1/rr,p dnp PNOUEN PNOTITS tn t/*
WMore than 3OO homes already built by this principle
Gives Service Worthy of REDWOOD
Selective logging accurate milling, proper curing, careful grading - just what you would expect from PALCO Redwood unexcelled facilities. Add PALCO Dealer coop eration and you have PALCO &rvice-worthy of REDI7OOD. \ffhether it is dimension, shingles, siding or PALCO lfOOL-or all of them in a mixed caryou'll find the PALCO REDI7OOD man right on the job.

It enables huilders to erect 5-room.houses in 2 weeks !
The new DFP Dri-Bilt with Douglas Fir Plywood method of construction provides for the pre-fabrication of wall and ceiling sections away from the job-sites.in a shed or warehouse. This cuts builders' overhead and financing speeds their work so much they turn houses over to clients within 2 weeks after contracts are signed. Builders sell easily because DFP DriBilt houses can be financed through FHA. You get more volume because you sell all the materials for a DriBilt house . . . because this method is ideal for multiple unit projects. Write for details. Douglas Fir Plywood Association, Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash.

5{!i Loavenrorb St. Sca Francirco
PBorpcct 3810
9oulhorn Brporntctlrr BOBENT
I. C. Dlomo, Pro; cld -Troo.; J. E. llcrEn, VlcrpioiJ W. T. ftccf, Sccrltqy -- - Pubt!.L.d tlo ld cad t5th ol .act aooth ct
, bcoryoratrd undrr thc lcs ol Cclilonic
3lE-I9-20 C.!bd pu|ldbg, lg8 -W.!r Slxth 8rr..r, Lo Aagdor, Cd., fcbphoao VIadtLr 1565 Eatcnd o S.coad.cla.r acttrr Soptrabor 25, I-Sl, at tho pct-Oticc qi Lor Aagobe, Cqtltonric,-urdor |,a ol ffarcU a; t879 ----
Cafifornia Panel & Yeneer Company
Expands-Enters Insulation Field
The California Panel & Veneer Company, 955 South Alameda Street, Los Angeles, announce their appointment by the National Gypsum Company as distributors of Gold Bond Insulation Boards and Hardboards in Southern California, with the exception of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.
Their entrance into the insulation field is in keeping with the policy of this progressive concern which was started in l9l7 by Howell N. Baker. The California panel & Veneer Company has constantly increased their personnel and stocks to keep pace with the times and still remains the oldest and one of the largest distributors of plywood in the West.

One of their departments which furnished steel tubing for airplane manufacturers and other industrial lines becarne the Baker Steel &.Tube Company in L936, when this associated concern was organized as a corporation, for whom a new warehouse and office was recently built. The warehouse they formerly occupied has been taken over bv the California Panel & Veneer Company, thus greatly increasing their warehouse space and facilities foi handli.,g the many items now stocked. They now have delivery doors on Alameda Street, 14th Street, and McGarry Streei.
Other lines which have been recently added to the regu_ lar stock of plywoods include Cal-Board hardwood pr.rll., a sensational new economy plywood, and New Londoner hardwood hollow core doors manufactured by the American Plywood Corporation.
The officers of California Panel & Veneer Company are: Mrs. Maude J. Baker, president; Geo. R. Stratemeyer, vicepresident; W. F. Fahs, secretary-treasurer, and R. Mulholland, manager.
Cargo Shipments From Paciftc Northwest
Cargo shipments of lumber from the Pacific Northwest in March as reported by the Pacific Lumber Carriers' Association, San Francisco, totaled 74,72I,7ffi f.eet. Deliveries at the various ports were as follows:
Hayward Mill & Lumber Co., Hayward, recently completed remodeling and modernizing the display room and hardware department.
A survey conducted in 64 cities brought the consensus of opinion among experts that residential rents will go higher in most American cities during the year 1940.
Shevlin Pine Sales Gompany
Portl<rrd, Oregon
Bcg, U. S. Pcrt. Ofl. ETECUTI,TE OFPICE gp Fl[t Ncdoocl Soo Llac luildlagr MINNEAPOI.IS, MINNESOTA DISIIICf SAIES OPFICES: NEW YORK CI{ICAGO 16il Grcdbor Bldq. 1863 LaSallc.Wqclcr Bldo. Moharl {4117- Tclcphonc Ceutrot gl&[ SAN FRANCISCO ldD Moaodaoct Blda. ElGroot 7ll4l LOS ANGIEIIS SAI.ES OFFICE 330 Petrcleum Blds. PRoapect 0615
ANOTHER " HOME SWEET HOME'' ., D & c ,, tQ;fii ,t'Redwood
The own er o( this home made doubly sure of protection. The investment in building is protected by a durable Redwood Exterior,' the grounds are protected by . Redwood Picket Pack (ence. Both of these Redwood itemg are soulces o[ profitable retail sales, This lence is made of 1x8" Modern Pattern Pickets, painted white and 1x3" Garden Pattern Pickets painted green.

Mary, Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow?
With silver bells, and cockle shells, And not a damn petunia.
(Dedicated to the Garden Clubs)
!f :f {.
The other day I talked to a lumber convention. Before I started a lady in the crowd recalled that she heard me talk in that same city in the year 1912, and that I recited a short verse called "Sam's Girl." She wanted to know if I could still recall the words. I could. It goes like this:
Sam's girl is tall and slender, My girl is short and low, Sam's girl wears silks and satins, My girl wears calico, Sam's girl is fast and sporty, My girl is pure and good, Think I'd trade my girl for Sam's girl? Why you know darn well I would!
The most important ";.": .i", ,"""" the people of the United States today, is the Logan-Walter bill, that recently passed the lower House of Congress by a great majority. It is vital to the well-being of every man and woman in this country that this bill pass. It will be bitterly fought in the Senate. And all on earth that this bill proposes to do is give back to American citizens the privileges granted them in the Bill of Rights. It would allow a citizen who felt himself to be aggrieved, to turn to the courts for help, by asking the reviewing of the acts and rules and regulations of the Governmental bureaus, more ttran a hundred in number.
These bureaus are appointed. They make rules and regulations of their own, and these rules and regulations become the law. That some of these bureaus and commissions consider themselves above the law, is plainly manifested in their activities. It is simply to give the citizen protection against arbitrary and unfair rulings of the bureaus, that is the aim and sole purpose of the LoganWalter bill.
Every bit of possible help should be mustered in the
next few weeks to get the bill passed. It is being freely predicted that the President will veto it, even if its opponents fail to kill it in the Senate. Be that as it may, the bill should be passed, and let the record be clear. The old line Democratic Beaumont Enterprise, published in Beaumont, Texas, recaps its demand for the passage of the bill in this fashion:

"The courts remain the bulwark of American liberties. The Logan-Walter bill is intended to curb bureaucratic autocracy, chiefy by making all of the official acts of bureaucratic agencies subject to judicial review. The mere fact that bureaucrats oppose this measure, proves that they do not want abuses growing out of bureaucracy to be corrected or their acts to be subject to court review. If the bureaucrats were disinterested, if their conduct were legal, if they were genuinely patriotic and had the welfare of the American people at heart, instead of lusting for' power and still more power, what reason would they have to fear the courts?" {.{.*
A friend of mine says he discovered just the other day why Germany invaded Scandinavia. A few days after the world had gasped at this latest manifestation of ghoulishness, American newspapers printed some facts about present-day rations in Germany, and what they cost. And when he found that coffee costs $32 a pound in Germany today, and even then isn't fit to drink, he made up his mindbeing a coffee hound-that that is u/hat is driving Germany to such desperate measures; the desire to get coffee to drink. A coffee-drinking nation that cannot get coffee, says my friend, gets in the fix of the dope-user who can't get dope. Anyway, that's his idea. ***
Ben Franklin said: "Time is money." But he meant when time is employed at some $'orth-while work. Ben was the most useful nation has ever produced. ffe was a great sci great linguist, a great diplomat, a famous t philosopher, a great economist, a great a great citizen. He went to France and borrowed money that Washington needed to win the War. He built the first cook stove, invented the first spectacles, founded the University of Pennsylvania,
(Continued on Page 8)
"> dozcns ol salcs opporlunitics on evely building or home
' Numetal-the nationally advertised, national- ly known, everlasting spring Bronze strip for ly Br windows and doors, and for 20 20 years consid- ered the most practical and efficient type of weather 8trip. The 11 exclusiv€ I of 'ip. exclusive it coilinq, Numetal is features not permit always in straight lengths.
The Standard of Quality. Be safe: Sell and recommend Nu-Calk for any and all calking Jobs. Proot of its quality has been proved by many years of use and laboratory tests. Nu-Ca{< meets government require-] mcnts.
The ORIGI NAL plastlc compound for glazing wood saah and all general patch- ing purposes. Does not dry out, crack or peel. Applied like putty-but clean to handle, Sets to rubber-like corsiEtency.
"sPEEll LoAlls"
Savc 4OVo labor on every calking Job. Load or reload guns in 10 seconds. Inside of gun barrel always clean as new.
Nu-Glaze sells and r€- peats. Every sale makes you a fair profit. Hundreds of uses including boat work of all kind6, setting plumb- ing flxtures, etc. Nu-Glaze is the original, dependable compound.
mrrnm: ALAGRoME, Metal trlm is taking the
Of the many Nu. country by storm. Go af51 -sn1ne.s__191]! ter this profttabte business ttnq a practrcat ivpi-roi eibii-'"e: with Nu-Art-the complete quirement. line. Fast service.
GHROMIUM, BRASS, STAIIIIESS STEET for Kitchen Sinks, Tables, Counters, Stairs, Walls, Baths
The new, improvedr adjustable Nu-Way Screen Door Grille-that can be installed by anyone in five minutes without cutting or special fitting, is a popular, profltable item that you can't afford to be without. Also the Nu-way Push Grille in Senior and Junior sizes. May we send you complete details.
On every modernization or new construction job there's many oppor"tunities for profit and real service and satisfaction to your customers with MacklanburgDuncan Company Quality Products. Right now is the time to renew selling effods on these practical. efficient and profitable items. Order needed stocks today. Merchants not acquainted with oirr lines should write for catalog todaY.
Macklanburg-Duncan Products are created FIRST, to b€ of utmost practlcabillty for the consumer-items that can be installed qulckly and satlsfactority by the most inexperienced. That makes easy selling, repeat buslness and profits. A,nd in every Macklanburg-Duncan product you will find honest quality and work' manshipthings you must have to keep the god-will of your customers.
Brass, Bronze, Stainless Steel, Aluminum hfu m ,A,L -widest varietv on the market and takes w l!ffi-95 ::i:,;' "??,.i"111"fr?ll;"fill' $":,:i W "tdfJr=o desisn6 ffeated for any job.
Special Window & Door Equipment
Metal Screen Frame Stock
Cast Signs, Plaques & Tablets
Sliding Door Equipment
Brass & Aluminum Thresholds
Automatic Door Bottoms
Steel Casement Weather Strlp
Rolled Bindings & Edgings
Ventilator Grilles
Push Bars, Plates, Etc.
Special Shapes, Cast, Rolled, Stamped

A post card will bring you latcrt catalog and price lirt'
RG - ltu lt GAll G0. illfilfiffily,"?l^:
(Continued from Page 6) founded first public library, harnessed the lightning in a modest way, and became the richest man of his day and generation. ***
,i' Ben Franklin worshipped two gods here on earth-work / and thrift. He was the greatest preacher, teacher, and I practicer of thrift this nation has ever known. He f U"f"rr"d that from thrift all good things come, and that I
I few good things come without it. With regard to religion
this great thinking man had the simplest of beliefs. He \ said he believed that the Power that put him here and cared for him here was well able to care for him wherever he was going when he left here, and he did not propose to :vorry further on the matter.
* rl. !S
ITo acknowledge a mistake is simply to admit that you are wiser today than you were yesterday. The only men who make no mistakes are infallible; and a man who considers himself infallible is cracked. AU big men mahe many mistakes-and admit them. The sure sign of his bigness is his willingness to make such admissions. It is a mighty small soul that meets honest and courageous criticism with arrogance and vindictiveness.
J. P. Morgan, the elder, once said that he would unhesitatingly lend a million dollars to a man of the right character; that credit was simply character. When asked what character consisted of, he said: "Morality, intelligence, and right intent." He said when a man came to him for financial assistance, the first thing he asked was not "what is your collateral?" but rather "what is your record, what are your intentions, what are your morals, what is your intelligence?"
Today if a man of that sort of "character" asked a banker for a loan, instead of the questions Mr. Morgan said he asked, Mr. Banker of today would ask "how much less can you us€, how much interest can you pay, and how
soon can you return what little I let you have?" Helpfulness, in banking today, is found only in the dictionary.
One change in present-day banking annoys me most of all For years and years the banks advertised to the small fry of the nation, the housewife, the wageFearner: "Keep your money in the bank-pay.by check." And millions fell for it, and got into the habit. Today if your wife tried keeping her house money in the bank and paying by check the service charge would give her an overdraft every month. "Things have changed since Willie died."
Elbert Hubbard wrote a generation ago: "Ife who makes war on business removes the houses, takes bread from mouths, leaves naked to the storm. replaces confidence , hope with dread, love with hate, and robs meny'their right to work This country was built on 'We are a nation of workers, builders, inventors, tors, and producers." {<
How truel Business built this nation. We created our own power and greatness- Wy'did not inherit it. We dug it from the ground, from the earth, transported, manufactured, refined ag{rnerchandised it, until we became richer and stronger any nation has ever been; likewise Our power and glory was built on business. J9lfi Enterpriser was the citizen who did it all. And our prosperity and happiness will depend entirely the continued health and happiness of free
Some men cultivate their faults hoping that some nice girl will take pity on them and marry them to reform them.
Bill Phillips has started a new lumber yard on H Street, near the American River, Sacramento. He was formerly with Moore & Garlick, W. P. Fuller & Co., and Burnett & Sons. Sacramento.

Sweet words in these trying dcys when you're in cr rush. No dealer warehouse is big enough todcry to ccrry the v<rriety of things needed hourly by the building industry' None would be iustified economiccrlly . . so grecrt would be the demcrnds lor storcrge spcce, investment, cnd wcrre' house personnel. Our investnent is mcrde so thcrt you will not hcrve to plcce these burdens on Your orgcnizcrtion Our wcrrehouses cre yours io dr<rw lrom. Our senrice has been built up through the yecrs crnd we feel iustly proud thct our customers call it "Friendly Declers Service."

"Yesrrr we have them. \(/e'll rush them right or"r."
Santa Cruz Yard Has Handsome New Building
Above is shown a picture of the new office and rvarehouse building of Hebbron Lumber Company, Santa Cruz, Calif. It is one of the best looking lumber yard offices in the State and it will be well worth any lumberman's while to go and see it when visiting Santa Cruz.

The walls of the building are of Ginch concrete to comply with fire regulations. Redwood Rustic is used on the outside. The main office is 32 feet wide and 27 f.eet deep. Effective use has been made on the inside walls of lxl2 moulded edge Redwood paneling, applied vertically on the upper part of the walls and horizontally on the lower part. The vertical paneling is finished with driftwood grey stain.
The private office is finished in natural Redwood. Ceilings of both offices are of Certain-teed insulating board. The floors of the offices and warehouse are of concrete and the office floors are covered with Johns-Manville green floor tile. A fireproof Bx12 concrete vault has been built to take care of the books and office records.
A remarkable feature of the main office is the counter, made from a single piece,27 inches wide and 32 feet long.
The warehouse at the rear is 24x6O feet. This houses stocks of sash, doors, panels and veneer. One room just off the office displays the stock of builders' hardrvare and paints. This yard specializes in Martin-Senour paints. Certain-teed roofing is carried.
Certain-teed l5-inch, thick butt shingles were used on the front part of the roof, and Dri-Lap corrugated sheets on the back.
All of the Redwood used in the building was supplied by Monterey Bay Redwood Company. The nerv building replaces the temporary structure which was used as an office since the former office building was destroyed in an incendiary fire about three years ago.
The yard is well arranged for the convenience of customers. It is all hard surfaced and has two driveways. About 65 per cent of the lnmber sales are of Redwood.
Lloyd M. Hebbron is president of Hebbron Lumber Company. He is well known and liked both locally and throughout Northern California lumber circles. He is naturally a great booster for Santa Cruz, which is growing in importance as a summer and tourist resort.
Arizona Dealers Will Hold Annual at Grand Canyon M.y 17 -18
The Retail Lumber and Building Material Dealers Arizona will hold their 26th an.nual convention, May 18, 1940, at Grand Canyon, Arizona.
Promoting Redwood Sales
of 17-
Secretary Chris Totten says: "It will be an old-time Arizona lumbermen's convention. Wholesalers, manufacturers, their wives, sweethearts, and all our friends are invited. We ask them to come one, come all, and we guarantee to send them home talking to themselves."
The officers of the Association are: George Reitzer, Clifton Lumber & fmprovement Co., Clifton, president; Albert Stacy, Bassett Lumber Co., Douglas, first vice-president; J. F. Olds, Olds Bros., Winslow, second vice.president, and Chris Totten, Phoenix, secretary.
A record-breaking attendance is anticipated.

The Solano Steamship Co. has been organized and incorporated and has purchased the steamer Solano, now in repair at the General Engineering and Dry Dock Corporation in Alameda. The boat has a capacity of 1,100,000 feet and will run steadily between Newport, Ore., and San Francisco, carrying lumber for the C. D. Johnson Lumber Corporation. The steamer will be managed by Lawrence-Philips with offices at 7I4 West Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles.
Harrison Wilson, who recently became a member of the staff of the California Redwood Association, will call on architects, builders, and lumber dealers in the San Francisco Bay area in the course of his sales promotion work for Redwood.
Mr. Wilson is well equipped for the work as he is a graduate of the Pratt Institute of Brooklyn. He practiced architecture for a time after graduation and then turned his talents to sales promotion work in the home equipment field. He has held executive positions with several nationally known manufacturers of home equipment.
Kenneth Smith and Mrs. Helen Markuske of Los Angeles, formerly of Brooklyn, N. Y., were married at the Saint Joan of Arc Church, Las Vegas, Nevada, on April 14. They spent their honeymoon in San Francisco.
Mr. Smith is secretary-manager of the Lumber and Allied Products Institute of Los Angeles.
Surely do enjoy your editorials. With pleasure the enclosed.
Val Baskett, Baskett Lumber Company, Whittier, Calif.
82 lacA Siotna ' Ag" not guaranteed---Some I have told jor 20 years---Some Lsss
The Tough Banker
The notoriously tough banker sat back of his glowered around him.
A young man approached and said: "I'd like you, if I may. I have a business proposition to you.tt
"Come in," scowled the tough banker.
The visitor walked in.
desk and to talk to present to
"Sit down," said the tough banker.
As he took a chair, the visitor showed definite signs of distress in his back. He explained:
"I'm a little stiff from bowling."
"Sit down, little stiff," said the tough banker. ,,I don't care where the Hell you're from. What's your proposition?"
Cyril L. Otto has been appointed manager of the Canyon Lumber Company at Laguna Beach, Calif. Mr. Otto has been associated with the retail lumber business in Southern California for a long period and was formerly with the Hammond Lumber Company and Palm Springs Builders' Supply Co., Ltd.
R. W. Fullerton, preside,nt of the Bradley Lumber Company of Arkansas, 'Warren, Arkansas, liked the two-page write-up of their hardwood manufacturing operations at Warren which appeared in the April I issue. He ordered 3,00O reprints .of the article to send to their various customers.

We ccrry a complete stock oI KD lramesprecision mqchined by LONGBEIJ-from the softest textured verticcl grain
Douglcrs Fir.
PHONE On WBm lor Complete Set oI DETAILS cnd PRICE IISTS.
A. E. Fickling Heads Southern California American Lumber & Treating Co. In New
Retailers' Agsociation
A. E. Fickling, Fickling Lumber Company, Long Beach, was elected president of the Southern California Retail Lumber Association at the annual meeting held at the Elks Club, Los Angeles, Saturday, April 13, 1940.

Offices and Laboratory
The American Lumber & Treating Co. announces renroval of its offices and laboratory, effective May 1, to the McCormick Bldg., 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago.
A. E. FicHiugt
Harry E. Whittemore, Benson Lumber Company, San Diego, was elected vice-president, and Gerald Curran, Curran Bros., Pomona, was reelected treasurer. Cr W. Pinkerton, Los Angeles, is secretafy-manager.
The business session began at 2:ffi p.m. and was followed by a talk on the California Unfair Practices Act by Professor Sheldon Elliott of the University of Southern California Law School. Professor Elliott answered many questions regarding the Act.
After the business session adjourned, there was an old-fashioned lumbermen's pow-wow when the dealers met and exchanged views.
Dinner was served at 6:30 p.m. with about 100 present, including the dealers, their wives and guests. President Fickling acted as chairman and called on John W. Fisher, retiring president, Harry Lake, F. Dean Prescott, Kenneth Smith, and C. C. Cashwell, who made short talks.
This move brihgs the company's home office and its laboratory, located for the past five years at separate addresses, under one roof. Executive, operating and sales offices are in Suite 1650, while the technical offices and laboratory occupy Suite 2034, in the top story of the building.
The new laboratory, designed for chemical and physical research, as well as routine control of operations for the company's 14 wood preserving plants, is one of the most completely equipped of its type in the industry.
Lewis A. Godard, sales manager, Hobbs Wall Lumber Co., San Francisco, spent a few days in the Southern California territory last week. He made his headquarters in Los Angeles where he conferred with A. W. Donovan, manager of the Southern California office.
New single-family dwellings in the United States have an average cost slightly in excess of $5,000. It is pointed out that this average may come down in the near future owing to the large number of houses now being built to cost less than $2,500.
Speaking of Sellins

You hecrr c lot about the cbEolute necessitl' Ior "tecunwork" crmong scrlesnen represenling lhe san're concenl This iB no criticism ol tecmrwork, but-did you know thcrt during the eeries ol yecrs when the Detroit Tlgers were enioying their grecrtest successes in the Americcsr bcsebcrll lecgue, Ty Cobb crnd Scm Crcrurlord plcyed side by side in the ouffield AllD NE\IER SPOTE TO EACH OfiIER?
no doubt, thcrt exceptiona cre the things thct lend strength to
Adcon Smitlu i! his lcmous book, "The Wecrlth oI Nqtions," scrys thcrt "crll weclth cones from lcrbor crpplied to lcnd." Thct wcs c long time crgo. Todcrl' we scry thcrt "cll weqlth comes lrom good merchcmdising ol good goods."
"One hcU the bqttle," old Tom *.rO """0 to scy, "is to cctch the specker's eye." He wcrs Speclcer of the House ol Representctives Ior cr generction. There's c sound thought there lor scrlesrmen" To get the crttention ol the right guy belore someone else does, mqkes mctny cr sqle.
The successlul sclesmcm i" "l*""; Joo"t.r.
Too mcrry scle$nen get their ccrlluses in the wrong plcces.
The successful scrlesrnqn is not necesscrrily the brcriniest one, nor the bestlooking, or best-dressed. He is the snriling, pctient personcrlity who lorows cll crbout the stuff he sells card still believes in it; who likes his lirm qnd believes in it; cnrd who is overlocded with thct irreplccecble thing cclled "sticktoitiveness."
I hecrd someone scy cbout "."";J"r, crnd in terms of derision: "He sells only to his lriends." Well, don't we crll? You certcinly ccrnlt mcke crny money doing business with your enemies; they won't trade with you crt cll unless it is to your discdvcntcrge. OI course you sell only to your lriends! All successful sclesmen do thct. And the more lriends you hcrve, the more you sell. So the mcrn who ccn mcke cr friend out ol every prospect, hss cr grect cdvcnlcAe over the lellow who ccnr't. And don't mcrke the error oI selling cr Iriend without a proper prolit, iust beccruse he likes you. When you both mcke a profit, youte mtrde c swell decl
Increasing Demand for SUPER-Harbord Brings Dealerr New Business
"There's no limit to the practical uses of SUPER-Harbord (the resin fused) hot plate plywood," states George E. Ream of the Geo. E. Ream Company, Los Angeles.
"When SUPER-Harbord, the original outdoor plywood, was first introduced to the dealer trade many buyers were skeptical about the claims for a plywood so reasonably priced that would actually withstand constant exposure to moisture and moisture changes. These same buyers and dealers today are SUPER-Harbord's best boosters and are cashing in on their sales of this fine product," continues Mr. Ream.
"The binder and the press constitute the two basic reasons for SUPER-Harbord's claim to great outdoor durability. First, the patented artificial resin substance and second, the modern hot plate presses, which fuse the plies together to form one solid piece of lumber with all the advantages of lamination. The cross banded construction of SUPER-Harbord minimizes its twisting and warping, and in addition gives it great strength. It will not split or crack and expansion and contraction, due to temperature changes, are nil. The product may be boiled indefinitely without effecting the bond, so securely have the plies been fused. Having successfully withstood practical service uses in locations of extreme conditions-from cycles of drenching in tropical climates to disintegrating effects generated by the actinic rays of the desert sun, and from subzero temperatures in refrigerating units to humid atmospheres of seed culture beds, its value has been proven to the construction industry, making it a leader in the lumber dealers plywood sales.
"The sales opportunities for SUPER-Harbord are constantly increasing due to its diversified uses and consumer acceptance. Today's markets include house and farm buildings, concrete forms, boats, signs, cold rooms, vats, truck bodies, trailers, dry kilns, shelters, dairy, laundry and ice-house equipment-plus the many undiscovered uses of tomorrow.
"SUPER-Harbord is manufactured in all standard sizes and thicknesses and stocked in our warehouse, together with a complete line of all other Harbor Plywood products. Through our Friendly Dealers Service we distribute to the recognized wholesale trade.
"The future of the dry-built house is decidedly on the optimistic side, with a nation-wide interest in this type of home construction gaining popular favor, all of which lends a pleasing outlook for SUPER-Harbord."
Defiance Lumber Company, Tacoma, Wash., has bought a half interest in the steamer Whitney Olson. The boat has a capacity of 1,750,00O feet of lumber. Fountain-Smith, Los Angeles, represents the Defiance Lumber Company in the Southern Califor.nia territory.

Solt Ponderosq ond Sugcr Pine eosy to work with cll edged tools and stickers. Toke pcints economiccrlly lor quolity linishes. Kiln dried cmd shed stored. Continuous yecr round production. Strcight cqrs or mixed cqrs.
THE RED RMR ,ffix TUMBER cO. (fffi9
Saler OGce: 715 Western Paci6c Bldg., 1031 So. Broadway
Varehouse: L. C. L Vholecale, 7O2 E. Slauron Ave.
Sales O6ce: 315 Monadnock Building
Sater O6ce: 908 Financial Ceoter Building
Designate M.y As National Red Cedar Shingle Over - Roofing Month
Designating May as National Red Cedar Shingle OverRoofing Month, Certigrade shingle manufacturers of the .Pacific Northwest are undertaking a drive to promote a large amount of over-roofing business for the 23,000 retail dealers of the country.
The program will be bacred by extensive national advertising in such media '.s Saturday Evening Post, Better llomes and Gardens, American Home, Country Gentlemen, Successful Farming, and many others.
' The movement lvas given an auspicious send-off through a .rroclamation issued by Governor Clarence D. Martin of the State of Washington. A broadside outlining the steps which can be taken to best advantage by the retail dealers in securing for themselves increased roofing business has been mailed to each and every dealer in the country. This btoadside offered local newspapers mat service in the form sf hvo-special over-roofing month ads, a news story for local newspapers, free over-roofing literature, window strips, gummed envelope stickers, and a giant reproduction of the Saturday Evening Post advertisement for displav purposes.
W. E. Difford, managing director of the Douglas Fir Plywood Associatio.n, Tacoma, Wash., was a Los Angeles visitor the middle of April while enroute from the South to the Northwest.

We tcke plecrsure in cnnouncingr the cppointment oI
2201 E. l4th Street, Ocklcnd
As Wholescrle Distributors oI REI( crnd EASY (TO WASH) COMBINATION
Manulccturers oI
Window ScreensScreen DoorsCombincrtion Screen d Metcrl Sash Doors honing Bo<rrdsBlinds crnd Lourne Doors
745 S. Rcryrnond Avenue,SAMPSON SCREENS ARE
Alberta Hill, pretty University of California co-ed, will take a screen test at the M-G-M studio when she goes to Los Angeles to attend the cbnvention of her sorority, Pi Beta Phi, June 26 to July 1, it was announced in Berkeley. Miss Hill, who is the daughter of Al P. Hill, retail lumberman with yards in Albany and Richmond, is very popular on the campus. She was elected queen of the annual interfraternity dance last November, and had previously been chosen as one of the five best-dressed co-eds on the Berkeley campus. More recently she ruled as princess of the San Francisco Junior Chamber of Commerce snow carnival.
Hawk Huey, Phoenix, Ariz., lumberman, spent a few days in Los Angeles the middle of last month.
Pcsqdena, Calif. STRONGEST
A. A. Kayser, for the past eleven years grade supervisor for the state of California for the West Coast Lumbermen's Association with headquarters at their Los Angeles office, has been transferred to the Portland office where he will be in charge of all grade inspection and certificate work in the state of Oregon.
Carl Ramstrom, who has been connected with the Los Angeles office for the past two years, will succeed Mr. Kayser as grade supervisor for California.
L. C. Hammond, president of Hammond Redwood Company, San Francisco, and Herb Klass, assistant to the president of The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, left April 26 for Chicago and New York on business in connection with their Eastern sales agents, California Redwood Distributors. Ltd.

Lower prices thqt result {rom efliciency in mcmcgement cnd production benelit producers ond consumers olike, but lower prices that ore the result of "chiseling" ol the loborer cmd the socrilice of fqir prolits, ruin business qnd degrcrde the stondqrds of the industry.
When last I faced the wind upon this hill, And looked across the valley white and still, I marked no sign of life on bush or tree, Lost in their thoughts they waited silently.
But now the lovely miracle of Spring Pours throbbing beauty into everything; This is no time for bitterness or griefThe hand of God has touched each blade and leai.
Surely the One that glorifies this hourThe One that brings the barren branch to flower, Will leave no reassuring word untold, Nor let a child sleep lonely in the cold.
And then, of course, there was the little Scotch boy who was saving his toys for his second childhood.
History Lecturer-Can any of you tell me what makes the Tower of Pisa lean?
Corpulent Lady-I don't know, or I'd take some myself.

The man is a success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who leaves the world better than he found it, whether by an improved popfy, a perfect poem or a rescued soul. Who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or failed to express it; who looked for the best in others and gave the best he had. His memory is a benediction.-Robert Louis Stevenson.
Jones : Not a day passes but what my wife shows her incompatibility.
Bones: Ain't it a crime the way women dress?
Our idea of an optimist is a man of 80 marrying a woman of 75 and looking for a home to rent close to a school.
Samson: "I'm strong)it you, kid." they are, the harder they fall."
Nero: "Hot Keep the home fires burning."
Cleopatra: "$q6're an easy Mark Anthony."
Helen: "So this is Paris."
Noah: "It floats."
Methuselah: "The first hundred years are the hardest."
Oh, she was a lady all alive ! She bedeviled the beaux Who would woo and wive; She wore sackcloth And no ashes, She wore beads And purple sashes. She wore feathers And fine fancies
Going to routs And plays and dances, With gew-gaws, whims And silver dresses, And pearls in curls, And twirls of tresses. Her jewels shone Like midnight's marchers, Her hair built high As lady Archer's, With brooches, wings And wonders wiry. Her witchy face Was fine and fiery. Her hoop it nearly Spread an acre; She was a credit To her Maker. Her Maker was pleased He could contrive, Such a ladyAll alive.
-Rose O'Neil, in The New York Times.
Sampson Compahy Appoints Distributor In S. F. B.y District
Sampson Company of Pasadena, widely known manufacturers of window and door screens, combination screen and metal sash doors, ironing boards, blinds and Louvre doors, recently appointed Lincoln Lumber, Inc., 2201 East 14th Street, Oakland, as wholesale distributors of the Sampson line.

In speaking of his firm's appointment, H. "Abe" Lincoln, Jr., president of Lincoln Lumber, Inc., said: "I had heard a great deal of favorable comment on this line of merchandise, and after our salesmen reported having received a number of inquiries for various Sampson products I decided we wanted to handle them and lost no time in making a deal with Bill Sampson to do so.
"f am particularly pleased with the Rex and Easy (To Wash) combination metal sash screen doors. Also with the pre-fitted window screens, which have the bottom rail beveled to the same angle as the window sill."
Among the special features claimed for the Rex combination metal sash screen door are the Acme Spring Sash Balance, the cadmium plated steel sash, removable screen section and Sugar Pine construction.
The Easy(To Wash) door is also of Sugar Pine construction, has cadmium plated steel sash, removable in a few seconds for washing, and has a positive lock on the inside.
H. H. "Hank" Andrews is manager of the wholesale department of Lincoln Lumber, Inc. John Frampton is the salesman calling on the dealers throughout Northern California.
Henry M. Hink, vice-president and sales manager of Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., San Francisco, left April 20 to visit all the principal Eastern cities in his capacity as president of the Redwood Sales Company.
Mr. Hink is traveling with Milton V. Johns, manager of the Redwood Sales Company. They will call on all the company's sales connections and will be gone four or five weeks.
Real estate operators have found that fully 85 per cent of home buying is controlled by women.
"Colif. Pcrrel" is the oldest exclusive Plywood Distributor in the West ccrd is constcntly growing. Such progress ccrn only be mqde possible through our policy of ccrrying a well diversilied stock crrd rendering on intelligent qnd economicol service to our mcmy Deqler c'ustomers. Our quolity crrd service ore "tops" cmd our prices ore competitive. For profits ond recrl satisfqction cqll "Calif. Pcrrel" whenever you need plywood.
lifornia neer go
955-967 sourr ALAMEDA sTREET
Telephone TRinity W57
Mai,ling Address; P. O. Box 96, Arcade Station LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA
This mcrrk is your csaurcrnce ol thoroughly, properly, cnd unilormly Kiln Dried Ponderosc Pine Lumber, l4ouldings, cnd Cut Stoclc E\/ERY nonth oI the yecr.
Klcnncrth Falls, Oregon
Centrcl Cclilomic Pyrmid Luurber Scrles Co., Oaklcrnd
Southern Cclilornia crnd Arizoncr
E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles
Precision -Cutting Increases Plywood Sales
A fine example of the profits that lie in good merchandising of lumber products is furnished by the BrownDauser Co. of Fullerton, California. Like many yards, they received frequent requests for odd-size pieces of Douglas-fir plywood from home-owners and youthful builders who wanted exact dimensions to fit a particular project. For a time, these sales were accommodated by taking the panels to the small mill run in connection with their building suppy business but as the demand for plywood increased, it was evident that much time was being wasted.

It was then that E. Steffensen, g.eneral manager of the concern, had an ingenious sawing table designed and placed in their plywood stockroom which has both eliminated the time formerly used in carrying panels to the shop and has brought a definite increase in plywood sales.
As pictured here, tl,e unit consists of a portable electric saw mounted on a rigid platform above the table. The saw is clamped to a small block and slides along steel guides, assuring the square and smooth edge that customers want. Extending along one side of the table is a strip to which the panels are squared; the rulings on its inner side permitting rapid and easy measuring.
The saw is fastened to the carriage by set screws and in releasing these, it can be lifted and turned at a 90o angle to act as a rip saw. During this operation, the saw is fastened to the platform by the steel plate at its back, which also acts as a safety guard. Sliding extensions on the table ends allow panels up to l2-ft. in length to be ripped with no difficulty. A further innovation is the counter_
balanced arm which prevents the electric cord from interfering with operations.
Mr. Steffensen reported that after the table had been installed, there rvas a definite gain in their fir plywood sales, even though a charge is made for all dimension cutting. Another profit was found, too, in their scrap-pile, since many pieces that were once thrown away can now be saved to take care of orders for small sizes of exact measurement. "People in our city," he stated, "are learning that we can give them immediate and satisfactory service and it is certainly reflected in our sales increases."
Hardwoods and f,umber Products
Complete stocks in and competitive grades
Two Million Feet to Serve Vou
Appointed Exclugive Sales Agents for Stockton Mouldlng Plant
Wendling-Nathan Company, wholesale lumber dealers, San Francisco, announce that they have been appointed exclusive sales agents for the California Pine mouldings manufactured by the Electric Planing Mill Company, Stockton, Calif. They are selling these mouldings all over the United States. Sales are made in carload quantities only.

Electric Planing Mill Company recently built a new plant at Stockton for the manufacture of California Pine mouldings. All of the equipment is of the most modern type and includes four stickers, two new band resaws, three ripsaws and cutoff saws.
Jim Mclntosh is owner and manager of the new
Organize \(holesale Lumber Firm
New Flashes
Sterling Stofle, sales manager of Western Hardwood Lumber Co., T os Angeles, has returned from a three weeks' business trip to the Pacific Northwest.
Perry A. Dame, sales manager Veneer Co., Vancouver, Wash., ing two weeks in California on
of Vancouver Plywood & has returned from spendbusiness for his firm.
Hugh W. Handley, sales manager, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco, is back from visiting mills in Southern Oregon and the Redwood Empire.
George W. Gorman, Gorman Lumber Co., Oakland, flew to Los Angeles and back on business early last week.
Plant' Don Doucl was a recent business. He
Charles B. Lyons and George Geib have organized the Lyons-Geib Co., wholesale lumber firm, with offices in the Halliburton Building, 1709 West 8th Street, Los Angeles. Mr. Lyons has been associated with the wholesale lumber business in Southern California for many years, having been with the Hammond Lumber Company, LawrencePhilips Lumber Co., and recently was in business for himself. George Geib was formerly in the retail lumber business and several years ago operated a yard. at Carlsbad, Calif.
Defiance Lumber Los Angeles and made the trip by
Art Zeigen, salesmanager, Polson Lumber Mills, Hoquiam, Wash., spent a few days in Los Angeles and San Francisco on company business.
Charles E. Miller of the Youngs renton, Ore., made a business trip last week. He traveled both ways
Company, Tacoma, Wash., San Francisco visitor on airplane. Bay Lumber Co., 'Warto San Francisco early by the air route.
Milton Taenzer and J. W. (Julie) Smith of the American }fardwood Co., Los Angeles, are back from a trip to the Pine mills in Northern California and Oregon.
At our Fresno ycrrd we ccrrf/ complete stocks oI USG Wecthennood Insulcrtion Bocuds crnd USG Bed Top Insulcting Wool, Douglcrs Fir Commons cnd Cleqrs, Redwood, Red Cedcr Shingles, Plywood and Oak Flooring, At Oqklcnd we specicrlize in Douglcrs Fir Commons, Rough Clecrs crnd Finish.
Portland, Oregron
lvlanufacturers of Old Growth Douglas Fir Rail and Cargo ShipPers
Los Angeles Scles Office
127-428 Peboleurn Securities Bldg. Telephone Rlchrnond 0281
Reveille Attendance All-Time Record
A new attendance record was set when 575 sat down to dinner at the 8th Annual Reveille, held at Hotel Oakland, Oakland, Calif., APril 12.
Henry M. Hink, general chairman of committees' welcomed it " tig gathering. Those at the head table included Jas. B. Overcast, president of Hoo-Hoo Club No' 39' which 'ag"itr sponsored ihe Reveille, eleven past presidents of the Club and SecretarY Carl R. Moore'
Entertainment chairman Lew Godard's hard work in providing the excellent and unusual entertainment was well -r.*rrd.J by the favorable comment heard on all sides' The show went over with a bang. The entertainment was in the fbrm of a musical farce and its setting a timberline hotel and bar in the timber country about 1890'

The following mentioned firms cooperated financially to make the Reveille a success:
Arcata Redwood Company ' " ' ' 'San F-rancisco
Air.i"i""-Stutz Company ... " "'San Francisco
1. H. g;*ter & Company .. " " 'San Francisco
ben Byrnes " 'San Francisco
-C"fifoi"i" Plywood, Inc'
C"iii.."i" glitaers Supplv Co.. " ' " 'Oakland
W.: R. Chamberlin & C-o^mpany ' ' San Francisco
Coos Bay Lumber Company-. ' ' ' Oakland
b;lb";'& Cuttott Lumb-er Co. .. " " "San Francisco
b;;;" Lumber ComPanY San Francisco
Ff.irfr-u" Lumber Cdmpany ' ' Portland
b"-.i.to" & Green San Francisco
G;;;; Lumber Company " ' 'oakland
Tames L. Hall ' ' San Francisco
Special House Doors
fiont Doors
flnsh G. C. Doors
Hammond Lumber Company ....Fut Francisco
T. R. Hanifv Companv San Francisco
Ltovd Hariis-Vanlooln"t Plywood Co.. ... ...Oakland
Hait-Wood Lumber Company San Francisco
T. E. Hieeins Lumber Co. .' .....San Francisco
iritttM6rton. Inc... ....Oakland
Hobbs-Wall I-umber Co. .. ....'San Francisco
Holmes Eureka Lumber Co. . San Francisco
A. B. Tohnson Lumber Company San Francisco
Kesteison Lumber Company ..: ' .Klamath Falls
Klamath-California Redwood Co..... .San Francisco
Lamon-Bonnington Company ..'San Francisco
Long Bell Lumber Company ' 'San Francisco
Macbonald & Harrington ... ....San Francisco
Monterey Bay Redwood Co' Santa Cruz
Moore Mitt & Lumber Company San Francisco
Nicolai Door Sales Co.. San Francisco
W. H. O'Neill Lumber Company'.. .San Francisco
The Pacific Lumber Company. ..San Francisco
Paramino Lumber Company ... .San Francisco
I. E. Peees ...San Francisco
-Pooe & TatUot Lumber Co' ..San Francisco
Pvramid Lumber Sales Co. .. .. .Oakland
Red River Lumber Company. ..Oakland
Redwood Manufacturers Co. Pittsburg
Rockport Redwood Company San Francisco
Santa Cruz Lumber Company .... .Santa Cruz
Santa Fe Lumber ComPanY
Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co. ' ' San Francisco
Shevlin Pine Sales Company ' ' San Francisco
Strable Hardwood Company ....Oakland
Sudden & Christenson ... .San Francisco
Union Lumber Company ' San Francisco
Wendling-Nathan Cbmpany ...San Francisco
Medicine Gases
honing Boards
Mcmulcrctured bvoIYMPIA lfENEEn co.Pioneer Plyrrood Mfrs. Distributed Exclusively Since l92l by
Wholesale Building Supply, Inc.

Following is the list of prize winners in the annual Reveille golf tournament held on Saturday, April 13, at Sequoyah Country Club, Oakland:
O. I. Wooldridge-Low Gross ....Guest
Ward Dwight-Lorv Gross .Wholesaler
Ernie Pieper-Low Gross ....Retailer
Len Rea-Low Net .Wholesaler
George Dunn-Low Net .. .. ... Retailer
Lloyd Harris-High Gross .Wholesaler
Miland Grant-High Gross .. ...Retailer
Larue Woodson-High Net Wholesaler
Ross Kinney-High Net . ... .. .Retailer
Earl Chalfan--2nd Low Gross .. .Wholesaler
Roy Driesbach--2nd Low Gross .Retailer
Lee Horne-3rd Low Gross ...Retailer
Herb Farrell-Znd Lorv Net Wholesaler
Russ Tracy-2nd Low Net .. ...Retailer
Fred Ziese-3rd Low Net .Wholesaler
Fritz Dettman-3rd Low Net Retailer
Forrest Piel-2nd High Gross ... ...Wholesaler
Leo Cheim-Znd Higrh Gross ...Retailer
Perry Dame-3rd High Gross .. .Wholesaler
Bill Phillips-3rd High Gross ...Retailer
Harry Hood-Blind Bogey.
H. J. DeV_rigr, Wlyl9 Rawlings, Jim Berry-Start- ing lst Hole with 10.
F. M. Driesbach ....Oldest Entrv
IJenry Hink . Special Consolation prizL
The Committees were as follows: General Chairman, Henry M. Hink; General Secretary-Treasurer. Carl R. Moore,
(Continued on Page 25)
Headg Ingulation Department
Cal if ornia Panel & Veneer Company, Los Angeles, announce the aPpointment of George E; Otto as manager of their in' sulation department.
Mr. Otto is particularly well know.n in the insulation field in Southern California. He rvas employed until recenty by E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, in their insulation department, and was formerly with The Insulite Company for many years in various capacities in the East and Middle West.
I. C. Holloway and C. R. Jordan have opened a retail lumber yard at 2739 East State Street, Long Beach, which they will operate as the Holloway-Jordan Lumber Company. Mr. Holloway was formerly manager of the Consolidated Lumber Company at Torrance, and prior to that managed the Long Beach yard of the San Pedro Lumber Company. Mr. Jordan was formerly with the Southwestern Sash & Door Co. of Phoenix, Ariz.

New Manual on Home Ownership
Washington, April 20.-The Washington headquarters of the National Small Homes Demonstration has just released to cooperating state and area Homes Foundations and others cooperating in the national program for the advancement of the lower cost small home, a new information manual for those who operate local information services or furnish material to local newspapers.
The new booklet is in mimeograph form and contains approximately 35 ready-prepared articles and items dealing with the philosophy of home ownership, economics of home ownership, financing of home ownership, new building suggestions, suggestions Ior modernizing and repair, the advantages of wood construction, and discussion of the housing problem.
This new material offers local units another source from which they can draw quickly and readily material for special newspaper releases, building page stories, speeches and radio addresses. It rnay be used without credit to National Small Homes Demonstration. Copies may be secured by writing to the headquarters office in Washington, D. C.
Andy Wilson, formerly with the Hammond Shipping Company at Wilmington, has been appointed representative for the Shipowners Association of the Pacific and has opened an office for the Association at Wilmington.
l. 25y'o to )O/o morc capacity due to solid edge'to'edgc stacking'
2. Bctt r qudity drying on low ternpcianrrcc sith e fart rcvrrribto circuLation, J. Lowcr rtacling coets-jurt solid cdge.to-edgc otacking in the rimplcrt forn.
Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customerg the quality of the stock you handle. Buildere quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting.
Reveille Attendance All-Time Record
(Continued from Page 23)
Finance-Tom Branson, chairman; Shirley Forsey, James McNab, Clement Fraser, Caspar Hexberg.
Entertainment-Lewis Godard, chairman; D. Norman Cords, Tom Branson, Miland Grant, John Helm.
Golf-Ed La Franchi, chairman; C. H. (Chuck) Griffen III, Lloyd Harris, Harry Hood, Clyde Speer, Larue Woodson.
Banquet-H. "Abe" Lincoln, Jr., chairman; H. Sewall Morton, Jack Ferri, Ken Shipp.
Publicity-Wm. Chatham, Jr., chairman; W. T. Black, Jerry Bonnington, George M. Cornwall, J. J. Farley, F. "Tom" Tomlinson.
Program and Poster-Don Coveney, chairman; M. B. "Nickt' Carter, Charles Gartin, Forrest K. Peil, G. W. Sechrist.
Ticket Sales-A. D. Williamson, chairman; Miland Grant, Frank White, Larue Woodson, Fred Lamon, B. E. Bryan, George Grant, Norman Stanley, Wes Farrar, Frank Teakle, Shirley Forsey, John Freeman.
Tacoma Lumber Sales, Los Angeles, in conjunction with two of their Tacoma mills, Tacoma Harbor Lumber Co. and Peterman Mfg. Co., recently purchased the steamer Cornelia, formerly known as the John C. Kirkpatrick. This vessel has a lumber carrying capacity of 1,500,000 feet and will operate between Puget Sound ports and Southern California ports.

The steamer will be operated under the name of the West Coast Shipping Co., with headquarters at the office of Tacoma Lumber Sales, 714 W. Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles.
Many indications have been found that glass blocks first were manufactured many centuries ago, possibly as long ago as 2,000 years. Recently a panel of glass blocks was found in an ancient wall in Germany which apparently had been put there by the Romans during their occupation of that part of Europe. The block was evidently handblown.
Available in Y+" 3-ply 48" x 96" Only
CAL-BOARD is stocked in Sliced Wqlnut, Birch, EIm, Unselected Gum, Genuine Mcrhogcny crrd Plcin Ock.
All CAL-BOARD is "Hot-Plcte" glued with urea resin glue ond is hiqhly wcter-resistqnt.
CAL-BOARD is our cmswer to the demqnd for crn inexpensive hardwood ponel for use in the anreroge modem residence.
CAL-BOARD is distributed exclusively by
955-967 sourn ALAMEDA srR.EET
Telephone TRinity 0f,57
Mailing Address: P. O. Box !b, Arcade Station LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA
Dxclnsively Wholesale
We iravite luurber declers to tcrke crdvcmtcge ol our well cesorted stoclcs ol
NEVER-Your Competitor us9
Armstrong's Temlok De Luxe Boards-Planlr-Panels-Hardboards
The California Door Company
257-ZSg-241 Centrql f,ve. Lor AnEeler TIUDity 748f
REDWOOD { n|oa"- fcrcilities tor quick I j shipment crl our slorcrge ycttd I
655 East Florence Avenue
Telephone fiIonrwall 314{ Collect
Let us quote you on your teqdtenenls
YES SIR, tr ttis ue!
Ride 'em Cowboy
The accompanying picture was not taken at a rodeo, roundup, dude ranch, or on a motion picture location. It's the real McCoy.
In the early days of the Southwest when Kansas was "way out West," the longhorn steer was the king of the range from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada. There are not many in existence today, but when Clint Laughlin of Los Angeles, manager of the Southern California Wholesale Lumber Association, was on a recent trip to Beaumont, Texas, as he was passing through the city of Orange in that state, he caught a glimpse of a longhorn steer, so decided to ride the animal and have his picture taken. A glance at the photograph is evidence enough that he enjoyed the experience very much. And
Clint states that he will be glad to make an affidavit that the steer is a live animal.
Now, Clint is very conversant about longhorn cattle. Says they were brought to America by the Spaniards, were hardy and active animals, had an aggressive disposition and were a favorite breed among old-time cattlemen. The horns of some of the cattle, he says, had a spread of six and seven feet from tip to tip.
Tcn Ycars Ago Today
From May 1,1930 lssue

C. E. Dant, Dant & Russell, Inc., returned from a three months' tour of the Philippine Islands.
Portland, Or.egon, China, Japan and
The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, announced their new line of "Palco Brand" knocked down all heart Redwood window and sash screens in an attractive circular in four colors. These screens will be distributed only through the retail lumber yard.
Richard C. Jones, of Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco, and Mrs. Jones returned April 14 from a tour of Central America.
Seventeen kittens *"r.-ilffited into the mysteries of Hoo-Hoo at the concatenation held under the direction of H. Sewall Morton of Hill & Morton, Inc., Vicegerent Snark of the Golden Gate District at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, the evening of April 14.
Inexpensivc Hardwood Panel for Homes GRAVES FLAT TYPE
The demand for an inexpensive hardwood panel for use in the average modern home is being supplied in a very satisfactory manner by the new Cal-Board hardwood plywood, distributed exclusively by California Panel & Veneer Company, Los Angeles.
Cal-Board is a sound-l-side grade of hardwood panel with all three plies being hardwood and is sold at about half the price of regular cabinet grades. It is made by the hot-plate method, glued with urea resin glue and is highly water-resistant. The woods in which it is now available are: Sliced Walnut, Birch, Unselected Gum, Elm, Genuine Mahogany, and Plain Oak.
"Cal-Board has proven to be a very popular Dealer item," says W. F. Fahs, sales manager, "and is being used in many places where hardwood plywood was heretofore prohibited because of cost."
Lumbermen's Post Will Meet May 14
Lumbermen's Post No.4O3 of the American Legion was entertained at their last meeting by L. E. Glick, owner of Bird Wonderland. Mr. Glick gave a very interesting talk on his trips to the jungles of Asia and other countries and on bringing back birds and animals for sale and for use in the movies. J. .W. Mcleod, vice president of Cadwallader-Gibson Company, Los Angeles, was chairman.
The next meeting, which will be held Tuesday evening, May 14, has been designated as Ladies' Night, and Commander Alexander has a very interesting program arranged. Judge Clarence Kincaid will be the speaker of the evening. All lumbermen and legionnaires are invited.
Lumbermen's Post is very unique in that it is doing a great deal of Boy Scout work. At the present time the Post is sponsoring three separate units, namely: a Boy Scout Troop in Culver City; a ship of Sea Scouts composed entirely of Eagle Scouts, and a Boy Scout Drum and Bugle Corps of twenty-eight members.

Fred Ridout has been placed in charge of the finance department of the Pacific Beach Lumber Company, Pacific Beach, Calif., according to the announcement of Hubert H. Hawki.ns, manager. The company has opened a new budget plan service to assist those who want to repair, modernize and paint their homes.
For the jobs that call for lumber that can stand exposure to earth or weather, order Redwood from NOYO. Ample timber . . two mills ONE organization. " Once a Noyo Dealet-Always!"
Stecnrrer "Port Orlordl
Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club
Luncheon Meeting M.y 8 LAMINEX
Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club No. 2 will hold a luncheon meeting'Wednesday noon, May 8, 194O, at the Mona Lisa, 3343 Wilshire Blvd. (opposite Ambassador Hotel), Los Angeles.
Larue J. Woodson, Wheeler Osgood Sales Corporation, San Francisco, Arcanoper on the Hoo-Hoo Supreme Nine, will be the guest of the Club and tell us about Hoo-Hoo activities throughout the country.

All lumbermen are invited to attend, and a special invitation is extended to lumbermen visiting in Southern California. Luncheon will be served at 12:19 p.m. There is plenty of parking space available for automobiles. Entrance to the parking lot is on S. Kenmore Ave,, just off Wilshire Blvd.
The committee arranging for the meeting includes J. E. Martin, Kenneth Smith, Geo. E. Ream, W. B. Wickersham, and Lew Hackett.
Reservations can be made by calling J. E. Martin, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, telephone VAndike 4565.
lsglrrufiocfirers oJ Lominex Ploducts
Srlcr Officcr: Sen Frrncirco end Lor Angolcr
Sam Pawsey of Los Angeles passed away suddenly Wednesday morning, April 17, following a short illness. He was born in Quincy, IVlassachusetts, and was 43 years of age.
Mr. Pawsey had been associated with The Celotex Corporation the past fifteen years, coming to Los Angeles ten years ago to be in charge of their Acoustical Department for the Western Division. He was a veteran of the World War, and was widely known in the building industry where he was held in very high esteem.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Marge Pawsey.
Funeral services were held. at the Little Church of the Flowers, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale. Fridav noon, April 19.
Fred Briggs, owner of the Tarzana Lumber Company, Tarzana, Calif., passed away suddenly Tuesday, April 9, following a short illness. He was 45 years of age.
Born ini Scotville, Mich., he later moved to Detroit where he was engaged in the lumber business. Two years ago he retired and came to California with his family. About six months ago he bought the Winnor Lumber Company at Tarzana.
He is survived by his rvidow, three chidren, his parents, three sisters and two brothers.
Funeral services were held at Van Nuys, Friday, April 12.
C. I). Johnson lunber Corporation

(A TAIIX PRODUCT) Now Avcilcble From Stock
We toke plecrsure in qnnouncing thcrt we ore now distributors of LAUX REZ SEALER Ior trecrting oll types of wood ond other mcrtericls requiring secrling.
REZ stops groin roising cmd checking, minimizes moisture obsorption, gives o perfect bcse for point cmd enqmel.
REZ is ready to crpply. Ccn be opplied by dipping, brushing, sprcrying or rubbing.
955-967 sourn ALAMEDA srREEr
Telephone TRinity 0f57
Mailing Add,ress: P. O. Box 96, Arcade Station LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA
Thir airplane view conveyr some idea of the cize and.ertent of our plant-with the largest capacity, narnely, 47 M qet hour, of any car-and-cargo mill in Oregon. Cargo and rail shipments of Soft Old Growth Yellow Douglas Fir and Sitka Spruce. Weekly sailingr to California ports; packaged lumber stowed even lengths and widths.
Young man in growing central coast town, with re' tail yard selling and drafting experience; one who is capable of handling FHA applications. Address Box C-805, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumberman wants position with wholesale or retail concern in the metropolitan Los Angeles district. Ten years' retail and wholesale lumber experiencegeneral office work" bookkeeping and typing. I-ast four years with Los Angeles lumber firm. Address Box C-804, California Lumber Merchant.
Modern lumber yard for sale near San Diego. Good plant, nice location and a good clean stock. Low investment. Address Box C-806 California Lumber Merchant.
Young man, experienced lumber accountatrt, desires wholesale or retail lumber connection. Preferably in Southern California. Address Box C-799 California Lumber Merchant.

Retail lumbennan with nine years' experience in the Los Angeles territory. Knows softwoods, hardwoods and building materials. Estimator, bookkeeper' stenographer, salesman and general office work. 35 years of age, married. Good references. Address Box C800, Caifornia Lumber Merchant.
Wants connection as salesman for building materials or builder's specialty with manufacturer or jobber. Knows the retail lumber trade-have called on California and Arizona dealers for several years. 34 years old, married. A-1 references. Go anywhere. Address Box C-809, care California Lumber Merchant.
Retail lumberman wants position. 17 years' experience in Southern California. Estimator, yard foreman, and familiar with paints, hardware and plumbing. Good references. Address Box C-811 Califronia Lumber Merchant.
70 miles from Los Angeles on main highway in fast growing cornmunity. Railroad lease, established trade, clean stock, good equipment. For full particulars address Box C-773, California Lumber Merchant.
Retail lumberman, 25 years experience, last 1O years in Los Angeles, fully familiar with all office detail' sales, collections and credits, desires position as manager. Excellent references. Go anywhere in California. Address Box C-?88, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumberman wants position as yardman in retail lumber yard. Over twenty years' experience. Can give good references. Address Box C-802, Cdifornia tumber Merchant.
Small lumber yard and planing mill. A going concern. Average annual sales for the past 16 years, $55,000.00. Located in the best city in central California. Owner has other interests and wishes to retire from the lum' ber business. Do Not Answer This unless you mean business and have from $15,000.00 to $25,000.00. Address Box C-S07 California Lumber Merchant.
Splendid opportunity for financially responsible party, acquainted with the building trade, to sell baked enamel fibre wall tile. Would like one party for Los Angeles, and another for Long Beach. Product is recognized leader. Give full particulars about past experience. Address Box C-808, California Lumber Merchant.
Commission lumber salesman wanted by established Coast v/holesale firm to sell lumber and shingles in Northern California territory. Address Box C-810' California Lumber Merchant.
We have a number of good yards in Southern Cali' fornia for sale. Twohy Lumbe'r Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Atttnn-Stutz Copeny. rU Mrrl.t Srrst .;...............GArfidd rt|l
Boldrvc-Mon Lunbc Co525 Mrrtrt Str..t EXbrook aTl9
Dilt & Rurrcll. Ins. 55? Markct Stct ........,.......GArfieId 0292
Dotbcc I Germ Lunba Cot3a Hathub Erchugo Blar.......Suttcr il55
G.Ear.to e Gr.c, llll Aray SL'....................^twater 1300
Hdl. Jano Lri3a Mil!,. 3k1r.......................SUtts 7521
Hrnnod R.d;Bd Conpuy, aU Mootrncr Sl. ...:.........Douglar 33tE
Hobbr Wall Lubc Co.. Ztlia Jaftld Avc....,,..,........ ....Mhcid 09Cl
Hohr Err*r llrnbsr Co.. llG Fb.[.Ll Cotc BU3. .......GArficld 1921
Rov M. Jrnta l11rbcr Cou '*'e'i'i JH-cfiii-irffi-h st.. cArictd t&?o
C. D. Joham lrubc Concerion" z6a Gdttmtr lb..t ..-...........GArficld a25t
Carl H. Kuhl Lmbq C;o, O. L. Rusnm, u2 M$l(et St......YUlton 1{60

I:no-Bruilrfo Goguy --iic.ftr*ri. sdt-.-:.'.........GArictd .$r
MacDonald & I{arin:ton, Ltd. rC Cdffmi. St...................GArfiold til$t
P*ific Lubc 6- Thc l0O Burh Strc.a ...........,......G4t6.H lrEl
Popc & Talbot Lunbc Co., {Cl MrLst St@t.........,.....DOu8lar 2561
Rod Rlvs l.uDbq Co315 Monrdrck BUr. ............GAridd l0Z
Sutr Fc r {6ha. 6, f3 Cditordr Str!.t .EXbroo& Z07l
Sb.vlb Pb. 9.L. Cor lOm Monadmt Bldt. ..,,......EXbrok ?0ll
Suddoo & Chrlrtoroq 3l| Sira.onr Slr..t ...,..........GAr6c1d 2Ela
Unioo Lunbc Co- Crocfr Bulldlrr .........SUB- artt
Wondfaf-Nrthu 6., lrr Mlrl.t Str..t ..,..,........,.SUtt r $f53
E. I(. Wood lede Cor I DI.mn Stn t ..................Exbruk 37fO
Woyorhrrura Sd.. Co. rg Cdilomlr Srrut .,.........,.GArio|d t97l
Grurtm & Grs, 9th Avcnm Ple ...,,,..,.....,,'..Hlgrta 2255
Gonra Lunbc Co., a@l TtddrtGr Avc....,.......,..'ANdovcr lll
Hlll & Mrlm. lnc- Doln tt. Wlrrt ............AN&vc 1f77
Hona Lunbcr Conpery, 2at I Allcr Stnotr ,...,......GLncourt a||r
trcd Rlvc Ltubc Co-
tI Flrudrt CGt-r Bldt....TWinorL Slaa
E. I(. Wood l.cnbc C.b.. Fr.d.rLt e Klnr St.. ......'.FRultvdc lllil
Muir Plryood Conbratlor. saa fih Str..t :..............MArkct 6705-C?ta
Whltc Brothcr.Ftfth ud B-rmu Stretr...,.....SUttcr l3G
Unit.d Strt., Plwood ConDrador. ll0 Kairu Strst ...............MArtct lL
Whmlcr Ocspod Satcr Corporatiou 30$ rgrf, st. .........vAlencia 22{l
Anedu l{nbc & Trcatint Coo irr Ncr Motgoncrv ttt.......'..Suttcr lz25
Butca J. H. & Co33' M*ts-*'t -St. ...........'.Douala. tttt
HalL Juo L, --1si unr rildr.,............ .guttlr 752a
cdtfi!hB1*r'..".311. 3':.........Hrre' .orG
Ho:u larnbc CorpelY' ---2"d z Alio 9trbti...........'Gl.edrt atcl
WrrE! Doc & S.rh fl., -' -lth -t CyDr-i st. .'.-'...'. .'TEmplobrr t{00
StrrbL Hudmod 6.' -- 3!'- F|rn S|' ct ;.............TEnpleber 55t{ IYhltr BrotLan,'--StO fftst Strcct .......'...'....ANdovc 16.|
Aorfo Crlliomb l.lnLc Co. 695 Eut Florcne Avc. ........Tllomwall 3lll
Atklnon-Stutz Company, Chanbr of Cornmere Bldg.......PRopcct Etl3
Bum Lunbc Go.
Sf Cbrnbr o, Coorror Bl&.,.PRop.ct Olf
Dmt & Rurdl, Inc.,
l5l5 E. Scvmth St. TRinity 375?
DoDcc t Caru l.rrnb* 6- tar FHditt Bldr. .,.............YAnd&. tZP
HrhFohd Rrdmod conpuy, rGtr So. BnrArey ,,.,.........PR6pGt flt3
Hobbr Wall Lubs Co., 325 Rmu BUr.....................TRirity 50tt
Holnrr Eunlra Lrmbc Cc. nr-ru Archltrcrr Bldg.' .......,.M1rrud 9rn
Hoovc. A I1225 WilrEln Blvd. .................YOrk rrtl
Roy frl. Jula Lunbcr Co., F. A closh, ll{t T@ainG..,....XOrt 295t
C. D. Johnoa Lubc Corporation, 606 Petrclm Bldg..............PRospect 1165
Leroe-Phlllpe l;ubcr Co., 6B Petrolcum B1dg...,....,....,..PRosPlct tU4
M.clrondd e Hartngton, Ltd., 517 Petrolm Bldg.......,.......PRospecl 312?
Prclfic Imbcr Co- The, 5225 Sflbhlnc Blv& .....,...........YO* rrat
Petto Bltnn Lumbd Co., tin a. 5rh st ........,............vAnd|Lc 2321
Popc & Talbot I&bcr Co-, 60r W. Flfth St. TRirl9 S2{r
Rcd Rlver lanbcr Co.
1lA E. Slesron CEnturv 29171 fltf So. Broedsay ...........,..PRosp.ct 03tl
R.lra Co- E. t333 Potrclann Blds..............PRotpct 23eg Su Pcdro Lunbc Gq.9u Podrc. rSafA lYllrbrto iRoed .,...'Sm Prdrc 22||
tlrnta Fc Lunb.r Co3rr Fb.ndd Cadr BLL. ......VAdikc {l7l
Shcvll Pllc S.!r. Co', 33f Podm 81d8..............'.PRosp*t 0615
Sudde & Chrlrtaro, 63C lo.rd of Trrdc Bldt. .......TRintty ttll
Taona Lubc Sdcr, 123 Pctrolm 81ds..........'. .,. .PRospect l10t
Union Lunbc Co. 9a W. DL Cerlod Blds. ........TRinity zzEz
Wcndlrr-Natiu 65225 -Wlbhtnc Blid. .................Y(R rr6t
Weat Orcgo Lubcr Cor 4? Pedcu Bldc.....,,.,.......Rlchmond C2tf
Willinrcn ud Buy, 3rt W. gth St" ...................TRh|ty aal3
E. I(. Wood Lunba Co., l?ll Suts Fc Ava ..........,.JEffcrmn 3lll
Woyorhaeurcr SdG. Co, 920 W. M. Garlard Bldg. .....Mlchigan 6t3l
Ancicu Lmber & TrotiDa Co., f0ill So. Brudway ......,,.....PRorp.ct 4363
Buta, J. H. & Ca, 6tl W..t stb St. ..,............Mlch|gm 629{
Cadwallads-Glbm Co- Ila, 3@,! Eilt Otvnplc Blvd. ......ANedu lllll Stetd, E. J.. e Sm, zatt Eut 3&h Str..t ...........CErturt A2lr
'Wctrn Hrrdwood Lunb* Co' z0r4 E. 15$ SL ...,......,.....,Ptorprct OA
Back Pud Cmpuy, 3rG3u E. 3hd St......,..........ADur,lZl5
Calilomir Dm Cmpuy, Thr AI-UI ea|rad Avr. .............TRin|tt ?{f
Califonia P.n l & Vcw Cor 955 So. Alucdr 3L ..........,..TBinltya$t
Cobb Cro., T. M. 5610 Ccnbal Avo. .....,.,..,.,..ADenr lllll
Eubanl & Son, Irc", L H. (Inglswod) l0l0 Errt Hyd. PuL Elvd.....oRrro &t|.l
Kochl, Jm. W. & Son, 652 So. Mycrr SL ...............ANpIu tlll
MacDougall Dor & Plywod Co., 2035 E.5l!t St. ....,............... KIEbaU 316r
Orcgon-Warhington Plywod Co., 3it Wcrt Nlnth Strcct .......,...TRiatty llll
Pacific Wod Prcductr Corporation, 36|| Tybua gtr*t ...........,..Albrny llfl
Pacific Mutudl Door C,o.
1600 E. Warhtngton Blvd. ......PRocpca ,6ft
Rem Conpuy, Geo. E., 235 So. Almeda St.........,,..,Mlchtgan ltSl
Rcd Rlvcr Lunbcr Co. 7@ E. Slauoo ..: .CEntury z!?r
Unltcd Stato Plywod Corporatton, 1030 Eilt lsth St. ..,...,........Rlchnond 610l
lYcet Cort Ssal Co., rl{s E. Chd SE!.t ..............ADu llll
Whcelcr Osgod Sals Corpcatton 922 So. Flows St. ................VAndiLc 6t26