CEO Message With the fourth edition of the DCA Insider, I
I am also pleased to announce that we
would like to thank Kelly Stillman, Director
continue to expand our footprint and
of Communications, and Graphic Designer
the number of new communities we are
Sandy Wachowski for their continued
serving—including Arizona and Colorado.
leadership and management of the content and creative process. I’ve received numerous compliments from our team
Jerry Rhodes
Chief Executive Officer
mentioning the quality and timeliness of
Arkansas Maxillofacial Surgery, AR
each edition. Furthermore, I appreciate
Austin Children’s Dentistry, TX
Lastly, I wanted to mention that DCA’s
the continued input of our leaders who
clinical team has established a series
contribute to the quality of the content
Boynton Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery & Implant Center, FL
and relevance of each edition.
Brace Yourself Orthodontics, IN
If you have had the chance to attend one
Colorado Springs Oral Surgery & Pueblo Oral Surgery, CO
of our regional Town Halls you have seen that I open each meeting with a recitation
Cordon Orthodontics, AZ
of new protocols and communications focused on the responsible use of opiates in dentistry. The misuse, abuse and accompanying issues with opiates have generated an unprecedented public health crisis in our nation.
company. This is a continuing effort to
Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics of Midland Park, NJ
reinforce the principles of DCA and what
East Valley Implants & Periodontal Center, AZ
we are trying to accomplish together,
North Point Periodontics & Dental Implants, GA
health problems have devastated
as an organization. Our Values focus
PDA Dental, NY
entire communities and contributed
Precision Dental, AZ
to an unprecedented reduction in life
of the Mission, Vision and Values of the
on the conduct of the company and are a direct reflection of our efforts to the patients, families and communities
Quality Orthodontics, GA
we serve. Supporting our mission to
Randol Mill Family Dentistry, TX
advance the practice of dentistry, we
South Texas Orthodontics, TX
are making a further investment, and I
Currently, opiate overdoses kill more Americans than automobile accidents. Opiate addiction and associated
expectancy. Dentistry has role to play in supporting patient education and awareness of the risks of opiates and the potential for abuse. In this effort, we are pleased to support our providers
am very pleased to announce that we
Dental Care Alliance is committed to
are establishing a new foundation. The
advancing the practice of dentistry and
USMILE Foundation will allow all DCA
continuously looks for ways to innovate
practices and support center staff to
and improve our technology. For the
demonstrate meaningful support derived
last year, we have been working on an
from our Mission, Vision and Values by
exciting new smartphone app that will
providing dental services for underserved
provide a seamless connection and user
populations, enabling dental education
experience for our dentists across the
for financially challenged students, and
DCA family. Designed to support intra-
providing direct support for a variety of
company communication, provide access
needs and to communities in need. I am
to critical clinical and practice level data,
very excited to make this announcement
and a platform for teledentistry and
and welcome the support of our team
increased collaboration for our dental
members. We will communicate more
teams, the application will be the first of
details about the USMILE Foundation
its kind in the DSO industry. The DR App
over the next several months. Please
is a significant investment in our ability to
look for information on the respective
support communication and support our
activities and the work of the foundation,
practices, and we plan to release it to our
and ways that you can get involved.
doctors in early 2020.
and lead the way with this initiative. In closing, we have had a landmark year in 2019, passing many important milestones. Thank you for living the DCA values and all that you do to help DCA achieve success and grow stronger together. I look forward to our continued success and all of the opportunities that I’m certain 2020 will bring.