Energías Alternativas El aprovechamiento de la radiación solar tiene un enorme potencial en el sector residencial The utilization of solar energy has enormous potential in the residential sector
Potencial de crecimiento de la energía solar en México
Expertos nacionales e internacionales destacan constantemente a México como uno de los países con mayor viabilidad para el desarrollo de una industria eléctrica basada en energía solar. ¿Cómo fomentar su crecimiento en los próximos años? Por / By: Jorge Cortina Montiel
nivel internacional, México es considerado como uno de los países con mayor captación de luz solar. Según el Atlas Global Solar, la radiación promedio del país (5.5 kWh/m2) representa un enorme potencial para la generación de electricidad por medio de energía solar. Esta industria dio sus primeros pasos en 2017, cuando se logró instalar una capacidad de 0.67 GW de energía. La generación de electricidad a través del Sol creció hasta los 3.1 GW en 2018, y en 2019 aumentó hasta los 5 GW. Para ese año, la Asociación Mexicana de Energía Solar señaló que México contaba con 44 parques
The growth potential of solar energy in Mexico National and international experts highlight that Mexico is one of the countries with the most viability to develop an electrical industry based on solar energy. How to promote its growth in the coming years?
exico is worldwide considered as one of the countries with the highest sunlight capture. According to the Global Solar Atlas, the country’s average sun radiation (5.5 kWh/ m2) represents an enormous potential for generating electricity through that source. This industry began in 2017 when a capacity of 0.67 GW of energy was successfully installed. This indicator grew to 3.1 GW in 2018, and in 2019 it increased to 5 GW. In the same year, the Mexican Solar Energy Association pointed out that Mexico had 44 solar parks located in 14 states. Also, it was announced the construction of two solar power plants (Solem I and Solem II) to feed the transmission network of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE, by its acronym in Spanish) from Aguascalientes. However, a study presented by the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO, by its acronym in Spanish) states that there is still the potential to install solar panels in approximately 70% of the national territory. It also highlights that the country’s solar energy collection is sufficient to take advantage of this source in homes. A pilot test was carried out