SEND BIG JUMPS Even if you’re a frequent flyer, there are a few things to consider when hitting the big stuff. Good technique, a properly set up bike and nerves of steel are all essential if you’re to make it safely to the landing.
F LY I N G H I G H You’ll soon realise if things are going pearshaped. If so, think about bailing and throwing the bike to one side – you don’t want to crash down in a tangled mess. Hopefully things are going well and you can concentrate on spotting your landing. The best thing about big jumps is how much airtime there is. So, once you get comfortable, have some fun and throw some whips!
SCOPE IT OUT Size things up. Don’t even consider going for the jump unless you’re 99 per cent confident you’ll land it. The more jumps you do, the better your gauge of speed will be. Look for cues on how fast to go – a set-up jump before the main jump can really help with this. Watch other people hit it and look at how their bikes and bodies react. Don’t be afraid to ask other riders for advice, and always do a few test run-ins before hitting it for real.