose has impacted my personal growth as a writer and provided encouragement along my personal journey. My prayer for this book is that it continues to impact lives, especially mine, and bring others into a deeper relationship with Christ—a beautiful relationship that will provide assurance that we are never alone.
Our world is a battleground. Satan has waged a holy war against those God has called with purpose.
Walking through this world, we all have choices to make. We must choose to live life following our own sinful inclinations or look beyond ourselves and seek God. And God promises that when we seek Him, we will find Him. So when we find Him, we must then decide to continue living on our own or surrender to His will, understanding that He is in ultimate control. As you read these pages, you will recognize with awe that surrendering to God is far more effective than striving alone.
The contributing authors in this book share their stories which, together with the teachings presented, will shed different levels of light on the word surrender to help strengthen your relationship with God. When we let go of our own attempts to earn God's favor and rely on Jesus Christ, we receive a deeper intimacy with Him and a greater power to serve Him. These stories and teachings, which coincide with the truth of scripture, will inspire and move you to become Surrendered to living a life with and for God!
Spread the love of Jesus wherever you go. You never know the impact you’ll have. 1 Peter 3:15 (NIV) says, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” My friend, Terry Perches, along with others were obedient to the Word of the Lord. The obedience of these children of God is what lead me to meet my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I grew up in a Christian environment. Even though my family didn’t go to church until I got into high school, I went to a Baptist preschool and VBS. I attended a few different youth groups as well. Despite those positive influences, I was lacking that critical one-on-one relationship with Jesus. So, when my faith was put to the test, it crumbled. I had a house built on sand as opposed to a house built on the rock that is Jesus Christ. In November of 2016, I lost my dad to suicide. My faith that was on the fence, tipped the wrong way. I got into problems with alcohol and ended up getting a DUI. On my one phone call, I threatened suicide. Straight from jail, I was Baker acted. When I was released, one of the first things I did was get a massage. It was then that I knew my life’s purpose was to become a massage therapist myself. I enrolled in massage school, which was an incredibly healing experience. I was out of the hole of depression, but I still wasn’t feeling whole. I felt something big was missing. I tried all kinds of things to fix it. At times, I got the illusion that I was healing myself, but I still felt a void. Eventually, Christianity made it into the mix of things that I was doing. When I started seeking God for real, He showed up. Almost all areas of my life improved instantly. On November 18, 2023, seven years to the day after I lost my dad. I spread his ashes in the ocean and got baptized that day. The Lord literally gave me beauty for ashes.
When I met Terry Perches, she told me her life story, everything, good and bad. She shared her testimony with me. She was honest about how much trouble she had gotten into but, how the Lord was able to redeem her from all that because she chose to accept Him into her heart. He completely turned her life around right away. Terry planted some seeds that would be watered over the next year or so. Terry later ended up sharing her testimony in a Chapter of Joy Unspeakable: Regardless of Your Circumstances. I wanted to know
more about her story. That is why I got a copy. The Lord had so much in store for me! This book was one of the first Christian resources that I had in the beginning of my walk with the Lord. Joy Unspeakable really lives up to the tittle! I was truly amazed how the people were able to find joy amid tragedy, especially because I had experienced a lot of hardship in my own life. One story that really helped me was Oil of Joy by Stephanie Winslow. In this Chapter, Stephanie describes the loss of her brother. Jesus turns her tears of despair to tears of joy. I could relate to her loss. We have a God of revival. There is resurrection power in the mighty name of Jesus. This story, as well as the others, gave me a lot of hope. These stories taught me about the love of Jesus.
As followers of Christ, we are called to be a good representation of Him and His love. Share the reason for the hope that you have with gentleness and respect, in every situation. You never know the impact that you might have. Even if the seeds that you plant take years to grow, you are still called to plant them. It could make more of a difference than you can even imagine. It can be the difference between death and life.
Kidnapped at the age of five and taken deep into the woods alone, Dana Louise Cryer was forcefully thrown into a dilapidated, filthy shack where she experienced unimaginable horror. Terror-filled days, destitute nights, excruciating pain, and loneliness were all this little girl knew for over a decade. With little access to food, Dana spent her days on an old, dirty mattress, staring at the bare walls of that shack—living in fear that her captor would reappear and torment her, which he did. Again and again. The isolation was enveloping. The days turned into months and then years upon years as she remained in captivity.
This phenomenal story of rescue, restoration, hope, healing, and forgiveness—all in God’s abiding love—will captivate you. Dana’s incredible journey of tremendous pain is pierced by tumultuous circumstances and filled with twists and turns as she learns that living in God’s POWER can render ultimate forgiveness. God’s incredible love transforms this true-life survival account into a miraculous outcome of total freedom. This book will leave you breathless and in tears at what only God can do.
AM STILL SPEECHLESS… I bought this book as a recommedation and started reading it. I was moved immediately. I read it in two sittings over two days.
This book had pain, evil and heartbreaking trauma BUT at the same time, so much love, forgiveness, miracles, and redemption. I highly recommend Who Is Able?
A very sensitive topic in Who Is Able? but written for all readers. It is the unimaginable in what occurred in the story and then also the redemption story of forgiveness. This book forever changed me.
A must read! And a must share. Just wow. The beauty of seeing God show up even in the darkest hour. He always has us. He had Dana. Romans 8:28! Read this book, you won’t regret it.
I read this incredible true story in 1day! From 12 noon until almost midnight with a break for dinner, this book had me captivated. I cried through the most unbelievable, heartwrenching parts inside and then cried again at the power of God in true forgiveness!
I’ve been waiting to read this book for two and a half years. It did not disappoint! After waiting all this time, I read the book in one day! It was so gripping I could not put it down!
I had a million other things to do that day: getting ready for a two-week trip to Iceland the following week, preparing for a children’s book launch event that happened the week after the trip, and prepping for a craft fair that same week. But reading this book ended up being the most important and best use of my time that day!!!
Wow! God is so good, and He is such a caring, loving God! I cried through the whole book with disbelief, horror, and sadness at the torture, pain, and trauma— both physical and psychological, that Dana (and Jocinda) endured for years. It was a miracle that Dana survived even the first month of torture without food, water, a bathroom, or the ability to clean herself (and avoid infections), much less survive that torture and abuse for years. I cannot even begin to fathom what that was like. It made me so thankful for the life I’ve had.
Thank you for your reach to the world and for glorifying God in all you do. Your books and magazines have really touched me and many of my friends whom I share stories with. Thank you, and I pray a heartfelt blessing over this ministry.
My tears became tears of joy and praise when God saved Dana to tell her story for His glory! Only God is able to help someone make it through such a traumatic experience, even when they didn’t know God during the trauma. Yet He had his hand on Dana the whole time and protected her from certain death for His purpose and plan.
Now I understand why it took so long to write this book. The authors had to be in constant prayer for protection from the enemy and to make sure they told this important story properly. The book is not about the abuse and torture, which, of course, was necessary to share to set up the real story. The real story is about forgiveness and redemption; it’s about how only God is able and how He uses everything for the good of those who love Him.
This book is so beautifully written!
The authors gave just enough detail about the torture and abuse without being too graphic; I felt the pain and emotion in every word! I love how Dana’s story is told through her powerful testimony in the prison along with the thoughts and story of doubting prisoner, Jocinda! Brilliant!
This is the most powerful testimony I’ve ever heard or read; it will be a far-reaching, world-changing, blockbuster book everyone needs to read and hear! Praise God for His goodness, protection, mercy, and grace!
Thank you, Dana Louise Cryer, for being so courageous and obedient in telling your story for His glory! I’m sure it was very difficult to relive all the hurt, pain, trauma, and emotions as you shared your miraculous life story with the writers. Well done, Kimberly, Julie, & Michael! This book celebrates a triumphant victory for all involved!
I was given a magazine by a friend in Ohio and needed to read these powerful scriptures with some of the stories. These women are really genuine with what they shared. Wow. One column that remains in me to this day is "Ever Interceding," Intimacy With God. Each reading has really been moving in a positive way, giving ways for my broken heart to mend. It has also given me hope. I'm saying, "Thank you!"
by Donna Whartenby
Haveyou ever considered the power in the words you speak? In the story of the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:7-39), Jesus had a powerful conversation with her about her life. She was a lonely, social outcast, living with the sixth man with whom she was not married. She was not proud of this lifestyle, going to the well during the hottest part of the day to avoid the rebukes and admonishing sneers of the women from her village. However, Jesus spoke forgiveness and hope into her life. She was so grateful for His message that she put her faith in Him. She then shared His message with the villagers.
Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation (Psalm 25:5 NKJV). The Bible contains the unshakable truth God wants us to know: how we can live pleasing to Him, why we are chosen and loved, what He wants us to do as a part of His plan, and the eternal hope we have in Him.
to receive God’s forgiveness for our sinful ways of living, just like the Samaritan woman. Our love story does not stop with forgiveness. Having belief in Jesus Christ, who sacrificed His life as payment for our sinful ways, saves us from the judgment of eternal punishment. We can live joyfully knowing we will have everlasting life for eternity with God. This powerful promise of truth will remain with you forever.
It is powerful when you speak in truth and love.
His truth also tells a love story—the story of God’s creation. God loved the world so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to earth (John 3:16). Having faith in who Jesus is enables us
This truth also shows us the reality of evil forces. Today’s movies and literary works remind us that evil is all around us. Evil forces speak lies of deceit and tempt us to turn away from God’s ways. We have been born into a fallen and evil world that Adam and Eve ushered in when they disobeyed God’s will in the Garden of Eden. But speaking and following God’s powerful truth protects us from the evil and deceitful path. God promises to guide us in truth (John 16:13). When we face challenging circumstances and don’t know where to turn, we can turn to God’s Word with His unshakable, unchangeable truth. God’s truth will guide and direct us through our circumstances, revealing the way He wants us to go.
As God guides us down the right path, He will also make the right decisions clear. Then, your fear and feelings of being lost and helpless will be replaced with understanding that God is with you.
Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.
(PSALM 23:4 NLT)
When my worry is great within me, Your comfort brings joy to my soul.
(PSALM 94:19 NLV)
God’s Word will give you peace and comfort in challenging times.
God loves us (1 John 4:8). He created us in His image (Genesis 1:27). His unconditional love (1 Corinthians 13) is called agape love. God is the very definition of love. God’s truth is love.
As you come to know and believe in God and His truth, your love will grow, too.
We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.
(1 JOHN 4:16 NLT)
It is powerful when you speak in truth and love. When you embrace God’s perfect truth and love, you can claim the same powerful love for others: your spouse, children, neighbors, and your brothers and sisters in Christ. Jesus said, “This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you” (John 15:12 NLT). When we speak in love, we should, therefore, speak the powerful words of God’s truth.
Now, let us bring this around to how we can speak unshakable truth with our family.
Teach your children and grandchildren God’s Word in truth–how to live pleasing to Him. God’s truth is unchangeable. By living His way, we can faithfully and confidently teach our children God’s unchanging, unshakable truth. Teach them about Jesus’ love and the love He calls us to have for one another. Teach your children that because God forgives us, they can learn how to forgive others. God’s truth gives us peace, comfort, and joy when we follow His will, allowing us to stay on the path God directs us to walk. Teach them to listen for God’s gentle whisper (1 Kings 19:11-13 NIV).
Teach them the joy and hope of knowing God, His truth, and His ways and that to believe in this will bring them the assurance of eternal life with Him.
Teach them God’s unshakable truth. Teach them God’s unchangeable love. Set them up for a life of joy, hope, and eternal life with Him.
His truth also tells a love story— the story of God’s creation.”
We invite you to join us as we hand out these beautiful LOVE cards that are the actual size and feel of a credit card. By simply sharing with whomever God places on your heart, you can impact a life for eternity.
While out and about in your day-to-day routine, hand a card to someone on the street and watch them smile. Give one to your waitress at your favorite restaurant with her monetary tip, and she will light up. Share with a friend, a co-worker, or someone you meet as you stand in line or in a waiting room. Women are being blessed everywhere by receiving these lovely cards.
When you share one, be sure to instruct the recipient to scan the QR code on the back with their phone. When they do, they will be taken to the Women World Leaders landing page and given the opportunity to watch a life-changing 6-minute video provided by our friends, The Heaven Guy Team. Available in six languages, the video shares true love—the gospel message of Jesus Christ.
As a ministry, we can track how many people open the page, watch the video, and check the box proclaiming they have accepted Christ. We can also contact and disciple anyone who chooses to leave their information in the provided section.
Go to womenworldleaders.com, click the “ Donate” tab, and designate your gift of $25.00 or more to “ WWL LOVE CARDS” via the dropdown menu. We will send you 50 of these lovely cards, and you can begin sharing the gospel message in such a beautiful way, with the love of Jesus Christ boldly proclaimed by each card. This offer is available in the USA and internationally. Try scanning the QR code on the picture of the Love Card above to watch the video in any of the provided six languages now. Then visit us at womenworldleaders.com to begin your mission of sharing the gospel—one card at a time!
God alone prepares and equips us for the work He had planned for us before we were born.
Hummingbirds are one of the most amazing wonders of God’s creation, armed with phenomenal skills. They are incredible flying machines, moving in any direction instantly. They come in a variety of iridescent colors, like tiny jewels. The males are the most colorful, flashing their glittering throat (gorget) feathers to attract females and to warn male competitors away from their territory.
Did you know that hummingbirds are the smallest of the migrating birds? They weigh less than an ounce, ranging from 0.07 to 0.85 ounces, depending on body size. They migrate alone, not in flocks, for up to 500 miles at a time at a top speed of 34mph.
Their name comes from the humming sound created by their wings, which beat anywhere from 12 to 80 beats per second. Most birds fly forward, but these avian ninjas are the only birds that can also fly backward. However, they don’t spend all their time flying. That would take too much energy. They spend the majority of their time perching and preening. To conserve energy at night, they enter into a state of torpor, similar to hibernation, and slow their metabolic rate to 1/15th of their normal rate!
Did you know that hummingbirds cannot smell? Their great color vision attracts them to colorful flowers. These tiny yet exquisite birds drink the nectar found in feeders by moving their tongues in and out about 13 times per second while hovering perfectly still. They can consume up to double their body weight in a day. (Public Service Announcement: Please
do not put red dye in nectar as it is poisonous to them. Also, NEVER put honey in their feeders – it will cause their tongue to develop mold spores, and they will not be able to retract their tongue, causing certain death.)
Hummingbirds do not mate for life like cardinals or other birds. In fact, they mate for only a few minutes! The males have no role in building nests, incubating eggs, or feeding and raising the young.
Hummingbird nests are built with spider webs, and the female typically lays two pea-sized white eggs—the smallest of any bird—which are incubated over a two to three-week time period. The chicks fledge about three weeks after hatching!
If you’ve ever seen a hummingbird fly in person, it looks like a leaf floating through the air on the wind, until you see it suddenly stop and hover in mid-air while feeding on nectar from a flower. It is at that moment you realize you are witnessing their God-given precision-flying skills, and you marvel at how they maneuver effortlessly to and fro, with purpose from their Creator.
God created this tiniest of birds with amazing abilities to fly forward and backward, hover, distinguish colors of flowers to find nectar, feed, rest, defend territories, and migrate thousands of miles without stopping. He gave it beautiful colors to attract mates and the capacity to reproduce, survive, and thrive despite all the challenges it meets; all for His glory.
If He has equipped the smallest bird with all these features and skills, how much more ability and purpose has He given us? The psalmist writes in Psalm 139:13-16, For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be (NIV).
God has a plan and a purpose for us (Jeremiah 29:11) and uniquely qualifies each of us for that purpose, which He has pre-ordained. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10 NIV).
Humans are the most wondrous creation of the God of the universe. He has given us the ability to think, speak, and do. God alone prepares and equips us for the work He had planned for us before we were born. We don’t have to wait to be qualified before we answer the call to fulfill the purpose He has for us. God qualifies the called!
It’s time to get to work for His glory. God will take care of the rest. As a result, we will be armed with magnificent skills and abilities to maneuver effortlessly to and fro, with purpose, for His kingdom’s sake.
Lillian’s passions are nature photography and serving God. She is a best-selling author, award-winning photographer, and a regular contributor to Voice of Truth magazine. Lillian uses her photography and writing talents to glorify and honor God for His beautiful creation.
Visit, like, and follow her websites: www.HisCreationsLLC.com, www.LillianCucuzzaPhotography.com, Facebook and Instagram @HISCreationsLLC, or email her at Lillian.HisCreations@gmail.com.
by Carolyn Joy
God can use you to change the world.
Ido not know how you feel about it, but to me this statement sounds bold, impossible, and beyond my normal comprehension. I find it hard to believe that God would use me at all, never mind to change the world! Do you believe your life can make a difference for the better to the people around you? Do you believe your presence in a church matters? Do you believe you can do something that can change the world?
My guess is that you would say an easy “yes” to the first two questions. “Yes, with God’s help, I can influence those I am closest to with the knowledge of a loving God….Yes, I can serve in my church to teach others about the Lord.”
But do you believe you can change the world? Does that seem too big for you? Do you trust God for the small prayers and then put God in a box for the big prayers? Or perhaps, what is worse, do you limit God and not even think about praying big prayers? With God’s help, you can pray, “I want to be used to change the world.”
In Joshua 1:1-6 (ESV), God tells Joshua that he is going to use him to bring the Israelites into the promised land.
After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' assistant, “Moses my servant is dead. Now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them, to the people of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you, just as I promised to Moses. From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites to the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun shall be your territory. No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you. Be strong and courageous, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them.”
Joshua, the son of Nun—His name in itself does not sound very promising. However, Joshua is known in history as a charismatic warrior who led Israel in the conquest of Canaan after their exodus from Egypt.
The primary lesson to draw from Joshua’s life is that God is faithful to His promises. God promised Abraham that his descendants would dwell in the land, and, under Joshua, God brought the people
into the land that He had promised to give to them (Hebrews 4:8-10).
I am sure Joshua did not wake up one day and think, “I am going to be used to change the world.” But with God’s help, he was bold and courageous, and he did.
Professor Orr was a theology professor who, in 1940, took his students on a field trip to see different Christian landmarks. One such landmark was the home of John Wesley, a famed scholar and church reformer. As the students walked around Wesley’s home, they noticed two patches of worn carpet by the side of his bed. It was there that John Westley had kneeled in prayer, day after day, month after month, and year after year.
Later, Professor Orr gathered the students back on the bus and noticed one student was missing. Back in the house, the professor heard a faint voice coming from the bedroom. Kneeling in the very patches of worn carpet where John Westley once prayed, one of his students poured out his heart, “Lord, do it again. Bring revival, do it again.”
After some time, Professor Orr interrupted the student, “I’m sorry but the others are waiting for us on the bus. We have to go now.”
After a minute, Billy Graham rose up from prayer and joined the others on the bus. (History Makers RadioBilly Graham, Godspot)
I am sure Billy Graham did not wake up one day and think, “I am going to be used to change the world.” But with God’s help, he was bold and courageous, and he did.
Unlike the strong faith in the Lord Joshua and Billy Graham possessed, the book of Acts reports that Paul did not believe in Jesus as the one true God. In fact, Paul murdered Christians for their faith. In Acts 9, the Lord blinded Paul to get his attention. In doing so, Paul experienced a change of heart and became one of the greatest men of faith of all time.
“For I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name.” So Ananias departed and entered the house. And laying his hands on him he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road by which
you came has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” And immediately something like scales fell from his eyes, and he regained his sight (Acts 9:16-18 ESV).
Sometimes, God bestows faith on us that we need to change the world, and sometimes, He radically gets our attention so we can change the world.
Oh, to be a Joshua or a Billy Graham. I am sure they did not set out to change the world, but they did. Yet, they were no more special than you or me. They did not have anything we do not have the opportunity to claim. They had faith. Faith in God. Faith in hope. Faith that God could use them for His purpose.
Joshua 1:5-6 (ESV) says, Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you. Be strong and courageous, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them.
What about you? Will you change the world?
Do you have the faith to know God can use you in some way, somehow, to bring Him glory? Do you believe God can use you to change the world? That statement may sound bold, impossible, and beyond normal comprehension, but I hope you now believe that it is possible.
Just like Joshua, Billy Graham, and Paul, God can and will use you to change the world if you only allow Him to do so. If He has to, He will do whatever it takes to get your attention. It might be big or it might be small, but it can change the world!
So I challenge you NOW to be bold and courageous with a beyond-normal comprehension and yet very possible prayer, “I want God to use me to change the world.”
Recently, I glanced into my screened-in lanai by the pool and saw a frog desperately trying to jump out. He’d leap and hit the screen face-first. He’d jump, jump, jump, and hit the screen each time. Then, breathing heavily, he’d rest only to try again. Jump, jump, jumping against the screen. Despite my better judgment, I decided to help this poor creature. Not wanting to get too close, I reached for a broom, opened the lanai door, and swatted him on the butt until he hopped out.
Telling the story to my creature-loving 10-year-old granddaughter, I relayed, “After he was free, he looked back at me with his big eyes as if to say Thank you for setting me free.”
Unimpressed, she stared at me stone-faced and said, “I don’t think he was thinking that at all. I think he was saying Did you have to use a broom?
Sometimes, God leads the way, and sometimes, He has to use a broom. Either way, God can use you to change the world!
by Kelley Rene
Merci Rivers is a college graduate navigating the challenges of young adult life. She recognizes her need for a Savior and desires to be a light in this dark world. But sometimes, being the light means putting aside societal norms, stepping out of the crowd, and walking in true obedience to God’s Word. This is often harder than Merci expects, but with God at the helm, she knows she can do all things through Christ, who strengthens her (Philippians 4:13).
Read “Through the Eyes of Merci” from the beginning. The first episode is printed in Voice of Truth: 11th Edition, Quarter I, 2023. All episodes are available womenworldleaders.com.
Excited energy pulses through Merci as she flits around her apartment in preparation for her trip home to celebrate Christmas with her family. She can’t wait to see her mom and dad and even her younger brother, who somehow has surpassed her height, which has been measured in little tick marks on the doorjamb in the home her parents bought when she was four years old.
But first, tonight, she has a date. Her thoughts skitter between what she should pack in her suitcase and what to wear for dinner. She holds an ankle-length maxi dress against her body and turns to view the mirror. Half of her closet already lays on her bed. She secretly hopes a new piece or two will be tucked under the Christmas tree when she arrives home. The maxi drops onto the pile of discarded clothes just as a text message dings. She glances at her phone.
<Got a minute?>
It’s her mother.
Don’t forget to unload the dishwasher, run the vacuum, and take the trash out before you leave in the morning Merci reminds herself as she types back,
Immediately, her phone rings. Merci grins into the screen when her mother’s face appears. “Hi, Mom!” Christmas is their favorite time of year, and it’s obvious they’re both excited to spend time together.
“I know you’re getting ready for your big date,” her mother winks and tosses her shoulder-length hair in a dramatic Marilyn-Monroe gesture.
“Mom, please don’t make this weird.” Merci whines. “I have no idea why I agreed to this.”
Her mother giggles like the giddy schoolgirl Merci is trying not to be.
“Mom, I need a good excuse to cancel. Something that doesn’t sound too sophomoric.”
“That’s ridiculous. You’re meeting at a nice restaurant. Have dinner. Ask some questions. Get to know him.”
“He’s a PhD student who will be wearing a navy sports coat tonight. Can you say boring?” Secretly, she’s intrigued, but her nerves confuse and distort her emotions.
“No one is telling you to marry the guy. Just relax and enjoy a dinner out. The two of you might have something in common.”
That sounds more like the steady mom Merci knows, but then she resorts back to her silly tone.
“Oooo, I almost forgot why I called,” her mom coos as she drops the phone with a thud, swings it around the room, and then settles it on the bathroom sink, revealing a full-body view. “What do you think?”
Merci hesitates, then croaks, “I love it.”
“What’s with the pause?” Her mother never misses a thing.
“Nothing. You look stunning.” Merci does her best to infuse her words with the enthusiasm she knows her mother expects, but she can’t help noticing how much her mother’s figure has changed. Again. It was evident two weeks ago at graduation, but is even more prevalent now. She looks frail and fragile. “That dress is gorgeous.”
“Thank you. I bought it for Dad’s office party.” She twirls in the center of the bathroom like Cinderella dancing with Prince Charming, then grabs the vanity when her legs wobble.
“I can’t wait to see photos.” Merci forces a smile, hoping she’s successfully hiding her concern. “And I can’t wait to build a snowman and make Oreo truffles.” They each agree, and her mom quickly ends the call to accept another.
Merci scolds herself for delaying her trip home. She’d noticed the hint of frailness in her mother’s face at graduation. Why had she not thought of it before accepting this dinner date so she could’ve left sooner? But there is no time to debate it now. She’d get dressed, have dinner, then finish packing. She’ll be home tomorrow and can talk to Dad about it.
The most important way to recognize His promptings is to study the Bible regularly. The Bible is always the litmus test that leads us to God.
Grabbing the maxi dress off the bed, she wiggles it over her head, smooths her hair into a ponytail, grimaces, and yanks it out. Why am I getting so flustered? I don’t need to impress this guy. If he doesn’t like me in a long skirt and ponytail, then so be it. She smooths her hair back again and tightens a scrunchie around it. We’re gonna eat, talk, and never see each other again. Just relax.
Thirty minutes later, Merci parks her car and heads to the hostess stand. “Have you seen a guy in a navy blazer?” She purses her lips, realizing how stupid she must sound.
“Actually, yes.” The young hostess giggles, reminding Merci to be calm and collected. Act like the adult you are, she chides herself as she follows the girl through an array of tables.
Merci sees the navy jacket before she sees the man wearing it. Clive huffs, rolls his eyes, and pours his attention into the menu. This guy is the fly you can’t shoo away from the Sunday potluck. When Baxter, her old roommate, calls out her name, Merci can’t escape the awkwardness.
“Hey!” Merci hasn’t seen Baxter or Clive for probably a year. Truthfully, she’s been quite successful at avoiding them. Her hand touches the scar that will forever cradle the bottom of her left eye as she wonders if she covered it well with makeup. Baxter shifts uncomfortably in the booth, causing her oversized belly to surface momentarily before slouching back below the table. “Now that Baxter’s knocked up,” Ms. Fuller had said at the football game.
“How are you?” Baxter asks just as a flash of blue draws Merci’s attention away from the pair.
“Merci?” A dark-haired guy wearing a navy jacket approaches with an outreached hand. “I’m Xavier.” He’s tall, and his eyes sear into hers.
Merci shakes his hand, quickly wishes her old roommate well, and allows herself to be led away to an adjoining table.
They retreat into a comfortable booth, and the evening progresses with easy chatter over a plate of bacon-wrapped asparagus. Merci studies Xavier’s movements and gentle yet intentional words as he shares about his job, studies, how he chose the university, and where he is in his program. But a pressing thought slowly surfaces in Merci’s mind and begins to drown out his voice.
God, are you asking me to do what I’m thinking? Her heart rate hitches up a notch. What would Xavier think? She’s intrigued by him and thinks they may actually enjoy getting to know one another. What would Clive and Baxter think? I haven’t seen them in so long, does it really matter? Merci makes up her mind. She won’t disobey the prompting she feels from God in order to earn the approval of man.
Merci pulls a pen from her crossbody bag and scrawls her number on a paper napkin. “Will you excuse me for a moment?” Xavier stops talking when Merci scoots out of the bench. She imagines he’s watching her as she retraces her earlier steps back to Baxter’s table.
Xavier may think I’m crazy. Clive will likely think I’m an idiot. But if God wants to use me as a mouthpiece, He must have something to say.
When Baxter lifts her eyes, Merci speaks clearly. “Baxter, God wants you to know He loves you. You are not a mistake. You are not foolish. He created you, and He loves you.” Excitement and energy course through Merci’s body. This is what she was made for. She knows it stronger than ever. Clive and Baxter stare at her, dumbfounded.
Merci sets the napkin on the table in front of Baxter. “Here’s my phone number if you ever want to talk.”
Merci saunters back to the booth. Humility and honor crown her like a coronation of fresh anointing. She avoids eye contact with Xavier as she takes her seat and mentally praises God for the opportunity to share His love.
Never before has obedience felt so good. A glance toward Xavier tells her he heard everything, and silence awkwardly ricochets between them.
“What made you do that?” he asks, a hint of dismay hiding deep in his brown eyes.
“Holy Spirit.” Merci bites back an I’m sorry. God used her as a messenger; she won’t cheapen her obedience with an apology.
His expression softens, and his lips turn upward. “That was incredible.” He lets that sink in before continuing, “I thought I was going to be late because my mother called me on my way over tonight.” He brings his fists to his mouth as if to guard against the coming words. “She said, ‘God says you’ll know whether she’s right for you.’”
Merci makes no attempt to shield her surprise.
“What my mother didn’t know was that I spent the afternoon trying to come up with a viable excuse to cancel our date.” He laughs cautiously.
“Me too!” she belts and joins in the laughter.
“Thankfully, neither of us were creative enough.” His tone is hushed when he says, “I think we might enjoy getting to know each other.”
Merci allows his eyes to hold her gaze but is interrupted when Baxter appears at the table. She’s cradling the napkin in her palms. “Thank you for this.” She pauses to wipe a tear from her cheek. “You couldn’t possibly know how much I needed to hear those words.”
“I’m happy to be your reminder.” Merci hops up and envelops the girl in a hug. “Please call me anytime.”
Have you ever experienced a prompting of the Holy Spirit telling you to do something? A simple thought that seemed to come from nowhere?
Through the years, I’ve learned to pay attention to these promptings. Over and over, I’ve seen the Lord prepare me for a chance encounter, save me from impending danger, and even use me to speak truth and life into another’s heart.
It can feel a bit silly at first, but by training our spiritual ears to listen for the still, small voice of the Lord, we can learn to be more in tune with our Heavenly Father and experience faith-building divine appointments. Have no doubt, these promptings will always align with God’s Word and will never tell us to do something that is out of God’s character. The most important way to recognize His promptings is to study the Bible regularly. The Bible is always the litmus test that leads us to God. Don’t allow sin to drown God’s voice.
Isaiah 30:21 says, Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left (NLT).
As Merci continues to obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit, we will see God show up in incredible ways. Stay tuned to see the good things He has in store.
Kelley Rene is an award-winning author who writes contemporary fiction to illustrate biblical truths in the mundane, the exhilarating, and even the stormy circumstances of life. She is the co-author of the international best-seller Miracle Mindset: Finding Hope in the Chaos. When she’s not scribbling insightful stories, you’ll find her crocheting, kayaking, enjoying the beach, or cuddling a good book and cappuccino. Keep up with her at kelleyrene.com or on socials @imkelleyrene.
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"The stories of so many beautiful women—their testimonies of God’s intervention, grace, mercy, and goodness—touched my heart and soul to its core."
~ Lynn Strickland from Lake City, Florida
by Kelly Williams Hale
(Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)
Twenty years ago, I lived out in the boonies. Seriously, in the middle of nowhere: St. George, Georgia. St. George is a one-light town about 20 miles north of Macclenny, Florida. It’s peaceful and beautiful—God’s country. I loved it. For a season. Things changed when my son turned five and was going to start kindergarten. At the time, I worked in Jacksonville and had over an hour commute each way. It was time to move to town.
I made some flyers: house for sale, 3/2, fireplace, two acres, etc.
And waited.
And waited.
And waited some more.
I knew God wanted me to be closer to my work and the kids’ schools. School had started, and we were getting home around 7 pm each night. We had an interested buyer over the summer, but after everything was said and done, I would’ve ended up paying them to buy my house! In a nutshell, I was trying to make something happen instead of letting God do what only He can do.
I began to pray: Lord, You know what’s best for my family. I will trust You with the sale of my home. I know You have a plan for us. I will wait for You. P.S. PLEASE send a buyer soon!
Each day, I would say this prayer. Each day, I would trust God.
After the endless summer and well into fall, God finally did send a buyer. The weekend after Thanksgiving, I received a phone call from a gentleman who was interested in my home. Yippee! The only caveat was that he needed to sell his house first. I politely asked about his home, which boasted a fireplace, pool, three bedrooms, a screened-in porch, and a room for an office—everything I wanted in my “dream home.” I was intrigued and asked if I could see it.
Fast forward to January 30, 2004. The day I closed on the purchase of my new home in Jacksonville and sold
my home in Georgia—all on the same day. The fella God sent back in November did indeed buy my house. And I bought his!
Amazing things can happen when you trust God. Jeremiah 29:11 says: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (NIV).
It’s not easy to “let go and let God.” We often feel the need to hold on tight, believing we can make things happen. There was such a sense of freedom when I began to trust God each day. He knows just what we need when we need it! I encourage you to trust God today—for your future.
Kelly Williams Hale is a speaker, author, and life coach. She is passionate about Jesus and encourages others to deepen their personal relationship with Him. Her teaching and online courses help Christian women walk in their unique calling to bring God glory. Partnering with the Holy Spirit, Kelly teaches women how be courageous and confident in Christ. Her speaking topics include spiritual growth, emotional resilience, and leadership. She is happily married (third time’s a charm!), a mom of three—each born a decade apart— delivering her youngest at 44 years old.
Kelly is living proof that our mess truly becomes our message and past mistakes don’t define future success.
You're invited to join the Facebook group, Sisters Who Shine, or visit thebebravelife.com for more information.
by Diane Cheveldayoff
Proverbs 16:9 says We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps (NLT). This scripture epitomizes my last few months. My husband and I had very solid plans that all changed rather suddenly. One after another, after yet another. Within weeks, God completely redirected our plans. We had been heading in one direction, but after a series of events, we knew where we had been heading was not God’s plan.
Acts 16:6-7 tells how the Spirit stopped Paul and Silas from going first into the province of Asia and then into Bithynia. Paul and Silas didn’t question why; they only knew God had plans for
them to go elsewhere; in their case, they were to go to Macedonia.
Sometimes, the Holy Spirit stops us from going in a direction that had previously felt Godordained. Does this resonate with anyone else? Although we may not know how or why at the moment, we ultimately know and trust God’s design and protection.
Trying to adapt to God’s plan as we listen to Him has become a well-used word lately in our circle. When there is a lot of adjusting going on in your life, it can help to reread the last part of the above scripture from Proverbs 16:9— but the Lord determines our steps and then trust He has a much better plan than our own.
When I started thinking about how we often have to adapt to various circumstances, it caused me to reflect on parenting our girls. When our children ask for advice, it’s important to internalize our own adjustments as we seek to share practical applications. Adapting is necessary
when our lives are in flux or when we are in a position of dealing with unknown surroundings, making new friends, experiencing adventures, discovering and handling challenges, facing the void from losing a loved one, or navigating and adapting to a new phase or place in life. All these situations can be both exhilarating and exhausting. Nonetheless, as we deal with each one, we know it is by God’s strength, not our own, that we will come through them all, seeing His plan more clearly.
Our daughter who now lives in Alaska is actively prepping for her first winter weather of potential 40 degrees below zero. There is a plethora of practical things required to prepare. The temperatures she has been accustomed to can’t possibly compare to the arctic cold of Alaska. In September, she realized that the snowcapped mountains’ white contrast was becoming more prevalent, creeping down the slope and getting closer and closer. She had already been thinking of all she needed to do, but reality hit her, and she knew time was of the essence. She grasped the need to winterize her car—including keeping necessities in the car in case she became stranded, and have winter essentials on hand—including required tools for snow storms, wood for fires, and a preserved stock of food. Being prepared for the frigid cold in Alaska is a real-life NEED,
not just a suggestion. Even though I get a little concerned with our daughter’s safety during this untested season, it’s so cool to hear her talk about her local church group, termed as her essential community, who are committed to helping each other. God can use all circumstances to help us grow and depend on Him.
For her, Adapting = being in a mode of survival under winter circumstances and adjusting to her environment as she prays for God’s wisdom.
Another one of my daughters is currently navigating being a newlywed. Anyone who has been married knows that marriage requires a huge number of adjustments on both parties’ sides. While theirs was not a short dating process, they still face elements of being married that don’t usually come into play when dating. In general, relationships can be challenging under the best of circumstances, and they become even more complex when life heaps on more and more hurdles, including dealing with jobs, health, family, and finances. God continues to give this young couple life lessons as they adapt. We’ve seen their growth personally and spiritually as they blend their lives.
We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.
For her, Adapting = building a strong and resilient relationship that will withstand whatever may come their way.
Our third daughter is free-spirited and adventurous and doesn’t stay in one place long. She often travels alone to faraway countries for months at a time, dealing with new environments and cultural influences. Our focus is not always on where she is going as much as what she’s doing. Lately, she is often 30-60 feet below in some deep blue ocean, free diving with whales and sharks. (Dolphins and other marine life now seem tame in comparison!) Add the element of surprise while holding your breath at that depth, and that’s when it becomes a little uneasy for Mom. But to hear about her God encounters, whether with nature or people, is indescribable. And seeing her recognize God’s presence and give Him the glory takes my breath away.
For her, Adapting = being mentally and physically prepared to handle a low-oxygen environment while
16:9 NLT)
staying aware of surroundings and knowing how to identify, avoid, and disarm dangers.
We typically consider the process of adapting to be positive, whereas conforming might have a different connotation. In the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the first four synonyms for “adapt” are: “adjust,” “conform,” “tailor,” and “suit.” However, I find it interesting that the first four synonyms of the word “conform” don’t include the word “adapt,” but “obey,” “follow,” “adhere (to),” and “comply (with).” The definition of “conform” in the American Heritage Dictionary states, “To be or act in accord with a set of standards, expectations, or specifications.” In our world today, to “act in accord with a set of standards” is probably not always a good action to take, as the world’s standards are often not in line with the Bible. However, just as the first two synonyms are “obey” and “follow,” being obedient is another form of compliance, and being compliant to or complying (with) God’s prevailing standards—following His direction—is highly recommended and promises to be fruitful.
Until writing this, I never liked the words “compliant” and “conform.” I’ve always felt they carried a bad connotation. But now, my viewpoint has changed; I realize I want to comply with what the Bible teaches I want to keep God’s standards and strive to be like Christ. We can be prepared to adapt in our relationships, situations, and environments by being compliant with God’s directions and commands. Of course there are times when God pushes us out of our comfort zone, but we can trust that His push puts us on His ordained path or helps us grow and develop into who He wants us to be. And yes, this may require us to adapt or comply with godly principles and actions. Please don’t confuse compliance to God’s will with conforming to all the world entices
us to be or do. Adapting and conforming can be positive or negative actions. In God’s eyes, let’s be sure our actions show Christ as we obey and follow His will and way.
Romans 12:2 says, Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in His eyes (TPT). Don’t miss the last part of this scripture. If we don’t conform to this world, our minds and thoughts will be transformed, not just allowing us but empowering us to discern God’s will for our lives. And it gets even better! God will see ours as a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in His eyes. For God to see us that way…Wow!! How amazing is that?
Diane has 46+ years in the hospitality industry — planning, contracting, and executing meetings and events worldwide. She and her husband Les, married over 33 years, have three beautiful adult girls.
She supports his pastoral role and as AACC certified coaches they enjoy helping others have healthy relationships. Contact Diane at Diane@ExecutiveDiamond.com (www.ExecutiveDiamond.com).
Spending moments of time in Voice of Truth magazine has been a blessing over the past 3 years. Each writer and their column is filled with something I get to treasure and remember. I pray for these ladies when I read their writing and often share this magazine with whomever God directs. My friends and family are always touched by how beautiful this magazine is. Thank you, Voice of Truth.
photo and writing by Lillian Cucuzza
People travel from all over the world to watch the Old Faithful Geyser in Yellowstone National Park erupt. Visitors know they will surely see an eruption because it is so predictable, going off approximately every ninety minutes on average.
It is an awe-inspiring sight to behold, with the plumes peaking at approximately 140 feet, bringing oohs and ahs from every spectator. Long eruptions last about three and a half minutes and cause the rangers to predict the next eruption to be ninety minutes later, plus or minus ten minutes. When an eruption only lasts one and a half minutes, you can bet another will occur about sixty minutes later. Old Faithful has lived up to its name. Of the nearly 500 geysers in the park, it is one of six that park rangers can predict.
I deliberately positioned myself hours in advance to get this particular view of the sunset during an eruption, trusting the water would shoot forth as was predicted. Just as its name implies, Old Faithful erupted at exactly 7:10 pm that evening as the sun was setting behind the geyser and the mountains— precisely as I expected.
There aren’t many things in this world that are as predictable or faithful these days, especially humans. However, there is One who is always and completely faithful, even when we are not! 2 Timothy 2:13 proclaims how faithful the only true God is: if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself (NIV).
The Bible speaks many times of God’s faithfulness.
He is God and is faithful to keep His covenant of love:
Deuteronomy 7:9, Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments (NIV).
He is faithful to keep His Word:
Psalm 33:4, For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does (NIV).
He is faithful to keep His promises:
Psalm 145:13, The LORD is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does (NIV).
He is faithful to strengthen and protect us:
2 Thessalonians 3:3, But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one (NIV).
He is faithfully compassionate and merciful daily:
As the prophet Jeremiah wrote in Lamentations 3:22-23, Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness (NIV).
Wow! No matter how often we mess up and prove our unfaithfulness,
God’s compassions never fail, and His mercies are new every morning! We can always count on Him!
Thus, He is faithful to forgive us:
1 John 1:9, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (NIV).
We don’t deserve His faithfulness or forgiveness. God knew we could not be counted upon to be faithful to Him, yet He is so faithful! God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16 NIV). Wow! That is the true and absolute definition of love and faithfulness!
God is the original and everlasting “Old Faithful!” We can count on His faithfulness, and therefore, we can have complete confidence in His Word forever!
He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them—he remains faithful forever.
(Psalm 146:6 NIV)
We must rely on and place all our trust in God every minute of every hour for eternity! He will never let us down! Great is Thy faithfulness!
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.
(Hebrews 10:23 NIV)
Lillian’s passions are nature photography and serving God. She is a best-selling author, award-winningphotographer, and a regular contributor to Voice of Truth magazine. Lillian uses her photography and writing talents to glorify and honor God for His beautiful creation. Visit, like, and follow her websites: www.HisCreationsLLC.com, www.LillianCucuzzaPhotography.com, Facebook and Instagram @HISCreationsLLC, or email her at Lillian.HisCreations@gmail.com.
There is One who is always faithful, even when we are not!
by Alicia Roberts
Haveyou ever wondered why we have seasons? For the longest time, the biggest highlight, and one of the few things that I looked forward to during the winter months, was Christmas. Winter always seemed like a slower, colder time for me, so I didn't feel that there was much excitement beyond Christmas.
Growing up in an area with four seasons, I often longed for the days with more sun, blossoming flowers, and better weather— springtime! As springtime approached, I felt my mood spring into a period of more joy and more optimism. The warmer temperatures and sun shining sprung new life for me. Summers were typically filled with bright, joyful times. I was absolutely a spring and summer girl.
Later in life, I learned to accept that the change in seasons was just a part of life. I learned to find ways to thrive and be happy in the colder months, just as I did in the warmer months. My love for the vibrancy and adventure of spring and summer didn't change; I just found ways to change my perspective about my least favorite seasons.
Natural seasons have a significant effect on vegetation and plant growth. If you are a planter, you probably understand the importance of planting seeds in the spring, nourishing them in the summer, and being able to harvest your crops in the fall. Winters
are the perfect time for nourishing soil and rest for both plants and animals. Just as seasons are important in the natural sense, they are also important in our personal lives.
God uses seasons in our lives to teach us things, to help us grow and develop, to cause us to be hopeful and spring forth new energy, and to give us a period of rest. There are times when we will be in a flourishing and exciting season, and there are other times when we may need to fall back. There will be times when we are building, and there will also be times when we are tearing down and starting over. There may be times when we are filled with joy, and there will be times when we are sad and grieving. Regardless of the change in our season, it is important to remember that there is a reason, time, and purpose for everything.
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace (Ecclesiastes 3, 1-8 NIV).
It is tempting for us to become frustrated, uncomfortable, and confused when change comes at us abruptly or unexpectedly. If you've ever experienced a waiting or difficult season, you may have felt impatient and wondered if
you would ever get through that trying time. I want to encourage you to hang on and not lose hope during those times. There is a lesson and reward for getting through your fall and winter. If you stay the course, your soil/spirit will be richer, setting you up for a fruitful future.
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called
according to His purpose.
Whether you are switching careers or jobs, going back to school, becoming a caretaker, or experiencing a loss, remember that God is always with you. We may never understand why we go through the things we experience or why some seasons are more prosperous and brighter for us than others. However, know that all things will work together for the good in our lives if God ordains it. He won't leave or forsake you. Don't be dismayed; He will be there to guide you through any difficult seasons or transitions.
Alicia has balanced life as a single mom, a Corporate America executive, entrepreneur, and serving her community. Her commitment to helping others achieve their goals inspired her to become a best-selling author, speaker, and certified confidence and inner-healing coach. In 2020, she founded The Confident Lily. If you are in need of putting the pieces of your life back together, visit www.confidentlily.com/pieces for free resources and support.
by Alicia Roberts
¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué tenemos estaciones? Durante mucho tiempo, el momento más importante y una de las pocas cosas que esperaba con ansias durante los meses de invierno era la Navidad. El invierno siempre me parecía una época más lenta y fría, así que no sentía que hubiera mucho entusiasmo más allá de la Navidad.
Al haber crecido en una zona con cuatro estaciones, a menudo anhelaba los días con más sol, flores florecientes y mejor clima: ¡la primavera! A medida que se acercaba la primavera, sentía que mi estado de ánimo se transformaba en un período de más alegría y más optimismo. Las temperaturas más cálidas y el sol brillando me dieron nueva vida. Los veranos solían estar llenos de momentos brillantes y alegres. Yo era una chica de primavera y verano.
Más adelante en mi vida, aprendí a aceptar que el cambio de estaciones era solo una parte de la vida. Aprendí a encontrar formas de prosperar y ser feliz en los meses más fríos, tal como lo hice en los meses más cálidos. Mi amor por la vitalidad y la aventura de la primavera y el verano no cambió; solo encontré formas de cambiar mi perspectiva sobre mis estaciones menos favoritas.
Las estaciones naturales tienen un efecto significativo en la vegetación y el crecimiento de las plantas. Si eres un sembrador, probablemente entiendas la importancia de plantar semillas en la primavera, nutrirlas en el verano y poder cosechar tus cultivos en el otoño. Los inviernos son el momento perfecto para nutrir el
Hay una lección y una recompensa por superar el otoño y el invierno. Si sigues el rumbo, tu suelo/espíritu será más rico, preparándote para un futuro fructífero.
suelo y descansar tanto para las plantas como para los animales. Así como las estaciones son importantes en el sentido natural, también lo son en nuestra vida personal.
Dios usa las estaciones en nuestras vidas para enseñarnos cosas, para ayudarnos a crecer y desarrollarnos, para hacernos tener esperanza y generar nueva energía, y para darnos un período de descanso. Habrá momentos en los que estaremos en una temporada floreciente y emocionante, y habrá otros momentos en los que tal vez necesitemos dar un paso atrás. Habrá momentos en los que estemos construyendo, y también habrá momentos en los que estemos derribando y comenzando de nuevo. Puede haber momentos en los que estemos llenos de alegría, y habrá momentos en los que estemos tristes y afligidos. Independientemente del cambio en nuestra temporada, es importante recordar que hay una razón, un tiempo y un propósito para todo.
Todo tiene su momento oportuno, hay tiempo para todo lo que se hace bajo el cielo: tiempo para nacer, y tiempo para morir; tiempo para plantar, y tiempo para cosechar; tiempo para matar, y tiempo para sanar; tiempo para destruir, y tiempo de construir; tiempo para llorar, y tiempo para reír; tiempo para estar de luto, y tiempo para bailar; tiempo para esparcir piedras, y tiempo para recogerlas; tiempo para abrazar, y tiempo para apartarse; tiempo para buscar, y tiempo para perder; tiempo para guardar, y tiempo para desechar; tiempo para rasgar, y tiempo para coser; tiempo para callar, y tiempo para hablar; tiempo para amar, y tiempo para odiar; tiempo para guerra, y tiempo para paz
(Eclesiastés 3, 1-8 NVI).
Es tentador para nosotros sentirnos frustrados, incómodos y confundidos cuando el cambio nos llega de manera abrupta o inesperada. Si alguna vez has experimentado una temporada difícil o de espera, es posible que te hayas sentido impaciente y te hayas preguntado si alguna vez superarás ese momento difícil. Quiero animarte a que perseveres y no pierdas la esperanza durante esos momentos. Hay una lección y una recompensa por superar el otoño y el invierno. Si sigues el rumbo, tu suelo/ espíritu será más rico, preparándote para un futuro fructífero.
Y sabemos que a los que aman a Dios, todas las cosas les ayudan a bien, esto es, a los que conforme a su propósito son llamados.
(ROMANOS 8:28 RVR1960)
Ya sea que estés cambiando de carrera o de trabajo, volviendo a estudiar, convirtiéndote en cuidador de alguien o atravesando una pérdida, recuerda que Dios siempre está contigo. Es posible que nunca entendamos por qué pasamos por las cosas que experimentamos o por qué algunas temporadas son más prósperas y brillantes para nosotros que otras. Sin embargo, debes saber que todas las cosas obrarán para bien en nuestras vidas si Dios así lo ordena. Él no te dejará ni te abandonará. No te desanimes; Él estará allí para guiarte a través de cualquier temporada o transición difícil.
Alicia ha logrado equilibrar su vida como madre soltera, ejecutiva de una corporación estadounidense, empresaria y sirviendo a su comunidad. Su compromiso de ayudar a otros a alcanzar sus metas la inspiró a convertirse en autora de libros superventas, oradora y coach certificada en confianza y sanación interior. En 2020, fundó The Confident Lily. Si necesita volver a poner las piezas de su vida en su lugar, visite www.confidentlily.com/pieces para obtener recursos y apoyo gratuitos.
by Connie Hecker
Just then his disciples returned and were surprised to find him talking with a woman. But no one asked, “What do you want?” or “Why are you talking with her?”
Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people, “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?” They came out of the town and made their way toward him.
Meanwhile his disciples urged him, “Rabbi, eat something.”
But he said to them, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.”
Then his disciples said to each other, “Could someone have brought him food?”
“My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Even now the one who reaps draws a wage and harvests a crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true. I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.”
Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever did.” So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days. And because of his words many more became believers.
They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.”
After the two days he left for Galilee. (Now Jesus himself had pointed out that a prophet has no honor in his own country.) When he arrived in Galilee, the Galileans welcomed him. They had seen all that he had done in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival, for they also had been there.
Once more he visited Cana in Galilee, where he had turned the water into wine. And there was a certain royal official whose son lay sick at Capernaum. When this man heard that Jesus had arrived in Galilee from Judea, he went to him and begged him to come and heal his son, who was close to death.
“Unless you people see signs and wonders,” Jesus told him, “You will never believe.”
The royal official said, “Sir, come down before my child dies.”
“Go,” Jesus replied, “your son will live.”
The man took Jesus at his word and departed. While he was still on the way, his servants met him with the news that his boy was living. When he inquired as to the time when his son got better, they said to him, “Yesterday, at one in the afternoon, the fever left him.”
Then the father realized that this was the exact time at which Jesus had said to him, “Your son will live.” So he and his whole household believed.
This was the second sign Jesus performed after coming from Judea to Galilee.
Jesus had been physically exhausted upon their arrival in town. His men had gone for food. In the meantime, He had ministered to this woman and the men of the town. Jesus was energized not by the physical food brought by his men, which He no longer seemed to need, but rather by the food of accomplishing the work, the actual doing of His Father’s will.
When I do His will and accomplish His work, I can be certain He will nourish me and provide me with the energy I need to accomplish it.
Jesus was busy harvesting souls for the kingdom to come at a time before He even went to the cross. The reaper gathers the fruit which the work of the sower started. The reaper joins the labor force that planted and tilled. He gathers the fruit. Jesus sowed hope into a single woman at the well, and then He reaped an entire town of people.
What portion of the work am I doing for His harvest? Am I tilling the soil? Am I planting seeds of hope? Am I reaping the ripe harvest? Am I on my knees praying? Do I love as He loved, which is my act of evangelism?
The woman was believable to the men of the town. I don’t understand that, but I appreciate it. They came to Jesus because they believed her. Was it her confession, the change reflected in her countenance, or her ability to confess that drew them as well? Perhaps the men felt the weight of their own sin and were drawn to Jesus because of her testimony, her word. Something drew them, and they came. Jesus met with them, and their hearts were also changed. Many more believed.
Hope, for me, is expectation.
That is not all. But they were given the choice. They were able to have Jesus stay with them for two days. Two days with the Savior and their lives would never be the same. I wonder what the legacy of that town, those men and women, is today?
So what was her process? She shared, she led, the men came, they believed, and they studied. Am I sharing Jesus? Jesus as the Savior of the world? Not just for Americans, not just for men, not just for the Jew, not just for this or that race, not for just the ones who go to church, not just for the rich, not just for the poor, but for all?
Lord, let me listen deeply and draw from the living, pure, abundant, flowing waters of Your Spirit and Truth. May today be a day of sharing truth and testimony about You as the One Who Reconciles our deepest longings.
Trust and Insight
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in
JOHN 4:27-54
Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8 NIV). This command, the great commission, is the final and still-standing order given by Jesus to His followers. Here, in the information selected by John to tell about Jesus, we see He already set the example (v 43-54). Jesus went first to the leaders, to the religious hub. His first sign was water turned to wine at a Jewish wedding ceremony in Cana of Galilee. After cleaning house in the temple in Jerusalem and teaching many there, Jesus goes to Samaria and is well received. Then He returns to Cana, where the second sign is given. This one is a healing for the benefit of a foreigner.
He did these things in front of his own hometown folk. They had high (and perhaps) selfish expectations of the Messiah to come. Jesus did not seem to have high expectations of them. When the official came to Him, he begged Jesus to come in person to heal his child, thinking that His physical presence was required for healing. But all that was required was for Jesus to speak the word. What does Jesus say? “Your son will live.” The man believed and acted on that belief by going to see for himself. The truth met him on the road, where we are given explicit proof that convinced this official: the moment of Jesus’ declaration is when the man’s son was healed. The man then believed, and his entire household also believed. Imagine the change there!
The needed miracle led to the salvation of this entire household. Jesus knew what it would take for
“you people” to believe. He met the need, and they believed. This is my example. What “needed miracle” holds people back from believing today? How can I be impactful in meeting a need so salvation can come? Is it a word of encouragement? Is it a gift of my time? My money? A letter or declared prayer of intercession? What power do I have to meet another’s need? Jesus did not seek out this person; rather, He was sought by them. Who comes to me seeking help? Why me? What have I to offer? Why did they come to me? What is the underlying need, and how can I meet it? The official’s son needed healing, and the entire household needed salvation.
Lord, make me wise and discerning to know the real needs of those who come to me asking for help. Guide me to respond with what will help them and lead them to trust in You.
It was not a trip that was required of You; Your entire day did not need to be reordered for him. You needed only to say the Word, and the man left, not necessarily convinced but with hope. Yes, You had healed, but he did not know it yet; he had the hope and left to see. He faced a journey, but his answer came before he even got home.
Do I come to Jesus as this man did? Trusting enough in His spoken declaration to return and see?
Connie Hecker, MFA, is a Scenic Designer recently retired from teaching at Liberty University. She is mom, stepmom, and grandmother. Her “first career” was in interior and industrial design.
Her “second” was as Manager of Operations and Maneuvers (note initials) in her extended family.
Her “third” was as a professor. Now she is looking forward to what God has in store as her “fourth.”
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.
(1 PETER 4:10 ESV)
by Rusanne Carole
Surrender it all
Surrender it all
I am here with you every step of the way
I have been with you before you took your first breath and opened your mouth to cry out!
You can cry out, my child
I hear you even when you don’t say a word, whether the tears flow or not
I can hear your heart
I know your hurts
I know your disappointments
I know your thoughts, your dreams, your desires
I put my desires in your heart
Like a mother places a baby down to sleep
Or a woman prepares a meal for her family
Or a gardener plows the soil and places a seed to be watered and nurtured!
I place them there, my love, to be fulfilled
I receive pleasure when I see them take root and flourish in your life
Look to Me
Be still Be quiet
Hear my voice
I speak to you all the time
Turn everything off
Come to Me and with Me
Take my hand
I have so much to say
So much for you
All you must do is believe!
Trust Me, and if you fall, I will be there to pick you up
Trust Me in it all
I have you in my capable, strong, and sovereign hands
Keep your eyes on Me I will lead you in this dance of life
When you’re tempted to run ahead
Stop and look back!
I am always there, always there!
Watching over you
Never too far
We take this ride together, my treasure I am always with you I love you
by DeAnn Alaine
Ilove being invited to anything! Teatime with girls, parties, an invitation to dinner or a baby shower…you get it. I also like the feeling of getting an envelope in the mail with an invitation inside, knowing it was picked on purpose and has qualities that match the person who mailed it, even down to the very themed stamp on the envelope. Remember the last time you sent or received an invite? That invitation was personally curated by the people hosting the event.
I like all manner of celebrations. Have I mentioned that I’m a sucker for wedding bubbles? I’ll give you this advice for free: launching party poppers at a celebration of life really leaves the wrong impression (I’ve never done that, but the thought of it is entertaining).
We are now in the season of Christmas; invites have been sent.
I think of the actual birth day of Jesus. God Almighty used TAXES to get Joseph and the very pregnant Mary to Bethlehem. How frustrating to have money for a room and not be able to get a room! So the couple received an invitation to give birth in a stable with animals and poo; with obviously no epidural or spa tub to give birth in.
And it came to pass in those days that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child (Luke 2:1-5 KJV).
Let’s fast forward 30 years. Think about the “invitation” Jesus received to return to Judea to minister to the soon-to-be-dead Lazarus. Jesus was willing to literally walk through trouble to get to one of his best friends! But his disciples objected. “Rabbi,” they said, “only a few days ago the people in Judea were trying to stone you. Are you going there again?” (John 11:8 NLT). Just to reiterate the danger to Jesus, here comes Thomas, nicknamed the Twin, saying to his fellow disciples, “Let’s go too—and die with Jesus” (John 11: 16 NLT). I love that Jesus’ disciples were willing to go with Him even though they didn’t understand what was going on or what was going to occur!
But what about inviting someone into a situation that I’m walking through? What if I’m walking through trauma? Who’s really going to want an invitation to that party? Jesus really is that wonderful. In fact, He goes out of his way for you and me. “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home (Luke 15:4-6 NIV).
Jesus is waiting for your messy, unkempt, and troubling invitation. He’s in love with you!
What if what’s lost or misguided is an emotion that has gone haywire? Sadly, I know too many people who really struggle with issues of fear and anxiety, all for different reasons. But since the King of Glory raised Lazarus from the dead, don’t you think that Jesus, Jehovah Jireh, is willing to walk into your place of trouble to provide healing for emotional and mental theft?
Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think (Ephesians 3:20 NLT).
Perhaps Jesus is just waiting for an invitation. Stop right now and invite the Counselor into that area that has been troubling you. You don’t have to wonder what He’s going to think of you! He’s in love with you! Jesus is waiting for your messy, unkempt, and troubling invitation. He will reply to your invitation with a resounding “Yes!”
DeAnn Alaine is a comedienne whose mandate from the Lord is to bring joy to the world. She's a contributing author of Miracle Mindset and the creator/director of the multi-award winning sitcom, Fade Away. If you’d like to view the trailer or book DeAnn for your next ladies event, go to www.deannalaine.com
by Diana Brown
As I was traveling to Florida earlier this year, the clerk at the airport check-in told me my first flight would be delayed, and she encouraged me to rebook my connecting flight to a later one. At the time, the delay was only ten minutes, so I decided I would try to make my connection. If I didn’t make it, I figured then I would rebook for the later flight, which had 64 open seats.
When I arrived at the gate for my first flight, the 10-minute delay had turned into an hour. I went to talk to the agent at the gate, who encouraged me to keep my original itinerary, saying the pilot could make the time up in the air. If we landed according to the delayed schedule, however, I would only have 20 minutes to get off the plane and make my way to the second gate. I began to doubt, YET I still thought I could make the connecting flight.
James 4:2 ESV came to mind, which says: You do not have, because you do not ask.
I was going to ask & trust, ask & trust, ask & trust!
Prayer does not have to be an arduous process. You and I often complicate it by thinking we must include all these elaborate words and phrases, yet it is simple. Do you think God wants us to use fancy words? Or do we believe that He listens more attentively to certain words? Absolutely NOT! He wants us to come as we are. God hears our heart.
My prayer was simple, “Lord, allow me to make it to the next gate. Lord, I am trusting You.” I prayed that over and over— claiming and believing that I would make it.
He wants us to come as we are. God hears our heart.
Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving (Colossians 4:2 ESV).
His ears are open to their prayer (1 Peter 3:12b ESV).
Luke 18:40-41 (ESV) is a simple prayer between Jesus and a blind man: Jesus…asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” He said, “Lord, let me recover my sight.”
What is on your mind? What is in your heart? If you had to sum up what you want God to know in a sentence, what would it be?
Prayer is a conversation with Jesus. Talk to Him as you would a friend or family member.
“And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words.* Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him” (Matthew 6:7-8 ESV).
Go to Jesus with faith with your request. Call on Him as He always listens.
“Lord, allow me to make it to the next gate.”
“Lord, I am trusting You.”
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7 ESV).
During my first flight, I asked the attendant if those with connecting flights could possibly get off the plane first. She agreed and announced as we approached the gate that passengers should allow those with connecting flights to get off first. The passengers were gracious to allow us to do so. Still, I continued to pray: “Lord, allow me to make it to the next gate. Lord, I am trusting You.”
The plane door was unlatched and opened. I was the third person off the plane and took off running. I had to go through two terminals and was short of breath halfway to the gate. Still, I kept praying, “Lord, allow me to make it to the next gate. Lord, I am trusting You.”
FINALLY, I made it to the next gate! I was thankful! Praising Jesus! He was listening! (By the way, I would have praised Him EVEN if I had not made it!)
Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear (Isaiah 65:24 ESV).
We sure can complicate prayer. BUT prayer is simple. Let us not make it difficult. The Lord wants us to connect with Him in prayer. Friend, run to Jesus, sit on His lap, rest in Him, talk to Him simply, and He will continually provide for you:
Thus says the Lord:
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.”
(Jeremiah 17:5, 7-8 ESV)
I challenge you to pray simply and honestly. Just give God your genuine words and thoughts. And you, like me, will see how well simple prayer works.
A few simple prayers:
Thank you, Lord.
I surrender, Lord. Lord, I trust You. Lord, have Your way. Help me, Lord. Your will be done, Father. Your turn. Add some simple prayers of your own:
Remember, God-pleasing prayer is simple. In Matthew 6:7* (stated on the previous page), Jesus said, “for they think that they will be heard for their many words.” The Lord looks on our heart, not on fancy, eloquent words.
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (1 Samuel 16: 7 ESV).
How are you going to pray simply and honestly moving forward?
Share with us how God guided you in a decision in your life. How did you pray? What verse or verses ministered to you? Send an email to Diana@womenworldleaders.com We love hearing your God stories!
We are committed to bringing in a harvest through Voice of Truth, which is available for free digitally and in the printed version to our donors.
The Lord is our provider, and as this magazine grows daily, we invite you to help us bring in the harvest. Your partnership with us in prayer and giving is a seed blossoming in the hearts of women around the globe.
As you give, we are praying and trusting that the Lord will bless you and meet your needs according to His riches in glory.
We praise the Lord for you and thank you for your obedience and generosity.
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by Leecy Barnett
Kim Kerr
Kim Kerr was no stranger to hurt and trauma growing up.
Although her life began with turmoil at home, she has witnessed the goodness of God transforming all that the enemy meant for evil and using it for good. At the age of three, she became a pawn in the divorce contest between her parents. For three years, Kim and her older sister, having been kidnapped by their father, were kept away from her mother and told she didn’t care about them. Through prayer and perseverance, her mother found and secured her two daughters. It would be many years later before helping children recover from childhood trauma became a widespread practice. Yet Kim is convinced that God doesn’t waste anything. She remembers moments of deep longing for a loving family, for belonging, and even an earnest desire to know and experience God’s love.
Her longing for love created a deep hunger for the things of God, although she was unaware of just how to know Him. She and her sister Kitty were drawn to Christ in the 70’s
The women who have been hurt the most seem to have the greatest capacities to help and serve others by bringing the gospel with words and actions.”
through the Jesus Movement that swept across the USA. They both married and started their families quite young. Kim was only 17 when she married, and 19 when she had the first of her four children. It was then that her sister, Kitty, invited Kim to a Bible study; she fell deeply in love with Christ that very night. Kim says, “I fell in love with Someone who loved me first and loves me most!” As it says in 1 John 4:19 NASB, We love, because He first loved us.
Shortly after she became a Christ follower, Kim began to sense a Holy Spirit whisper saying, “I want you to work with women.” Kim served in a variety of ways, but she was passionate about studying and, later, teaching God’s Word. She began leading a Bible study for other women who had challenging circumstances in their past or present. This led her to volunteer at the Crisis Pregnancy Center at her church, where she eventually became Executive Director.
An invitation to visit India in the year 2000 turned Kim’s life upside down. She realized that women in India and around the world are harmed, oppressed, and abused simply because they are female. While at the same time, she recognized women are highly capable and intuitively aware of the needs of those around them.
The next year, Kim joined the staff of a mission that works with indigenous missionaries in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, serving with them for five years. She served with a similar mission for eight more years before starting Women in The Window International in 2013.
The Window in the ministry’s name is the 10/40 Window, which “is a geographical region located 10 degrees to 40 degrees latitude north of the equator,
spanning from the west coast of Africa to the east coast of Asia. Within this window we find... more than two-thirds of the world’s population... 90% of the world’s least-reached peoples... and 85% of the poorest of the poor live here—those who live on less than $1.90 per day.” 1
Women in the Window’s goal is to partner with women ministry leaders from the countries in the 10/40 window. They aim to equip and empower these amazing women to spread the gospel in their own context and culture. They know the language and understand the needs and dynamics far better than any western missionary ever could.
When reflecting on what she has learned personally from the women world leaders she serves with, Kim observed, “Nothing in my life is wasted. Women make the most of each and every opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those around them in these hard places. They are resilient, intelligent, hardworking and retain their sense of humor through it all. At the same time, I have seen into the deep places of their souls and see how my story is reflected in theirs. It’s as if pain and hardship find meaning and purpose in the deep places of soul connection.”
In the past ten years, Women in The Window has trained more than 15,000 women leaders in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Kim‘s life and ministry have been a shining example of how God comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us (2 Corinthians 1:4 NLT).
To learn more about Women in The Window, visit https://womeninthewindow-intl.org/
1 Women In The Window International. (n.d.). 10/40 Window. https://womeninthewindow-intl.org/1040-window/
Theby Jessica Prukner
new school year always brings challenges and opportunities to learn and grow together on the journey of homeschooling. This year, my three kids are all teenagers, and each subject is becoming increasingly more challenging for me to teach and for them to learn. Biology is no longer about cute creatures on the beach and swimming in the ocean but about the periodic table, how atoms work, and the different compounds that are formed from elements in covalent bonds. Some days my brain just starts spinning when my children ask me for help, and those same days, we become equally frustrated together on this homeschool path of learning. Even though these days are real and actually do happen, I have to remind myself that learning doesn’t have to be frustrating and complicated.
Recently, we started the day trying to figure out our new curriculum and find a groove that works for each of us. The first few weeks are always the trickiest in my experience because the systems have changed, and we are all trying to find what works best for each kid and their learning styles and capabilities. On this particular day, I looked over and saw some frustrated tears coming out of my now high schooler’s eyes. I calmly went over to him and asked what the issue was. He told me that this biology book was requiring that he write out all the terms, about 39 of them, as it was trying to create a lesson for him to learn them. This kid isn’t a fan of writing and also doesn’t do well writing lots of words in the little spaces he was given on this term table. I was able to help him find an alternative way to study—one that didn’t require him to do something that upset him and, therefore, didn’t really help him. We decided he could input the terms into an app he had used in the past that created flashcards and quizzes to help him learn. Immediately, the tears dried, and his stressed body became calm and more relaxed. He could do that; he actually liked doing that. The problem was solved, and a new path of learning was created. We adapted, overcame, and found a good solution to reach the desired result, which was learning biology terms.
A few minutes later, my daughter came over stressed out about the new book she was required to read for the new language program. Reading isn’t her favorite thing to do or necessarily her strong point in learning; she explained that it felt like she was just reading words and not comprehending the story because she didn’t enjoy it. She asked if she could google the audiobook and listen to the audio while she did some coloring in her new science journal. My initial reaction was that this wasn’t acceptable. Readers must read! But then I was suddenly reminded of something I discovered while helping my
oldest daughter prepare her dual enrollment in two college courses this semester: there was an option to have everything read to her, both the required texts and the assignments, in the online app. The world has now adapted to all types of learning abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. I also thought about how often I “read” books on Audible or download and listen to different things while driving and walking. Our world now has options that are very easily accessible and common that allow us to learn without actually reading the text with our eyes all the time. Do we need to know how to read? Absolutely. And she does have required daily reading. But sometimes, in some situations, it is good to think outside the box and allow our kids to find solutions to help them learn in ways that they enjoy and will help them retain the information. I told my youngest daughter she could listen to the audiobook and color in her science book; since she has been doing this learning style, she is thriving in her question-answering and comprehension of the book, and both she and I are happy learning. Mission accomplished.
Whether starting a new school year, a new semester, or homeschooling for the first time, it is always great to remember that the journey doesn’t have to be a cookiecutter replica of public schools or even the same for all your kids if you have more than one learning from home. God made each of our kids with unique personalities, learning abilities, styles, passions, and desires. Allow yourself to see past what “should be” and the expectations of learning and know each child for who he or
she is. The beauty of homeschooling is really in the daily opportunities to allow each child the space to discover who God created them to be. It’s such a joy to see how one is drawn to a certain topic and subject more passionately than another and allow him or her the freedom and encouragement to dive more deeply. It’s also our job as their parents to see where their strengths and weaknesses are in learning and help them find ways to adapt and improvise.
In the end, remember it’s not about getting test answers correct, getting good grades, or reiterating the information they just crammed for the sake of a quiz. The true purpose of education is to learn, absorb, and connect with the things they are learning. Thankfully, we have the gift of seeing that for our kids and making the necessary adjustments to personalize their learning experience. It’s a win for everyone!
Enjoy the journey, lower the stress, think outside the box, and allow your children to flourish on their homeschooling journey. Kids aren’t pegs that need to fit into certain learning holes. They are fearfully and wonderfully made people God uniquely created and designed great plans for. Let them explore that on a daily basis; don’t put limitations and boxes around them. Set them free to be exactly what God has created them to be; that is true learning and quality education!
How are you sharing Voice of Truth? Write us. We want to share your joy of spreading the gospel of Christ throughout the world.
God will increase your capacity in the season when you need Him the most because His grace is sufficient—it is always enough and has no limits. As I write this, it has only been eight weeks since I lost my son, Leo Abishai Tascoe. He was with us for a miraculous 27 hours from the moment that he took his first breath after being delivered by C-section.
He went to heaven after being held in my arms with our closest family and friends surrounding my husband, Jeribai, and me in our hospital room. As I reflect on it all, I know there is no coincidence that I am sharing our story because I can not deny that our testimony is meant to encourage you as you read it to trust God through whatever you are facing today.
Years ago, I had my third child, Leilani, a beautiful baby girl, and I thought to myself that we were good and I was done having kids. As the months continued, I could not shake the feeling that we were missing someone; the feeling just would not leave. It was only after I agreed in my heart that I would have one more child that the feeling let up, and I felt a peace. My husband and I were pregnant a few months later, but when my doctor could not find a heartbeat, my world came crashing down. I was shocked because this had never happened before. My three kids were quick pregnancies; I was not prepared for the heartache and heartbreak of a miscarriage. The next year, we were surprised to find out we were pregnant again; this time, there was a heartbeat! I was so excited because
this time, there was life; I heard it with my own ears. Six weeks later, the look on my doctor’s face let me know that we lost this baby too. So many unanswered questions went through my mind. What is happening God? Did I not feel the desire of my heart to have one more? Why did I feel so strongly that someone was missing from our family, but when I agreed to follow through on my heart’s desire, why would I have two miscarriages?
Proverbs 3:5 says, Trust in the Lord your God and lean not on your own understanding (NIV). That same week, I was at our church conference and the visiting pastor was praying over the whole congregation. I was in the front with my arms raised and my eyes closed. She began to prophesy; as I listened to her speak, I opened my eyes and realized she was prophesying over me.
“Capacity is determined by receptivity, not by outward things. If you have the will to receive it, says the Lord, if you will make the room for it, says the Lord, I will cause you to walk in capacities you would have never felt prepared for.”
God will increase your capacity in the season when you need Him the most.
She asked me if I was pregnant, not knowing just days ago that I had miscarried, and proceeded to prophesy that there is an anointing for a child.
“I don’t know all the details, but there is an anointing for a child that is about new capacity... There are some children, every child is gifted, but some children are demarcations. And I declare to you that there is a watershed moment and a child that must come forth that is a demarcation for the future, for what it is you are to step into, because you will not finish in disappointment.”
All I knew was to trust God at His word and walk in faith for the capacity that would come.
After two more years of trying, with my last cycle of the year and my last pregnancy test in the box, it happened! There were two purple lines letting me know we were pregnant! We waited until we passed the 16-week mark, practically holding our breath, praying that we would not miscarry. Everything was great; there was a strong heartbeat, and our baby was growing in size as expected. When I answered the phone the next week from my doctor, the news he shared was something I did not expect. Our son had a fatal genetic defect; there was nothing we could do for him. We were given the choice to terminate. What I thought was finally a dream come true turned into one of the most difficult but lifechanging chapters I have ever experienced.
We made every decision carefully, thoroughly considering our three kids and the testimony of faith we could display. You see, I had an abortion at 19, and now, as a mom of three kids, I could not intentionally terminate a life that God gave me—whether we would have a few minutes or hours with him or even if he was a stillbirth—I could not get in the way of God’s creation being formed inside of me. The 37 weeks with Leo increased me in so many ways I didn’t know were possible. My capacity for love grew as God showed me to take the time to tell people how much I loved them. My capacity for trust grew as I trusted God for every breath I took because the amniotic fluid I was carrying was double the amount due to little Leo’s growth. My capacity for being present grew as I focused intently on what was right in front of me instead of the worry and what-ifs of the future. My capacity for courage grew as I stayed the course and ministered to friends and family, encouraging them despite my own struggles. And my capacity for leadership grew as I carried my little lion Leo inside me and saw myself as the lioness leader chosen to be his mom.
On the day of his birth, hundreds of people all over the world were praying for us. Little Leo’s life and his story were shared all over social media. The impact of his 27 hours here on earth glorified God and His faithfulness. So many people shared how their faith was reignited and their prayer life rose to a new
level. Some people shared Leo’s story with loved ones and led family members to Christ!
I heard a beautiful quote in the weeks leading up to Leo’s birthday,
“10,000 unlit candles can’t light one candle, but one candle can light 10,000 unlit candles.”
That is what my son did. His little light lit the hearts of 10,000, and the ripple effect continues as we share our story with Voice of Truth and Women World Leaders. A friend of ours said, “I was thinking about Leo today, and it brought joy to me that his little life was one that exclusively knew love.” I believe with my whole heart that my son Leo was conceived in love, carried in love, delivered in love, and then surrendered in love.
I am forever changed by this experience; I hope it reminds you that God is a miracle giver. We may never understand the trials of life we face. Still, you can trust Him with all your heart, know that God’s grace is sufficient, and grow in the capacity of character and identity that God has called you to as you learn to love more, trust more, be more present and courageous, and be a lioness leader here on earth.
It is not an overstatement to say that the age in which we live is unprecedented in numerous ways. This is particularly true regarding the amount of information thrust upon us. Never before have people had 24/7 access to limitless information contentiously bombarding their minds. Even the watch worn on a person's wrist is now a telephone, and the beeping never stops. Trying to tune out, cut off, or unplug can be difficult. Such persistent attacks on our mental capacities will eventually overload the circuit board. We'll become weary at best and completely indifferent at worst.
To avoid becoming another statistic of information overload, we must take charge of what we expose our minds to. As believers, renewing our minds with the truth of God's Word is not optional. We must set boundaries, reject much of the information thrown at us as untrue, and fill our minds with God's truth. This requires that we monitor our input—what we read, what we hear, and what we see. It is for this very reason that Voice of Truth is so essential. It becomes part of the solution women need to become Overcomers by providing truth to a world that no longer knows right from wrong.
This first-class publication makes sharing God's Word a pleasure. The printed collection of articles by writers from across the globe is done with excellence. Few publicans for women match the beauty and truth found within its pages, making it a joy to give to others. It allows God's good news to be presented to others in a manner that grabs their attention and keeps their interest. The layout, artwork, and photography are so well done that weary souls can be calmed and peace brought to heavy hearts. The articles are relevant to women living in the real world as they deal with the pressures of everyday life. Because all articles are based on the truth of God's Word, seeds are sown into the readers' lives that can bring forth eternal fruit.
The writers for this fantastic magazine give their best efforts so that God's truth shines like the light it is meant to be. It is indeed an honor contribute to this magazine as we strive together to produce Voice of Truth for the glory of God.
Renewing our minds with the truth of God's Word is not optional.
Have you ever witnessed a prophecy unfold in your life, revealing the intricate threads of divine timing? It’s a rare and beautiful experience. My story begins at an unexpected gathering—a summit for men, where both my husband and the husband of the woman I was to connect with took the stage to inspire.
As I mingled among the attendees, I met Kimberly Hobbs, the founder and director of Women World Leaders. The moment our eyes locked, I felt an undeniable heart connection. Little did I know this encounter would change the course of my life.
During our conversation, I found myself sharing something deeply personal: my journey through a kidney transplant. Normally, I keep this chapter of my life private, but that day, the words flowed freely. Kimberly listened intently, and soon, she opened up about her mission, her books, and her magazine, Voice of Truth—an impressive publication that I knew I needed to keep close.
Months later, a gentle nudge from God compelled me to pass that magazine on to someone else I knew would appreciate it. That decision became pivotal; the woman I gifted it to is now contributing to two of Women World Leader’s books, the beginning of fulfilling a prophecy that was given to her and expanding her ministry in profound ways.
Years ago, during a time of worship, God laid it on my heart to share my kidney transplant story. I attempted to write it several times, but each effort felt like wading through quicksand. I struggled with selfdoubt and fear, convinced that my writing skills weren’t up to par. Yet, when I shared my experience with Kimberly, she offered a lifeline: “I want to stay in touch, and I’d love for you to write about your journey.”
Terror gripped me at the thought. How could I possibly articulate such a profound experience? But Kimberly’s unwavering support and gentle encouragement felt like a divine intervention. She assured me she would guide me through the process, step by step, and suddenly, I felt hope flicker within me. It was as if God had sent an angel to help me reclaim my voice.
Now, I am thrilled to announce that I’ve written a chapter in the book Restoration: God Brings Beauty from Ashes, which will be released in the coming months. This isn’t just a personal milestone; it’s a fulfillment of a prophecy I received 20 years ago. Back then, God whispered that He would bring “beauty from ashes;” today, I can see the magnificent tapestry being woven through my life and the lives of others.
Furthermore, this is just one piece of a larger prophecy involving McGrane Global Centers, which aims to prepare the Bride of Christ through restoring marriages for the Kingdom across nine countries. The path is becoming clearer with each step I take, guided by faith and the beautiful connections God has orchestrated.
I am profoundly grateful for Women World Leaders and the incredible community it fosters. Our journeys may be different, but through shared stories, we can uplift and inspire one another in unimaginable ways. If you’ve ever felt the stirrings of a dream or a calling within you, remember that sometimes, the most miraculous transformations begin with a simple act of sharing your story. Embrace the connections around you; you never know how they might lead you to your own fulfillment.
~ Women World Leaders
by Amanda Martell
Ibelieve in the mission of Woman World Leaders. If you’re reading this, I want you to know that you are a called and anointed daughter of the King who is sent to share the good news of Jesus. We are all called to be brave for Jesus and His mission. Let’s all be Brave Girls.
My precious daughter is five years old. My husband and I have been married for eight years and live in West Palm Beach, Florida. They are the loves of my life, but in all transparency, my life hasn’t always looked like this. I haven’t always been this person. For most of my life, the devil had me convinced that I was worthless. I was the broken girl with the broken family and broken story. I can remember being very young, looking up to heaven and saying, “God, I’ll never love you.”
Then one day, when I was 26, everything changed. I heard the gospel of Jesus Christ for the first time and silently asked Jesus into my heart. That was the first time I ever heard that God loved me. From that point on, I was His.
I was baptized a few months later and started serving every single chance I got. My pastor saw something in me that I never saw in myself. I had the honor of leading mission trips to Haiti, Mexico, and Ecuador while also leading our global, local, and national outreach. Global missions have always had my heart; it was on the mission field I heard the calling of “Pastor” spoken over my life by the Spirit. Months later, I was humbly licensed and ordained by a team of incredible pastors at Journey Church.
One day, I felt the Holy Spirit’s prompting to follow my passion for global missions. I so clearly heard the Lord say, “I am going to impact millions of children around the world, and I want to use you to do it.” Whoa. Not me, right? See, when God presents you with a specific calling, your only response is obedience. Brave Girl.
For the past year, I have had the amazing honor of serving an organization called Kids Around the World. It’s truly a dream come true to do what I do. For 30 years, Kids Around the World has made an impact in 83 different countries while empowering the next generation with God’s transforming hope.
Through a simple but mighty approach, we are empowering churches, leaders, and pastors across the world to transform their communities right where they are. Here is how we do it:
There is a spiritual battle going on for the hearts and minds of our children. So, we work to ensure that millions of children learn God’s Word through a program called KidStory. By training over 38,000 leaders, we have reached over three million children with the Word of God. My favorite part about this is
that the trainings are free, and so is the content. We have translated the curriculum into 26 different languages, and it is currently being used across the world.
We believe in the Gift of Play. For 30 years, we have transformed communities across the world by upcycling playgrounds from the US and planting them in impoverished communities worldwide. Through our incredible partnership, we have over 1,200 playgrounds in 87 different countries across the globe.
The mission of our Food Program is to provide kids facing hunger and malnutrition with a warm, nutritious daily meal. We partner with hundreds of organizations and thousands of volunteers to pack millions of meals in the US annually. These are then sent overseas to nourish children in orphanages, schools, feeding centers, churches, and homes. Since the beginning, we have packed over 77 million meals with over 300,000 volunteers, and we are just getting started.
When you put Food, Play, and Story together, you have a Hope Zone. Currently, there are 95 Hope Zones in three different countries. We have indigenous staff who lead and run the ministry in each country. On a weekly basis, children learn who God is through KidStory, receive every meal their family needs to thrive, and are provided a safe place just to be a kid through a giant playground.
This past year, I have traveled to Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, Ukraine, Panama, and Uganda. Each trip was uniquely powerful. In Ukraine, we had the honor of ministering to over 600 bishops and their families whose churches are on the front lines of the war. In Uganda, we built a playground at a church inside a refugee camp for kids who had never seen anything like it. In the Dominican Republic, I led a team of pastors who got to see our work firsthand as we built and dedicated a playground, and then we met our in-country staff, whom we all love.
Do I feel called? Yes.
Do I think I’m good enough for any of it? Nope.
But, I’m a Brave Girl.
Following Jesus is an adventure. Always remember that you’re a Brave Girl, too.
To our sister and friend, Kelly Williams Hale. She has spent numerous hours laboring in love for our Savior to graphically design this magazine! Her heart of passion, creativity and love exude in everything she does! Thank you Kelly for the beauty you’ve made come alive through these pages! Much love to you!
A special thanks goes to Johana Torres, our translator for Voice of Truth and Women World Leaders.
Johana is a faithful Woman World Leader who has supported this ministry with her time, talents, and prayers not only for us all, but graciously for the Hispanic community who is close to her heart. She has a passionate desire to serve God first in all that He calls her to do at home, in the family business, and in ministry. Thank you Johana for being a committed volunteer of your time. We love you.
As a ministry, we hereby dedicate this magazine unto the Lord almighty. He is our rock, our provider, our Savior, and the love of our life. This magazine thanks the Lord for providing all of the women, the finances, and the strength to complete a task such as this. All glory, dominion, and power praise His holy name. We bow down in complete reverence and love to our King of kings.
Lifting you up, Sister, before the Lord of Hosts. Asking the Lord to bless you in all of your ways - to humble your heart that you may receive the ever-flowing love and mercy of Jesus. Praying His sacrificial care towards you would stir you on to do good works and that His tenderness towards you would allow your full, reverent commitment to Him. Asking for repentance tears, that your trust in Him may increase as you receive every ounce of soul-satisfying grace that He has to pour upon you. Praying living waters would well up in you richly, providing all of your needs with His abounding presence. Asking our Father God to carry you to the fountain of life. Praying you will run this race with His merciful heart, carrying His truth. May His Word fill you in abundance. In the powerful name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Voice of Truth is a beacon of hope, a source of strength, and a reminder that you are not alone on your journey. We believe every woman deserves to feel supported, inspired, and loved by God.
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