Fire News Long Island April, 2023

Page 45

April 2023 Volume L, No. 8 Nominate a Hero Deadline May 31st See page 46. PRSRTSTANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID HICKSVILLE NY PERMITNO. 298
Page 2, Fire News, April 2023

In this issue...

Medford House Fire

On February 4, 2023, the Medford Fire Department responded to a residential house fire.

See story on page 10

Through the Roof in Woodmere

The Woodmere Fire Department operated along with mutual aid companies at a house fire on Church Avenue.

See story on page 18

Ronkonkoma Structure Fire

The Ronkonkoma Fire Department was activated for a structure fire on the corner of Virginia Avenue and George Street.

See story on page 32

Central Islip Shed Fire

On February 6, 2023, the Central Islip Fire Department received a report of a shed fire at the rear of a home on Nostrand Avenue.

See story on page 40

Ex-Chief Recognized for 55 Years of Service

Recently, the Holtsville Farmingville Fire Department recognized ex-Chief Dennis Kelly for 55 years of his dedicated service to the community.

See story on page 68


Rockville Centre’s Robert Seaman

Wantagh’s Michael Lenniger

South Country’s Edward R. Smith

East Islip’s Randy O. Neubauer

Centereach’s SariAnne Holst

Mastic Beach’s Enoch R. Sexton

See stories on page 84, 86-89, 91

AService for Long Island Firefighters and EMS Heroes

Founded 1973

146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY11713

FRANK C. TROTTA, Publisher

TIM EDWARDS, Chief Operating Officer


GARYP. JOYCE, Managing Editor

MARIE TROTTA, Vice President, Production/Sales

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CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS: Vinnie Ammirati, Dennis Berger, Chris Brenner, Jeff Bressler, Kirk Candan, Amanda Coffey, Ed Coppa, Bill D'Alessandro, Jim Dunn, Larry Fox, Lee Genser, Bryan Gosik,Brian Grogan, Steve Grogan,Mike Guar ino, Stephanie Handshaw, Jack Healy, Michael Heller, Robert Holley, Cody Hoyle, Kevin Imm, John Ippolito, Tom Lambui, Richard Lewin, Bryan Lopez, Harry Loud, Kurt Ludwig, Brad M aier, John Mancino, Paul Mazza, Lou Minutoli, Ron Monteleone, Michael Murphy, Charles A. Murphy, Mike Oppedisano, John Neely, Robert O'Rourk, Kevin Parkan, Tom Pesce, Kevin Peterson, Jackson Pokress, Jerry Presta, Myles Quinn, Dave Rubin, Jim Rugen, AJ Ryan, Drew Silverman, Steve Silverman, Joe Sperber, Richard Stark, JoAnn Stephani, Brian Thomas, Ed Tuffy, Joe Vir gilio, Steve Walsh, Dennis Whittam, Cameron Wilken

COLUMNISTS: Jeff Bailes, Paul Hashagen, Bruce Johnson, John Salka, Billy Goldfeder, Danny Peluso, Bradley Pinksy, Tom Rinelli

COPYRIGHT2023, THE FIRE NEWS INC., LONG ISLAND, NEWYORK. ALLRIGHTS RESERVED For advertising rates and information, call (631) 776-0500 Press 3

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page 4

page 82

page 86

page 90

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Excellence As you know, Fire News is in its 50th yearof publication. If you have any stories, photos and good memories from the past, please send them to Letters to the Editor, byline articles, and columns represent the opinions of the writers and photographers and are not necessarily the views of the Fire News. We reserve the right to edit all of the above. We are not responsible for errors in advertisements beyond the cost of advertising space. Copy submitted is subject to editing for space requirements. The placing of an advertisement in this publication does not constitute endorsement. Contents are copyrighted. Editorial and advertising copy cannot be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Fire News is published monthly by Fire News Inc, with corporate offices at 146 South Country Road, Bellport, NY11713.
50 Years of Fire News, April 2023, Page 3

From the Editor’s Desk

CFSI is Around the Corner!

CFSI? To our readers, I ask if you know what

the Congressional Fire Service Institute is?

Every year, the departments that make a difference, send a contingency of representatives to Washington, DC, to partake in the National Fire and Emergency Services Symposium and Dinner. In 2023, the CFSI Symposium will take place on May 22- 23.

The purpose of CFSI is to “Educate Members of Congress about Fire and Life Safety.” Formed in 1987, the Congressional Fire Services Caucus was established to just that, educate members of Congress about the work of the fire and emergency services, which goes far beyond simply fighting fires. It is important to know that, “The Fire Caucus was created to be a bipartisan group where Republicans and Democrats could work together to learn about our nation’s fire and emergency services, improve the readiness of local first responders, and jointly recognize their valor and dedication.” Alist of Fire Caucus members can be found on CFSI’s website.

Each year, approximately 2000 fire and emergency officials participate in this event. They attend seminars, conduct meetings with members of Congress and network to build relationships. At the conclusion of the symposium, the attendees assemble in the Washington Hilton

ballroom to hear our highest-ranking political leaders pay tribute to the dedication and commitments of our nation’s first responders.

By attending this event, you will have a better understanding about our government’s role in addressing the challenges and concerns of firefighters, emergency services personnel and the fire service industry. You will have the opportunity to speak with our friends in government about your concerns on national and local issues.

The CFSI program is designed to educate everyone on current and future national issues, legislation and policies that impact the entire fire-rescue and emergency services. Aside from meeting members of Congress and their professional staff, you will have the chance to meet with federal agencies and key administration representatives. In the past, members of the fire service who have attended this event came home with a sense of comradery toward the leaders of state and national organizations that represent the fire service industry. To learn more about the 2023 CFSI Dinner and Symposium, go online and visit

In closing, I will leave you with a statement from the Congressional Fire Service Institute; “As a first responder, your job is to protect the citizens of your community against the threat of

fire and other dangers. Our job at CFSI is to educate members of Congress about the work you perform and how the federal government can support the fire service in making our communities safer.”

I hope you visit the CFSI website to get a better understanding of their purpose and how you can be a part of this great event.

Page 4, Fire News, April 2023

Rough Night fora Fire

On the night of February 3, 2023, the East Norwich Fire Company, along with mutual aid units operated on the scene of a fire on WolverHollow Road in UpperBrookville. Firefighters put multiple handlines into operation forheavy fire in a 2-1/2 story private dwelling. Firefighters’efforts were hampered by well-below-free z-

ing temperatures and strong winds. All occupants made it safely out of the residence and the cause of the fire was underinvestigation. East Norwich First Captain Rosen had command of the incident. - Fire News photos by Fire News, April 2023, Page 5
Cover Story

Wantagh House Fire

The Wantagh Fire Department operated at the scene of a fire on Richard Lane off Libby Lane on the night of February 15, 2023. Firefighters stretched two handlines and put one into operation for a kitchen fire in a two-story split-level private dwelling. Levittown was designated the FASTunit and responded to the scene with

Ladder626. The fire was quickly knocked down before it could extend further, and its cause was underinvestigation. All occupants made it safely out of the residence. Wantagh Chief of Department Thomas Bloomfield had the command.

- Fire News photos by

Baldwin Fire Snuffed

Page 6, Fire News, April 2023
The Baldwin Fire Department extinguished a small fire in a priv ate dwelling on Florence Street on February 7, 2023. - Fire News photo by

Boat Fire in Manorville

At approximately 1513 on February 3, 2023, the Manorville Fire Department was notified of a boat fire on residential property. Manorville made quick work of the fire which was brought undercontrol in around 15 minutes.

- Fire News photo by Wayne Preston, Jr.

Trucks on Fire in DeerPark

On February 12, 2023, at 2049, the DeerPark Fire Department responded to multiple trucks on fire on Brook Avenue. First Assistant Chief Ken Rios had his first-due engine lay in fora positive watersource with three trucks on fire. The trucks were almost up against the commercial structure. Stretching two handlines, the fire was knocked down in a short amount of time.

- Fire News photos by BTFirePhoto

Baldwin 3-Story Multi Dwelling Fire

The Baldwin Fire Department operated at a fire on Seaman Avenue off Grand Avenue on the night of February 7, 2023. Firefighters stretched two handlines and put one into operation fora fire on the second floorof a three-story multi-dwelling. Freeport was designated the FASTand responded to the scene with Ladder218. All occupants made it out of the building safely and the cause of the fire was under investigation. Baldwin Chief of Department Dwowsak had command of the incident.

- Fire News photo by Fire News, April 2023, Page 7

New Hyde Park Porch Fire

Lidl Food Market Fire

On February 3, 2023, the Brookhaven Fire Department responded foran alarm at the Lidl Food Market on Montauk Highway in the Majestic Corner's Shopping Mall. Heavy smoke was pushing on arrival and a 35 (working fire) was transmitted fora working fire in a commercial occupancy. Numerous surrounding fire and EMS units responded on mutual aid. The fire reportedly originated in a refrigeration unit.

- Fire News photos by

Page 8, Fire News, April 2023
The New Hyde Park Fire Department operated at a working house fire on February 7, 2023. Smoke could be seen from a distance and units discovered a rearporch blaze with extension on arrival. Mutual aid companies assisted at the scene. - Fire News photos by Fire News, April 2023, Page 9

Medford House Fire

On February 4, 2023, the Medford Fire Department responded to a residential house fire. Upon arrival, an automatic mutual aid was called forCoram, Gordon Heights, Yaphank, Middle Island, Selden, Holtsville and North Patchogue. The fire was quickly knocked down and most of the house was saved. While a cause was not determined, it looked like a chimney fire started the house fire.

Great Neck House Fire

On February 18, 2023, at approximately 1440, the Great Neck Alert Fire Company was dispatched to a house fire on Soundview Lane. The call was initially received as an automatic alarm; Kings Point PD advised they had heavy smoke from the front doorprompting the alarm to be upgraded. Upon arrival of Chief of Department Purcell active fire was found in the rear of the house. Engine 824 stretched the initial line; two lines were stretched with the assistance of mutual aid crews from Great Neck Vigilants and Manhasset-Lakeville. The main body of fire was quickly knocked down and placed undercontrol in approximately 40 minutes with extensive overhaul conducted. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation.

- Fire News photos by Over the Edge Photography

Page 10, Fire News, April 2023
- Fire News photos by Jim Dunn

Massapequa Basement Fire

The Massapequa Fire Department was alerted fora house fire on Mayflower Avenue on March 4, 2023. Chief of Department Monjardo, Second Assistant Chief Friedland and Third Assistant Chief Zimmerman responded quickly. Chief Monjardo arrived to a smoke condition and fire in the basement of a two-story home. The crews from Engines 6314 and 6311 stretched two lines with one going into operation. The fire was knocked down in about 20 minutes and contained to the basement. The house was unoccupied at the time. Mutual aid came from South Farmingdale and North Massapequa. Seaford and Wantagh by at the West End firehouse. There were no reported injuries and the cause of the fire was under investigation.

- Fire News photos by Paul Mazza Fire News, April 2023, Page 13

Dune Road Garage Fire

The Quogue Fire Department was paged out fora structure fire on Dune Road. Westhampton Beach also responded as part of an automatic mutual aid plan. The fire was called in by a passerby and was verified shortly thereafterby Quogue Village Police officers and by East Quogue Chief Ted Jankowski, who happened to be in the vicinity. Quogue Second Assistant Chief Dave Schaffauer and Westhampton Beach Second Assistant Chief Larry Saccente arrived on scene simultaneously and reported heavy black smoke coming from a garage attached to a pool house nearthe front of the oceanside property. AWesthampton Beach engine arrived, followed by a Quogue engine and Quogue Chief Mike Nelson, who assumed command. Firefighters were able to force open the garage doors and commenced pouring wateron the fire, containing it to the garage area. The firefighters were hampered by the dense smoke and by numerous pieces of outdoorfurniture that were being stored in the garage forthe winter. The fire was quickly extinguished, but the firefighters spent the next hour-and-a-half doing overhaul operations. Responding units were from Westhampton Beach, Quogue, East Quogue, Westhampton War Memorial Ambulance, Flanders Northampton Volunteer Ambulance Company, Quogue Village Police Department, Westhampton Village Police, Southampton Town Fire Marshal and a Suffolk County Fire and Rescue coordinator. Dune Road was closed in both directions forthe duration of the incident. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation.

- Fire News photos provided by the Westhampton Beach FD

Page 14, Fire News, April 2023

Basement Fire Extends in Plainview Group Home

The Plainview Fire Department was alerted fora house fire at a group home on Summit Court about 0030 on February 18, 2023. First and Second Assistant Chiefs Mayrose and Cohen responded first and were advised that the callerstated there was smoke in the basement and that all of the occupants were being evacuated. Chief Mayrose arrived and upon investigating the smoke condition, a working fire was transmitted. The fire was located in the walls of the basement and had extended to the first floor. Engine 956 picked up a hydrant and Ladder953 set up in front of the house. Engine

crews stretched three lines with two going into operation to extinguish the fire and bring it undercontrol within 30 minutes. Mutual aid to the scene was provided by Bethpage, Syosset and Melville. Nassau County OEM sent theirMERVunit to shelterthe occupants of the home. There were no reported injuries and the cause of the fire was underinvestigation. - Fire News photos by Paul Mazza, K2MPhotography,com, Over the Edge Photography

(Continued on next page)

Page 16, Fire News, April 2023

Basement Fire...continued Fire News, April 2023, Page 17

Through the Roof in Woodmere

The Woodmere Fire Department operated with mutual aid companies at a house fire on Church Avenue on February 27, 2023. The rearof the house was heavily involved on arrival with the blaze eventually burning through a section of the roof. Preliminary reports say the cause may have been caused by workers at the home.

- Fire News photos by

Page 18, Fire News, April 2023

E. Farmingdale and Mutual Aid Go to Work

At approximately 1700 on February 20, 2023, the East Farmingdale Fire Company was alerted fora commercial fire on Allen Boulevard. Engine 1-5-6 put lines into operation. Command requested an extra engine and truck from South Farmingdale and North Lindenhurst. Upon orders from the incident commander everyone was pulled out of the building and crews attacked the fire defensively. Aminimum of fourmasterstreams and hand lines

operated to knock the fire down. Mutual aid came from Farmingdale, North Lindenhurst, North Amityville, Amityville, West Babylon, Wyandanch and Babylon. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation.

Page 20, Fire News, April 2023
- Fire News photos by Joe Virgilio, Paul Mazza and Andrew Carpenter

E. Farmingdale and Mutual Aid Go to Work...

(continued from previous page) Fire News, April 2023, Page 21

Quick Stop in Wading River

The Wading RiverFire

Department was activated fora structure fire in a mobile home park on Sound Avenue. Aquick knockdown was made by Wading Riverwith the help of mutual aid. The quick stop of the fire prevented extension to neighboring mobile homes. Mutual aid came from Rocky Point, Riverhead, Ridge and Manorville.

Page 22, Fire News, April 2023
- Fire News photo by Terry McCarrick



Are You Ready?’ is Announced as Theme for Safety Stand Down, June 18-24, 2023

Lithium-ion batteries power a vast range of products and equipment, from laptops and smartphones to micro-mobility devices, electric vehicles, and energy storage systems. As the use and presence of lithium-ion batteries continues to grow, so does the potential risk for first responders who are called upon to mitigate associated fire incidents and hazards. To help ensure firefighters’safety when handling lithium-ion batteries in a variety of situations and scenarios, the theme for this year’s Safety Stand Down campaign, June 18-24, 2023, is “Lithium-Ion Batteries: Are You Ready?”

The week of Safety Stand Down will cover topics relating to lithium-ion battery response and safety, which will be broken down into five daily focus areas: recognition of hazards, firefighting operations, firefighter safety, post-incident considerations, and public education.

Safety Stand Down is a joint initiative of the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) Safety, Health and Survival Section, the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC), the National Fire Protection Association® (NFPA®), and the Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA). Held each year during the third week of June, the campaign works to reduce the number of preventable injuries and deaths in the fire and emergency services. In support of this year’s Safety Stand Down, responder agencies are encouraged to suspend all non-emergency activities during the campaign week to focus on training and education related to lithium-ion battery safety awareness and education.

Resources and training videos will be made available at in advance to help departments plan for and implement Safety Stand Down strategies.

In addition, NFPAwill once again host the Fire Service Safety Stand Down Quiz to raise awareness and foster a greater understanding of this year’s theme. Everyone who completes the online quiz will be automatically entered into a sweepstakes; 200 randomly selected participants will win a commemorative Safety Stand Down challenge coin.

Stay tuned to for more information and resources in the months leading up to the campaign. New information will be added periodically.

About the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC)

The IAFC represents the leadership of firefighters and emergency responders worldwide. IAFC members are the world’s leading experts in firefighting, emer-

gency medical services, terrorism response, hazardous material response, natural disasters, search and rescue, and public safety legislation. Since 1873, the IAFC has provided a forum for its members to exchange ideas, develop professionally and uncover the latest products and services available to first responders. Learn more at

About the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC)

The NVFC is the leading nonprofit membership association representing the interests of the volunteer fire, EMS, and rescue services. The NVFC serves as the voice of the volunteer in the national arena and provides critical resources, programs, education, and advocacy for first responders across the nation. Learn more at

About the Fire Department Safety Officer Association (FDSOA)

The Fire Department Safety Officers Association was established in 1989 as a non-profit Association, incorporated in Massachusetts. In 2013, the offices moved to Michigan. Its mission is to promote safety standards and practices in the fire, rescue, and emergency services community. The Association is led by a volunteer Board of Directors and has a small staff to handle the day-to-day operations. It is the Association dedicated to the issues that affect your critical role as Safety Officer in protecting and promoting the safety and health responsibilities you have to your department, your community and yourself. In fact, so critical is the role of the Safety Officer in every department in the country, that we train and offer ProBoard Certifications for the Incident Safety Officer and Health Safety Officer to ensure the needed knowledge and skillsets to be successful. FDSOAworks to help you achieve proficiency, promote the recognition of your skills and secure your future.

About the National Fire Protection Association® (NFPA®)

Founded in 1896, NFPAis a global self-funded nonprofit organization devoted to eliminating death, injury, property, and economic loss due to fire, electrical, and related hazards. The 125-year-old Association delivers information and knowledge through more than 300 consensus codes and standards, research, training, education, outreach and advocacy; and by partnering with others who share an interest in furthering the NFPAmission. For more information, visit All NFPAcodes and standards can be viewed online for free at

Contact: Lorraine Carli, Public Affairs Office: +1 617 984-7275

Page 24, Fire News, April 2023

Occupant Saved in Central Islip

The Central Islip Fire Department was alerted fora house fire with possible people trapped on Oakland Avenue on March 14, 2023. Chief of Department Zaleski and Second Assistant Chief Vereline responded and were advised a memberon scene was confirming a working fire. The alarm was resounded as a working fire and mutual aid was requested. Upon the arrival of the Chiefs, they found a two-story home well involved on both floors and a female occupant hanging out a second-floorwindow. Two other occupants exited the house safely. Two Suffolk County police officers used a homeowner’s ladderto try and reach the woman before the fire department arrived. With the arrival of the first units, a ladderwas put to the window and two firefighters were able to remove the woman before the room became engulfed. Engine 3-7-3 was first due and was followed by Engine 3-7-2, Ladders 3-7-5 and 3-7-6. The ladders set up on eitherside of the front of the house and both were put into operation along with multiple hand lines due to the heavy fire load and high winds fanning the fire through house. With the bulk of the fire knocked down, the lines were brought into the house to extinguish remaining pockets of fire during overhaul. The fire was brought undercontrol in about 90 minutes, the occupant that was removed was brought to a local hospital with minorinjuries as were the two police officers. Mutual aid to the scene was provided by the East Brentwood, Lakeland and Hauppauge Fire Departments. Chief Zaleski was in the charge of the scene and the cause of the fire is underinvestigation. Fire News, April 2023, Page 25
- Fire News photo by Paul Mazza

Mineola Blaze Extends

On March 12, 2023, the Mineola Fire Department was dispatched to a house fire on Cleveland Avenue between Willis Avenue and Mineola Boulevard. F irefighters arrived to a fire on the first floorof a 2-1/2 story, two-family, private dwelling. As firefighters began stretching lines, the fire started to extend to the second floorand attic. Firefighters also encountered a collapse of the flooron the first level of the home. This condition paired with the heavy fire load led firefighters to utilize an exterioroperation fora brief time until conditions allowed them to go interior. Mineola Ladder168 was put into operation alongside multiple handlines. The occupants on the right side of the building were able to safely evacuate with the left side vacant at the time of the fire. The cause of the fire was under investigation and all fire department units were underthe command of Mineola Chief of Department Andrew Martone, Jr.

-Fire News photos by

Page 26, Fire News, April 2023

Motel Burns in Mastic Beach

On March 13, 2023 the Mastic Beach Fire Department was called out for a working commercial building fire. The location was on William Floyd Pkwy, involving the Smith Point Motel.

First on scene was 5-13-30 Chief Jeff McGown, who radioed to County that he had a working fire. Next on scene was 5-13-31, 2nd Assistant Chief Luis Grego, who radioed county control for mutual aid from Mastic, Brookhaven and Center Moriches.

Unit 2 arrived on scene and firemen and the Chiefs all went to work pulling hose to fight the blaze. Unit 3 arrived on scene and connected to a hydrant for a water supply. Chief McGown radioed County Control for additional mutual aid from the Ridge to stand by at Mastic Beach Headquarters. Mastic Beach’s aerial ladder operated by firefighter Charles O’Connor Sr. was put into operation. The deck gun was operated by Captain Jason Sharp and two other firefighters. Shirley Ambulance set up a rehab tent for the firefighters. Suffolk County Police were also on scene with the Arson Squad. The Town of Brookhaven Fire Marshals and Mastic Beach Ambulance were also on scene. Fire News, April 2023, Page 27
-Fire News photo by Jim Rugen

Bay Shore KO’s Working Fire

The Bay Shore Fire Department was alerted fora house fire on Colorado Avenue on March 15, 2023. Town of Islip Fire Marshal 3-0-49 arrived on scene and advised Chief of Department Eklund and First Assistant Chief Ippolito, who were responding that there was a working fire at the location. Chief Eklund had the alarm resounded as a working fire and requested mutual aid. Chief Ippolito arrived and gave a furthersize up that there was heavy smoke coming from the garage of a one-story home and all occupants were out. Engine 3-1-2 was first due and “hit” a hydrant across from the house. Ladder3-1-7 arrived and set up in front of the house. Engine crews stretched and operated two lines and pushed the first line into the house to get to the garage and contain the fire there. The crew from 3-1-7 opened the roof above the garage and checked forextension, which was negative. The fire was under control within an hourwith no reported injuries. Mutual aid to the scene was provided by the Brentwood Fire Department forRIT. Bay ShoreBrightwaters Ambulance Corps was also on scene. The Islip and East Islip Fire Departments stood by at Bay Shore Headquarters. The cause of the fire is underinvestigation.

Page 28, Fire News, April 2023
- Fire News photos by Paul Mazza

Ronkonkoma Battles Garage Fire

On March 7, 2023, the Ronkonkoma Fire Department was dispatched to a reported garage fire on Carroll Avenue. First arriving units stated that they had a working fire. Not long thereafter, Chief of Department Eric Cook took command and was the Incident Commanderforthe remainderof the alarm. The fire had engulfed a garage and otheritems on the property. Ronkonkoma requested mutual aid from Holtsville, Lakeland, Nesconset, and Farmingville. The Holbrook Fire Department was also on scene and provided assistance, when they received a second structure fire. The Medford Fire Department provided district coverage, while units operated on the scene. The Brookhaven Town Fire Marshal's Office is currently investigating the cause of the fire.

Page 30, Fire News, April 2023
-Fire News photos by Jack McNamara, FC-16A

Basement Fire at Westbury Middle School

The Westbury Fire Department received an automatic alarm from the Westbury Middle School on Rockland Street about 0250 on March 13, 2023. First Assistant Chief Stewart arrived to an odorof smoke and upgraded the alarm to a structure fire, and then located fire in a basement storage room. Engine 9610 hooked to a hydrant on the school property and stretched one line into the basement. The fire was contained to the storage room and was brought undercontrol within 90 minutes. Mutual aid came from Carle Place, Jericho, Hicksville, Mineola and Bethpage. Chief Stewart was in charge of the scene and the cause of the fire was underinvestigation.

- Fire News photos by Paul Mazza Fire News, April 2023, Page 31

Great Neck House Fire

On February 18, 2023, at approximately 1440, the Great Neck Alert Fire Company was dispatched to a house fire on Soundview Lane. The call was initially received as an automatic alarm; Kings Point PD advised they had heavy smoke from the front doorprompting the alarm to be upgraded. Upon arrival of Chief of Department Purcell active fire was found in the rearof the house. Engine 824 stretched the initial line; two lines were stretched with the assistance of mutual aid crews from Great Neck Vigilants and ManhassetLakeville. The main body of fire was quickly knocked down and placed under control in approximately 40 minutes with extensive overhaul conducted. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation.

- Fire News photos by Over the Edge Photography

Page 32, Fire News, April 2023

North Massapequa House Fire

The North Massapequa Fire Department responded to a house fire on North Syracuse Avenue on March 8, 2023. Mutual aid companies also responded to assist at the scene.

- Fire News photos by and Paul Mazza

(More photos next page)

Page 34, Fire News, April 2023

N. Massapequa House Fire Fire News, April 2023, Page 35

Inwood Commercial Blaze

The Inwood Fire Department, along with mutual aid companies, operated at a commercial fire on West End Avenue off of Pearl Street in the early morning of March 2, 2023. Firefighters put two handlines into operation forfire in and through the roof of the single-story commercial building. The fire was quickly knocked down and its cause was underinvestigation. All fire department units were underthe command of Inwood Chief of Department Curcio.

- Fire News photos by

Page 36, Fire News, April 2023

Old Courthouse Road Fire

The Garden City Park Fire Department responded to a house fire on Old Courthouse Road on March 1, 2023. Two lines were stretched to knock down the blaze which also brought New Hyde Park and Mineola to the scene.

- Fire News photos by Fire News, April 2023, Page 37

Quick Stop at Centereach Garage Fire

On March 6, 2023, the Centereach Fire Department was activated fora structure fire in a detached garage on WheelerRoad. Upon arrival, smoke and flames could be seen blowing out of the structure. Centereach made a quick knockdown of the fire.

Hicksville House Fire

On March 1, 2023, the Hicksville Fire Department was dispatched to a house fire on Plainview Road. Chief of Department Moskos, along with Engine 933 were immediately on the road and had a visible column of smoke from a distance. Upon arrival, visible fire was found from the side of the house and the crew of Engine 933 stretched the initial line to the main body of fire. With the assistance of crews from Bethpage, Plainview and Syosset, the fire was placed undercontrol in approximately 30 minutes. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation.

Page 38, Fire News, April 2023
- Fire News photo by Jeremy Walters - Fire News photo by Over the Edge Photography

Selden House Fire

On December31, 2022 Selden Fire Department and mutual aid companies responded to a working fire in a private dwelling on Arrow Street in Selden. The home was not occupied at the time of fire and no injuries were reported. Fire News, April 2023, Page 39
- Fire News photos by Tim Edwards

Central Islip Shed Fire

On February 6, 2023, the Central Islip Fire Department received a report of a shed fire at the rearof a home on Nostrand Avenue. The call was received at 1501 and was responded to by 35 firefighters underthe command of First Assistant Chief Vinny Plotino. The shed was totally involved on arrival and was quickly brought undercontrol. There were no injuries reported and Chief Plotino released all units from duty at 1630. - Fire News photo by Charles A. Murphy, CIFD Photo Unit

Outside Fire in Central Islip

First Assistant Chief Vinny Plotino and three units of the Central Islip Fire Department responded to a residential structure fire on East Halley Lane. On arrival, it was discovered that an outside fire in the rearof the residence had caused damage to siding requiring overhaul to check forextension. Mutual aid was requested from Hauppauge; the Suffolk County Police Department was also on scene.

Page 40, Fire News, April 2023
#1 - Fire News photo by Charles A. Murphy, CIFD Photo Unit #1 Fire News, April 2023, Page 41

Dix Hills Garage Fire

The Dix Hills Fire Department was alerted fora house fire on RyderAvenue about 1320 on February 18, 2023. Third Assistant Chief Fico arrived first and located the fire in the attached garage of a two-story home. First and Second Assistant Chiefs Dipino and Farrell arrived shortly afterwith Chief Dipino taking command. Engine 2-8-2 had a hydrant across from the house and that crew stretched the first line up a long driveway to the garage. Quint 2-8-8 and additional engines arrived and stretched aa second line as truck crews checked forextension. The fire was brought under control in about 30 minutes. Mutual aid came from DeerPark and Wyandanch. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation.

Page 42, Fire News, April 2023
- Fire News photos by Paul Mazza

Plane Crash in North Lindenhurst

Page 44, Fire News, April 2023
(Story and more photos on next page)

Plane Crash in N. Lindenhurst...Continued

The North Lindenhurst Fire Department and East Farmingdale Fire Company were both alerted fora reported plane crash, just before 1500 on March 5, 2023. Both departments were alerted due to the conflicting locations reported. The plane was located on the dead end of 5th Street off North Wellwood Avenue in North Lindenhurst’s district. Units responded to that location and found a single-engine plane reportedly trying to get to Republic Airport, in pieces and on fire between a berm and the LIRR tracks. The plane had also struck several trees prior to crashing, causing a fire that also set a boat on fire in a yard belonging to an autobody shop. Apasserby pulled two people from the burning wreckage, a third person in the plane could not be saved. The crew from 1-11-2 assisted by the crew of 1-5-6 put one line into operation to extinguish the plane and fire in the wooded area. Republic Airport Rescue Firefighting also responded and used theircrash truck to put foam on the plane. Engine 1-5-1 assisted with an LZ at New Horizons Boulevard and North Wellwood Avenue across from crash site. The two injured people were taken to Stony Brook University Hospital by Suffolk County Police helicopters. Chief of Department Stallone was in charge of the scene; East Farmingdale Chief of Department Lewis was in charge of his units. The cause of the crash was underinvestigation by several agencies. Fire News, April 2023, Page 45
- Fire News photos by Paul Mazza, Bryan Lopez and Jack McNamara, FC-16A


2-CarMVA in North Babylon

The North Babylon Fire Company was alerted foran MVAwith reported overturn and entrapment on the eastbound Sunrise Highway on the overpass to Hubbard’s Path about 2045 on February 19. 2023. Assistant Chiefs Alt, Elco and DeAngelis responded first. Upon the arrival of Alt, a pickup was found facing the wrong way on top of the guardrail and against a tree and hanging overthe service road. Engines 1-8-3, 1-8-4, Ladder1-8-6 and Ambulances 1-8-7 and 1-8-14 responded. Chief Alt requested two additional heavy rescues rigs and an ambulance to the scene from the West Babylon and Babylon forstabilization equipment. The crew from 1-8-6 used struts and chains to secure the vehicle to the guardrail as did Suffolk County Police ESU. Once the vehicle was secured, it was realized the two occupants were not trapped and the couple were removed to waiting North Babylon ambulances. The second vehicle involved was an SUV. The driverof that vehicle had struck the pickup from behind causing it to roll overmultiple times before it landed. The SUValso struck the guardrail and then proceeded furtherdown the highway, where it struck the centerdivider and came to a stop. The driverof that vehicle was transported by the West Babylon ambulance. All three were taken to Good Samaritan University Hospital with minorinjuries. The driverof the SUVwas latercharged with DWI.

- Fire News photos by Paul Mazza

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West Babylon MVA with Entrapment

The West Babylon Fire Department was alerted foran MVAwith reported entrapment at Sunrise Highway and Bunnell Place on February 6, 2023. First Assistant Chief Kamalic was advised that there was a vehicle into a utility pole and that someone was trying to extricate the driver. Chief Kamalic arrived and found a pickup towing a trailerwith two jet skis went out of control and hit a pole head on with the drivertrapped. Engine 19-3, Heavy Rescue 1-9-15, Ambulance 1-9-23, Fire Police 1-9-5, First Responder1-9-80 and Suffolk ESU responded. The crew from 1-9-15 and the ESU officers put tools into operation to remove the two driverside doors and extricated the driver. The injured driverwas taken to Good Samaritan University Hospital.

- Fire News photos by Paul Mazza

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Multi-Vehicle MVAin Lakeview

The Malverne Fire Department and Nassau County EMS operated at a multi-vehicle MVA, with several injuries, on Hempstead Avenue nearMyrna Drive in the Lakeview Fire District on February 12, 2023.

- Fire News photo by

Garden City Carinto House

The Garden City Fire Department and village police responded to the report of a carinto a building on Transverse Road on February 12, 2023. A driverlost control and plowed into the front of a private dwelling. There were no serious injuries and only minorstructural damage as a result of the accident.

- Fire News photo by Fire News, April 2023, Page 49

Selden Overturn


recently, the Selden Fire Department responded to an MVA involving an overturned vehicle on Days Avenue.

- Fire News photos by Vinny Ammirati

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Pedestrian Killed in Bohemia AfterBeing Struck by 3 Vehicles

On January 20, 2023, the Bohemia Fire Department was activated fora carversus pedestrian MVAon Veterans Memorial Highway. It was determined that the pedestrian was crossing the highway northbound on foot when he was struck by several eastbound vehicles. Heavy Rescue 8 and Engine 7, responded with Assistant Chiefs Olsen and O’Shaughnessy, and the Suffolk County police. The victim was pronounced dead at the scene. The collision is being investigated by Suffolk County Police Fifth Squad Detectives.

Bay Shore MVA

The Brentwood Fire Department, Brentwood Legion Volunteer Ambulance and the Suffolk Police 3rd Precinct responded to a car crash on HeckscherAvenue, south of Candlewood Road in Bay Shore. - Fire News photos by

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- Fire News photo by Sue Orlando, PIO-BFD

Long Beach 2-Alarmer

Early on February 19, 2023, the Long Beach Fire Department was dispatched to a report of a house fire on West Penn Street between Edwards and National Boulevards. When firefighters arrived they were met with heavy smoke and fire showing from a two-story private dwelling. This was quickly followed by the transmission of a second alarm, which brought additional resources into the scene. Firefighters went on to put five handlines into operation and the scene was placed undercontrol within 40 minutes. All occupants made it safely out of the residence; however, one sustained non-lifethreatening injuries along with a Long Beach police officer. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation and all fire department units were underthe command of Long Beach Chief of Department Kemins. - Fire News photos by Fire News, April 2023, Page 53

2 Pedestrians Hit on Hempstead Turnpike

The Franklin Square Fire Department was dispatched fortwo pedestrians struck on Hempstead Turnpike nearMunson Avenue on February 23, 2023. Nassau County Police and EMS were also on the scene to assist. The extent of the injuries was unknown at the time of this writing.

- Fire News photos by

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DiBernardo Memorial Foundation Travels to Texas

On March 10-12, 2023, the Lt. Joseph P. Dibernardo Memorial Foundation visited the Woodlands Emergency Training Center, in Texas. Overthe three days, firefighters from around the country trained on various techniques, skills and safety in honorof Lt. Joseph Dibernardo, who was killed in the line of duty resulting from his injuries on “Black Sunday.” The Joey D Foundation raises money forfire departments around the country who need personal safety systems fortheirfirefighters, making sure that a tragedy like “Black Sunday” neverhappens again. Visit formore information and future training.

- Fire News photos by Jeremy Walters

Page 56, Fire News, April 2023

Mineola St. Patrick’s Day Parade

The Mineola Fire Department Juniors marched up Mineola Boulevard during the St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 5, 2023.

Annual Mineola St Patrick’s Day parade in Nassau County took place on March 6, 2023 at 1300. The parade marched down County Seat Drive. Fire News, April 2023, Page 57
- Fire News photo by The - Fire News photo by Steve Takacs

Long Island Metro Fire/Ems Expo

Scenes from the Long Island Fire/Emas Expo, which was held at t he Nassau Coliseum.

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- Fire News photos by Bryan Lopez Fire News, April 2023, Page 59

Rooftop CPR Save in DeerPark

On February 20, 2023, the DeerPark Fire Department responded to a cardiac arrest on the roof of a commercial building on Commack Road with CPR in progress. Chief of the Department Robert Macaluso, had Babylon Central retone forLadders 1-4-10 and 1-4-14 to respond to the incident. With both trucks in operation, Suffolk Police ESU manpower got to the roof and continued CPR, while the patient was removed by the bucket of 1-4-10. The patient was transported to Good Samaritan Hospital by DeerPark Rescue.

- Fire News photos by BTFirePhoto

Romaine and Councilman Panico Attend Mastic Beach Ambulance Installation

On March 4, 2023, Brookhaven SupervisorEd Romaine and Councilman Dan Panico (right in both photos) attended the Mastic Beach Ambulance Company's annual installation dinnerheld at the Residence Inn in Riverhead. During the event, the Supervisorand Councilman congratulated newly installed officers while thanking outgoing officers fortheirservice to the community. Councilman Panico also swore in the new chiefs of the company and spoke of the many sacrifices that volunteerambulance members make to fulfill the obligations associated with emergency service personnel. The Mastic Beach Ambulance District was founded in 1948 and covers an area approximately 11.8 square miles, covering Fire Island on the south from Moriches Inlet to Old/New Inlet, and north to Wavecrest Drive. Formore information go to www.\

- Fire News photos provided

Romaine Honors Members of the Medford VAC

On February 11, 2023, SupervisorEd Romaine (left) attended Medford VolunteerAmbulance Company’s Annual Installation Dinnerat Flowerfield in St. James. During the event, the Supervisorhonored the company’s members fortheirservice to the community. Certificates of Congratulations from the Town Board were presented to 2022 Members of the Year, members with Years of Service Milestones and outgoing officers. SupervisorRomaine also swore in 1st Assistant Chief Jordan Barrios (left) and 2nd Assistant Chief Justin Zimmerman (right). The Medford Volunteer Ambulance chiefs and members also honored SupervisorRomaine by naming him an Honorary Chief forhis support of the company overthe years and formaking himself available when called upon forassistance with any issues. SupervisorRomaine said, “I commend the members of the Medford Ambulance Company who give so much of theirtime to community service. We all owe them a large debt of gratitude fortheirdedication, training and hard work that helps to save countless lives every year. I am proud to be named an Honorary Chief and I thank the members fortheirrecognition.”

- Fire News photo provided

Page 60, Fire News, April 2023

St. Patrick’s Day in Westhampton Beach Fire News, April 2023, Page 61
The Westhampton Beach Fire Department Auxiliary preparing to march and help in the kitchen forthe St. Patrick’s Parade. Thank you to Carol DelVecchio, Pat Gonce, Cody Hoyle, Jackie Saccente, Susan Balogh, Ilona Lowenthal, Rena Mootoo and Ambriele Neary. - Fire News photo provided by Cody Hoyle

New Hyde Park’s 2nd Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Annual Farmingdale St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Afew photos from the 9th Annual Farmingdale St. Patrick’s Parade. The parade, which was held on March 12, started at 1300 as marchers paraded down Main Street in Farmingdale. - Fire News photos by Steve Takacs

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The New Hyde Park St. Patrick’s Parade started at 10:00 a.m. on Hillside Boulevard. Paraders marched down Jericho Turnpike to the New Hyde Park firehouse. - Fire News photos by Steve Takacs

Romaine Honors WalterHazlit at Stony Brook Installation

FourGenerations of Firefighters in the Stony Brook Fire Department

On February 11, SupervisorEd Romaine (right) attended Stony Brook Fire Department’s Annual Installation Dinnerat Flowerfield in St. James to honorthe company’s members fortheir service to the community. The Supervisoralso paid tribute to 62yearmemberand formerChief WalterHazlit, who passed away on November27, 2022, only five days from his 97th birthday. The Supervisorhonored Mr. Hazlit’s memory with a proclamation that recognized milestones in his life, including his service in the US Marine Corps during World WarII; as an original memberof the Suffolk County Legislator(District 5); Stony Brook Fire Department Commissioner; Suffolk County Community College Board memberand more. He was also a 75-yearmemberof the Stony Brook Yacht Club. Pictured with SupervisorRomaine is WalterHazlit’s daughter, Justice Elizabeth Hazlitt Emerson.

Ex-Chief Dave Smith - 60 years, Lieutenant Dawn Siedlewicz - 30 years, Lynnann Trapani - 30 years, 1st Assistant Chief John Smith - 18 years, Ryan Trapani - six years, ConnerFrank - three years; Erin Frank - Probationary Firefighter; Theresa CaloneroProbationary Firefighter. - Fire News photo by Lynnann Trapani

Stony Brook


The Stony Brook Fire Department’s all-woman color guard proudly display the flags at the Stony Brook 114th year anniversary.

- Fire News photo by Lynnann Trapani

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FASNYEMS Conference

The FASNY2023 EMS conference was held at the Selden Fire Department on January 27 and 28, 2023. Left to right: Co-Chairman Dave Simmons, Chairman - Wendi Walker, committee memberTom Dwyer, EMS Committee Liaison/FASNY

DirectorMonroe County Diana Pfersick, FASNY1st VPEugene Perry, FASNYDirectorSuffolk County

Frank Guarino, Committee Members Royer Pfersick and Jason Haag.

- Fire News photo submitted by Vinny Ammirati 2nd VPSuffolk County Volunteers

Donnelly and McSweeney HonorNorth Babylon ‘Arrow of Light’Cub S couts

Suffolk County Legislator Tom Donnelly, (D-Deer Park) recently joined with Town of Babylon Councilman Terry McSweeney to recognize 17 North Babylon Cub Scouts who earned the “Arrow of Light” award, the highest honor in Cub Scouting.

Cub Scout Pack 112 members Dominic Argutto, Alexander Canosa, Logan Cook, Dylan Denes, Matthew Lasorsa, Jason Levinson, Nico Lombardo, Wilhabelle Louis-Jean, Owen Ortlieb, Logan Panetta, Kyle Rizzo, Thomas Tierney, Vincent Velez and Connor Webster, under the direction of Pack 112 Cubmaster Louis Cook, earned the awards. They received commendations from the elected officials at ceremonies held during the Blue and Gold dinner on February 11, 2023, at the Baiting Hollow Scout Camp in Calverton.

Suffolk County Legislator Tom Donnelly (back middle) and Town of Babylon Councilman Terry McSweeney (back left) honor members of


- Fire News photo provided

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Babylon Cub Scout Pack 112 for earning their “Arrow of Light” awards, the highest honor in Cub Scouting, in ceremonies at the Blue and Gold dinner on February 11 in Calverton.

Holtsville Ex-Chief Recognized for55 Years of Service

Recently, the Holtsville Farmingville Fire Department recognize d ex-Chief Dennis Kelly for55 years of his dedicated service to the community. Dennis joined the HoltsvilleFarmingville Fire Company in 1967, and served as Chief of the H oltsville Fire Department in 1978 and 1979.

- Fire News photos by Bryan Lopez

Page 68, Fire News, April 2023

New Hyde Park Installation

The New Hyde Park Fire Department held their 113th Installation and Awards Dinneron February 25, 2023. Installed forthe ensuing yearwas Chief Digin Patel, 1st Assistant Chief Joseph Barbagallo, 2nd Assistant Chief Thomas Farina, 3rd Assistant Chief John Waldron and 4th Assistant Chief Joseph Kotarski. Honored were outgoing Chief Robert Gallagher, 50-yearmembers CesarQuinones and Francis Valerio. The Milton BaerAward was presented to 1st Lieutenant ConnorJacoby of Ladder 175 and Chauncey FowlerAward presented to the New Hyde Park JuniorAdvisors. Time in service/seniorservice award was awarded to exCaptain Ralph Rubino of Ladder175.

- Fire News photos by Joseph C. Sperber

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Nassau Fire Council Installation 2023

The Fire Chiefs Council of Nassau County held its 26th annual installation brunch on the morning of February 26, 2023, at the Coral House in Baldwin. Freeport ex-Chief Lee Tucholski was the Masterof Ceremonies forthe event, Sergeant-at-Arms and Locust Valley Chief Brian Nolan led the salute to the flag, and Rabbi Mirim Charry led the opening prayer. President Jean Laurent of the Uniondale Fire Department was installed by Uniondale ex-Chief and current CommissionerAnthony Lebron. In addition to President Laurent, the otherofficers of the council were installed into office. Outgoing President John Tassiello of the New Hyde Park Fire Department was recognized forhis time spent in office and offered a few remarks. Also, recognized at the event was Rabbi Charry who was made an Honorary President of the Chiefs Council. The program concluded with a closing prayerby FatherChristopherCostigan. - Fire News photos by K2M Photography

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Holtsville Installation Dinner2023

On February 18, 2023, the Holtsville Fire Department celebrated 93 years of dedicated service to the community, and held their 50th Annual inspection, installation, and award ceremony at Villa Lombardi’s, in Holbrook. The ceremony was hosted by ex-Chief Wayne Petry.

After the invocation and prayer by Ron Morin, the Board of Fire Commissioners then swore in Douglas Costello as the Chief of the Department, Wayne R. Petry as 1st Assistant Chief, and Matt Gordon as the 2nd Assistant Chief. Chief Costello then swore in the line officers, as well as the leading positions for the ladies auxiliary.

The presentation of awards was done by Chief Costello. Rob Garafolo

received the High Points Award. Mathew Minkoff was named Fire Rookie of the Year. Jack Gannon was awarded EMS Member of the Year. Alyssa Cortes was awarded EMS Probie of the Year. Keno Kalenja was awarded Fire Probie of the Year. Thomas Castiglione was awarded Fire Member of the Year. Brittany Lienau was awarded Ladies Auxiliary Member of the Year. Chief Costello also recognized the following members with service awards, and thanked them for their many years of dedicated service to the community: Matt Gruber 20 Years of Service; Jimmy Ernst 25; John Skalocky 25; Ex-Chief Andrew Viola 30; Russ Goetz 30; Ex-Chief Dennis Kelly 55. - Fire News photos by Bryan Lopez Fire News, April 2023, Page 73

Plainview’s 96th Anniversary Installation

The Plainview Fire District installed Chief of Department Erik Rivera, 1st Deputy Chief Peter Mayrose and 2nd Deputy Chief Andrew Cohen. Also installed was board memberSpencerAdelberg. Company officers are Engine Company 1, Captain David Halpern; 1st Lieutenant Jeffrey Pulchin; 2nd Lieutenant James Citroen II; Engine Company 2 Captain Raymond Neuman; 1st Lieutenant Andrew Pfeiffer; and 2nd Lieutenant George Resnick; Truck Company 3 Captain Evan Schatzberg; 1st Lieutenant Jason Hladki; 2nd Lieutenant Jeremy Mlotok; Engine Company 4 Captain Frank Palmese Jr.; 1st Lieutenant Jason Morrissey; and 2nd Lieutenant Gerard Noel. Also sworn in were Board of Directors Chairman Gerard Petti, 1st Vice Chairman Eric Slavsky, 2nd Vice Chairman Michael Michitsch, TreasurerRichard Tousey, Secretary SpencerAd elberg.

- Fire News photos by Joseph C. Sperber

Page 74, Fire News, April 2023

Westbury Installation for2023

The Westbury Fire Department held theirannual installation dinneron February 18, 2023, at the Westbury Manor. Installed forthe ensuing yearwere Chief of Department LaShaun Carr, 1st Assistant Chief Timothy Stewart, 2nd Assistant Chief Paul J. Webber. Company officers are Hook and Ladder, Captain Christopher Driscoll, 1st Lieutenant Craig Stewart, 2nd Lieutenant Michael

Magas, Hose 1 Captain Preston Hicks, 1st Lieutenant Lawrence Topel, 2nd Lieutenant Christina Ovale, Hose 2 Captain Besnik Gjonlekaj, 1st Lieutenant Bryan Natoli, 2nd Lieutenant Alex Bolling. Honored for50 years of service was Jon Wicks.

- Fire News photos by Joseph C. Sperber

Page 76, Fire News, April 2023

Oceanside 2023 Installation

The Oceanside Fire Department held its annual installation dinner on the night of February 4, 2023, at the Huntington Hilton in Melville. Outgoing Chief of Department Joseph Caroccia was recognized forhaving completed his term in the Chiefs Office and exChief John Madden, ex-Chief David Bettes, and Honorary Chief ChristopherCostigan were all recognized fora quartercentury of

service. Chief Caroccia is succeeded by Chief of Department Charles Daskalakis of Terrace Hose Company 3. Also in the Oceanside Chiefs Office are Assistant Chiefs Gress, Costigan and Lynch. Congratulations to those awarded and good luck to those installed.

- Fire News photos by

Mineola St. Patrick’s Day Parade Fire News, April 2023, Page 77
The Annual Mineola St Patrick's parade in Nassau County took place on March 6, 2023 at 1300. The parade marched down County Seat Drive. - Fire News photos by Steve Takacs

Nassau Fire Districts Installation

The Nassau County Association of Fire Districts held theirannual meeting and installation on March 3, 2023, at the Milleridge Cottage in Jericho. Town of OysterBay SupervisorJoseph Saladino swore in the newly elected fire commissioners from various districts and installed the organization’s officers. Incoming President Edward E. Kraus of the North Bellmore Fire Department was installed by Angelo Catalano (also of the North Bellmore Fire Department) and outgoing President Ralph Raymond was recognized forhis time leading the Association from 2020 through 2022. Aside from President Kraus the otherAFDNC Officers for2023 are 1st Vice President Frank Sammartano, 2nd Vice President Peter Olson, TreasurerRalph Esposito, and Secretary Tricia Shields. C ongratulations to those installed and sworn in - good luck in the yearahead.

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SCFDOAInstallation and Awards

The Suffolk County Fire Districts Officers Association (SCFDOA) held their annual meeting and installation ceremony at Villa Lombardi’s on March 4, 2023. Congratulations to Robert McConville on his installation as President of the SCFDOA. Good luck to 1st Vice President Scott Thebold, 2nd Vice President Tim Devaney, Sergeant-at-Arms Jessica Harris, Secretary Jay Egan, Treasurer Joseph P. Destefano, Immediate Past President Joseph Badala and Chaplain Edwin S. Brooks as they work to togetherforthe SCFDOAin 2023. This years State Directors are Tim Devaney, John Manzi and Rudy Sunderman, Jr. William Kelly, Sr., of the Riverhead Fire Department was recognized and received the Commissionerof the YearAward. The President’s Award was presented to Donna Marano forhermany years of service to the SCFDOAand to the Copiague Fire District. - Fire News photos by Dennis Whittam Fire News, April 2023, Page 79

Southampton FD vs. PBAHockey Game; PBAWins

On March 5, 2023, the Southampton Fire Department held a hockey match against the Southampton Village PBAat the Southampton ice rink. The Southampton Village PBAcame out victorious. It was a great game and both departments had an amazing time. Whatevermoney was made went to the charity of choice forthe Southampton Village PBA.

Softball Champs of 2022

Congratulations to the Valley Stream Fire Department 2022 Town of Hempstead Fire Department Softball League Champions.

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- Fire News photo provided by the Southampton FD, story by Chris Brenner Sr., PIO - Fire News photo by Pete Lynch
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Valentines Day Fire in Copaigue

The Copiague Fire Department was alerted fora house fire on Oak Street about 2055 on February 14, 2023. First Assistant Chief Broyles arrived to fire showing from the exposure 2 side of a 1-1/2 story home that had extended to the exposure 4 side of a 2-1/2 story home. Chief of Department Miller, Second Assistant Chief McInerney and Third Assistant Chief Orlando arrived shortly after with Chief Millertaking command. Crews stretched lines, laddere d, vented and searched both home with all negative. The fire was contained to the exteriorof the exposure house. It took about an hour

to bring the fire undercontrol with one resident of the original house suffering burns to the hands. That person was taken to a local hospital. Fouradults, one child and two rabbits were displaced by the fire and were being assisted by the Red Cross. Mutual aid came from Lindenhurst, North Lindenhurst, Amityville and North Amityville. The cause of the fire was underinvestigation by the Town of Babylon Fire Marshal and Suffolk County Police Arson Squad. Fire News, April 2023, Page 83
- Fire News photos by Paul Mazza

Obituary Rockville Centre’s Robert Seaman

Ex-Chief Robert ‘Bubba’Seaman, passed away on March 3, 2023 on a 9-11 related Line of Duty death. He was 58-years old. Ex-Chief Seaman joined Live Oak Engine Company 1 of the Rockville Centre Fire Department on June 20, 1989. He served as Captain of Live Oak from 1995-1997 and again from 1999-2001. In 2001 he responded with the Rockville Centre Fire Department to the rescue and recovery effort at the World Trade Center.

After serving as 2nd Assistant and 1st Assistant Chief, he went on to serve as Chief of the Rockville Centre Fire Department from 2015 to 2017. He was currently serving as a Delegate to the Fourth Battalion, Assistant Chief Fire Inspector, Warden on the Fire C ouncil representing Engine Company 1, and Co-Chair of the New Engine Committee, among numerous other department and company committees. He was also the long-time manager of the RVC PC Richards store and supported many causes including the Nassau County Burn Center Foundation and Nassau County Firefighters Operation Wounded Warrior.

- Fire News photos by Brian Grogan, story by Steve Grogan

Page 84, Fire News, April 2023 Fire News, April 2023, Page 85 NewtoTHEM BEFORE AFTER Sponsored by Command Apparatus Sold by Command Apparatus Sold by Command Apparatus Sold by Command Apparatus 2001 EMERGENCY ONE Former West Niles Fire Company purchased by Damascus Arkansas 2001 Emergency One 1250 gpm with 1000 gallon tank. 2000 KME 95' AERIAL TOWER 2000 KME 95' aerial tower from East Norwich NY sold to Waterbury VT. To have your department’s apparatus featured here please call Barbara Connolly 631-776-1853 We are looking forward to our new monthly feature “It’s New to THEM” We are looking forward to our new monthly feature “It’s New to THEM” MALVERNE 1998 Spartan/Aerialscope rebuilt and sold to East Quogue BEFORE AFTER

Wantagh’s Michael Lenniger

Michael Leninger, a 42-year member of the Wantagh Fire Department died on February 27, 2023. He was 64-years old.

Mike joined the Wantagh Fire Department on March 3, 1977, and was given badge 1168, and assigned to Engine 1. After high school Mike, attended and graduated from St. John’s University and started a long career on Wall Street. Mike left the department for a few years in 1984 when he moved out of the fire district after marrying his childhood sweetheart, Susan (Dugan.) Due to his desire to remain connected to the Wantagh Fire Department, Mike remained active on the department’s softball team until he and Susan returned to Wantagh in 1987, when he rejoined the department.

Mike attended many classes throughout his career and was a qualified Chauffer on Engine 1 and Rescues 1, 3 and 5. In 1994 he was elected Lieutenant, serving for one year before being elected Captain in 1995, where he remained for three years. He was very active in Company 1 and the Exempt Association, serving as President of both, in addition to many other administrative positions. At the time of his passing, he was serving as Treasurer of the Exempts and he almost single-handedly coordinated many functions for both the Exempt Association and Company 1. His business sense, dedication and integrity resulted in his being chosen to

be a Department Trustee.

Michael was also proud of his over fourdecade career on Wall Street as a specialist and market maker on the floors of the NYSE/Amex exchanges. He was so well liked and respected that a moment of silence was observed on the trading floor after his passing.

Mike was the son of Jeanne and the late John (Jack) and Jeanne Leninger and a loving brother to Tommy and Cathyann. He was a devoted husband to his wife Susan for nearly 40 years. Together they raised two daughters, Kathleen (Gassner) and Maureen (Crames), and welcomed two devoted sons-in-law, Matthew and Jordan. He was a loving ‘Poppy’to Logan, Jaxson, and Amelia. In addition, he was a loving brother-in-law to Jimmy, Kathy, Joe, Nancy, Patricia, Ken, Lorraine, and John and a cherished uncle and mentor to his many nieces and nephews.

Departmental memorial services were held on March 2nd at Charles J. O’Shea Funeral Home and Mike was remembered as someone who was a man of faith, committed to his family, friends and the Wantagh Fire Department, and a true gentleman, who always sought out the good in others. He will be missed by his family and those who knew him.

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- Fire News photos by Kevin Regan, PIO

South Country’s Edward R. Smith

An advanced Life Support Provider for South Country Ambulance, Edward R. Smith died Friday, January 27, 2023, in Brookhaven, New York. He was 46-years old.

Edward R. Smith was born March 22, 1976, in Stamford (CT) to parents Charles E. Smith (deceased) and Marilyn Branch. Ed grew up on Long Island in the Gordon Heights community, before moving to Bellport and then eventually settling in Brookhaven Hamlet. He was a 1994 graduate of Longwood High School.

Ed began his EMS career with Lifestar Ambulance and the Coram Fire Department. In May of 2006 he joined South Country Ambulance, and at the time of his death had served 16 years with the department. During his career he received numerous accolades for his life saving efforts in the community, resulting in him being awarded the “Advanced Life Support Provider of The Year” honor in 2014. Upon his death, a review of his EMS career was conducted by the Chief of the Department Gregory C. Miglino, Jr. As a result, the Chief ordered that Edward R. Smith be restored to his previous rank of Lieutenant (posthumously) and to be laid to rest as an Officer.

Ed was a friend to all in the department and will be deeply missed by everyone he served with. Ed was known for having a genuine good heart, to be quick with a joke and someone that could be counted on to provide great advice when needed.

Lieutenant Smith is survived by his son Edward R. Smith, Jr. (Junior), sister Desiree Smith, brothers Derrick Branch, Charles Holmes, and Lindsey Smith, Cassandra Smith and so many friends. Fire News, April 2023, Page 87

Obituary East Islip’s Randy O. Neubauer

Randy O. Neubauer passed away on March 10, 2023, surrounded by his loving family. He was 64.

Alifelong resident of East Islip, Randy loved being an active part of his community. He was a successful business owner, an East Islip Volunteer Firefighter and ex-Captain of Hook & Ladder and an Assistant Scout

Master of Troop 205. The gym was his second home.

Randy is survived by his wife, Terry, his children, Tanya (Matthew) Wood, Eric (Tori) Neubauer and Alex (Amina) Neubauer, his beautiful granddaughters, Madison Wood and Isabella Neubauer and his siblings, Ralph, Carla and Rodney.

Randy will be deeply missed by so many. His courage, strength and character inspired all who knew him.

Memorial donations may be made to East Islip Fire Department, 30 East Main Street East Islip, NY11730 or Shriners Hospitals for Children, PO Box 947765, Atlanta, GA 30394.

Page 88, Fire News, April 2023

Centereach’s SariAnne Holst

It is with deep sadness and regrets that the Centereach Chief's Office announces that EMTand Life Member SariAnne Holst has answered her last alarm.

SariAnne joined the Centereach Fire Department in December 2002 and was assigned as an EMS member of Engine and Ladder Company 3. She had served the department and community as an EMT-Basic for the last 20 years. In 2009 SariAnne received the high point EMS award for Company 3 for her service for that year. In 2016 she competed on the Centereach Fire Department team that competed in NYS EMS skills competition, where they placed second overall.

Thank you SariAnne for your service to this department. You will never be forgotten! Rest in Peace Sister.

- Fire News story by Matt Gehm, Centereach FD Fire News, April 2023, Page 89


For the first time, FDIC International 2023 will feature the “F ire Rescue Station of the Future,” an interactive showcase of cutti ngedge design and products. Designed by H2M architects and engineers and featuring more than 30 additional sponsors, this walkthrough exhibit of a futuristic station will look at essential programmatic changes to the current fire station model.

As the world responds to climate change, advanced information technology, and an ever-growing list of significant health risks, the global market is seeing a shift towards electric vehicles, net zero emission buildings, technology-heavy systems, and many other forward-thinking ideas. Fire Rescue stations are no exception and, in fact, are at the forefront of change.

Change comes with questions. How will current fire/rescue station designs evolve to accommodate these new needs? How can we charge a growing number of electric apparatus and support vehicles? How can we manage the electric service of a building whil e dealing with local codes and ordinances for proper fire separation and fire suppression systems? Can fire stations accommodate battery storage technology? Will drones and robots become common? Will biometrics become the new standard for measuring the healt h and well-being of responders? How can we retrofit existing stations with these ideas and equipment so that all battalions are prepa red for the future? What does a truly futuristic station look like? The Fire Rescue Station of the Future exhibit will answer all of these a nd more.

Located in the Lucas Oil Stadium, H2M’s Architects and Station Designers will be offering tours of the station for all attendees seeking first-hand answers to these questions. Attendees will navigate through the exhibit, exploring exciting new building and room designs with new equipment/products in each. Explorable spaces will include: bays with brand new electric apparatus, robots, drones, and the state-of-the-art apparatus support; decontamination and tran-

sition zones and laundering facilities that will bring visitors from the traditionally “dirty/red” side of the building to the “clean/gr een” side; cutting-edge training rooms where presentations will be offered throughout the conference; a top of the line command and dispatch center; modern living quarters and exercise room; and an outdoor/well-being area.

Join us this April at FDIC International 2023, in Indianapolis, IN, and witness the beginning of the Fire Rescue Station of the Future. Tours will be offered during exhibit hall hours on Thursday, April 27 through Saturday, April 29, 2023. Find out more about FDIC International and register to attend online at

Celebrating 90 years, H2M is a full-service consulting and design firm offering the expertise of more than 500 architects, engineers (water supply, civil/site, structural, M/E/P, wastewater and environmental), planners, designers, inspectors, surveyors and scientists. Our professionals combine their technical experience and specialized market knowledge and respond to our clients’needs. H2M is proud of its long history of client service and consistent ability to meet architectural, engineering, and environmental challenges head on. H2M offers a practical approach, with creative results. H2M Architects & Engineers, Inc. is part of the H2M group of companies consisting of H2M Architects & Engineers, Inc., H2M Associates, Inc.; and H2M architects + engineers. For more information, please visit


This May, a grateful Nation honors its fallen fire service heroes during the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend-the official national tribute to those firefighters who died in the line of duty during the previous year. This national event, which has been held every October in the past, has been moved to May. As in years past, we are asking landmarks, buildings, families, and fire departments across the country to participate in “Light the Night for Fallen Firefighters.” Thank you so much!!

Page 90, Fire News, April 2023


Mastic Beach’s Enoch R. Sexton

The Mastic Beach Fire Department sadly announces the pasting of Life Member of 39 years, past Board of Director and ex-Captain Enoch R. Sexton on January 23, 2023. He was 64.

He was a devoted husband to his wife, Linda, for 44 years, and his three children, Laura (Roy) Arcuri, Susan (Bob) Merola and Shawn (Paola) Sexton. His three grandchildren were his pride and joy: Hunter Arcuri (age 15), Gavin Sexton (age 14) and Mia Ashton (age 14).

Rest in peace Enoch, you will be missed but never forgotten. - Fire News photos by Jim Rugen Fire News, April 2023, Page 91

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Articles inside

Obituary Mastic Beach’s Enoch R. Sexton

page 91


page 90

Centereach’s SariAnne Holst

page 89

Obituary East Islip’s Randy O. Neubauer

page 88

South Country’s Edward R. Smith

page 87

Wantagh’s Michael Lenniger

page 86

Obituary Rockville Centre’s Robert Seaman

pages 84-85

Valentines Day Fire in Copaigue

page 83

SCFDOAInstallation and Awards

page 79

Nassau Fire Districts Installation

page 78

Oceanside 2023 Installation

page 77

Plainview’s 96th Anniversary Installation

pages 74-75

Holtsville Installation Dinner2023

page 73

Nassau Fire Council Installation 2023

page 72

New Hyde Park Installation

pages 70-71


pages 64-67

FourGenerations of Firefighters in the Stony Brook Fire Department

page 64

Rooftop CPR Save in DeerPark

page 60

DiBernardo Memorial Foundation Travels to Texas

page 56

Long Beach 2-Alarmer

page 53

Selden Overturn

pages 50-52

Multi-Vehicle MVAin Lakeview

page 49

West Babylon MVA with Entrapment

page 48

2-CarMVA in North Babylon

pages 46-47

Plane Crash in N. Lindenhurst...Continued

page 45

Dix Hills Garage Fire

pages 42-43

Central Islip Shed Fire

pages 40-41

Quick Stop at Centereach Garage Fire

page 38

Basement Fire at Westbury Middle School

pages 31-33

Ronkonkoma Battles Garage Fire

page 30

Bay Shore KO’s Working Fire

pages 28-29

Motel Burns in Mastic Beach

page 27

Mineola Blaze Extends

page 26

Occupant Saved in Central Islip

page 25


page 24

E. Farmingdale and Mutual Aid Go to Work

page 20

Basement Fire Extends in Plainview Group Home

page 16

Dune Road Garage Fire

pages 14-15

Massapequa Basement Fire

page 13

Great Neck House Fire

pages 10-12

Baldwin Fire Snuffed

pages 6-7

CFSI is Around the Corner!

page 4

In this issue...

page 3
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