Esteban Campuzano
or the heart to be impressed by passion, something must happen to make it impossible to resist accepting the proposition of the act of creation. For work to achieve a special meaning, the artist must take on a creative function within a historical context. It unfolds in an organic structure governed by nature transformed into metaphor, giving rise to forms in the process of definition between passions and feelings. The desire for change is justified by the need to find language that expresses and shows the facets of a sentient man, abandoning discoveries to move on to seek the definitive light that never appears. Painting is always ready to be born again with a desire to make the emotion of the shadows of agony felt, and the lights of discovery, which appear to us like life itself, must be continually reinvented. Art must restore the meaning of life and of death itself. In the creative process, each work is a universe, a heartbeat, a pump of blood that excites and unleashes feeling and trying to reach a certain dimension. Art begins with emotion and moves towards emotion. Producing creativity is a demanding task. It requires new, unusual responses, but the work also has to be appropriate. Without this requirement, its purpose is not achieved.
Born in Murcia, Spain.