Revolutionary ecosystem of solutions Grass Valley’s end-to-end ecosystem
business and operational needs of
of reliable, open standards-based
the broadcast industry based on the
At its core is GV AMPP, the Agile
solutions helps content creators,
enormous power of elastic compute.
Media Processing Platform, a cloud-
broadcasters and media organisations
It is a comprehensive ecosystem
based SaaS platform that leverages
to produce brilliant content and build
of cloud-based tools and services,
modern elastic computing technologies,
successful media businesses. Its
interconnected with existing solutions,
providing unprecedented flexibility
award-winning technology and trusted
partner offerings and a community
to spin up or spin down applications
industry expertise empower customers
of marketplaces that revolutionises
as needed — only paying for what
to create captivating experiences that
the way live media is produced. It
is used. GV AMPP is easily deployed
connect people anywhere, on any
allows content developers and media
on any public cloud environment
device, through the magic of media.
organisations to create content more
or even run on-premise in a data-
efficiently and get far greater yield per
centre or in hybrid configurations.
As the industry’s R&D powerhouse with the most comprehensive suite of solutions for compelling live content, Grass Valley is the trusted partner to many of the biggest and most creative names in the business.
GV Media Universe Produce Anywhere... Distribute Everywhere Produce Anywhere... Distribute Everywhere Unified Unified User User Experience Experience
It helps customers transition to IP and cloud-based infrastructures to enable flexible, scalable, smart workflows. Advanced solutions enable production of rich, high quality content that brings viewers closer to the action, engages them with the story and connect with each other.
Marketplace Marketplace Application Application Marketplace Marketplace
industry’s charge towards a software-
cloud-native approach to fulfilling the
Connected Apps / Connected Apps / Devices Devices Connected Connected Applications Applications Connected Connected Devices Devices
Content Content Marketplace Marketplace
Qualified Qualified Devices Devices
Agile Management Agile Management Tools Tools
defined future with the introduction of the GV Media Universe, a revolutionary,
Elastic Media Elastic Media Applications Applications
Services Services Marketplace Marketplace
GV Media Universe Grass Valley is the frontrunner in the
asset than has ever been possible.
Public Cloud Public Cloud
AMPP Management AMPP Management Elastic Platform Elastic Platform Services Services
Universal Deployment Universal Deployment Private Cloud Private Cloud
Intelligent Media Intelligent Media Technologies Technologies Hybrid Cloud Hybrid Cloud