Bike donation and BMX During Bike Week, from Monday 6 June through to Friday 10 June, we held a number of exciting cycling-related community activities.
refugees. We gratefully collected 27 bicycles in all at Sudbury Fields and sent them on to the charity. A huge thanks to all pupils, parents, teachers and support staff for their generosity.
With ample bike storage on site, we encouraged all pupils and staff to enjoy riding to school all week in the glorious British sunshine. Of course cycling is a great form of physical exercise that boosts mental health as well as general fitness – but it is also a wonderful way for our community to engage actively with sustainability initiatives as we work towards the coveted Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.
he school collected old and unused bikes generously donated by the John Lyon community for The Bike Project, a charity that refurbishes bikes and gives them to
At lunchtimes on Tuesday 7 June and Wednesday 8 June, pupils took part in one- and two-wheel balance competitions on the Lyon playground to see who could ‘trackstand’ for the longest time, while Thursday 9 June saw pupils learning the less dramatic but nevertheless extremely useful skills of changing tyres and repairing punctures. The week concluded with a special Bike Week assembly on Friday 10 June as well as a unique BMX experience with bespoke sessions in this, the fastest growing Olympic sport, for pupils and staff alike. Perhaps the most exciting events of all were the BMX Pump Track experiences at Kenton Recreational Ground. All in all, it was an incredible week of bike-related activity and a wonderful way for the school community to be involved with a charitable initiative to donate bikes to refugees. n
Pupils help organise donated bicycles at Sudbury Fields