Father Endr ess Scholar ship Fr. James R. Endress died on Januar y 20, 2021. Pr ior to his death, he had established a legacy Char itable Fund with the instr uctions that it be used to fund progr ams in our regional geogr aphic area to 1) Promote and fund education oppor tunities to wor thy institutions and individual recipients, and 2) Extend financial gr ants to agencies helping to provide basic resources to those in our region who most need a helping hand. The only instr uctions that were received from Fr. Jim regarding future recipients of his Char itable Fund was to remember the simple tr uths of his faith and to pay it for ward as they move through their own jour ney of life. Most people who knew Fr. Jim descr ibed him as a remarkable man. He was a per son of great er udition and was well- read on an amazing var iety of topics. He had a dr y wit, a legendar y fr ugality, a self- effacing modesty, and an iron will. Despite becoming a quadr iplegic in 1981 in a bicycling accident, Fr. Jim reveled in extended family relationships and never missed a family celebr ation that he was in his ability to attend. Most of all, Fr. Jim was a man of great faith and unimpeachable mor al char acter, a per son who was never swer ved from the simple tr uths and undiluted standards of conduct with which he was r aised. Upon his passing, a $10,000, 4- year renewable scholar ship was established from his Legacy Char itable Fund. Two students from Mater Dei and two students from Memor ial (4 total)- 2 male and 2 female - were to go through a comprehensive application process. Round 1: Students were asked to fill out an application and par ticipate in a timed on- demand wr iting prompt Applications and wr iting prompts judged by an outside panel Round 2: Pastor al reference Letter of recommendation Revision of the on- demand wr iting Round 3: Inter view
2022 Fat h er En dr ess Sch olar sh ip Recipien t s ar e Br ian a St eph en s an d Nat h an Sch n eider . 13