Dental Care Alliance recognizes the vital
thesia. Non edications -opioid an to provide esthesia re anes role that we play in thefefirsght against the quire opio thesia to th e anesthet and post-o ids. Anesth ic techniqu perative pa etists can lity to bloc in relief inchooses re place opio k surgical opioid epidemic, and thoughtfully to e of using a w ay that do id s with othe and post-s iety of anes es not r medicatio urgical pa thetic and in ns selected . By replac analgesiour viders can for their ing opioand support liated practices doctors, c medaffi id icatio s provide a an d incorpor ns that bloc safer anes ating the k the proc thetic that ess of paof avoids that so they may be leaders the forefront in , anesthes e adverse ia effects of opioids. uss th this critical public health issue.
ese altern atives with ntages and your health disadvanta care practi ges of the oaches wor tioner and spBill ecific k better talk about Florida House 451, Nonopioid option on differen the s being co undesirabl t types of pa nsidered. e side effe in Different . ct So s . Depending m w e hi trea le othe was approved by Governor tm en rs on yoAlternatives, ts m for pain ca ay provide ur insuranc ing in subs n benefits be e coverage tantial outyond pain , soyear. me opThe DeSantis earlier this bill requires of-pocke ommitmen ti on s m t co ay sts. Other t due to th not be cove op e ment. nu ber of red, tions may requ treatm that, inmthe state of en Florida, providing ire a signif ts or thebefore icant time requir ed for the D CO M M anesthesia or prescribing, ordering,
UNICATIO N BET WEE LTHCARE dispensing opioid listed N YOU Aan PRACTITIO or administering ND YOUR NERII IS BEST PAIN as a Schedule E controlled substance S S ENTIAL IN to MANAGEM BUILDING E N T P L A treat pain, the patient N must beYinformed FOR O U.
Hints and
Nonopioid Alternativ e
for the Tre
atment of
about available nonopioid alternatives. A
are select ing a healhealthcare practitioner must discuss the thcare prac n at: https: titioner, yo //appsmadvantages u can verif and disadvantages using qa.doh.sta y their licof te.fl.us/MQ ense and ASearchSer find more l informat vi ce s/ Home the ion nonopioid alternatives and provide titutes of Health: ht tps://nccih. patient with an educational pamphlet nih.go v/health/p Disease Co ain/chroni ntrol and c.htm Pr eventio about using these alternatives. eatments-a n: ht tps://www .pdf .cdc.gov/d rugoverdos e/pdf/ ve
1. Accordingly, using detailed information developed by the Florida Department of Health, the DCA pamphlet should be used educate patients on nonopioid alternatives for the treatment of pain. 2. An informed consent form, should also be completed and added to the patient’s record whenever an opioid is prescribed or administered.
ully leadin
g the way as a world -class den ization that tal healthca practices op re ioid-respon to thoughtful We are committed patient sible denti stry.
A guide to working w ith your he practitione althcare r to manag e pain
care, practicing opioid responsible dentistry and complying with
Florida’s requirement for education on nonopioid alternatives for the treatment of pain associated with dental healthcare. Educational pamphlets have been printed for all practices in the state of Florida, customized with the practices’ respective logos. With similar legislation underway in several other state governments, DCA is prepared to help provide education and alternatives to opioid prescription for the treatment of pain to practices across the country.
Dental Care Alliance inspires and improves the lives of each other and those in the communities that we serve. We always look out for our patients, because when we do, the rest takes care of itself.