150 students attended Liberty Baptist College in the fall of 1971. Today, Liberty University offers a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees to a bustling, ever changing and growing campu s of approximately 8,000 students, thirsty for knowledge and growing in theLord.
O n January 21,1977 the Liberty students and faculty me t together on Liberty mountain to dedicate it to the Lord in prayer.
Dr. Falwell and Dr. Guillermin stand in front of the student body in 1976, whe n it wa s still small enough to fit in the sanctuary at TRBC
Twelve years ago, in 1990, Liberty University completed construction on the Vines Center which seats 10,000.
In the thirtyyears since Liberty first opened its doors to students there has been a phenomenal amount of growth. In the midst of all of this growth the students, faculty, and administration have maintained their desire to glorify God above all else. It is this reason that so many have chosen of the Liberty family. Looking back it is easy to see what God has done, but this year God's faithfulness seemed even more significant. In August of 2001, the yearbook staff picked the theme "Past, Present, Future," at that time we had no idea how much our future would change in just a few weeks. On September 11, 2001 we watched in horror, along with the rest of the world, as the tragic events unfolded. However, in the weeks and months that followed, we saw God's faithfulness in amazing ways. of us have come to understand how blessed we are to live in a country where we are free to praise name of God. That attitude of gratefulness extends to Liberty University where we have the privilege serve God together and to know His presence in the best and worst of times. As we look back on not this past year, but also the past thirty years, we can see the hand of God in every part of our wonderful love and faithfulness stands as a reminder to all of us to look forward to the future and all that God is going to do.
-Tara Johnson, Editor-in-ChiefOn September11, 2001, the current studentbody, faculty, and city leaders gathered togetherin front of the United States flag toprayfor our nation.
PresidentDr.John Borek has been involved inhighereducationformore than30years. He ishonored by the rolehe hasbeen givenasleaderof thisuniversityashehelpsprepare studentstobecome solidChristian examplesand leadersinanonChristianworld.
"AspresidentofLibertyUniversity, I have been entrustedwithfulfilling theoriginalvisionofourfounder and Chancellor, Dr.JerryFalwell," says Borek."It is ourgoaltoprovide a quality, Christian, LiberalArts Universityforyoung people who desiretohave apersonalrelationship withChristand impacttheworld."
Borek'sleadershipmatcheshis passionforhighereducation of Christianstudents He stressesthat a Christianeducationshouldbe superior toanyothercollegeexperience. He believesafaith-oriented education musthaveasound academic program interwovenwithBiblicaltruths
"The educated personmustrealize thathisvaluesystem isbound by what he hasbeentaught," Borekexplains "We don'tknow truthexceptwhen we aretaughtby thosewho know truth."
President Borek believesthatthe truthswe learnincollegeinfluencethe decisionswe make throughout our lives.
"Collegeis thecapstone ofyouth,"he says. "We arejustbeginningtousethecreative mind and we aresettingthenavigational course ofourlife inmotion."
When he is notin his officeor making decisionstoleadand direct thisuniversity, Dr. Borek canbe seenatballgamesjokingwith students,ridinghis Harleythroughthe mountainswithcolleagues, ortakinga group ofpeople foraridein his smallengine airplane.
Sincearrivingat Libertyin1997, Dr.Borek hasnotonlybecome an exceptionalleader, butalsoafoundational partoftheLiberty family.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a ma n lay dow n his life forhis friends.
Students enjoy some friendly A studentenjoysafree haircuton stage competition inthisyear'srock climbing priortothe Katinasconcert. event.
JeffWilson and friendsenjoy racing down the inflatable slide
Students enjoy the Katinas inconcertat the blockparty.
Vandegrifftakes a briefbreakfrom thehectic preparations to posewiththree of the characters.
Thisbeingmy thirdyearworking Scaremareandsecondasaroomleader, Icannotexpresswhat Scaremare isto me Itismore thanafunactivitywhere thegospelispresentedandpeopleget saved, itisapathtospiritualgrowth.Scaremare is more thanjustanotherministrytotakepartin. Itisaplacewhere lastingfriendshipsare formed.
Behind alltheblood, dustand boo ya lieshours ofwork,bothphysicaland spiritual. Prayerbefore, during and afterisavitalpartofScaremare'sexistence.Thereare many by-products of Scaremare such assalvations and planting ofseeds, butperhaps thegreatestmotivation behind Scaremare isthatofthespiritualgrowth of those who work there. IpraiseGod thatIhavebeenabletobea partof Scaremare and grow closerto Him intheprocess.
-Adam Koop,Front-yard LeaderThe first few days went well,"excep forthe problem with the registrar's office," stated
Tarah Colvart.Most freshmen decided they were tJ busy to be homesick. This classhas entered at a time when Liberty has begun an extensivebuilding program. This isthe largest classin history,1212 strong
LU doesnotmean "lineup." However, waitingin line is oneofthe pasttimes freshmendo during orientation...that has not changed.
to buy a lot mor e books than I thought.
—Am y Hughes
One ofthe unique characteristicsofLiberty Universityis itsrichinternationalculture on campus.Many internationalstudentsadd talentto Libertysportsteams, whileotherscome togain an invaluableeducationalexperience.As soonasthey arriveon campus,internationalstudents are encourged togetinvolvedwithotherinternationals The Minorityand InternationalStudentsOffice (MISO) helpsstudentstodo soby organizing mixers,banquets, clubs, andworshipservices During breaks, MISO finds homes forthose who cannotreturntotheircountries. Not onlydo the internationalshavetheoppurtunitytobe astudent inthe United States, buttheyalsohelpeducate thosearound them abouttheirown culturesand customsbackhome.
International students can often be found hanging out together Here, Sandra del Cid (Honduras), Carly Mason , Mario Saravia (Bolivia), and Rich Jakubowski watch a soccer game
Mats Persson (Sweden) and An a Sofia Sousa (Portugal) take a minute to smile for the
Susan Foreid (Portugal) and Ana Sofia Sousa (Portugal) cheer on their teammates at a hom e basketball game
Minority and International Office (MISO)shows their school spiritinthe 2001 homecoming parade SGA officers get ready to politic.
The marching band fills the air with fight music to get everybody ready forthe upcoming football game. Students compete in the halftime challenge fora chance atafree car
It took brother and sister floors5-2and 28-1 seventeen hourstoconstructtheir "SuperJerry"float.
Virginia'spremierof The Scarlet Pimpernel atLibertyUniversitywas presented by theDepartment ofFineArts Directedby LindaNell Cooper, themusicalcomedy was ahit. Inadditiontothe eight performancesatLU, theentire castwas invitedto Canada toperfom KingstonCollege. A Canadianbusinessmanwho saw theshow in Virginiapaid forthecast of30totraveltoCanada inJanuaryto performtwoshows
familyonThanksgivingDay Theplay beginswiththein-lawscomingover, afterthateverythingrapidlygoes down hill. The motherbreaksone of herribsduringaRocketsimpersonation and hastogo thehospital. This leaves thedaughterstocook Thanksgiving dinner. Thewholeordealbecomes verychaoticwhen itturns out that onedaughteristakingdrawingclasses withnude models, anotheristeetering back and forthbetweentwodifferent guyswho suddenlybothshow upfor dinner, and yetanotherfinds outthat herfavorite grandmotherdied months ago and no one toldher And to top it all offthefamilythinks that theirdog diedand theyburiedit, onlyforitto notbereallydead and digitsway out ofthe grave.
Godspelltakes placeinthe mountains, with a group of people hat act out the scriptures because hey cannot read. The play begins as a story where the characters are simply acting out the gospel of Matthew, however by the end they have actually become he characters in Matthew.
Some ofthestudentsenjoyjoking around at thecoffee house.
The "Armpit" and "Deodorant" were some of the favoritecoustumes this Halloween.
Construction workerswere a common sight this year. They even came to the coffee house.
Two studentsdressed up as thechildhood classicsRaggedy Ann and Andy.
Students enjoy their independence offcampus with privileges that are not offered to resident students. Along with the added ^ty6^^9y6&n freedom com e man y ne w responsibilities * ly ne w respoi and a taste of the real world.
The 2002Junior/SeniorBanquetwastrulya "StarryNight" heldattheHistoricHotelRoanoke More than400 students, staffand facultydressedfortheoccasionintuxedos, suits and formalgowns. Asguestsarrived, theywerewelcomed with musicfrom Liberty's own "JerichoGiants"playinglightjazz and classicalhits
A specialfeaturefortheeveningincludedalargeportraitof VincentVanGogh's "StarryNight"paintingthatstudentswere askedtosigninhonorofhe evening. Theentirenight centeredonVanGogh'spaintingandthe"StarryNight"heme.
ChristianComedian BradStine providedtheentertainmentforthe night, withhissidesplitting humor and dramaticfacialexpressions. StinehasbeenfeaturedonMTV, HBO, Showtime and Comedy Centralandchallengedhe students tobeanactivepartofthis secular world, buttobeastrongChristian influenceinalltheydo
TheJunior/SeniorBanquet holds
romanceandthisyear'sbanquet proved tobetrue tothattradition
Bom toHaitianparents, inBrooklyn, New Yorknineteenyearsago,Godhas provided forTrachideeverystepoftheway. Fromtheir move toPalmBeachGardens,Florida when shewaseleven, thebirthotherlittlebrother Matthew andsisterTabithasoonafter, her salvationandbaptismatagethirteen, toher arrivalatlibertyUniversity, God hastruly proventhatHe hasapurposeandaplanfor herlife An ElementaryEducationmajor, she aspirestobeamissionaryinaclassroom when shegraduates. However, hermaingoal inlife istodowhateverGodwantshertodo; butifHe callshertodaytobeamissionaryin anothercountryandserveHimthatway,she wouldgo
Jamar isfrom Richmond Virginia. Heis a Juniormajoring inMass Communications. AfterhegraduatesinMay 2003,heplans on continuing hiseducation ingraduate school at North Carolina StateUniversity or at Regent University Once hereceives his Masters Degree,heplansonpursuinga careerinBroadcasting asatelevision news anchor God hasblessedhim witha wonderful Christianfamily who raisedhim with solidChristian values Hecurrently works forawell-known Lynchburg City School asasubstituteteacherandduringthe summer heworks withtheinner-citykids at a Christian camp inMaryland Forhis ChristianCommunity Service, heisaPublic AddressAnnouncer fortheLiberty University Volleyball andBasketballteams. He alsocoacheseightandnineyearolds in soccerthrough theYMC A andwasacast member ofthe West Side Story and is currently adorm prayerleader. Hethanks God forallthatHehas provided forhim because ashesaid"Without ChristI am nothing."
Libby came toLiberty from thesmall Midwest town ofMilledgeville, Illinois. When shearrivedhere,sheknew fourthings abouttheschool: 1)ItwasaChristian school intheSouth,2) Itwasfoundedby someone named JerryFalwell, 3)It had a decentEducation Program and4)Therewas a freetriptoIsrael Those were the things thatoriginally motivated hertocomebut upon herarrival, Shediscovered many more compelling reasonstostay Hertimehere has stretched, challenged andchangedher She was shown how tomake herChristian walk apartofevery aspectofherdaily life She saidthatbeing atLiberty hasallowed hertomeet people thathave hada life changing impact. From friendstogueststo professors, thebenefitsofothersexperiences have helped toshape her world viewand giveher direction. Shehopestouse her licenseinElementary Education tomakea differencein theworld forChrist As a Christian educator, shewants tobea living example ofJesusin herclassroom.She planstoreturntoChicago andteachforthe nextfew years Inthefuture, shewouldlike toearn aMasters Degree in thefieldofESL and useteaching asatooltoreachpeople forChristinareasthatareharderto penetrate with thegospel
Hiddenbehindthe scenesare guys who practically run Liberty. The Sound Reinforcement Team is comprised of twelve Liberty students.
The job requires them to set up and tear down sound equipment for services such as Convocation, Campus Church, Athletic Convocation, Ministry Chapel and Danny Lovett's Evangelism classes. Other services sound reinforcement do are basketball games, Coffee Houses and plays put on by the Fine Arts Department.
The idea was for the cow to plop on a grid of squares drawn acrossthe soccerfield. The SGACowBingowasfilledwith fun, laughter, andastampedingcow. Over 1500studentsand CFAWers came outtosupportSGAand totakeachance at winningaDVD player Ifthecow plopped onthesquare someone purchasedfor$2, thatpersonwould winhe DVD playerandhosewho hadpickedthesurroundingsquares wouldwinotherprizes. The stagewas setforplayingCow Bingo(a.ka CowPlop), buttherewasoneproblem, thecow neverdidits "business." Number 12,thecow'sname,seemed tobealittle shyaround theLUfaithful. Soinsteadof embarassing itself, he cow optedfortakingamadsprintat he students.Fortunatelyno onewas hurtinthecow'stwo attemptstoescape.The ownereventuallylassoedNumber12 and safelyguidedherbackaboardhertrailer. LuckilySGA President ClarkJoneshadaback-upplan. A waterballoon was launchedontohegridtodeterminethewinners. Kate Graham wasthenight'sgrandprizewinnerreceivingthe DVD player. Adding additionalentertainmenttothenight's eventwasAbove and Beyond andLUbands "Vroom" and "RedAdmiral."
a time to laugh, a time to relax, a time to embrace, a time of peace, a time to share.
Wednesday night'sspeaker, Mike Skupin, takestime tosign autographs foran eager crowd ofstudents Skupin spoke about hisexperience on CBS's national hitshow Survivor. While intheAustralian outback,Skupin severely burned the palms of hishand,buta miracle healed hishands and strengthened his faith.
Many students sacrificed their nightstocome hearthe speakers and be personally challenged Serviceswereheld each nightfrom Sunday toWednesday and lasted abouttw| hours
While discussing the believer'sopen accessto God through prayer, Rick Amato recruitsthe helpof Tommy Tenney,Monday night'sspeaker, to illustratethecheribums above the mercyseat.
Tim White, a returning member of Eternal Praise, helpslead worship beforetheservice
Students respond tothe message by gathering together inprayer.Each night opportunitieswere given forthose who made spiritualdecisionstocome forward and have someone pray with them.
Morgan Taylor, a prayer leaderon33-2, readsa passagefrom theWord atthe AllNight of Prayer. Thisnighthelped students prepareforand focuson what was about to happen during the following week From Friday nightto Saturday morning, floorswere assigned differenttimesto prayforthe upcoming Spiritual Emphasis Week.
Before each service, time was spent in praiseand worship.A few girls clap along with the music while worshipping.
During aspecialconvocation arrangedlast minute by Dr. Falweil, studentswereasked toleavetheirseatsand fill theVines Centerfloor. Many emotions were expressed asthe room united in prayer.
Support and concern were felt and displayed all acrossthenation, and LU was no exception. Along withthe painting on theRock, many students wore red, white, and blueribbonsor attached flags ontotheircars. Local businessesshowed support by displaying"God Bless Ameirca"signs and lightingcandlesin honor ofthe deceased.
Dr. Borek addressed thesolemn crowd ofstudents, faculty, and community members.The SoundsofLiberty, standing by, sang afew special songs, including"God Bless America."
Prominent members ofthe Lynchburg community were invitedtothespecial convocation While students prayed, localofficialsspoke and ledthestudents inprayer
Convocation is atime when residentialstudentsand commuters come together threetimesaweek tolistento speakers. Convocationisheld Monday,Wednesday,and Fridayfrom 10a.m.to11 a.m. intheVinesCenter. Liberty bringsinspeakersfromall overtheworld tospeakto studentsand share God's Word withhe studentbody.
Illustratingthe importance offorgivenessin the Christian life, Jackie Kendall explains that unforgiveness is like tying achain around our necks and binding ourselvestosomeone else. Kendall also used giftbagsto represent how Christianscarrya j burden when they do notgive forgiveness
Creationist Ken Hamm speaks tothe student body about the importance of knowing the factsabout creation. Hamm used numerous overhead illustrationstoshow how evolution fails asa legitimate explanation forthe beginning oftheworld. fefrM s
On campus studentsgathertogetherevery Thursdaynightasadorm and familyat 10p.m for prayer, fellowship, and announcements The weekly hallmeeting is calledFOCUS,and involvesa spiritual aspectaspartof the meeting. During hall meetings, campus irrformationand announcementsare providedby the ResidentAssistants Studentsthen disperseinto smallgroupsfor prayer, praiseand worship, and discussionthatisledby atrainedprayer leader. Campus PastorDwayne Carsonleadsa traininginformationalclass onceaweek for all prayer leaders.
"Ifinallygotto relaxand open up tomy friends," sophomore BrandonMcLemore said. Many view prayergroupsas atimeto expressprayerrequests, problems, and praisereports. Hallmeetings and prayergoups areatimefor members of the hallto buildunityas wellas friendships
What prayer groups arenot..Hall7-1takestimeoutofa hallmeeting tosing praise andworship Rightafterhallmeeting, students break up intoprayergroups fora timeofmore focused learningand sharing
Prayergroups usually consist o fellowship, prayer, and atime of teaching from the Word.
the servanthood
Girlson 26-2spend time hanging out afterprayer groups.Many close friendships have formed inprayergroups.
Some hallschoose to decorate hallwallswith "prayer walls." Each prayergroup is responsible todesign partofthe hallway
Prayer Groups
A group of30 students from LU went on a missionstripstoGuatemala duringSpringBreak They stayedinasmallvillage calledLlanoVerde. There, he studentsdiddramas, helped constructachurch, andwentstreetwitnessing.
LIGHT singersparticipated inacrusade,wherethere wereabout 10,000people attending.
A groupof12students from LU wenton amissions trip toEngland. They stayedinEnglandforabout2weeks in Hanogateand Stratford The studentswentto the prisons andtheretheyspreadthe gospel ofJesus Christthrough singinganddramas.
Althoughexperiencedfromagreaterdistance, theeventsof September 11thhad averyrealeffect on 14LU studentsoverin Kenya. The first ever "Team Kenya"had to returnbackto theU.S. less thanamonth intotheirmissionstrip
The originalplanwas for the studentsto spend sevenmonthsin the country, butthe decisionwas made to bringthe team back in orderto avoida potentiallydangeroussituation. Eventhoughthe triptookanunexpected turn, theteamwas ableto ministerto
The threemain ministrieswithwhichthe team was involvedincludedhe BirechBible College, TumaniniOrphanage and The LegacySchool. In themidstof experiencingadramaticallydifferent culture, eachstudentwas placedintooneofthese ministries.Atnight, theteam would come together for fellowshipand encouragement.
Despitethedisappointmentof havingto leave early, the team was ableto gainagreater understanding of what missionsistrulyabout.
Andy Cameron
BJ Grimmett
Cherith Orman
April Roberts
Melissa Stimeare
Amy York
Tom Nylander & Steve Muttai
This year's See You atthe Pole proved tobe Liberty's greatestturnout, with an estimated 1,200 students waking up earlytomeet inthe courtyard. Not only was thisarecord forLiberty, but schools acrossthe country experienced similar results.
These numbers areafarcry from the small group of teenagers from Burleson, Texas who began therallyin 1990.Ironically, theseteenshad no ideathattheir rally would become such abig event.Burdened topray for theirfriends,they drove tothreedifferentschools one nightand gathered around theflagpole, liftingup their friends, schools, and leadersinprayer. The students desired God tomove through them.
When youth leadersfound outaboutthese meetings ofprayer, they took on avisiontoseemore studentsget involved.Within afew years over amillion students nationwide were participating inthe event The day remains amuch anticipated gathering forstudentsinhigh schools and universitieseverywhere.
LU's SeeYou atthe Pole involved Eternal Praise and Youth Quest leading worship,aswell asafew campus pastorsleading inprayer.Dr.Borek reminded the studentstokeep fellow military students inprayer. Many walked away from the morning's event feeling burdened tokeep America in prayer.
A smallcrowd from Arkansas gatherstogetherto prayfor studentsattending all types ofschoolsintheir home state.
Many students sacrificed extra"snooze"timeto meet at7:00 a.m. attheflagpole nearthe Hangar.
Inhonor ofthe morning's events, each state was represented by a studentin convocation Many students expressed state-pride when theirstatesignwalked onto thefloor.
A smallgroup of studentsjoinin prayer. Those attending were encouraged to pray with others forthe needsof the country, schools, and educators.
Two students pray togetherfor variousconcerns. Towards the end ofthe hour, campus Pastor Dwayne Carson asked studentsto focustheirprayers on individuals studying foryouth ministry and education
Volunteering atthe hospitalfor Christian service has its rewards, such asthisbright-eyed newborn!
Leading your hall in praise and worship is a great Christian service that hasgreatrewards
ServingChristis adutyofexcellence. Although aChristian Although working inITRCand the ° ' & LU PostOfficearepayingjobs to some, theycan alsobeCSERto thosewho do notclock in. Serviceis requiredofall Libertystudents, sophomores and on, itislooked upon by many as anothergreatopportunity toserveGod. Sophomore Tim Hirschman says, "I love my Christianservice ofbeingaprayerleader Itgives me a chancetoinfluencepeopleinapositiveand Godlywayfor Christ, and I am thankfulforthat."
What'sthenumber oneChristian serviceatLiberty?Being aprayer leader!Heretheseprayerleaders take toheartwhat PastorDwayne Carson has to say.
These ghouls and galls are earning their Christianserviceby making people scream atScaremare.Boo!
As studentsattendHbertyUniversitytogrow academically, they are also challenged to grow spiritually. Residential students are able to grow spiritually through Prayer Groups and have the chance to be stretched by Campus Church. Messages are given by Campus Pastors Danny Lovett on Wednesday nights, Dr. Fowler on Sunday mornings, and Pastor Dwayne Carson on A Sunday nights.
EstelaAltamirano takestime out ofa fullscheduletospend time studying God'sWord.The fountain and courtyard nexttothe Prayer Chapel is an ideal placeformany studentsto find a quiet moment inprayer
The Prayer Chapel is a spiritual landmark ofthe Libertycampus. Here studentscan come to prayas wellasto participate in more intimateworshipservices.
The students areasked to lead the classinprayeratthe beginning ofthe hour.
Brother/Sisterfloorsgathertogether to pray beforeservicesand lift the serviceand speaker up tothe Lord.While speaking inconvocation,Ragel walked up and down theVines Center. Many enjoyed hishumor ashe preached the Word ofGod. Ragel'stheme fortheweek was honesty, both inrelationshipswith othersand relationshipswith the Lord.
Returning once again to LU, Jamie Ragelwas thespeakerfor winter Spiritual Emphasis Week. He delivered God'sWord through humor and sarcasm,but still got straighttothe point when delivering the message.
Several students respond toan alter call afterconvocation.Decisionsfor salvation and rededication were made The week went sowellthat Ragel agreed to stayone more nightforan extended S.E.W.
"According toJohn"played afew songs offtheiralbum.The band alsoledthe student body in worship.
Ragel'scharacteristic humor included everything from jokesabout his wifeto funnyvoices.
Letthe praisesofour King be known. Allthroughout theVines Center "According toJohn"ledeveryonein praiseand worship
TheHbertyUniversitycampuswouldnotbecompletewithoutcampus church Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night. Students garther together for praise and worship, fellowship and good 'ole Bible study. Campus church is held in the Schilling Center where up to an average of 1,000 students attend. Also on Wednesday nights many students attend Bible studies in town. Many prestigious speakers like Jamey Ragle, Dr. Fowler, Rob Jackson, Mark Earley, Miss America 1999 Nicole Johnson, and many others have given some words of wisdom for the students at campus church. At campus church students are free to worship, sing, and pray as hey feel comfortable. Nearby Lynchburg College and high school students also attend church here at Hberty University.
s t t I 21 t id € €
Many students who live both on and off campus participate in Bible studies. These groups, which usually meet once a week, are entirely voluntary. Often groups of friends join together to study a specific topic or book tohelp them improve their relationship with Christ.
Imagine ho w incredible an experience to study with others wh o truly have an inexpressible love for Go d and His Word .
u N o matter ho w I feel before I enter that study, the Lord has a wa y of giving m e joy by the end of it-through His Wor d as well as other believers"
-Steve Darling
• *••• *
Our mission is to utilizefootball educational toolthatwillglorify developing Biblicalcharacter qua equip young men intellectually, socially inChrist, sothat Christ may usetheir giftsand talentsto impact theirculture with the Gospel ofJesus Christ.
The defensive lineproved tobe a play-stopping partofthe team.
"Biff has the experience of last year in our system,"says Karcher "Hehasshown that he is anextremely tough playeraftergoing through alotlastyear.I have the utmost confidence in him."
Wayne Haddix
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
1990 NFL Pro Bowl
Eric Green
Pittsburg Steelers
1990 NFL rookieoftheYear, Selected tothe NFL All-RookieTeam by NFL PlayersAssociation, USA Today,United PressInternational (UPI),ProWriters Association, Pro Football Weekly, Football Digest, Football News,The National1994 NFLProBowi
Dwayne Carsell
Denver Broncos
1997 Captain ofthe SpecialTeams, First Flame to Play/Win inaSuper Bowl
1998 Captain ofthe SpecialTeams, first Flame to Play/Win in two Super Bowls
Flames SufferSecond Shutout Of the Season In63-0 LosstoWestern Carolinaat
E. J. Whitmire Stadium in the Flames
fourth consecutive road game.
"Lastyear, wehad some tough times atthe offensive lineposition," says Karcher. "But hopefully wehave plugged some players inthe rightplacesaswesaw them mature during spring workouts."
• between downs
• beforea bigdefensiveplay
• during time outs
• aftera big play
• when the otherteam is attempting afieldgoal
arequalititesneeded forcheering and todo theformations.Hours ofpracticearerequired on the ground beforeany attemptis made in the air.
are spectaculartowatch but require many hours ofwork and precision toexecute.
arecalled Liberty, these are basic, but astime goes by, more and more variations pop up.
Who says cheerleaders are not atheletes?These stunts require hours ofpractice from well-trained athletes.
Pavel Cancura Austin Carty
Amando Corrales
Hollis Donaldson
Adam Godwin
David Guinn
Kevin Hay
Patrick Heery
Isaac Kearns
Brentley Kellum
Ryan Lauber
Cr\\ 1 in Macrann i
Bryan Monka
Chase Perry
Alan Pike
K. J. Sabotchick
Dean Short
Ben Strawbridge Jason Streets Jonathan Streets ChrisVerdi
Matt Warner Michael Zusi
e togetherness of this year is incredible, and the style w e will play is the mos t attractive yet.
££ Defense—that was the main team goal for us going into the season as w e wanted to cut out giving away bad goals.
C C Even though the team has struggles, the most important thing to rember is never give up
Louvon Snead
^Hl cc it was an awesom e season because of the unity of the team.
•Katie Feenstra
New Forthe2001 season the Lady Flames welcomed three newcomers tothe team: Jennifer Belk, KristinColson, and Becky Rudnick. ***** *
CCW e all have the sam e goals and w e have really played off each other's strengths in order to help different players wher e they are.
Chris Phillips, Head Coach
CC It has been a season to mak e friends, to be challenged, to be part of a winning team, and to achieve the goals I had set for myself.
Brady Rose
CCThi s is a team of girls wanting to win. All w e can do is play our best and see wha t comes.
Lauren Hahn 'S3
QQ Itwasthebestyear Ihad had.Godhas trulyblessedthe team and itwasan awesomeexperience gettingtoplaywith them. H
—(Senior) MattBruland
CC Fo r having 13new freshmen, Ifeltlikewedid reallywell. Three ofthefivetop scorers were freshmen.
—(Freshman) Jeff Smale
I know thethoughts I haveforyou, says the Lord, plans for a hope anda future . re past present future past present futun
Jeremiah 29:1
Intheirphysical science lab
two students take theirclass work inthe hallfora little bit ofworking room.
Students inCLST meet with the professor inthe Bruckner Learning Center forthefirst few minutes ofclass, and then they work individually forthe restofthe period.
Prof William Honeycutt callson studentsto sharetheirpersonal opinionsofthe issuesdiscussed inhis GNED 101 class
Students break up intosmall groupsto discussand interactwith different theoriesofcommunications in their COMS 210 class, Communications Perspectives.
M 0 D E R N D A Y H E R 0 SE
ev don They don't get alotof recognition. There'srarelyenoughgratitudegiven. So many timestheiractionsgo unnoticed, maybeevenseeminglyunappreciated. They investtheirtime, effort, knowledge andtheirlivesintoeachone oftheir students...andnow theyget the recognitiontheydeserve.
Four times a year, a faculty or staff member ishonored for his orher dedicationwiththe Modern Day Hero Award. What issospecialaboutthese exceptionalindividuals,isthattheyare chosenbystudents. Studentsare giventhe criteriathatthe persontheynominate shouldhaveahighimpactfor the Kingdom whilekeepingalowprofile. More than60facultyand staffmembers werenominatedthisyearbut onlyfour individualscouldactuallyreceivethe title ofbeinga"hero".
To all of those who were nominated, we thankyoufor yourserviceandfor your willingnessto make adifferencein the livesofstudents.To thosefew who receivedthisaward,we congratulateyou forthe hardworkyouhavedoneand we encourageyouto persistbecauseyou have touchedlives.
Afterteaching for 24years,Dr. Harvey Hartmanreceived the Modern Day Hero awardfor his impact for the kingdom. He states"IlovewhatI teach."Among some of his classesareOld TestamentSurvey, Joshua-Judges,and Genesis. Hisdesireis thathis studentswill grow in character and integrity.
"Don'ttaketheeasy way. Stretchyourself. Do morethanyou thinkyou can," isDr. Troxell'sadviceto students.He alwayshas timetohelp,especially iftheyneedassistance to reviewfor atest.
Addingvalueto people'slivesishis favorite partof his job whichincludesbeinga Communications professorandfaculty directorof LUTV.
As arecipientof the ModernDay Hero Award, Dr.Terry Spohnsaidhefelt"sort ofuncomfortable," althoughhewas pleasedto be recognized.Hestates, "I'mjustdoingexactly whatI'msupposed to be doing."Asa sixyear-oldboy, hehadan incurablediseaseand wasgivenonlythree monthsto live. He was healedmiraculously andgrewup toearn his doctorateandhas been abiologyprofessor since 1987.
"IfGod called me to be a teacher I would notstooptobe aking!
Toteachastudentis the highestvocation onecouldtake. Itisthe way God communicated. He usedsmall groups.
Barbara ShermanMrs.Oughton teaches Advance Graphic Design She is an "awesome person and agreat teacher," said HeatherOrange.
A new addition tothefaculty, Mr. Timothy Wommack teachesspeech.The classspeechescan causeagreatdeal of controversy and debate,butthe students reallyenjoy them.
Mark Hine remembersliving downtown asastudent.He came on board in1979 He hasworn several hats,however,he is currentlyVice PresidentofStudent Affairs
Barbara Sherman teaches education classes. She hasagreat rapportwith studentsand sets a godly example.She expresses concern and sympathy forthe students, and it hasearned hera reputation asa person thatreally getsinvolved.
MM. limml PLftat. "AcU aiwaifi.been ia kind." SaAa cMolcambe
Ml. Scott Battel "amayina. teache/i, wtmdenlftdintellect." /We* <Jaka/i
2)4. <Jlax4>l "jiAdt fAo^eiian. ta nealhf. believe in mtf aJuUtiei. and aiftl in the a>iea oft linoaJcaiiintf.." Slica Jlie
Ml. PicJfUnf "ii the. teacher 9 wideutoai the wait." Rtfon jbanieli
PlO^tUoH 3>m£o*if "9 picked my, c&sieen. in kii, claAA oft1 fLiAfcUolafif,." j/aeJzie Gollini
MM. NutUn "Uiiened, a fVuceleU attribute." flu&tin MOQAMKMM.
3fk AUiitm "kai complied me wtteu 9'oe tabbed auet the ciaAAei. in the letjiittcM'i.
Alliian Rhode*
In the Education Department Dr. Carolyn Deimer haswritten the plan of salvation inRussian. She has made severaltrips to Russia and has had the opportunity to passout Biblesand meet many top Russianofficials.
One ofthe classesMrs.Janice DeLong teaches is Children's Literature She lovesto read children'sstoriesto her class.
Dr Beck is currentltyAssociateVice PresidentforAcademic Affairs. He started the Philosophy Department in 1978 He "still lovesteaching,"but his time is taken heading the department offivefull-timefaculty members.
Dr.Cecil Kramer,Department Chair ofCommunications,discusseswith new students and students currently inthe Communications Department the new Communications program and requirements Cameo Ray stated, "He was very helpful inhelping me find sourcesand develop thepilot study for my future honorsthesis."
I was busy cleaning up the lab one day, and Ireachedacrossthecounterto grabaone-literbottle ofnitric acid. It had aciddripson theoutside, andI was inahurry, soinsteadofwashingit carefullyfirst,thenpickingitup carefully, Ijustheldon tothelid, whichwasclean. Butthelidwasnot on carefully, and inmid-airitpopped off and thebottlecame crashingontothe cornerofthecounter. My firstthought was,"Didanybodyseeme beingthat stupid?" Fortunatelyno one had, so I setabout rinsingoffthelittle bit of acidthathad splashedon my hands As Istoodatthesink, wondering howI was goingtocleantheacidoffthe floor beforeitate thewax offthe tiles, Inoticedthattherewas alittlehazein theair. Ilookeddown and realizedthat my labcoatwas smoking. Rats, I spilledsome on my labcoat Itookit offand threwitinthesink More haze Rats, my pantsaresmoking Now what todo?I can'ttakethem off Now, I alwaystellmy studentsthatiftheyspill alargeamount ofacidon themselves thatIwillmake them getinthe emergency showerand rinseitoff beforetheygochange. It'sbetterto walkacrosscampussoakingwetthan withacidonyourclothes. Ihad exerciseclothesinmy van-sweatpants and asweatshirt-IthoughtIcould go changeintothem. ButshouldIgetinto theshowerfirst5 Me,walk across DeMoss soakingwet'No way.So holdingmy pantlegsoutaway from me I runthrough DeMoss intothe parkinglot, tomy van. Ijump inand thinkhow gladI am fortinted windows.
Do not forgetthe lessonsyourprofessorshavetaughtyou inandout ofthe classroom.
Donotforgetthe work the Lordhas placedbeforeyoutodayandtoliveeachday-mayit be tocompleteapaper,smiletoa friend...getsome sleep. Do not forgettouse these lessonsasaspringboardtogiveyouahopeandafuture.
Drs. Parkerand Groat help students decide on their major and discusswith them what coursestotake.
0 magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His nam e together. resent future past present future past pn
Psalm 34::
Startedin1980, YouthQuest is atravelingministrydedicatedtoreachingyouth across the country. YouthQuest consists of two music teams, two drama teams, a dunk team, a prayer and encouragement team, and a scheduling team. Director Tim Abbott says that YouthQuest's desire is "to know Christ and to make him known." Their purpose is to "help bring about spiritual growth in teenagers, through life on life ministry." While YouthQuest does a number of Drama member Amie Hammarlund ... , , , , hanqsoutwith hiqh schoolersin eventson campus, theirmain ministryistotravel on theweekends tovanous Dugspur, VA. youthgroupswhere theYouthQuestersholdralliesand leaddiscipleshipwith the youth. This past year YouthQuest also worked at Scaremare, went on tour An outside amphitheater turns into a . _ . , , __ , >T __ . _. . . . .... ~i,,= ~t ..„»..,i,ir, ^ Ki-uQ m , x?-x, <-Q, ^ \*A m Georgia, released aCD,and went toNew York CityforMetroMission. placeofworshipforthe musicteam led ° ' ' J by Kevin Rogers.
"The Spanish Club is agreat place to come toworship God togetherand learnabout theSpanishculture."
Karly Mason"One of the things I loved most about visitingtheSpanish Clubwas hearing them praisetheLord in Spanish."
"Since I'mfrom Mexico I have aspecial appreciation forthe Spanish Club.Every week I trytoattend themeeting before church. There is a unique bond formed between thosewho can understand Latinculture.Everyone is welcometo come and learn about it, and we haveso much fundoing it!"—Estela Altamirano
"It's fun!"-Liza del Cid
The Spanish Club is an organization where students that are interested in Spanish culture go to fellowship and worship the Lord. Each Wednesday night, the group meets in the Prayer Chapel for an hour-long worship service. These times include everything from preaching, guest speakers, Spanish praise and worship, and fun activites. The students also spend time outside these meetings for off-campus activities. Whether it be eating at a Latin restaurant, playing games an apartment, or taking a road trip to a new place, the Spanish Club is always ready for fun!
It's avery exciting and interesting time 3f fellowship."
Juanita Hubbard
90.9 The Light held their first annual light-a-thon.
The purpose was to raise $10,000. The money will be used for new equipment and scholarships of $1,000 each for students. Even with the extended hours for the light-a-thon the station only raised $6,000. But before holding the light-a-thon, station manager, Jamie Hall, and other staff sent support letters to help make up the difference.
Thisgroup ofactors andsingers arelivingouttheirdreams ofbeing on stage.Thisyear'steam performedthemusical Everyman. Theirfirstshow was duringSpring Breakinwhichtheytraveledand performed inschoolsand churches. "Iliketheperforming," saidBenHawkswhowas involved inEveryman.
"God has used LightMinistriesto open my eyesto Hisheartfor His people."
—Stacie Davis"LightMinistrieshasexposedcrosscultural missionsto me and othershere at LibertyUniversity."
Heather RichardsonLightMinistries is an organization thatfocuseson short-term mission trips all around theworld inwhich any studentcan go.Lightministries hastwo singingteams The Light Internationalsand theLightSingers Theseteamstraveleveryweekend to differentstates and ministerin variouschurches.
"You arethelight oftheworld A cityseton ahill cannotbe hidden."
5:14Visionisagroup ofstudentsworking together in dramas, singing, prayer groups and so much more. These students work hard but all for the glory of God. They travel to different states and share the love of God in different areas.
"Worship is an overflow ofyour dailywalk with God—not a song you sing."
Pedro Mendoza
Inthe spring semesterthe candidates running forSGA offices begin toactively campaign inDeMoss and otherareasof campus.
Dedication, patienceand hard work are required forthese Concert Band members to betheir best
Look how happy Chuck Friese is to be inatux and ready to playhis instrument.
Some members ofthe band are taking a littlebreak whileothers work togetthe rightnote.
Mr. Kerris doing agreatjob of making surethe band members are inunision and sounding theirvery best.
Praise Hi m with the sound of the trumpet, Praise Hi m with the lute and harp! Praise Hi m with the timbrel and dance; [ Praise Hi m with loud cymbals; Praise Hi m with 1 clashing cymbals! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Psalm 150:3-6
Fight the good fight offaith, lay hold on eternallife , where unto thou art called, and hast professed a good profession beforemany witnesses.
Graduationisnotonlyatimeforcelebratingalong-awaited acheivement, butitisalsoatimetoreflectand realizethat God hastrulybeenbyourside. He wasinourdorm rooms waitingforustoarrivewhenwewerefreshmen.Hewasthere withusaswe stayedup allnightwritingthose10-20page papers.He waseventherewhenwe didriotdosowellina courseaswe wouldhaveliked.Friendsmayhavecome and goneon thisfour-tofive-yearjourneythatwe embarked upon,whichseemstohavebeencenturiesago.Nevertheless, God wasalwaystheretoaccompanyusalongtheway. On May 11,2002,asournamesarecalledandwe begintomake thatmemorablewalkacrosstheplatform, God willstillbe theresmilingatus.We havefinishedtherace,we havefought the goodfight.Equippedwiththelessonswe havelearned whilehereatLibertyUniversity,we,theclassof2002, give truemeaningtothewords"ChampionsforChrist."
"My favorife memory of Liberty is playing inthe snow and hanging out withfriends."
—Allison Rhodes
"My favorite memory ofLiberty is being on the cheerleading squad. Those were the best days."
—Kathlene Roberts
"What I love most about mytime atLU is definitelyjust all the good times I've had withmy friends."
—Bryan Evans
"My favorite times atLiberty were hanging outwithmy oldersister and the great timeswe shared."
—Ashley Locklar
"My favorite memory is from freshman year at Scaremare. That's when I met my fiance and we've justhad so much fun sincethen."
—Kelley Yerk
"Picture me rolling."
—Jon Evans
W e are so proud of all you have accomplished. You are a blessing and an inspiration to each or us. Enjoy the journey ahead and rest on His promises. Congratulations!
L ove, "Mtom, *Dad,
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, An d lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him , An d H e snail direct your paths.77
Proverbs 3:5-6
You have N O idea how proud we are or you— proud or your accomplishments,hut more importantly,proud of who you are Your walk with the Lord on thisearth is fargreater than any wealth or possessions you could ever have. You go girl—stay thecourse!
Congratulations on a job well done! Much love,
P.S. We looked and looked lor justtheright picture—This one seemed to say it all!
What a blessing it was when God sent you our way You've rilled our litewith happiness You've tilled our hearts with pride.God has brought you to thisspecial day and we are very proud or you.Look to the future with confidence as He continues to guide you.
W,elove youC ourt
We aresoproud of youraccomplishments and your goals Continueto stand up torGods Truth. Love,
For obtaining your dream!
Love, Your husband Harry, Your lovingchildren
Harold Jr. & Cecilia
JUSTINCARTER, May all your Goals and Dreams come true We areveryproud or you. Love, Mom & Dad
Thank you for bringing so much joy into ourlives. We are so proud ofyou.
"I would have tosay my Sophomore year Spring Break. My friendsand I left at 2:00 in the morning and drove to Florida."
—Laura Brooks
"My favorite memory atLiberty was when I dated Mike Sauer and he always hooked my car up with a phat system and other goodies along with thesystem."
—Heather Orange
"My favorite memory was when I made a videofor the Real World. I didn'tmake it, but it was definitelyfun doingit."
—Peter Tokar
"Liberty has been awesome for all four years,but I'm glad tofinallybe done withschool."
—Kate Boylan
"I don't have any specificfavorite memory,it'sjust neat to look back and see how much I've enjoyed being at LU, especially since I've transferred from anotherschool."
—Charlene Carrera
After"I planon gettingajob witheitherABCstudios in WashingtonD.C., Lockheed Martin,or NationalGeographic.I
alsoplanon getting married atsomepoint,1'
—Josh Burke
"I planon attending | graduateschool atthe University ofMaryland, studyingcomputer science. I alsointend workforSun Microsystems."
GaugerMay (
b e with you ALL!
We celebrate your Graduation with Pride and Admiration. Your Commitment and
Perseverance reflect Strength ofCharacter and our Prayer is that God will always Order your Steps according to His Word. With Love, TWam and'pamtfy
"...and Jesus wa s in Bethany../' John 12:1
We celebrate your graduation!
"Your WORD is a LAMP unto my Feet
ana aLIGHT unto my Path . . .
Allyour Words areTRUE, allyour Righteous Lawsare ETERNAL . . .
Great PEACE have they whoLOVE your law, ana NOTHING can makethem Stumble . . .
Psalm 119
On behalf of the Board, or Directors, Starr, ana Myself, please accept our congratulations on your Graduation rrom Liberty University as a Music and Communications Major.Your Work Etnic and tne Integrity or your Character reflecttne Values and Commitment or your Family.
Although your Father has since gone to he with our Lord, I know he is Proud and Grateful that you have hlossomed into a Godly Woman. Along with Mom, Frank,Julianne,Melanie,Darren and Stephan,we at CIM give Thanks to God for His Favor upon your Lire.
Rev. Louis A. LaGatta President, Caleb International MinistriesuJonathan"~God gives "David"--Beloved Go d has given us such a beloved son and brother. W e are grateful for you and your accomplishments.
Love, Dad, Mom , Jeff, Joe, Jennifer, Bill, Michael and Am y mm
W e all rejoice with you at tne Lords marvelous work ior you and in you.
Pnilippians 1:6
Welove you
We are so proud oryou!We always knew that you would be someone special!
You bave grown into a caring, loving individual who seldom puts herselr rirst. You bave pushed obstacles out oryour way and rorged a steady path.That path willsurely seeyou succeed professionally aswellas personally.
May you always know thatyou are special and loved. May God continue to guide you asyou go outto make your mark on tbisworld!
Love always,
Thanh you tor all the wonderful memories and thank you for letting us ride on your wings.
For all the joy you bring to us,we say thanks May God continue to lead you
Dr. Sam Townswenthome tobewithhis Lordand SavioronJanuary26, 2002. He leavesbehindhiswife,twochildrenand one step-child, hisfamilyand abody ofstudents andcolleagueswho dearlylovedhim.
Towns was the Director of the External DegreeProgram andtheChairmanof Religion.
Towns was following in his father's footsteps and making quitean impression onthe students hetaught and the faculty and staff who knew him.
"I was honored towork with my sonin ministryhereatLiberty."-Dr. Elmer Towns
"I had always been impressed by Sam's humility and sense ofgenuine care for people." -John Balmer,Professor of Religion
"He made a quiet but significant impact for theKingdom ofGod."-Mark Hine,Vice PresidentforStudentAffairs
Thank you for your service at Liberty University.You arelovedandmissed.
Being confident of this very thing, that H e which hath begun a goo d wor k in you until the da y of Jesus Christ .
How longhaveyoubeenatLU?
I'vebeen atLibertyfor 10yearsand 7months.
Whatmadeyou cometo LU?
Idon'tknow whatpossessedme tocome here. Ipreferredthiscollegeoveralltheothersinthe area. BeforeIstartedscoopingicecream Iused towash pots. Iwanted totryouticecream and itwentwell.
Derek Bartlow So Sandy Basham Sr Rebecca Bass Fr DianaBell Sr Jake Belue Jr Laura Bendokas Fr Rebecca Blackley Jr Jeffrey Blackstock Angela Blackwood Fr SrWhatareyouplanningtodoafter graduation? Go backtoSanDiegoandcontinuegoingto schoolforsomethingotherthanwhatIwentto schoolherefor.
What was your most memorable experience hereatL.U.?
Beingonthevolleyballteam.Travelingwith them andthedifferentfriendshipsImade. I learnedalotaboutcharacter, heart, andhard work.
What advice do you have for freshmen? Getinvolved.
Joshua Byers Fr Rebekah Care Sr Hannah Byrd So Yankuba Camara So Heather Carey Sr Doug Carlson Jr KristiCarter Sr Amber Carwile Fr JenniferCattin FrHE*
What are you planning to do after graduation? My wifeandIarehavingababyboyinMay andI'mgoingtobuildhouses.
What was your most memorable experience atL.U.?
ImpersonatingElvisat "CoffeeHouse,"and the"Getup andgo, Bro"morningshow thatI didwithmybrother.
What advice do you have for freshmen? Makeyourown parkingspace.
David Cottile Sr Nate Crutchfield Fr Janelle Czura So Lori DAugostine Sr Christy Damas Tabitha Daniel Fr JeffDarling Sr Michelle Davies So Joshua Davis Sr Kristie Day So Julie De Santis Stephanie Dean Sr FrWhatareyouplanningtodoafter graduation? Move outofLynchburgandtrytofindajob.
Whatwasyourmostmemorableexperience atL.U.?
Whatadvicedoyouhaveforfreshmen? Stayout oftrouble!
Samantah Edwards Jr Tara Edwards So Erika Ehrich Sr JessicaElder Jr Cameron Elliott So JenniferEllison Fr Mary Elmore Jr Summer Elmquist Sr Ben EnLoe Sr Brittany Engbrecht Jessica Ernsperger Rachel Eugen Fr Fr SrWhat are you planning to do after graduation?
It'skindofup intheair...I'llprobablygeta salespositionwithapharmaceuticalCompany.
What was your most memorable experience atL.U.?
What advice do you have for freshmen? 1.
Don't letthelittlethingsgetyou down orof!track.
What areyou planning todo after graduation?
Work inaT.V. studio. Trydifferentthingsout.
What was your most memorable experience atL.U.?
Meeting alotofpeople hereand hanging out.
What advice do you have for freshmen? Don'tfail.
Jamar Hicks Jr MattHillyer Jr Lindsey Hilderbrand Fr Robert Hillman So Joseph Hinson So Christien Hoggard So Amdrea Hoke Fr Brian Holbrook Sr Christal Hoo Sr Deanna Horner Fr David Huebner SrWhat are you planning to do after graduation? Go tograduateschoolandwriteanovel.
What was your most memorable experience atL.U.? TakingtheBusi 102 summermodular.
What advice do you have for freshmen? Don'tcomelookingforawife.
James Kang So Allie Kearns Fr Phillip Kelley So Yvette Kennedy Sr Leanna Kidd So Timothy King Sr Ryan Kirk Jr Shannon Kiser FrWhat areyouplanningtodoafter graduation?
TakeatriptoMontana tovisitfamily. Then, I'm goingtoGeorgiatolookattwojob opportunities.
What was your most memorable experience atL.U.?
When IwentcampingatSummervilleLake withabiggroupfromL.U.
What advice do you have for freshmen? Pickatleasttwoareasofyourmajorandteach yourselfmore aboutit.
Joe Leahy Jr Mike Letsen Sr Jennifer Lewis Sr Michael Lewis So Jason Leverett Jr Nathan Lieb Fr Eve Liebermann Sr Henry Liesel Fr George Lohr Fr Bethany Lopez Jr Leah Lopez Sr JenniferLovett SrWhatareyouplanningtodoafter graduation?
What was your most memorable experience atL.U.?
Meetingmy awesomeroommate.
What advice do you have for freshmen? Don'tprocrastinate!!
"SinceIgothere my lifehas changed.Ifeelat homehere."BrettSturgill Dana Sturgill So Sr Charity Swartwout Sr Josh Swift So Kristen Tassey Jr JustinTerry Jr
"Mybestyearat Libertywas my freshmenyear, becauseImet so manynew people."
—Alejandro Gutienez
"Libertyhasbeen agreatsecond homeforme, and ithashelped me growinallareas ofmy life."
—Ricardo Shinozaki
"AlthoughFm farfromhome,theLiberty familyandtheatmosphereheremake me realizethatonecanhavepeaceandlove awayfromtheirfamily."
Having been at Liberty for 25 years, Dean Emerickhascome toappreciatethe commitment hemade toservetheLord by servingstudents.
"Thethingthathasencouraged methemost is—Iremember prayinginthesnow onthis mountainwhen therewasnothinghere. The mostpleasingchangeistoseehow God answersprayerand seeingHisprovision. That wasacoolday.
"My visionforLibertyis toseeourstudents carryouttheGreatCommission inwhatever positionGod placesthem in. Weneed themin everyareaoflifetoshareChrist. My deisire is toseeusstayaChrist-centeredcurriculum universityand neverstray."
Ho w long have you been at LU? I've beenatLibertyfor 17years.
Wha t mad e yo u com e to LU? StudentsthatIworkedwithataministryin Richmondweregraduates ofLU. One ofthem mentionedthatI hadaMaster'sDegree, and thingshappenedfromthere.
ID o you have a memorable story of LU? My firstyearhere, onthe firstdayof the semesterbeforeclassesstarted, afreshman walkedintomy office, sathimselfdown and said, "Iwantyoutobemy advisor!! I need someanswers." So I answeredhisquestions andifI didn't know the answers I got on the phoneandItalkedtosomeonewho did. By suppertimehe hadallhisquestionsansweredor appointmentswithpeoplewho couldanswer them. Two yearslaterhissistercometoLiberty. One dayshe askedme ifI knewthe whole storyconcerningwhathappenedtothat student. I said, "No." Shesaidthathehad everythingpackedupinhiscarandwas going toleaveandnevercomebackifhedidn'tget someanswers.
How longhaveyoubeenatLU? I'vebeenatLibertyfor6years. What madeyoucome toLU?
I'mnotsure thatIwanted tocome hereatfirst. TheLordledmehereandsofarit'sbeengood. Do youhaveamemorable storyofLU?
Ihanded backsometestpaperstomystudents onedayinclass. One ofmy studentswantedto know why hispaperhadlipstickonit. I honestlydidn'tknow why.
James Wagner VerdieWaldron MattWalters LowellWaltres Lew Weider Samuel Wellman Gordon Wilson JaniceWilson PatriciaWoodall Jeff Young PaulYoung MauriceZaffkeThey dedicated countless days and endless nights to the completion of their individualassignments They drew layouts, tookpicutres, conductedinterviews, andwentcrazytomeetdeadlines. Theyhad to endureequipmentproblems and theoccasionaldelayofthe U.S. PostalServices. Who are thesepoorsoulsand why didtheytakeon whatseemstobe ahopelessmission?They are members of theLibertyUniversityYearbook Staff. Thisyear'syearbook staffhad to overcome many challengingobstaclesto get thisyear's campaign offtheground. Butwiththegraceof God and alittlehelpfrom Herm Stickle(yearbook advisor), the2002editionofthe libertyUniversity Selah was acompletesucces No one realizeshow intenseworkingfor the yearbook officecanbe. Butthis year's staffsteppedup and acceptedthe challengewithintensityand determination.Itis safeto saythisyear'syearbook staffhasgone farbeyond the call ofduty
"I never knew you could fit 50 people insidethe yearbook room."
—Tara Dietrick
"Let me just tell you, yearbook is great.It's the perfectway to get you and all yourfriends in the yearbook soyou cantell yourfriendsfrom home that you're cool and show them proof by how many timesyour face is in there!"
—Katie Gutierrez
"I couldn't possibly think of a betterway tospend my time than by being inyearbook."
—Josh Borders
"It's nothing but fun-packed excitement."
—Misty Messner
"Herm is the best teacher in thewhole wide world."
—Lawrence Nobles
"If the yearbook is done by cool people,how can it not be cool?"
—Laura Gibson
"I never knew we could fit so many people in such a small room and still getwork done.'
—Melissa Lowe
"It's fun and it's cool."
—Sandra del Cid
"Yearbook has been a challenging and super-fun experience."
—Jaclyn Torres
Angie Blackwood
Josh Borders
Sandra delCid
Natalie Depugh
Tara Dietrick
Tyrone Dixon
Laura Gibson
Dezi Gregory
Joelle Gresham
Amanda Gutierrez
Jamar Hicks
Mary Beth Lawrence
Melissa Lowe
Ashley Locklar
Misty Messner
Lawrence Nobles
Heather Orange
Cameo Ray
Rebecca Solis
Kelly Whitehead
Corey Wright
Kristie Yerk
Yearbook Editor:
Tara Johnson
Yearbook Advisor:
Herm Stickle
Yearbook Director:
Carrie Barnhouse
164, 185
Acuna,Kellie 164
Adame, Mike 164
Affleck, Hannah 164
Aguillon, Angela 164
Alder,Jeff 191
AUeyne, Pauline 191
Altamirano, Estela 128
Amato, Rick 53
Amerman, Rachel 164
Anderson, Larry 191
Anderson, Nancy 191
Anderson, Shani 164
Andrews, Meredith 164
Armstrong, Beth 127
Arnesen, Holly 164
Arriola, Monica 164
Asimos, Timothy 164
Atwood, Stacey 164
Autry,Jonathan 44
Ayers,Jennie 164
Berry,Gregory 191
Beth,Mary Rank 184
Biddison, Anna 165
Bielawa, David 191
Blackburn,Jonathan 165
Blackley, Rebecca 165
Blackstock,Jeffrey 165
Blackwood,Angela 165
Blanton, Chris 166
Boewer, Anne 166
Bojor, Mihaela 166
Boiling, Ed 191
Bonawitz, Terry 191
Borek, Dr.John54
Borland, Daniel 166
Borland,James 191
Bowen, Kimberly 166
Bowman, Adam 166
Boyer,Jeffrey 191
Brindle, Robert 166
Brindle, Wayne 191
BrinkleyAnnie 166
Britton, Sarah 166
Bronkema, Ashlee 17
Bronkeman,Ashlee 166
Brown,Janet 166
Brown,Jeff 166
Brown,Josh 191
Brown, Keitu 166
Brown, Kimberly 166
Brown, Tammi 126
Browning,Jason 44
Care,Rebekah 167
Carey,Heather 167
Carlos, Juan Lagares 178
Carlson, Doug 167
Carson, Dwayne 58, 68
Carter, Clarence 192
Carter,Jessica 167
Carter,Joshua 167
Carter,Justin 149, 167
Carter, Kristi 167
Carwile, Amber 167
Cattin,Jennifer 167
Center, Vines 2
Chandler,Jolie 143
Chapman, Kevin 192
Chekashkina, Ekaterina 168
Cherenfant, Kerlande 168
Cheruiyot, Richard 168
Chien, Haoyung 192
Childress, Kristi 127
Choi, Ilseung 168
Chouraleva, Olya 168
Chris, Dr. Foley 192
Christoph, Lyndia 168
Clark, Paul 168
Clark, Todd 168
Clayton, Rochelle 168
Clifton, Clint 168
Clifton,Jeff 168
Cobb, Mike 192
Collins,Jackie 118
BBadger, Bethany 164
Bake, Christina 127
Baker, Chris 164
Baker, Donna 164
Baker, Penny 164
Barnett, Bethany 164
Barnett, Robert 164
Barnhouse, Carrie 191
Bartlow, Derek 165
Basham, Sandy 165
Bass, Rebecca 165
Beck, Dr. 119
Bell, Diana 127, 165
Beluejake 165
Bendokas, Laura 165
Bennett, Anna 165
Bruland, Matt 106
Brunson, Danielle 166
Bunts, Mchelle 191
Burden, Aja 166
Burke, Rachel 166
Burman, Dana 192
Burns,John 192
Burrows, Kendria 166
Butcher, Sarah 166
Byers,Joshua 167
Byrd, Hannah 167
Collins, Leah 127
Colvart, Tarah 16
Conner, April 149, 168
Conrad, Kristin 168
Cook,Jaime 168
Cooke, Holly 168
Cooke, Kathryn 168
Cooper, Amy 168
Copeland, Dixie 168
Correa, Luzdelia 168
CostelfWill 168
Cottile, David 169
Cotuna, Andrea 185
Crutchfield, Nate 169
Calloway, Cab 165
Camara,Yankuba 167
Curtis, Carl 192
Czurajanelle 169
Eborn, Janlyn 170
EdgardLuz 189
Edson, Sara 170
Edwards, Samantah 171
Edwards, Tara 171
Ehrich, Erika 171
Elder,Jessica 171
Elliott, Cameron 171
Ellison,Jennifer 171
Ellsworth,Joshua 192
Ellyson, Anna 127
Elmer, Dr Towns 196
Elmore, Mary 171
Elmquist, Summer 171
Elrod,Amy 127
Emerick, Dane 192, 193
En, BenLoe 171
Engbrecht, Brittany 171
Ernsperger,Jessica 171
Eshbaugh, Courtney 36, 149
Eugen, Rachel 171
Evans,Jonathan 172
Evans, Samuel 172
Everett, Sheila 172
Fry,Kevin 172
Fryejosh 172
Fullbright, Rachael 126
Fullerton, Tami 172
Harrison,Sarah 174
Hartman, Harvey 116
Harvey, Dr. Hartman 193
Hastings, Ben 174
Hatcher, Henry 174
Hauffe, Kimberly 193
Hawks, Ben 132
Ibrahim, Janice 176
Ibrahim,Jennifer 176
Iman, Kelly 176
Inoshita, Ena 194
G., P Vissor 44
Gagnon, Christine 172
Garber, Diane 192
Garman,Kristin 173
Gass, Amanda 173
Gautier, Zack 140
George,John 120, 193
George,Joy 173
Giants,Jericho 40
Gibson, Laura 173
Gilbert, Ruth 173
Glass, Aaron 173
Glovierjoel 173
Golder, Kelly 173
Goodlet, Chris 173
Gordon, Mattie 173
Gowdie, Leslieann 173
Graham,Kate 46
Gravranse, Ryan 45
Gray, Herbert 173
Grayson, Robert 174
HeifMark 174
Helmick, Kelly 174
Henslee, Virginia 174
Hershey, Timothy 174
Hetrick, Tamia 174
Hicks,Jamar 175
Hilderbrand, Lindsey 175
Hillman, Robert 175
Hillyer,Matt 175
Himesjane 193
Hine,Mark 118, 140, 193
Hinkson, Craig 193
Hinson,Joseph 175
Hoggard, Christien 175
Hoke, Amdrea 175
Holbrook, Brian 175
Holcombe, Sara 118
Holloway, Hope 175
Honeycutt, William 115, 120
Honeycutt, Willie 193
Jackson, Lila 176
Jackson, Rob 72
Jackson, Theresa 176
Jacuk, Yuri 176
JamarHicks 42
Jasinckaite, Agne 176
Jean-Louis, Trachide 42
Jensen, Ethan 176
Jeong, Haeran 176
Jim, Dr. Stevens 196
Jobackjoey 176
John, Dr. Morrison 194
Johnson, Charles 44
Johnson,Jessica 176
Johnson, Mark 194
Johnson, Nicole 72
Johnson, Tara 176
Jones, Clark 46
Jones,Jason 194
Faison, Natalie 172
FalwelfDr. 2, 54
Farcasiu, Simona 172
Farley,Amanda 172
Feenstra, Katie 93
Fesmire, Tom 192
File, Russ 192
Fisher,John 127, 172
Fitzgerald,Jimeka 172
Fleming, Anna 172
Fleming, Heidi 172
Foley, Caralies 172
Foley, Ruth 192
Forbes, David 172
Ford, Bill 172
Foss, Stephanie 127
Fraga, Kristin 172
Francios, Pierce 172
Freeman, Erin 172
Friese, Chuck 142
Green, Rebekah 174
Gregorin, Steve 174
Greshamjoelle 174
Gretsky, Richard 174
Gribbin, Dr 119
Gross, Bethany 174
Guillermin, Dr. 2
Gully, Thomas 174
Gutierrez, Ben 193
Gutierrez, Katie 174
HHamm, Ken 57
Hansrore, Theresa 193
Hansup, Kim 193
Harbin, Stephen 174
Hardison, Donald 174
Harris, Phillip 174
Harrison, Linley 174
Hook, Christal 175
Horner, Deanna 175
Hotaling, Bernice 193
House,Jon 193
Howard, Christopher 173
Howland, Michelle 167
Hubbard,Juanita 129
Huebner, David 175
Huff, Matt 176
Hughes, Amy 16
Huguenor, Caroline 176
Huhn, Heather 176
Humphrey, Rich 176
Hunt, Bobby 176
Huntonjohn 194
Hurlburt,Jewell 176
Hyatt, Darcell 194
Jones, Katherine 176
Jones, Vernita 194
Jordan, Nathanial 176
KKang, James 177
Katinas, the 13
Kearns, Allie 177
KeUey, Phillip 177
Kendall,Jackie 56
Kennedy, Yvette 177
Kervinie, Alexander 194
Kidd, Leanna 177
KUduffJonathan 177
Kindred, Anjeanette 177
King, Baina 177
King, Howard 194
King,Joshua 177
King,Timothy 177
Kirk, Ryan 177
Kiromojoram 194
Kiser, Shannon 177
Kline, Arielle 178
Klinedinst, David 178
Klous, David 178
Klous, Kari 178
Knight, Matthew 178
Knopsnider, Rebecca 178
Knowlton, Shannon 178
Koech, Christine 127, 178
Koech,Joyce 178
Kong, Magdalene 178
Kramer, Dr. Cecil 119
Kruger, Kelly 127
Kwiat,Tim 194
Kwonsik, Kim 178
Lovett, Mrs. 126
Low, William 180
Lowe, Melissa 180
Luwizhi, Vincent 180
Lynn, Christie 127
Lynnda, Dr. Beavers 197
Murphy, James 181
Murphy, Kathi 127
Murray, Heather 181
Murray, Tracy 181
Mutahi, Rose 181
Patton,Frank 195
Paul,JamesIV 182
Pawlowski,Anna 182
Peacock,Jennifer 183
Pearce,Joshua 183
Pecore, Elaine 127
Perkins, Melissa 183
Perkinson,Jonathan 183
LLabiosa, Ishmael 178
Lamantia, Dorothy 178
Larson, Lance 178
Larson, Tamara 178
Lasko, Mark 178
Lassinger, Lynn 178
Laughlin, Charity 178
Law, Anna 178
Lawson, Traci 127
Layne, Vivian 194
Leahy,Joe 179
Letsen,Mike 149, 179
Leverett, Gaylen 194
Leverett,Jason 179
Lewis,Jennifer 38, 179
Lewis, Michael 179
Lie, Erica 118
Lieb, Nathan 179
Liebermann, Eve 38, 179
Liesel, Henry 179
Lilley, Larry 194
Livesay, LeeAnn 127
Lohr, George 179
Lopez, Bethany 179
Lopez, Leah 179
Lovett, Danny 68
Lovett,Jennifer 179
MMaginniss, Meghan 180
Marcus, T Christian 177
Marie, S.Blau 166
Marshall,John 175
Martin, Catherine 180
Mason, Carly 185
Mason, Helen 194
Mason, Karly 128
Massiah-Bascomb, Patricia 180
Mathes, Aaron 194
Matthews, Michelle 194
Matthews, Troy 194
Mayer, Chelsey 180
McCann, Kristen 180
McCoy, Eboni 180
McDannel, Cheryl 126
McLemore, Brandon 58, 180
McTamney, Machree 180
Mehorter, Scott 180
Menachem, A.D. 180
Mendoza, Pedro 138
Messinger, Stephen 180
Messner, Misty 180
Metherd, Sarah 180
Metzgar, Terry 194
Meyer, Holli 180
Miller, Amanda 121
Miller, Crystal 180
Minter,Jonathan 194
Minton, Aaron 180
Monroe, Sarah 127, 180
Moody,Joanna 181
Moormann,Justin 118
Morris,Joshua 181
Mosonik, Loise 181
Muller,Paul 195
Mummau,Cody 181
NNaff, Jeremy 181
Naldrett,Jason 179
Nail, Leslie 181
Ndao, Mame 181
Neely, Marti 181
Nehring, Shannon 127
Nell, LindaCooper 27
Nelson, Elizabeth 182
Nelson, Rebecca 182
Newton, Ashley 182
Ngeno, Kimutai 182
Nguyen, Huong 182
Nichols, Deeanna 182
Nobles, Lawrence 37
Nobles, LawrenceIII 182
Perry, Chase 183
Peters, Heidi 183
Petersen, Tim 183
Peterson, Erick 195
Peterson, Mary 183
Peterson, Rebecca 183
Petrochko, Bethany 183
Phillip, Dr O'Reilly 195
Phillips, Tommy 183
Pick, Nathan 183
Pickering,James 195
Poggemiller, Helmuth 195
Pointer, Amy 184
Poling, Ruth 184
Pollock, Heather 184
Price,Johanna 127
OO'Brian, Jason 182
O'Leary, Eric 182
Oliver, Elaine 127
Oosterman, Andrea 182
Orange, Heather 182
Orange., Heather 118
Oughton, Mrs. 118
Outtenjulieanna 127
Outtenjulleanna 182
Owen, Bobby 182
RRadcliff, Rebekah 184
Ragel,Jamie 70
Rago, Anthony 184
Ramsay,Angela 184
Ranes, Cubby 184
Rattin, Isaac 184
Rawlings,Jason 195
Rawlins, Matt 195
Rawls,Kara 184
Ray, Cameo 119
Raysor.Bobb 195
PPadilla, Carlos 182
Palaimaite, Kristina 182
Palmer, Natalie 182
Pantanajohn 195
Papandrea, Frank 182
Parker, Leonard 195
Partie, David 195
Patterson, Andrea 126
Patterson, Neil 182
Read, Eric 44
Register, Mollie 184
Reinke, Derrick 184
Remigio, Lina 127, 184
Revell, Laura 184
Rhee, Eunsoo 184
Rhodes, Allison 118
Rhodes, Arlie 196
Richards, Candace 184
Richards, Maggie 184
Richards,Wes 127
Richardson, Eliza 17
Riley, Aimee 184
Riverol, Silvino 184
Roberts,Joshua 184
Roberts, Rachel 185
Robertson, Derek 185
Robertson, Ryan 185
Rollyson, Laura 92
Ross,Andrew 185
Ruiz,Joshua 185
Rutto, Clement 185
Thompson, Lori 188
Thurston, Todd 188
Tibbs,Jenny 196
Tidwell, Heather 188
Tindal, Theresa 188
Todd, Diana 188
Tokar, Peter 118
Torres,Jaclyn 188
Tosh, Shannon 17
Totten, Danny 188
Towles, David 196
Towns, Elmer 120
Trent, Tamara 188
Trent', Tamara 59
Tripp, Nicholas 196
Troxel, Steve 117
Washington, Sharita 189
Wasson, Gabriel 189
Webb, Melinda 189
Webb, William 189
Weider,Lew 197
Weissinger, Mary-Virginia 127
Wellman, Samuel 197
Wheeler, Amber 189
Wheeler, Matt 189
White 45
White, Beth 189
White, Tim 53
Whitehead, Sara 189
Whitley,Andrew 189
Whidey, Susan 127, 190
Sample, Barbie 185
Sarchey,Jason 185
Scherer, Adrienne 185
Schiedt, Rachel 185
Schwartz, Rebecca 185
Scott, Van 196
See, Michael 185
Seipp, Lynn 196
Shakelton, Katherine 196
Sheppard, Chris 127
Sherman, Barbara 117, 118
Sites, Elizabeth 196
Skupin, Mike 52
Smalejeff 106
Smith, Randall 196
Spear, Hila 196
Spearin, Fred 196
Spohn, Terry 117
Stanley,Jeff 196
Steve, Dr. Troxel 195
Steven, Dr Samson 196
Stevens, Scotty 196
Stimeare, Melissa 59
Stultz, Lowell 196
Swallow, Karen 196
Truesdale, Margis 188
Tunstall, Erin 188
Turner, Alisa 188
Turner, Gregory 196
Wildasinjosh 190
Wilkerson, Gilbert 190
Williams, Brooke 190
Williams, Dennis 190
Williams,Jonathan 190
Williams, Mariel 190
Williams, Michelle 190
UUrso, Christianna 188
Wilmington, Sue 120
Wilson, Gordon 197
Wilson,Janice 197
Wilson,Jeff 13
Van, Dr. Eaton 196
Van, TracyDuser 188
Vandegriff, Stephen 14
Vandenberg, Cody 188
Vanover, Rachel 188
VanWingerden, Nick 45
Vargas, Samuel 188
Vitollo,Tim 188
Vukich, Lee 14
Windser, Carl 190
Witt,Joel 190
Wojciechowskijoe 190
WolfKristen 190
Wommack, Timothy 118
Woo,LeeYoung 190
Woodall, Patricia 197
Woodard, Mchael 190
Taylor,Jeremy 13
Taylor, Morgan 53
Tenney, Tommy 53
Thomforde, Angela 188
WWagner,James 197
Waldron, Verdie 197
Walker, Laura 188
Walker, Varanaia 188
Walter, Kent 189
Walters, Matt 197
Waltres, Lowell 197
Ward,Tameka 189
Warren, Daniel 189
Yavuz, Selah 190
Yego, Faith 190
Yenca, Bethany 153
Yerk,Kelley 190
Yerk,Kristie 128, 190
Young, Ena 190
Young,Jeff 197
Young,Julie 190
Young, Paul 197