Enhanced Learning Management System Compliance Training:
BASIC EXPECTATIONS FOR SAFE CARE Since 1993, the Centers for Disease
for CDC recommendations for dental
The slide series is divided into ten
Control and Prevention (“CDC”) have
health care settings. It complements
modules including an introduction, seven
updated and supplemented their infection
CDC’s Summary of Infection Prevention
elements of standard precautions, as well
control recommendations to reflect
Practices in Dental Settings: Basic
as dental unit water quality and program
new scientific knowledge and growing
Expectations for Safe Care, and was
understanding of the principles of
developed to increase adherence to
infection control.
established infection prevention practices.
DCA’s legal and compliance team has a number of tools and resources to
A 2016 CDC document, “CDC Summary
support infection prevention and
of Infection Prevention Practices in
control efforts in dental settings. For
Dental Settings: Basic Expectations
questions or additional information,
for Safe Care” brings together
contact the legal or compliance team
recommendations from the CDC
or visit D.I.C.E.
2003 guidelines on infection control with tools and checklists to help dental health care personnel follow infection prevention guidelines.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Summary of Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings: Basic Expectations for
Because of the importance of
Safe Care. Atlanta, GA: Centers for
these CDC recommendations, DCA
Disease Control and Prevention,
has developed enhanced learning
US Dept of Health and Human
management system (“LMS”) training,
Services; October 2016. Adapted
including a slide series created by the
from: Guide to Infection
CDC, called “Basic Expectations for Safe
Prevention for Outpatient
Care”, that adds interactivity to the
Settings: Minimum Expectations
CDC’s summary document.
for Safe Care https://www.cdc.
This training series covers the basic principles of infection prevention
gov/hai/settings/outpatient/ outpatient-care-guidelines.html
and control that form the basis