S.No . 1.
3 Additional Stamp Duty
implementation Entire jurisdiction areas Amendment in the UP Stamp Valuation Rules 1997 of Authorities of: incorporating 1% increase in the Stamp Duty rate
• south Mumbai and suburban areas of mumbai
Additional Developm ent Fee
Sale of Additional Purchasab le FAR (Station Area TOD Zone)
• New developments / re-developments within the jurisdiction of respective Development Authorities of Mumbai municipal council
• Within
radius of 1500 m of all stations
Notification of MRTS project as special amenity project and the entire city of Mumbai is the catchment area/impact zone of MRTS project
Amendment in the Mumbai Planning and Development (Assessment, Levy and Collection of Development Fee) Rules-2014 incorporating revised additional development fee clauses
Amendment of Planning norms, Zoning regulations and building bye-laws for mixed use and TOD- 2015 (UP TOD Policy)
• The “METRO ACT” qualifies the MRTS stations equivalent to metro stations. Incorporation of “RRTS Stations” in the policy document is desirable.
• 500 m influence zone on either side of the RRTS corridor shall not be considered for TOD development
• Based on local conditions and development potential, the influence area identified for TOD zone shall be 1500m radius around RRTS stations
• The station influence areas (1500m radius around RRTS stations) to be delineated as TOD zones, and further categorized as: Zone A up to 1000m radius from station area Zone B from 1000 – 1500m radius from station area (REFER PG 11) 3b.
Sale of Additional Purchasab le FAR (Special
Four specifically Notification of the identified sites as Special Mixed Land identified land parcels Use Areas in the respective Master Plans and any other • Land Use Conversion to Mixed Land Use additional/alternative areas along the RRTS
Mixed Use