INVESTING TO MEET GROWING DEMAND Nitrogénművek Zrt is a well-established and respected producer of nitrogen fertiliser. The company was foundated in 1931, and is still at the forefront of the industry 82 years later. With the world population rapidly increasing and the demand for fertiliser growing, Nitrogénművek Zrt is keen to meet the challenge. Edina Beale reports.
étfürdő in Hungary is home to the headquarters of Nitrogénművek Zrt. Established in 1931, the company has faced a great many challenges over the years – war, changing political environments, new technologies, ever more demanding controls and regulations for production and of course the current financial crisis in Europe. Despite these obstacles the company has maintained its domestic dominance with a 70 per cent share of the Hungarian fertiliser market, and has continued to develop trade with surround-
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ing countries including Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany and Romania. The success of Nitrogénművek Zrt has ensured that it is one of the largest employers in Pétfürdő; the company and its subsidiaries provide employment for approximately 700 people. In 2011–2012 these people played an important part in enabling the company to work at 95 per cent capacity, producing 1 million tonnes output. This production led to a significant milestone of HUF 100 billion turnover.
Growing capacities Nitrogénművek Zrt understand the importance and value of investment, even in these financially challenging times. In the past two years the company has made considerable capital investments. The need for quality products produced using energy-efficient processes and reducing the environmental impact have been the main drivers for these investments. In 2011, it was identified that the storage system for bulk fertiliser was in need of modernisation. An injection of €5 million to