Construction Reference Drawings shall fully detail the construction of the elements covered by the Definitive Design and shall show in full the Works to be constructed. The Contractor's design outputs shall also be delivered in a 3D model in BIM (Building Information Modelling) of all components of the Works desigred by the Contractor as part of the contract. ' The 3D Model based design, required to be submitted by the Contractor as part of his Design Submissions, should be dynamic to the design modifications occurrirg during the Design & Construction phases and will reflect the quantities with the feature of quick estimation using Navisworks or its equivalent that has software capability to deliver the outputs like,construction sequencing, structural and utilities/services clash detections etc. 29 REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION PHASE
The principal requirements relating to design during the Construction Phase are
the production of Working Drawings, the preparation of technical submissions as required under the Contract the compilation of the Final Design and the production of the As-Built Drawings.
Working Drawings shall be prepared as required under the Contract. They shall be endorsed by the Contractor as being in accordance with the Construction Reference Drawings.
The Contractor shall endorse the submissions required under the Contract that “all effects of the design comprising the submission on the design of adjacent or other parts of the Works have been fully taken into account in the design of these parts." At least 3 months but not more than 6 months prior to the anticipated date of substantia- completion of the Works, the Contractor shall submit the Final Design to the Engineer. The Final Design is the design of the Permanent Works embodied in: a)the latest revisions of the documents comprised in the Definitive Design Upon completion of the Works or at such time as agreed to or required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall prepare drawings which, subject to the Engineer's Notice, shall become the As-Built Drawings. All such drawings shall be endorsed by the Contractor as true records of the construction of the Permanent Works and of all temporary works that are to remain on the site. The Contractor shall also show the locations of utilities exposed, relocated, diverted, new or retained. The Contractor shall note that a Master Interface Matrix and Interface Coordination Sheets refer Appendix 19, have been developed for the Mumbai Metro Line-3. The matrix identifies the lead Interfacing Contractor who shall coordinate the interfaces for all Interfacing Contractors, and the Interface Coordination Sheets describe the details of the interfaces. Appendix 19 contains the requirements of the Interface Management Plan (IMP) to be prepared and implemented by the Contractor. The IMP will identify the mechanism by which the Contractor and the Interfacing Contractors will work together to coordinate the design, and construction, of the various elements of the Project works. The Contractor shall review and update the IMP on a monthly basis. The Employer and Engineer will hold Project Quarterly Review Meetings (QRM), at three monthly intervals. The Contractor shall attend these QRM and shall report the progress of his works and the state of his interface with otherInterfacing Contractors and shall provide the Engineer with the