Selah Yearbook 1999-00

Page 162

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Property ofSelah Yearbook
to Building 17
Life page 30 People page 114
c. ume 27 • liberty University • Lynchburg, VA www.liberty.eclu

This yearbook is a culmination of our past and our vision for the future. Th e year 2000 is a marking point of a ne w millenium. Not only do w e need to


sieze the day but w e need to remembe r the past and hope for the future. Th e past has taught us our strengths and weaknesses, and that is wh y w e need to take another look back into the ., millennium.

Selah 2000 : Volume 27 Liberty University Lynchburg,VA 24.M)(>

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I DO: Ryan Geiger and Jessica Culleybecameengaged atthePeaks of Otter

COOL AS ICE: Kenny Queen, Seth Huberand Joee Leeenjoyed the refreshingsnow conesduringthe annual BlockParty

STRIKE A POSE: Josh Browning, Jimmy Foster,PhilVanderPloegand Russell Darnell gathered on topof thetrashcan.

JoiT What ItisoVon a VavouiT that oiTa timo, and thon Vanishoth aWay

HUMAN PYRAMID: Gophers of God (residents of Dorm 15) displayedtheirteamwork.

SNOW DAY: Trisha Mark enjoyed the snow by sledding atthefootball stadium with friends


I thank

uvon oVofy rlwuwofcno


Victoria Bagby, Lauren Paquin, Krista Hagerman, Caryn Farley, Katherine Kirshberger and MaiFukuda from293 have made lasting friendshipsat Liberty


Jamal Saba,PhilVander Ploeg andJames Mills spreadtheirjoytoeveryone around them!

A TOUCH OF DIVERSITY: International students PriscillaJohn and Alisha Manandharenjoyedamoment together away from campus.

7 s
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FOOTBALL FRENZY: Cherie Taylor, Amanda Moler and Angie Lapina showed theirtrueFlamesspirit duringafootballgame BEFORE THE WORK

BEGINS: RAs in training,Davin Benavides, Kyle Firth, Greg Alexander,Matt Shamblin, IsraelAkpadiaha,Blake Maurice,Jay Fitz, Don Edwards,ErnieBanks, and Albert Massaquoi spent time building theirfriendshipsbefore thesemester began at EagleEyrie

-"*f 1 p J\ n F «"* * *» L 7 w IAT f •Bm^Bai 1 •^••V • \ 1

STEP OF OBEDIENCE: Campus Pastor Dwayne Carson baptized Chad Howell during thefall SpiritualEmphasisWeek

ENJOYING GOD'S CREATION: SLDs Shannon Nehring,Debbie Smith and Amy Holmes fellowshipped withoneanotherduringthe SLD Banquet.

BIBLE BEATER? No! That's Danny Lovett, LU's liveliest evangelism professor


DORM 30 SENIOR MOMENT: Six Senior girls bonded ready tolovethis world toJesus HALLELUJAH! The SuperConferenceChoirsang praisesto God

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Capture the


TooVotjthing ihofb isasoason, anda timo to oVory purpose? undortjrto hoai?om

A SPECIAL PLACE: Many studentscamehere totheR.C.Worley Prayer Chapel tospend time alonewith God


Connors enjoyed "Liberty's Day Off" from classes.


Bunkers, Cara Thacker, Alison Thacker,Rachael Kreh and Didi Davis escaped from campusto enjoy thefall oftheyear inBoonsboro.

V^clLJLLllC LUC •••

LET'S GO CAMPING: Tiffany Lam,Alena Brown, Andrea Patterson, Jackie Samson and Sara Snapp took some timeofffrom schoolwork toexperience thebeauty of nature

JERRY'S KIDS: Dr. Falwell took time to have some fun in thesnow withthe students!

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Ofonor 9


A QUIET PLACE: Deeshunna Ragland studiedfaithfullyforan upcoming testintheLibrary


Jeremy. Josh and Melissa took a quick study break inthe Hanger.

Oj trutk

STUDYING CAN HAPPEN ANYWHERE: Katie Meisderfound anice, quietplaceinScienceHall toorganizeherresearch and typeapaper

READING IS FUN: Nick Barela took advantage ofthemany resourcesintheLibrary.

LATE NIGHT STUDYING: Andy Gregory and Emily Russac worked hard tofind currentinformation on the internet.

3 ROOMIES: Annie Marshall, Erika Jordan and ErikaZinnerttooktimeoutoftheirbusy schedule tospend qualitytimestudyingtogether.

St^y to show thysofj approVod, a Workman that noobotjn not t° v° ashamod, tho Word

SeizetheDay Capturethe... (; (ItnOf*

BUMP, SET,SPIKE: Tom Millerserved one over the netduring an intramural volleyball game atDavid'sPlace.

AIR DULONG: Delawn Grandison lept for thedunk.

LOYAL FANS: Liberty University students cheered for theFlames atWilliams Stadium.


SCORE! Breanna Jacintocarriedtheball all theway down the court

PEP TALK: The Liberty University tennis team prepared for victory.

haVo fought a good fight I haVo finishod nry couTso, I haVo kopt tho faith, noncoforth thoro is oTmo a crdWn oj rightoous noss. v 4:7-8 '*T , •-' I, -> If it *rij >-i% ^ S* 9 f *Ji s If:


A LONG WAY FROM HOME: TheKorean Campus Crusadefor Christ enjoyed times offellowshipwithoneanother

LEARNING CROSS-CULTURALLY: Kostja Penner from Germany, Olya Chouraleva from Russia and Evgueni Martchouk from Belarus' proudly represented their countries.

INTERNATIONAL FRIENDS: ChristelReavestraveledwiththe Liberty University Summer Spanish Institute to Guatemala where she made a new friend


Capture the


CHRISTMAS WITH AN ORPHAN: Annie Clawson.Tom Miller and Heather Howlett broughtChristmastoorphans in Indiaalongwithmany otherstudentson theLightteam

PEEK-A-BOO: Joanna Elam gave one oftheorphans a bath on topoftheTeam IndiaHouse OpcmC'i'

$oyo thoroforo, and toach all nations, W^f

1 Corinthians 51-52

"Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, butwe shallbe changed - ina moment, inatwinkling ofan eye,atthe lasttrumpet. Forthetrumpetwill sound, and the dead willbe raised incorruptible,and we shallbe changed."

We are forever grateful how you have changed the livesofthose you touched:

Amanda Hablnen - Studentand daughterofFaculty

Amy Parker - Student and daughter of Faculty

Russ Kopis - Faculty

Taryn Kelly - Student

Darrin Wenger - Student

In Memor y of;

Seize the day Capture the spirit

2 Qorintbians3:1j
18 k (
"J^byp the JEord is thatspirit; and where the spirit of the J?ord is, there is liberty.'
^V ^ ^ 19
Seize the Day Capture the ... Changes "<£et all things be done decently and in order 1 £orintbian$ 3:40 20

Seize the Day Capture the J^un

"zA merry heart mafytb a cheerful countenance.'

cPro"perbs 15.13a


Seize the Da y Capture the ...

"^hta^e a joyful noise unto the J2ord, all the lands.'
'Psalm 66:1
Seize the Day Capture the ... £d)>e
"zAnd now abidetb faith, hope, lol>e; these three; but the greatest of these is lol>e.'
1 Corinthians 13.13

pi ritual


WORDS OF WISDOM: Dr.Falwell encouraged students during thefirst academic convocation bysaying, "Putyourhand totheplow, anddon'tevergive up."

SHOUT TO THE LORD: Eric Lovettand Eternal Praise frequently ledthestudentbody in some of their favorite praiseandworshipsongs

PREPARING HEARTS: Students were challenged by many speakers throughoutthe year.

HILLBILLIE CHRISTMAS: Danny Lovett, dressed asSanta Claus, entertainedthestudy body duringChristmasconvocation.
32 Cmumcadan &^ Tvlim&try. Chapel

iiv tfv& lard"

Convocation eLDTTLci IVTinistry CZhapel

C t/J"ach Monday, Wednesday and Friday brought about the gathering of all Liberty Zl University studentsintheVines Center forConvocation,a.k.a., Convo. Convo offered afew moments duringthe students' busy week tofocuson theLord.

Beginningwith atime ofworship ledby EricLovettand EternalPraiseand Bruce Fenters and Revive,studentsprepared theirheartsforthemessage.Thisspecial music gaveLU ministry teams,facultyand students an opportunity touse their Godgiventalentstoministertoothers. The speakers provided relevant, timely messages thatencouraged theirlisteners. Convocation proved tobe atime ofboth renewal and exhortation.

Thank s toDr.Danny Lovett, LU studentshad an optiontoattend a servicewith a ministry emphasis instead of regular convocation on Fridays. This service was designed to encourage and challenge students planning on going into the ministry. Ministry chapel also functioned as a welcome service for prospective students.

Some of the guest speakers included: Dave Adams, Jim Law, David Ford, Jerry Wells, Randy Spencer, Doug Randlett, and Dr. Charles Fuller. Dr. Jerry Falwell and Dr. Lovett have also taken the time to address the students. Ministry chapel was an exciting time of worship time and time again.

-Spiritual Life section designedbyAnnie

'Tor y& mer& 64wtetime&> darkness, hutium ar&y&...
Tpfie&ian& 5:8
Spiritual Life 33

cuvd ham dauMi

asis W e Spiritual eks

Thisyear'sfall SpiritualEmphasis Week was held on Septem ber 5-8,and was ledby Rev Tony Noland,ministerof single adults and young singles atFirstBaptistChurch Woodstock, Ga Nolan was a powerful speaker with an incredible abilitytocommunicateand relatewith young adults. The band Brother's Keeper, consisting offormer Liberty students, alsoblessed thestudents with hitssuch as "Rain On" and "What Would


According tothe SpiritualLifeOffice, more than 100people received Christand nearly 2000 people attended the eventona nightlybasis. Also more than 50 people were baptized on Wednes day,while nearly 40 students surrendered tofull-time vocational ministry.

Daniel Henderson was the speaker forthe Spring SpiritualEmphasis Week with Luke Garrett asthe specialmusical guest A graduate ofboth LibertyUniversity and the Liberty BaptistTheologicalSeminary,Henderson isthe pastor ofArcadia Baptist Church! inSacramento,California. Henderson sparked up yetanother spiritualrevivalhere at Liberty.

". ..letuA kneelbefore the^ lardtourmakei", c ar l£e i& ourQod" T&alm 95:6-7
INSPIRING MESSAGE: Tony Nolan inspiredthe students withhispowerfulmessage.
'Empftasis. IVeek
SpiritualLife 35
APPLYING THE WORD:Dave Henderson addressed many issuesoftheheartthathit home for manystudents.

BEAUTIFUL MELODIES: The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir Singers had a wonderful musical message to bring toallwho attended SuperConference

CHALLENGING WORDS: Dr. Paige Patterson spurred many pastorsto actionduringSuperConference.

MINISTRY-MINDED: Dr. John Rawlings returned for another memorable message

36 Super Conference

prai&e, ff& i&^our Qad,

This year's Super Conference, "Third Millenium Ministry"was themost successfulone in history. The conference featured thepreaching of many powerful speakers including Dr John Rawlings, Dr Adrian Rogers, Dr. Bailey Smith, Dr.JerryVines, and Dr. Paige Patterson Dr Jim Cymbala, pastor oftheBrooklynTabernacle, alongwith hiswife Carol, directorofthe grammy award winning Brooklyn TabernacleChoir, blessed many with theirpresence atthis event. Many workshop sessionswere alsoincluded, such as children'sministry, counselling sessions, thenewage movement,andmuch more. A women's conference with speakers such asBev Lowry,Gloria Gaither and Joyce Rogers was alsoheld during thisweek.

..t^ one ai^Ma& done m^ffy miraclesyou y&iur&efae& fiawe seen" T>eiUeronomy 10:21
SpiritualLife 37
MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER: Dr. BaileySmith spoketo many guestswantingtobecome more like Christ

until th& dvt\f, of J&5U& Ciiri&t...


Friday ^^^Tight Witnessing <&: Tidal ^Wa^s^e Tuesday

rP* hepherd's Ministries Friday Night Witnessing program is just one of many opportunity^ tiesatLibertyto reach theworld forChrist The program, which has been ineffect for severalyears, allows students toreach outtotheLynchburg community by sharing the gospeland handing outtractstoresidents. According to the directorofShepherd'sMinistries, EricMarston, theideabehind theprogram istoshareby "caring, not confrontational evangelism."

The evening begins about 6:45 p.m. each Friday, asstudentsgather inDeMoss Hall. Marston breaks them intosmallgroups ledby previously appointed leaders. Beforethe group heads out, Marston givesthem afew words ofencouragement and giveseveryone a stackoftracts. The groups then disperseintosmaller groups oftwo orthree around Lynchburg invarious locations Hot spotshave included thePlaza, Movies 10 and downtown Lynchburg

Tida l Wave Tuesday served asan opportunity forstudents togetexcited about revivalatLibertyUniversity The program,developed by students inDorm 10, made itsappearance forthefirst time thisyear. The meetings were held every Tuesday nightat10:00p.m. It was atime ofworship through testimony, song and hearing ofthe Word. One thing thatmade TidalWave sounique isthatit was entirely student led. Some ofthe student speakers thathave shared this yearinclude Zach Sims,Todd McGrovyk and Brian Davidson Zach Sims,one ofthefounders oftheprogram said, "TidalWave isa time tocome together and enjoy God. We want toseeHis glory and we do thatthrough worship."

"ISeingy confidentof:t$i& mry tMmj/, tMatffe c&fia Mas begun a mark inymi mill complete it...
yy 'lznnian&
38 Triday^'Nigftt'Witnessing. &iTidal IVaaeTuesday
Spiritual Life 39
JESUS FREAKS: Jon Shubert,Mike Ainsly and Justin Adair prepared themselves near a local McDonaldsfor anothernightof sharingthe Gospel

>ic Leaders &z SLD s

r~7/~) ersonal discipleship of each student begins with prayer leaders. Small groups II ofstudents meet all over campus on Thursday evenings, called prayer groups,fora time offellowship, worship, instruction and encouragement. Each group is ledby afaithfulindividualwho lovesand caresforevery group member. Prayer groups fosteraunity thatis hard tofind elsewhere.LibertyUniversity senior Jimmy Foster, prayer leaderinDorm 4, says, "I likebeing around people who encourage me and help me grow (inChrist)." The unitywithin hisprayer group and his influence inthelivesoftheguys he has been entrusted with,arewhat Foster considerstobe thetwo greatestaspects ofbeing aprayer leader Prayer leaders areon the frontlineswhen it comes todiscipleship on campus.

<T> piritual Life Directors (SLDs) play a significant role in leading Liberty University <J£> students on theirspiritualjourney. An SLD's first and foremost responsibilityis toequip theprayer leaders toservetheirprayer groups most effectively They provide accountability,instruction and encouragement tothe prayer leaders. According toLiberty seniorNitza Ramero,SLD inDorm 33-2,the SLD is incharge of "making sure theirprayer leadersarewalking with God, seeing thateveryone on the hallis being prayed forand ministering tothe girls on thehall." SLDs also serve as counselors, and Christ-likeexamples toothers on theirhall Ramero says,"An SLD is the coach/pastor ofthe hall." Ramero likesbuilding relationshipswith other Christians who share her passion and desireforministry. As aleader, she saysthat seeing sgirlson her hallcome toknow Christ and grow,is the biggesthighlightin theministry.

''Tiber 6znce T heard aheurtyour intne^t£e£ordJe6u&, T forymr..
40 TrayerLeaders<8r_SLT)&

KNEELING BEFORE GOD: Prayerleadersoftenmetone-on-onewithgroup members for prayerandaccountability.

SAY CHEESE: Shannon Nehringand JenniMorrison, bothSLDs, takeamoment during a meeting withDwayne to pose PRAYER WARRIORS: SLDsspentmany hoursaweekprayingtogetherformanyimporatant issues.

In Other Words...


Spiritual Life Directors in Dorm 11

"True knowledge for God is seen through your lovefor others."


Prayer Leader in Dorm 25-3

"I praise the Lord that prayer leadersnot only hold others accountable,but they are accountable aswell;and although we're the ones mentoring others,Iam constantly being mentored,too."

Spiritual Life 41


is; tfi& fncvrv

T_Pp> Clos e &z Persona l W^it h Campu s I^astors l^ghlachuwy


At Libertybecause:



Hobbies andInterests:

Iwas saved when I was 5yearsold Came toLU asamarried student looking foraplacetotrainfortheministry. Thiswas the best placethatallowed me tokeep my family asmy first priority Wife, Tammy; Daughters, Beth and Jessica; Son, Ryan Mexican Racquetball, won the 1997 StateChampionship,hunting, and ridingmotorcycleswith his wife

Most memorable event: Seeing the "lightcome on"instudentswhen theyrealize what therealstuffoflife isaboutwith regard toGod'spurpose

Funniestmoment: The funniestmoment was when our officeplayed atrickonEdGomes He made apublic comment about Ericand girls. The officegottogether and had Ericwriteaformal letterexplaining that he was extremely offended bythecomment, when he reallywasn't Edproceeded tospend 15 minutes groveling toEricbeforeEriccould nolongerkeep the laughter in The whole officewas listeningatthe doorwhile Edwas apologizing

What Libertyhas meant: LU has been adream job and thebestjob. I getpaid todo what weasChristians are commanded todo.It has been thebestplace toraisemychildren.

To the Students: Don't settleforthefoolsgold oflife The more we make Christthe center ofour life, wefindout what life isreallyabout SochooseChrist

, wfw; does not walk in tfie delist is in tfie lam qftM&£ord 1:1-2
"Trust in th& Lard witfb all tfdn& fieart; and lean not untu tfrrine awn understandings. alltfity wtxy& a£knawledg£y ffim, andffe sfiall direct tk^patfiSs."
- 1Pra&erh& 3:5^6
42 Vlp Chase-«%; Tersonal ~WM Canapus Tasters

"Tar ta rn&, ta lime i& Cfirist, and ta dies i& gain."







Most memorableevent:

Funniest moment:

Saved February 15,1983 at CriswellBible College.

Heard that"Libertycan Change theWorld"and wanted to be involved inchangingthe world.

An awesome wifeand fourincredible children.

A good steak, lobster, orsalmon. Fishing.

Nightsofprayerwere themost memorable.Iwas blessed to be ableto praywith so many studentsand towatch how God works intheirlives throughthe years

During the"99Israel trip, Iwas baptizingalady. When I broughtheroutofthewater, I saw herwigfloatingdown theriver. I quicklysnatched thewig outofthewaterwithout evencrackingasmile. Lateron, everyonewho had seenthis, includingme,couldn'tstop laughingabout it.

What Libertyhasmeant:

Libertyhasgivenme theopportunitytoinvestmy life inpeoplewho I believewill be used tochange theworld forthecauseofChrist. Thiswork is such a privilege.





Favorite food:


Most memorableevent:

Funniest moment:

What Libertyhasmeant:

Accepted Christ in 1989 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama at youthcamp.

Iwas leading music occasionally and when another pastor left, they asked me to take thejob

A "fanatic forJesus"dad,a quietbut humble mom, and 14-year-old sister Mary, and 11-year-old sisterStephanie.

Kyotos and Osakas

Weight liftingand motorcycling.

When 2000 students met every Wednesday night church serviceand we were able toprepare them tomeet with God.

All those times with Super PraiseMan and when he kidnapped me.

Liberty is a place where young men and women can come tobe around other like-minded people,pursuing something that God wants them todo

lDamun& CCW&QTV
"Therefore, myhelmed kretfieren, he steadfast, invrrumahle, always abounding in the mark aftheLard, krwzwngs thatyour lahar w> not in main in the Lard."
-1 Corinthians, 15:58
Spiritual Life 4

Building bridges Through faith In sports

Opening with prayeris customary forthe Men's Basketball team. Coach Mel Hankinson leads in prayer.He hasbeen National Coach oftheyear seven times.He hastaken theProgram from 315 to receiving aTop 24vote lastyear forthefirsttime inschool history. Godhas blessed his efforts.

Girl's soccer team Head Coach James Price stateshisposition as"we arenottrying tobea one season wonder butrather we aretryingto bUILD something for the future. Before The game the team joined with opponents to pray forguidance andprotection.

Other schools look atus differently because we are CHRISTIANS. PLAYING soccerkeepsme accountable to SPIRITUAL growth, as other PLAYERS from the other TEAM are watching my performance. Italso Opens doorstowitness. Ben Strawbridge, Center Defender.

•Mmf "j^W g& r ,, 44, • .**** •#•
The objectis notalways towin, butt buildA BRIDGE on andoffthe field.

Go d has given us the TALENT , it is our responsibility to US E that talent for HI M Th e spiritual growth is giving Hi m the GLOR Y for what H e has given us. Dan a Giani. right defender, Girls' Soccer

Sportman-like conduct isa byproduct of spiritual growth. Players congratulate each other for a good performance.

Both on and off thefieldfootball players take time tothank theLord forHis blessings and ask for His protection

1% k f J Brf. \ w -..] mmmmm mmi£ -#35 1 / JbJ*

Changed Lives

"Therefore if anyone is in Christheis a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things havebecome new."

2 Corinthians 5:17 Many students give their testimonies and follow in obedience in baptism as a sign that they nowexperience achanged life in Christ.

Capture the SPIRIT



0 ^ ^

Die Fledermaus

••• I

P*€A<fMN6 AWAV: The sole purpose of ScareMare was thewitnessingtent, where LU studentsshared theGospelto guests

KHOOL XH00TIN6S: Striking an alltoofamiliar nerve in theguests, theroom depictedthehorror ofkidswho were shotin school.

IN TH€ FORfiST: Guests had to walk through theforestofthe"livingdead"in ordertoreachthe house.



#^fc erhapsone ofthe most anticipated fall eventsthattakesplaceatLiberty is J SCclYSWlclYG* Hosted by YouthQuest, this annual productionhas proven to be an iDCfetJibie ministry. Every year, htiOCVeuS of people make decisionsfor JesusChrist Thisamazing eventdisplayed many dramatic scenes of death. Some ofthe dramas thisyear hit close to home in many \}<£BYTS. The memories of the VOitifPbiOC shootings were brought tolife aswell as a tragicautomobile accident. As theonlookerswalked through theblack, narrowcorridors, and heard SuYkSKS from both actors andspectators,their imagination took off Reality hitwhen they entered the lastroom where Jesus ishanging onthe Cr*0SS, beaten andbattered The participantsarethenledto thepreaching tohearaclear presenta-

Ition of the UTQSpe) message. TheLord has used this ministry time andtime again to cfoaifjqe people's lives.

^i^9 H^ 9 ~iAJH ^fiflft^ W>~4*^m ;-JPVN H V7 1 HRH^H B ^r*. » ^ - iT* ^ {•HaJ R S W , fc2L*l ^3 ' ^k^P^bl ^ • : mfm MFJ /MM 1 ^B'WJ1 F*\ . 1 I 1 4i m Hh» n I 1 1
^tUdeNt L'Fe 55
&QM& <RAZV: Students acted insane in this room of thehouse

.SUPERSTAR. Inhopes offinding a date, Jenny Selah impressed the audience with her charm VALENTINES PROPOSAL Dan Tauble, the shocked hisgirlfriendwith a ringafteralong piano serenade.

% J M mm it : /•^f 4jmw >wJFs Jt :•£•"*"V t *O t >. '•&** 5 6
CALIFORNIA DREAMII* This foursome demonstrated theirmusical abilitiesduring the Christmas Coffee House
CoFFee HojSe

WITH GUITAR: Shae Whitne sang"It Came Upon a Midnight Clear."

£jROO*/IN': The famous LU rappers Don P.and Curtis once again rocked dahouse

LOOK OOP Guys watch out, she's coming to get you!

fjoFFee ANjJ°Ne?

aitinginlineforup toan hour, LibertyUniversitystudents eagerly anticipated an entertaining night at C°rree Set up with tables and candles, the Shilling's center was transformed into a cafe/theater. JJ'NS'NJJ, drama, and playing 'NStrUNleNtS are only a few of the talents that Liberty University students displayed at Coffee House. This year attendees heard from various styles of campus bands, from classic rock and the blues to T3p and alternative. There have been S'LLVj, entertaining, and just plain hilarious oK'to. Perhaps one of the most memorable acts was not an act at all. The Cr°Wa watched, on the edge of their Se3tS, waiting in suspense as one brave student proposed to his girlfriend. She said J)eS as the onlookers cheered in celebration. This is just one example of the many |V|e|VJopieS made at Coffee House. Overall, Coffee House has proven to be an exciting time of eNl»er»3'NP'leN» and fun.



tOH$ Scott Windham, Justin Carter, Caleb Luther, Jack Leahy, and Andrew Maddoc captivatedtheaudiencewiththe hit "I want in that way".

^tUdeNt L'Fe 57

*)i St banquet

***Ui BEATLE BOYS: Hopeoneofthem is wearingabulletproofvest! 58

ARRIVINGINSTYLE: Being theSGA Presidenthad its perks and Chris Stewart and Ashley Lyon were notcomplaining

PURE ENTERTAINMENT: Christian comedian Ken Davis made suretheaudience wasfull of laughs

REAL FOOD: Students enjoyed a night out away from Marriott

Narcalepsy isno laughing matter asshown here byShirley Laplate April Conner, Clark Jones, MelissaNewby, JenMiller and Tristan Boyd

^tUdeNt L'Fe 59



FREE AT LAST: Afterthe slavewas setfreein Big River, Huck Finnand friendssang out in excitement

POOR JOSEPH: Joseph's brothersshowed their love for him by sellinghimto Egypt.

BLUSH AND BASHFUL: In Steel Magnolias, Shelby tells thegirls about her"blushand bashful wedding,"whileEnell attempsto fix Malin's hair.

62 LibertyTheater

Liberty Theater

Liberty University's academic SCiTOOl year was filled with much drama — theatricaldrama thatis The FineArtsDepartment flooded thestagewith talentduring its performances of Opera Gala,BigRiver: TheAdventuresof Huckl6D6rry Flflil, Steel Magnolias, and Joseph and theAmazing TechnicolorDreamcoat.

BigRiver, which was performed inlateSeptember, is thestory ofHuck Finn, an abused Orphan seeking something more inlife Inhissearch for"theLight," Huck embarks upon an enormous adventure. The MlUSical contained gospel-likenumbers in theTony Award-winning score, including "Free at Last"and "Waiting fortheLightto Shine." The play had a strongreligiousbackground and lighthearted actingthat made foran upliftingperformance

The FineArtsDepartment's N OV£fFlD£r production, the Opera Gala, featured portionsof 11 operasfrom such popular shows as The Magic Flute, Hansel and Gretel and Cdrmen. Since some oftheoperas were inother IttfigUfl(J£S. adisplay withsubtitles was used sothattheaudience could interprettheforeign words. Thisplay was entertaining and inspiringand it familiarized studentsand theaudience with awide variety ofoperas

The performance ofplaywright Rober Harling's SteelMagnolias inearly February, brought afresh, new flavorofactingtoLiberty's theater. The play was setinTruvy's Beauty Salon, an unofficialhub ofa smalltown inLouisiana. Here,sixwomen find seemingly endlesstime and energy to gOSSip Beneath chatty, southern simplicity, these women bind togetherinamusement and tears. The all female casthonored the InternationalMonth ofWomen.

Of course the Fine Arts Department had tofinishthesemester withtheir production of Joseph and theAmazing TechnicolorDreamcoat. The play was SO Id OUt every night. Thisplay recapturestheBiblicalaccount of Joseph and retells thestory of how Joseph was sold into SlaVery. Joseph brought outemotions oftheBible characters thatwe grew up learning about inSunday School The play appealed tothosethatwere looking tobe entertained, provoked tothinkorjusttohave agood laugh.

itUdeNt L'Fe 63

BEAUTY TIME: In Steel Magnolias, Clairie talked over Shelby'ssituationwith her,whileTruvy touched up hernailsand Weezer and Enellshowed their support.

SHAPE UP: Huck's aunt and the concerned friends lethim know ofhisdestiny if he wouldn'tshape uphis actin Big River.

Liberty Theater

REUNITED: Joseph isreunited with hisfather inEgyptafter becomingruler

RULER: Joseph's dreams were explained and now allbow down tohim.

Liberty Theater THE DREAMCOAT: Joseph'sbrothersfianallyaccepted him afterhe rescued them in Egypt
.StUdeNt L'Fe 65
TIME TO CELEBRATE: Thisscenefrom Steel Magnolias showed Truvy congratulating Enellon her new jobworkingin the salon.

Hanging Out...

Thereis always something todo and someone todo it it mischief,study orfun.Somewhere alongtheway friendships thatlastalifetimeare formed.


<3krUtvwa=> "^Uvw: R.A. Ashley Lyonshowed herdecorative skills and holidayspirit tohelp decorate Dorm 26-3

C^u. 'WXx,! Rebekah Meadows and Jennifer Maul stared inamazement atthewonders ofthefact that textbooks reallydo have useful information in them

Skowi>v, ike Jl^ox/e: Nick Bennett, Jay Sholes,Josh Lawhorne, Bill Ford,Brian Lambert,Luke Steele, Justin Drake,Andrea Dorsey and' Ashley Neeley showed brotherlyand sisterlyloveatopen dorms

X^et Ike Sw=>~ f^^di; During the snow day, dorm students gathered tohave fun in thesnow by snowball fights, sled ridingand building snowmen

t ^««kL=w Sk.™ During Valentines Day hall meeting, Dorm 25-3 dressed upeach prayergroup leaderinadifferent color

68 -D=



^ ft hether onthe hill or the CCVCie, dorm life at LibertyUniversityis a new, ^k J^ • excitingchallengeto tackle everyyear. It is arudeawakeningfor most

^ ^ ^mr students — sharinga room, cleawiw q it, not havingyourownprivate bathroom, washing clothes, etc Whileit is a challenge, it is whereyoumeetmostofyour rriewds, whereyouare SMppose a to study, anda place whereyou leenrw more about yourselfthan anyother. In the dorm, so many decisions are made — bigandsmall- as simpleas whatto dothis weekend or as cevwpe x as changingyourmajor.Yourdorm room becomesyour kovw e for a year — whereyoueat, sleep, bathe but also whereyoulaugh, cry make memories, learn frommistakesandseekGod'sface everyday. To quote ^ • »^lvircg—

HweeL W ^"^ S ewlctvvs, "Oneofmy friends told me oncethat life is madeof many memories It's so true And living in the dorm is the place to make so many wonderful vwevwone s I havelovedmy life in the dorm andI know I will missit whenI'mgone."

_StUdeNt L'Fe 69

Living Christmas Tree 2000

\ S 4 1 - --"* >-' ^OS T OFF ^ r • ': .. IS ****** <*** ? 7 <*r-^ ^* ! i ... >* * s 4 £ ;-r- , - | II 71


Otudents areinvolved inintramuralsports, which alsois abigpartofstudentlife. These sportsofferthestudents achance tobeactive and participateintheirfavoritesport.

; s '<> 'W-0:m m wtm tui 74

ALL WRAPPED UP: Dorm 13showedtheir appreciation fortoilet paperas away of showing schoolspirit

LEADING THE WAY: The Spiritofthe Mountain marching band proudly displayedtheir talentinthe Homecoming Parade.


Dorms17-2and26-3 showedeverything from dinnertoacousin's wedding.

76 ymecottiing



Bonfires. Tailgate parties.Parades.Alumni banquet.Football. Thisdescribes Liberty'sHomecoming weekend. Thisyear,Homecoming began withthealumni banquet. About 400 faculty, staff and alumni came togethertofellowshipandsee the accomplishments taking placeatLiberty.The bonfire, sponsored bySGA, featuredVroom aswellas rappers,Don P andCZ Smooth.

As Saturday arrived, theHomecoming parade broughtthecreativityoncampus.Floatsranged from princessestosportsteams to weddings.

Libertyalumnus,Bill Ford said, "I really enjoyed theparade because it seemed asthoughthe whole universitywasinvolved."Ford, wasa member ofthe"Redneck Wedding"float, and he liked having timetorelaxandrelieve stress.

Homecoming closed withthefootballteam's 38-2victoryoverJohnson C.Smith.Freshman,Heidi Seltzerthoughtthegame wasawesome.She replied, "Everyonewasinsuch high spirits."

Players Gavin Kralickand Walter Heilg kneeled toshow theirexcitement afterscoring another touchdown. NUMBER ONE: The dominating women's soccerteam wasfired up during theparade. THE WINNERS: The winning float'In HisKingdom' proudly presented thebeautifulprincesses ofdorm 27-1.

Sa m Rutigliano

It was January 13, 2000 when Coach Sam Rutigliano announced that he would assume the position hashead football coach ofthe LU flames. In 1989 "coach Sam"acceptedthe positionwith eagerness. Throughouthis yearsin Lynchburg, He proclaimed that God had broughthim to Libertyfora purpose.

As Liberty'shead coachhe will be mostnotablyremembered for the lawsuitthat Libertywon against the NCAA on theissueofprayingin theend-zoneCoach Sam compiled arecordof67-53 duringhis11 yearsashead coachbeforeresigningin January.Hecame to Liberty afterbeingacolorcommentary forESPN andNBC.Beforehis broadcastingjobhe spentsevenyearsas head coach oftheCleveland Browns,in witchhe was twicenamed theAFC Coach ofTheYearas wellastheNFL Coach ofTheYearin1980.He alsocoached for the DenverBroncos, New England Patriots, New OrleansSaints, and New YorkJets.

Coach Sam was inductedinto the LynchburgArea SportsHallofFame in2000. Though Coach Sam hasleft the positionasLU'sfootball coach, his legacywill be remembered.

Ken Karcher

Coach Karcher states"Sincemy arrival inMarch of2000,God has made it very clearasHe directsmy stepsthatHe has calledme toLiberty. We want tobuild afoundation. We're all very realisticin what could happen on thefieldthis year. You have ateam that hastoadapt toanew philosophy system. But we've gotguys that believeinwhat we aretryingtoaccomplish."

Coach Karcher was tagged asthesixthhead coach intheprogram's historyon February 18,2000.His goalsaretohelptheteam understand who they areinChrist, graduatewith excellence, become thebest footballplayersthey canbecome,and striveforanationalchampionship. We wlcome Coach Karcher.


wzY/z school spirit

Behind every athleticteam,one will findits heartand soul-thefans. Faces and clothing ofred, whiteand bluewere burned into thebackground of every game at Liberty postersand signscould Chants and cheers of be heard through projecting voices. afootball, soccer, basegame, the fans came support theteams that thrived on crowd spirit the loudest, craziest

University. Banners, be spotted fromafar. encouragement could megaphones and loud Whether it is watching ballorbasketball outfor one reasonto they love. LU students and took prideinbeing and mostcolorful school. They were notconcerned about being putdown; theyjust focused on supporting theteam ~ rainorshine,lossor win.

.GETTING INTO THE GAME: Students reallygot involved when incameto winning WE'RE PLAYING WHOM? Opponents didn'thavea chance with LU fans

-Z'J •• ? !• ^^f^B ^^l 1

STARVING FOR ATTENTION: Fansusedall measurestobe noticed by others.

THE FOOTBALL FANS:Through rainorshine, LU fanspouredout theirheartsto supporttheirteam.

DRESSED IN RED: Fanswent all outinshowing school spirit.

A FAMILIAR FACE: Gary Householder is LU's #1fan.

•H : $ ^%-i 1 rkvr nrrr» •• ,1 i? ? <Br j BB>^Jtl Bflfl •HHHB: B i^BLiaMMkBl ••••J |ohn Kshn
Athletics 81



First Dow n Football 2000

Anderson,Tony, Jr.


Attia, Paul

Barela, Nick

Barkley, Rayshawd

Biggins, Tyler



Burgess, Jackie

Burgess, Tavi


Burns, Travis

Burton, Tyrus

Butler, Broc


Cherry, Daryl

Choice, Sammie

Cline, Jay

Commock, Jarees


Darby, Justin

Davis, Walter




Elmquist, Brian

Feagin, Joey


Floyd, Josh



Gooden, Sean

Hajth, Williams

Hall, Adrian



Howard, Jeff



Jerry, Andre



Keeler, Jeremiah

Kelley, Jay

Knopping, Chris

Kralik, Gavin



Leatherwood, Al



Lucy, Alex



Miller, Trey


Parson, Biff


Perren, Timothy' Rapp,Jacob

Rogers, Ben

Seamster, Darrin

Slagle, Nick

Sottile, Derek



Sundheim, David



Turner, Danya



Watts, Jerrell




— E 85
Heading for the Net Soccer 86 i

Team members: Patrick Heery, Dean Short, Brook Biddy, Derek Avilez, Ben Strawbridge, Chris Verdi, Austin Carty, Kian Browniee, Pavel Cancura, Steve Mitchell, Jason Streets,Collin Mascagni,Chase Perry, Kevin Hay,Jose Gomez, Brentley Kellum, Mart McKosky,Adam Gill, Armando Corrales.Head Coach: Bill Bell, AssistantCoach:Jeff Alder


Just for Kicks: Women' s Soccer

Team Members: Katie Woodrow, Breanna Jactinto, Amy Moxley, Jemmi Blesch, Alicia Dacis, Rachael London,Jamie Price,Kim Althouse, Nancy Davis, DanaGiani, Michelle Small, Cheryl Jones, Shara Hoff, Makaela Gibson, Rob Weaver, Nina Aveliz,Jenny Davis, Emily Shubin, JulieGabrielli, Kacey Wade, Sara Foster

' V';** 1 ,. vSSSws ^ f wi ; ,MB»al IBB ' ^MBi ^B A • vmiMt * 89
In the HOO P

* Men's Basketball

2000-2001 Basketball Roster

Head Coach - Mel Hankinson

AssistantCoaches -Chad Hankinson, Ty Nichols,Mike Doig, AdministrativeAssistant -Ryan Dowley,Office Manager -Aimee Blanks

Team Members Rob Attaway, Louvon

Sneed, David Watson, Glyn Turner, Philip Ward, Nathaniel Nicholas, Mark Manley, Eric Johnson, Nathan Day, Beau Wallace, Maurice Watkins, KennethAnaebonam, Chris Caldwell, Vincent Okotie


Hooping it up Women's Basketball



SrV4vvr^"W 1 BW#fi"S ' I1 - ra^BMBIft'«^'-

kr~n A «^BBB
Team Members: Britton Bennett, Becky Blesch, Meribeth Feenstra, Michelle Frickle, Susan Foreid, Agne Jasinkaite,Monique Leonard,KrisitnaPalaimaite, CrystalPeace, Laura Rollyson, IreneSloof, Ana Sousa,Rachal Young. Head Coach:Carey Green,AssistantCoaches:Autumn Sam.Dana Puckett, Graduate Assistant:KomelijaKairyte. 93

Congratulations Women's Basketball team and Coaches on your hard work and games won. Seize the VICTORY and the MEMORIES.

BIG SOUTH... Champions again.

For thefifthstraightyear!!!

OVE R the net: Volleyball

Team Members:CrystalCarey,Summer Elmquuist, JenniferGraham, Rachel Harnack,Michelle Howland, Jeanette Krupp,ErinMcKeown,Ashley Milear, Theresa Passamani, TatianaTkachuk,Simone Turner, Jessica Wilson.Head Coach:ChrisPhillips, AssistantCoaches: John Pierce, Shane Pinder; Manager:NeftalieDanier; Trainer: Luke Hensel


Match Point Tennis

Head Coach: Larry Hubbard,Assistant Coach: Anthony Fleming Men's Tennis Team: Luke Burden, Josh Campbell, Bruno Coelho, Andrei Cotuna, Ernesto Malagrino, Joel Moylan,MattScott(captain), Ricardo Shinozaki (Captain).

Women's Tennis Team: Bethany Allen, Alison Cho, Brooke Garman (Captain), Emilie Green, April Herrmann, Kelly Kim, Myriam Martin, KeraWalker

2000 Rookie of the Year: Ricardo Shinozaki



N. Anderson, E. Beck, T. Biggins, J. Brewer, S. Brunt, T.Cahill, G.Christolin, J. Crawford,J. DeBogory, M. Decker, B Duncan,G Gaddy,C Gore, J Graves, A Groeper,W Heilig,B Hunt,L Johnson,T Key,B Kite,J. Kirk,C. Leaver, E. Lemiso, M. Lunde, S. Meier, R.Moore, L. Nodal, R.Nyambura,J. Prichard, D. Rabe,B.Rose, T.Sangutei, J. Sharpe,P.Smith, D Taylor, J Wagner, B Waker, M Waugh, A Williams, C Wilson,N Young,J Zealand

Women's Track and Field:

B. Bennett, C. Burleson, K. Butler, D .DeKrey, C. Filmore, T .Greene, R Greene, K Helman, T Hoare, C Jones, L LeBaron, M Mulkey, C Nollmeyer, D Parks, R Parsons, S .Pettit, K Pollard, M .Randall, A. Riley, E. Robertson, H. Rutherford,H.Sagan,C.Schlesinger,P .Seymour, R Shepler,J Shifter, C Strohecker,T Sturgill, A Teer, K Wallace, V Westphal, S Wiggins, A Wildrick,R Williams

Covering All Bases: Baseball


Team Members:DarrenAdams,Steve Baker, John Bona, Josh Brey, Chad Bryan, Keith Butler,Eric Cloninger,Alex Dooley, Matt Hagen, Jeff Haines, Steve Horstman,Jason Jones,Kelly Knouse, Jeff Lever,Marcus Maringola,Ryan Marsland, Steven McRae, Shane Miller, Trey Miller, Joey Monahan, Israel Noble, Nat Ogborne, Joel Partick, Anthony Pennix, Tim Perren, Angel Ramos, Josh Rupe, Graham Sikes,Matt Stewart, Dan Valentin,Larry York Head Coach: Dave Pastors, Assistant Coaches:TerryWeaver,Randy Tomlim, Brock Van Faussein,Managers:Rayn Eddy Jeff Jordan.


Team members:PattyArguello, Lindsay Schwind, AN Thompson,Tiffany Carp,Amber Searcy,MeredithHollyfield, Amy Csider, Carie VanArtsdalen,Cheryl Wyrick,Shannon Seeley, Lauren Hahn,LisaJones,Cheryl Everly,Kim Johnson,Sarah Hartley, Armanda Goc,AllisonTerry,Lindsay Shelton. Head Coach: Paul Wetmore, Assistant Coach: Andy Lott, Managers: Jodi Emanuele, Leah Schmidt.

Diamond in the Rough Softball


Fire o n Ice Flames successful season

The icehockey team hosted thesecond annual game, established a new alumni association and finishedwitha winning season.

Players: J.T Turner, Roger Turner, Matt Bruland, Jeff Lowes, Brad Olin, Rubin Todd, Dave Cross,Jon Schubert,MilesGelatt, ChrisLowes,Duke Cuneo,MichaelGusella, Jim Bellew,Josh Smith,Ben Wilson,Coaches:Paul Bloomfield,Kirk Handy.
Hole-in-one Golf BB^G wKt I 1 ill •6 ^S-^aflB wMr^ |||JK IjJM 108

Team members:PaulCarey,Ryan Ferguson, AllenHill, Yong Joo, Rob McClellan, Josh Mullins, Randall Tipmore, James Yoo Head Coach Frank Landrey


SoaringHigh Raising the Roo f

Membersof the Marching Band:

MariAnnAltona, J Anders, A Brooks, C Brooks, L

Bryan, D.Byng, J. Carter, J. Colson, A. Cooper, J. Corbin, G. Davis, F.De Almeida, Nl.DeCarlo, N. Dibble, J Ellsworth, J Fawcett, C Fortson, A Freitag, L Freitag, C Friese, T Fus, R Gardner, E Gates, G Gifford, J Gove, J Hagen, R Houck, J Rang, D Kline, R Knapp, A Koerber, C Koerber, C Krieger, A Lake, T Lawhome, E Lockwood, N Lynch, A

Marks, D. Marshall, A. Matthews, P.McCafferly, P. Mendoza, M Messner, T Middaugh, L Meter, D Niles, E Noe, C Paris, H Quigley, J Rakes, H Ransom, A Reames, D Reid, T Renner, J Resh, J Reynolds, W Rickenbach, A Rigney, J RileyIV,C

Rucker, J. Ruiz, A. Russell, M. Ryder, E. Sanders, J. Scruggs, C Shaffer, L Shriver, J Silvey, K Skaggs, K Smith, W Smith, R Soils, K Stephens, W

Stephens, K Terrell, A Toothman, E Vance, S

Walker, D Williams, C Wilson, T Wilson, J Witcher, S Womack, S Woods, L Yates


Capture the GAME :

• j % \.lt i \ SjTi if

Duane Aagaard

Rachael Abbott

Brian Adams

Darren Adams

Benyam Adenew

Rediate Adenew

Sheria Akins

Israel Akpadiaha

Anthonial Akapama

Elizabeth Aleshire

Greg Alexander

Addy Allen

Bethany Allen

Daniel Allen

Sarah Allen

Tammy Allison

Kimberly Althouse

Alissa Amico

Kenneth Anaeboam

Bruno Andrade

Justin Anderson

Karen Anderson

Stacey Anderson

Angela Andrews

Patrick Andrews

Lucas Anthony

Andre Archibald

Mark Armstrong

Richard Armstrong

Monica Arriola

Amanda Arruda

John Arsenault

Emily Artino

Paul Atkinson

Rob Attaway


Oswald Attin

Beth Austin

Derek Avilez

Bethany Badger


Chrissy Baker

Melotie Baker

Stever Baker

Brian Ballard

Dan Banister

Joel Banks

Nick Barela

Rashawd Barkley



SI^l'l£Sr everywhere/ One of the greafesf t^'"3s t^at 004 blesses etfery

st^ent at Liberty with is t^e ability t° smile though t*ej°y and frials of being a Chr iSf i'3h and going t° college/ to who knows uihat j°y each has by counting it all j°y in their Lord Jesus Christ/ The Lord has blessed each of us with Qrien^S t° encourage us. The memories we make with them will last a liCeff'M'je.

Wtballfws Cathy Welch andherfriendsgather together ata footballgame toshow schoolspirit and theirsmiles
9tfAY\e< ,Vne'118 Smiles isn'fLKeGretf?Jamal Saba wasnever seen without a smile onhisface during hisyears at LU 1 ^B W | ifr % jm, **] ||,**^r J *M • 1 •fj
Stroma Their Sfttfe Becky Scott, Diane Costelli Tracy Mousseau were definitely having agreat time atthe Nursing Christmas Banquet atEagle Eyrie.

EartoEarAmy Pearce,Sarah Cooper, Rebekah Meadows andTammy Lawhorne had on theirearto ear smilestodemonstrate thewonderfultimesthey hadin thedorm

Road Trip While on atrip to Baltimore Myrinda Park, Amy Miskell, Oksana Sinchenko, Sommer Thome and Mary Nixshowed theexcitement in their facesofwhat was tocome

BestFriends: Chad Johnaton and ErikaZinnertare truely bestfriendsand thereis always asmilewhen they are together

Cheers: During open dorms Eric Gurierrez, Jen Bonwart, CarrieCrabb,CarlJones,Roy Simmons,Jen Pettograsso and Nichole Berube shared a few laughs and drank theireggnog.

<*>>*>• 9lfc'*>, '«> .< > "%% "o,>W?th**Sfe* •jf* -"I1** kW 7 V LBZI ^^^^BBJBHM H •» - * B^-j^^Mj • I H •*«*I •^ ' Si---'-i5*A * » '^BB """^^m^^n '^C^B J . BBV 1 JSBI V * jif
People 119
Ragan Bolick Jon Bona Alan Bond Scott Booker Shantala Boss Chad Bowers Kimberly Bowen Melissa Bowen Paula Bowen Nick Braden Andrea Bradley Tim Bragg Anne Brewer Katie Brewer Josh Brey Jonathan Brindle KaeshaBritt Jeremy Broggi Jennifer Brotzman Celeste Brown Keith Brown Kimberly Brown Kian Brownless Phyllis Bruno Danielle Brunson Sam Brunt Chad Bryan Candis Bryant Stefanie Bryant Akilah Bumpass Julie Bunce Alison Buracker Carol Burger Jackie Burgess Tavi Burgess Lindsay Burkhardt Rachel Burke Kira Burns Tracy Burns Travis Burns Kendria Burrows Mark Butcher, Jr. Broc Butler Katie Butler Keith Butler Jeff Byler Laura Cain Joshua Campbell Jeremiah Camarata Karen Carmichael Amy Cannelongo Tammy Carp Debra Carr Matthew Carroll Abraham Carter David Carter

cAUGHTSMoocHW:Seniors ChrisWilson,Dorothy Stokes and Becky Scottsmooch pigswith pretzels ata show provided by a blindAmish man in Pennsylvania.

cAUGHTROLLED UP: Liberty girls were forced to get creativewiththeirwardrobe.

cAUGHTHAPPWG:Like many other students,Rebecca Wemple triedtocatch up on hersleep anywhere she could

122 caugivf in Ac-fi°«
cAUGHT WGGWG: Senior Dorothy Stokes helped dig a post-hole for theorphanage inGuatemala

cAUGHTAU.STRUMGUP:Chris Edwards showed offhis fun sideduring thisyear'sblock party

cAUGHTcAHoEWG: Three mystery men were shocked when discovered inthefountain lateatnight


People 123
cAUGHT SKIPPWG CLASS: Girls of dorm 25-3alwaystriedtomake the most outofsnow days.
MarettaColangione Rachel Coleman William Collins, Jr Jarees Commock Sarah Compton AprilConner EricConner Mary NoelleConnors Kelly Conver Amy Cooper Nathan Cooper Wess Copeland Ismael Corrales MichelleCortes Anna Courtney JeaneCrawford JordanCrawford KellyCrueger Amy Csider David Cummings EddieCylc Amy Dalton ReneeDalleske NeftyDanier GaitherDanner MattDaubert BrianDavenport ElizabethDavid David Davis Gaven Davis JudDavis LarryDavis Stacie Davis WalterDavis CrystalDawson Nathan Day Cherly Dayton Jared Dean JonDebogory MichaelDecker AaronDeberry Danelle DeKrey ShannaDelabruere Dina DeLaCruz Mark Denton Julie DeSantis Mike Detmer Deana Dickerson AngelaDiel MarcusDillon Megan Dinsmore Aaron Dise Tyrone Dixon MariolDonato Thomas Donovan Alex Dooley
Jonathan Erdman Samuel Espinoga Jennfier Eury Bryan Evans Danna Evans Sarah Evans Cheryl Everly Rachel Ewald Amanda Farley Sarah Farley Patrick Fay Abimbola Fayomi Maribeth Feinstra Kareem Felder Ryan Ferguson Amy Fernandez Nirodha Fernando Cynthia Finocchiaro ScottFischer Paul Flannery Anthony Flemming Heidi Flemming Eric Fontenot Sarah Forbes Randy Ford ChrisFoster Joy Foster Peter Foy Sarah Frankson Leah Frazier Michelle Fricke Jeremy Fryer Dorothy Fuchs Tami Fullerton Melissa Fuquay Grover Gaddy Christine Gagnon Laura Gall Desiree Gamage Debbie Garcia Raquel Garcia JanisGarel Kristen Garman Anna Garrett Warren Garrison Paula Gauger Luke Gentala Joy George Leigh Germy Dana Giani James Gibbs Makala Gibson Matt Gibson Russell Gibson Kevin Giedd Adam Gill •

Friends ars

128 Friends


5^ People129
Friends Rebecca, Kim,Jen, idJohn getclose on the Faur .n:.;;.; *aladwbu^: Julie Kok Jennifer Lee, Kristi Rice,Michelle Hopkins and Jessica Sterling dressed up forthe Brother/Sister Halloween Coffee House.


Natalie Hagan

Jeanna Hagen

Matt Hagen

Jeff Haines

William Haith

Ben Hale



Quincy Hall



Jeremiah Hambrick

Terrance Hamlett

Amie Hammerlund

Cheryl Handwerker



Sarah Hanson



Graham Harrison

Marion Harrison

Misty Harrisson

Gary Harcum

Duncan Harman

Deborah Hart




Tina Hatcher

Bryan Hayes

Sarah Hayward

Shanta Hector

Megan Hedstrom

Mark Heil


Tim Helman

Chelethia Helmes

Jason Henery


Chantel Henry

Jeremy Henry

Luke Hensel

Shane Hensley

Carisa Henson

Riyad Hermas

Phil Hen-

Erin Hey

Brian Hicks

Don Hicks

James Hicks

Paul Hicks

Tishauna Higgs

Kristen High



Tracy Hoare

Melissa Hodge



Brian Holbrook

Mary Holcomb

Sarah Holcomb






Becky Hogge



Jeff Howard

Chad Howell

Ken Howell

Michelle Howland


Kendra Huckaby



Richard Humphrey

Todd Humrichouser


Kari Hupman

Jewell Hurlburt

Lois Hurst JaniceIbrahim JenniferIbrahim ChibuzoIlo LeslieInge Rich Ingram Ena Inoshita Jennie Jacobs Yuri Jacuk Caleb Jagaba Stephanie James Joe Jauch FeliciaJennings Princeton Jennings Andre Jerry Linda Jeune Anna Johnson Eric Johnson James Johnson Keyshia Johnson Kimberly Johnson Kim Johnson Lawerence Johnson Thomas Johnson Chad Johnston Amy Jones ChesterJones Clark Jones Dezmond Jones Josh Jones LisaJones Rebecca Jones Young Joo DarrellJordan JoeJordan Jonathan Jordan Edes Joseph AlissaJuarez Tarant Judge CharityJurisch Mike Kabat Gretchen Kale Rebecca Kanzler John Kearns Jeremiah Keeler Nathan Keib Sonja Keith Doug Keiper Jay Kelley Laura Kenzler Jacob Kepple Ron Kessler Miranda Kettering Ted Key John Khan Jun Kim 132 I

Biology Lab

On Lab day in Dr. Gene Sartier's class students are ready and waiting to show off their cutting skills. Today's mission is todissecta Carp.It'sa fishyjob, butthis band ofjolly soulsis up tothechallenge. By any means,thisis no smalltask, however these guys and gals are willing to smell formaldehyde all day they can surely accomplish this feat.

The studentsarereadytodo theirwork
CharlieMinuciecutson hisvictom

KeliaAyala kissing herlovedone.

This is what thefishlooked likebefore they werecut

ThorLarson Dara Lawerence Joe Leary Jeff Leahy Al Leatherwood ChrisLeaver SarahLee IvanLeon KaraLetourneau Perm Leu JenniferLewis Julie Leyenaar Don Liburd Amy Liddell Brian Lilly Hyung Lim Roger Littlepage KenjiLivingston MeredithLoggins Tamikka Long TabithaLuce GinaLucente David Ludlum Mike Lunde VincentLuwighi BrianMacey Scott Mackintosh Kim Madison Clementina Maduforo MihallaMaeksh AllanMalina AlishaManandhar Mark Manley Roxanne Margeson Kathrina Marshall AllisonMarston AnthonyMartelli BrianMartin ChapelMartin Christine Martin DarinMartin JeremyMartin LaurenMartin Monty Martin Carly Mason Sommer Matheny Mary Mathias JenniferMaul JacquelineMavinga Megan Mayek Micah Mayell Angie Mayer Matthew Mays Melissa McAvinney Tim McClain Rob McClellan 136
Paul Miller TreyMiller Zenzi Miller JamieMills EmilyMills Jeremy Milligan Joe Monohan Chrissy Montemurro Michelle Mola Kyeng Moon Joseph Moore Ramsey Moore Vance Moore Memori Moorse Jennifer Morrison ChrystalMoyer JoeMueller Marianne Mulkey Kimberly Mullins MichaelMullins DarrenMullins James Murphy Sam Murphy Tracy Murray Steve Muttai MelissaNajura BrianNash Kumbulam Ndiovu SarahNeff AngelaNelson BrenNelson MichaelNelson Shirl Nelson MelissaNewly Ted Neuman Christian Newsome NathanielNicholas Amy Nichols Jeremy Nicholson Donna Nix StacyNobles LuisNodal BraynNorris LathenaNuckols Danny Nunez ShannonO'donnell Enoch Ojukwu EricO'Leary JonPaulOlson Dammy Onafowokan Johnson Oni Kim Oosterkamp Dan Orr JulieannaOutten Matthew Ousdahl Tim Overstreet 138

Bobby Owen

Jeania Pace

Sharon Pack

Carlos Padilla

Aaron Palermo

Richard Palma

Philip Pantana

Frank Papandrea

Allison Park

Myrinda Park

Newlin Parker

Robert Parker

Stephanie Lynn Parker

Devon Parks


Rebecca Parsons

Clint Paterson


Kimberly Paul

Anna Pawlowski

Crystal Payne



shortsnooze Thereis

nothing likean afternoon nap.

Sleep, Movies, and Messy Rooms

TV, Computer's, and VideoGames

Bradford Garrigves, plays everyone's favorite N-64 game,Bond 007.

How many hours a day do you spend playing video games?

1% , 1% 2 % 3% 7% 5% vl F 5 4 3 2 1 0 2% Sat 2 % 5% 3% 4% Sun rar
Andre Perkins JarvisPerkins
Perrin Denver Peschken Etza Peters Rebecca Peterson SaraPettit Aimee Phillips JoshPhillips TylerPhillips Alexandra Pinedra Amy Plimpton Ruth Poling Kodi Polland ChrisPoluikis Bonnie Pond Miroslava Popova Derek Porter Joe Portnoy Caroline Powers
Pradham JenniferPrice Trevor Price Jeremy Pritchard Kenny Queen Heather Quinet Marisol Quintero Heather Ragle Anthony Rago Kevin Railey Candyce Railing Esmeralda Ramirez Josh Ranes Jacob Rapp IsaacRattin Katherine Raube Kevin Rawls Daniel Read Kurt Reese Alpheaus Reeves Kimmie Reeves Jonathan Regner Jaquay Reid Rob Reid Joshua Daniel Renes Jon Renner Jacquelyn Resh Shunnah Respass Laura Revell Reggie Reynolds Shannon Rhodades Shevonne Rhoades Michelle Riabkoff Kathleen Rich Candace Richards

Laine Sauteben

Janell Sawyer

Kimberly Schenck

Christina Schlesinger

Rany Schmitz

Charles Schmitz

Dan Schoepflin

Jonathan Schubert

Heidi Schwartz

Stephen Schwerckart

Becky Scott

Sarah Scott


Jason Scroggins

Billy Seals

Lewis Seals

Leroy Sears

Joseph Secu

Shannon Seeley

Karen Setliff

Panthera Seymour

Doris Shambora

Crystal Sharp

Carrie Shelley

Becky Shepler

Chris Shepphard

Athena Sherwood

Daryl Shetterly

Janelle Shiffer

Ricardo Shinozki

Monique Sholes

Dean Short

Lusungu Sibande

Graham Sikes

Christina Sikkelee

Cherise Sillaman

Leo Simkins

Santosh Simon

Devalon Skaggs

Wendy Skinner

Josh Skipper

Irene Sloof

Michelle Small

Phyllis Smark

April Smart

Cory Smith

Jerica Smith

Kristy Smith

Kirsten Snead

Louvon Sneed

David Sottile

Derrek Sottile

Jill Sorenson

Randall State

Melissa Steinmetz

Dave Sterrett


The Question is.... Who's Connected

3 Q

The Computer Lab(ITRC) staysopen until 2:00AM every night

The Campus Motorization feewas $150.00per semes-

terduring the 2000-2001 schoolyear.

Students can now print from theirdorms to the ITRC, and FileandPrint Share.Ifyou forgotadisk, you can save thefileto your computer inthedorm from thelaborprintfrom thelabtoyour printerinthe dorm.

In the Future computer's may be mandatory for students, insome Colleges and Universitiesthey already are

146 Group work isalways fun inthe Lab
"I hate computers, so the only time I get on the net is to check m y e-mail once every tw o ,55 Meredith Haddock

Itook the INFT classes, and I didn't know any more about computers when I finished.

Computers areone ofthe bestthingsthat happened totechnology.

Computers arevery helpful, yet they make things more complicated.

Ilikecomputers becauseI can keep incontact with friends and family

do m>\x think^tbout commute
Looks likeanother latenightatthecomputerlab! How many hourstodo youspendaday onthe internet? lhour 10% 2hours 10% 3 hours 15% 4 hours 50% 5 +hours 15% 147


Bojuiana Thomas

T'Lea Thomas

Laori Thompson

Sommer Thorne

Jason Threat

Jerod Tilley

Randy Tipmore

April Tollison


Josh Tompkins



Nicholas Tripp

Kathy Turkington

Dashan Turner



Barbra Tyler

Cindy Tyson

Carlos Uribe

John Uwajumoau

Dan Valentin



Amber Vanderslice







Myriam Voltaire

Craig Waddle

Bobby Walker

Matthew Walker

Shannon Walker


Beau Wallace




Michelle Wamer

Desmound Washington



Maurice Watkins

David Watson



Jerrell Watts

Dave Weaver

Rob Weaver

Tammy Weaver

Terry Weaver

George Webster

s-; " / <: ' M : :\ r
Wesley Weigle John Welborn Cathy Welch Windle Scott Weller Courtney Wells Jason Wells Randy Wenger Jennifer West Marvin Wharton Amber Wheeler John White Jennifer White-Torres Jerome Wicker Christine Wiggington Shunta Wiggins Abigail Wilcox James Wilheim Sharon Wilkerson Holly Willard Adam Willis Carl Williams Cheryl Williams Cy Williams Danny Williams Dennis Williams Edonna Williams Jonathan Williams Mariel Williams 149





Casey Wilson

Chad Wilson

Jessica Wilson

Tiffany Wilson

Timothy Wilson



Jennifer Wohlfarth

Joseph Wojciechowski

Janell Wolcott


Amanda Woody

Sharod Woodyard

Mark Woof

Kimberly Wright

Mark Wright




Selah Yavuz


Saba Yohnnes

James Yoo

Amy York

Larry York

Gary Young

Rachel Young


Tito Zavala






Members of the team got to spend a lot of time with the children of El Salvador as they visited churches and schools in the country.

Excited children watch as songs and skits are performed. The team was able present their Gospelfilled program for children in public and private schools.

A group of 22 people, including students and staff, spent over 2 weeks in El Salvador presenting the Gospel to churches, schools and on the street.


El Salvador A Family of Faith

A group of 22 people from Liberty Universityhadtheopportunity totraveltoSanta Ana,ElSalvadorduringthesummer of2000.

The team from Light Ministries worked with a small evangelical church named La Familia deLa Fe,which means "TheFamily of the Faith". This church wasplantedin early 1997by L U alumnus Dr.Hal Large.

The team held 2 programs with drama, music, testimonies,tract distribution and a strong presentation ofthe Gospel through preaching. Theseprograms were heldin public andprivateschools, onamilitarybase, on streetcorners andinthe church.

The team's encouragement to the church and theirperseverance to spread the Gospel brought about many decisions for Christ in auidren ^h w have this Roman Catholic nation.

the picture taken by members of the team from Light Ministries.

India Christmas 1999

Vxhristmas brings times of good cheer, joy, giving, and celebration. LightMinistriestookatrip toKota, India to spread the cheer and good news with the childreninanorphanage. Thereweremany different activities; from directing vacation Bible school to helping atadentaland medicalclinic.

Team members collected McDonald's happy meal toys that served as Christmas gifts. "The children were very happy to receive them" stated Kara Ramano.


KENYA Spring Break 1999

Light Singerssharethereasonfortheseason with aChristmas concert inSaint Andrew's Church.

ENGLAND "WithintheWalls"

They were stopped at the gate.After going through metal detectors and passing the inspection of K-9 dogs, the group was allowed into the prison where they would meet a room fullofinmates.

The group from Light Ministries spent two weeks in England during the Christmas holiday, presenting Christmas concerts and sharing the reason for the season in British prisons.Liberty's soccer coach,Bill Bell and his wife Mary, invited the group to work with theirministry called "Within the Walls".

The team visited nine different prisons and juvenile halls,ministering behind bars to men and women ofall ages.

Dr. Rob Jackson shared a message of grace and forgiveness with the prisoners and team members were able to talk one-on-one with inmates who had never before heard about the giftofsalvation.

Many decisions for Christ were made and Coach Bell and his wife were able to establish relationships with many oftheinmates forfuture accountability.

Seeingprisoners receivethelove ofChrist seemed to offer them such hope andreal freedom,even thoughthey were behind bars."
LightSingersministered innineprisons, singing and sharingtheGospel with Britishinmates
Light Singers sightsee and then sing ChristmascarolsinYork Minster.

The Light Singers and band performed an open-air concert indowntown Sydney, Australia,aspart ofan evangelistic outreachto the community

Reaching The Outback

As soon asschoolwas outinMay 2001,agroup of24studentsand staffmembers packed theirbags and headed forthe Outback — no, nottherestaurant, buttheland down under.

A group from Light Ministries spent two weeks in Australia,performing conceits and incorporating drama into a presentation ofthe Gospel Fourteen concertswere presented inchurches and one schoolinthecityand suburbsofSydney, Australia.

While theirfocuswas directed toward churches, the group also held several evangelistic open-air concerts.They were able to pass out tractsand witness to peoplejustpassing by on the streetsof Sydney.

On their way back,the group stopped in Hawaii for two days of sightseeing and relaxation The Light Singers remained inHawaii for 10days, astherest ofthe groupheaded back LightMinistriesDirector, FituTafaoa, ledthegroup tohishome church inSamoa and the singersperformed five more concertsinlocalchurches on theisland.

As thegroup traveled through theOutback and theislands ofHawaii, theywere abletotakeinthesights ofdifferentcultures, taking an example ofChrist'slove with them.

'SharingChrist withtheland down under"

Students take in the sights of the land down under as they visitSydney Harbor while on a two-week mission triptoAustralia

A group of 24 students and staff members spent two weeks in the outback ministering in local churches and bringing an evangelistic message todowntown Sydney, Australia

In Sydney

The Light Singers pause briefly to pose before another concert ata local church in Sydney.

Light members pose with Chief Sielu, a World Champion Fire-eater The group stopped in Hawaii to minister in churches and take inthe culture before heading back

Terrific Team s

Liberty's Husband and Wife DUo


Liberty University enjoys the privilege of professors wh o strive to impact the lives of their students, both intellectually and spiritually. Som e of these professors enjoy the privilege of sharing their wor k with their spouses.

Kenny and AnnRowlette

School of Communication and Information Technology Department

The Rowlettes saidthatseeing each otheratwork aswell asathome isone ofthe advantages ofworking together. "If something comes up,we cantalk to each other about itand itsquick.Whereas before,itwas late atnight before we could tell each otheranything."Mrs. Rowlette said.

Drs. John and Pauline Donaldson HistoryDepartment & College of GeneralStudies

The Donaldson's have been teaching in the sameschoolevenbeforecoming toLiberty The couple team-taught fourth grade ina public schoolinMichigan.

"Itaughtthemath and scienceandhetaught English and social studies," Mrs. Donaldson said

Sheadded thatherfavoritepartaboutherjob ishelpingstudents.

"Iwent toaone-room schoolhouse and the teacher, trying toteach kindergarten through sixth grades,couldn't reach everybody all the time A lotofthe time sixthgraders gotto go help thekindergartners orlisten tothe first gradersread. That'swhen Idecided Iwantedto teachbecause Ienjoyed doingthat."


Monty andPhyllis Kester

Department of Mathematics

Mrs. Kester finds it "delightful" working with her spouse each day and Mr.Kesteradds thatit's "niceto talk through theday atunexpected moments".

Drs. Leonardand

Karen Parker

College of General Studies and School of Education

While they both work atLiberty,they don't often see each otheron campus,butthey make themost ofthetime they do. "We enjoy sitting together in convocation and occasionally forlunch."Karen said.

School of Business and Goverment & Department of Mathematics

Stephen and Patricia Witham

The Withams feel that working together is one of the best part of their jobs.

"W e can share a commo n mission in our marriage and ministry," said Mr . Witham.

Mrs. Witham added, "W e are mankful that the Lord has led us both to be able to work as a ministry team.'


Drs. Lloyd and Sandra Matches

Dr. Maturesenjoysworkingwithhis spouseandsays, "Ithinkitisthegreatestthingintheworldtoshareourteaching ministry." Hismost memorable momentatLibertywashavingthetrack named for him— the Matthew-HopkinsTrack.

Department of Mathematics & Department of Fine Arts

Dr. Lovett says his most memorable moment was becoming dean ofhis own alma mater and being able to work withhiswife asateam.

Mrs. Lovett says her most memorable time atLiberty was serenading her husband in his own classwith the song "I Will Be Here". She added that she lovesworking withherhusband and considersit"anotherextensionoftheir life and ministry".

Dr. Danny and Susan Lovett

Spiritual Life and Family and Consumer Sciences


Maurice and Virginia Zaffke Administration and School of Business

Dr. Jim and Sterling O'Neill Center for World Missions

Mr . Zaffke is currently an associate professor of business and the executive director of Liberty University's Information systems. Virginia is also an associate professor of business. Maurice states it is "perfect" workin g with his spouse and being able to talk about issues and b e understood.

Dr. Ji m O'Neill graduated from Liberty and returned to serve as a missions professor and director of the Center for Worl d Missions. Sterling is also involved with the Center. A s a student at Liberty her fondest memorie s centered around missions.

Capturing hearts and minds



Anatomy and Physics. "He's an awesome teacher.He's always encouraging the students and available forhelp."

Natasha Telusca



She' a very encouraging teacher and helpful in reminding us wh y w e want to be teachers.

Kristin Spangler


"Not only is he brilliant but he is a super person."

Emily Russac


Department. He makes class interestingand keeps humor. Dur attention through his Annie Clawson


Department ofHistory. "He is such acute man."

Monica Arriola


"He is a genius."

Steven Turchin


"She is m y friend."

Brandy Brumble


School of nursing.

"She helps to alleviate stress in the nursing program. She reminds us why we want to become nurses through her intelligence and passion forthis ministry."


"He has helped m e so muc h inside and outside the classroom."

Jana Aurand

n f
it* " '• sk •'^•spinj
fl I •
m 4
Lina Remigio


Ellen Richards is your heroine.

You havetastedLimburger cheese

You examine thestitches inyourclothes.

You canbalanceyourcheckbook.

Whip up athreecoursemealoutofmashed potatoesandmeatloaf.

Peopleconsultyou forfashion advice.

You askforachild's developmental stagerather thantheirage.

you have seeneveryGary Smalley's video.

The Home Depot andJoanne'sFabricsareyour favorite stores.

You arealwaysexplainingyourmajor.

The FAMILY and CONSUMER SCIENC E department offers a variety of hands-on courses. They have incorporated nutrition cooking, interior decorating, clothing, design, and child care in thisfield of study. Many of these areas come in handy laterin life.

-What's Cooking ..^j
J 170



? I chose to be a FAC S ^

5 major because the things ^

J I've learned will be a

£ VALUABL E asset in the

^HOM E as well asB -

J MINISTR Y in a church."


? states Julia Manley ?




The marching band isan important asset toany college oruniversity. The school's pride and spiritoften liebehind the members of a marching band. The liberty University Marching band AKA, the spiritofthemountain isnot only entertaining, but also captures theessence ofwhat talentis. Many people come together andlearn how to play andmarch with each other. It is hard work tobring all ofthesepeople,andthere are some thathave never marched with a band before.Of course onevery important member ofthe bandis thefieldconductor, KristineTerrell, whois alwayskeeping thebeat. Of course theband would benothing withoutMr.Kerr, the director. The colorguard alsoadds theirunique dance talentstoputthefinal touches on the band. Liberty canbe very proud ofthejob that the SpiritoftheMountain always does,because they arethetruespirit oftheLiberty Mountain.


THE TUBAS: The tuba section played theirheartsout during the games


Darrell Ford and Mike Capozzi frequently practiced theirmusic while ontheroad

MAKING NOISE: Crowds were entertained through themusical talents of band members

Ted Newman
People '-MPw" W ••'jjJaKgxF''- ' Jm mm' if'Wb ' ^Kjdf l^' 13'' L 174
andPlaces 175

What's U p with DeMoss?

As students wait with anticipation to see the finished product,construction crews work day and night to complete the new DeMoss Learning Center

Towering cranes and bulldozers have taken over campus togivethebuilding a facelift The growing pains willsoon be over and students, faculty and staff will begin to move into their new learning center within theyear.


Does your Major matter?

"I did not come to Liberty University to be a teacher. I came here sothatstudents could work with me while Ishow them whatI know," statedDr.Steven Troxel. Many professors influence thestudentsto fulfill theircallingby theirlivesand wisdom.

"Iam goingtoteachinHawaii Each part of my educationis goingtohelpme in my future." JenniferHall, General Education 177

SiezetheDay —

Capture the


see the changes in the year 2000 on campus

.Thewomen causearacketwithanew ten nisteam

. DeMoss getsafacelift

.Dorms get webbed, wiredfortheweb, that is


. Happy faces of guys that are not TIEd down.

.KenKarcheris the newfootball coach.

. Danny Lovettbecomes CampusPastor.

.New MealPlan!!!

.Studentsregisteron LffiERTYNET

. ROTC returns to campus.

. Lahay Lounge built, donated by t Lahay's.

.These arejustafewofthemajorchanges, new facultyandstaff, newprograms are a way oflife hereatLiberty.




Sieze the day Capture the Final Act "F

JL or I kno w the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not evil, to give you a future and a hope."

Jeremiah 29: Ma y your future be filled with hope as you your eyes on Jesus Christ.


Graduation 2000




A commitmentto excellence ... "I am notproposing aslogan, butinsteada vision."

Thank you forajob welldone.

"For I know theplansI have foryou saystheLord, They areplansforgood and notforevil, togiveyou a futureand ahope."Jeremiah 29:11 We look toyour futurewith greatanticipationofthewonderfulthings God willdo inand foryou.We thanktheLord for the greatprivilegeforbeing yourfamily

Love Mom, Dad,Brooke & Andrew

Roy Simmons - SGA President
Walsworth Publishing Company 306 North Kansas Avenue / Marceline, Missouri 64658 US A
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