TO PERSPEKTIVER PÅ EN VERDEN I BRAND af LASSE KOCH PEDERSEN & JEPPE BACH LERCHE Fra Trump og Brexit til Kinas fremstormen og nye terrortrusler. Den verdenspolitiske scene har oplevet store omvæltninger det seneste årti. IP-faget er præget af mange forskellige teoretiske retninger og vi har på IPmonopolet ønsket at undersøge at hvordan enkelte retninger kan forklare og belyse de store forandringer verden her set de seneste år. Vi har derfor bedt to forskere om at give et henholdsvis feministisk og realistisk bud på dette. Robin May Schoot er seniorforsker ved DIIS og har arbejdet med kønsrelaterede aspekter af international politik og konflikter. Hun giver et feministisk perspektiv på særligt valget af præsident Donald Trump, brugen af kønnede billeder og vigtigheden af kønsperspektivet i en tid med politiske kriser. Professor MSO ved Københavns Universitet Anders Wivel tager med udgangspunkt i den realistiske tradition også afsæt i valget af Trump og hans rolle i en verden præget af et stigende konfliktniveau. GENDER AND (IN)SECURITY ROBIN MAY SCHOTT, SENIORFORSKER, DIIS
As a Danish-American dual citizen and feminist philosopher, it is hard for me to have ironic distance to what is taking place in the US, with the election of Trump -- who not only stalked Hilary Clinton during one of the presidential debates, but got elected despite (because of?) his bragging that he could “grab them by the pussy.” While half a million “pussyhats” grabbed back during a mass demonstration following Trump’s inauguration, and while women of my generation carry signs like, “I can’t believe that I still have to protest
IPmonopolet 27. udg. VERDEN BRÆNDER
this fucking shit”, Trump has appointed anti-abortion judges to the Supreme Court and numerous federal courts, which will affect the reproductive rights of women for a generation. Alabama has passed a near total ban on abortion, making it illegal for doctors to perform abortion even in cases of incest and rape. Georgia, Kentucky (where I formerly taught), and Ohio have passed the ‘fetal heartbeat’ law, outlawing abortion as early as six weeks after conception, when many women don’t even know that they are pregnant. It is a frightening reminder of Margaret Atwood’s claim that in The Handmaid’s Tale, “nothing went into that had not happened in real life somewhere at some time”. Under the hashtag #MeToo women in the US and internationally have protested a culture which legitimates sexually harassment. Nonetheless, there is a tendency in the Danish media to portray this movement as a witch-hunt. This should worry us, as the 2014 report, Violence Against Women in the EU, published by the European Agency for Fundamental Rights, found that 55% of women in Denmark had experienced violence since their 15th birthday.
It would be seriously misguided to view these issues as merely domestic, or merely women’s issues (as one commonly hears), and not as embedded in the operations of violence and power. Walter Benjamin argued that violence is both law-making and law-preserving. One variation on this insight is that gendered violence justifies power.