The Akitan Spring 2019

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spring issue



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Cover photo by Priscilla Chong

CONTENTS FROM THE EDITOR .......... PAGE #3 FUJI SHIBAZAKURA FESTIVAL .......... PAGE #7 GO HARD AND GO HOME .......... PAGE #14 FOR A MOMENT, I FORGET TO WORRY .......... PAGE #24 REDEFINING HANAMI .......... PAGE #30 HOROSCOPES .......... PAGE #45 UNTAP. UPKEEP. DRAW .......... PAGE #55 SPRING RE CIPES .......... PAGE #61 COFFEE WITH CHRIS .......... PAGE #67 IS SMILING SCARY? .......... PAGE #71 POETRY: IN THE AIR .......... PAGE #77 CHARITY AKITA: SUMO ‘19 .......... PAGE #79 TANBO, FOOD, AND LOVE .......... PAGE #83 SS ‘19 STYLE EDIT .......... PAGE #87 NEW ERA SAME QUESTIONS .......... PAGE #93


priscilla chong Editor & Creative Director

Hi everyone! I’m Priscilla, a 3rd year from Ugo Town. I lack self control and have a serious snack problem. Fun thing about living alone, no one will know if you eat a tub of ice cream in one night. I love food, coffee, skincare, and a good forest onsen.

lexi baker Freelance Astrologist

I’m Lexi, a 3rd year JET who moonlights as a part-time witch. I dabble in star readings, the mystic arts, and love potions. I almost never use my powers for evil.


AKITAJET PRC akita jet public relations committee

contact us at: akita_jet

From the editor

And now my watch has ende

Spring has long been associated with change, this is true even more so living in Jap

school year, new teachers, new opportunities, new beginnings, and even a new era. Wel

‘Reiwa’ is just beckoning 2019 to be THE year for change, so pick up a new hobby, bre habit, make a new friend. Start fresh.

However behind all these changes lies the unchanging fact; before we can start a ne

we must finish the old one. That brings me to today. To writing my final editor’s letter f Akitan. To my impending final day as part of the night’s watch Akita JET watch...

Have I burst into uncontrollable sobbing this spring? -- Yes. Have I freaked out abo

plans? -- Yes. Have I accepted and become excited for the next chapter in my life? -- Ye

this isn’t goodbye, Akita will always be a ‘home’ to me whether or not I am physically t

all the people who have made my time in Japan the most memorable years of my life. I thank you.

Finally, to all the photographers, writers, and readers, thank you for your continued

support over the past year at The Akitan. Closing the JET year we have some fun artic

explore cultural differences in how we smile, be inspired by our travel destinations, che horoscope, and enjoy the seasonal photo spread.

Priscilla Chong, Editor and Cre



pan. A new


eak an old

ew journey

for The

out my future

es. However,

there. So, to

I want to say

d love and

cles for you;

eck your

eative Director Art garden in Hokkaido, Priscilla Chong

Honjo Park (Yurihonjo), Priscilla Chong




When people think of Japan during the springtime, I think the

brooke dal

so, due to the fact that everything seems to change to sakura c

to the style of flowery coffee, Japanese culture definitely engulf

explained it to me that sakura is in their blood which means du

what they do. I consider myself an ultra-lover of flowers and spri

in Japan. I was even lucky enough to experience the sakura bloo

migrated up north to Akita in April. I was thoroughly impressed

of the other flowers that Japan has to offer. Have you ever hea

English version, Phlox Moss. Shibazakura can come in many gr back home has some in our garden but it is nothing compared

Fuji Five Lakes (Yamanashi), Brooke Dalgleish


KURA FESTIVAL brooke dalgleish

e first flower that comes to their mind is sakura. This is rightfully


colors and flavors in Japan. From the decoration in grocery stores

fs everything that cherry blossoms have to offer. Some locals have

uring the springtime it’s natural to participate in hanami. It’s just

ing itself, so I was really looking forward to seeing cherry blossoms

om twice! First in Tokyo in March and then I waited patiently as it

d both times but something that really shocked me was the bloom

ard of shibazakura? Or maybe you will be more familiar with the

radients of colors that can range from white to hot pink. My family to the displays I’ve seen in Japan.


fuji shibazakura festival

To break down the word shibazakura you can split it into two parts, shiba: grass and sakura: cherry blossom. The phlox shares the name sakura because if you get up close and personal to the flower petals you can see a resemblance to a cherry blossom. Shiba is used because it is a ground cover plant. In my personal opinion, shibazakura offers just as beautiful a view as sakura itself. The only difference is looking down rather than up. I remember the moment I first saw a photo of the Fuji Shibazakura Festival in Yamanishi prefecture. I thought “Holy cow, this exists?” It shocked me that when I Googled spring flowers in Japan the results were mainly of cherry blossoms and wisteria which I don’t mind but it still surprised me that the phlox plants weren’t included. I started doing more and more research and was like a dog on a bone because I was blown away by the beauty of this plant. I found an ad for this festival that showed a beautiful arrangement of shibazakura at the footbed of Mt. Fuji. It presented such a stunning view of vibrant


WHY IS IT CALLED “ZAKURA”? The “s” in sakura changes to a “z” thanks to something called sequential voicing. Consonants are sometimes pronounced differently because they’re next to a vowel, which is why we call it “Shibazakura”. colors adjacent to the majestic Fuji-san. I was sold! However, as we all know Akita is not so close to Mt. Fuji and it would definitely take some time and effort to get there. I was starting to think that this festival might be a “next year adventure”, when my friends from America decided to come visit me during Golden Week. This was their first time visiting so I asked them what was high on their Japan bucket-list. Of course, they wanted to explore Akita and my new home of Kazuno but both of them also said they wanted to see Mt. Fuji. Lightbulbs started to go off in my head and I made an impulse decision to kill two birds with one stone and take my friends to the Fuji Shibazakura Festival. It turned out to be the highlight of the


trip! We were very lucky with the weather

I didn’t have to worry about navigating.

because even though it was a tad cloudy,

The price (under $90) was reasonable for

“shy” Fuji-san was all out in its glory. If

everything we saw that day (We also went

there is anything I have learned about

to a tulip field, strawberry picking, and

Japan it is the fact that they know how to

to a sake brewery tasting). We met up in

have a fun festival.

Shinjuku around 8am and were dropped off at the same location around 6pm. I’m


an advocate of tours like this but I know

The festival is located in Yamanashi

to each their own. The entrance fee for

prefecture on the north side of Mt. Fuji.

ages 13 and up is 520 yen, children three

This location is called Fuji Five Lakes.

to 12 are 210 yen and children under the

To get there from Tokyo you can take the

age of three are free.

JR Chou Line (starting at Shinjuku Station) for two hours. You would get off at the Kawaguchiko Station and then take the, “Shibazakura Liner” bus for another 30 minutes and then you will arrive at the festival location.

Price: Getting there will be the most expensive part because everything else is pretty reasonable. My friends and I actually went through a tour group named Sunrise Tours. I personally enjoyed this tour because Fuji Five Lakes (Yamanashi), Brooke Dalgleish


fuji shibazakura festival

Food: This festival had a little bit of everything when it came to food. Apparently, at the same time as the flower festival is the Mt. Fuji Delicious Foods Festival. It’s included in the entrance fee and you get a wide range of, you guessed it, delicious foods! The stalls provided various items from classic festival foods like Yakitori and Soba or Udon to local favorites of Hoto Stew and Yamanashi Black Ball sweets. Desserts were a popular item, many being sakura flavor, but they also had Fujiyama sweet bean buns and Shingen-mochi rice cakes. All in all, it was delicious and you couldn’t go wrong with any of the choices.

Timing: The festival’s starting and ending dates differ based on the blooming rate. However, you can always count on it starting sometime from mid-April to mid-May. To be safe, I would check the website sometime in March. Every day it Shibazakura festival, Brooke Dalgleish



opens at 8am and ends at 5pm. If you’re

some walls. Once you are exhausted from

not a fan of crowds then you know the

all the walking you can enjoy the festival’s

drill, try to arrive earlier rather than mid-

foot bath area. It’s a good way to relax and

day. However, Fuji-san usually is clearer

soak up all the beauty you just saw.

in early afternoon. You could spend a whole day here or just a couple of hours.

All in all, it was a beautiful and very fun

It’s truly up to your pace and plans for the

festival and I highly recommend it. I


know it’s “a bit” out of the way and we have shibazakura up in Akita, but there

More Information About the Festival:

was something so satisfying in having Mt.

In total, there are over 800,000 plants

Fuji in the background. I’m a plant lover.

that cover about six acres of land. The

I don’t necessarily have a favorite but I

festival is nicely laid out with an immense

do feel like Phlox Moss doesn’t get the

number of paths you can take. Even with it

credit it deserves. It definitely is a little

being crowded there was enough room to

bit of an under dog when it comes to

move about and not feel bombarded with

ranking of Japan’s famous flowers. Maybe

people. Not to mention, I was able to snag

quite literally since its under our feet. I

photos with no people in them. There are

hope if anything this article can help put

numerous floral designs within each part

shibazakura on your radar and maybe

of the park so it was fun to walk around the

spark an interest for this festival. Next

entire thing to see the different creative

year, maybe you can participate in hanami

ideas. Even a mini Mt. Fuji was covered in

for not only sakura, but shibazakura as

phlox. For a better view of the entire park,


there is a wooden observation deck. Not only was the ground covered in flowers but so were barrels, hanging baskets, and



Koinobori, Caitlin Wilcox


go hardAND go home emily hatchett

Not to go back to the most popular subject


among Akitans, but everyone who has

possible. I gathered up my skis and

heard of or been to Akita frequently talks

headed to the slopes most weekends.

about how brutal winter can be. I was petrified




“It was a fabulous time --


until it wasn’t.”




It was a fabulous time--




the snowy mess was going to be like, especially since I lived

Like I said, I had been skiing most

in one of the higher snowfall areas of the

weekends of the season, and when it

prefecture. Before I knew it, it came…

suddenly started to warm up, I knew the next weekend would be my last. I had

And I loved it!

finally gotten into a routine where I knew what I was doing. Without hesitation, I

I was in awe of the beauty of everything

woke up Saturday morning threw on my

dusted in white. I cozied up in layers

clothes, gathered my ski gear, and ran out

and layers of warm sweaters. I raced

the door without much thought. When


go  hard and go home

we got to the slopes, I buckled in and

gave you a little exciting stomach drop. If

thought to myself, “I’ve really gotten the

you hit them like I did, flying down from

hang of this.”

one to the next, they sent you SOARING. I’m proud to say I found my footing and

As we rode up the ski lift, we looked to

landed the first one, but number two

the across the slope. On the farthest end,

sent me crashing into the ground, rolling

there was a slope a little more difficult than

and tumbling feet away from my landing

the one we’d been doing. “By the end of

distance. I sat up cackling, yelling that we

the day,” Priscilla said,

had to do it again. I


“I should have known

that one. Go big or go

the day would only get

feet (read: clumsily


ground, because skis)



home, right?” I jokingly responded,

jumped back onto my clambered



and slid down the rest

“I think if I try going down that one, I

of the mountain, prepared to return and

might just have to go home.” I should have

stick the landing.

known the day would only get crazier. We quickly discussed who would go About an hour later, we decided to try the

down first to video the other doing the

jumps. These were essentially little bumps

jumps. Priscilla went; I stood at the top of

in the snow that if you hit at a slow speed,

the mountain for a moment, taking in the


Frank Clark, 1982


Above: A birthday to remember. Emily Hatchett celebrating her 23rd birthday with friends and family in hospital in Akita.

Right: A local newspaper in Emily’s hometown in the US was so taken with her epic tale of atheletic prowess it made the front page news with a full interview.


go  hard and go home

丈夫ですか” (Are you okay?) I shook my head no. “Rescue?” I debated a moment before reluctantly replying with




please). The next minutes felt like an eternity. The snow mobile came up and I beauty of the mountains and snapping

was loaded onto the stretcher as

a few photos. I then set off down the

people continued to gather around


me. I was in too much pain to even be embarrassed by the scene

I remember flying down the side of the





left, continuing the

“my vertebra had squished and splintered”

“S” shaped motion



They me

causing. pulled



mountain, called an and

ambulance, away


down the hill. And then I remember

went. To make a long story much

hearing a pop and being on the ground

shorter: After lots of calls to

in searing pain. I tried my best to figure

teachers and endless tests (and

out how to get up, but to no avail. I

one singular ibuprofen that day),

was hurt, and there was no way I was

it was determined that my back

getting off this mountain by myself. I

was broken. I had a burst fracture

watched a family stare me down from

at T1, which essentially means that

the ski lift. When they reached the top,

my vertebra had squished and

they immediately came down to me. “大




The hospitalization time slowly

When I arrived in the US, it was

went from “if you can get up, you

determined that I did not have to

can leave”, to a few days, to a week,

have surgery, which was a huge relief

to a month. It slowly kicked in

to me and my very frazzled, spell

that I would be missing all of my

deprived parents. I stayed in the

planned spring break trips, my high

hospital there for a few days to regain

schoolers’ graduation— basically

my strength since I hadn’t even sat up

all of the things I was really looking

independently in over 2 weeks before

forward to.

I was released home for a two month at-home recovery.

By the time my mom and sister arrived a week after the accident,

I’m proud to say that I am (mostly,

I was pretty stir crazy. When the

FINALLY) out of my corset brace. I

doctor started talking with my mom

still can’t bend over completely and in

about surgery in another city, that

August I’ll start PT back in the US, but

was the end… It was determined that I would be going back to the US. The doctor wouldn’t let me leave the hospital unless I was lying flat the entire flight home, so we had to charter a medical evacuation flight that took me from Akita to Atlanta (with a few Alaska stops to refuel and use the bathroom because this plane was TINY).


go  hard and go home

overall, I was so incredibly lucky that the

much. They brought me water bottles so

break was as simple as it was.

I wouldn’t dehydrate to death (hospital pro-tip: it’s BYO drinks). They shuttled my

You’d think this would have been a

family around and helped them navigate

terrifying experience, but of the two weeks

life in Japan. They spent 40 minutes

I was in the hospital in Japan, there might

brushing my tangled hair because the

have been 20 minutes when the anxiety

hospital didn’t have conditioner. They

hit me really hard. As cheesy as it sounds,

sat with me for hours chatting about

the entire experience was the greatest

everything and nothing, just to pass

reminder of how amazing people can be.

the lengthy days. They even helped me

I can only imagine how scared I would

celebrate my 23rd birthday with cakes,

have been had I had to go through this

decorations, and so many birthday songs!

alone, but at every step, I had wonderful friends and amazing teachers who were

I could write a dissertation on the goodness

beside me to help.

of people and still not be able to cover it all. I’m sure that there are so many little

From translating the doctors’ lengthy

things I’ve already forgotten, but never

medical Japanese for hours to bringing

will I ever forget how this wonderful

me snacks (read: Ritz crackers) when

community of people loved me so well

the hospital’s food just wasn’t cutting it

during the craziness that was my life in

to downloading dozens of movies on my

winter 2019.

computer and bringing countless books, I couldn’t have sanely survived any of it without the lovely people around me. They broke me out of my room when the clinical white walls were becoming too




20 Kakunodate Sakura Festival, Priscilla Chong

for a moment i forget to worry

irene cao

for a moment i forget to worry “How did I end up here?” I thought to

to the Dragon’s Eye today?” I got a little

myself. There I was, riding on the back

flustered. That wasn’t the plan. I took a

of a motorcycle, arms wrapped around a

deep breath. Where is this Dragon’s Eye?

pretty amazing guy (if I may say so myself),

I quickly Google map it. Its 3 hours away

driving between two walls of snow in mid-

from Akita City! I check the time. It’s


almost 12. I like starting things early. By the time we get to this place, it’ll be late.

“How did I end up here?” A thought that

We won’t have a lot of time there. When

often comes up since I’ve started the JET

we get back, it’ll be late too. What about

Programme. I never would have imagined

Game of Thrones?

that I’d be living in Japan. It wasn’t part of the plan.

As much as I wanted to go on this impromptu excursion, I couldn’t help but

The plan. I planned on having a day in

feel a bit of panic when what was planned

with the boy, snacking, and having a Game

had changed so suddenly. I suffer from

of Thrones marathon. As I was about to

anxiety, and to prevent any possible

head out, I get a text, “how about going

mishaps, I plan. I also over think. I think



about all possible outcomes and prepare

that day. I was just as free. I let go of all

for them. I wasn’t quite prepared to ride

my anxieties, and all my thoughts of the

on the back of a motorcycle for 6 hours,

past and future. I just was, and I was so

round trip.

happy. So here I am again, in May, this time heading towards the Dragon’s Eye.

I took a deep breath in, and let it out. I thought back to the times where I just

The Dragon’s Eye is actually a nickname

let go, and how easy everything was.

given to Kagami-numa, one of a few crater

How happy and carefree I was in those

ponds formed about 6000 years ago in

moments. Moments where I let lovely

Towada-Hachimantai National Park. Over

surprises unfold themselves before me;

time, they have been filled with water. The

like living in Japan, like this relationship.

heavy snowfall during the winter months

And so, I quickly changed into something

in this area means that there is still snow

more appropriate and decided, today, I

up until June. As the snow begins to

would just go with whatever comes up.

melt in spring, a phenomenon called the

After all, I’m a Pisces; I thrive in going

Dragon’s Eye can be seen within Kagami-

with the flow. It’s when I go against it, is

numa from May to June.

when things go awry. The drive from Akita City towards the Driving through the highway amongst

Towada-Hachimantai area gave way to

the new greenery of spring, I felt a weight

some of the most picturesque landscapes

off my chest. Just a few weeks prior, we

I have ever seen. The little villages and the

made the first motorcycle trip of the

early growth of rice paddies looked like

season to Tazawako. The first time I ever

they were straight out of a Ghibli movie.

rode a motorcycle was with this same

Don’t get me started on Tamagawa Dam’s

man, to Tazawako in autumn. I remember

turquoise blue waters that we passed on


for a moment i forget to worry

our way up to Hachimantai.

As we drove further North, I noticed there was still snow that had yet to be melted.

Imagine driving through tiny roads,

Some sakura trees were still intact. I felt

amongst lush foliage, mountains towering

as though I was travelling through time.

in the distance, almost as though they

The air was no longer warm. There was

would swallow you whole. The spring

a chill to it. Before I knew it, there were

sun beamed down against my cheeks.

two walls of snow alongside me. Back to

All I heard was the sound of wind in my


helmut. I felt the immensity of our world, and how tiny I really was. I was reminded

I didn’t know it then, but we were driving

of how lucky I am, and for a moment, I

along the Hachimantai Aspite Line. Also

forgot. I forgot about the past, and the

known as the Corridor of Snow, it is a 27km


road within the Towada-Hachimantai National Park. The park sits on the border


(opposite) “The Dragon’s Eye” Kagami-numa; (above) Megane-numa, Irene Cao


of where Akita and Iwate Prefecture meet. Known for its volcanoes, you can smell the sulfur along the scenic drive. During the winter months, this road is closed off due to heavy snow. But as the snow melts, the road is reopened in late April. The Corridor of Snow can be experienced then. It truly is a sight to see. Winter is my favourite season, and being able to have winter linger on in the month of May was…heartwarming. I was reminded of Canada, where I’m from; where our winters last for 6 months. When we arrived at the top of Mt. Hachimantai, we were taken aback by the amount of snow. For those who are unprepared, there is a hut at the Hachimantai Mountaintop rest house that rents out waterproof boots for about 200 yen. You don’t need to worry about cold, wet feet if you didn’t wear your hiking or winter boots. The trail towards the Dragon’s Eye was an easy hike. Within 15 minutes, we

reached Kagami-numa. And there it was, the Dragon’s Eye. Standing there in mid-May, surrounded by snow, it felt a little bit surreal. Walking further, we found Megane-numa. Its waters were a different color, almost green. Perhaps it was the other eye of the dragon. Deciding to get away from the crowd, we went along another trail and found ourselves at Hachiman-numa. The waters here were turquoise as the ice melted. If you miss winter in spring, go to the TowadaHachimantai National Park. Heading back to the parking lot of the trail head, we were one of the last people there since we arrived later in the day. We needed gas, and the closest gas station


for a moment i forget to worry

was in Iwate. What time will we get home now? I wasn’t expecting to go to Iwate, but we had no choice. Driving down Mt. Hachimantai, the snowscape gradually turned to spring once more. A beautiful valley of green appeared as the sun was beginning to set. Perhaps, this unexpected drive to Iwate was a good thing. This is a dream, I thought. But no, it wasn’t. All these moments, they’re real. Between my daily frustrations at work and my worries about the uncertainty of my future, I was able to just be present at that moment. To be grateful of what I already have. On our way back to Akita City, I was once again reminded that plans don’t always work out, and that’s okay. I will always be a planner, that’s just who I am. But what’s important is not to hold on to plans too tightly. We have to have a loose grasp on them, allowing for other things to happen. All my life, my plans never came to fruition. But because they never happened, I am always pleasantly surprised by what life has to give me. Each time, life gifts me with something even better than I had ever planned for myself.




Views from Towada-Hachimantai National Park, Irene Cao

“The Dragon’s Eye” 鏡沼(八幡平ドラゴンアイ) 〒014−1205秋田県仙北市田沢湖玉川




a snapshot of spring Look through the lenses of our talented photographers and see how the sunshine was enjoyed around Akita and beyond. From flowers and rivers, to castles and mountains, come explore the beauty of spring.


redefining hanami ďťż

Nanohana (rapeseed flowers) at Mt. Chokai Plateu, Charlotte Cunningham



andrea danko

R E DF I N I NG H A NA M I Spring is hanami time in Japan, meaning, it is time to go and see some beautiful cherry blossoms. I felt so lucky to stay in the country during this season. Since early April, I’d been excited to make hanami plans, checking websites about not only nearby but even faraway places, promising many nice flowers, events and so on. But hanami for me is not only sakura, there are so many other flowers to see this time. Narcissus (daffodils) are everywhere, tulips, magnolias, and moss pinks fill gardens, and white skunk cabbages (mizubashou) line the river banks. I could not wait until the snow melted to see some colors, so I travelled south to see the sakura trees lining the Kitakami River. The main attraction


redefining hanami ďťż

however, was the 300 koinobori floating

petals. After travelling to many places I

above the river!

felt like I missed the sakura in my city, but I felt relieved that I still could find some

This year I

had a chance to see the

beautiful ones, for example just behind a

famous sakura around Hirosaki castle

convenience store, or walking downhill a

too. Many people strolled around the

former ski slope, lined with sakura trees.

castle grounds, especially in the evening (even more people approached the castle

So, there is no need to spend much time

when we were about to leave). In Hirosaki

searching for sakura, or to go far to see

I recommend the silent Saishouin temple

beautiful them. Find a place which is

with the five-storied pagoda surrounded

perfect for you, it might be a playground

by different kind of sakura, there were

around the corner, or a lively, festival-like

only a few visitors around.

event with many attractions and people. Just have a look around. Just as they

To enjoy many sakura flowers without

announce it on the airplanes, check out

the food stalls and the crowds, Kosaka

for the nearest emergency exit, the best

is a good choice. We were lucky to visit

sakura viewing place, which might be

Kosaka City on a bright day, when the

behind you.

sakura trees by the former rail line were


in full bloom. I’m looking forward to visiting again during acacia season. To see sakura blown by wind, falling like snow, the best place is a small hill with a lookout in Kazuno City. There are only a few trees, but it felt like it was snowing and the valley below was covered by



(top) Koinobori at Kitakami River (Iwate); (bottom) Falling sakura in Kazuno, Andrea Danko

Sakura reflections (Akita City), Vincent Hsu



Cat (Kakunodate), Irene Cao


物 の 哀 れ mono no aware

I first heard this phrase 3 years ago shortly after I arrived in Japan. The wind was strong, causing sakura petals to fall from the trees. They blew around like a gentle pink tornado just outside the staff room. It was beautiful, but it didn’t last. Mono no aware, a somewhat untranslatable phrase can best be described as ‘the bittersweet awareness




temporary’. A melancholic wash of feelings accepting the fragility and transcience of life and our place within it. Each person will attach differing



however, all can agree that it is best symbolised by sakura. The shortlived beauties of spring.

... 36

Railroad (Kosaka), Andrea Danko

(top) Golden hour sakura, Jillian Camille (bottom) Floating sakura, Vincent Hsu

Akita Sku Festa, Caitlin Wilcox



(top) Akita Sky Festa, Caitlin Wilcox; (bottom) Masuda Tarakogi wash-tub rowing Fesitval (Yokote), Caitlin Wilcox

Mt. Chokai (Yurihonjo), Charlotte Cunningham

Senshu Park (Akita City), Vincent Hsu






HOROSCOPES Make sure to also check your cusp sign, if you were born on a cusp, or your Moon sign!

lexi baker




(May 21 – June 20)

(June 21 - July 22)

Happy birthday, Gemini! After a sleepy

The month began with a new moon in your

Taurus season, the sun has turned back to

section of the sky, and you may have felt its

your sign, and you’re feeling fresh, alert,

influence like a shadow over your feelings.

and ready to make some waves. This is a

As always, this is a time for you to practice

great time to examine yourself and your

forgiving and forgetting, and moving on

needs, and as the full moon shines on you

from whatever old bruises you’re clinging

halfway through the month, it might also

to. This translates to relationships, as

light up some troubles in your personal

well: embrace the people who support

relationships. Listen carefully to any

you wholeheartedly, and let go of anyone

feedback you’re given, and remember that

who expects your investment in their lives

this is not criticism, but necessary honesty

without doing the same for you. Gemini

given with the intention of helping you

season might leave you feeling stretched

grow. As Jupiter continues its retrograde

thin from obligations, and Mercury passing

path in the sky, slow down and listen to

through your sign might be giving you

what your mind and body are telling you—

anxiety from how much you’ve agreed to

but also make sure to follow your heart.

take on. As Cancer season begins on June

You don’t need to tiptoe through your

21st, step back, exhale, and allow yourself

birthday month! Make sure you celebrate

to bask in the light you usually radiate into

it fully and enjoy everything June brings

others’ lives. Happy birthday!

you. This month’s lucky conbini snack:

This month’s lucky conbini snack:

Alfort cookies. The little ships signify how

Shirokuma Strawberry Lacto-Ice. Fruity,

you’ll sail smoothly through any problems

sweet, summery...and

this summer!

you’re expecting!







(July 23 - August 22)

(August 23 - September 22)

With Saturn in retrograde, you might have

Lately, you might be feeling as though

suddenly been faced with the realization

you’re fighting for balance in some aspects

that your friend group is changing, and

of your life, and that communication has

that you no longer have as many people

suddenly grown more difficult. Mercury is

around you as you once did. It’s a lonely

currently traversing through Cancer, and

feeling to grow apart from others—but

you’re finding yourself intuitively picking

take heart in how you are growing, and

up on everyone’s moods and silent cues—

consistently creating yourself, regardless

so why can’t they do the same for you?

of anyone else’s influence. Not only are

Not everyone is a mind-reader like you,

you carving your own path in life, you will

however. Remember to examine your own

always continue to attract new people.

actions before you blame others. This is a

You’re a born leader with a vibrant

great time to practice both listening and

personality, after all! Look to the loyal

responding—and clearer conversations

friends still by your side, new and old,

with your friends and family will soothe

and enjoy summer with them. Trust that

any life imbalances you’ve been suffering

everything you need will unfold for you at

from. It’s always appropriate to ask for

exactly the right time, and enjoy every step

help when you need it! Those close to you

of the journey to your next opportunity—

will be relieved to finally understand the

as well as the new treasured connections

problem, and they’re eager to help make

you’re sure to make once you’re there.

things right. Just let them in!

This month’s lucky conbini snack:

This month’s lucky conbini snack:












Lawson’s broken out their mega-sized

Fresh, tasty, and healthier than your

coffees for summer!

communication skills.





(September 23 - October 22)

(October 23 - November 21)

Taurus season left you feeling a bit

You’ve been feeling a little rough and

stagnant; Aries season lit a fire under you.

unsure about where your future is taking

Now Gemini season is here to breathe new

you during these past few months, but

opportunities into your life! You might

luckily your worries will soon give way to a

find yourself longing for new gossip, or

concrete plan. Chin up—you’re observant,

wanting to stir things up amongst your

you know how to depend on yourself, and

friend group. If you stay patient and open

you always land on your feet. Financial

to everything offered to you, however, you

opportunities will appear for you this

should soon be enjoying some new exciting

summer, so don’t fret too much! For now,

new possibilities with your life...and your

simply allow yourself to live your life

relationships. Libra is the most romantic

without stressing too deeply about you’ve

sign, and while you occasionally like to

got in your wallet. Why not allow yourself

play matchmaker with your close friends,

to enjoy the warmer temperatures and

it’s time to look inward and decide if you’ve

rejuvenating sunshine? Now is the time

been neglecting yourself or your partner.

to try a new activity, or maybe do a bit

Regardless of your relationship status, it’s

of traveling. Enjoy the life you live now,

time to take full advantage of summer! Try

and make memories you can look back on

organizing a fun beach day, or get together

fondly once you’ve reached the next step

to watch a firework competition.You might

on your journey.

be surprised where things lead! This month’s lucky conbini snack:

This month’s lucky conbini snack:

Papico’s seasonal peach ice cream. Give

Yukimi daifuku—cool down and treat

the second half to the cutie in your life ;)

yourself this summer with something sweet!





(November 22 - December 21)

(December 23 - January 19)

Jupiter is cruising in retrograde through

Gemini season is here to pry down the

your sign, and it’s urging you to slow

walls you usually keep up. It’s okay for

down and think carefully about everything

you to relax a bit and be receptive to new

you’ve done recently. You’ve worked hard

friendships and social events coming

and put a lot of energy into yourself, your

your way! If you’ve been feeling tense or

connections, and your hobbies, but are you

unwilling to let go of old grudges, this is the

truly happy? If you feel as though you’re

perfect time to let your edges soften. Not

missing something, be it relationship-

everything is as black and white as you’ve

focused or work-oriented, how exactly

convinced yourself it is. In the meantime,

would your life be bettered by obtaining

your ruling planet, Saturn, is aligning with

this thing? There’s no shame in taking a

Neptune mid-month, creating the perfect

moment to stop and reorient yourself. You

opportunity to practice transparency and

can’t only give, and you can’t only take. By

vulnerability. Be honest about what you’re

recognizing this need for balance, coupled

really feeling! Any old hurts you’ve been

with the full moon mid-month, you’ll be

carrying will finally have the chance to be

ready for a dramatic shift regarding your

mended. This improved communication

life and your relationships. It’s okay if

will have fantastic benefits for you, too, from

things haven’t worked out the way you’d

friendships to romantic relationships—all

hoped—it simply means you are now in

you need to do is be candid!

place for the right opportunity to come to you. This month’s lucky conbini snack:

This month’s lucky conbini snack:

Karaage-kun red—tasty and spicy, perfect

Salmon onigiri. It’s there for you at 3 AM

for a fire sign that never backs down from

when the rest of the shelves are empty—

a challenge.

just like you’re always there for yourself.





(January 20 - February 18)

(February 19 – March 20)

Happy Gemini season! With the sun

You may find yourself feeling a bit

turned toward a fellow air sign, you’re

anxious about business opportunities and

feeling lighthearted and playful. Harness

finances this summer, especially as the full

that energy and see where it takes you in

moon draws closer and illuminates all the

your personal projects and relationships!

potential paths you can take from where you

This is also a great time to give yourself a

currently stand. As Neptune and Saturn

break from the negative voice that always

cross paths, you may realize that your

seems to be in the back of your mind. You

professional and personal relationships

are your own worst critic, and Gemini

are undergoing a shift. Remember that,

season isn’t about negativity! Listen when

while you are capable of standing alone,

your coworkers praise you, and listen when

you thrive with other people. During this

your friends compliment you. You’ve been

period of change in your life, step out of

working hard, and you deserve recognition

your comfort zone—look for new activities,

for all the positive things you bring to

and absolutely cultivate new relationships.

others’ lives. Let this season refocus

This is the perfect time to broaden your

and refuel you professionally, too. Your

friend group! Just remember to keep an

coworkers will be especially receptive to

eye on your budget, and don’t let yourself

any new ideas you bring to the table, and

be swept away by every single opportunity

they’ll be reminded of why they’re lucky

Gemini season offers you. You can create

to have you on their team.

new friendships this summer without completely throwing away your savings.

This month’s lucky conbini snack:

This month’s lucky conbini snack:

Takenoko no sato. You definitely deserve a

Custard cream choux. Did you know that’s

sweet treat!

how you’re supposed to spell that word? I didn’t!





(March 21 – April 19)

(April 20 – May 20)

Gemini season’s fun, flirty, and impulsive

You’re not always someone who likes

energy definitely suits your sign, and the

surprises or shaking up tried-and-true

shift to summery weather has you ready to

structures, but Gemini season is the perfect

party outdoors. As always, you’ll be keeping

time for you to think out of the box you’ve

your eyes open for new opportunities and

put yourself in. The upcoming cosmic

relationships, but don’t forget to look

alignment of Saturn and Neptune will only

back at the people you hold closest, too!

add to the benefits of straying from your

As Saturn and Neptune intersect, it’s time

comfort zone and reaping the rewards of

to get honest with yourself, as well as with

your own spontaneity. Don’t be afraid of

your family and friends. If your life is

chances that set you in motion, even if

lacking in stability or structure, how long

you can’t quite see the end result! Keep

can it continue? Where do you intend to

branching out on your own and challenge

go, and how will you get yourself there?

yourself, professionally and individually. If

You’re not always the touchy-feely sort,

you find yourself putting energy into the

but as the sun moves into Cancer, know

same people that consistently resist you,

that you can rely on the people you care

let them go; summer will have plenty of

about, just as much as they rely on you.

new possibilities for you on your path of

They’ll party with you through Gemini

personal growth, and Cancer season will

season, and they’ll support you once

only strengthen these new bonds as they

it’s time for you to buckle down and get


important things squared away. This month’s lucky conbini snack:

This month’s lucky conbini snack:

Tonkatsu sandwich. The “Yes!” feeling


you get when you see it is how people

freshening twist on a timeless classic.

feel when they see you, too!







Pagoda (Hirosaki, Aomori), Andrea Danko

Tarakogi Wash-tub Rowing Festival (Masuda, Yokote), Caitlin Wilcos



untap upkeep draw

U NTA P. UPK EEP . DR AW derek krason

Three words, when used in sequence

Magic (for short) is an addictive, time and

probably doesn’t mean anything to you -

money consuming machine. Why am I

Unless of course you play the card game

telling you about Magic? Well, let’s rewind a bit.

Magic:The Gathering. When we first arrived in Akita, my wife Hi my name is Derek, and I’ve been

and I were exhausted and yet excited

wanting to travel to Japan since I first

about what Japan had to offer. Fairytale-

picked up Naruto (the manga) at age 12.

like preconceptions combined with jet

Although I had long since stopped reading

lag created an overwhelming feeling - the

Naruto by the time I made it to Japan, one

equilibrium of positivity and pessimism.

hobby I refuse to quit is the wonderful,

It was like jogging for 24 hours straight

wallet-abusing collectable card game that


is Magic:The Gathering. One part poker,

won the lottery. Over time, we were

one part Dungeons and Dragons, and

able to relax, unwind, and unpack our

one part “Ugh, did he really just draw

responsibilities, and, our clothes. We got

the perfect card he needed to beat me?!.”

a feel for what our day to day lives would







be like - the thrill of exploring the local

scantily clad Japanese girls, and, most

scenery, and the anguish of learning how

importantly, Magic:The Gathering. By the

to pay Japanese bills.

time I heard of this store, I had already been in Japan for a few months, and I had

With all of our newfound obligations

found other stores that sold Magic cards.

and thrills came this slow, encroaching

But this store was special. This store hosts

feeling of existential dread. Some call it

Magic tournaments. I was used to playing

culture shock, some call it...existential

in Magic tournaments back home in the

dread. Maybe it’s the feeling that we aren’t

United States, but the idea of playing

progressing enough in life. I think we can

in a tournament in Japan felt daunting

all relate to this. Something was missing

because of the simple fact that I couldn’t

- something I was worried that

speak Japanese!

I was starting to regret my decision to come to Japan. At times it still felt exciting

After a bit of ruminating, I ultimately

and fulfilling. But it wasn’t enough. I’ve


learned that a fundamental trait of being

tournament. The day came, and as the

human is always wanting more. It’s what’s

playing commenced, to my amazement, the

allowed humans to strive for bigger and

language barrier didn’t matter at all. I had

better things through the ages, and then

memorized the text of the Japanese cards

make it a reality.

before the tournament and to my surprise





many of the Japanese players understood I heard through the grapevine that there

short English phrases. I learned that while

was a store near our apartment that

nobody could speak fluent English, some

specialized in all things that assisted

knew the game’s terminology in English,

people in diversions from adult life:

and even preferred using it over Japanese

video games, movies, memorabilia with

in-game! A risk paid off, and I was able to


untap upkeep draw

play Magic while in Japan. But that wasn’t

away from determining the victor. We

the most important bit of insight that I

were two people from vastly different

gained from that experience. There was

places sharing the same emotions. Match

something to it that went far beyond a

after match, immersed in the game, having

card game at a table.





language and cultural barriers - It was See, when I played Magic that evening, my

amazingly refreshing. Finally, an evening

opponents and I were able to communicate

with other people devoid of banter about

through our cards. We couldn’t speak the

the recent political detriment to western

same language, but together we laughed

society, or the latest he said she said story.

at the hilarity of an unlucky draw, we

I barely spoke a word that evening at the

gawked in mutual shock when we kept

shop, but more was said that night than

one-upping each other, and we made

any night I’ve had in Japan so far.

empathetic eye contact with a heartfelt smile when we knew we were moments


I feel like friendships are hard to come


by these days. Maybe it’s the rise of technology and always having our faces glued to our phones. Maybe it’s the polarizing political climate, where we find ourselves exclusively seeking friendships with people that see eye-toeye with us no less than one-hundred percent of the time. But I was able to make friends that night, and with simple communication at that. We were able to have a great time together without knowing any details about each other’s personal lives or beliefs. And that meant something.

can share a moment with someone and enjoy their company even if you don’t know much about them. You can go out in the world and make a friend even if you don’t understand a word they’re saying.

A barrier is only as strong as we perceive it to be.

I’ve since returned to the shop every week to play cards, I’ve visited local restaurants with my new Japanese friends, and I’ve felt that feeling of something missing in my life slowly disappear. Maybe that all-

Check out Card Shop Pandora by Omagari Station!

too-familiar feeling of existential dread we feel is partly due to losing sight of what is really important in our friendships: you

... 58

Dairy farm in Chokai (Yurihonjo), Priscilla Chong




priscilla chong & guests



spring weather is warming up and the days getting longer.

I’m happy to

say we are officially in sangria season! Originating from Spain, this beloved punch is enjoyed across the world. Try our recipes below, or have a sangria competition with your friends and let us know the winning recipe.Classic red or white are crowd favorites, but this year get a little creative and go pink. A rose base not only looks insta-wonderful, it’s downright delicious.

Rose Guava Sangria Serves: 2-4 Time: 60 minutes Slice the fruit and place in a pitcher. What you’ll need:

Add the herb and lightly muddle

375 ml rose wine (dry)

together to release the aromas.

200ml guava juice

Pour in the wine and stir.

a splash of apple juice (or apple liquor) Slowly add the juice to taste (guava juice sliced pears (canned or fresh)

is quite sweet so do it in portions)

thinly sliced apples

Cover and chill in the fridge for a

herb of your choice

minimum of 1 hour..

Tips: Fruit juice (especially packet juice) makes sangria very sweet so be sure to balance out the flavour using a dry wine base and adding herbs to your infusion.


spring recipes

White Elderflower Sangria Serves: 2-4

In a large pitcher add the fruit and mint.

Time: 60 minutes

Gently stir to combine flavors. Fill the pitcher up 3/4 full with white

What you’ll need:


1 bottle of white wine

Add 1/2 of the elderflower syrup and stir

1/2 cup elderflower syrup (or liquor)

to combine.


Adjust the flavors by adding more syrup


or wine until you reach your desired taste.


Chill for 1 hour.

Classic Red Sangria Serves: 2-4 Time: 60 minutes Slice the fruit into rounds. What you’ll need:

Add the fruit and mint to a large pitcher.

1 bottle of red wine

Fill the pitcher up 3/4 full with red wine

orange juice

and stir to combine.


Add orange juice until you reach your


desired taste.


Chill for 1 hour.



A drink for the non-drinkers Chamomile and Grapefuit Iced Tea Steep the teabags in boiled water with

Serves: 2

the honey.

Time 30 minutes

Remove the teabags after 10 minutes and set aside to cool.

What you’ll need:

Once the tea has cooled to room

2 chamomile teabags

temperature pour over ice.

1 packet of grapefuit juice

Add chilled grapeftuit juice in a ratio

2 tbs honey

of about 3:1 (tea to juice), do this slowly

500 ml water

and taste as you combine so you don’t overpower the tea with juice.


spring recipes

This classic combination of rich. fluffy chocolate cake and light, tangy orange buttercream will make anyone who tries this decadent treat come running back for seconds, thirds... or maybe just the whole dang cake!

amanda lockwood “One Orange” Chocolate Cake and Buttercream Frosting Preheat oven to 350°F/177°C.

Serves: 6-8

Grease and flour two 9-inch baking pans.

Time: 2 hours In a large bowl combine ingredients ‘A’.

What you’ll need:

Add ingredients’B’ and beat until smooth

For the cake

with an electric mixer (about 3 minutes).

A (Dry) 1 3/4 cup all-purpose flour

Add orange zest and beat until fully

2 cups granulated white sugar

incorporated. Batter will be very runny.

3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

(see Note 2)

1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp nutmeg

Pour batter evenly between the two pans

1 1/2 tsp baking soda

and bake on middle rack of oven for

3/4 tsp salt

about 35 minutes.

B (Wet)


Allow to cool 15 minutes in pans, then

2 large eggs

run a butter knife around the edges of

1 cup buttermilk (see Note 1)

each cake. Flip the cakes over onto the

1/2 cup butter (melted)

racks and set aside to cool. (cake must be

2 tsp vanilla extract

completely cool before frosting)

zest of one orange

(see Note 3)


What you’ll need:

In a large bowl using an electric mixer,

For the buttercream frosting

beat the butter on medium speed for 1-2

1 cup unsalted butter (room

minutes or until smooth.

temperature) 3 cup powdered sugar

Add the powdered sugar one cup at a

1-2 tbsp fresh orange juice

time, making sure to mix well after each

3-4 tbsp heavy cream or whole milk


1 tsp vanilla extract Pinch of salt to taste

Scrape down the sides of the bowl, then

2 parts yellow to 1 part red food

add the cocoa powder and mix until fully

coloring (optional)

combined. Add the orange juice, heavy cream, vanilla, and salt. Mix on medium speed


until fully combined.

1. Buttermilk substitute: Put 1 tbsp of vinegar in a cup then fill the rest up

Add in the food coloring little by little

with milk; let stand for 5 minutes until thickened

until the desired shade of orange is

(lemon vinegar recommended)


2. If you want to include a splash of orange juice in your batter as well as the zest keep in mind the ratio of wet ingredients to dry, lest your cake collapses at the sides.


3. Don’t try to frost the cake until it is completely cooled. A warm cake will melt the frosting.


coffee with chris


As an avid coffee lover and (who are we kidding) borderline addict, one of my favorite things to do pretty much anywhere I go is seek out the best and most interesting cafés. Although it is not apparent at first, Akita has its fair share of great coffee shops. Many of these havens are a bit off the beaten path, as they should be, but I’m here to share with you a couple of my favorites! The complete list is too long for just one article, but hit me up for a cup of coffee and I’ll tell you about the rest.



〒13−0080 秋田県横手市前御一番町5−11 1F

A N T H O L O GY 5-11 Maego 1bancho, Yokote, Akita

To kick it off, in the city that continues to

enough space for a large group. I have to

wow me with its hidden gems, is a place

say, though the coffee is delish, my favor-

called Anthology in Yokote. This place,

ite thing about this place is the dessert,

run by a very nice young couple, aside

namely the coconut ice-cream and the

from the deliciously brewed coffee, has

omg-to-die-for cheesecake – hands down

an incredible vibe and beautiful décor.

best in Akita!

Although the coffee selection is not too wide, you will not be disappointed with what they have to offer. You can choose to hang out at the counter and have a nice chat with the owners (who like to practice their English!) or chill out in the back room on beautiful tatami floors with


coffee with chris

〒014−0711 秋田県大仙市豊川街道下北89

CA F É L O P O 89 Kaidoshitakita, Tohokawa, Daisen, Akita hojicha latte (ほうじ茶ラテ) and the long black, not to mention it’s hard to find a place that makes a proper cappuccino! The food is also pretty incredible (see photo). Café Lopo is run by a lovely couple, the husband hailing from Slovakia and the wife from Japan, who both met in Australia and returned to Akita to open this café. I’ve made several trips down to Kakunodate just to go here; if anything,

And now for my personal favorite: Café

the fact that I’m a regular who lives an

Lopo. Tucked away in Kakunodate, this

hour away should give you a sense of its

little paradise is well worth the trip. To


start off, this has got to be one of the most picturesque spots I’ve ever seen, both inside and out. With the interesting and rustic décor, complete with a variety of comfy chairs, you can sip your coffee while looking out over the rice field through the window from your very table, particularly beautiful in the springtime. The variety of drinks they have are top notch, my personal favorites being the



Night-time sakura, Vincent Hsu

is  smiling scary

is smiling scary? miki krason “Life is like a mirror. Smile at it and it smiles back at you.” ― Peace Pilgrim As a person who wants to seem polite

an instinct. It’s something that I, along

and approachable, I often smile at people

with many Americans, learned to do from

in public and at the workplace. I don’t


typically intend to open up a conversation or to imply any other message than “I

I’ll acknowledge the elephant in the

acknowledge you and I want to seem

room right now, to get it out of the way.

polite to you” when I smile at a passerby.

The practice of smiling at strangers is

At home, I almost always get a smile in

pretty unique to American culture. I

response and a mutual understanding

have heard many people, Europeans and

occurs that usually means little more than

Asians alike, tell me that “Americans are

politeness and decency. Before I went

too cheery” and ask me “why do you smile

abroad, I never thought about my habit

all the time? Are you really that happy?”.

to smile at strangers and coworkers. It’s

So, many of you reading this are not in



my position, and didn’t learn this cultural

that? From my perspective I wasn’t really

practice. However, I encourage you to

looking at him, I was just doing what you

keep reading because I want to share

“Why do you keep looking at me?”

some insights about Japanese culture that I learned through my embarrassment of my cultural practice. The first truly cringe moment I had was

do when you pass someone. I made eye

during my first week in Japan. It was a hot,

contact and smiled at him each time we

humid day, I was self-conscious because

passed without really registering what

I was drenched in sweat and doing my

I was doing at all. So, after a moment

best to get through the day in my new

of awkward silence, I realized the issue.

environment. One of my JTEs and I kept

I realized that, each time I looked at

crossing paths throughout the day and

him and smiled, he misunderstood my

each time we passed each other, I made

gesture. At that time, I had no idea what

eye contact and smiled at him. I noticed

his interpretation was, but I knew that I

that he didn’t smile back. However, I didn’t

had succeeded in really freaking him out.

really think about it because I had a lot of

other confusing things going on that took

At this point, I don’t even remember

precedence over that situation. Finally,

what I answered. I may have mumbled, “I

after the third or fourth time, he stopped

don’t know… “ or “Just being nice,” but

dead in his tracks in the staffroom and

I remember going to the copy room and

said, “Why do you keep looking at me?”.

staring down at the machine and feeling so ridiculous. It dawned on my that my

I thought, for a second, that he was talking

eye contact and smile was opening up a

to someone else. Why would he ask me

channel of communication and that each


is  smiling scary

time I did this and simply walked away, I

book An Introduction to Intercultural

must have looked a little crazy.

Communication: Identities in a Global

Community, “... to maintain reserve, it is

Cringe-y stories and cranky co workers

said that the Japanese smile to disguise

aside, what’s the deeper significance here?

embarrassment, anger, and other negative

Why is such a small miscommunication so meaningful? Recently, I wanted to get to the bottom of it so I started


what smiling means in Japanese culture. It’s no secret to most of us living in Japan that a



practice is often to show minimal expression

emotional unless

among close friends or

emotions because the

“to maintain reserve, it is said that the Japanese smile to disguise embarrassment, anger, and other negative emotions”

family. Not only that,

public display of these emotions is considered rude



in Japanese society”. Smiling can be a way of


politeness one’s




anger or shame. So, it’s possible that my big American


communicates to some onlookers that I have something negative to hide.

smiling can be used for a completely different function than camaraderie and

Furthermore, the shape of my smile itself


may be part of the problem. In Melinda Wenner’s article, Americans and Japanese

Fred Jandt writes about this in his


Read Faces Differently, I read that


Japanese communicators tend to focus

one, which is American (or more broadly

on the eyes for social cues, rather than on

Western), the mouth is accentuated to

the mouth, as Americans do. As evidence

show the happiness. While in the right

for this difference in perspective, she

emoji, the underscore for the mouth shows

mentioned emojis used by people from

no emotion at all, rather, it’s the curve of

these two different cultures. Compare the

the eye lines that denote happiness.

following two emojis: In the article The Meaning of a Smile in



Different Cultures, Yusuf Bhana writes: “Some Japanese people have reported finding typical American facial expressions to be a little strange, with mouths slightly

They both represent the same emotion

too open and the mouth corners raised too



much”. When I read this, I realized that I

fundamentally differently. In the left

do have a really big smile compared to the





is  smiling scary

smiles I’ve seen in Japan. Not only that, I make my smile bigger and show more of my teeth the more happy or amused I feel. So, I put myself in the shoes of a Japanese onlooker and I realized that I could look a little deranged to someone who isn’t used to seeing the wide, open American smile. All of this being said, I have still had my smile returned by strangers and colleagues and I’ve had plenty of positive exchanges out in public in Japan. While it is possible that my colleagues are simply used to my expressions now and accept them without quite understanding why I make them, I still feel that I have succeeded in communicating positively with them. In any case, I’m doing my best to be understanding of why I sometimes receive adverse reactions to my facial expressions and to empathize with those around me while trying to tone down my goofy grin just a teeny bit. :)

... 75

Oirase Gorge (Towada, Aomori), Anthony

y Madry

poetry : in the air

in the air felix clutson There are some things, I think you know That are not easy to forget And I’ve never held a candle to – no such things as regrets They are your heaviest runes, reminders in the dark Ghostly whispered taunts, when the sky outside is stark But the winter’s gone, the branches light There’s a thaw on in the fount We’ll take the past, scale cliffs of night, and with it hold the future to account

The clock ticks, tricks you, and slicks and slides into tomorrow With joy and hope, and doubt, and shouts, and a spoonful or two of sorrow Spring flitters, flutters, hesitates, and fluffs early lines As winter waits, and waits, and wavers, but wades in still nonetheless Tiny wheels lift up and lift you down south Tracking and tracing further than train tracks tripping through snow Fleeting ears of early blossoms float on the horizon, flickering into tomorrow



The snow and wind eventually recede Glacially flee to the waving secrecy of the sea And we once again feel the morning seeping through the cracks The sight of flowers in the breeze, and of the light upon the lea

Wild and wet, slowly warming, wind winding, breezy, on the run Soon the sky will open up, as horses watch their young, Paying in the dappled fields Birds warbling in the sun And shining notes of evening peals From silver bells are wrung

So pull up your socks, and keep your head And loosen up your tongue And set your sights around the corner For Spring has gone and sprung

The light is dying now Dry and deft As it bleeds out to the west But a new day comes Dazzling and daft With dread and death and depth and Dinner

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charity akita

C H A R I T Y A K I TA S U M O TO U R NA M E N T ‘ 1 9 Congratulations to this year’s champions Kate and Mengkin


Akita Maiko (Akita City), Irene Cao



tanbo food and love

TA N B O ,




kaitlin long-wright

When I came to Japan I had the ambition

I asked a friend I made at the gym if I could

to try as many cultural activities as

help him in the fields. He was bewildered,

possible. I was fortunate enough to be

but quickly replied with an enthusiastic

placed in Daisen, Akita. The region has a

yes. Fast forward to May 25th, It’s 6 am

plethora of celebrations, traditions, and

and I’m ready to learn about rice farming.

unique culinary dishes, making it ideal for someone seeking new experiences.

The day began by helping load black

Throughout winter, the short days and

plastic trays of growing rice into a small

cold winds made even the best of days

white K-truck. We met his family at the

seem arduous at best. Soon though,

fields and I was given the task of cleaning

snowboarding and joining in the many

the edges of dead plants, using a long

fuyu matsuri (winter festivals) alleviated

home-made rake. I helped load the tractor

any and all seasonal ailments. Akita really

with trays of rice. They stacked four high

started to feel like a second home to me.

on either side of the steering wheel,

When spring came, the smell of blossoming

making it easy for the driver to refill the

flowers heralded the beginning to a new

planter as they went along. When the

season, and another opportunity to try

tractor was loaded, I was asked to hop on.

another uniquely Japanese experiences

I was so amped and couldn`t wait to see

— planting rice.

him in action. As we drove, he would wave me to draw closer so that I could hear his instruction over the roaring of the engine.



He taught me how to line up the nose of the tractor with a guideline made by the tractor on a previous pass. By doing this, you ensure that the rows of rice you’re planting are straight. A few times a beeping noise would interrupt his instruction, and he would have to stop the tractor. He would point to the flashing red image of a plant, or sometimes of a hopper, located just above the steering wheel. The plant symbol meant a jam had occurred and the hopper symbol signaled that you were out of fertilizer mix. Each issue had to be resolved before continuing. It was nice to pull out the jammed bits of rice plant because it meant wading into the cool mud to reach the individual arms of the planter located at the back of the tractor. It had been a scorching 33 degrees both days of farming, and the mud provided quaint relief from the sweltering heat. At the end of each row, you had to crank the wheel to make a solid U-turn to start the next row. It sounds easy enough, but the mud was hard to drive in and sometimes driving straight was cumbersome. After two fields had been planted, my friend`s dad motioned to the driver`s seat and said “どうぞ.” I was elated, and with his guidance was able to plant three fields.


tanbo food and love

The day ended with the rest of their family

an amazing time bonding with them.

joining us as we made headway on the

They showed me images of the family`s

planting. The rows that had missing rice

ancestors, taught me about the family

plants had to be done by hand. Mako, my

history, and explained how they get their

friend’s wife, taught me

kamon, (similar to a

how to pluck the roots

family crest). At the end

with three fingers and plant. The Nishimuras were incredibly fast at planting by hand. I felt

“We finished a total of 23 fields in two days”

of an amazing weekend they shook my hand at the door, and gave me a large bottle of special

like Tom Cruise in “The

sake. I was so touched

Last Samurai” trying

by the gesture. I thanked

to keep up with the locals’ speed and

them for allowing me to learn about rice

accuracy but failing hard. We finished a

farming and for the privilege of working

total of 23 fields in two days.

their lands.

On the night of the first day, there was

There is something to be said for rolling up

a huge feast, and I was treated to some

your sleeves and toiling with your fellow

amazing meat dishes and exceptional

human, to truly build a bond. I crossed the

sake. We talked about the differences

sea to get here, but this weekend taught

between Western and Japanese politics,

me that our shared similarities as humans

Baseball, the English language, and

truly crosses any geographical border,

miniature ponies. I used my lack lustre

language barrier, or unique traditions. On

amount of Japanese, and they tried to use

the drive home, I couldn`t help but smile

as much English as possible, leading to

and think my Japanese may be broken,

many a “one more time, please.” It was

but my heart is whole.



The end of two hard days work, Katlin Long-Wright



ss’19 style edit

SS’19 STYLE EDIT marissa lightfoot caitlin wilcox

Rice farmers are planting, temperatures are rising, and the hot mugi-cha has finally been replaced with ice cold mugi-cha: summer is officially upon us. Along with this new season of sunshine and hope, comes the latest fashion looks from our favourite clothing staple: Uniqlo. So whether you are looking for some new cool biz to show off at the next staff meeting or something a little more flashy to hit the town, we have got you covered. Look 1: I swiped right on that tinder guy After swiping left on all of the guys who seemingly only wanted friendship and free English lessons, you finally got a match! So now, it’s time to step out looking your best for your potential new man. This look features a figure hugging lace skirt to accentuate dat booty, a cute t-shirt with the phrase “I

❤ your whole deal” (because

being subtle is so last year) and a dusty pink jacket worn on the shoulders to give that nonchalant vibe.



Look 2: The Deskwarming look At long last, we can expose our arms and ankles without the fear of being asked “Samui desu ka?” despite the obvious heat. This look features a pair of flowy culottes, a neat short sleeve button up shirt and is topped off with a yellow “my dad is a lawyer” sweater. This sweater will come in handy should your school be one of those rare ones that blasts the air conditioning so high, it would put antarctica to shame. You have had a hard look at yourself and have finally admitted that all of those Look 3: Gotta pretend I work out

L-chicki’s and hashi-potatoes have taken a toll on your body. So it’s time to start getting your sweat on. As everyone knows, you can’t start a new fitness regimen without getting a new wardrobe! This look features some skin tight leggings in a fabulous navy leopard print, some vibrant pink shorts over the top to keep the wandering eyes of the local Oji-sans away and a fun asymmetrical t-shirt. The extra material on one side of this t-shirt can be used to wipe away all of your sweat! How convenient! (and not at all weird…)


ss’19 style edit

Look 4: Hit da club It’s Friday night, and after a long day of singing “one little finger” and playing janken with the children, it’s time to kick up your heels and hit the dancefloor. And nothing quite says “I am ready to party” like an oversized T-Shirt dress emblazoned both front and back with the phrase “CRANK IT UP”. We paired this dress with a yellow polo shirt to add a pop of colour - keep the top button undone to let the boys in the club know you mean business!

Look 5: Notice me sempai!

Have you been trying to catch the eye of a special someone, but are having no luck? Well, Uniqlo has you covered! There is no way that you will be overlooked while wearing this alarmingly bright orange ensemble. With a cotton peasant skirt that screams “wild and carefree” and a lacy singlet that shows off your scandalously sexy shoulders, this look will definitely get you the attention you deserve. Best part: the skirt has pockets!



Bonus Look: The Uniqlo edit

None of the above looks quite your style? The most important thing is, you can do pretty much anything and just have fun with it. Take for example Uniqlos in-store suggested look: Black leggings, oversized t-shirt dress and a purple jacket tied diagonally across the body. ‘Cause nothing says you’re cool like a jumper tied diagonally across your body.. It’s either an incredibly fashionable look, or the weirdest thing we’ve ever seen. We’ll let you decide.



Sakura, Vincent Hsu



new era same questions

ne w era sam In Japan, the announcement of a new

and look around the time of the Imperial

era brings reflection and celebration.

succession, you will no doubt see some

Many Japanese people take some time

sort of homage to the historical event.

to look back on the events that defined

Imagine a hyperbolized version of New

the previous era, as well as ponder and


discuss the meaning of the symbols that will represent the next few decades. Along

However, as for me, a foreigner with little

with these studious past times comes new

attachment to Japanese eras (Shinchan’s

hope and at times even a renewed sense

Showa jokes are the best though) this event

of purpose.

sparks something else in my mind. I think of the finitude of human existence, and

The changing of an era in Japan is, for

the innate desire in all of us to belong to

many, an opportunity to face the future

something larger than ourselves. Indeed

with hope. If you scroll through your

one era ends, another begins. Attaching

Japanese friends’ social media accounts

numbers and symbols to something that



a nt h ony madry

me q u e s ti on s never ceases somehow places it within

this cause us to dwell on the meaning of

the realm of human comprehension.

life. Let us ponder the transcendent and meta-physical and in doing so

Furthermore, without knowing exactly why, it adds more value to something so painfully familiar,

learn to love more, care more and


live more.

the passing of time. At any rate,

It reminds me of lyrics to a song

for me, it’s another reminder





that Reiwa, like Heisei and all the eras

Bryce Avery: “And in the end the life we

that came before, will come and go and

lead. It will have made a difference in a

eventually be forgotten. Make no mistake,

world unseen”. Will the door be opened

we will all be forgotten along with it. It is

to all those who knock? Maybe such

a fact that someday human existence as

philosophical thought is a fool’s errand

we know it will cease to exist. This is true

but maybe there really is a reason to the

no matter the world-view you hold to. Let

dilemma we call life.



the staff of the akitan would like many talented contributing

Most photographs are credited in pla

Emily Hatchett (images 15-19) Priscilla Chong (images 2, 27, 95; banner 14, 77)

Irene Cao (banner 21; images 28) Jeremy Thomas via (background 45) Derek Krason (banner 55; images 56-58) Vladislav Klapin via (banner 71) Frank Zhang via (image 61) Unknown (clipart 74)

e to extend our grattitude to our writers and photographers .

ace, but we would also like to thank: Katlin Long-Wright (images 84) Caitlin Wilcox (images 87-90) Monika Grabkowska via (image 64) Chris Dean (images 67-69) Danie Manos (image 80) Kate Smith (images 79-80) Charlotte Cunningham (banner 93) Patryk Gauza via (banner 67)

Thank you for reading



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