Rest &
I’m not usually one of those people who says this, but seriously, how is the year almost over already? I don’t know about you beautiful lady, but for me it’s felt like this year has just whooshed by!
As we come up to all the joy and excitement of Christmas and
recover and recharge your energy levels at the end of this year
celebrating the birth of our Saviour, there is also the opportunity
in preparation for 2019.
to slow the pace. Personally, I’m taking 10 whole glorious days off for some rest and recovery where I will pause and reflect on the year that’s
Let your body rest. For me this is going to look like sleep (and lots of it!) and doing less physically than I usually would. Being a fitness instructor, it’s a pretty
physically demanding job and I’m usually up super early to train
been and the year that’s about to be; I can’t wait! I really hope
people before they start their workday so I really value the
and pray you’re taking some time out beautiful lady too; after all,
contrast of times of body rest.
rest is Godly…
No matter what you do day-to-day, you most probably are getting
“It’s useless to rise early and go to bed late, and work your worried
less sleep than you should and buzzing around on adrenaline too
fingers to the bone. Don’t you know he enjoys giving rest to those he
amazing lady. God created us to have periods of going hard, and
loves?” Psalm 127:2 MSG
periods of rest. In our culture unfortunately however we often have long periods of going hard and minimal rest. Be sure to let
So with that in mind, here are my top four things can you do to
your body recalibrate and restore beautiful lady.
Rest and recovery is an investment of your time that will enable you to do what you’ve been called to with more grace and ease. We need to see rest as a way to PREPARE not just to REPAIR.