Leading the way in space telecommunications East, Africa and Europe, at 26°E.
Founded in 1976 by the 21 Member-
the world’s top satellite operators
States of the Arab League, Arabsat
and by far the leading satellite
has been serving the growing needs
services provider in the Arab world.
within the industry and believes in
of the Arab world for over 40 years,
It transports over 650 TV channels,
human capital. Working as a team,
operating from its headquarters in
200 radio stations, pay TV networks
Arabsat’s management thrives to
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and
and more than 210 HD channels that
achieve one goal -- the satisfaction
two satellite control stations in Riyadh
reach 170 million viewers in more
of its valued customers under the
and Tunis. Today Arabsat is one of
than 80 countries across the Middle
mission assigned by its shareholders.
Arabsat employs an elite workforce
© Arabsat