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"The Magazine For The New Earth" Lisa Roulette No 23 SEPTEMBER 2022 the isionary oman edition Art by Sarah Carter

GINALAZENBY Executive Editor The Healthy Home and Feng Shui Executive Editor Conscious Wealth Alignment KARENBAINES Juvee Perez PA to Jenni Jessica Taylor VA to Jenni

Premium Guests ContributingEditor L hf JOSOLEY KATEYURENDA DAWNGROSSART ContributingEditor ManifestationLifestyle CHRISTINEWILLIAMS SContributingEditor hiningWealthfor heartled wellnesspractitioners LORETTAFERRUCCI ContributingEditor HolisticWellness andNutrition ANNAFELDMAN DameSANDRABISKIND Special Feature


All rights reserved This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever, without the express written permission of the publisher houseofpreeminence com

Contact Jenni at jenni@jenni

Their copyright remains their intellectual property with exclusive permission to reproduce in this magazine

House of Preeminence Media 2 Impasse des Lillots, Dreuilhe, France 09300

The information in this edition is for educational and entertainment purposes only, and is offered in good faith.

However Jenni Parker Brown, the aforenamed authors, House of Preeminence, Preeminence Rising Conscious Media make no representation of any kind regarding the accuracy, validity, reliability and completeness of any information within. Please consult a qualified professional for matters regarding health, financial and legal advice.

Magazine Copyright © 2021 by Jenni Parker Brown unless specifically stated for each author

The opinions of the authors expressed in this edition are theirs and theirs alone.


True to the New Renaissance that is currently happening in our time, Jenni has brought her multi faceted skills to innovate an aesthetic and high vibrational new approach to success and personal transformation through enlightened collaboration with leaders who epitomise harmony of new thought, altruistic ideals, and blending science and spirituality in their service to the world.


Thought Leader Jenni Parker Brown is a visionary multi potentialite, renowned alignment expert, philosopher and genius activist. Her careers range from fashion retailing, performing arts, fitness instructor, equestrian cabaret artist, award winning gastronomy chef, published author, media design, image consultant and visionary magazine editor. Her mission and passion are to ‘Raise the bar on transformation by merging the qualities of beauty, grace creativity and heart to help humanity rise’.

For all enquiries regarding the magazine, collaborative projects, design or branding quotes please contact Jenni at jenni@jenni or scan above QR code.

Meet The Founder

Lisa Roulette, Ascension Guide, Healer & Manifesting Mentor

Katherine Woodward Thomas, New York Times Bestselling Author, Master Teacher, and Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

"A magazine for the New Earth

"This glorious, high-vibe platform for women who want to step up to their highest potential deserves every superlative! A must have resource for every feminine impact maker who won’t compromise on her most epic life!"

Gina DeVee, Founder of Divine Living, author, accomplished speaker, self-made multimillionaire entrepreneur

"I look forward to receiving my monthly gift of timeless wisdom, beauty, inspiration and love from the brilliant Jennifer P Her unique House of Preeminence showcases fascinating female influencers who are up to the business of creating an inclusive and flourishing world that works for everyone. Thank you Jenni P. for being such an inspired visionary and for your generosity in making your beautiful offering available to us all"

"The launch of your magazine is coming at such a pivotal point in history this is all divine alignment. " Stevie Gayle, Scent Alchemist

A wild and wonderful collection of wisdom from women who embody worthiness, wealth, and well being A must read for the evolving, expansive and evolutionary individual who wants to be part of the next wave of light that will flood our future. Absolutely brilliant and finally- something fitting for our time. "

Lynn Twist, founder of The Pachamama Alliance

"It's the most gorgeous inspiring riveting uplifting and soul-soaring, frequency rising magazine I have ever seen in my life"!

Spryte Loriano, Humanitarian, Founder of Awakening Giants TV for House of Preeminence

"This new magazine is beautifully designed, elegant, well written, inspiring and the content is fabulous".


The VISIONARYWOMAN issue Art by Sarah Carter

Empowering Women Through ArtSara Siân “Apieceofartthatspeakstoyoucanopenwindowsinaroom thatyoudidn’tknowwasdark” LilahPace

1.Artinspiresandupliftsonasoullevel 2.Artallowsustoconnecttoourinnerselves 3.Arthealsusemotionally ituplifts,soothes andnourishes 4.Artallowsustofeelconnected toeachother, ourselvesandagreaterpower 5.Artallowsustoexpressourselvesandserves asareminderofourtrueself 6.Artcanacknowledgeandcelebratethebeauty anduniquenessofourselves 7.Artallowsbeautyintoourlives,ourhomesand ourhearts 8.Arttellsourownstory ourculture,heritage orthatwhichwewishtocreateforourselves 9.Artcanrestoreusandmakeuswholeagain 10 Artcanbeusedasameditationtool 10 reasons why art is so important in helping women step into their Vision:

As more and more women are awakening, the relevance and power of art as an empowerment tool to allow us to step into our Vision is immeasurable Art supports, uplifts and raises us to seeourselvesdifferently,allowingustocreateourbestselves. Art is restorative we are often fragmented by life but art can make us whole again Art can literally change a person ’ s outlook and the way we experience the world and it can heal us emotionally.

Spendingtimegazingatabeautifulpieceofartthatspeakstous inspires, uplifts and nourishes our soul In these challenging times we live in, we find the need to move inward, to the world of our thoughts and imagination, a place we have perhaps neglected. Art gives our eyes and mind a chance to rest, to ponder and to wonder Lookingatart,wereconnectwithourinnerselves toour spirit Itbecomesmeditationalandallowsusarespitefromreality a place to to allow our dreams and visions to grow. A beautiful painting or sculpture can transform us and uplift us in a way nothingelsecan

A Woman of Vision is a powerful being…. she knows herself and what she desires.

“Buyapieceofart.Findonethatspeakstoyouandmakethe purchase.Ifitisgenuineartisticproduction,itwillinvade yourlifeandchangeit”

“BeyondOrder” JordanB Peterson

We know art is a thing of beauty We love to be surrounded by beautiful things in fact we need to be As Jordan Peterson says, “We cannot live without some connectiontotheDivine andbeautyisdivine”.


well being There is even scientific evidence that art hasanimpactonbrainwavepatternsandemotions,the nervous system, and can actually raise serotonin levels brain scans have revealed that looking at works of art trigger a surge of dopamine into the same area of the brainthatregistersdesire,pleasure,andromanticlove.

As women, we are homemakers and naturally we feel the need to make our homes or environment special a nurturing, beautiful space Coming home to a beautiful spacegivesyouasenseofeaseandstructureandinspiresustobeourbestselves. Our homes reflect who we are they gives us insight into our personal values and identity Sohavingapieceofartthatweseeeveryday thatwewakeuptoperhaps orpasseverydaycominghomeandleavingthehouse canupliftusandinspireus

Perhaps it’s a reminder of our own story our culture or a fond memory from our past,ormaybeit’spartofourfuturestory inspirationtokeepsteppingforwardand realisingourvision Art serves as a reminder of who we are - our true self our vision of ourselves It both acknowledges and celebrates the beauty, power and uniqueness of us as women.Itcantellourstoryforusorrepresentwhoweaspiretobe.


AwhileagoIpostedanimageofapaintingIwasbusycreatingonInstagramandaladyI hadn’t connected with before messaged me saying she wanted to purchase the piece At thispointIstillhadn’tsettledonatitlealthoughIhadsomeideas Asthepaintinghadanew owner,IthoughtIwouldincludemyclientintheprocesssoIsenthermyshortlist.Ihadmy favourite, the one I ‘knew’ was her name and sure enough the client chose the very same WhatIwasunpreparedforwasthebeautifulandpoignantstorythatunfoldedaroundit My client shared that she had recently divorced after many years in an abusive, loveless marriage. She was now a single parent, raising her children single handedly and building a business from scratch all the while trying to heal herself from the years of wounding and fear ‘StillIRise’wasthetitleshechose


ThisiswhyIcreatetheartIdo.Thisiswhyartissoimportanttohelpwomenstepupand intothevisionofwhoweareeachmeanttobe.


EspeciallyforPreeminence subscribers: Iamgiftingyou$500towardsa commissionedportraitinmy signaturestyle. Emailmewithcode'Preeminence' toart@sarasian.comfordetails onhowtoactivateyourGift. *Offervaliduntil31October2022* Size:80cmx80cm | Freedeliveryincluded* | T&Capply TheArtofMeditation' ** Exclusive Offer ** Mybuyerstellmethatmyartisamongthemostvaluablethingstheyown and not because of its monetary value but because of the many other values it brings into their lives the joy, the upliftment, the inspiration and not least, a windowtosomethinggreater If you love the idea of owning your own empowering portrait, please get in touchandlet’schat. SaraSiânxx “Mydeepdesireistoconveytherawbeautyandemotionofmysubject matterandleavetheobservermovedby thedepthofwhattheysee"


UPLEVEL YOUR WHOLE MONTH WITH THE MONTHLY MOOD BOARD AND THE 9 GRACES OF PREEMINENCE PROGRESS PROMPTS S e p t e m b e r s y m b o l i s m i s t h e ' c a g e o f s e a s o n s ' I t s i g n i f i e s t h e t r a n s i t i o n b a c k f r o m t h e s u m m e r a c t i o n o r i e n t a t e d f o c u s t o r e f o c u s i n g o n y o u r i n n e r p o w e r a n d i n n e r e n e r g y a s w e h e a d t o w a r d s t h e e n d o f t h e y e a r . y o u c a n s t i l l a c h i e v e m a n y t h i n g s t h i s y e a r i f y o u ' r e a l i g n e d f o r i t ! K e e p t h e m o m e n t u m u p i n a g e n t l e r r h y t h m a n d h o l d t h e k n o w i n g t h a t t h i s i s a t i m e t o r e a p t h e h a r v e s t o f a l l t h a t y o u s o w e d i n t h e s p r i n g . POWER WORDS FOR MANTRAS FIDELITY LEADERSHIP ANGELIC REALMS

JULY HOLISTIC SUCCESS COLLECTION PREEMINENCE & THE 9GRACES with JoSoley AnnaFeldman MarciaMartin JenniP GinaLazenby DawnGrossart KarenBaines KateYurenda ChristineWillimas SandraBiskind

Conscious Media That Makes THE Difference Now, 4 gorgeous sections for your accelerated transformation! The 9 Graces of Preeminence Jenni P Artwork Kate Yurenda The9Gracesof Preeminence Monthly Progress Prompts With theAmbassadors of House of Preeminence The Preeminence Planner will be back in print!

Download here

C r e a t e a f i l e i n y o u r b r o w s e r b o o k m a r k s b a r . S a v e t h e i s s u e t o t h i s f i l e C r e a t e a ' P r e e m i n e n c e M o m e n t ' i n y o u r d a y , T A K E A C T I O N , T A K E A C T I O N , T A K E A C T I O N o n i t ! I f y o u a r e n o t a s u b s c r i b e r , p l e a s e r e g i s t e r h e r e f o r e x c l u s i v e i n v i t a t i o n s a n d n e w s a n d e v e n t s .

Our panel of world class experts recommend using the resources and content within, along with the 9 Graces Blueprint every day The Blueprint and they can help you to leverage your Genius, Grace and Greatness, so that you can break free of personal, global, technical and market challenges and rapidly accelerate your visions and dreams. Our mission is to inspire, support and showcase, ambitious, visionary, mission driven and ethical women entrepreneurs everywhere who are actively initiating change, for the greater good of all how to use the


T h i s c o l l e c t i o n r e p r e s e n t s t e n s o f t h o u s a n d s o f D o w n l o a d t h e F R E E m o n t h l y d e s k t o p c a l e n d a r

J o i n o u r F a c e b o o k G r o u p h e r e s c h e d u l e o r w e e k e n d t o b e n e f i t f r o m t h e w o r l d c l a s s a d v i c e , w i s d o m , i n s p i r a t i o n a n d f r e e r e s o u r c e s o f o u r c o n t r i b u t o r s

This is so much more than a magazine It is a Holistic Success Blueprint

P l e a s e h e l p u s g r o w f o r t h e g r e a t e r g o o d o f a l l a n d s h a r e t h e a b o v e l i n k w i t h y o u r f r i e n d s .


$ $ $ o f t r a n s f o r m a t i o n w i s d o m F R E E .


The Preeminence Monthly Collection and the WELLthy Life section are designed to activate your Highest Potential in Vitality, Radiance, Purpose and Profit.



The feminine entrepreneurial journey takes grit; it really does Not every woman is cut out for it because we're not prepared for the amount of growth we have to do!!! We all hold the seeds of Greatness We share a benevolent desire to serve and an innate desire to live our most fulfilled lives And those dreams you may have put on hold

Of the various types of self-sabotage, here are the three most typical ones:

Many so called 'dreamers' are notoriously lax about following through with their goals despite the powerful emotions evoked by the contemplation of their favourite visions

Grit…with Grace. 9 of them.


3 Small goals Small dreams invoke small miracles Sometimes small goals can dissolve simply because they do not stimulate the symptoms of passion, expansion and excitement.

Full of noble intentions, they find themselves quickly weary of the quest, dis empowered by the overwhelm of the complexity of business building and demotivating themselves with habits of subtle self sabotage.

1 Fear can often trip us up at the starting block before we set off Contemplating a superstar dream vision of a business may seem like unknown territory for the emotions, so we'll inadvertently do everything we can to avoid that strange feeling Sabotage guaranteed 2 Excuses In our minds, we'll keep playing out all the reasons why we shouldn't achieve our Greatness, such as shaky self worth, feeling pressure, depending on outside opinion to feel valued, rationalising that resources don't match our aspirations, putting others' needs as a priority over our own the list is endless for those who want to find excuses

Achievement is about feeling proud of our current skill sets and then kicking the arse out of the irritating habits and patterns which are flimsy barriers to our rapid evolution We just need to make up our minds to change!

Envisioning earning $2,000 in a month on new business doesn't seem quite as exciting as seeing that same amount invested in a new idea that has the potential to make us millions Losing a few excess pounds isn't stimulating, but organising a new weekly cycle ride with your friends to train for a competition has the energy to last Dare to go out of the box and imagine the supreme XXL version of your vision, and it'll suddenly feel like falling in love with your soul mate. (It might even attract falling in love with your soul mate!)

Grit isn't about hustle and grind, though It's not a pushing energy; it's a persistent, flexible and allowing energy It's an energy of unwavering high vibe focus, flow, clarity, introspection, daily connection with your soul, and confidence in your birthright to Greatness and abundance

So if you feel pulled to bring your Greatness to make a difference in 'The Great Re set' we so need now, and dial right back into your biggest dreams, you will lift yourself into the Grace of Leadership. You may not think of yourself as a leader, visionary, or change maker. But if you are in the business of improving people's lives in some way (personally, creatively or through transformation), and you're doing so by aspiring to your own highest life and potential that is indeed a heroic and epic story! But you'll have to find that grit!

To fulfil all of that potential by aligning your whole life with it, careful aligned planning, self accountability and the daily practice of Greatness is the act of recognising the sacred nature of existence and inviting it to a party

Women entrepreneurs are capable of extraordinary potential

The beautiful 9 Graces of Preeminence are the 'Girl's Way to Grit'!

"It's right here you should be looking for clarity…"

"It's inevitable that you will become great…"

"It's here you turn to the light " "It's inside you have all the answers " And so on, and so forth

"It's time to book that photoshoot "

"It's today that you make that decision "

Because they take the highest of ideals, you can imagine and support them in an energetic and practical structure that will allow you to achieve wonderful things in a totally feminine way. There is Grace in there. Nothing with Grace is terrible! High Achievers of all levels LOVE the 9 Graces of Preeminence! Wherever we are on our journey, they act like 9 Wonderful Goddesses to whisper in our ears

"It's what happens today that determines your monthly income.."

"It's this year that you'll be invited everywhere " It's right this moment you need to sleep "

"It's ok to fall down and get back up…"

"It's now that you need to pull out all the stops "

"It's an invitation to express your uniqueness "

"It's natural that you feel hurt…"

The 9 Graces are infinite sources of wisdom, clarity and inspiration. They help us tap into 9 sublime facets of Preeminence as defined by the dictionary and the thesaurus and Greatness According To Jenni P! In fact, there are many more definitions of Preeminence power, sovereignty, influence, jump up, mastery, fame I deliberately chose ones that resonate with women and feminine Greatness In this issue, like all the issues, discover the 9 Graces and their monthly prompts designed for the current month, with relevant and topical ideas for inspiring your own feminine Greatness. And for the first time, you can download the Grace's Prompts as a worksheet to print off or use on your desktop or simply to have on hand to inspire your progress over the month! 9 Goddesses of Preeminence at your service! I hope you love them as much as they love you!

PRINCIPLE "The way you do anything is the way you do everything" E X C E L L E N C E Artwork by Kate Yurenda @dreamboldnetwork


The aspiration to excellence in everything you do, or even in just a few key areas of your life is like rehearsing for supreme achievement

Even honing one craft to excellent or exceptional, causes ‘the multiplier effect’ doing one thing excellently cascades over into all other parts of our life.

Isthereatrainingthatis complimentarytoyour expertisethatyouare yearningtodo? Whatisstoppingyou? Money?Time?Something else?Brainstorm3ways youcancreatewhatever youneedorgettheclarity tomakethistraining happen!

Practise skill sets that elicit positive results consistently. Raise your ‘normal’ to world class as a daily habit, and watch world class results unfold. Isreviewingyourplan partofyourmorning? Tryreviewingattheend ofthedaybeforesothat yourbrainisalready primedtostartwith absoluteclaritywhen youarereadytobegin yourworkingday. Trythesamewith Sundays takesome time evenjustashort moment toplanyour week You’llsavehours ofeasinggraduallyinto aMondayandthenfind it’salreadygone! Doyouhavea3and1 yearplan?Havinga tangibletimelineyou canpouryourvisioninto willsupportits realisation!Lookingfora gorgeousplannettodo that?Ihighly recommendtheLegend Planneravaimableon AmazoninA4format It’s afabulouswrittenvision board,productivityand habittracker,andit takesallofyoumind, bodyandspirit!

arcia Martin rand Dame Of Transformation

With each City Center company base we built, we found better ways to utilize our time, money, people, and systems I liken this to driving at night On the night road, we can only see thirty feet in front of us, as far as the lights extend. Yet we can drive from Los Angeles across the country to New York with only those few feet in front of us to guide the route to the destination! For my clients who want to create a coaching company, I advise them to start with ONE client.

One of the keys to growing an organization - or in growing any great dream, is to realize that it starts with one tiny step at a time Just as a forest is established one seed starts it out That one seed grows one tree, produces more seeds, grows more trees, and eventually becomes a grand forest. It's important to understand that you learn as you grow what works and what doesn't work, so you keep course correcting and tweaking along the way If you tried to do it all at once, you would miss the organic correction process that is vital to success!

Enlightened Vision Think Big, But Start Small

Having created and built several international organizations from inception to sustainability, I have learned the developmental steps required to bring an exciting vision to a successful reality It all starts, of course, with that Vision, even if the end product is unknown. I helped to create and build the most prominent personal development educational company in the world, an organization that ended up being based in hundreds of City Centers with millions of graduates worldwide In the beginning, the Vision was to have only four City Centers - one in San Francisco, one in Los Angeles, one in Honolulu, and one in Aspen But after 10 years, we had not only established the company in hundreds of US City Centers that trained thousands of people every month, but we had also started the same project in Europe, South America, and Canada Our starting vision seemed huge at the time, but as we grew, it became apparent that we had no idea of the possibilities we might attain.

Obtain a contract with one client, and deliver with excellence When you do that, that client will tell others, and your business will naturally grow You don't have to figure out how to obtain hundreds of clients initially. Just one. A natural process will unfold. And as you grow, you will see what works and doesn't You will be able to correct along the way, increasing your effectiveness and the value of your product, which will increase your sales and profits Think about how a human being develops. In the mother's womb, in the beginning, there is only ONE cell, which has everything it needs to develop into a complex organism That one cell divides, and those cells divide, and pretty soon, the cells become distinctive to the appropriate needs A nose forms, a foot forms, a heart forms all distinct from the other cells, and each appropriate to its own specific purpose

Once you get one Center working, then you can duplicate If you start with them all at once, you may miss the things you need to learn about having them be effective

If you can serve one client well, then you can serve thousands well. But if you start with thousands and don't realize what works, you will have thousands of disappointed clients

That's how it works for an organization too In the beginning, it's not necessary to have a variety of departments and department heads and complex procedures and systems Start simple Start with one You only need to see 30 feet in front of you And that way, you will see what you actually require instead of what you think you require. You will correct and create as you go, appropriate to the needs as they evolve.

Generally, people bought one pair of earrings at a time; one day, a woman who owned a Boutique Store asked if we could make ten earrings of the same design she loved And so we did, and she purchased all ten

Being a "Visionary" doesn't mean you know the end in view To me, it means that you start with the end in mind and then create each step of the way You may have a glimpse or an idea of what the future might look like, but you don't need to know the specifics. As you move ahead, just be aware of what is in the space in the next 30 feet

Within a short amount of time, we had several Boutique Store owners ordering dozens of different designs Very rapidly, we had hundreds of store owner clients, museums, and department stores ordering thousands of each design. Soon we expanded to necklaces, bags, and belts, and within two years, we had 3,500 wholesale clients and over $5 million of annual sales Along the way, we learned the best way to promote, the best customer service practices, the best inventory management, the best distribution systems, and which were the best-selling designs, so we could increase our profit margin

Create, correct, create, correct Create as you go Correct as you go That is part of the process and a natural law of the Universe The Universe will give you answers along the way At one point in my life, I had a Fashion Jewelry company I was partnered with the acclaimed designer, Laurel Burch The company started with Laurel designing one pair of earrings and selling them on a table in Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco


Marcia Martin

"Create, correct, create, correct. Create as you go. Correct as you go. That is part of the process and a natural law of the Universe. The Universe will give you answers along the way.

I have long been called a "Visionary". I have a unique intuitive instinct, and since I have practiced meditation since I was 12, my capacity to dream and see my dreams in detail is exceptional But that is only half the story I also know that I need to start where I am and make it work well at the initial stage, and then I will be able to duplicate and leverage that result I trust that The Universe will provide lessons along the way, allowing me to be more effective I know where I am going towards the Big Vision But I also know how to make it work well in the most simple and present state - one client at a time. Doing that will allow me to learn along the way and for things to emerge organically that I hadn't even considered With this trust, I am guided as I continue to grow and expand. Whatever you want to create by all means, nurture the Vision of the end, but don't try to create that in the beginning Instead, create one of what you want one client, one product, one workshop, one sale, and go from there. Time and Light have their own participation in the creation process Learn to flow with that and to utilize that power Think Big Start Small

Marcia was personally mentored in the art and technology of communication, business, and human development by renowned futurist and philosopher Buckminster Fuller, business management guru Peter Drucker, innovation academic thinker Werner Erhard, esteemed organizational consultant Warren Bennis, and Oscar winning film producer Jerry Weintraub

Her clients include Hard Rock Hotels International, Warner Bros , Evian Water, Inter Continental Hotels, Dannon Yogurt, Capital One, McCain Foods, Hyatt Hotels, American Cancer Society, and Chase Bank, among others She has consulted, trained or coached some of the most acclaimed thought leaders and authors of our time including Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, Lynne Twist, T. Harv Ecker, and Robert T. Kiyosaki. Her entrepreneurial achievements are astonishing! Marcia was an award winning General Manager of the Shiretown Inn, a 100 room lifestyle hotel with a 4 star restaurant in Martha’s Vineyard: she successfully operated Tsuru, Inc , an international wholesale manufacturing and retail fashion jewelry company manufacturing and distributing Laurel Burch designs with offices in Beijing, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, and New York; she filled auditoriums with 5,000 to 20,000 in attendance on a regular basis and developed numerous marketing and sales campaigns that resulted in millions of dollars of annual sales as Division Head for Erhard Seminars Training; she created sustainable associate organizations and guided entrepreneurs to create millions of annual income as a Founder of the Transformational Leadership Council, and the Network for Transformational Leaders; and she founded and operated as Senior Vice President, Landmark Forum, the largest personal development educational training company in the world, taking it from inception to millions of graduates worldwide

Marcia’s Talk This Way programs are the pathway to successful living, and teach participants to harness their personal power, excell at the art of influential communication, understand the secrets of successful relationships, become charismatic public speakers, achieve effortless sales prowess, and lead with inspiration and enlightenment

Successful entrepreneur, global speaker, corporate executive coach & trainer, transformational thought leader, and changemaker extraordinaire, Marcia Martin’s reputation is legendary Having personally trained over 350,000 people globally in communication and leadership skills, and coached and trained thousands of corporate teams to perform at championship level, she is renowned for her achievement mastery.


JOIN the Marcia Martin Club and access the content of one of the world's best-loved 'influencer's influencer' and change your future while having a good time along the way WWW.MARCIAMARTINCLUB.COM

The Marcia Martin Club is a Private Transformation Education Club that has been created as an online digital library of Marcia’s training resources used to teach life success skills and transform over 350,000 people around the globe. By joining the Marcia Martin Club you will have access to a treasure vault of Marcia’s workshops, seminars, podcast interviews, and keynote speeches that Marcia has facilitated over the past 25 years


Now you can learn the tips, tricks, and techniques that Marcia Martin learned personally from some of the greatest thinkers of our time

By watching the videos on your own time schedule, and in the leisure of your own home, you will learn the secrets to transforming your mindset, thought patterns, and actions to achieve extraordinary success in all aspects of life Come and join the Club! It's just $10 per month! See what is in store for you by clicking below.

Greatness CodesTM


Our modern life consists mainly of a matrix of industrialism, commerce, technology and recreation, but mostly busyness made of people living in the sleeping zone much like the world depicted in the film Matrix. In this modern matrix of busyness, the mass of humanity has become unplugged from any contemplation about their existence and plugged into all the distractions that keep them sleeping. This is called convention. It takes courageous people to break out of their status quo. It takes rebels and mavericks, free thinkers and adventurers, visionaries and pioneers, and guts. Convention and the status quo are a death sentence for dreams and fulfilment.

Why your 'Why' is the best Motivation.

Now you have all heard about motivation. We’re very familiar with this as a success tool but I want to share a shocking little secret about motivation and about why it does not help your goals. You cannot have motivation if you don’t have a motive. What is a motive anyway? It’s a reason, a ‘why’ for doing something. That may sound simple but most of the planet doesn’t know why they are doing what they are doing. We are so programmed by our upbringing and the way that society has moulded us that, over and above the reason of bringing in money to live, we don’t question the status quo, and so we live our entire lives without ever asking ‘why’? We live in one huge continent called busy land in an online universe called the infoverse.

Destiny is not the future, your destiny is your power, your potency. It is your fate, your fortune, your circumstances. How things turn out is not the future, it’s turning out all the time.. it’s a constant, ever evolving experience, a chain of events (or necklace) We don’t create your destiny by force, struggle, or determination. This is the biggest myth that tradition has taught us. We revive our destiny by remembering our ‘why’, our motive, and our vocation. We live our destiny by practising it daily. Modern scientists like Dr Joe Dispenza point us to the truth that we are no longer in a ‘ cause and effect universe’ but a ‘causing effect’ universe. In other words, we are creating our destiny daily.

Let me de mystify the meaning of life for you.. Your ‘why’, your motive is your life journey, the core of your adventure plus what is in it and how. The power of your ‘why’ is vital for your happiness and triumphs. How you get there, will not lead you to your destiny but REVEAL your destiny.

You must know your motive to remember your destiny.

If we don’t know why we ’ re doing a particular thing, it’ll feel weird somewhere in the mind.

If you don’t know your ‘why’, it’ll feel weird somewhere in your life. Do you know what weird feels like?

It feels like when your mind, body and soul are not in agreement. It feels like any regular negative emotion of any scale (mild or intense) that has a mild or intense sensation or symptom in your body. Mostly it’ll feel like the difference between unextinguishable energy joie de vivre, or regular lethargy, fatigue or exhaustion Our bodies are brilliant gages that our three elements of mind, body and soul, are in agreement or out of alignment.

I expect you ’ ve heard the expression “emotions are energy in motion” When we feel emotions, we are literally moving with our emotions in the world

Having our three elements of mind, body and soul gives us, the power to move mountains, to change our biological functioning in order to change our fate To go from impotent to potent to omnipotent.

So are they emotions of being fully alive and being on the path to our highest life? Happiness and pleasure are fleeting. But the power that is unleashed when we align our three elements is ferocious.

Think about a day as a bead or button, threaded onto the necklace of time Is this bead a shining pearl of a day? Or is it a heavy bead that rubs you uncomfortably are you making an annoying necklace you twist and ring daily, Or a shining string of pearls?

If we don’t know why we feel weird in the mind, it’ll feel weird in the body.

Instead of creating our reality (the one we don’t really want) with our personality (the one that isn’t really us), we use the gifts we have been given to not just create a life but to create an adventure of being fully alive!

Destiny is hidden in the unfolding adventure of growth that is common to all humans, whether they are aware of it or not. Each destiny is completely unique. All destinies are meant to allow their adventurer to experience anything on that vast range of possibilities that he or she desires to experience. In other words, if you are aware of your destiny, you can fully play in that adventure! You can play all of those human games; love, money, travel, saving the planet, creating art, dancing, loving the planet, and helping people.

Let’s look at the relationship between these three gifts: Free will the ability to focus or re-focus our choices on our heart’s desires is determined by first the acknowledgement that we have and make choices all the time. Then to evaluate how we make them, through what we ’ re paying attention to. repeat Personality is made up of the coherence of our thoughts, words and actions and how true they are to our motive. That means our thoughts words and actions have to be in alignment with our ‘why’. That means we have to create a lifestyle that daily reflects that agreement! Or else we get sick or depressed or broke!

But more specifically, you will be able to craft a lifestyle that day by day, checks all your boxes. It will sort out those nagging, flagging, challenges and it will help you to flay any obstacles aside It will keep you fully alive

So how do you become aware of your destiny? By remembering it. Because, you were made in passion, wired for greatness and coded to remember your destiny

All of it comes into the process! This is quantum work. I invite you to come and have a 30 minute Highest LifeExplorationCallsothatIcangiveyousomeclarityandactivatethatnextleveldesireinyou. Bookhereforoneofmyraresessions! Nosalesorpressure,justthedelightofpouringsomelightintoyour nextsteptoGreatness. Ican'twaittomeetyou!

Doyoueverwonderwhatyourgreatnessisandhowtoexpressit?Doyouknowdeepdownthatyouhavea '' magnum opus ' to bring to the world, a fabulous signature program, marvellous creative project or mesmerisingmovementbuthavenoideahowtomakeitalucrativeandthrillinglfestyle? Weareallcodedforgreatnessandasyouknow,calledtomovehumanityforwardinourownuniqueand geniusway,havingthemostfunpossible.Whenwealignourmission,messageandpresence,lifestyleand committoPreeminence,abundanceisthenaturalresult.

The Greatness Codes™ andwhattheycandoforyourlifeandbusiness

Whatdistinguishesmyworkisthattogether,weusethenaturalquantumpatternsintheuniversetoattain thatalignment.TheincredibleTrinityCode™isasimplebutprofoundtoolbasedonuniversalprinciple whichconnectsyoutoyour‘IAm’truth,andthenrevealswhatyouarecalledtodowiththat. Onceyouhaveit,youhaveitforever. Youwillneverhavetowonderagainhowyoushouldputyourselfoutthereandwhatitlookslike.Withthis process,we‘reverseengineer’yourmessagetobeginfromthattruth,thenbuilda‘why’ormissionfromit. Then,weexplorethebestmodelofexpressionthatreallyallowsyoutoworkinyourgeniuszone,inflowand inthehighestvibration.Wealsobuildineverypartofyourlifewhichis‘ideal’foryou includinghealth,love, relationships,materialgain,environmentetc.Icallthesethe'keystothekingdom'ofyourhighestlife!

PRINCIPLE Youareanaturalgeniusandwarrioressofyourownsoulquest. Theworldawaitstobeholdyourdazzlingprowess DISTINCTION Artwork by Kate Yurenda @dreamboldnetwork

Doyourfriendsrefer you?Ifnot,whynot?Go andaskatrustedfriend foranopinionabout yourworkand marketing,evenifthey’re notanexpert.Askthem togiveyoufeedbackas apotentialclientandbe preparedtohave opinionsthatmay challengewhatyouthink yourofferslooklike!

An impeccable know like and trust reputation will serve your highest visions. Swap the desire to just being ‘visible’ for showing up to serve with the prosperous presence of a hero, and adopt the etiquette of titans. Make integrity (including self integrity) your foundation stone on which to build relationships that thrive on win win win ethics. Be known exclusively for your genuine virtues and endear people with your charm and ability to listen. Wear elegance, good taste, humour and style like a designer label, and be generous with your compliments to those who need them

Brainstorm6waysto increaseyourtribeand communityinthenext month Pickatleast3anddo them! Doyouofferreferral commissionsforpeople whorecommendyou clients? Orisyourbusinessset upsoyoucouldhave affiliates? Peopleloveanincentive tosendyoucustomers!


SEPT 2022


DIVINE Copyright Jenni Parker Brown 2022 TM

Branding by

"Embody in your image and energy the outcome that your client desires" Jenni P What is Branding by Divine™ How can you be divinely branded? How can you create a divine brand? Why would you want to?

cisely what Branding involves e automatically think that Branding is t images, colours, logo, font, company mission. But it goes much deeper than that. d is how you articulate and te your unique brilliance, heart, soul ncy with the world through the offering (services and offers) It's a very two iththeworld. ersonal brand has a third dimension e energy and vibration and how it uraudience'sattentioninthebusiness e Brand identity composed of hundreds of aspects rsonal story, culture, beliefs, values, gifts, aspirations and personal image and with your energy and frequency. Your y is no different. Each of those aspects o your brand, and it pays for your identity ve with your soul identity and deepest having your branding 'done', focus on the being 'the means to the outcome' your , as in my quote above

Personal Branding in the New Paradigm.

"Branding by Divine™ is an energetic and strategic blueprint that I have developed to align your soul-infused, personal brand with the level of abundance you desire, the people you want to serve and the most exquisite way that you make your impact."

I help passionate change makers go from best-kept-secret to highly sought after superleaders through Quantum Coding and market relevant, personal branding so that they can magnify their message and channel more wealth into their soul driven movement. FREE BRAND MESSAGE TO MONEY ALIGNMENT SESSION BOOK HERE


in your Image and Branding Part 6

The Formidable Nurturer

Branding and book writing use archetypes in the same way. But they are often archetypes that modern online audiences can't relate to.

The Sensual Goddess

The Idealistic Romantic

The Intemporal Role Model

The Feminine Paradigm

I use Visionary Women Archetypes to help my clients align their mission, message, and image.

2022 is waiting to crown you as a Chosen One!

The Light-filled Mystic / Bohemian

Right now! Isn't that a fantastic thought? But where are they? Who are they? And how do you find them and get their attention? This is the eternal conundrum of the small business owner sustainable and easy client attractioon.

Within the collective consciousness, (that includes your online audience!) lies archetypes that depict and evoke the ideals that humanity holds dear Humans understand them innately because they are universal, and clients are humans too Those archetypes are already present in your ideal client's head images, characteristics, values, and qualities that are naturally tattooed into her psyche

The Innovative Pioneer

Imagine if you reversed the push energy of yang, go out and hunt for clients energy for the more feminine pull energy of 'This is who I am and what I stand for' Your archetypes always reflect YOUR uniqueness and they appeal to a matching core desire that is currently important and strongly present within your ideal clients

Here is the full list of my Visionary Women Archetypes:

Your perfect client is wired to look for you But will she recognise you when she sees you? Will she be attracted? Will your message resonate with her?

The Balanced Twin Flame

I don't use these traditional psychological or mythical archetypes because we are smack bang in a funky, complex technological age of women rising in their full power! We women who embody the ideals of this dizzyingly fast and complex rise, need to tap into the new paradigm archetypes to help us clarify our messages so that we are fluent in the language of easy client attraction

From your social media content to your website, from your emails to your webinars, Miss Visionary Archetype

The Charismatic Actress / Entertainer

The Rock Diva / Rebel

The Dynamic Adventurer

The Noble Influencer

Imagine how powerfully you can use that principle to clarify your message and brand

Imagine if you used this principle in all your visual social media content and on your website, how you could slay the beast of blandness and invisibility in a mascara ed blink of an eye.

You are a visionary. You see an expanded, improved version of the world, of humanity and of course, your life! You are endeavouring to use your genius, your dreams, your influence, technology, YOUR STORY to make an impact and in doing so, attract the financial rewards Out there in the world are all the people you can help, your ideal clients who are looking for you right now


Energy is a tangible thing we pick up on when we meet people In certain people's company, we can't stand being around their energy Others' energy stimulates us Energy is the fabric of the known world; it's atoms and waves, and it's all helping you to feel amazing or not, according to how you manage it!


You may have different names for your inner self, true self, personality, authentic self, soul self, spirit, the real you, higher self, and so on but they all refer to your inner you And of course, there is your body Your whole image is actually made up of these three principles or qualities:

You are made up of inside and outside right?

2 Your Life Purpose your calling, or simply your values and aspirations. To declare who you are as an entrepreneur is vital. This is beyond your brand and mission It's a potential lighthouse for your prospective clients, collaborators, opportunities and, yes even lovers! We all have a calling, whether it's an inner calling to fulfilment or an outer calling to make a difference, it truly defines who we are, more than any other aspect of our humanity!

3 Your Energy your energy is closely linked to both the first two qualities through the action of your well being, vitality, hormonal balance, emotional and mental state and self care Your energy is a real, measurable 'thing'! It is electrons firing, life force, chi, prana, and homeostasis (big word for optimum health) It's hormones functioning well, chakras balanced, robust strength, stamina, and vitality

1 Your Style which is your clothes to dress in a way that feels authentic and an expression of the true you. Dressing is our inner self's way of expression on a day to day basis. It's a creative way of saying 'this is who I am'. Style is a fun and powerful way of communicating that! And it takes into account your natural charms, your best assets, your colouring and your body type.


When all three archetypes are integrated into your brand and image, and your message is articulated clearly in a way that fits the classic 'Promise to Problem' template, then, you will suddenly become a natural magnet to the ideal clients. And in a way that feels 100% authentic to you! In this series of articles in Preeminence Magazine, we take each Archetype, and I explain the values it evokes and how it can work for you too. Now, you don't have to particularly love the outfits demonstrated! The point is recognising if and how you are attracted to the vibe, energy, and overall look.


Hippies were the name given to the post war baby boom generation A counter cultural movement which strengthened its values of peace and love during the Vietnam war, Hippies developed their own distinctive, alternative lifestyle and dress. They experimented with communal living arrangements. They often adopted veggie diets based on unprocessed foods and explored the medicines and spiritualities of Eastern Traditions

The vibe of the Mystic Bohemian is redolent of the powerful 'Hippie Era', but in this modern age of visionary women entrepreneurs, it has taken on new meaning as a style and image And it can be a very paradigm changing step to align your whole business model with this 'Culture and Brand Vibration', as I like to call it

Hippies were also known for their unique colourful style, favouring long hair and casual, often unconventional, dress, sometimes in "psychedelic" colours After a pretty tame era for fashion in the late fifties and early sixties, hippies became synonymous with bare feet, sandals and beads, feathers, flowers and zany patterns representing the times of substance experiments. Since many mainstream music and entertainment artists (such as the Beatles) espoused the rise of the interest in Eastern Mysticism and lifestyle, despite a turbulent reception from conservative America, the Hippie Vibe has settled into being part of a desirable freedom lifestyle LIGHT-FILLED MYSTIC OR BOHEMIAN


As a Brand Energy and fashion trend, it's a style that ebbs and flows but is a permanent option for those whose values continue to harmonise with wellness, alternative and green living, holism and planet caring.

Baby Boomers, Millenials, GenXers, and GenYers have each explored this cultural expression at different stages of their lives. Boomers often return to their beloved Hippie vibe later in life. Gen X healers, Millenial Yoga Teachers, and even GenY New Wave marketers and artists inspire their homes, websites and lifestyle practices with the colours and cultural framework of this way of life. Modern mystics fit right in here, as do quantum explorers and ultra sophisticated technology geeks. So what are the values and qualities that epitomise the energy, colours, forms and psychological profile of this New Age Bohemia?



It is now believed that about 1,500 years ago, for reasons not fully understood, the Roma people were uprooted from their homes in northwestern India and began a nomadic existence which lasted for centuries.

With the rise of spiritual retreats, ultra high performance camps, spiritual Goddess Art courses, mega sophisticated transformation festivals, highly coveted creative and altruistic festivals, projects, travelling therapists and all manner of new self expression modalities suddenly, the Mystical Boho vibe is looking ultra glamorous and desirable!

In countries like France and eventually the United States, some people drawn to this unconventional lifestyle came to live with or interact closely with these Roma communities in both cities and towns But many more, by simply adopting a freewheeling, unfettered lifestyle associated with gipsies, came to be known by the term applied to this wandering, counter cultural people "bohemians "

Bohemia is not a geographical location but a state of mind. To be a bohemian was to reject all conventional ways of looking at things, explore the forbidden and turn the world upside down, politically and artistically. So the links with the hippie vibe are tangible… unconventional, free living, and connected to the mystical arts.

In the modern era, a "bohemian" was used to describe Roma people, or gipsies as they were also called, in much of Western Europe The Roma were a wandering people, who lived communally, generally did not possess permanent or stationary jobs or homes, and for whom music, storytelling, and mystical arts were a central part of their lifestyles

This is a highly attractive and recognisable energy and vibe for the modern female visionary entrepreneur who cares deeply about planetary peace, green values, and a return to all things self healing love. Free living, Global Entrepreneurial Nomadism (freedom lifestyle) has become synonymous with financial success!!

Why Billionaire Hippies Are Successful 3 Times Over

The Mystic or Bohemian energy and qualities ethnic or quirky, voluminous, centred, quiet, magical, floral, creative, peace loving, unstructured, ethereal, chimerical, natural, wild, iconoclast, non conformist, liberal, eccentric, maverick, colourful, earth centred.

So, once a culture with strong resistance in the business world, this Brand Culture and Energy is one of the most popular and topical today! So whatever your generation or your business, this is an invitation to infuse your brand with values many people identify with right now! The trick is not to overdo any Brand Vibe. Always balance it with two others so you have a well rounded professional image. Below are a couple of resources on why this Brand Culture is so Powerful. Because even Richard Branson is considered a hippie billionaire!

Many 7 figure + entrepreneurs openly display their love of a natural, simple lifestyle, earth values and holistic health This vibe has turned on its head! Since the noblest values of this Brand Vibe are uppermost in many heart centred entrepreneurs (healing, planetary change, love and light!!) it is no wonder that rainbow colours, mandalas and dream catchers are now symbols of an avant garde visionary!

How Hippies Become Millionaire Moguls


While we've always envied stars of the screen and stage, the ability for any entrepreneur to become famous or well known is within reach of anyone with a powerful Personal Brand and a savvy strategy Many change makers covet notoriety, big screen glamour and the lifestyles of stars Women speakers share a strong desire to be known (even if it is to share their message), but generally, they also love the spotlight, and many hustle for visibility! Speaking engagements carry the same value as a place in a film for aspiring messengers! With the rise of podcasts, Youtube and Vimeo, where anyone and everyone can have a TV show, live shows, talk shows and all kinds of live broadcasting have brought the world of acting and entertaining to the world of entrepreneurialism! And while this archetype is less easy to define and typify than the others, it is definitely a Brand Energy which invites a brand to amplify its other attributes Charisma, a potent, unique personality, a message that carries powerful inspiration, maybe a little glamour or 'badass', some theatrical allure, a brand with this energy will not be beige, bland or boring. It will be memorable, high vibe, dramatic, glamorous and maybe even humorous! For many female entrepreneurs, this is a Brand Vibe that has to be worked hard on. Being an actor or entertainer does not come naturally to most people! However, it is worth working on because the world is indeed your stage if you claim your place on it!

For certain, if you resonate with this archetype, if you know your place is centre stage in the world, then this is one you can invent completely! Like a character! Like all entertainers, the first years can be about learning to step into the spotlight and stay there! But this is a brand vibe that can accelerate all those ‘visibility blues’ ‘reels nerves’ and ‘influencer shyness’! This is a brand vibe you can unleash with as much creativity and courage as you can muster Nobody can miss you when you claim this vibe Forget being an introvert Practise posture, vocal delivery, body awareness and the determination to see your name in lights even if it’s just Social Media lights! This is an era where 'edutainment' is more important than entertainment! This last archetype is for you if you dream of infusing your brand and business model with unforgettable presence, style and energy in the market!

This archetype doesn’t have a generic type of wardrobe and outfits So the best way to use this Actor/Entertainer energy is to amplify and creatively enhance the other two archetypes in your threesome Take your other two archetypes and dial them up Choose more extreme examples of their charm and allure Become an icon Make your brand iconic! That means getting widely known and acknowledged for distinction in your values, ethos, style, mission, communication style and popularity Yes, this vibe is not for the faint hearted and introverted! You will need the confidence to show up, shine and engage people with your radiance! But you can have such fun with this, and aiming for ‘iconic’ can only serve your influence and impact!

The Actor/ Entertainer energy and qualities dramatic or theatrical, extravagant, lyrical, empathetic, artistic, visceral, dedicated, creative, unique, chameleon, funny, light, determined, rhythmical, expressive, confident, playful, inspiring, luminary, sparkling, quixotic. Note: The complete Visionary Woman Archetype series is spread over 6 issues of Preeminence Magazine. You can access all the back issues here: January/February 2021 The Romantic The Sporty Adventurer March 2021 The Twin Flame Sensual Goddess Sporty Adventuress May 2021 The Feminine Paradigm The Noble Influencer The Formidable Nurturer September 2022 The Mystic/Bohemian The Actor/Entertainer November 2022 The Pioneer The Role Model

I help passionate change makers go from best kept secret to highly sought after superleaders through personal branding and quantum coding work, so that they can magnify their message and channel more wealth into their soul driven movement. FREE BRAND MESSAGE TO MONEY ALIGNMENT SESSION BOOK HERE

Harnessing The Power of Colour In A High Vibe Business Lifestyle.

According to Aristotle, the original colours sent from God were Black and White, and all the other colours stemmed from these two.

Newton opened up new perspectives on that, and the colour spectrum as we know it was defined. As scientists began to understand and analyse lightwaves and define the visible spectrum of light and colour, it became clear that black and white didn't fit anywhere "If colour is solely the way physics describes it, the visible spectrum of light waves, then black and white are outcasts and don't count as true, physical colours." Encyclopedia


When it comes to colour and business, most people think of branding on a website and social media graphics Branding tends to be considered an 'external' process that, applied as a strategy, should result in attracting sales I say should Branding is an art and a science that is hard to master as a client attracting strategy, even for huge companies How we perceive and interact with our world is largely impacted by the colours that surround us While not necessarily something we are aware of consciously, as we go about our daily lives, the psychology of colour and social media branding is continually affecting consumers deeply Colour moves us It invokes hormonal changes in us Perceiving and responding to colour is something we do on a second to second basis Particularly when it comes to marketing and the internet world Colour influences the mood and decisions of consumers that means your ideal clients!

The power of colour in business is inescapable. Colour affects client behaviour, moods, thoughts, consumer choices, and sales Our reactions to colours are deeply personal and rooted in our culture and experiences A particular shade can soothe frazzled nerves, agitate a hostile adversary, motivate and empower you to take action, and bring healing energy when needed As Wassily Kandinsky proclaimed, "Colour provokes a psychic vibration Colour hides a power still unknown but real, which acts on every part of the human body " In this series, we'll take the colours of the spectrum and beyond since the blending of colour is as infinite as the number of brands coming onto the market! In my Divine Branding approach, colour is much more than a strategy Colour is a language, a vibration and a powerful tool for supporting your vitality (which has a frequency that affects everything you do!) and your business mission and vision Emotions are powerful and (whether we like it or not) drive our decision making. As a brand, you must cultivate a strong emotional connection with your customers. Branding colours provide a shortcut straight to your clientele's hearts. When you combine them in both your personal style AND branding and they accurately represent your message, mission and energy, you become a coherent, distinctive, client attracting powerhouse.

Let's take silver Yes, silver is a colour Symbolically, silver is associated with prestige and wealth It is seen as a sophisticated colour related to female energy, prosperity and modernity Its shiny, reflective qualities relate to intuition, clairvoyance and mental telepathy, traits and skills that many women hold!

Symbolic of wealth, prosperity, and good fortune, those wearing silver are considered to be dressed in the trappings of royalty Silver prevails as one of the most powerful shades, making it a prominent member of the colour wheel

In spiritual terms, silver is believed to be a mirror to the soul, helping us to see ourselves as others see us Associated with strength, clarity, and focus, this true colour of purity asks us to look into the mirror to see our strengths and where we need to improve Used as a growth and spiritual aid, it reinstates qualities such as hope, unconditional love, and meditation and enhances mystic visions, tenderness, kindness, sensitivities, and psychic abilities


Physiologically, silver is calming and soothing, a fluid colour, ever changing, calming, and purifying It is the colour of the moon with its ever changing moods relating to emotional and sensitive energies it is compassionate It has a degree of mystery about it like the moon itself More feminine traits! flection, nisation alancing

Best loved for its dazzling sheen, silver is a hue unlike any other Much like gold, the colour silver is most commonly associated with affluence

This royal colour is said to draw the negative energy out of your body, replacing it with positive energy as it pulls from the energy of the earth and the moon

However, combined with other warmer, more vibrant colours that are appropriate for your target market, grey will take on the messages associated with the different colours, which will work well for your website

Where gold has a yang masculine energy, its opposite, silver, is considered feminine energy

Graphic supports since the explosion of the love of visuals in the online world, think about how Rose Gold became a colour that never seems to disappear Rose Gold has a beautiful vibe, but it is ubiquitous now; you see it everywhere!

It is associated with the moon and the ebb and flow of tides Silver colour can be regarded as cleansing, illuminating and showing the way forward

On the downside, silver loving people can be moody, as their moods are reflected by the changes in the lunar cycle The extreme of that is tending to spend too much time fantasising and not taking action!

Those who want to be their higher selves are urged to connect with the colour silver So if you can't use it on your website (or rather, judiciously), how can you use its allure?

You are considered gentle, kind and sensitive if you like silver White and silver are colours associated with the higher self and spirituality

Silver can be a timeless complement to your primary brand colours and works better on PDF and photos than on a web page So you could embellish your social media assets with this dazzling energy and magnetise

It is generally held that success comes easily to those who like this colour This may be because such people are more open to new ideas and possibilities while being resourceful How the Colour Silver Can Affect You

Using silver in your business is a superb idea Whilst many women look incredible in silver, even just with silver jewellery Silver doesn't work well on websites because it just appears grey which can be cold and impersonal

Those drawn to silver are often highly artistic, creative and imaginative, making them good poets, writers, artists and innovators!

Remember, your brand is not just your website colours! It's your whole message! Do you wish to convey your feminine, goddess, magical nature? Do you want to exude and communicate an easy vibe of wealth and prosperity? Do you wish to stand for luxury, innovation, creativity and new thought? Then bring some silver light into your whole world!

I highly recommend buying The Secret Language of Colour by Inna Seagal Inna is a doyenne on the power of colour as a therapy and powerful life guide You will find some worthy resources here https://www innasegal com/

Use something silver to meditate with, get clarity, or bring some light to your journaling Dazzle your dinner guests with some silver decorations on the table Silver is not just for Christmas, but to imbue a sense of the miracle of life to all your lifestyle Surround yourself with the inspiration that silver can bring, and watch your vibe and vitality rise!

Your environment. Creating or improving your workspace with some silver will put it in a different league. Silver draped over a desk, a silver curtain backdrop to your lives or some kind of decorative arrangement with silver near you will elevate your surroundings' stature and vibe. That connection to spirit, the moon's feminine cycles and wealth cannot help but uplift you, creating an atmosphere of luxury and magic.

Wearing silver. Wearing jewellery during your presentations is always a good idea even if you're not going in public, it's still a good idea because jewellery embellishes your beauty and charm. Silver clothes suit just about every woman. No need to go over the top; silver teeshirts, scarves and accessories are fabulous to add some 'bling' to your appearance and vibe! Silver never dates! Silver sparkle can be added to the simplest outfits or even in your makeup!


Why is it so critical for visionaries to be visible?

Ten years ago, the word 'visibility' conjured up driving foggy roads with the headlights on Now the word is the holy grail of online marketers, especially coaches with big messages, change makers and visionaries. If we are not seen, we potentially don't have a business.

A seer must be seen (visionaries are seers who see, know and understand, and believe that new ways are possible), but unless seers are seen and seen to be heard and believed, their seeing is not worth much! The online market is vast, and Visibility is a crucial skill to master. In the same conversation often comes the necessity for PR, press recognition, acquiring publishing notoriety and accolades, and finding opportunities to present and speak. These are acceptable and valuable ways to get our messages out there. But the Highly Visible Woman will be everywhere because she's created her Visibility by not hiding. Being visible is not just a tactical and technical move; it's the energetic opposite of hiding. And since energy creates everything, it's beneficial to understand how service providers hide so you can stop it! Change making is an aspiration that requires you to be highly visible! Making an impact is hard to do when nobody knows you or sees you! How to radically improve your positioning in your niche through the 9 Graces.

You may think you show up all over the place and talk to many people, and you ' re doing your best to be visible. So, may I invite you to look at where you may be hiding and how the 9 Graces of Preeminence can support your Visibility which leads to your Profitability!

This is a subtle but pervasive one for heart centred entrepreneurs and women in general! Women as natural carers, givers, lovers, healers, and nurturers…often hide behind their hearts. They do that by making their mission, message, and impact more important than being well paid. Altruism can be a trap which can cost you dearly. Heart centred entrepreneurs generally overgive, underprice and spend too much time on how many people they can reach rather than creating solid foundations for a sustainable business. Having a mission is a fine and noble thing, but it's natural for you to be handsomely rewarded for sharing your gifts with the world. The Grace of Peerlessness and Prestige will enable you to hone in on what is unique about your brand and message to reach a maximum number of people. Being in your unsurpassed zone of genius will help you and your message be visible, effective, and impactful. Prestige must be the natural result. Stop being too nice.

Change-makers Hide And How To Stop It!

9 Ways

Hiding under limiting beliefs

Hiding behind your heart

This is a biggie with service providers who cannot transition from obscurity to claiming a position on the world stage as an authority in their topic There may be a limiting belief that you ' re not good enough to be an authority, that every position on your topic is already taken. That there aren't enough clients to go around. Comparisonitis will be prevalent, and all the sneaky little voices of self-sabotage will convince you that you ' re not enough! The Grace of Excellence, if you let yourself be guided by a solid aspirational spirit, will not let your highest self get in the way of getting your message out there so that many people see, hear and benefit from your wisdom. The Grace of Excellence will keep reminding you of your Greatness, potential, duty to your soul's purpose and desire for positive impact.

Many change makers, coaches and consultants don't even realise that they are hiding out at a 'less than' level except when they reflect on their bank accounts. Homogeneity is a killer in this pressured, complex, multi pressure online world. If you look and sound like everyone else, no one will see you hear you or buy from you. Don't let your business be a cookie cutter model for your mentors or anyone else out there. Don't fit in when you need to stand out! Embrace your difference in your brand message and business model. Make your USP outstandingly memorable and magnetic! The Grace of Excellence will have you becoming a beacon of inspiration along with Distinction and Renown.

Hiding in mediocrity and fitting in with the crowds

Once again, heart centred entrepreneurs seem to be the least bothered by the importance of image and appearance. Many of them privilege their nurturing side over any desire to be polished, sparkly, unique and professionally presented. Many lack a personal style. They generally love the 'I just want to be me ' argument, preferring to play down any of their extravagant or charismatic potential. As a brand and messenger, any blandness is anti visibility. You don't have to be permanently dressed up as if going on the red carpet, but you do need to be coherent to turn up as your greatest self when you present yourself with your unique style and panache! Drum roll for the Grace of Distinction to help you do that! Image and appearance are critical to Visibility.

Hiding in appearance

"Whether you ’ re dressing, dancing or eating, you are always manifesting"

Hiding behind excuses and procrastination

Stuckness, excuses and procrastination are three great places to hang out if you want to hide. We're talking 5 star, hide out luxury. You could crawl into any of those and hide forever Many do But you will never ever bring Greatness to the world, which is tragic.

The Graces of Transcendence and Endurance will help you to get over it They will be tough, clear and decisive and may bring you an ultimatum on which you have to make an essential decision for your business. In the end, what's more important? Your excuses or your mission? Get over it! And keep going! Even if you don't know what to do next, do something different.

Hiding behind someone ' bigger and better.'

Working with a top mentor can feel like we are going places a feeling of prestige and privilege and settling for our own smallness. We put them on a pedestal, tend to give them superpowers and forget that all they did was master a part of the equation that you ' re still working out. Again comparisonitis will rear its silly head. As we work near someone we perceive as better than us, it's tempting to automatically hide in their light.

When we ' re mentored by people who are further along the journey, it's really easy to hide in their light

The Grace of Renown will help you grow your own 'Know Like, and Trust' dynamic, which is equal to or even surpasses some of those people to whom you have given your power away. We love to be near their shadows, hovering around to try and emulate their success. If you believe in your own Greatness and power, don't stay in their shade for too long, it can

Hiding by not showing up In this land of social everything, the sometimes oppressive pressure of showing up has us all running to hide away and get away from the overload of information and tension at some point. Understandable it's tough out there in the crowd..especially if you ' re an introvert, as are many visionaries. But if you are hiding, you are not leading. And leadership is what visionaries must do to effectively share their messages. The temptation is there... you can take years to build a website or create a funnel or get a program off the ground. Social media can make us squirm sometimes and want to hide forever. But we will not make a difference or build sustainable revenue if we don't show up. Even showing up for ourselves. Being a change maker is being a leader. Wanting to set an example is being a leader. So lead without a title if you must but get out of bed, get out of your way, and get out there.

Hiding behind busyness

We live in a world where we could be busy for 90 years and never achieve anything. How tragic. And yet it is a genuine danger for entrepreneurs who privilege the secondary parts of business building over the primary part, which is making sales. And again, with the complexities of online marketing, we could hide behind the busyness of perfecting our brand, strategy or anything else and never come out of hiding again! Busyness is an excuse as well as a misaligned use of your energy. When you should be sharing your genius and superpowers, if ' you doing stuff you could outsource or hate doing, it is kryptonite to money! Take up the shield of the Graces of Distinction, Renown, Peerlessness and Leadership. Let them sit you down and get help, support and clarity. Let them help you get space on your agenda to make money. These are all Graces of Preeminence, and Preeminence is your ticket to Greatness!

"Showing up in the marketplace as an unlimited being will give you an unfair advantage"

How many invisible brands are there out there? Hundreds of thousands! Brands that have nothing new, outstanding or worthy to say or offer. A bland brand is anathema for change makers, but, unfortunately, in this current market, it seems that only the very well resourced can afford the titans of copywriting and design. And so, a bland brand, message, USP and web presence is a feeble representation of someone who surely has a fine and worthy mission and vision. This is when all the Graces come into play all working together with you to support your Preeminence. Providing one single thing is in place That you are aligned with your vision and message, and that your brand is in alignment with you.

Hiding in your brand and message.

Free Resources All new Styled To Sell™ Bundle Worksheet and Audio value $97 Click on the Gift Box FREE MESSAGE TO BRAND MESSAGE ALIGNMENT SESSION BOOK HERE

RENOWN PRINCIPLE "Peoplewillnotrememberwhatyousaid,butthey willrememberhowyoumadethemfeel".

Startwearing accessoriesonyourlives jewellery,scarves,hair accessoriesorevena hat Nothingdistinguishes youlikeasignature piecethatisrelatedto yourbrand!



When we move towards excellence and leave any traces of mediocrity behind, we gain distinction. It may be with an accolade or an award, or simply by the power of our own convictions, passion and charisma. A state of preeminence is a natural way for us to stand out, be seen, heard, admired and paid.

SEPT 2022

GiveyourFacebook PersonalProfilea makeoversothatitisin linewithyour professionalone!Many timespeopleforgethow manyvisitthispage it neestobe100% coherentwihtyourpro pages.Youarealways selling! Treatyourselftoan indulgenthouron Youtuberesearching newwaysofdoingyour makeupandhavea play!Betterstilldoa makeupcourseorgeta professionalmakeupfor ashootandasktheir advicehowtore create thelook!

FREE LIFE COACHING A Conscious Media Platform DREAM BOLD NETWORK Collaboration, Community & Communication

Our society has been taught and programmed to compete, compare and judge others This creates the illusion of separation and it lowers our energetic frequency When we focus on community, we activate our tribal instincts. When deciding who to collaborate with it's important to assess how aligned your vision, intentions and communication style are. Choose your collaborators wisely and make sure that they value community

Dream Bold Network Art

We are the sum of the people we surround ourselves with so keep your vibration high so that you can attract people that light up your soul and support your vision. Trust your innate instincts and surround yourself with positive people When we work with a tribal mindset, everyone wins because the best interests of the group are honored Our natural state is to thrive as one this is our divine truth and gift "Community makes us divinely stronger"


Dream Bold Network Art

Energy doesn't lie. It's a powerful language tha so many of us don't speak fluently Try to spend more time sensing and feeling the energy of other people What is their vibration communicating with you? Trust your instincts! addition to that, become more aware of how everything is energy, frequency and vibration Notice how our voices are a frequency, and how our body language communicates our inner sta language of energy is the most pure communication"

Communication Energy


Collaborative Flow

When multiple people operate and execute from the flow state, they have an energetic advantage. When the flow state is shared with a group of people it amplifies in magnetic power True power is to master electromagnetism so that you can co create with more ease, miraculousness and synchronicity When you collaborate with others try incorporating breathing techniques, meditation, sound therapy, Qi Gong, visualization and energy healing This harmonizes the collective frequency of the group and increases the magnetic charge in the quantum field. Group flow is one of the most powerful vibrations in the world

Community Lifestyle

Tribal Instincts


Dream Bold Network Art

C u l t i v a t e t h e P o w e r o f c o l l a b o r a t i o n & C o m m u n i t y

We are all born with instincts but so often suppress them, ignore them and neglect them. Just like animals, we need our instincts to navigate life with more divine power. Do you listen to your body? Do you trust your instincts? We can strengthen our inner warning systems it's like a muscle When we align with tribal instincts we rise as one. community that works collaboratively is truly divine

I am in the frequency of divine expression & in am in love with my communication & social am an attractor beam for the best communica is my superpow



s I

to communicate wi

I grateful for ability

Dream Bold Network Art

I am so comfortable sharing my ideas, vision a am always aware of what my energy is

I am very skilled at communicating my bounda


I am consciously communicating more conscio


l am so proud of my commitment to clear comm



Communicatio Affirmations

Dream Bold Network Art

Retrain your mind to think with tribal instincts, intentions and collaboration Retrain your mind to value the power of solitude and to listen to your instincts Rewire your mind to love being alone, to prioritize self care and to strengthen your sacred relationship and dialogue with source energy

Tribal Mindset

We live in a world that has taught us to focus on ourselves more than the collective. We have been programmed to be selfish, superficial and envious of others that have what we want This divides us and lowers our collective energetic field When we live as one global tribe anything is possible because our frequency is purely magnetic Instead, we could see everyone as a reflection of source energy We could choose to be in awe of the polarity of humanity and be happy for people we would normally be jealous of When we see everyone as a reflection of us, embodying the same divine light we live with unity consciousness and so much more peace We are all in this together and we have limitless potential when we live in the quantum model of reality. We are waking up to our natural state of unity We are also tapping into our innate superpowers at an accelerated rate There is a tribal rhythm to life and when we drop into the flow state and work together, we shift the quantum field When we focus too much on our specific goals and achievements, and not the collective future, we aren't tapping into our powers We become very stuck energetically because the intentions aren't from our heart center. When we take the time to visualize a miraculous future for our world, we generate more life force energy and speed up the manifestation of that reality In other words, if we invested the time we waste worrying about our own futures into a global quantum leap it would manifest.

Tribal Vision When you vision is centered around community and how we can all win you have reached a level of tribal vision and collaboration well done!

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Dream Bold Network is a company that I started to share conscious media that empowers humanity It’s a platform that showcases my greatest passions, including graphic art, interviews, Qi Gong, my books, conscious products, spoken word and inspiring writing Dream Bold Network consists of thought leaders, artists, filmmakers, authors, mindset coaches, healing practitioners and bold visionaries We are all dedicated to the art and science of intentional magnetism, ancient healing modalities, quantum creation and unity consciousness I became interested in this because of my own personal healing journey and the more I learned about ancient healing, the more I knew the world needed someone to translate it with a bold and innovative approach It was a calling that I am so grateful I answered Dream Bold Network is on a mission to empower humanity and to reconnect us to our innate abilities Our intention is to tap us back into superhuman consciousness so that we can make a quantum shift in the direction of world peace Our plan is to teach this wisdom in a playful, sensual, artistic and entertaining way We are conducting a global energy experiment and truly believe that we just need enough of us to vibrate high enough to nullify the lower frequencies that are holding humanity back Our vision is to teach the world how to heal and create on a quantum level so harmony and spiritual evolution We are all motivated to build a bridge back to divi reconnect with infinite intelligence and consciously create a better world for our ch Kate Yurenda, Founder of Dream Bold Network

Be sure to check out Kate's e book, Spiritual Foreplay available at www dreamboldnetwork com

Female Empowerment Tips:

"PRINCIPLE "Thereisno oneintheworldlikeyou.Rejoiceinyourglory. Youareanaturalgeniusand theworldawaitstobeholdyourdazzlingprowess". PEERLESSNESS

JOURNAL, MEDITATE, PLAN, CULTIVATE THE FEELING OF BEING PEERLESS. TAKE ACTION RECORD THE EVIDENCE THE 9 GRACES OF PREEMINENCEMONTHLY PROMPTS Find your genius Believe in your super powers Conduct yourself like nobility Be fascinated by others Keep a beginner's mind Wear your heart on your sleeve Avoid crowds Think before speaking Breathe integrity Cultivate charm Choose your own values Avoid wearing black Practice playfulness Ooze fabulousness SEPT 2022 Journal10waysonwhy yourideal,mission alignedclientsshould pickyouoversomeone elseinyourniche Areyouseriousabout leavingalegacy?If moneywasnoobject, whatwouldyoudoto makethathappen?Can youtakeasteptowards thatanyway? Meditateonwhatyour futureselfinoneyear’s timewouldwishtotell youtoday Journalonitandtake action!

andra Biskind Dame

From a very young age, I’ve known I was meant to be a powerful agent for good. I knew I was meant to accomplish something important… the healing of humanity. That should be simple enough, shouldn’t it? :)

I started my journey as a small child, searching for answers, and what a journey it’s been!

I’ve made millions and shown others how to make millions for themselves. I became a fashion model and an award winning entrepreneur. I’ve travelled continents, written books, studied with gurus, divorced a tyrant, and married the love of my life From fashion to real estate, all the way to enlightenment and healing, the road I’ve travelled has been anything but boring! During my 69 years on this planet, I’ve learned many lessons but the biggest one is how important it is to embrace my role and power as a visionary woman I own my power every day to step into this role and to lift other women up so they can experience their own journey as a visionary woman. "I knew I was meant to accomplish something important… the healing of humanity."

Your comfort zone is never where you grow and every woman of vision knows this Risks are always part of growth, whether you accept them willingly or they are forced upon you This is where the hardest part of my lifelong journey began I was forced to take risks and change the the course of my life from the moment my mother was tragically killed after surgery at the age of 41. I was 18 and had almost died two months earlier. In shock and living in a nightmare state, I had to leave formal education and take over running my parent’s fashion business Within 2 years I helped sell that business; married a man 10 years older than me who was the fashion controller of women’s fashion Target Australia and took another huge risk by opening my own fashion boutique

Value #2 - A visionary woman lives by divine guidance and takes risks based on that guidance.

As a very small child, I remember announcing loudly to my mother that I was going to work for a higher power She smiled indulgently because we didn’t discuss these things in our home I didn’t know how or when I would fulfil my grand ambitions, but I knew even then that I was going to make a difference in the world. Somehow in my young yet confident mind, I knew that if I kept going, all would eventually be revealed.

What is a visionary woman?

A visionary woman is always making the choice to show up as the best version of who she is She is constantly choosing to live in the code that uplifts and supports her goals, dreams, and vision of herself as a beacon of light for herself, those she loves, and for the whole of humanity

Value #1 - A visionary woman is curious and prepared to open her mind to higher awareness.

Value #3 - A visionary woman sees what is possible for the future and is determined to make it a reality.

When you’ve activated the awareness code, you see the big picture and remove boundaries and blocks that put a glass ceiling on the amount of happiness, abundance, and love you can access. The mind is open to new ideas and new adventures in every area of your life.

A visionary woman is aligned to a super-consciousness state of awareness that allows her to shift her energy, frequency, and vibration to match her audience.

I could see the possibilities for my new boutique, even when others loudly doubted me. It didn’t matter that no one else had successfully opened a high fashion boutique outside the typical retail location in our area before. I just knew it was going to work.

I knew if I built something unique and offered a new high-end market boutique that wasn’t being offered anywhere else, women would come and even prefer to be there than in the normal traffic flow of the town. And it turned out be one of the best business decisions I made as a young woman.

Some of the businessmen in the town looked at the townhouse I had chosen for my new fashion boutique and said I was a “silly little girl who would go broke within 6 months”. They didn't have the vision to see that a business in a townhouse outside the normal retail traffic flow could not only survive but thrive. They had always done business one specific way and they certainly didn’t think a 20-year-old girl would have the creativity, vision, and ability to take such a huge financial risk to fulfil a dream of being self-employed in the only field she had been brought up in since the age of 12.

Whew! We lived happily ever after. THE END. Nope! Just kidding. The story really starts getting good here… move, Daniel and I both had the same vision - to people to join in our quest and teachings around small town called Russell in the magnificent Bay of visions we decided to create a brand new niche award winning business in New Zealand starting a 5 luxury villas overlooking sapphire and emerald seas with dolphins and whales as our neighbors the world stood up and took notice. Best Luxury Coastal Hotel Award from the World continues to win the World’s Best Luxury Villa Retreat

But my journey wasn’t destined to endargumentthere… with the Divine later (I promise to tell you sold my business in Australia and moved to New Zealand when I met and married Daniel Biskind, an American property developer.

Value #4 - A visionary woman is flexible and is willing to make quick decisions and change direction when needed. Flexibility combined with quick thinking is the recipe for success that all visionary women live by - whether they know it or not. My boutique was a success. That one and the six that came after it!

Value #6 - A visionary woman never takes her eye off of what she really wants.

Value #5 - A visionary woman doesn’t let anyone stop her from living her dreams.

Twenty-five years, 7 boutiques, my own fashion label, and an award-winning luxury hotel later, we can safely say I proved those businessmen wrong. Visionary women don’t let others stop them from fulfilling their dreams, especially when those dreams come through divine guidance. That “silly little girl” they were confident would fail, turned out to be more insightful than anyone could have predicted.

Throughout the entire change in direction, move to another country, change from the Australian fashion scene to the hospitality industry on a global scale in New Zealand to focusing on spiritual mentorship and healing around the world, there’s been an underlying vision to be of service to humanity - to help end suffering on a large scale. I spent years writing for spiritual magazines in three countries, speaking and delivering healing experiences in many countries worldwide, and have written 8 books, 4 of which are international number one best sellers. Daniel and I co created the PLATINUM LIFE SYSTEM™ and launched our legacy book

There were struggles and there were plenty of people who doubted me but I never stopped believing in myself and striving for what I knew was possible.

As you master those high-frequency states and the unconscious frequencies blocking them you can only ever show up as the best version of who you are and whom you were always meant to be

CODEBREAKER: Discover The Password To Unlock The Best Version Of You with the CODEBREAKER Journal. All our live and online events are direct teaching of the 8 codes that make up PLATINUM as outlined in CODEBREAKER Peace, Love, Awareness, Trust, Integrity, Neutrality, Unity, and Mindfulness are our soul’s superpowers

I was accustomed to obstacles, naysayers, and other outward struggles but when my own body became the struggle, life got a whole lot more challenging more difficult I’d had many life threatening surgeries over the decades but nothing had frightened me as much as seeing the results of an MRI after months of agonizing lower back pain. It showed my spine was bone on bone with three completely degenerated discs and arthritis on a nerve in the right hip The doctors said stem cell therapy wasn’t an option as there was nothing left to regenerate.

I thought I was going to be in a wheelchair taking destructive pain killers for the rest of my life. I called my friend who had introduced me to the LifeWave phototherapy patches and when I told her what was happening she patched me up and within an hour I was pain free for the first time in months - and I haven’t had that pain since. For the first time in many years, I experienced a life free from pain and filled with energy and vitality I hadn’t experienced since my youth. I’m going to admit that for two years I had said, No to these incredible patches I continued searching for solutions to my own pain but I was continuously guided back to this improbable solution It would be the solution that changed my life and took me into a whole new direction.

Value #7 - A visionary woman confidently faces challenges head-on with the help of divine guidance

Living by divine guidance as a visionary woman means saying YES to huge challenges on a daily basis

The majority of very successful people will admit they live by divine guidance, Einstein and Tesla both admitted intuition was more important to them than anything else.

Value #9 - A visionary woman always lives in total integrity

Another brilliant scientist of our time that I’m most impressed with also openly admits to living by divine guidance. USA inventor, scientist and visionary man, David Schmidt at one stage thought he was a good inventor. He then realised he was very good at listening.

David had tapped into his divine guidance system in order to create the LifeWave company to realize his vision of a future where he had the best and largest healing company on the planet. His dream was to deliver a drug-free and chemical-free healing technology that utilizes the body’s own light and energy to activate the body’s ability to heal itself mentally, physically, and emotionally. In other words he’s downloaded and perfected a high-frequency patch system than helps end suffering.

It’s the only product on the planet that activates your body’s ability to improve stem cells - no 3rd party DNA, no injections and it’s affordable for all. I felt even more blessed when I discovered David Schmidt’s healing system works on a quantum level - I like to call it Healing by the Speed of Light

It’s important for true visionary women to always live in total integrity while bringing the highest values to all our businesses. From a very young age my success principles have made it easy to trust my instincts around who I would partner with to help fulfill my dream of helping to end suffering in humanity. When I learned that this process of phototherapy had been around for over 100 years and that David himself had invested more than 20 years in development and had countless case studies proving the benefits, I knew beyond any doubt that this science based company had products I could be proud to share.

This is the system that supported my body’s healing when I needed it most and that continues to support me every day in the areas of sleep, reverse aging, energy, fitness, wound healing and so much more!

The LifeWave patch system has empowered me to be more aware of my own body on a cellular level. I listen carefully to what each symptom is telling me and I have this amazing phototherapy technology at my fingertips to address each symptom immediately and to heal myself from the inside out.

Value #8 - A visionary woman has fully activated her soul’s superpower of


Do you have a vision for what you want your future to look like?

Regardless of where you are on your journey to becoming a visionary woman, I’m here to empower you to believe in yourself. Know that you are a high frequency divine being who has the power to experience joy, healing, and more of every good thing. Join us and experience the difference a life filled with love and abundance can make. There is always so much Love, Light and Support here for you

LifeWave Presidential Director Dame Sandra Biskind xxx

I’m inviting you to join me and other women of vision in our #PatchMeUpBabe Facebook Group. Here we help and uplift one another in a supportive and healing environment.

It’s here you’ll find healing meditations and some incredible information about the LifeWave stem cell technology. You’ll read success stories and talk to other women who are thriving physically and financially while helping to heal the planet.

Value #10 - A visionary woman opens her mind to new opportunities

My vision of being a powerful agent for good in the world expanded exponentially when I created my Quantum Healing Team where I share the LifeWave healing technology with other visionary women who are ready to transform lives and become financially free in a global business that is already created and ready to go!

Maybe you’re ready to experience this healing system that I’m so passionate about for yourself or maybe you’re just starting your journey and want to immerse yourself in the energy field of these incredible visionary women in our circle.

Quantum Healing Gift Experience Lions Gate DNA Renewal meets Lifewave Reverse Aging MAKE A SHIFT! Give yourself the gift of Divine Light... Experience the convergence of LionsGate Light, the Light of your True Self and the Light activation of the quantum healing


You came here for greatness. You came here to express your genius. Genius lies in the intersection between your gifts, your bliss and your values and is the most powerful attractor of abundance.

Doyoufeelyourprices justifythevalueofyour offers? Ifdeepdownyoudon’t thenthereissomere aligningtodo! Choosealevel,stretchit, thenstretchitsomemore soitfeelsreally uncomfortable,thencome backtothemiddleone Howdoesthatfeelnow? Evenasmallraisewill informtheuniverseyou’re worthit!


Our Preeminent Self is the one who intuitively knows that all the secrets, all the answers, all the breakthroughs you seek, are already within you. You need nothing else except the code to access them. To decipher the code is to truly know your full power as the creator of your own legacy

Whenwasthelasttime youwenttoabeauty salontohavesome professionalTLConyour face,skinorhands?Can yousetalittlebudgetto dothismonthlyoreven quarterly?

SEPT 2022

Thinkoftimeas currency.Doyou overspendonthingsthat don’tserveyourhighest life? Areyouoverdraft?How canyoustartsaving?!


aren Baines

There are three universal laws that I work with my clients on a daily basis, They are the good old law of attraction, that's the first one, the law of circulation, and the law of polarity

You hear people talking all the time about, “Oh, I attracted this”, or “I attracted my ideal client”, or “I want to attract my ideal clients”, or “Why do I keep attracting this?” It’s so common for people to talk about attracting as if they are in one place and they're pulling everything to them from another; absolute rot

You are not standing in one place having to ‘attract everything from outside of you, because you are it. You are the universe, you are everything, you are everyone. Everything that you want and desire is available to you, and everything that you can't even yet imagine is available to you, but it’s all at different vibrations You don't need to attract anything to you, because you're an infinite energetic being

This is really quite a disempowering place to be because as everybody knows, everything is energy and everything is interconnected So how can you possibly be on your own? How can you be an infinite being who isn't engaging with everybody and everything else energetically, and the universe all the darned time? It's absolutely ridiculous, but a lot of people can’t see that truth!


The Law of YouNew Vision for You and Your Money

The law of attraction has this connotation about it, that you are you, and you are separate from everything else, and that you have to attract everything to you

These are the three laws that I work with the most, that I'm always aware of because I know that I'm always engaging with them in one way or another Let’s take that misnomer the law of attraction. I actually think it's really unfortunate that it's been given that name.

Maybe we will never know just how many universal laws there are working in the cosmos They're probably as infinite as the universe And they are as surely as infinite as the infinite being you are and the infinite gifts that you have When all is said, done and theorised about, there is much scientific evidence, not to mention a ton of ancient scriptures from all over the world to support the fact that many of the laws can be influenced by yourself! (Ok, I know gravity is a tricky one, but even then, humans managed to overcome it in space!) So let’s dive into the juicy topic of the universal laws, you and your money!

And those choices are either aligned to money or they’re not The Law Of Circulation Let’s take this second law the good old law of circulation The law of circulation is thus you can't give what you don't have You can't keep what you don't give, and you can't sustain what you don't receive That is the law of circulation Let me repeat those again You can't give what you don't have, you can't keep what you don't give, and you can't sustain what you don't receive Let's break this down a little bit. You can't give what you don't have.

If you don't have something to give, if you don't have the energy or resources to give, you can't give it Unfortunately, so many heart centred entrepreneurs end up in this perpetual place of burnout My entrepreneurs tend to be over givers because they're very heart centred Our default setting, when we are highly governed by our heart chakra, is naturally to over give We don't even know we are doing it until we are exhausted And so, we have to be really aware of that danger

What is required to master this law, is to actually vibrate at a different frequency so that you become a vibrational match for what you desire and what you want, and which is already available to you

If you can imagine, in this moment this is where you are vibrating, this frequency over here, right now and what it looks and feels like However, what you want is vibrating at a higher frequency somewhere else You don't attract it to you You become it

What is referred to as the law of attraction does indeed governs us and we are interacting with it constantly I like to refer to it as the universe says “Yes“. My clients seem to love that interpretation. That's the law of attraction, and you are engaging with it every minute of every single day, with every choice that you make. There isn't one single choice that you make that does not have you co creating with the universe, not one single choice.

Take all that chaos that was created in the last couple of years with so many human beings being isolated and alone. It isn’t natural for humans, nor entrepreneurs! We must trust in the boundless possibilities to be supported We've got to stop hustling and trying to make things happen We must willingly receive support from other people, and receive support from the universe because the universe is always supporting us too!

If I haven't got any chocolate, and I want to share chocolate with you, I can't give it to you because I haven't got any Energy really needs to be treated the same way If you don't have any energy to give, don't give it If you do give it, you end up overdrawn in your energy account, and that will be directly reflected in your bank account If you are constantly popping in and out of your overdraft, or you're living in your overdraft, if you examine your boundaries, and you look at your obligation and your sacrifice, I bet you, you're an over giver. If you don't have the energy to give, you've got to stop giving it. The way to readdress the balance is to stop giving it away Give to yourself instead and fill your cup up energetically that way Give to yourself first Start doing self love as an absolutely minute by minute practice You cannot give what you don't have It leads to depletion and burnout Is it selfish? Yes and no Being selfish is not a bad thing at all when you simply ‘put your own oxygen mask on first’ in every situation! You can't keep what you don't give. Once you start to build up your resources, if then you don't do anything for anybody and you hold onto everything, because you haven't got any to spare, or because ‘there isn't enough to go around’, can you feel the contraction around that? We're assuming that there's something out there that we are separate from and that we need to get from someone Then once we get it, we are taking it from them, or once we get it, if we give it away, there's not going to be enough for everybody That's not how this law works

Once you start to fill up your energy cup again, once you start to give back to yourself, you can then start to give out to others, because if you don't give what you have, you shut everything down You contract You are buying into a lie that there isn't enough to go around Abundance is infinite and universal, and that is what we are here to create You can't sustain what you don't receive. This is often the one that affects my entrepreneurs the most. They don't realize what's going on until we break all this down. You can't sustain what you don't receive. I find that this shows up as a receive surrender allow type of process because when we are in the process of giving what we have and giving to ourselves, and all of that, when we're engaging with the law of circulation, we're engaging with the natural flow, we must allow ourselves to receive and be supported, especially when we're service providers We absolutely must allow ourselves to be supported We can't do it alone Human beings aren't designed to be or do things alone We don't live on desert islands for a reason!

Bringing it back to money and business for a minute, if you are a human being designed to be an entrepreneur and add value to the lives of other people through your gifts, if that is what you are designed for, what you are actually doing is offering other people support in exchange for money.

You can't operate in the world and declare to the universe, "I value the energy of support enough to receive money from it, but I don't value the energy of support enough to receive support for myself " If you shut down the receiving of support, you are not going to make money through the giving of it; remember it's the law of circulation, it goes 'round, and 'round, and 'round We need to be able to receive support from others, receive support from the universe, and then everything becomes sustainable because everything keeps going round and round. It all circles back, and it all happens in a really fluid way. It all goes full circle, that’s a law. When you open yourself to receiving, and you make sure that you are giving from a place of having, when you do that, you are engaging with universal flow You're engaging with the law of circulation, and you won't get stuck; you won't get burned out, which will take you right back to the first part, which is, that you can't give what you don't have

That takes it back to the premise of ‘you can't give away chocolate if you haven't got any’ Stop giving away your chocolate. This principle is really fluid. It's like breathing in and out, inhale exhale, receive give, that's what it's all about.

The Law of Polarity

Positive and negative, you can't have one without the other. Now, whether it be fortunate or unfortunate for human beings, when it comes to positive and negative, human beings get quite caught up in it all We see the positive as something good, and the negative as something bad That's the general consensus If it's positive, it's good If it's negative, it's bad The universe doesn't see it that way The universe just reads the frequency, says ‘yes’ and gives you more It's got no perspective in the way that human beings have It has no perception of positive or negative You can't have light without the dark. You can't have the good without the bad. You can't have abundance without lack, because you can't experience one without the other. We humans make so many decisions and choices based on comparison, without even realizing it You're constantly comparing every minute of the day I like this, I don't like that I want this, I don't want that I like what they've got, I don't like what I've got It's always comparison, comparison, comparison Not in a comparison itis way, it's just how we get feedback so that we know what we need to do But you just cannot experience one thing without experiencing its opposite If you don't know what lack feels like, you will not be able to experience abundance. If you live in abundance constantly, you won't know you are in abundance, because you don't know what lack feels like. Many of my clients are fascinated by metaphysics all things manifesting, the law of attraction, and high vibrational living But, they don't allow themselves to feel the negative possibilities They resist what they perceive and label as wrong They don't allow themselves to go through an experience of what they perceive as negative because then they think they're going to manifest something bad! But, what we resist persists that's probably another universal law Human beings are designed to live a full range of life experiences That's why we're governed by the law of polarity because we are here to experience the whole spectrum of possibility!

Now, this is quite a simple one, but it's so important The law of polarity, in its simplest form, states that everything has its opposite It's like two sides of a coin Can't have one side without the other side I've got a coin here One side heads, the other side of the coin, tails You cannot have one without the other It's like a battery that has a positive and a negative, and you need both ends to put in the torch to be able to turn on the light.

This is what your soul wanted when it decided it was going to incarnate as a human being It came here to enjoy the full experience of being human, the negative and the positive If you resist the negative, it leaks out inappropriately anyway, so give yourself permission to live the full human experience When you allow the so called negative feelings that invariably show up, that's how we gain self knowledge When you allow them to move through you without judgement and without making it wrong about yourself, you'll acquire self knowledge so much quicker, and you'll be free to experience the next juicy thing that will invariably have a positive and a negative spectrum too because we're governed by the law of polarity.

When you refuse the ‘got tos’, ‘have tos’, ‘should do’, and ‘must dos’, you naturally realign, and the sacrifice and resentment fall away as a byproduct That's not going to happen overnight If your experience is currently full of obligation, sacrifice, guilt and resentment, otherwise known in in my world as the not so fab four, it may well take you a good couple of vibrational shifts to clear them out completely. They're still going to come back because you are human. Again, don't judge it, experience it, and let it move through you, just be a witness, keep an eye on what’s happening for you and get it out of your experience as soon as you are aware of it so that it can’t affect your money! Remember the law of polarity, everything has its opposite Sacrifice is all the 'I can'ts' you may have in your life I can't do this because I've got to do that; it's the disempowered energy If you’re choosing something that is actually you behaving in sacrifice energy, you must stop choosing that way of being and doing! Instead, choose empowerment the opposite of the disempowered energy, and the I can't You can't create anything powerful from there; instead, you want to do something that's going to feel like empowerment If you're in sacrifice and you need to do something new, choose something that's empowering, ideally, in a way that matches your target energy the underlying quality that resonates with your preferred situation. You can only create what you desire from the vibration that is resonant with the gorgeous outcome you want to experience! Again, resentment is a very contracted energy, it sucks the life force out of you When you feel contracted, because you're in resentment, that's exactly what you are creating You're contracting all of your channels to receive Remember the law of circulation If you are in resentment, you can't receive because you've contracted all your channels down, including the channel that money comes through The energy that you want to choose instead of resentment, is expansion

It's expansive That's the opposite end of that spectrum Resentment is contracting You need to choose something that's expansive instead You can literally feel it. You can just feel it. Ideally you want to go and do something that matches your target energy that will feel expansive to you. That's how you bring it all together. Pretty cool. I think it's pretty cool.

Youwanttobreakthroughtothenextlevelofincome,youcanfeelit,youcantasteit, youknowitisrightthere It’swithintouchingdistancebutyoucan’tseemtogetyour handsonit,nomatterwhatyoudo

Perhapsyouknowthatsomethingismissing,butyoucan’tputyourfingeronit You knowyouwanttomakeanimpactintheworld aglobalimpact Youknowyouwant financialfreedomandnotjustabankaccountthatlookslikeamobilephonenumber, butmoneyyoucanactuallyusebecauseyouhavethetimefreedomtouseit!

AndIknowyou’redoingallofthethingsthatyou’vebeentoldtodoinyourbusiness, theprovenstepsyouneedtotaketobuildyourbusiness.Butletmeaskyou,howis thatworkingoutforyousofar?

“ Realign the things you can’t see, to get the results you can see. ”

You’respendingalotoftimedoingthingsthatwarrantlittlereturnanddon’tcreate actualresults.Itfeelslike200stepsforwardand300stepsback. Thattippingpointcontinuestoilludeyou,somehow.

see. ” Karen Baines

KarenBainesisaConsciousWealthCreationMentorandlovestoworkwith passionate,ambitiousentrepreneursbyshowingthemhowtomastertheir owncreationalprocess,particularlyaroundtheirbusinessandfinances.

I’vebeenlearningandteachingthelanguageofmoneyforsomeyearsnow, havingpreviouslyrunmyownsuccessfulbookkeepingbusiness.Running quietlyparalleltothiswasalife longinterestinpersonaldevelopment.A wholenewlevelofmoneywisdomwasintroducedtomewhenIdiscovered UniversalLawandenergy,soonafterthatthedefiningmomentwhenthese twoworldssuddenlycollided Previously,Ihadbeenattemptingto compartmentalisethem,theironybeingthatInowteachhowyousimply cannotcompartmentaliseenergy Avitalcomponentofrunningabusinessisyourfinances yourincome money Understandingyourownalignmentandtheenergeticsofmoneygives youapricelessopportunitytounlockandreachthatelusivenextincomelevel, asinanutshell,Moneyisjustaveryhappyby productofAlignment,andthe bestdefinitionofAlignmentisYOUDoYOU! the things you can’t see, to get the results you can

“ Realign

Free Money mentum essment


Interview with P.

So many business owners follow other people’s cookie cutter approachestosuccess,andthisdoesn’tleadtotheimpactthatyouare here to make in your business. Understanding your numeric energies deliverspowerfulandvaluableinsightthatallowsyoutoshowupinyour business.

"Bizology®unlocksthenumericcodetoyoursuccess! Numerology is a well established ancient science, similar to astrology butinsteadoflookingtothestars,itlookstonumbers


JoSoleygivesJenniPatourofthefascinatingandeffectiveworldof numerologyinbusiness,thatshehasdevelopedintoBizology™!Her expertskillinthepowerofnumbers givesherauniquegift in helpingentrepreneursreachtheirhighest levelbyunderstanding andapplyingthelawsofnumbers intheirlifeandbusiness.

NumerologyhasbeenusedbycelebritiesandCEOsacrosstheworldas awayofharnessingthesubtleenergiesthatcreateouruniqueblueprint Numerologyhelpsyoulike,knowandtrustyourself!

PackedwithinsightsandbrimingwithJo'spassionfor thisancient science,youwillbereachingforherfreeresources!

Numerologyhastransformed Jo’s life and business to such a degree that her services are now related to connecting her clients to the energies of their numbers As by understanding yourLifePathnumberandyourPersonalYear numerologycanhelpempower youtodotherightthingattherighttime. Soley


Jo Soley is a Business Coach and the founder of Bizology® ‘Using the Powers ofNumerologytoElevateYourBusinessSuccess’.Peopledobusinesswithyouif they like, know and trust you, numerology helps you like, know and trust yourself!Helpingyouunderstandwhoyoureallyareasabusinessowner Numerology has transformed Jo’s life and business to such a degree that her services are now related to connecting her clients to the energies of their numbers ByunderstandingyourLifePathnumber,thePersonalYearyouarein, and the meaning and expression of your name numerology can help empoweryoutodotherightthingattherighttimeinyourbusinessjourney. Shorterbio Jo Soley is a Business Coach and the founder of Bizology® ‘Using the Powers ofNumerologytoElevateYourBusinessSuccess’

FREEDOWNLOAD DISCOVERYOUR LIFEPATHNUMBER Howthepowersofnumerology canelevateyoursuccess


hristine Sahli Williams

I LOVE Facebook groups and creating a community. We teach this inside Activate Abundance 6 month business accelerator program. Keeping it simple and focused and knowing what to do daily to attract your ideal client and invite them to work with you on ONEplatformisthequickestwayto6figures

what are the MAIN things she wants to be solved. NOT the contents of your program or 90 daytransformationprogram.TheywantRESULTS,notlogistics.

This mistake is typically created when there's too much focus on the logistics of your program and not properly aligning it to the real 'pains' or problems she has or the real 'wins'ormotivationsthatarepossibleforherandhertransformation

Are you putting in a lot of work and not getting READY YES clients in your programs or offers?

HerearethethreemostcommonmistakesIseenewcoachesmakeintheirfirst1 3years whentryingtogetto6figuresandthesolutions

Mistake 1: Not focusing on a specific audience or persona (Your IDEAL CLIENT) and solvingarelevantproblemforthat'startermarket'

Solution:KEEPITSIMPLE:ChoosejustONEmarketingmethodandsellyourproductthatfits with what feels aligned with YOU and what you love to do (Business is hard enough without having to learn a bunch of new high tech and fancy funnels at the same time) Plus,youdon'thavetheincomeyettofundit.

I see this mistake over and over again Coaches chase the next bright shiny object or TACTICandnevergetjustONEmarketingplatformworkinglikeawell oiledmachine Thisalsocreatesafeelingoffailureanddoubtthattheycanactuallymakeanymoney

Solution: Focus on a specific problem someone REALLY cares about, and solve that problem you'llgetrealtractionandmakeyourbusinesseasiertogrow.Reallydialinon

Mistake 2: Feeling like you need to be on ALL the social media platforms and never using just ONE to its full potential Or paying for ads, trying to build out courses, or evergreenproductsattheWRONGtimeintheirbusiness

PeopleWILLinvesttogettheirresults.Anditiseveneasiertoenrollsomeoneintoa2K 3k offerwhentheyseehowtheywillgettheresulttotheirproblemratherthantryingtosella $97courseormembershipwithnorealsupport

Even if you have your ideal client nailed down and a marketing and sales system that feels good and aligned with you, having an ineffective business model will keep you spinning

Solution: Make sure your business model has just 2 core offers And make one of them 2k 3korevenhigher



SomanyNEWcoachesaretryingto"SELL"thoselow priced$97offers(becauseyouare afraidpeoplewon'tbuyyourhigher pricedoffer)

A boutique business that SERVES at a high level means you get to really support people mosteffectivelyinhelpingthemgetresults

Canshereallygetthetransformationshe wants in a 1 off session? (Loose 30 pounds or finally get a handle on what's keeping her upatnight?)

Transformation takes time Be a stand for her and what she really wants and make it aboutHER.Notyourfearsordoubtsofapricetag.

AndthebenefitsofkeepingyourbusinessmodelSIMPLE: •Yougettostayinyourzoneofgeniusanddowhatyoulovetodo

•Yougettovalueyourtimeandownyourworthandpricingsothatyou'reexcitedtohelp people,andTHEYshowupexcitedtoworkwithyou

• You get to keep things LOW tech and high touch with a focus on people and serving them,notsalestactics.

•Youdon'tneedalargeaudienceof10Kplus.Youcanseriouslyhit6figuresandmultiple 6figureswith500orlessinyourFacebookgrouporemaillist.(Ihitmultiple6figureswith agroupofonly300)

• You have FREEDOM to spend time with your family, being the visionary in your business, and have time to be FULLY sourced so you can show up as the empowered feminine leader you are No more sacrificing your time, energy, family, or sanity to complicated strategiesorburningyourselfout

If this is how you want to create a thriving wellness practice, where you get to serve with heart and soul and be well paid sharing your gifts with othersthen jump on the waiting list for the next Activate Abundance®Academysession.

Or book a free call with me here to see if this or something better is the BEST fit for you andyourvision Toyourultimateabundancemysweetfriend, Chris


IONLYtake15intotheprogramandwhenyou'reonthe VIPwaitinglist,you'llhavetheopportunitytosave$1,000whenthecartopensandhavea full24 hourheadstart. PLUS you'll get a BONUS that is available only to those who are on the VIP list if you decidetoenroll.


Christine Williams

Christine Williams is the owner and founder of Shine Wellness LLC. A 7 figure business dedicated to empowering women wellness entrepreneurs and holistic practitioners to create soul led and heart centered 6 figure business, without the hustle and sales tactics that feel so out of alignment for many women.Sheisknownforcultivatingcommunity,connections,andcollaborationsthatinspireandcreate WINWINSforeveryone AspartofherSoulfulAbundanceSystem™,Sheweavestheabundancemindset and soul fueled strategy along with a simple system to create consistent income without sacrificing yourfamily,values,orintegrity

She teaches you to keep things simple and focus on the power of ONE, let go of self doubt, become infinitely more confident, believe in yourself and how powerful and capable you really are, value your uniquebrilliance,andthentakeinspiredactionsoyoucancreateamagnificentlifeyoulovewhilebeing wellpaidbyservingothers

It’s time to SHIFT from exhausting hustle and DOING. ALL. THE. THINGS. To clarity, focus and flow in your business (and beyond) so you can break free of limitations, rise into empoweredaction,andcreatesoulfulabundanceinthewaythatmostlightsyouup. When you do everything changes You can live abundantly + lead soulfully and authentically You can tune into your purpose and passion and make the income doing whatyoulove ShineAbundanceNow!

There is this cultural entrainment that in order to make an income you have to STRIVE, PUSH and HUSTLE. It’s a very masculine way of working harder to get ahead. I know, I’ve beentheretoo.AndI’velearnedthatit’sjustnottrue.

“I’ll teach you a simple heart centered strategy and the mindset shifts you need to finally break out of old patterns of scarcity and feel abundant, empowered, confident, and excited about creating that 6 figure income and time freedom you desire, while makinganimpactintheworldasasoulfulfeminineleader Increase your IMPACT, WEALTH, JOY and FREEDOM as you attract an over flow of ‘READY YES’clientsandelevateintotheempoweredfeminineleaderyouwereborntoBE Redefine what it means to be an abundant and empowered woman who creates the income+impactthatchanges(y)ourworld

T R A N S C E N D E N C E PRINCIPLE "Believe in the possible, Trust in the infinite, Reside in the limitless" Artwork by Kate Yurenda @dreamboldnetwork

SEPT 2022

Areyoucapableof walkingawayfrom contention?Doesittake youawhiletogetover stuff? Itisvitalthatwekeep makingprogresswith emotionalmastery,in ordertomaintainahigh vibrationmastery.Have youdiscoveredtheworkof ByronKatieinchanging yourperception mechanisms?She’sthe queenofthisvitalskill why notpurchaseherfantastic bookLovingWhatIs


Howmuchareart, beautyandmusicapart ofyourlife?Areyouoften wishingtheyweremore present? Decideon3waysyou canbringatleastoneof themintoeveryday!

Ifwe'renotgrowing, we 'redying. Changeisallthereis whatarethethreemain areasofyourlifethat youneedtoworkonthis month?

All the ideals in the world will amount to nothing without dominion over your ability to change yourself and your agility to navigate changes around you Leave defining yourself by your past, in the past. Unless it is to tell the world an epic story of your highest life, with a happy ending. Be your own BS BFF, and watch the needle move on your results.


Sometimes life calls us to consciously course correct, to move jobs or companies, change tack, leave relationships…

Just sit in this new space for a while, anchor it in with your clarity, commitment and steadfastness and know it’s coming all in divine timing And enjoy the new pace " Anna Feldman

Visionary Leader Anna Feldman talks to Jenni P about the Wealth Paradigm Shift that is happening on this planet, and how those of us who are ready, can co create this brave new world in which everybody gains This is not just a vision but a current happening, a mechanism and an opportunity for women to fulfil their destiny as wealthy, empowered humanitarians. Click above.

Preeminent Interview with Jenni P.

Steadiness is not passive. It’s work! It’s deeply transformational. Just not the old tiring paradigm of pushing or forcing or intellectualizing…

What I feel is a deep steadiness on this path of leadership into a new humanitarian paradigm…

There is something so huge being created that’s beneath the surface of what most see, but we can feel it… It requires steadiness, commitment and vision, surrender , intuition, trust… being comfortable in the uncomfortable feelings of the changing paradigm.. the breaking down of the old…so edgy, but yet so deliciously alive for those who’ve done the work…

"Steadiness the quality of not shaking or moving

You can Co-create The New Wealth Paradigm

Anna Feldman

With over 20 years experience coaching and leading individuals and teams, Annahastappedintothedeepdesiresofvisionaryentrepreneursandfeminine leadership that seeks to realise itself fully through humanitarian and mission driven work that gives back on a global level This movement aligns itself with prosperity, simplicity and unity and takes a stand for creating generational wealth through leverage, automation and above all, aligned values and new earthtransparencyandintegrity

She is a speaker, coach, writer and social media disruptor who is deeply committedtomidwifingallthosewhohaveadeepdesiretomakeadifference in our world achieve their legacy through visionary leadership, collaboration andsocialwealthcreation

Anna Feldman

Anna is a passionate advocate for the new feminine humanitarian potential beingfullyunleashed.

In a fast changing world with significant paradigm shifts in relation to our social structures, geo politics and economics, there is a growing movement of empowered and passionate sovereignty activists who seek to change the way we lead, earn and contribute as a means to fulfil our highest destiny and that of our world Anna is one such leader who inspires an ever expanding movement of over 15,000 global changemakers on this mission towards becomingthenewhumanitariansofourtime


To set our personal north star as the only guideline for our journey, and to set our ‘life sails’ in that direction, will cause others to want to do the same.


Betruetoyourword Keeppromises Bepunctual Listenbeforespeaking Practicetemperancein anyexcessbehaviour thatdoesnotserveyour highestgood.


SEPT 2022

Stand for your highest values and don’t stand anything less than being treated with respect and integrity

Hold the space for others to rise by expecting the best from them. Be the change you want to see in every part of your world.

Writeyourownyear's manifestousingthe9 GracesofPreeminence asaBlueprint Keepit nearyouatalltimes.

Whoarethreeofyour herosorheroines?What characteristicsinthem moveyou?Theyarebut mirrors howcanyou embodythesame qualitiesfromtoday?

awn Grossart Visionary Woman The

It is the guiding light of creation, manifestation and the outcome we seek toexperience. Importantly,aVisionwithoutpowerisjustanidea. These times we are living in require VISION and the power to make them manifest It's true that navigating these disruptive times requires courage, Sister They call for the harnessing of all of our feminine resources to create a newworldthatwewanttoseeandbuildforfuturegenerations,

" a person who is able to imagine how a country, society, industry will or shoulddevelop,andtoplanasuitablewaytocreateit"

TheVisionaryWomanin2022existsinmanyguises,andinsomeway,she is an activist in life, with her own unique passion filled mission to create change

She has the Ability to See a Better Future and the Personal Power to Create It

"Visionary"hasbeenpartofmyempowermentlanguageformanyyears forwithoutVision,nothingelsecanfollow

The path of the visionary Woman is the path of fierce love based leadership, and that love is first nurtured in YOU and for yourself so that youholdthebeliefsandtheenergiestocreatesomethingdifferentinyour lifeandintheworld CambridgeUniversitydefinestheVisionaryWomanasaSocialReformer.

it's crystal clear that three core traits must exist clarity of a vision of a "better way " and the commitment to take action on making it happen, PLUS the willingness to feel uncomfortable and take risks along the way There are, of course, other traits, but these 2 are absolutelynon negotiable Thepotencyoffemininevisionariesandchangemakersreallycomes into its own with COLLABORATION When greater numbers of women embrace Vision + action together, THIS is how the western Woman changestheworld It doesn't mean you have to be a media darling (if you don't want to be), or sacrifice your personal life; it means that you get to create changeonyourownterms

WhatdoesbeingaVisionaryWomanlooklikeforyou? Allow yourself to sit with all of the ideas that come and let them fully expandinyourmind…whatspeakstoyourhearttheloudest…? What do you want to create in the world that makes a positive difference? Whatwouldyoudoiffeardidnotgetintheway? Whatwouldyoudoifyoucouldnotfail?

Now, look at your character traits and identify which of the learned behaviours and beliefs you live with currently getting in the way of yourprogress

Many impactful visionaries bringing change to the world today are humble, potent and simply driven by service to others, and they also know that prosperity consciousness is a must They are not always highly visible, but they are committed to making a difference in their ownuniqueway Sittingwiththequestion"whatdoesitmeantobeavisionarywoman"

What would you need to evolve and change? Who would you need to BE? What traits would you need to develop, and which would you need to let go of?

Love based leadership means that relationships are the driver of impact in the world,andmoneycanbecomeavehiclefortremendouspotentchangewhenin thehandsofwomenwhofiercelycommittotheirownVision IlooktowomeninourtimeswhohavehadgreatVisionlightingtheirpaths

Let this be an exciting vision of the version of you who lives FULLY and expresses herselffreely!

Whatnewemotionwouldyoufeel,andwhatup levelledenergywouldyoulive?

There is a phrase you have most likely heard before "broke people can't help anyone " It'sharshbuttrue If we want to be visionary change makers, we MUST be willing to evolve and becomewealthy Prosperity and living with a greater flow of money are a must. Changing your relationshipwithmoneyisamust.

Trusting that you can attract it, and be a good custodian of it, is a must and learningthatyoucanhandleitwithgraceandresponsibilityisamusttoo

One common feature of the Wealthy Visionary Woman is that she has grace she is calm, organised and lives from a level of mind that trusts She trusts herself and is connected to the creative power that allows her to be in flow Divine feminine prosperity is a blessing that we have access to because now, therearewaysthatwecanbepaidwithouttheHUSTLE

What would you love the most about yourself, who you are now being and what youaredoing?

Nowlet'splaywiththeexpandedideaoftheWealthyVisionaryWoman. Youknowthatyouhaveavisionofthelifeyouwanttolive,theworldyouwantto livein,andtheLEGACYimpactyouwanttocreate

If we are all willing to embrace new possibilities, we can create a powerful impact on the world and take a stand for the future of humanity and the planet The world needs YOU to be a wealthy visionary committed to bringing yourlightandimpacttolife.

Ifyouknowyouaremeantformorebutfeelstuckorunclear,isitnowtime foryoutomoveforward?

JoinusintheRippleWealthGroup,orreachoutifyou'dliketoexplorehow youcanbesupportedtoliveyourownVisionoflifeandimpact dawn@dawngrossartcom

Now, whilst I hold a clear personal vision of the impact I desire to make in the world and environment in the coming years, I know that having MORE womenwhotakeactiononasmallerscaleiswhatwillshifttheplanetinto moresignificantpositivechange.

I imagine a world where every Woman has all her basic needs met. Every Womanhasaccesstomoneytoprovideforherfamilyandcommunity.

How much more FUN would life be, liberated from your mental and emotionalshacklesandsteppingintoyourfullwealthy,visionarypower?

An early inspiration was Anita Roddick, Founder of the Body Shop she knew there was a way to create business differently and to responsibly source responsibly, recycle and contribute to the people in communities sheworkedwithandsourcedfrom

THIS Vision is now becoming possible because we have access to new waystocreatewealth andshareitglobally Although,forthemostpart,thefinancialworldstilldoesnotworkinfavour of the individual Woman like us, we have discovered a mechanism that existsandcreatestruewealth

Her unique blend of skills and experience help women change their relationship with time, money and themselves and pave the way to happiness and success on the path of their choosing. She has hosted many successful thought leaders and world authorities from the personal developmentworldinheronlineeventsandiscommittedtoleadingwomentonewheights inpersonalandfinancialfreedom

Dawn Grossart FCIM, Chartered Marketer and Transformational Coach

With over a decade in the corporate world as a senior marketing professional, managing £multi million global brands and projects, she brings both business acumen and transformational leadership skills together to support women entrepreneurs in creating impactfulmarketingandaresilient,success orientedmindset

Her greatest passion is helping women (and men) to establish new ways to generate 100% passiveincomeinapost Covideconomy,whichfacilitatesgreaterpersonalautonomyand truetimefreedom.


She has helped thousands of women to create change and establish a path to financial independence Hergreatestpassionnow,ishelpingotherstocreatetheirbestlife especiallyhelpingthem buildconfidence,self esteemANDbecomefinanciallygenerativewithease.

After a career in a global corporate industry launching and leading projects of over £50m, Dawn has spent 15 years empowering women ’ s freedom and fulfilment as a personal empowermentcoach,businesscoachandleadershipmentor

WhenyoualignyourMission,MoneyandMechanism youareonthepathtoGettingPaidToBe

In order to make this a reality we require an IDENTITY SHIFT that can manifest abundance in our liveswithoutburn out,hustleortheoutdatedhamster wheelmodel. We have been calling in something NEW and something DIFFERENT for a long, long time!

The Change. Now, there is something incredible happening in the world. It is now possible for ALL women of any income level to access the resources they need to uplevel their own lives and createLegacyWealth.

Come and join us on the Ripple Wealth Creation Movement for all information and registration details Clickhere andalsocontactJenniPatjenni@jenni pcom orDawnatdawn@dawngrossartcom

nordertocreateanewvisionforprosperityandfinancialsovereignty madesimple,weneedto BECOME the new version of ourselves AND, it’ll be so worth it in order to receive during the greatest distribution of wealth the world has ever seen! We require an IDENTITY SHIFT that allows us to let go of the OLD ways of creating wealth and income so that we can step into a new versionthatallowsforalignedsimplicity

We are all facing a NEW world paradigm that requires a NEW solution to our financial security, generationalwealthcreationandglobalwealthredistribution

Somethingsteepedinhumanitarianvalues,leverageandprosperityforeveryone Leavingnoone behind Wehavethe3STEPBLUEPRINTandwewillbeunleashingtheclearpathwaytotrue,lastingwealth creation thekeyistoalignyourMission,MoneyandMechanism


PRINCIPLE "Endurance is not suffering, it's persistence and consistency in energetic balance".

When the going gets tough, move on to the next Grace Buyapodometerwatch andstarttotrackyour dailysteps Setgoals andincreasethesteps daily Adda10minutebrisk walktotheendofyour dayifyoudon’thave onealready! Evenbetteristobuya watchhatremindsyou todrinkeveryhalfhour

SEPT 2022

Havetroubledrinking enoughwater?Each day,makealitreof tisaneoraherbaltea whichhaslotsofhealth giving properties.Add orangeandlemonslices, mint,Stevialeaves,or Cranberries,storeinthe fridgeovernightsoit’s wellchilled

Incorporateplanksinto yourday.Theyarea fabuloustomaintain corestrengthandyou cansprinkletheminto yourday!Ifyoucan’trest onhandsorforearms, researchonYoutube howtodothemfromthe kneesatfirstandbuild yourarmstrength.



MONTHLY PROMPTS Struggle, confusion, overwhelm and obstacles are exquisite opportunities to declare that we have turned away from our heart's desires But they are also exquisite signposts inviting you to turn back. The journey of a thousand miles...begins, not just with the first step, but with putting the right shoes on. Make them preeminently, resolutely gorgeous. And durable. Nothing worthwhile was ever achieved by giving up.

ina Lazenby Healthy Holistic Homesteading for The Visionary Woman

Life was never the same again and each year since I have acquired more and more tools to help me manage the balance between self realisation and self protection

Youhaveavision.For theworld.Foryourlife. Foryourself.

It’s important to have this as it pulls you forward every day This vision informs all your decisions and plans It makes your life worthwhile It is the very inspiration that powers you through each day. And along the way, as the world changes, your ideas change and the your vision may adjust too. But whatever is going on in this crazy world, you are living a purpose filled life and feeling that what you are doing is making a difference And if that is not the case, then I am sure that is an aspiration for you to feel that you are contributing to the greater good and shining your light in the world That has always been the under current of my life Moving forward, taking on tasks and roles that make a difference in other people’s lives sharing what I know that can be of service. And as much as I want to get out there and shine and do meaningful actions … I have to remember to take care of myself. So I can sometimes have this perverse pull between being selfless and doing what is important for the greater good, and having to step back and selfishly taking care of me Have you ever found yourself in that place of deep commitment to a cause or venture that you know is making a difference, then finding that somewhere along the way you got out of balance, a bit lost maybe even burned out? I have been there a few times I can remember the stress meltdown of studying for school final exams with no mentor support but the big shift happened for me about 30 years ago when the only place I could be to have support for managing my stress overload was hospital. That crisis was also a hidden gift of transformation as I returned to work a different person with an appetite for spiritual and personal growth

At the core of my own process of self care is the art of coming home I am filled with visions for how the world needs to change and for what might be possible and what my role could be in contributing to a new world order. And what I realised long ago is that, none of it is possible without my foundation of home being absolutely secure and well ordered.

As I advance through my years, the role of my home becomes more central to my life and endeavours There was a time, long ago, when home was somewhere I dashed out of every morning then commuted back to at the end of a long, hard day, perhaps with a take away dinner in my hand That was a time when all of my energy went into my work and none of it went into my home life Crazy Unbalanced and of course, that is how I ended up in hospital So now, the ratios of work and home are very different and yes .. sometimes they get out of balance, but not for long. Home is central to my life and the foundation on which my work is made possible. In the future I see home as being even more important than it is now …. for everyone. The global pandemic showed us that most work that happened in offices can happen at home and children can be schooled there Spare bedrooms were re purposed as were dining rooms but in the future we might need to look at how we design homes around our flexible, multi faceted lives rather than squeezing those lives into the boxes that were designed decades ago The older I get the more I recognise and value the need to nourish myself And with care responsibilities for a vulnerable friend and elderly parents, I have daily reminders of the toll stress can take and how the aging process can rob me of a good later life

Positive thoughts: I have small signs around the house with words that give me a nudge when I forget I coach myself on the power of slowness having been a speed merchant for most of my life. My favourite sign is ENJOY EVERY MOMENT. I have three of them in different rooms!

Here are some of the ways that I nourish my mind, body and soul

Calm mind, calm life: Mindful practices and deep breathing help keep stress at bay I arrange spaces during the day, between busyness, which are just for me Garden time, looking out the window, reading a good book they all take me out of my production schedule mindset

The Kitchen is my headquarters of nourishment: I plan my food seasonally so my meals change at least every quarter. During the summer and late summer energy month of September, I enjoy the bounty of fruit and cooler meals. Now I’m getting ready for autumnal menus that will feature more root vegetables and pumpkin soups and stews I have created space in my kitchen for more storage of dried herbs, herbal tinctures and mushrooms, especially those that provide powerful nutrition to my brain (like Reishi, Chaga and Lions Mane) I use them in everything

Fermenting is part of my kitchen routine so there is always space for foods like kimchi, kefir and sourdough that are growing and in the process of transformation (it’s actually quite a good metaphor)

Bone broth has become a staple in my kitchen and virtually every day I use a broth made from organic chicken, wild fish, beef or pork to make breakfast porridge also to cook veg, make soups and casseroles

Herbs: I’ve been studying the power of herbs and plant medicine, and use them extensively in teas and cooking. My rose garden is now part flower beds, part wild pasture, with space created for fruit tree grove and vegetable patch by the removal of a concrete path. In fact, I have researched the medicinal potential of the weeds that grow so prolifically in my garden and instead of pulling them out, I making them into teas and broths.

Self nourishment is key to any success in your work and life.

Nutrient rich: I plan my menus ahead so that I don’t get caught out having to rustle up last minute meals

Powerful and deep sleep: there was once a time when I would catch up on the day’s tasks that were left undone in the evening That exposes me to extra electrical energy and light which diminishes the melatonin levels that regulate my sleep When the day is done, it’s done and my evenings at home are about winding down, going to bed earlier, ending the day with meditation, drinking calming herbs (chamomile and chrysanthemum flower), slipping on my eye mask and dropping into as long a sleep as I can My magnetic mattress pad and comforter with far infrared light reflecting fibres add to nourishment overnight and support my body’s healing capacities

Daily compass: I keep myself moving in the right direction with a daily assessment, in both the evening and morning, of what I have to do to keep in the direction of moving toward my goals. A self assessment of the priorities that I can manage to handle is key. How do I allocate my resources of energy and time to cover all my responsibilities?

All work and no play makes Jill a dull girl!: Never mind Jack being dulled by work, us girls have to carve out time that does not involve work responsibilities or home care.

Time for joy: even if you enjoy your work and totally love what you contribute to the world, you still need to create moments for joy Find a place, time and activity that allows you to leave all else behind and immerse yourself

Sometimes on a busy day I am tempted to postpone a lunch date with a friend then I counsel myself on the need for relaxation and I remind myself that I need my fun for my whole self care

Recharge those batteries then come back to your routine renewed

Healthy Home: Creating The dation For Your Abundance or the Book CLICK HERE t the Real Healthy Home: tch the beautiful video! Click here: Work with Gina

Ginahascircledbacktoherhospitalityrootsandnowoffersherhomethatinspiredherbooksasthe HealthyHomeRetreat.The750 year oldoriginalpropertynearSkiptonintheYorkshireDaleshasbeen restored and extended according to the principles she expounds. She often leads programs there herselfforwomenaroundthethemesofwellness(personalnourishment)andwisdom(handlinglife transition). Watch the video and see how beautiful this venue could be for your own gathering or retreatinnature.

Gina Lazenby

Gina is a veteran conference speaker and has led gatherings for women entrepreneurs all over the globe Most recently, she has taken on the role of global host for Conscious Café, a consciousness raising initiative, and hosts the northern community group based in Skipton Gina is a born organiser and has created thousands of events since she was a small child and led birthday parties for her reluctant toddler brother You can join her online or in person at one of the many gatherings she creates around her passions of conscious conversation, feminine leadership, wholefood cooking, Feng Shui, living well and wisdom Her Healthy Home podcast is about to be launched from the Retreat Housewithtipsformakingyourhomethefoundationofyourabundanceandhealth Gina has spent most of her life at the leading edge of new ideas. She started out in the world of hospitality and her groundbreaking work in tourism marketing was recognised with a number of industry awards. Responding to her own life crisis took Gina into the emerging human potential movementandintheearly1990s,sheagainbrokenewgroundbylaunchingLondon’sfirstcentrefor personaltransformation.

Gina’s beautiful hilltop home in the Yorkshire Dales, featured on many TV programmes and the inspiration for her Healthy Home book, is now let as a retreat house to facilitators of yoga, transformation work and wellness It’s also a special place to hire for family gatherings and celebrations She has always understood the management and care of a home as a highly feminine skill set Her work in the last twenty years has been in the exploration of the changing nature of gender roles and thevalueofhome makinginourlives Herfengshuiskillsetenabledhertoteachhundredsofstudents the value of aligning your home for success and wellness She has also produced and presented a radio series called ‘The Rise of the Feminine’ exploring the shift in values in the world and the unique contributionofwomen


Her passion for self care and living well at home became the seed for her interest in feng shui and she was instrumental in creating the popularity of this eastern philosophy in the west. In 1995 she createdtheworld’sfirstprofessionaltrainingprograminfengshuigoingontowritethreebestselling books.


Whenwasthelasttime youallowedyourselfto sleepforaslongasYOU reallywanttowithout anyfamilyobligations? Generallyweliveina sleep deprivedworldcut offfromthecyclesof nature experimentwith calibratingyourbed timewiththesunriseand sunsetascloseasyou caninyourfamily organisation.

Rest, recuperation and releasing are crucial to keeping our holy preeminence grails at least half full to overflowing with vitality and abundance. It is ok to not be ok, but it is even better to let balance, detachment, neutrality and silence, be the ingredients for the balm of our questing soul. To be applied daily and as often as needed to feel the stir of excellence rise again

Maketheinsideofyour carfeellikeaspa avoid chemicals Putcotton padssprinkledwith essentialoilsinthefront ofyourventilators Buya backsupportand/or beadedseatpadto stimulatecirculation. Keepanobjectof protectioninthere a crystalorotherobjectof meaning Onevery journey,visualisea bubbleoflightaround thecarandblessitto getyoubacksafely.


SEPT 2022


Willyourdeadlineskeep youalive? Istheresomethingyou couldoutsource(even somethingsimple likecarwashingor cleaning,sothatyou canusethattimeinself care?

oretta Ferrucci

Our souls have the vision of what we’d love to create but we need our bodies to take the actions that will bring that vision to fruition This is why being fully embodiedissovitaltolivinganinspiredandfulfilledlife!

From the above it may sound as if I’m a fitness junkie or athlete but the truth is thatI’mfarfromthat Iwasalwaysthebrainy,nerdygirlwhosuckedatsportand hadaterriblebodyimage

For the first time in my 36 years of life, I felt fully embodied as if I’d landed, comehome SincethenI’veexperiencedthissamefeelingwhilesurfing,onceortwiceduringa fight in karate and even while jogging something I’m terrible at and don’t love! MostrecentlyI’veexperienceditmoreandmoreatmypolefitnessclasses

Finally I learnt that the body I have is the perfect vehicle for allowing me to fulfill my potential and purpose to bring my soul inspired desires and vision into the world That still didn’t make me appreciate or accept my body as much as I would have liked but it did make me less resistant to the body I have and less likely to aspiretobodygoalsthatwerejustunrealistic

Itwasday4ofa5dayIyengarYogaIntensive theforwardbendandtwistday myabsoluteworst!

Ispentdecadestryingtopunishmybodyintoashapethatsocietytoldmewas necessarytobebeautifulandacceptedanddespiteallmyefforts,itdidn’twork.

The physical and mental challenge of six hours of asana practice daily was takingitstoll.AsIwasreachingandtryingtosoftenintoaforwardbendwithmy hamstringsscreamingandmybackprotesting,itsuddenlyhappened.

Our focus is by default on our unconscious/egoic fears and limiting beliefs aboutourselves,othersandtheworld Wehavetodirectourfocus,usingour will,toourhighermind/soulinspiredvisionsinordertocreatewhatwe’dlove whatoursoulsarelongingtoexpress

To answer this question, we need to look at how things are brought into creation Wehavethreelevelsofmind:thehighermind/soul,thelowermind(whatwe call our thinking mind) and our unconscious/egoic mind (the part we find difficult to access) but which ‘ runs ’ us on autopilot if we ’ re unaware. Our unconscious/egoic mind is where our map of reality is housed our fears andbeliefsaboutourselves,othersandtheworld. These three streams of consciousness are constantly feeding information to oursubconsciousmindwhichthencreatesourreality

To understand creation, we have to understand that our focus, not our attitudeorcircumstances,createsourreality

How much time and resource do we spend trying to ‘fix’ the way our bodies look and perform How much shame and guilt do we carry about not having a body that conforms to society’s beauty standards? How much time do we devote trying to ‘avoid’ disease by ‘eating clean’ or avoiding entire food groups? Sowhatdoesourbodyhavetodowithbeingavisionarywoman?

Consider this example: If you ’ re trying to nourish yourself with healthy foodbecauseyou’reterrifiedofgettingaparticulardisease,yourfocusis onavoidingthediseaseandthusonthedisease.Nomatterhow‘healthy’ yourlife style,you’lllikelyunconsciouslycreatetheverydiseaseyou’reso scaredof In contrast, when you ’ re focused on creating optimal health and taking action that’s in alignment with that, you will be nourishing yourself optimallywiththefocusonhealthandnotdisease

In the body, the autonomic nervous system, which controls all the automatic functions of the body, including hormone production, immune function and digestion and assimilation, is governed via the subconscious mind So whatever information your subconscious is receiving from either your higher mind/soul or your unconscious/egoic mind is going to be expressed in your body Your focus will determine whether the impulses your autonomic nervous system act on are predominantly from your higher mind/soul or from your unconscious/egoicmind

e point is that the action ereourfocusiswhenwe what it contains, but we hat our soul is longing to andfears,whilechoosing to singing our soul song at we’d love and this is e body, the action that otheworld,isn’tpossible dy hating the way it ‘ wrong ’ and since focus ng focused on what needs ing which moves us further ntotheworld.

Find your happiest memory Now go back to that time and immerse yourselfinthewonderofthatmemory.Onceyou’refullyimmersedinthe memory, take note of the role your body played in enabling you to have thatexperience.Mentallycatalogyourbody’sroleinthepleasureofthat event until you feel your heart open in gratitude for your amazing body andself We don’t have to love everything about our body, just as we don’t love everythingaboutourfavoritehumanbutthemoreembodiedweare,the more we stand in our power as powerful creators and the more we can bringoursoulvisionsintorealityforthebenefitofall Imagine how freeing it would be to be fully embodied, in love with your amazingbodyandselfsothatyoucanuseyourresourcestobringyour beautifulvisiontotheworld Youcanbeifyouchooseit


I help people who are sick and tired of hating their bodies create body love, health and freedom by ditching diets forever Twenty five years as a registered homeopath in private practice;studyingmanymodalitiesandunderstandingthe mind body energyconnectionhasallowedmetofusethe physical,mental,emotionalandenergeticintoa‘toolbox’of practical techniques and practices that transform, heal andempower I take the ‘fluff’ out of healing and personal development andkeepitpracticalandreal

The body is the only part of us that is fully in the present and is the perfect tool to use to recalibrate our lives in

When we love and accept our bodies, have an intimate relationship with ourselves, it transforms our relationships withothersandtheworld

Loretta Ferruci

Enlightened Collaboration & Feminine High Performance Association "We rise "togther" We create our highest lives" "We take care of the world" BE THE CHANGE SEE THE DIFFERENCE REAP THE REWARD

Guild of preeminence founder and ceo mission

Lofty words but we still have daily reality to cope with including its full array of messy challenges All the more reason to be led and inspired daily by a vision so great, it cannot be relegated to less than the petty minutiae of habits and routines that dull our spark of greatness to the point of extinction

In this online marketing jungle, messengers crave to get their voice heard so badly and to be able to be effective in making a difference

Welcome to the Guild of Preeminence where you are invited to step into a radical commitment to your limitless feminine potential, whilst being an activist for change

As mission led change makers, so many women have yet to own their power and sovereignty in business Not to mention unleashing their genius, creativity and feminine glory on a world that needs it so badly

Preeminence is an unashamedly idealistic vocational lifestyle ethos that embraces our deep desire for fulfilment, but also our need for sisterhood and planetary healing But we are in an age where ideals must not just be raised but implemented For that, you need a rock solid foundational structure and support system Preferably an inspiring fun and profitable one!

To do lists should never prevent us from touching daily moments of grace

To co-create a global, feminine achievement and enlightened collaboration community where ethics, planetary and humanitarian values reign alongside exceptional personal aspiration and self mastery.

But the truth is many women don’t actually do anything of great consequence, because they are disconnected from their true identity, their real message, their genius and their ability to create vitality, freedom and abundance

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Enlightened collaboration and sacred accountability with other purpose driven women entrepreneurs who sincerely want your success as much as you do. Expand your wealth consciousness and income with multiple new wealth paradigm initiatives.

Privileged rates for our products and courses.

Help yourself to Genius, Grace and Greatness. Learn and uplevel your life with leading edge tools and training designed for femme change makers in this new paradigm! You do success YOUR way!

Come with us in this new sisterhood and: Join the hall of legends! Benefit from exposure within our acclaimed magazine and distribution to hundreds of thousands of women readers! You get to be in it and have access to our Rolodex of influencers!


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Completely in tune with the ideas of the world’s best loved Peak State and Flow experts, Julie’s approach is through creating sacred, exquisite and magical spaces and atmospheres for questing souls to transform their lives.

A questor to remind us of the ‘Deeper Truths’ that abide in ancient cultures and the practises of earth magic, Julie, nicknamed ‘Human Glitter’ is a gifted and passionate advocate for women ’ s empowerment and the power of retreats and regular contemplation in the bliss state a panacea to all that is painful and stressful in the world Click here!

Julie Palmer

Retreat Goddess and ‘Mistress of Bliss’, Julie Palmer is on a mission to raise awareness on a grand scale, of the power of shared ‘bliss’!

Julie is the Mistress of Bliss As she walks with the Goddess, she recovers deeper truths and helps humanity rise by reframing bliss and removing joy and pleasure from the shadow of shame. Julie is your wise priestess and devotee of the ancient Goddess, retracing paths of enlightenment. She’s your soulful guide and the one who weaves the truth back into alignment with all that is present. Right. Now. Her belief is that when we choose experiences that connect us to the vibrancy of life, we achieve a completely different and elevated beingness Julie's greatest desire is that your heart opens, your soul ignites and you find bliss in every moment

Inspired by her beliefs, Julie is a stand for a world where people choose connection over separation, love over fear, and heart over ego With great passion and exquisite intention, Julie creates blissful experiences and adventures designed to deliver the magical combination of joy, personal transformation and wanderlust ust want to show up and teach "

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