The Sacred Journey of Parenthood By: Lisa Brenner There is no greater transition in life than giving birth and becoming parents. This is a sacred experience for all involved: the birther, the partner and the new baby. Throughout pregnancy, the birthing process and in the immediate postpartum time, there is much we can do to connect with ourselves, our partner and our baby to bring conscious loving awareness to our experiences. Ayurveda and Yoga philosophy offer much guidance and wisdom to help create a calm, loving and supportive environment while navigating the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual challenges of becoming new parents. Whether you are preparing for the arrival of your first baby or second, third, or fourth, each birth is an initiation, one that needs to be acknowledged and honoured. No two pregnancies are the same, just as no two babies are the same. Each birth is an opportunity to create a conscious connection within ourselves, with our baby and with our partner, embracing the change in family dynamics. “To mother a child is one of the most momentous and influential jobs in a