2023 Global Retail Brands Supplier Guide

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MARCH 2023 www.globalretailmag.com www.vertexawards.org Supplier Profiles PLMA’s World of Private Label Online Package Design Optimization SUPPLIER GUIDE 2023 Charting the Future of Plant-Based Foods
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Plant-Based Is Here to Stay

We’ve devoted a large part of this issue to the plant-based revolution that shows no indication of slowing down. Quite the opposite in fact. This issue showcases a proliferation of innovations, products, and events that will fuel this trend. While a Bloomberg report called it a fad, store brand retailers and suppliers think otherwise and will continue to deliver what customers are demanding. A special thanks to Perry Seelert of Emerge for his insightful cover feature on the topic. Thanks also to all the innovative suppliers who continue to support our effort to provide actionable information for retailers serving the private label industry.

I would be remiss if I didn’t reflect on our issue of a year ago, it was the first we published after Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. At that time, we were hopeful for a quick end to the unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation. A nation that in 2021/2022 was the world’s 7th largest producer of wheat. We are still hopeful for peace, but at the same time, quite disappointed that the United Nations and NATO have failed to reign in the terror.

If not for the action of individual nations, NGOs and generous everyday citizens, the situation would be radically worse. And as is always the case, children, families and the poor suffer most and urgently need our help.

We’re inspired by the work of Kidsave Ukraine

“ When the invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022, our team on the ground moved quickly into action to help rescue and provide aid to those in war-torn cities. What began as an operation to get the kids in our programs to safety soon expanded as our team answered the call to help those in danger across Ukraine.

Kidsave Ukraine leader, Pavlo Shulha, along with a team of dedicated volunteers, began going into war-torn areas that other organizations were too afraid to venture into, rescuing those most in need – orphans, children, families, the elderly – and getting them to safety. Day and night they ran convoys of vehicles rescuing hundred, then thousands, and getting them to safety.”

We Support their Flat Sasha Project and Encourage You to Join

Kind regards,

To date, Kidsave Ukraine has rescued over 30,000 children and families and delivered 1000+ tons of humanitarian aid. Scan the QR Code on Sasha’s helmet or use this link to donate: kidsave.org/ukraine-flat-sasha

8 GLOBAL RETAIL BRANDS / MARCH 2023 CONTENTS GLOBAL RETAIL BRANDS I MARCH 2023 I VOLUME 11 I NUMBER 1 DEPARTMENTS 4 Viewpoint 12 Contributors 14 Events Calendar 18 Notable SERVICES 76 Global Trade Fairs 86 Advertiser’s Index Next Issue Highlights NOTABLE HIGHLIGHTS 20 PLMA’s Jan van Lier and the World’s Biggest Private Label Trade Show 39 Supplier Guide Profiles COVER FEATURE 48 Charting the Future of Plant-Based Foods Perry Seelert, Emerge COLUMNS 66 7 Facts and Fables about Plant-Based Foods Hans Kraak, Kraak Media Producties 68 4 Ways Brands Can Succeed with Plant-Based Meats Victoria Barrell, SGK 70 PriceSmart Recharges Member’s Selection Maria Dubuc, Alison Hom Engleson MBD 73 Online Package Design Optimization Rebecca Hamilton The Fish Agency 74 Growing Retail Brands Christopher Durham Velocity Institute 48 66 68

On 23 and 24 May, the private label industry will gather again at PLMA’s annual “World of Private Label” International Trade Show at the RAI Exhibition Centre in Amsterdam.

More than 25,000 trade professionals from 120 countries will assemble. Exhibiting manufacturers will be joined by visiting retailers, wholesalers, importers, exporters and others, to examine products, strengthen or start partnerships, identify innovation and plan for profitable growth in the years ahead.

Interested in attending? Go to www.plma.nl to register

Presented by the Private Label Manufacturers Association International Council 23-24 MAY 2O23 RAI EXHIBITION CENTRE • AMSTERDAM


Phillip Russo EDITOR / PUBLISHER phillip@globalretailmag.com

Jacco van Laar EUROPEAN AMBASSADOR jaccovanlaar@globalretailmag.com

Melissa Subatch CREATIVE DIRECTOR info@melissasubatchdesign.com

Andrew Quinn DIGITAL DIRECTOR andrew.quinniii@gmail.com

Luisa Colombo Italian Business Development luisa@globalretailmag.com

Sabine Geissler GREENTASTE.IT Italian Business Development s.geissler@greentaste.it


Perry Seelert Emerge perry@emergefromthepack.com

Christopher Durham Velocity Institure cdurham@retailbrandsinstitute.org

Maria Dubuc Marketing By Design mdubuc@mbdesign.com

Hans Kraak Kraak Media kraakmedia@gmail.com

Elena Sullivan sullivan.elena@gmail.com

Tom Prendergast PLMA tprendergast@plma.com

Rebecca Hamilton The Fish Agency Rebecca@therealfish.agency

Published, Trademarked and all rights reserved by: Kent Media Phillip Russo, Principal 45 Upper Kent Hollow Road Kent, CT 06757 Tel. +1 917 743 6711

All rights reserved under the Library of Congress. No part of this publication may be r eproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, except as may be expressly permitted in writing by the copyright owner. Opinions expressed by contributors are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher.

Global Retail Brands is published 4 times a year.

Editorial Submissions phillip@globalretailmag.com

Advertising Inquiries – EUROPE luisa@globalretailmag.com

Advertising Inquiries – AFRICA, AMERICAS, ASIA, AUSTRALIA, MIDDLE EAST phillip@globalretailmag.com

Subscription Information phillip@globalretailmag.com

www.globalretailmag.com 2023 MEDIA PLANNER NOVEMBER 2022 www.globalretailmag.com www.vertexawards.org PLMA BOOTH H-1506 DRIVING RETAIL PROFITS WITH ITALIAN PRODUCTS Innovation Is Not A Birthright 5 Keys For Organizational Change PLMA Chicago Issue www.globalretailmag.com www.vertexawards.org SPONSORED BY BEST OF SHOW Amiga, from Ukrainian Retailer EVA VERTEX AWARD WINNERS SIAL Paris Augmented Packaging PLMA Chicago Preview MAY/JUNE 2022 www.globalretailmag.com www.vertexawards.org SPONSOR RETURN TO AMSTERDAM Retailers of the G7 Will Europeans Ever Shop The Same Again? 5-Step Digital Marketing Audit MARCH 2023 www.globalretailmag.com www.vertexawards.org Supplier Profiles PLMA’s World of Private Label Online Package Design Optimization SUPPLIER GUIDE 2023 Charting the Future of Plant-Based Foods


Victoria Barrell is a rising senior at Rutgers University majoring in Marketing and minoring in Political Science with a concentration in Global Business. Throughout her internship at SGK, Victoria has focused on content strategy and analytics, social media, email marketing, and writing. Victoria is a certified Prosci change management practitioner with a passion for identifying opportunities to drive businesses forward.


A creative and workflow expert in the retail landscape, Maria’s 30-year career translates branding experiences into eye-catching design that is unique and distinct for each client. he has created new private brands and redesigned/repositioned existing brands with leading retailers, while also implementing workflow management systems specifically tailored to the clients’ needs. Current clients include The Home Depot, Smart & Final, PetSmart, 7-Eleven, PriceSmart, BJ’s Wholesale Club, Sprouts Farmers Market, WinCo Foods, Natural Grocers and more. With SKU counts from 1,000 to more than 10,000 annually.reinvention and innovative execution.


Christopher Durham is the President of the Velocity Institute

Prior to this he founded the groundbreaking site My Private Brand. He is the co-founder of The Vertex Awards. He began his retail career building brands at Food Lion and Lowe’s Home Improvement. Durham has worked with retailers around the world, including Albertsons, Family Dollar, Petco, Staples, Office Depot, Best Buy, Metro Canada. Durham has published seven definitive books on private brands, including Fifty2: The My Private Brand Project and Vanguard: Vintage Originals.


Alison joined the Marketing by Design team in 2016. After managing over 2,500 projects for large retail brands, including PriceSmart, she took on the challenge of the role of Director of Operations and now spends her time supporting MBD employees and ensuring that MBD’s clients receive the best work possible.


Rebecca is the CEO of award-winning Fish Agency and sister agency Whitespace Brands Inc. With over 30 years of experience, she has established herself as one of North America’s leaders in the fields of strategic branding, retail design, and communications for clients in the retail sector. Under Rebecca’s oversight, the Fish Agency brings brands to life at retail and has consistently delivered high ROIgenerating retail experiences for its clients. She mentors and leads highly experienced and integrated teams that provide store design, package design for CPG and private brands, digital/social initiatives, “phygital” experiences, and advertising services.


Hans Kraak is educated in biology and journalism and wrote three books about nutrition and health. He worked for the Dutch ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food quality and the Netherlands Nutrition Centre. As editor in chief he publishes in the Dutch Magazine for Nutrition and Dietetics, as a food and wine writer he published in Meininger’s Wine Business International and reports for PLMA Live EU and PLMA USA.



Emily Newton is the Editor-in-Chief of Revolutionized Magazine. She has over six years covering stories about warehousing, logistics and distribution.


A retail branding and marketing expert, with a passion for challenging conventional strategy and truths. Perry is the Strategic Partner and Co-founder of Emerge, a strategic marketing consultancy dedicated to helping Retailers, Manufacturers and Services grow exponentially and differentiate with purpose.


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Store Brand Sales Surge 11.3% to $228.6 Billion

Private brand sales hit a new record last year, jumping 11.3% to a whopping $228.6 billion in all outlets in the U.S. for the 52 weeks ending January 1, 2023 versus the prior year.

Store brands performed so well that they grew at nearly twice the rate of national brands, which were up 6.1% in dollar sales, according to PLMA’s exclusive IRI Unify sales data. The findings are published in PLMA’s recently released 2023 Private Label Report, available on plma.com.

“The store brands business is booming,” said PLMA President Peggy Davies. “Last year’s record sales and double-digit growth reflect the strong consumer demand for store brands. Shoppers are filling their baskets with great-tasting, innovative and high-quality store brand foods, beverages, nonfoods, household goods and many other categories.”

Dollar share increased to 18.9%, up from 18.2% in 2021. Unit share grew to 20.5%, from 19.9%.

The store brands business is booming

A major reason for the double-digit surge was that the inflationary environment motivated more shoppers to try, buy, like and remain loyal to store brands because of the quality and value they provide.

Last year’s impressive performance also comes at a time of heightened private brand innovation in areas like health and wellness, sustainability, convenience, indulgence and more. The industry has successfully introduced new product lines, expanded existing lines, and launched impactful marketing and promotional programs.

While private brand unit sales slipped 1% in 2022, they outperformed national brand unit sales, which dropped -4.1%.

Of the 17 departments IRI tracks, 16 showed store brand growth. Numerous categories even had double-digit sales gains. The fastest-growing segments are beverages, up 19% to $12 billion; deli prepared foods, 17% to $5.9 billion; refrigerated foods, 17% to $47.4 billion; liquor, 15.6% to $62 million;

general food, 14% to $38.6 billion; floral, 13.5% to $883 million; bakery, 12.6% to $8.4 billion; produce, 11.9% to $13.5 billion and deli meat, 10% to $1.7 billion.

Strong sales were also reported in general merchandise, up 9% to $27.7 billion; frozen foods, 8.2% to $17.7 billion; deli cheese, 5.5% to $754 million; meat, 5% to $26.5 billion; health care products, 3% to $17.6 billion, beauty, 2.7% to $3.7 billion; and homecare, 2% to $2.7 billion.

The only category that saw a sales decline was tobacco - not surprising at a time of declining cigarette use.

The outlook for 2023 looks just as promising, as shoppers continue to make store brands their brand of choice.

When it comes to quality, value, taste and performance, store brands can’t be beat.
- Peggy Davies
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PLMA’s Jan van Lier Previews the World’s Largest Store Brands Event

The world’s largest private label show is just around the corner. And in spite of War, Earthquakes, Inflation and plenty of man-made disasters, it comes at a time when store brands are stronger than ever and showing no signs of slowing down. So what better time to sit down with Jan van Lier, PLMA’s World of Private Label Show Director. I’ve known Jan since 2003. He hasn’t aged a day since then. I’ve gotten shorter, slower and balder…but that’s life. Here are some highlights from our chat in early March.

Q. Good to see you Jan. You seem remarkably relaxed for someone in the middle of planning for the World’s largest private label event. How do you remain so calm?

A. Sometimes calmness only appears on the outside Phil, but I think you are right in your observation. I still remember how I felt before my very first PLMA show - very nervous - but with the experience gained since then and knowing myself surrounded by an equally experienced and highly motivated PLMA team, it’s hard to be anything else but calm.

Q. In January, a report on the BBC’s website stated that the Dutch are notorious for being direct, so why don’t you let us in on the “secret” to PLMA’s World of Private Label success?

A. The secret to the success of the show is not just one but instead a mix of many components. In addition to the motivated team I mentioned earlier, there are the clear opportunities that private label offer to suppliers, to retailers and to consumers; the dedication applied by the export boards of many countries to promote private label as a business model to boost export for their companies, and the highly international and pure B2B level of the event, just to name a few.

Q. But all kidding aside, we’ve exhibited at the show each year since 2003, that’s a least 100 shows and the 2022 event may have been the best. I’ve witnessed growth in exhibitors, attendees and quality year after year.

Aside from the hard work of the PLMA, how do you account for this phenomenon?

A. We have in fact seen growth on all fronts as long as I have been with PLMA, a few more years before you first visited the show in 2003. Our visitor numbers in 2022 were almost the same as in 2019, which was our last in-person before the pandemic, but I have heard many people say the same thing: ‘2022 was the best show so far’. I think that what added to the excitement for many was the impossibility to meet in person for such a long time, and it proves the ongoing importance of an in-person platform like the “World of Private Label”.


Q. What are some personal favorite moments over the years and when was your first show?

A. My first show was PLMA’s U.S. show in Chicago in 1997, followed by the 1998 “World of Private Label” in Amsterdam. Every show had its own favorite moments but one of the more recent ones was when we first made use of the Europa Plaza construction in 2015, built as a solution for extra show floor space specifically for PLMA, and a huge project. My most recent favorite moment was the opening of the 2022 show; after 2½ years of postponing and cancelling in-person shows, being back on that show floor and seeing all those people moving around and talking business to each other was unforgettable.

Global Retail Brands published a special issue last September based on PLMA’s research on European shopping trends. The essence was that European shopping habits have changed and will continue to do so. Do you think this ever-changing market fuels the demand for both attendees and suppliers?

From that research, it became clear that private label purchases were not only growing but were also showing signs of future expansion. In addition, the results showed that product attributes like organic, eco and health are more and more important to consumers. Retailers and suppliers need to work together to respond to the consumers’ wishes and for private label, the best place for retailers to meet with existing suppliers or find new ones is PLMA’s “World of Private Label”, and we see that reflected in the interest in exhibiting or attending.

Q. Getting to specifics, is there any exhibit space left for this year? If so, what should a company do right now to secure that space?

A. I am afraid not. Due to the high demand for exhibit space, we have had to use a waiting list procedure for many years already, and the 2023 show is no different in that respect. Any company seriously interested in exhibiting should make sure to apply for space as soon as exhibitor registration opens in October, as the show usually reaches a fully-booked status in November.

Q. The name World of Private Label suggests that you have retailers and attendees from around the globe, can you elaborate a bit? Any new countries or regions that retailers would be surprised to find?

A. The show welcomes exhibitors from some 70 countries and visitors from more than 120 countries. Whereas the majority of participants are from Europe, we see a growing interest from Asia as well as from the Americas and Asia. But eventually, it is all about the products offered by exhibitors, and that offer keeps on growing.

continued on next page >

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Any company seriously interested in exhibiting should make sure to apply for space as soon as exhibitor registration opens in October

continued from previous page

Q. What advice would you give a first-time attendee or exhibitor?

A. To a candidate exhibitor, I always suggest visiting the show first. The PLMA show is quite specific in its setup and organization and the decision to start exhibiting should be based on a long-term view; without having seen the show first, one cannot prepare as one should. To a candidate visitor, I always suggest preparing a visit using our online Show Navigator. With more than 2500 exhibiting companies and without preparation, the show can be overwhelming otherwise.

Q. Please provide the facts Jan. Dates, time, location, favorite Amsterdam restaurants, etc.

A. This year’s show is held on Tuesday 23 and Wednesday 24 May, at the RAI Exhibition Centre in Amsterdam. The show opens at 09.00 on both days, closes at 18.30 on Tuesday and at 16.30 on Wednesday. Pre-show seminars are scheduled for Monday 22 May from 14.00-16.00 and are free to all registered exhibitors and visitors.

Amsterdam has a lot of good restaurants, including near the RAI, and new ones are opening up regularly as well. To first-time attendees or anyone else looking for suggestions, I would recommend checking www.iamsterdam.com.

Q. How do you unwind when it’s all over?

A. After my very first show, I thought it would be a good idea to take a week’s holiday but that didn’t work out well as I was too tired to enjoy it. We are fortunate enough for the show to take place in May though, so as the PLMA team and I work out all post-show details and start preparing for the next edition on a more relaxed schedule than we had before the show, I start preparing for my long summer holiday.

PLMA - A Unique Organization for a Unique Industrytr

The Private Label Manufacturers Association (PLMA) is the trade association solely dedicated to the private label industry. With offices in New York and in Amsterdam, PLMA covers the interests of the industry globally, whether one does business in Europe, the Americas, or elsewhere. PLMA provides platforms targeted for international sourcing and innovation endeavours.




Online Speaker Series Exclusively for PLMA Members and Retailers



8 - 9 March 2023

– Rotterdam

PLMA’s Annual Roundtable Conference provides an excellent opportunity to create new business contacts in an informal setting while receiving the latest industry insights from experts.

The conference rotates between European cities and includes store visits to important retailers of the respective country. This year’s programme includes speakers from Tesco, Rohlik Group, EY, Retail Cities and Mintel, as well as an industry panel discussion.




For 20 years, PLMA’s annual International Executive Education Programme has educated CEO’s, managers, directors, sales and marketing staff from manufacturers and retailers across the world to gain a better understanding of the private label industry.

Conducted on campus at Nyenrode Business Universiteit, participants learn and actively discuss private label strategies, supply chain challenges, concentration on innovation & retail trends, how to develop successful retail-supplier partnerships, and much more.

The programme is updated each year, to reflect current and relevant topics in the industry. More than a thousand students from across the globe have already attended the Executive Education Programme. Apart from lectures and workshop sessions, there is also time for networking with peers and lecturers during store tours, lunches and dinners.

Several times a year, PLMA provides its member manufacturers and retailers with an opportunity to expand their knowledge of the private label business through dedicated one-hour webinars. During lunch hours, registrants nourish their intellect and satisfy their appetite for knowledge by attending an interactive online session designed to future-proof their private label business and help ensure success in years to come.


PLMALIVE.EU News Desk to Stay Informed

PLMA’s monthly news video-broadcast touches on the latest topics that the industry is facing through extensive reporting and indepth research. One-on-one interviews with top executives in private label give insights and views on current events, as well as future outlooks.

E-SCANNER Online Newsletter

A quick and easy way to stay updated on industry news across Europe with articles on retail, channel and format developments, legal issues that affect the private label business, product and packaging innovation, consumer trends and private label marketing and merchandising.

ANNUAL YEARBOOK Status of Private Label Market Shares

PLMA member manufacturers and retailers have free access to the latest statistics on private label market shares and development in 17 countries across Europe. Created from NielsenIQ, the Yearbook provides information on thousands of products that can be easily analysed from last year and the past 2 years. The Yearbook helps identify categories where private label penetration growth is possible, provides insight into new business opportunities and serves as a benchmark for your company’s private label strategy.


PLMA focuses on identifying and keeping track of trends, innovation and new product developments in the private label industry, observing the latest offered on the shelves of the retailers, as well as by manufacturers.

PRE-SHOW SEMINARS 22 May 2023 – Amsterdam

PLMA organises a pre-show seminar programme with free access for all registered visitors and exhibitors of the "World of Private Label" trade show. Key-note speaker is NielsenIQ with a presentation on the latest international private label market shares and a future outlook based on in-depth research. Additional sessions include industry experts, as well as the announcement of the winning retailers of PLMA’s 2023 International Salute to Excellence Awards.


Get inspired by the latest trends, product development and new private label ranges introduced by more than 60 retailers from Europe, the America’s and Asia in the past year. Search for innovation and new products among the 500+ selected submissions by this year’s exhibitors. Or check out the displays of products that won one of PLMA’s International Salute to Excellence Awards. All this is found in one single area, centrally located in the RAI Elicium building.

www.globalretailmag.com 23


Certified Origins sprouted from humble beginnings when a small collective of olive farmers in rural Tuscany, Italy, joined their passion for producing fresh, authentic extra virgin olive oil. We are still cooperative owned to this day, and source our olives directly from farmers in the Mediterranean. This confidence and trust built over decades means we can guarantee the quality of our products, and gives us access to scale.


We have state-of-the-art, 4.0 production lines for traceable extra virgin olive oil. Using innovative Internet of Things (IoT) technology framework, we have optimal production efficiency and continuous monitoring to ensure supply consistency with faster planning of production and related shipments.

Research and Traceability

Since 2019 we have invested over $1 Million in Research & Development in transparency & traceability.

We are certified as ISO 22005 to guarantee traceability and the first olive oil company operating on Oracle blockchain technology to ensure transparency. Using this innovative Oracle blockchain and new 4.0 Production IoT technologies, we track each shipment to reduce the risk of information manipulation at the source, while ensuring food supply chain transparency.

Sustainability Intiatives

● Carbon Neutrality: Certified Origins launched multiple lines of carbon-neutral Italian EVOOs under its flagship brand Bellucci.

● Loop: Certified Origins has signed a partnership with Loop to adhere to the global packaging reuse platform program launching the first refillable Italian Bellucci Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Distribution and Warehousing

Our international distribution and warehousing network and services mean we can deliver anywhere in the globe within 4-8 weeks, and in as short as 2 days in the USA and Canada.

At Certified Origins we are also pioneering and investing in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) technology to verify EVOO origin authenticity. This research is in partnership with University of Salento and can verify Extra Virgin Olive Oil origin authenticity. A large private database of unique «fingerprints» with +1k different origin olive oils is able to provide scientific support to EVOO authenticity, and each year our database increases by hundreds of samples to further improve the accuracy of the results.

● Pet 50% Recycled: Certified Origins converted PET used for packaging from virgin material to 50% recycled material

● Green Energy: Certified Origins uses energy supplied by photovoltaic panels and olive pits as a fuel source.



The best from Europe. Certified, Authentic and from local farming communities.

We work with farmers and producers in Europe to select great tasting, traceable and authentic Extra Virgin Olive Oils.

We support local commmunties by promoting Geographical Indications (GIs) certified foods and ingredients. Learn more at www.certifiedorigins.com

Frostkrone Turns The Potato Into A Veggie Hit

The trend towards vegan and vegetarian products is growing worldwide: an increasing number of consumers are opting for alternatives and choosing to do without animal products in whole or in part.

To ensure that consumers have enough variety, the Frostkrone Food Group provides a huge selection of frozen vegetarian and vegan finger foods and snacks.

The new Crispy Veggie Snacks are all about the potato. The traditional spud counts as one of the most important staple foods, providing valuable proteins and vitamins, and can even help reduce blood pressure.

Frostkrone’s new potato finger food products are very quick to preparein street food style - and are ready to eat straight away: A fast way to fight

hunger and guarantee a good mood and simple moments of enjoymentwhether at home, in the office, alone or with friends.

Just pop them in for a few minutes in the oven and you’re ready to go.

Crispy Queso Potato Balls and Crispy Cream Cheese Potato Balls for instance are small, handy and utterly delicious:: they have a crispy coating on the outside, a core of creamy cheese on the inside and lots of potato in between. Both products are vegetarian.

There are also the Crispy Potato Sticks that are completely vegan: a flavourful composition of potatoes, herbs and spices, encased in a crispy coating. The Crispy & Spicy Potato Sticks offer an additional kick thanks to their delicious spiciness.

Frostkrone’s potato-based finger food snacks can be customised to any shape, e.g. for a variety of occasions or as a special treat for children: “Potatoes are extremely flexible when it comes to processing and offer the widest range of possibilities in terms of shape and filling. Moreover, they are cultivated worldwide and are therefore scarcely affected by the ongoing raw material crisis.

This is an advantage that we have naturally taken into account in the creation of these innovative products and have put to good use for the benefit of consumers,” explains Frederic Dervieux, CEO of the Frostkrone Food Group.

ritestuff.com Potato Wedges Gourmet Twice Baked 100% FINGER FOOD LOVERS YOUR RETAIL-SPECIALIST FOR FINGER FOOD AND SNACKS Mozzarella Cheese Sticks


Plant-Based Leader La Doria

Plant-based product offering has become increasingly wider and more diverse to meet consumer demands. Even in terms of its assortment, La Doria has a percentage composed of products with no animal products in finished foods or during processing to meet consumer needs. Continuous product innovation to serve private brands in line with new consumer trends has always been one of our strengths. We offer our customers an increasingly comprehensive service, oriented not only to production but also to product innovation through an ever deeper knowledge of the end consumer aimed at intercepting the direction the market is taking.

For this reason, and because of a growing attention to sustainability by the company, we are striving to innovate our products by expanding our plant-based offer; this currently consists of pesto (both red and green) and white sauces of purely vegetable origin, in which ingredients of animal origin are replaced by others of vegetable origin (such as tofu and soy). We are investing in the study of the product, with continuous research to

identify the ingredients needed to create new recipes and variants that could be viable additions to our production. In fact, soon, at Cibus Connect, which will be held in Parma on March 29 and 30, in collaboration with Hi Food, we will present new plant-based sauces that could then be introduced into our production line. In addition, we pay special attention to the entire production chain of this type of reference, making sure that no component of the line, from the production of the actual food product to the glue used for the labels, is of animal origin, to best meet the required ethical standards.

commerciale.estero@gruppoladoria.it commerciale.italia@gruppoladoria.it


People Innovation Sustainability

Lucart is a key player in the consumer goods market as a producer and transformer of tissue (pure and recycled pulp), airlaid and fiberpack paper.

Our attention to people, sustainable processes and approach to innovation mean that we offer cutting-edge products that meet market challenges and perfectly match our customer requirements.

Fiberpack® is our flagship project in this field: it combines advanced technology and environmentally friendly processes, demonstrating that circular economy principles are fully applicable to the tissue sector.

Lucart is also the only brand in its target market to offer airlaid products with exceptional absorbency and strength performance. The Airlaid technology uses long, highly resistant cellulose fibres that never come into contact with water during the production process (dry paper), so that they remain super absorbent. Fibres treated with this process naturally form a ‘“dam” structure, offering outstanding results: it absorbs 50% more compared to other household paper and, thanks to its resistance, it can be reused up to 20 times.

We are a company made up of people who choose to use innovative and sustainable processes in development, transformation and manufacturing of paper products, collaborating responsibly for the future of our business and planet.


planet’s needs.
Grazie Natural is a Lucart SpA brand grazie.it

Organic Liquid herbs Same Same, But Different.

We met the team at Northern Greens at PLMA Chicago. I was intrigued by their booth and the display of their products caught my eye. Seemed like a great idea and the package and graphics were quite good. So I decided to investigate. Here’s what I was told:

The Short Story.

When you grow organic, nature rewards you with a better taste. That’s how we like it.

Horticulture and a Good Idea

It all started with the good friends Michael and Troels wanting to create an urban garden. As their garden grew, their irritation over wasted, withered herbs grew along with it. They were overwhelmed until suddenly the idea arose to make liquid herbs.

Investment on National TV in Dragons Den

After many experiments and an investment from Danish TV show Shark Tank, we are sitting here today with the perfect liquid herbs - if we must say so ourselves.

IFS Certificate

Quality and food safety are at the heart of everything we do. We are constantly working to improve food safety in production in order to keep up with retailers’ demands. In February 2021 we received our IFS Food certificate.

“We love herbs. Therefore, we’ve made them liquid, so you can always have organic herbs with a fresh taste right by your hand. We chop the herbs gently and mix them with sea salt and organic vinegar. That’s it! It’s an old trick and a natural way to preserve fresh food.

Without any extra hocus pocus, your liquid herbs can last for two years - even after you open the bottle. It’s the new way to spice up your food”

Why Liquid Herbs?

Liquid herbs are always ready to use, as it can be stored at room temperature – keep them right on the kitchen table. Liquid herbs take up very little space, one bottle equals to 2 plants. They require no washing, no peeling, and no snipping. It’s convenience in a new way.

Liquid herbs are organically produced in Denmark with the utmost attention to sustainability.

Northern Greens

Apart from our liquid herbs, Northern Greens is providing fresh produce and dates throughout Europe 365 days a year. We are a reliable and consistent business partner with offices in Denmark and Spain. We have a strong foundation in the Scandinavian and European markets.


Leif Østergaard



You are invited to celebrate the 10TH ANNIVERSARY


Featuring the 2023 Ceremony, Cocktails & Networking


Valsa Group, Italian Quality Meets Convenience

Valsa Group as leading manufacturer of chilled, frozen and ambient pizzas and snacks, identifies its primary goal in promoting the true Italian food lifestyle all over the world. The headquarters is located in Valsamoggia, in the very heart of Italy. This is where the history of the Group began, nevertheless our roots go from North to South, through our 6 plants: in a purely Italian entrepreneurial path. Our daily commitment could be easily summed up: CULTURE . EXCELLENCE . INNOVATION.

Valsa Group launches the new Cereal-Based Focaccia Napoletana range. A concept born with the aim to enhance cereals: they underlie Mediterranean diet and are by far the major source of energy, protein, B vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber for the world population.

Five Focaccia Napoletana cereal-based flavors: durum wheat and rice, oat, barley, corn, quinoa. A completely unique aromatic profile that comes from selected Italian grains, high hydration and natural long leavening. Light and fragrant, hand stretched one by one, as in the best Italian tradition. The perfect way to complete Retailers

range with a real Italian product, that can bring their customers to Italy within a bite.

Valsa Group is a reliable and well-known business partner in 50 countries around the world; this has been made possible thanks to the choices and investments in sustainability, production capacity, organizational integration and convenience innovation, with a special commitment to process transparency, waste reduction and green energy use.


Freedom Of Choice Is A Right; Clearly Communicating The Characteristics Of A Product Is A Duty

For several years now, the number of critical consumers, meaning those who pay attention to the characteristics of the products they are purchasing, has been on the rise. There are an increasing number of people who are not taken in by a beautiful label, but rather prefer to read and understand its contents. These are consumers who independently choose what to purchase on ethical, environmental and health criteria rather than relying on the convenience and self-glorification of the producer.

Market trends indicate an ever-increasing demand for vegan products and we increasingly see products characterized as such on supermarket shelves. But are all the products that claim to be vegan really vegan?

While just a few years ago consumers found it difficult to find vegan or plantbased products, nowadays it can be difficult to navigate among the myriad of brands, symbols and slogans that ascribe this characteristic to products.

If consumers have the right to make conscious decisions about what they purchase, then it should be required that the information relating to the marketed product is reported properly. This is precisely what the V-Label brand sets out to do, by assisting manufacturers to properly report the vegan characteristic of their product and allowing consumers to make well-informed purchasing decisions.

The V-Label brand predates the vegan or plant-based trends currently dominating marketplaces: it was established in 1976, and has from that time always been a trusted guide for consumers. Easy to recognize, it is currently the leading brand in the vegetarian, vegan and raw vegan product certification and identification industry.

International in scope, the brand is easily the most recognized by consumers around the world. Despite its extensive and widespread use, the brand has upheld the uniformity of contents and criteria for awarding the brand certification in order to ensure consumers and producers the same level of quality controls regardless of where individual items are produced or sold.

The V-Label brand has never permitted self-declaration as a method of verification: every ingredient, coadiuvants, and production method is verified by means of document checks and frequently inspection visits in order to safeguard consumers’ freedom of choice.

Clear and unambiguous, it is a valuable ally for companies wishing to enter the vegan and plant-based market with transparency. In fact, by emplying scrupulous controls, V-Label is able to declare products suitable on the basis of the criteria established by the major European Vegetarian and Vegan Associations.

Protecting consumers’ ability to make informed purchases and helping companies to properly address the ever-growing vegan demand is our duty, just as the freedom of choice of those purchasing and producing is a right that must be safeguarded.

www.vlabel.org segreteria@vlabel.it

Meet Your Next Great Supplier at PLMA’s “World Of Private Label” International Trade Show The World’s Leading Private Label B2B Event

Product attributes have become very important in the development of new products and in expanding existing ranges. Consumers call for healthy food options and sustainable choices, and retailers and suppliers respond accordingly. The latest consumer trends are omnipresent and offered throughout the show floor, including environmentally friendly products, fair trade, health, free-from, vegan, vegetarian, organic and special dietary needs, in food as well as in non-food. Source the products and ingredients you need, connect with international professionals, and grow your private label business!

inspiring private label products offered by this year’s exhibitors. In addition, the winning products of PLMA’s 2023 International Salute to Excellence Awards will be shown, honouring retailers for their commitment to their private label programme, and innovation and quality in private label.

PLMA’s “World of Private Label” International Trade Show will be held in Amsterdam on 23 and 24 May at the RAI Exhibition Centre. More than 2.500 exhibitors from 70 countries, suppliers of food & beverages and nonfood health and beauty items, household products, and housewares and DIY items, will show their best private label products to retail and wholesale buyers and other visitors from 120 countries.

For more than 35 years, PLMA dedicated time and effort to make the “World of Private Label” into what it is today: a perfect platform to do business, strengthen relationships, stay informed, see innovation, get inspired, and to Connect.Source.Grow.

“Private label is thriving, with consumers recognizing the high quality, innovation and price value of private label products.” said Peggy Davies, president of PLMA.

PLMA’s Idea Supermarket offers a world tour of new private label ranges that can be found on the shelves of more than 60 retailers worldwide.

PLMA’s New Product Expo will display more than 500 new, innovative and

On Monday 22 May, the day before show opening, PLMA’s seminar programme at RAI’s Forum Centre offers free access to all registered visitors and exhibitors. The programme includes the latest private label information by NielsenIQ, presentations by several industry experts, as well as the official announcement of the winning retailers of PLMA’s 2023 International Salute to Excellence Awards.

“The "World of Private Label" is the annual private label gathering that no one in the industry can afford to miss.” said Davies.



Certified Origins sprouted from humble beginnings when a small collective of olive farmers in rural Tuscany, Italy, joined their passion for producing fresh, authentic extra virgin olive oil.

We are still cooperative-owned to this day, and from extra virgin olive oil to tomato sauce, we are an industry leader in sustainable sourcing and authentic food programs.

We select the best quality ingredients and develop custom recipes and packaging to meet your wholesale needs, all verified by our advanced traceability and production line technology.

For enquiries:



Whether you are a supplier or retailer with an interest in Private Brands, Emerge can help you to take the next leap forward in differentiating and growing your business. We are highly collaborative in our approach, and we will push you, as together we will discover the low-hanging and more aspirational opportunities for you to expand.

Building own brands and challenger brands is our true sweet spot, but we also work with many established companies/brands that need fresh thinking for their next breakthrough.

We Help Our Supplier Clients:

• Build better ways to tell the unique stories of their company and portfolio

• Reach and connect with new retailers, by customizing your approach

• Sell more effectively; connect with the trade more effectively

We Help Our Retailer Clients:

• Rationalize and optimize their portfolio, with an eye towards new segments and growth opportunities

• Develop Signature products and strategies for development, all that fit who you are

• Set up a true process for growing own brands and harnessing the right infrastructure

Let us put our experience with partnering in over 15 retail classes of trade and 5 continents to work for you in a collaboration that will make a difference.


www.globalretailmag.com 39 SUPPLIER PROFILES


Welcome to the world of Fingerfood and Snacks at frostkrone Food Group!

Boasting over 25 years of experience in the production of fingerfood and snacks for the frozen and fresh food sector, and with eight locations worldwide, the Frostkrone Food Group is a formidable partner at your side. As a global trendsetter, we know what makes the food market tick and what will appeal to your target group. Based on this, we develop innovative, tailor-made concepts for enhanced growth.

Our products are on the market worldwide, including the USA, Japan, the United Arab Emirates, Australia and in many European countries.

Together, our strong team of visionaries, co-creators and solutions providers ensures that we are the best at what we do.

To be an innovation leader in the category “Fingerfood & Snacks” involves much more than just developing and manufacturing cool products. Having a close relationship with our customers and suppliers, the flexibility to implement changes and requests at short notice, as well as impeccable quality and logistics, ensure that we are a trustworthy partner always at your side.


You would like to get to know us better? Please send us an email: Emiel Lommen, Global Commercial Director e.lommen@frostkrone.de


Global Tissue Group ® has fostered a reputation for providing value for our customers as their private label paper manufacturer for bath tissue, facial tissue, napkins and paper towels with customer service to each and every one of them. Our customers depend on our flexibility, confidentiality and quality, from paper products to services; from our specialty paper manufacturing capabilities and consistent supply to custom-tailored private label programs. Our goal is to ensure that no matter your needs, Global Tissue can deliver.

In creating diversified household paper products that cater to every market category, you can feel confident putting your label on our goods. We bring the trust and comfort of our relationship to your consumers, who will grow to depend upon our standard of manufacturing excellence – and your brand, through our private label programs, contract manufacturing, or our control brands. This is what sets us apart from our competition. Global Tissue provides value, quality and consistency, and helps organizations like yours increase their revenue. Let us enhance your paper program and your margins. Be a part of our Strong A.R.M. program, and Attract consumers, Retain them and create Margin enhancement every day.




La Doria is an international food company founded in 1954 in Angri, the Italian historical heart of the tomato processing area. Significant family involvement, absolute commitment to quality and tradition, attention to natural and health food typical of the Mediterranean diet are the fundamental elements of La Doria’s success. La Doria is also a historical producer of legumes, fuit juices and pasta sauces.

Today the company is the first largest producer in Europe of peeled and chopped tomatoes and preserved pulses in retail segment and the first largest producer in Europe of pasta sauces in the private label segment. It is also one of the main producers in Italy of fruit juices and beverages.



Last October, Le Bontà Srl moved to a new 9,000 m2 plant in Campi Bisenzio (FI), bringing together two divisions (sauces and cereals) in a unique production center. The project was guided by a desire to embark on a sustainable path.

The lines of sauces have been renewed and the company have invested in new technologies and machinery which triple the production capacity and allows us to replicate the authenticity of recipes, with a perfect mix of tradition and innovation.

This year, Le Bontà Srl will launch a contemporary range, which pays tribute to its origins: Chianina ragout, Porcini mushrooms and truffle sauce, Aglione sauce, Cacio e Pepe sauce, Norma sauce and Amatriciana sauce.

These six new recipes, typical of the Italian gastronomic tradition are made with selected ingredients and expertly elaborated in the unmistakable flavors and aromas of the Italian culinary culture. The new products are suitable for all those who want to taste every day typical Italian and quality flavors: they are suitable for everyone, young and old people.

The latest generation machinery and techniques, combined with our expertise, guarantee they are as good as those homemade by hand.




Lucart is a market leader company in transformation and manufacturing of paper products.

Our attention to people, sustainable processes and approach to innovation mean that we offer cutting-edge products that meet market challenges and perfectly match our customer requirements.

Fiberpack® is our flagship project in this field: it combines advanced technology and environmentally friendly processes, demonstrating that circular economy principles are fully applicable to the tissue sector.

Lucart is also the only brand in its target market to offer airlaid products with exceptional absorbency and strength performance. The Airlaid technology uses long, highly resistant cellulose fibres that never come into contact with water during the production process (dry paper), so that they remain super absorbent. Fibres treated with this process naturally form a ‘“dam” structure, offering outstanding results: it absorbs 50% more compared to other household paper and, thanks to its resistance, it can be reused up to 20 times.

We are a company made up of people who choose to use innovative and sustainable processes in development, transformation and manufacturing of paper products, collaborating responsibly for the future of our business and planet.


Marketing By Design

A company is only as good as the people working in it and we’re blessed with a team of multi-talented individuals – combining skills in brand strategy, brand design, package design, artwork rollout, and project management. Our goal is to deliver creative value and commercial solutions to our clients in the retail and CPG space.

With offices in virtually every time zone, we never sleep! Boston MA • Phoenix AZ • San Diego CA • Shenzhen China • Leeds UK

Workflow By Design provides a cloud-based Total Workflow Solution that helps Enterprise teams – from Creative Services to Artwork Productionget products to market faster by bringing structure to chaos while allowing innovation and creativity to flourish. We deliver an automated workflow for the entire lifecycle – from project request, team communication, electronic routing approval, and file release, through archival and reporting. We recognize that ease of use, efficiency, and accountability are paramount to success, and keep this at the center of every implementation.

The Total Workflow Solution is flexible allowing each company to undertake as much or as little as they desire at launch. We are a team of industry experts that deliver client-based solutions, custom configured to fit your creative services, marketing, artwork production, and private brandteams.

Dario Brandi, Sales Director Export +39 335 1014765 www.lucartgroup.com
more information:
ABOUT US WORK we bring brands to life creatively and consistently
MBD www.workflowbydesign.com


Since 1971, Pacific Coast Producers has been committed to growing, canning and supplying the finest canned fruits and tomatoes. We aim to meet the brand requirements of our customers while providing world-class service at a competitive price.

Pacific Coast Producers has production facilities in the unparalleled California, Oregon and Washington growing regions. Our founders, proud farmers themselves, have built a legacy that has been passed down through generations. Now, over 50 years later, we still have the same pride in our farms and products. Families have been employed for decades throughout the history of PCP, walking into one of our plants or offices you will be able to feel the passion our employees have for what they do. What they do is make a product that is healthy, sustainable, economically friendly, and full of flavor for the world to enjoy.


Seneca Foods ensures US farm fresh goodness through our 26 facilities located in prime American growing regions. A leading global provider of packaged fruits and vegetables, Seneca’s flexible packaging solutions meet evolving consumer needs: from traditional cans and frozen foods, to convenient pouches and plastic cups. Organic options also available.

At Seneca, we believe that everyone deserves year-round access to great-tasting food that’s also great for you. That’s why we’re bringing families and organizations all over the world real food that’s nutritious, affordable, and delicious. By remaining committed to those we serve, we’re going to continue growing as the leader in the fruit and vegetable industry. At Seneca, we’re still doing things the way we always have- the right way.

Think globally, grow locally. We’re proud to say, “We feed the world.”



www.globalretailmag.com 43 SUPPLIER PROFILES


Valsa Group as leading manufacturer of chilled, frozen and ambient pizzas and snacks, identifies its primary goal in promoting the true Italian food lifestyle all over the world. The headquarters is located in Valsamoggia, in the very heart of Italy. This is where the history of the Group began, nevertheless our roots go from North to South, through our 6 plants: in a purely Italian entrepreneurial path.

Our daily commitment could be easily summed up: CULTURE . EXCELLENCE . INNOVATION.

Valsa Group is the unique large-scale and highly qualified partner able to supply a wide range of items in each category, from frozen to deli.



V-Label is the quality, transparency and professionalism in the field of vegan certification. Internationally recognized and guaranteed for the consumer, V-Label allows companies to promote their products with safety and reliability.

The V-Label trademark was created by the Italian Vegetarian Association in 1970s. The design was first presented internationally at the first European Vegetarian Congress, held in Italy in 1985. The distinct leaf symbol has since been recognized as a trusted label, and respected worldwide.

Today the V-Label is the leading vegetarian, vegan and raw vegan certification recognized by consumers at an international level.

Self declaration method is not allowed, V-Label is checking every single ingredient of a vegan product and inspections/audit are regularly conducted in producers premises, that’s why V-Label is a trusted safe and transparent certification.



At Emerge, we are focused around two simple client objectives, which are at the heart of everything we do. FOR SUPPLIERS Looking to expand and differentiate their business or take new innovations to market FOR RETAILERS Wanting to build a unique roadmap and actionable tactics for Private Brand greatness CALL US We would love to start a conversation with you www.emergefromthepack.com Perry Seelert, Partner; Mark Dickinson, Partner Perry@emergefromthepack.com Mark@emergefromthepack.com +1 203 529 3668 1. 2.

THE HERBIVORES’ HEYDAY Charting the Future

of Plant-Based Foods

Plant-based foods have finessed their way into the mainstream, but are at a critical inflection point as they aim to be loved by more consumers

Let’s get something straight from the start. Plant-based foods are not a fad, they are not a fleeting trend, they are not the latest craze, and they are not a Grapefruit Diet dressed in sheep’s clothing. No, plant-based eating is here to stay, and it will grow, even with inflation headwinds that have affected progress in some sectors like plant-based meat last year. Younger consumer generations will be the fulcrum for driving the entire plantbased industry.

The culture of plant-based eating, though, is at an important inflection point, and it prompts certain strategic questions for manufacturers and retailers alike:

• How can marketing and branding acumen continue to attract consumers, particularly those who self-identify as flexitarians?

• What is the retailer’s role in driving growth, especially with respect to their own brands?

• Are there portfolio and ingredient boundaries that CPGs should consider reining in or expanding (jackfruit-everything, potato milk or vegan shrimp)? How do they affect consumer perception and who are they really targeting?

• How and why should I link plantbased within my food service strategy?

These are not easy questions for this now $42 Billion+ worldwide industry, especially for a sector that wants to grow in a smart and strategic way. In this article, we will address the necessary drivers for plant-based growth, the keys to success, and how a marketing, branding and culinary culture are all critical for further consumer embrace.

The Facts Are Compelling

Today, there are 1.5 billion people globally who follow a vegetarian diet, about 1 in every 5 people. Certain cultures are innately plantbased, for instance, in India where almost 40% of the country is vegetarian (about 400 million consumers), compared to the U.S. where just 5% of people say they are totally plant-based (though 32% identify themselves as “mostly vegetarian” or are actively reducing their meat consumption).

But cultural differences aside, most consumers around the world are expressing increasing interest in plant-based foods than ever before, and it is spurred by the following beliefs:

They are healthier…The science is definitely supportive of this consumer belief, as plant-based diets reduce the risk of heart disease (by 40%), the incidence of cancer (by 10-12%), and type 2 diabetes (by 50%). Though it is more just the general consumer knowledge that a plant-based lifestyle may be healthier because you are eating fewer calories, less fat and less cholesterol.

They are more environmentally conscious and sustainable… This is one of the more salient beliefs driving the plant-based movement as 48% of consumers opt for a plant-based diet for environmental reasons, up from 31% in 2018 (source: Food Navigator). There is lots of literature to suggest that a global shift to a vegetarian diet could cut greenhouse gas emissions by 63% (Time magazine), and that livestock alone accounts for 14% of GHG. Science also points to animal agriculture contributing to rainforest destruction, which is similarly a driver for environmentally conscious consumers getting motivated to eat plantbased diets.

Charting the Future of Plant-Based Foods

They are not sacrificial from a culinary point-of-view… There used to be the thinking that pursuing a plant-based diet was a culinary sacrifice, a creative sacrifice, and that you were forever condemned to eating steamed broccoli and carrots for the rest of your life. People did not know how to cook vegetables as a true entrée and main plate dish. This is changing dramatically, and it is motivated by incredible access to plant-based ideas via TikTok, books like Ottolenghi’s “Flavor” that transcend old vegetarian bibles like the “Moosewood Cookbook” of the 1970s, and celebrity chefs like Gordan Ramsey teaching us how to make cauliflower steak. To add to all of this, today there are 50 vegetarian and 20 vegan restaurants that have earned a Michelin star. There is no longer any culinary sacrifice, real or perceived, in pursuing a plantbased diet.

They don’t ostracize me… 20 years ago, if someone showed up to your Holiday dinner and said, “excuse me, but I can’t eat the Thanksgiving turkey or Christmas roast”, they would get a cross-eyed look from the host and quietly be ostracized. There was a tacit stigma in being a plant-based consumer. But that has all changed, and it is simply a matter of numbers, be

cause more than 4 in 10 consumers today are actively trying to reduce their consumption of animal-based meat products. Millennials drive this statistic, with 54% reporting that they are trying to be more plant-based. Yes, even during the holidays.

They are more ethical…For people who believe plant-based diets are more ethical, this usually stems from veganism, which rejects all animal products including eggs and dairy (and even honey), and extends to cosmetics, soaps, etc. that are produced with animal testing. The core vegan is the most strident consumer group within the plant-based umbrella, believing that poultry and beef producers raise and slaughter their animals in inhumane conditions, that it is cruel, and thus they oppose the “exploitation” of non-human animals overall.

The ethics of meat-eating versus true veganism admittedly gets very murky, but it is a driver for many who pursue plant-based eating. Vegans represent the smallest, but I would say the most passionate of the plant-based eating universe, and in the U.S. about 1 in 4 vegetarians is truly vegan. The UK has the most vegans in the world, and Israel has the highest percentage (5% of their total population).

www.globalretailmag.com 49
gordongram Uh oh... I’m going vegetarian this weekend!This time with my delicious Cauliflower Steak in under 10 minutes! Head to my stories to watch the full recipe.

Charting the Future of Plant-Based Foods

Growth In The Future

Almost all experts predict sustained global growth in the plantbased industry, with a long-range forecast that the market size could be as much as $162 billion (Source: Bloomberg).

Today, the plant-based dairy sector is by far the largest, and you can see how the expected trend shows plant-based meat catching up proportionately during this decade. I would say “maybe” and say it with some caution. It depends a lot on food service and restaurant menu integration, which we will talk about later. Critics will point to 2022 as a plateau year for plantbased meat and cheese, with frozen and refrigerated meat alternatives combined $ sales -3.8% and unit volumes -11% November 2022 vs. November 2021 in the United States (Source: IRI). A lot of this challenge had to do with inflation and sheer price – the average cost per pound of plant-based meat is about twice that of animal-based meat (Source: GFI).

In the United States overall the plant-based market is over $7.4 billion, with the milk sector alone being about double the size of the meat sector.

Clearly there is tremendous potential for the plant-based food industry, and the sales year-on-year are outpacing total food sales, growing 6.2% overall and three year dollar share growth over 79%.

Key Plant-Based Foods Sales Metrics and Purchase Dynamics 2021

Plant-Based Foods Outpaced Total Food Sales

Plant-Based Foods Outpaced Total Food Sales

How does the industry ensure that this growth and the expectations for the future continue to become true? How do you attract more consumers, who do you target, and how do you get them to actually consume more?

The answer is in getting people to experiment more, continue to penetrate families and households who are already inclined, and importantly, target the flexitarian and attract future flexitarians into the mix.

of all shoppers buy plant-based meat and/or dairy with most doing it on a regular basis.

42% of all households buy plant-based milk alone.


of people who buy plant-based meat are also buying animal-based meat.

40% $180 $160 $140 $120 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 $0 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $29.4 $35.6 $44.2 $52.2 $64.7 $77.8 $94.2 $108.6 $123.4 $139.0 $161.9 Plant-Based Meat Plant-Based Dairy Other Plant-Based
8% 6% 4% 2% 0% -2% -4% +6.2% +3.8% +1.9% -3.4% PLANT-BASED PLANT-BASED TOTAL FOOD TOTAL FOOD DOLLARS UNITS PLANT-BASED FOODS VS. FOOD SALES, 2021 $180 $160 $140 $120 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 $0 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 $29.4 $35.6 $44.2 $52.2 $64.7 $77.8 $94.2 $108.6 $123.4 $139.0 $161.9 Plant-Based Meat Plant-Based Dairy Other Plant-Based
8% 6% 4% 2% 0% -2% -4% +6.2% +3.8% +1.9% -3.4% PLANT-BASED PLANT-BASED TOTAL FOOD TOTAL FOOD DOLLARS UNITS PLANT-BASED FOODS VS. FOOD SALES, 2021 Source: SPINS “plant-based positioned” product attribute customized by PBFA and GFI to included private label and custom categories. 52-weeks ending December 26, 2021, from the SPINS Natural Enhanced and Conventional Multi Outlet (powered by IRI) grocery channels.
Total Plant-based Foods Plant-based Meat Plant-based Milk Dollar Sales 1-yr Dollar growth 3-yr Dollar growth Dollar Share 3-yr share growth Unit Sales Household Penetration Repeat Rate $7.4 Billion $1.4 Billion $2.6 Billion 6% 0% 4% 54% 74% 33% 4% 1.4% 16% 79% 19% 20% 1.9 Billion $281 Million 788 million 61% 19% 42% 79% 64% 76% 2-yr share growth

The Importance of the Flexitarian

If vegans are the most ardent and strict within the plant-based consumer universe (because there are often moral, ethical, and religious motivations), then as their name implies, flexitarians have the most flexibility in approaching vegetable-forward diets. Simply defined you can see each group as follows:

• Meat-eaters: who as we have said, are also buying plant-based foods

• Flexitarians: primarily plantbased diets, but don’t set strict boundaries. They eat animal products sparingly

• Vegetarians: they do not eat meat, poultry, game, fish or shellfish, and many do eat eggs and dairy (“lacto-vegetarians”)

• Vegans: as we have said earlier, no animal products or byproducts at all

The data can be a little fuzzy on this, but in the U.S. according to a recent study (Source: Sprouts and One Poll), 47% of Americans describe themselves as flexitarians and more than half (54%) ages 2439 identify themselves as such.

In the U.K. according to YouGov (2023) a study of all adults showed that 14% of the British population self-identified as flexitarian when it came to their dietary lifestyle.

Vegans, vegetarians and meat-eaters: self-reported dietary choices in the UK, All adults, Jan 2, 2023

– Flexitarian: mainly vegetarian, but occasionally eat meat or fish

– Pescetarian: eat fish but do not eat meat or poultry

– Vegetarian: do not eat any meat, poultry, game, fish, or shellfish

– Plant-based / Vegan: do not eat dairy products, eggs, or any other animal product

Most consumer marketing companies would look at the plant-based universe through a segmentation lens, and they quickly see that the vegan and vegetarian are already a part of it. They are in the boat. It is the rise of flexitarianism that represents the real potential, and it correlates with younger generations of consumers. And, importantly, it correlates with the language CPG companies are using to bring more flexitarians into their legions of brands.

It is Impossible. It is Daring. It is Innocent.

It is Bol.

It is This (Isn’t).

Enthusiastic language that signals it is loaded with flavor, that it is on the cutting edge, it is creative and colorful. It is all about getting the flexitarian to buy-in.

www.globalretailmag.com 51
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Meat eater 71% Flexitarian 14% Vegetarian 5% Pescetarian 3% Plant-based / Vegan 3% None of these 3%
Source: YouGov (2023) Note: Based on biannual survey data of adults aged 18 years and older. Around 2000 adults are included per survey. OurWorldInData.org/meat-production • CC BY

How Retailers Are Driving Plant-Based

Retailers see the opportunity, they see the growth, and there some fundamental tactics they are employing to engage the plant-based consumer.



• Make it prominent in-store

• Embed your own brand plantbased portfolio demonstrably

• Promote it intentionally and creatively

• Incorporate into your digital strategy

Retailers like Kroger and Waitrose are creating plant-based and even vegan sections within their fresh departments, carving out space that is noticeable and flagged.

TACTIC #1: Make it prominent in-store

TACTIC #2: Embed your own brand plant-based portfolio demonstrably

With tactic #1 in place, then the next thing retailers are doing is making own brands a key focus within the set itself and doing this in the most important categories (like plant-based milk).

TACTIC #4: Incorporate Into Your Digital Strategy

With plant-based consumers leaning slightly younger, it is especially important to ensure that retailers incorporate them into their digital strategies. They not only need to be readily accessible, but also easy to find and shop based upon your plant-based needs. Ahold’s Giant and Stop & Shop divisions are making their web really intuitive to navigate for any meat-free shopping needs, they are publishing plant-based recipes through their “Nutrition Partners and Our Picks” program, and conduct plant-based on-line webinars to educate newer consumers.

TACTIC #3: Promote it intentionally and creatively

Just like any brand, but especially when there is a consumer target (the flexitarian) that you may be trying to attract, you must be creative in the way you engage them. Plantbased eating for the uninitiated can be perceived to be boring and lifeless, so supplying consumers with ideas is essential.

Chefs got into the game of Vegan-January (World Vegan Month) or Veganuary, but retailers like Marks & Spencer did too, and used it as an opportunity for further excitement around plant-based eating.

Charting the Future of Plant-Based Foods

How CPG Manufacturers And Brands Are Driving Plant-Based

As retailers fight for mind share around plant-based foods and this shopper of the future, manufacturers are doing the same thing, trying to gain brand loyalty and traction. It is an all-out-fight between brands, but there are some common themes.

Design And Branding Are Critical Levers

If you look at the “brandscape”, you can see plant-based brands that are unafraid to show a little bravado, a little in-your-face appetite appeal and sensibility. The language is colorful and it is driven to conquer their perceived consumer challenge (which is around taste).

Brands like Oumph!, This [Isn’t], V Bites and Tattooed Chef have been designed with a youthful energy bringing out the creativity and appetite appeal of the dishes. The dishes also are innately creative. These brands are showing off their personality, they sit loudly in the case, and they have power.

Their Advertising Has Equal Panache

Many of the plant-based brands, though nascent in their development, are investing in equally powerful advertising to get noticed, as you can see with Impossible and La Vie in France.

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Impossible just recently launched their first national campaign as they gear up for their continued fight for the future with Beyond. Also, La Vie might have a much smaller media budget, but they get your attention right at a bus stop with their biting sense of humor.

Skillful Foodservice Integration

Maybe the most influential marketing strategy by plant-based brands has been their integration into food service and restaurants, and remember the target they are coveting, the flexitarian. This strategy has mutual benefit for both the restaurant chain and the brand, and I believe it is just the tip of the iceberg of what we will see in the future.

Impossible at Nathan’s, Morningstar sausage at Dunkin Donuts, Beyond Meat at TGI Fridays, Pizza Hut and McDonald’s. These are all high profile collaborations, and there are many others, addressing every day part meal occasion.

Charting the Future of Plant-Based Foods

Brand Blurring & Brand Loyalty

While the plant-based brands are doing some skillful integrations into food service along with thoughtful packaging design and savvy advertising, there is still a blur that exists.

Brand blurring and brand confusion for your plant-based newbies, who cannot determine how one brand might be better than another. Many flexitarians who are relatively new to plant-based foods find it tough to discern, and this leads to little loyalty at this point.

One battle that is basically a glovesoff brawl right now is between Impossible and Beyond. Last year, at least from a sales standpoint, Impossible would say they have won, but the battle for consumer loyalty is far from over.

When consumers cast their eyes into the refrigerated or freezer cases and wells, what do they see, and how are they drawn to a brand? It looks 50-50 to many shoppers staring at the case.

Beyond (the idea of going beyond what you would ever fathom) and Impossible (the idea that it is impossible for plants to taste so good), are conceptually the same.

Today, I think many consumers think their essence is basically indistinguishable. The legions of Impossible fans and Beyond fans are not that passionate in my opinion. And all of this points to a huge, massive opportunity for retailers and their own brands, because CPG brand equities are still slowly forming.


The Own Brand Opportunity

Retailers have been fairly aggressive in developing their plant-based own brands, whether they are literally new or whether they are extensions of something more familiar (for example, Kroger’s is an extension of Simple Truth).

One of the clear standouts in the U.K. has been what Marks & Spencer has created in Plant Kitchen (launched 2019), a deep portfolio that covers a wide array of non-dairy and plant-based frozen and fresh foods.

Beyond stellar design, they have created television advertising that is smart (focusing on great taste), out-of-store media, a dedicated web portal, a magazine and incredible food photography at every turn.

Marks & Spencer

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Our bestselling Plant Kitchen range includes delicious vegan dishes which mean you’ll never have to compromise


Conad also has a strong entry into plant-based food with their Verso Natura Veg line, launched in 2016 and part of a larger Bio and Eco umbrella. What is impressive is how they have targeted critical core categories like non-dairy milks, grains, and symbolic soulful Italian specialties like gelato.


Kroger has built one of the largest and most successful own brands in the world with Simple Truth, and the plant-based segment branched from the larger umbrella launched in late 2019. It has been amazing to see how they are attacking dairy free frozen novelties and frozen desserts and doing it with such taste appeal.

of Plant-Based Foods

The Challenges Ahead

The growth and potential for the plant-based industry is tremendous, and own brands are positioned to be a real contender in this battle for flexitarian consumers and mind share. Creative cuisine and showcasing it vividly is one of the fundamental drivers for success.

But the challenges are real.

One of the challenges that many experts point to is giving consumers confidence that plant-based cuisine is not overprocessed. According to Better Homes & Gardens (Jan 20, 2023),

“Though the base of plant-based meats is a plant (usually soybeans, peas, and/or wheat), these ingredients have been highly processed. In most cases the main ingredients are stripped down to high-protein, low-fiber, colorless powders mixed with preservatives, oils, natural or artificial coloring, gums, and seasonings.”

While the processing may in some cases be a function of trying to produce great taste, it is defeating the idea of healthier plant-based foods.

Another challenge is the “vessel” itself for the meal. Consumers have accepted cauliflower as a creative vessel, but will they accept something like jackfruit, which many experts say has a neutral taste with an ability to morph into a variety of main plate meals. I’m not so sure quite honestly, only because jackfruit and what it is and where it comes from (not to mention what it looks like) requires a lot of explanation. But time will tell……

Marketing must-have’s like an accessible price versus animal-based products, and appealing taste and texture (though I would say there are some companies that are still producing rubberized nuggets), all seem to me to be functional and basic costs of entry. If there is one virtue of marketing that is constant, it is that consumers will never sacrifice great taste.

I’m excited about the future, and what could lead to a $162 billion global plant-based industry by 2030. Retailers are poised to win a large chunk of this business through their own brands, and strategic and creative thinking will be the path for driving it successfully.

Perry Seelert is retail branding and marketing expert, with a passion for challenging conventional strategy and truths. He is the Strategic Partner and Co-founder of Emerge, a strategic marketing consultancy dedicated to helping Retailers, Manufacturers and Services grow exponentially and differentiate with purpose. Please contact Perry at perry@emergefromthepack.com

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Perry Seelert

Beyond the Burger: Is Your Plant-Based Assortment Satisfying Customers?

In the past three years the plantbased industry has exploded, now valued over $7 billion in the U.S., according to data from the Plant Based Foods Association, GFI and Spins. What was once novel is now mainstream with consumers expecting a complete range of plant-based options wherever they go.

What’s driving this growth? Consumers are looking for healthier choices and variety in plant-based offerings. Much of the growth is driven by Millennials and Gen Z who deeply value sustainability, animal welfare and a healthy lifestyle. In 2023, plantbased snacks focusing on creative ingredients and boasting sustainability benefits are in high-demand. The spotlight is also on seafood and eggs, two categories seeing manufacturers debut innovative and exciting analogs.

According to the Datassential’s 2023 Food Trends,

40% of consumers plan to purchase plant-based meat products in 2023. There is a dizzying selection of products already out there, and many more waiting in the wings to entice and delight discerning customers. How do you make sure your assortment is comprehensive enough to satisfy your customers? Plant Based World Expo, taking place September 7 – 8, in New York and November 15 – 16 in London, are the best places to experience hundreds of new plant-based products from around the world. You’ll find everything from plant-based steaks and fish, to pastas, cookies, ice cream and beverages. Speak with the right contacts, taste the products, and access all of the information you need to make your decisions.

There’s a great mix of attendees, including manufacturers, retailers, and ingredient suppliers. There’s also a good mix of brands exhibiting with lots of innovation and good ideas on show.

Alongside the expos are a series of seminars, fireside chats, and case studies exploring the ‘why’ behind consumers’ choices – and how to bring the right products to stores. Sessions present the latest data and the case-studies will take a candid look at ‘what worked and what didn’t from past rollouts.

If you provide plant-based products to retailers, there’s never been a more important time to get noticed. Exhibiting at Plant Based World Expo allows you to connect with the decision makers who are searching for products like yours in a captive and inspiring environment. Get the best location by reserving your booth early and ensure your brand isn’t left behind.

Plant Based World Expo North America: www.plantbasedworldexpo.com Plant Based World Expo Europe: www.plantbasedworldeurope.com
PBW really allows somebody like me to key in on the plant-based movement and make sure that we’re not missing any future star players.
— Rodd Willis, Dot Foods


Sept. 7 – 8, 2023 Javits Center, NYC


Nov. 15 – 16, 2023

ExCeL London

Is your plant-based offering leaving customers hungry for more?

Almost every store now has some form of plant-based option, so how can you make sure your offering stands out?

Bring your business to the forefront of this food revolution by offering the latest innovations from one of the fastest growing food categories – before your competition.

Plant Based World Expo will present the latest cross-category product launches from steaks and fish to pastas, cookies, ice cream and beverages.

Join thousands of decision makers from retail and foodservice. Registration opens this spring!



The Only Professional 100% Plant-Based Food & Beverage Show

It's About Time We Started Talking About Plant-Based

Protein Manufacturing

Plant-based production and manufacturing as a private-label brand

With approximately one-third of Europeans actively limiting their intake of meat and dairy products, consumer demand is shifting towards plant-based products.

In recent years, consumer demand for plant-based protein has often outpaced the industry’s supply chain capabilities. As the alternative protein sector continues to grow, building the ingredients, infrastructure, investment, services, and manufacturing ecosystem will be critical to deliver innovative and delicious foods that not only meet the needs of the consumer but also business objectives both now and in the future.

So, what’s the role of private label brands and how can you differentiate your plant-based product from the increasing number of options on the retail shelf? Here are some actionable tips ahead of this year’s PlantBased Protein Manufacturing Summit taking place on the 12th & 13th of April in Amsterdam.

Integrate novel technologies into your production line

A key trend shaping the future of plant-based meat production is the development of more realistic meat substitutes. As consumers continue to demand plant-based products that not only mimic the taste of conventional meat but also the texture and appearance, it is more important than ever for brands to integrate novel technologies into their production and manufacturing.

Researchers and companies are developing novel and proprietary alternatives to traditional extrusion which have the potential to completely disrupt the market. The rise of innovative processing methods such as shear cell technology, 3D printing, spinning technology, and other novel manufacturing approaches could help private label brands effectively create plant-based products that stand out from the crowd without breaking the bank!

Consider sustainability in your ingredient sourcing and manufacturing. With consumer demand for environmentally friendly products ever increasing, sustainability is becoming an increasingly important consideration in all areas of the plant-based

supply chain. The foundation of any sustainable plant-based product are the raw materials, so sourcing sustainable ingredients is key, but production plants can be very energy intensive so ensuring your factory is as sustainable as possible will make a significant impact on your brand's ability to achieve your sustainability goals. Switching to renewable energy (or supporting your manufacturing partners to do this) is one way to reduce your carbon footprint and could even reduce your overall energy costs over time.

Find the right partners

Creating effective partnerships is the only way to succeed in the plant-based space. Attend The Plant-Based Protein Manufacturing Summit this year and build crucial partnerships with external stakeholders across the supply chain which will support you to grow your plant-based manufacturing capabilities in 2023 and beyond!


Cibus Nexum

Last year we had the pleasure of being introduced to the company Cibus Nexum. We were impressed by their level of expertise in the food industry, particularly concerning manufacturing and plantbased protein. We thought their experience and insight could be useful to our audience of retailers and suppliers, so we decided to learn more about them in a series of Zooms, emails, and WhatsApp communications with founder, Pascal Ruzius. He conceived the initial idea for CN and the business model has been further developed and set up together with Arjen van der Wijk. Stijn de Bats also joined as a shareholder.

We are an Independent center of expertise for food contract manufacturing. We search, find, and onboard the best co-manufacturer for your current or new and innovative food products. This is what we offer:

Food technology WUR

• Experts at the right moment

• Vetted EU co-manufacturing network

• Anonymous search

• End-to-End project management

• Solid gross margin & best time-to-market

“We have experienced that Food Brand owners – from start-ups to large companies – have to keep reinventing the wheel. There is often no structural knowledge guarantee, for example, due to staff turnover and limited current market knowledge, and unclear outsourcing strategy. Food Contract Manufacturers, on the other hand, are often “surprised” by Brand owners and are not sure what is happening to them. This includes matters such as complex tender processes, culture & language barriers, specifications, rigid processes, and hard contract negotiations.

We have experienced that Food Brand owners – from start-ups to large companies – have to keep reinventing the wheel.

Cibus Nexum recognizes this dynamic and knows how to optimize it for both parties.

Food Brand Companies

Innovation Managers, Product Developers, Marketers, and Buyers

Do you have limited market knowledge, and do you lack the capacity to search and find the most suitable Food Contract Manufacturer?

Do you want to change your current Producer or benchmark it?

Then you should bring in Cibus Nexum as your independent intermediary in the food industry.

www.globalretailmag.com 61
Stijn de Bats EDUCATION Pascal Agricultural engineer Arjen van der Wijk EDUCATION Mechanical engineer


What about co-manufacturing?

You might think, involving a third party may bring along additional risks and increase costs. Well, global trends and our experience show quite the opposite. Doing business with a good contract manufacturer brings the following advantages:

• Flexibility and agility to speed up time-to-market

• Scalability to adapt to your growth

• Access to their knowledge and research and development resources

• Save on cost, resources, and assets

• Better budget control in the entire product life cycle.

Of course, you might run into a lot of questions and perhaps not know where to start. Making the right preparations are needed to get the best out of a search for possible candidates.

Need for innovation

In the food industry, continuous innovation, product improvement Time to Market, and

margin retention are absolute prerequisites to gain and maintain a competitive advantage. Preferably you do all this by yourself, at your production location.

Outsourcing production

However, there are plenty of reasons and advantages to outsource production:

• Lower cost

• Higher quality

• Better production capabilities

Our network contains your solution


Cibus Nexum has a vetted manufacturing network, secured knowledge, and an always-expanding set of tools to tackle every outsourcing project.


After we have found the most suitable Food Contract Manufacturer, we jointly proceed from your idea to finished goods. We do this in the following way:

The Art of Outsourcing

we are your independent center of expertise for food contract manufacturing


A post in the Vegconomist stated, “Last week, Bloomberg Businessweek published an article denouncing plant-based meat as just “another fad.” The story, which purports to give a factual picture of the plant-based market through the ups and downs (though gives more of the downs) of Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat — as if other brands worldwide did not exist or play a role in the market — states that “plant-based meat is turning out to be a flop.” https://vegconomist.com/marketing-and-media/impossible-foods-response-bloomberg/

Cibus-Nexum has worked with many suppliers in the plant-based meat space, in your opinion, is this simply another fad?

I wouldn't say it's a fad. It's like building a sandcastle, it is always flooded with new insights, adapted flavors, and recipes. Sometimes you get a bit discouraged, but there is always that period of ebb, new ideas, and better technology; building continues until a solid foundation is laid that can withstand any wave. In the Netherlands, we are already seeing a Plant-based evolution 3.0 that is different (better, more tasteful) than the cellular meat. Rival Foods is a perfect example of this.


Can you speak to the progress some of these companies have made in terms of market penetration, scale, taste, etc.?

There is good adoption of plant-based meat in Europe Wageningen University and its start-ups have made a major contribution to this. Because different streams of plantbased meat have been developed in the meantime, there is a choice for customers.

In addition to the dinner/meat occasion, there are also many morning occasions such as plant-based drinks (Oatly), cheese (Violife), and cold-cut meat from Plant Craft. Throughout the day with plant-based products up to and including the plant-based barista milk of the Frisian flag in your coffee.


What are some of the most challenging obstacles these companies have faced? How have they overcome them?

Plant-based meat companies have faced several challenges, including:

• Cost: Plant-based meat products can still be more expensive than traditional meat, making it difficult for some consumers to switch.

• Scalability: Scaling up production to meet the growing demand for plantbased meat products has been a challenge for many companies, especially as the demand for these products continues to increase.

• Flavor and texture: Creating a product that closely resembles the taste and texture of traditional meat have been a challenge for many companies, and some consumers still prefer the taste of real meat.

• Ingredient sourcing: Sourcing highquality, sustainable ingredients can be difficult and expensive, especially as demand for plant-based meat products increases.

However, many plant-based meat companies have been able to overcome these challenges by investing in research and development, improving their manufacturing processes, and collaborating with food technology experts. For example, some companies have invested in innovative technologies that improve the texture and flavor of their products, while others have formed partnerships with farmers to ensure a reliable supply of high-quality ingredients. Additionally, as the market for plant-based meat continues to grow, many companies are expected to see economies of scale, which will make their products more affordable for consumers.


Where do you see the plant-based market in 5 years? Do you think it will become as mainstream as Organic or a fad as suggested by Bloomberg?

If it may be a worthy alternative to meat, then several things are important, such as taste, structure, appearance, and yes, certainly price.

I expect that in the next 5 years, the most important precondition for a structural sales location/channel (retail, food service) and growth will be the price. People want affordable food if possible plant-based.

This requires the use of efficient Co manufacturers, smarter food technology, upstream sourcing of (preferably local) raw materials, and market introductions with a limited number of SKUs.


How do you work with these companies to improve their business practices and outcomes?

In the food industry, especially the plant-based food industry, continuous innovation, product improvement, Time to Market, and margin retention are absolute prerequisites to gain and maintain a competitive advantage. We help these companies achieve the above-mentioned prerequisites by finding the most suitable co-manufacturers, copackers, or tollers in the world.

And after we have found the most suitable Food Contract Manufacturer, we jointly proceed from the company's idea to finished goods. As an aftersales service, we support our customers with Value engineering projects in the field of recipes, packaging, and production optimization.

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Eating more plant-based foods instead of meat is good for your health and better for the environment and animal welfare. Changing your eating pattern seems easy, just turn the switch to plant-based food, and avoid meat. But from a nutritional view it is not that simple. You still need to get your daily amounts of nutrients, once provided by meat. These are my 7 biggest myths about plant-based food.

Fable 1:

Plant-based foods are not as nutritious as animal-based foods.

Plant-based foods can provide all the essential nutrients needed for a healthy diet. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds all contain important vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Additionally, plant-based diets have been associated with a lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. But there is a difference between a vegan and vegetarian eating pattern. If you eat no animal sources at all, as vegans do, you need to provide yourself with vitamin B12, which is only available in animalbased foods. Vegetarians who also eat eggs, dairy, and sometimes fish do not necessarily have to add B12.

Another nutrient to be keen about is the mineral iron, which is abundant in meat. Plant-based sources, like grains, contain iron, but the bioavailability of this iron is not as good as the iron in meat. When you eat iron-rich plant-based food it is good to combine this with a source rich in vitamin C, like legumes with green leaves. It enhances absorption.

Fable 2: Plant-based diets lack protein.

Plant-based foods such as beans, lentils, quinoa, and nuts are excellent sources of protein. A good variation in plant-based foods, like beans and grains, can provide the complete spectrum of proteins as they contain all the essential amino acids needed for body growth and repair. Essential in its turn means that your body can’t make it, so you should take it in with your food. Many meat substitutes are often made with proteins from beans. Check if they contain extra vitamin B12 and Iron which makes them a complete meat substitute.

Fable 3: Mushrooms are a good meat substitute.

This is a persistent myth. Where did it ever come from? Maybe because mushrooms have something 'meaty' about them? But mushrooms are low in protein and other relevant nutrients necessary for a food to be a good meat substitute. That is why they are counted among the vegetables. Interesting nutritional fact about white mushrooms: if you expose them to sunlight the amount


Fable 4: Plant-based diets are hard to follow.

With the growing availability of plant-based alternatives and the increasing popularity of plant-based diets, it is easier than ever to follow a plant-based diet. Many grocery stores now carry a wide variety of plant-based products and there are also many delicious plant-based recipes available online.

Plant-based diets can be followed by anyone, regardless of their dietary preferences. Many people who eat a plant-based diet still eat small amounts of animal-based products, such as eggs or dairy. It is not necessary to be a vegetarian or vegan to eat more plant-based food. Sometimes people think a plantbased eating pattern is expensive, but in fact, plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes are often less expensive than animal-based foods. Buying in bulk and cooking at home can also help to keep costs down.

Fable 5:

As a vegetarian or vegan you contribute to deforestation because you eat soy products.

Meat and dairy substitutes are often based on soy. Think of a soy drink or a veggie burger. But the amounts we eat worldwide are dwarfed by soy grown for animal feed, which are large quantities (more than 90% of the total production). The latter is an important driver of deforestation in the Amazon region, for example, with disastrous consequences for nature and the climate. In addition, producers of meat and dairy substitutes based on soy consciously source their soy from elsewhere: from Europe, America, or China, for example.

Fable 6: Plant-based diets are low in fat.

While it is true that plant-based diets tend to be lower in saturated fat than animal-based diets, they can still provide a healthy amount of healthy fats. Avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil are all excellent sources of healthy fats. Sources rich in omega-3 fatty acids should be focused on, as this is an essential fatty acid we need in our diet. Marine sources like algae and fatty fish can provide you with this essential. Plant-based alternatives are for example walnuts and oil from rapeseed. Keep in mind the omega-3 oils from plant-based sources do convert not as well as fish-based omega-3 fatty acids. Like omega 3, proteins, iron, and vitamin B12 are good animal-based nutrients. Meats high in saturated fatty acids you better can set aside more often as saturated fat is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases.

Fable 7: There is an ecological optimum in eating meat.

An eye-opener for vegetarians: not eating any meat is not the best thing for the climate! Certainly not if you continue to eat dairy and eggs. It would be a waste of food to bury the hens and cows that have finished laying eggs and giving milk. You better eat their meat. Furthermore, pigs and chickens are omnivores, which you can easily feed on leftovers from the food industry. The amount of meat you generate with this, however, is a lot less than what we eat now; there is enough for everyone if we limit our meat consumption to once a week.

For more information:


Hans Kraak

Hans Kraak is educated in biology and journalism and wrote three books about nutrition and health. He worked for the Dutch ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food quality and the Netherlands Nutrition Centre. As editor in chief he publishes in the Dutch Magazine for Nutrition and Dietetics, as a food and wine writer he published in Meininger’s Wine Business International and reports for PLMA Live EU and PLMA USA.

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Consumers are becoming more focused on their health, sustainability, as well as food ethics. This presents a unique opportunity for food brands to take advantage of the growth of the plant-based industry. The global plant-based meat market size is projected to reach $24.8 billion by 2030. Here are 4 essential aspects


Brands must be bold when promoting alternative meat products. A recent McKinsey survey found that 82% of respondents rated plant proteins as healthy, while only 74% said the same for animal protein. Emphasizing the health benefits of plant-based meats like low sodium content, and high amino acids, offer something that traditional meat cannot compete with.

Consumers also care more about neutralizing their environmental impact more than ever and consistently lean towards eco-friendly options.

Because of this, brands must not shy away from promoting the sustainability of their products, especially in comparison to traditional meat.

Boldness is essential in the packaging of plant-based meat, especially as the market becomes more saturated. Visual cues and design elements like environmental certifications or a “green” logo make a product stand out from the rest of the products on the shelf. Even taking a sustainable approach to packaging with things like reduced plastic can make an already unique product even more appealing.


One of the main reasons consumers shy away from plant-based options is their hesitations about the taste. There is a perception that vegan food can be bland and boring, and this is something that brands must overcome.

By highlighting ways that alternative meats can be presented and sharing recipes for everyday life, the customer experience of eating real meat can be mirrored. Mirroring the experience of eating real meat with classic, descriptive food advertising can help overcome the idea that vegan food falls into a different category than “regular” food.



Only 6% of the U.S. population is vegan, so a good strategy is to focus on non-plant-based eaters. Branching out to flexitarian consumers will also expand the currently limited customer base and create a long-lasting habit in the diets of consumers.

A flexitarian can be defined as someone who limits their meat intake when possible, without adhering to a strict vegetarian diet. The goal should be to get people to try something new, in the hopes that they return for more and share eating alternative meat options with their friends and family. By acknowledging their hesitations while communicating all the benefits of plant-based meat, new customers will be more receptive to an alternative meat product.

In Google’s Year in Search report, the search “vegan food near me” was named as a breakthrough search after experiencing a 5,000% increase in 2021. From Burger King , to Starbucks , and everywhere in between, it is becoming the norm to offer plant-based options and something consumers expect from quick service restaurants.

A Gallup poll found that one in four Americans reported eating less meat in the past year than they had previously, indicating that the spike in plant-based options is not coming solely from dedicated vegans and vegetarians, but instead from flexitarians looking to dip their toes in the water of alternative meat.


Strong social media marketing campaigns continue to push the popularity of plant-based meat. For example, Beyond Meat recently introduced their new Chief Taste Consultant, Kim Kardashian. Kim’s fame, along with the fact that she is not fully vegan, creates a perfect face for the brand.

With over 326 million Instagram followers, her influence is undeniable, and her promo videos inspiring others to try the brand’s products keep the brand relevant. Kim Kardashian is not the first of Beyond Meat’s celebrity ambassadors, however. Other partners include Kevin Hart, Snoop Dogg, Shaun White, Deandre Hopkins, etc. Including pop culture celebrities along

with professional athletes, not only emphasizes the idea that these products are cool to try, but also that they are healthy.

Another successful aspect of Beyond Meat’s social media strategy is their connection with the public. They use the best micro-influencers they know—their customers. This is done through reposting customer content, testimonials, and reviews, that show what real people think of their brand. This strategy also makes their advertising seem not only more personal and down to earth, but also simply more believable.

As the plant-based meat industry continues to grow, and meatless diets become more attractive, brands will continually need to adapt to the changing environment and find new ways to attract hesitant consumers.

The continuous fight to destigmatize alternative meat does not end here, but with a consumer population that is increasingly connected to personal health and environmental issues, the industry has a bright future.


Victoria Barrell is a rising senior at Rutgers University majoring in Marketing and minoring in Political Science with a concentration in Global Business. Throughout her internship at SGK, Victoria has focused on content strategy and analytics, social media, email marketing, and writing. Victoria is a certified Prosci change management practitioner with a passion for identifying opportunities to drive businesses forward.

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It would be easy for PriceSmart to maintain the status quo with their private brand, Member’s Selection. It’s an enormously popular and trusted brand throughout the twelve countries and one U.S. Territory that PriceSmart has a presence in and has long been considered a success for the retailer, which is the largest operator of membership warehouse clubs in Central America, the Caribbean and Colombia.

But instead of complacency, PriceSmart chose to look ahead to what their members will expect in coming years and chose to redesign Member’s Selection in a way that illustrates the high level of quality and innovation members can expect from Member’s Selection, a brand already known and loved for the value it offers to PriceSmart members.

We are so pleased to partner with PriceSmart as their agency for this brand redesign. The challenge was huge, but so was the opportunity. Member’s Selection is not only immensely popular, but it also is a mainstay in PriceSmart members’ homes. It’s one thing to redesign a struggling brand- fixing known issues and outdated design are easy wins. It’s quite another thing to improve a brand that’s already a success!

PriceSmart’s Member’s Selection brand has always put high quality and value first, and PriceSmart members know that. Our task was to assure members that the quality and value they know and love is here to stay, while adding a feel of innovation to the brand. We want to tell members that PriceSmart is staying at the forefront of the industry to get them the best products at the best value, while keeping the brand and products they already love.

The resulting design speaks to customers in a way that’s friendly, fresh and inviting — keeping existing trust

while adding that innovative feel to the brand. A category-specific design strategy drives this home and ensures members that PriceSmart is bringing them the best possible product in each category. And bright colors and lively imagery on clean white backgrounds reinforce these qualities and even freshen up the feel of PriceSmart clubs. After all, in a club environment where private brands have a large share of shelf space, a private brand redesign can change the customer shopping experience in a big way.

It’s a gamble to shake up a large, successful private brand program, but we’re proud that PriceSmart put their faith in MBD as their agency and that we continue to earn their trust after over eight years of working together. With this new redesign, PriceSmart showed its members that it puts their experience first. In that way, Member’s Selection has gone back to its roots- putting members first and showing them that it will continue to earn their trust and a place in their homes.




This design puts what matters to members front and center: highquality ingredients and happy pets. The imagery is bright and lively, and it pops against the white background and bold variety colors.


PriceSmart not only caters to households, but to small business owners as well. This is an example of a product that appeals to both types of members. The design shows all the features of the product while still keeping the imagery as the main focus.


PriceSmart wanted a nostalgic feel with a modern twist that stands out in a category with many repeated themes. This design delivers on the theme while staying modern and on-brand.


This refreshed design kept the colors and feel of an already successful product. The fonts and callouts are simplified and the title kept on a clean background to make this pop on shelf.


A previously crowded, illustration-heavy design was simplified to give the title and Member's Selection logo more room to breathe. The result is a fresh-feeling design that looks great in-club and in members’ homes.


A creative and workflow expert in the retail landscape, Maria’s 30year career translates branding experiences into eye-catching design that is unique and distinct for each client. She has created new private brands and redesigned/repositioned existing brands with leading retailers, while also implementing workflow management systems specifically tailored to the clients’ needs. With SKU counts from 1,000 to more than 10,000 annually, Maria focuses on scalable design excellence, and large private brand portfolios reinvention and innovative execution.

Alison Hom Engleson


This sporty look with a punchy color scheme makes a strong impression in club, while specific callouts show customers that the product has the features they're looking for.


A bulk item is modernized with a punchy, playful feel. Illustrations and photography work together to make this stand out in a category that often fades into the background in-club.

Alison joined the Marketing by Design team in 2016. After managing over 2,500 projects for large retail brands, including PriceSmart, she took on the challenge of the role of Director of Operations and now spends her time supporting MBD employees and ensuring that MBD’s clients receive the best work possible.

www.globalretailmag.com 69


For decades retail own brands have been optimizing their physical instore shelf presence and shopper experience through shelf location, strategic end aisles and time spent analyzing consumers’ in-store behaviors when shopping their brands.

Online however, most retailers marketing their own brands have created a less-than-optimized shopping experience that consists of consumers wading through countless thumbnail-sized photographs of their products. These thumbnails are often an exact scaled-down version of their on-shelf design and become a bad reproduction when viewed, particularly for mobile commerce.

An IRCE report concludes that, for 75% of customers, the quality of the images is the most important driver of purchasing decisions. This is where optimization becomes vital.

Online design optimization is the act of making sure your online marketing lives up to its fullest potential, helping drive your brand’s growth and market share. By modifying the information being delivered in your thumbnail product images, design optimization helps steers consumers into buying what they can now recognize, rather than helping them compare products or try something new.

Tips for online design optimization of thumbnails

• Highlight the most important characteristics of your product

• Simplify your design so these characteristics stand out (i.e., the amount of cookies in a bag, the variety, key benefits)

• Remove any information that does not increase sellability

If amplifying some information by removing other information concerns you, remember that the thumbnail’s job is just to bring people to your product page, where you have room to highlight other important information. Optimization is just as important on the product page as the thumbnails. It is here, on the product page, where consumers make the decision whether or not to buy an item.

Tips for online design optimization of product pages

• Have more than one image of your product, with alternative views

• Have a clear emphasis on features and benefits

• Test readability on all devices, including phones

Optimizing your packaging images online design serves one purpose for retailers: it makes it easier for consumers to pick your products in the growing online marketplace.

It’s one of the quickest and most cost-effective changes you can implement right now.

Rebecca Hamilton

Rebecca is the CEO of award-winning Fish Agency and sister agency Whitespace Brands Inc. With over 30 years of experience, she has established herself as one of North America’s leaders in the fields of strategic branding, retail design, and communications for clients in the retail sector.

Under Rebecca’s oversight, the Fish Agency brings brands to life at retail and has consistently delivered high ROI-generating retail experiences for its clients. She mentors and leads highly experienced and integrated teams that provide store design, package design for CPG and private brands, digital/social initiatives, “phygital” experiences, and advertising services.


of customers, the quality of the images is the most important driver of purchasing decisions
Straight from the source to your store “Fair Trade, Organic, BRC Grade A and a single-ingredient company are some of the things we pride ourselves on” Fair Trade Organic Certified Harvesting. Manufacturing. Distribution. Single source YOUR BRAND Powered by COPRA COCONUTS Pure100% CoconutWater 1 2 917.224.1727 info@coprawater.com copracoconuts.com We are on a mission to change the world for the better through the amazing potential of coconuts


In 2023 the Velocity Institute is committed to growing Retailer-owned Brands (private labels, private brands, store brands, own brands) through an expansion of our event and experiential offerings. The slate of events includes seven cities: Toronto, Canada, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Charlotte, North Carolina, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Austin, Texas, Chicago, Illinois, and two Live Online Summits.

This year the Retail-owned Brand industry will not have to wait for a once-a-year gathering, the Velocity Institute is taking some of the best elements of live and virtual events and bringing them to industry significant experiences around the world.

Registration is now open for all 2023 events.


April 18, 2023


This 2-hour fast-paced FREE online event is hyper-focused on innovation and private brand. Highlighting the trends, strategies, and emerging insights private brand retailers and manufacturers need to innovate and manage their brands and products.


March 23, 2023

Oakland Park, FL

This networking event is designed to bring the industry together over a craft beer or cocktail to reconnect and re-engage.


May 16-18, 2023

Charlotte, NC

In 2023, our marque event the Velocity Institute Conference +Expo will feature an exclusive lineup of speakers from the world’s top retailers, as well as challengers and thought leaders. Each discusses cutting-edge strategy, branding, sourcing, trends, and insights.

Velocity will also feature a curated Innovation Expo designed to highlight the solution partners and manufacturers driving the industry forward.



Velocity Conference + Expo | 5.17.23

Charlotte, North Carolina

Celebrate the winners of the 10th Anniversary Vertex Awards at a ceremony in Charlotte, NC at the end of the day at the Velocity Conference + Expo.


Amsterdam, Netherlands, 5.22.23 | FREE

This event will bring the industry together in Amsterdam to celebrate the winners of the 10th Anniversary Vertex Awards. Attendees will mix and mingle over cocktails and hors-d’oeuvres to accept trophies, network, and celebrate great design.


Toronto, Canada, 6.8.23 | FREE

This networking event is designed to bring the industry together over a craft beer or cocktail to reconnect and re-engage.


September 27-28, 2023

Austin, TX

Our goal is to ask questions and challenge existing answers – about private brand: sustainable packaging, equitable sourcing, and authentic marketing – and we are not the only curious ones. The fourth annual Sustainability Summit is a day to find the answers that help you get closer to what “sustainable” means to you and your customers. And how it can create loyalty, differentiation, and profitability


Chicago, Illinois | 11.13.23 | FREE

End the long day on the PLMA trade show floor with a cocktail and a conversation. Meet and mingle with the private brand industry at Kings Dining & Entertainment Rosemont steps away from the PLMA Trade Show at the Donald E. Stephens Convention & Conference Center.


Virtual | 2.14.23 | FREE

This 2-hour fast-paced FREE online event will dive deep into the current state of the private brand industry. Presentations and panels will include insights from exclusive consumer and industry research as well as executive insights from retailers, manufacturers, and solution partners.

Christopher Durham

Christopher Durham is the president of the Velocity Institute. Prior to this he founded the groundbreaking site My Private Brand. He is the co-founder of The Vertex Awards. He began his retail career building brands at Food Lion and Lowe’s Home Improvement. Durham has worked with retailers around the world, including Albertsons, Family Dollar, Petco, Staples, Office Depot, Best Buy, Metro Canada. Durham has published seven definitive books on private brands, including Fifty2: The My Private Brand Project and Vanguard: Vintage Originals.

www.globalretailmag.com 73


Hybrid business models in the retail space blend traditional, brick-andmortar operations and aspects of e-commerce, such as buy online, pick up in store (BOPIS).

Stores have seen a massive increase in the number of customers using BOPIS and those making purchases from digital and physical stores. It was becoming increasingly popular before the pandemic, especially for food and beverage retailers, to offer mobile ordering services and other convenient shopping options. COVID-19 merely accelerated the pace at which these options were offered.

Fighting for a customer’s attention is becoming increasingly hard, especially with all modern consumers’ options, from which store to shop at to what brand they want to buy.

Brick-and-mortar stores can no longer rely on foot traffic to keep revenue coming. It’s becoming increasingly necessary for retailers to incorporate some aspects of e-commerce into their business models.

How Hybrid Models Benefit Retailers

Several benefits make hybrid retailing a solid choice for most retailers, but this business model may not be effective for every brickand-mortar store. Here are some ways hybrid models benefit stores and their customers.

Strengthens the Customer's Post-Purchase Experience

Although customers' post-purchase experiences are sometimes overlooked, they can provide retailers with plenty of insights about their hybrid store's performance. For example, if most customers doing BOPIS return their items due to damage, retail managers can stress the importance of handling packages carefully to their employees.

A top priority for any retailer is to reduce the number of returns coming back into the store. Hybrid models allow customers to mail products back using online shipping labels or make in-store returns. This degree of flexibility helps the company and its employees.

Tech Integrations Drive Efficiency

Another benefit of hybrid business models in retail is that employees can reach higher levels of productivity and efficiency. Hybrid retailers rely on digital technologies — such as a good point of sale (POS) system and an e-commerce platform — so employees throughout the supply chain can benefit from automated tasks.

Brick-andmortar stores can no longer rely on foot traffic to keep revenue coming

Modern retail platforms can leverage artificial intelligence- (AI) and machine learning- (ML) based solutions to take over monotonous tasks or those prone to human error. Gaining more supply chain visibility allows for better management, which is critical in the retail sector.

Provides Customers With More Options

Customers have a few options to choose from when engaging with retailers in a hybrid shopping environment. BOPIS, having a complete shopping experience or visiting a store and ordering products online to be sent directly to their doorstep are some examples.

These options accommodate techsavvy customers and those looking to avoid long checkout times in a brickand-mortar store. Brands that offer their customers many purchasing options can build brand recognition and loyalty more easily.

How to Implement a Hybrid Retail Model

Here are some tips retailers should consider if they want to or are considering adopting a hybrid model in their stores.

Give Customers the Freedom to Choose

The retailer must give customers plenty of purchase options with a hybrid model. Another way to meet customer expectations, especially in the e-commerce space, is to allow them to purchase multiple sizes, colors or products with free returns. Take the lingerie brand SOMA, for example.

The company allows customers to purchase bras with a risk-free return policy. People can even wash their undergarments before returning — these policies go the extra mile to keep shoppers satisfied and returning.

Offer Flexible Payment Options

Another way to implement a hybrid model is to accept several forms of payment from customers.

Things like Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, Venmo and other financial services are now accepted at major retailers and big box stores. Retailers looking to go hybrid should follow suit.

Provide Customized Shopping Experiences

Every customer, no matter what retail store they're shopping at, wants a customized experience. There are a few ways to incorporate customized shopping experiences on an e-commerce platform, including:

● Creating offers based on specific user behaviors while browsing

● Personalizing email marketing campaigns

● Offering upsells and cross-sells

● Showing products that align with a customer's geographic location

Companies can track metrics, such as items sitting in a customer's online cart, product pages visited by a user and other insights.

Leveraging Hybrid Models in an Evolving Retail Landscape

The retail world is constantly changing. Retailers must be willing to adapt their business models based on the changing needs of the industry and their consumers. Companies should determine if a hybrid business model is right for them and if it will prove beneficial in the long run.

Emily Newton

Emily Newton is the Editor-in-Chief of Revolutionized Magazine. She has over six years covering stories about warehousing, logistics and distribution.

www.globalretailmag.com 75 EMILY NEWTON Editor-in-Chief REVOLUTIONIZED MAGAZINE


Over 2,900 Companies From More Than 64 Countries Will Attend

16-20 MARCH 2023 BOLOGNA

The 54th edition of Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna is back with growing numbers. The leading b2b event for the beauty industry will be held from 16th to 20th March 2023 in Bologna. The show will gather over 2.900 companies (+11% compared to 2022) from 64 countries under one roof. Preregistered visitors represent 116 countries and regions. 29 country pavilions will attend with small and medium companies from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, California, China, Czech Republic, Ecuador, France, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Latvia, Poland, Romania, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, and USA. Argentina, Australia, India, and Romania are new participants and Ireland will attend the exhibition with its National Agency.

Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna will attract global buyers thanks to the support of ITA, Italian Trade Agency. Delegations of buyers, retailers, and distributors from the most strategic markets, such as North America, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Oceania will meet Cosmoprof 2023 exhibitors to discover new, innovative solutions. The interaction with the Health & Beauty network, part of BolognaFiere Cosmoprof, will bring to Bologna a delegation of top buyers representing

the European professional distribution Cosmopack, the area dedicated to the companies of the supply chain, and Cosmo Perfumery & Cosmetics, with the players of the retail channel and of prestige e mass market, will open from Thursday to Saturday, since foreigner operators prefer to concentrate business meetings in the working days. Cosmo Hair, Nail & Beauty Salon, the salon dedicated to the professional channel, will maintain the traditional 4-day opening, from Friday to Monday, in order to welcome the operators when salons and beauty salons are closed.

To facilitate the networking and the commercial relationships the Cosmoprof My Match digital platform will be renewed. The exclusive Cosmoprof software allows stakeholders to organize their stay at the event, with the possibility to select brands and suppliers that will best fit their commercial activity.



New for 2023 edition, the Ingredients Zone is a new exhibition area in Hall 20 dedicated to producers and distributors of raw materials, active principles and functional ingredients, essential oils, fragrances, and formulation services. These players already attended the fair as visitors, but from this year they will benefit of a higher visibility to optimize the relationships with the worldwide leading contractors that are exhibiting at Cosmopack. From the Ingredients Zone the ingredient sector will also develop in other Cosmopack halls, creating a path covering new launches in ingredients and fragrances. Raw materials and ingredients will be one of the main protagonists of the Cosmopack Factory, which for the 2023 edition will focus on the potentiality related to track&trace technologies.


will host the new proposals and main curiosities of the prestige and premium perfumery and of the green and natural collections for retail. The Beauty Tech area in hall 22 winks at young generations, too. Innovation, 3D/AI/AR/VR solutions and revolutionary apps will be the common thread of the area. The most interesting players in the tech sector will present services and tools which attract consumers that are more prone to lean into the new digital potentiality. Companies from 6 different countries will participate: Croatia, India, Korea, Slovakia, Taiwan, and Turkey.

The attendance of the main leaders for the professional channel at Cosmoprof 2023 is the best image of the recovery of the professional beauty salon, hair and nail sector, exhibiting from Friday to Monday at COSMO HAIR, NAIL & BEAUTY SALON. The halls will host 38% of all Cosmoprof exhibitors (+23% compared to 2022) with representatives from 48 countries. Events, insights, and dedicated initiatives will enrich the visit of distributors, salon owners and operators, which in Bologna will find new suggestions to adapt at the new consumers’ needs.


www.globalretailmag.com 77



From legume pasta to vegetable pasta without carbohydrates, from avocado oil to dates, from vegetable yogurt to Yaupon: these are among the food trends of 2023, the “plant-based” proposals for food choices that respect the environment and health. Among the main drivers of consumption in Italy and in the world, sustainability and healthy eating will be protagonists at SANA, the international exhibition of organic and natural products, scheduled at BolognaFiere from 7 to 10 September 2023.

The first major chance of the 35th edition is the exclusive B2B focus of the event, now aimed exclusively at the professional sector. Organised by BolognaFiere in cooperation with FederBio, AssoBio and Cosmetica Italia, SANA 2023 is the leading international trade fair for the organic and natural sector in Italy and, thanks to its collaboration with a wide international network and ITA - Italian Trade Agency, is increasingly expanding its reach abroad.

The change of pace is already in the opening dates, changed to meet the needs of visitors. SANA FOOD will take place from Thursday 7th to Saturday 9th of September. SANA CARE & BEAUTY and SANA GREEN LIFESTYLE areas will be open from Thursday 7th to Sunday 10th of September.

SANA FOOD, the exhibition area for organic and natural agri-food, will introduce a space dedicated to the “plant-based” vegetable world, created in collaboration with V-Label. Another area will be dedicated to healthy eating, providing visibility to products for people who are allergic, intolerant or simply sensitive and will showcase free-from and reach-in products.

The Breakfast area, as well as the Aperitif area (in partnership with Slow Food), are confirmed, with the presentation of innovative and quality products designed for these specific occasions.

SANA CARE & BEAUTY, the showcase of products and cosmetics for natural and organic body care, supplements and medicinal herbs, and SANA GREEN LIFESTYLE, with solutions and services for a sustainable everyday life, will expand and complete the exhibition proposal.


Created together with Tecniche Nuove, the VIA DELLE ERBE is back with workshops and insights for herbal professionals and an exhibition on White Herbs.

SANATECH, the exhibiting area that completes the entire sector supply chain, the ideal space for all players to present the main solutions and innovations for the organic process, from the raw material to the finished product, is confirmed. SANA NOVITÀ (Novelty Area) also returns with the exhibition dedicated to the exhibitors’ new products.

What’s ‘New on SANA’ is a special exhibition area that will turn the spotlight on start-ups and young companies in all sectors of SANA.


SANA 2023 will be opened by the Organic States General with “Rivoluzione Bio”. The Overview of the Organic Sector is promoted by BolognaFiere, in collaboration with FederBio and AssoBio– as part of the BEING ORGANIC IN EU project managed by FederBio in partnership with Naturland DE and co-financed by the EU under EU Reg. n.1144/2014 – and promoted with the organisational secretariat of Nomisma. The event will also host the presentation of the SANA Survey compiled with the support of ITA.

www.globalretailmag.com 79


20th Edition Scheduled For 16 & 17 January 2024

16-17 JANUARY 2024


More than 17,000 operators and visitors (40% more than last year). More than 900 exhibitors (+10%), for more than 2,500 brands. Boom in international participation. All indicators project the event towards a further expansion in 2024.

Marca by BolognaFiere celebrates a result beyond expectations, laying the foundation for 2024, the year of the 20th edition, with ever greater growth. Organized in collaboration with ADM - the Italian Association for Grocery Retail and with the support of the Emilia-Romagna Region and the Bologna Chamber of Commerce, the exhibition closed the 2023 edition recording an improvement in performance in quantitative and qualitative terms. Crowded galleries, dozens of conferences, well-attended meetings, and stands with the best of Made in Italy, food and nonfood were on display. There’s a strong drive towards internationalization, an essential element for a growing future. With this in mind, planning for the 2024 edition is underway, with innovations that will enhance its strategic and authoritative positioning within the Italian and international exhibition scene.

More than 17,000 operators and visitors (40% more than last year) crowded the six exhibition halls and 23,000 square meters of exhibition space. A larger number of exhibitors, more than 900 companies (+10%), along with more than 2,500 brands invested significantly in the quality of their stands, further confirming the importance of this event. The involvement of 4 additional large Grocery Retail groups brought the total to 22 representing the country’s leading retailers. All the retail groups sat on the Marca by BolognaFiere Technical Scientific Steering Committee and showcased their new private label products to an international public. Their stands were filled with a variety of interesting food and non-food products, many of them related to specific moments of consumption, like breakfast, evening drinks and aperitifs.

Thousands of operators participated in Marca by BolognaFiere’s scientific program, which offered an opportunity to get up to speed on everything related to Private Labels through conferences, presentations of market data, workshops and specialized meetings. The packed opening conference was one of the main events: it was organized by ADM, Marca by BolognaFiere and The European HouseAmbrosetti, in collaboration with Ipsos and IRi, and included the presentation of the latest Position Paper by The European House-Ambrosetti, a study by Ipsos on the social and economic climate, and the 19th Marca by BolognaFiere Report, the annual snapshot of the role of Private Labels outlined by IRI


Innovation and sustainability were the keywords at the themed trade events Marca Fresh and Marca Tech. The former, focusing on fruit and vegetables and organized for the past three years in collaboration with SGMarketing, and involving more than 50 exhibiting companies. Claudio Scalise, partner SGMARKETING commented: “The fair has confirmed its role as a highly effective and efficient platform for trade and business relations for the world of fresh produce. We witnessed considerable success in terms of participation and interest from the operators also in the conferences that offered opportunities for in-depth analysis and discussion with the Grocery Retail sector."

Marca Tech, with its 1,500 square meters and the participation of more than 60 companies, has now become a key hub for companies that want to stay up-todate on the most innovative proposals for sustainable logistics and sustainable packaging using biodegradable and compostable materials.

There was great excitement too at the International Buyer Lounge where more than 3.000 B2B meetings took place between exhibiting companies and visiting foreign delegations. The market’s big return to Marca by BolognaFiere was, in fact, a success that exceeded expectations on the international front as well, registering the attendance of more than 200 foreign buyers of the highest quality. Many had come from North and South America, Eastern European countries (Romania and Slovenia) and Western Europe (France, Denmark, Germany and Great Britain) as well as Israel and Saudi Arabia. The arrival of foreign buyers was the result of both the well-established partnership with ITA- the Italian Trade Agency for the promotion and internationalization of Italian companies and BolognaFiere’s strong push towards internationalization.

In Asia, particularly in China, BolognaFiere is present with its own company organizing Marca China, (Shenzhen, June 6-8, 2023), in cooperation with the Shenzhen Retail Association. Some Chinese chains were present at Marca 2023 (Ren Ren Le and Su Ning Yi Pin with their own showcase). In North Africa, a Marca by BolognaFiere road-show in Casablanca is planned for the autumn, in the wake of the excellent results of the Morocco delegation and the many Halal-certified companies taking part observed during the fair. Also on the international and export front, there was considerable participation in the International Private Label Selection (IPLS) Award, promoted by Marca by BolognaFiere in collaboration with IPLC which selected the ten private label products considered most interesting and innovative for international markets.

“We are genuinely proud,” explained Gianpiero Calzolari, President of BolognaFiere, “of the results achieved at the 19th edition of Marca by BolognaFiere. We’ve seen the exhibition halls packed with thousands of operators, conferences attended beyond expectations, hundreds and hundreds of business meetings, a very high number of products and companies on display and the excellence of Made in Italy products, both food and non-food. Thank you to ADM, our long-term partner in organizing the fair, thank you to ITA- the Italian Trade Agency that supports us in the push for internationalization and growth,and thank you to all the operators, retail groups and companies that took the opportunity to achieve this success and who, even in these particularly difficult times, wanted to be here to invest in the future.”

“Marca 2023 has confirmed its role as an important event for our economic sector,” commented Marco Pedroni, president of ADM, “an opportunity for direct discussions between all those involved in the sector. This edition also gained significant national recognition. The presence of Minister Lollobrigida and other government representatives obviously generated extra attention. For ADM, it was an opportunity to reiterate the central role that Grocery Retail plays, a role that is all the more important given the current scenario filled with uncertainty as a result of inflation, raw material supply issues and the current international situation.”


www.globalretailmag.com 81



As the most comprehensive play-focused event for scouting the hottest products and latest trends dominating the toy aisles, Toy Fair 2023 will be reimagined to provide stakeholders with even more tools, experiences, and insights to succeed in an ever-evolving play landscape.

“If you’ve attended Toy Fair in the past, you know firsthand the joy of engaging with the nearly thousand companies exhibiting products that put a fresh twist on the classics, breath innovation into different play categories, and underscore trends stemming from retail, pop culture, and entertainment,” said Kimberly Carcone, executive vice president of global market events. “Toy Fair’s legacy as the most sought-out toy, game, and play product show lives on, but this year’s show will also reflect the electrifying new realities and opportunities of the industry.”

In addition to a new fall timeframe that better aligns with buyer-seller marketplace schedules and emphasizes the show’s continued commitment to its core buying and selling activity, Toy Fair will lean further into its position as a meeting ground for education, media access, ideation, and relationship-building with new initiatives and programming. Toy Fair University sessions will address everything from the evolution of retail to supply chain challenges, toy trends, the metaverse, product safety, and more. A new exhibitor initiative will encourage more engagement between exhibitors and buyers and global media — and reward those exhibitors that go the extra mile to produce the most playful, welcoming, and attractive booths through Toy Fair’s inaugural Reimagination Awards.

The influence of global trends and parallel industries on toys will also be felt this fall thanks to new dedicated product zones and new showcases and pavilions. The World of Toys Pavilion in partnership with Spielwarenmesse eG will spotlight brands and playthings from around the world; A Halloween Pavilion will dig into the influence of Halloween-related products and experiences; A new “Hot for Holiday” displays will key in to what families will be vying for in Q4 2023; And a new “Pet Playce” section will put the focus on playful products for furry family members.

“With 95 percent of available booth space already sold and many more exciting announcements coming soon, the anticipation and excitement for Toy Fair’s return is undeniable,” said Carcone. “We can’t wait to reunite the industry and strengthen the business of play at the crossroads of the world this fall. Who else is ready to play?”

Toy Fair will take place at the Javits Convention Center from Saturday, September 30 to Wednesday, October 3, 2023.



Make Connections in Person

Get First Looks For 2024

Discover the latest and greatest innovations to delight customers across the industry’s most expansive show floor — then take advantage of the robust education program to build your business savvy and find solutions to your toughest challenges, from supply chain issues and market consolidation to the changing face of retail — all at Toy Fair this fall!

Retailer registration will open April 15, 2023

The most iconic trade show in the industry is evolving.
your place in the business of PLAY... Toy Fair is for YOU!
Stay Up To Date on Trends
the Top New Playthings


The Special Edition concluded has come to an end with enthusiastic results and great appreciations. From 16 to 18 November at Singapore Expo key players and stakeholders met under one roof to redefine the future of beauty in the Asia-Pacific region.

Covering an exhibition area of up to 50,000 sqm, over 1,000 exhibitors from 40 countries and regions presented their new proposals to retail outlets, distributors, wholesalers, finished products and packaging manufacturers, hair and beauty salons owners, who gathered in Singapore from all over the world thanks to the welcoming receptive offer of Singapore towards foreign visitors, and the support provided by the Singapore Tourism Board.

The presence of 18 national and group pavilions from Australia, California, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mainland China, Malaysia, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Türkiye, UK and the first-timer Global Shea Alliance, with 10 exhibitors from 4 West African countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Togo) gave attendees a global perspective on emerging trends.

Around 300 selected buyers from across the world, including Australia, ASEAN countries, India, Korea, Japan, Europe, Middle East, and the US, were part of the Cosmoprof Asia 2022 Buyer Programme with scheduled meetings with suppliers and companies with common interests during the 3-day show.

Thanks to digital advancement, exhibitors and pre-registered buyers could make use of the AI-driven Match&Meet platform to plan ahead for the 3-day exhibition by previewing target suppliers/ buyers’ profiles and pre-scheduling onsite meetings efficiently,

Together with avant-garde novelties, top quality networking opportunities and performing business tools, Cosmoprof Asia offered special initiatives and projects enriching the experience of attendees and companies in Singapore increasing chances for the development of new commercial partnerships.

CosmoTalks, the educational programme by Cosmoprof and Cosmopack 2022, presented key trends, experts and analysts in 13 sessions. Among the partners who took part in Cosmotalks 2022 are

APSWC (Asia Pacific Spa Wellness Coalition), Asia Cosme Lab, BEAUTYSTREAMS, Biorius, Cosmetics Design, CTFAS (The Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association of Singapore), Ecovia Intelligence, Global Shea Alliance, Mintel, Reach24, Republic Polytechnic, and re-sources.com.

In an exclusive collaboration for Cosmoprof and Cosmopack Asia, the international trend agency BEAUTYSTREAMS presented the CosmoTrends Report, showcasing key trends spotted among the exhibitors, and highlighting notable brands and products anticipated to have a strong impact on consumers in the Asia-Pacific market. The report presents a unique overview of the latest trends for buyers, press, influencers, and trend scouters.


Shows 82




JULY 11 – 13, 2023



Orlando, FL USA

P +1 800 335 7469



LEBANON, ISRAEL BolognaFiere Cosmoprof S.p.a.

Milan, Italy

P +39 02 796 420

F +39 02 795 036



Hong Kong

P +852 3709 4988





JANUARY 23 – 25, 2024


Mumbai, India

P +91 98 3389 8098

F +91 22 6172 7273




Certified Origins / 25

Copra Coconuts / 72

Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna / 15

Cosmoprof North America / 85


Frostkrone Food Group / 27

Global Tissue Group / Inside Front Cover Spread, Back Cover

La Doria S.p.A / 29

LeBonta srl / 6 - 7

Lucart S.p.A / 13 & 31

Marca Bologna 2024 / 16-17

MBD (Marketing By Design) / 19

Pacific Coast Producers / 11

Plant Based World Expo / 59

PLMA’s World of Private Label Amsterdam / 9

SANA Bologna / 79

Seneca Foods / 5

Valsa Group / 35



Mr. Jacco van Laar

Global Retail Brands magazine

Herman de Manstraat 29 3842 AT Harderwijk, The Netherlands

Tel. +31 (0) 6 13 68 18 08


Ms. Luisa Colombo Italy


Ms. Sabine Geissler Italy / Germany Greentaste.it s.geissler@greentaste.it


Mr. Phillip Russo

Global Retail Brands magazine

240 Central Park South, Suite 9G New York, NY 10019 USA

Tel. +1 917 743 6711 phillip@globalretailmag.com


Velocity Conference and
Cover Next Issues... MAY 2023 PLMA Amsterdam Issue AD CLOSE: 1 April OCTOBER 2023 ANUGA Issue AD CLOSE: 1 September 7-11 October 2023 Cologne
Vertex Awards / 33 Vlabel / 37
Expo / Inside Back
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Articles inside


pages 84-86


pages 82-83


pages 80-81


pages 78-79


pages 76-77


pages 74-75


pages 72-73


pages 70-71


pages 68-69


pages 66-67


pages 64-65


pages 62-63

Cibus Nexum

page 61

It's About Time We Started Talking About Plant-Based

page 60

Beyond the Burger: Is Your Plant-Based Assortment Satisfying Customers?

pages 58-59

The Challenges Ahead

page 57

The Own Brand Opportunity

pages 55-56

Brand Blurring & Brand Loyalty

page 55

How CPG Manufacturers And Brands Are Driving Plant-Based

pages 53-54

How Retailers Are Driving Plant-Based

page 52

The Importance of the Flexitarian

page 51

Charting the Future of Plant-Based Foods Growth In The Future

page 50

The Facts Are Compelling

pages 48-49

THE HERBIVORES’ HEYDAY Charting the Future

pages 47-48


pages 44, 47


page 44


page 43


page 43


page 42


page 41


page 40


page 39

Meet Your Next Great Supplier at PLMA’s “World Of Private Label” International Trade Show The World’s Leading Private Label B2B Event

page 38

Freedom Of Choice Is A Right; Clearly Communicating The Characteristics Of A Product Is A Duty

page 36


pages 33-35

People Innovation Sustainability

pages 30-33


page 28

Frostkrone Turns The Potato Into A Veggie Hit

pages 26-27


pages 23-24


page 23

PLMA - A Unique Organization for a Unique Industrytr

pages 22-23

The store brands business is booming

pages 18, 20-22

Store Brand Sales Surge 11.3% to $228.6 Billion

page 18


pages 10, 12-16
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