30 sep. - 03 oct. Monterrey, 2020 30 sep. - 03 oct. Monterrey, 2020
Discretización de propiedades elásticas-geomecánicas en lutitas Este trabajo propone el análisis auto-consistente y la aplicación de IWP para proporcionar una solución alternativa a la selección de puntos de lutitas Por / By : Daniel López, Nicolás López, José España y Oscar Valdiviezo
ara discretizar con mayor precisión los intervalos auténticamente arcillosos en las lutitas, los ingenieros Daniel López, Nicolás López, José España y Oscar Valdiviezo diseñaron una solución alternativa. Esto implicó el uso de diagramas ternarios en profundidad, en los cuales la densidad volumétrica de las rocas interacciona con parámetros elásticos como el módulo de Young, la Relación de Poisson, el módulo de corte y el parámetro de Lamé. Los métodos convencionales para predecir la presión de poro en este tipo de roca dependen en gran medida del analista. Los ingenieros afirman que eso puede crear diferentes pendientes para hallar la línea base de las lutitas. Todas ellas podrían ser válidas y estar justificadas
Discretization of elasticgeomechanical properties in shales This work proposes a self-consistent analysis and the application of IWP to provide an alternative solution to select shale drilling points
o discretize more accurately the clayey intervals in shales, engineers Daniel López, Nicolás López, José España and Oscar Valdiviezo designed an alternative solution. This involved applying ternary depth diagrams, in which the rocks’ bulk density interacts with elastic parameters such as Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, shear modulus, and Lamé’s parameter. Conventional methods for predicting pore pressure in shales are highly analyst dependent. Engineers consider this can create different slopes to find a shale baseline. Even all of them could be valid and justified by specialists since this selection method is very subjective and complex for the common user. To generate an operational drilling window, specialists developed another method to predict more accurately the shale baseline. Their methodology was applied in two wells. In both, they were able to discretize clay zones after identifying the shales’ elastic properties without the volume of clay or resorting to gamma rays. The engineers also determined the exclusive clay zones (associated with elements such as Thorium and Potassium) to apply different pore prediction methods to them. In this process, they were also able to identify areas that usually reflect increases in gamma-ray log readings, which typically signal the presence of organic matter (mainly Uranium).