“I’ve heard of body contouring, but what does that mean? Will it hurt and what’s the downtime?” Body contouring, (also known as body sculpting) consists of noninvasive services using machines to destroy or shrink fat cells. There are different types of techniques and machines that give similar results. Body contouring is non-surgical, therefore it is painless. There is 0% downtime, meaning you can go about your day immediately after your session. Please be aware that body contouring comes with commitments from the client. Before we explore different techniques & their purpose, I believe it’s crucial to understand the general commitment & expectations. Body Contouring is not a 1 time service. In most cases, it is recommended to have at least 4 sessions to see improvement & at least 1 monthly session to maintain results. For most techniques, sessions can be done every 72 hours. It is highly advisable to protect your investment. Protecting your investment will aid in better & sustainable results. Here are some suggestions on how to project your investment: ● Stay Hydrated! Drink a lot of water the day before your session, the day of, the day after and in between each session. This helps prepare & maintain your body for a smoother detox transition. It flushes out toxins & helps your lymphatic system operate well. Water is crucial not only for 294
better results, but for your health in general. ● Maintain an active & healthy lifestyle. For example: exercise at least 30 minutes daily, even if it is only a brisk walk. It is important to also be more mindful of what you eat (lower your carbs, sugars & fatty oil intake.) I suggest seeking guidance from a Certified Nutritionist for suggestions on a plan that’s beneficial for you. ● Invest in a Body Shaper. Although I do not advise clients to remain in their body shaper for tremendous amounts of hours daily, I do advise clients to use a body shaper that best suits their lifestyle. Tip: wearing overly tight body shapers is not recommended. If you’re struggling to breathe normally, it’s too tight & that’s not healthy! *Blissful Image will have different styles of Body Shapers available in the near future! Like I mentioned above, there are different techniques for Body Contouring. Let’s review a few that Blissful Image offers! One of my favorite techniques is Radio Frequency Cavitation, also known as RF Cavitation. According to, “this uses ultrasonic waves to burst fat cells. It then turns those bursted fat cells into free fatty acids. These free fatty acids are then naturally disposed of by the Lymphatic system.” Another great benefit of this technique is that it aids in skin tightening. When I
offer this service, if my client has some cellulite they’d like to address then I like to pair it with Coffee Gel. Coffee Gel aids in reducing the appearance of Cellulite. Otherwise I use Orange Gel, which is also beneficial in reducing inches, either way after every body contouring session my clients leave smelling yummy! One of the few downfalls to R.F. Cavitation is that it’s not as versatile as Laser Lipo, meaning there are some areas where this service can not be performed. For example: if the area to be treated is on a bone, this technique will not be used. Why? R.F. cavitation performed on top of a bone (ex. Upper arm) will significantly increase your chances of developing Osteoporosis (holes in the bone). In cases like this, Laser Lipo should be used instead. Laser Lipo is a technique that uses infrared lasers to help liquify fat under the skin. It is then removed by the Lymphatic system. The fat cells are collapsed (unlike in R.F. Cavitation it’s destroyed). Laser Lipo can be used anywhere on the body, even in a boney area. It can even be used under your chin to help reduce the “double chin” appearance. Radio Frequency Cavitation & Laser Lipo can be used together, in the same session. Another one of my favorite Body Contouring techniques is Preso Therapy. Although this technique is more as an aid to the other services