THE END OF AN ERA By Kendr a Neumann
It's the end of an er a at Mater Dei as three teaching giants retire after a combined 128 year s of dedication to our school. Mr s. Brenda Donofr io began her career nearly 30 year s ago at Mater Dei. Mr s. Donofr io was an English Teacher but she was also the hear t and soul of the speech progr am. She lead the team to win the fir st State Championship in Mater Dei High School's histor y, ultimately shaping the Speech Progr am into what it is today. Steve Schaefer '98, Deputy Mayor, City of Evansville said, "It?s difficult to put into words the positive impact that Mr s. Donofr io had on my time at Mater Dei. Without a doubt, the communication skills and public speaking style lear ned from Mr s. Donofr io?s coaching was ver y helpful to the success in my professional career. However, her smile and open ar ms to ever y student walking through her classroom door s was tr uly special.? She tr uly cared about Mater Dei and its students and prepar ing them for the future. While we will miss her greatly, we are so
happy for her to enjoy her retirement! Carl Voegel star ted his teaching career at Mater Dei in the fall of 1977. The impact Mr. Voegel had on his students is extr aordinar y. A lar ge number of students have pur sued degrees in the science and medical fields as a result of his influence. Dr. Jeremy Her r mann '98, Congenital Cardiac Sur geon at Riley Children?s Health, said, "Mr. Voegel had an incredible passion for teaching throughout his career. He maintained high expectations and sought to enr ich the education of all MD students by enhancing the Science Depar tment. His r igorous standards helped prepare me for college (as a biology major), medical school, and residency/fellowship tr aining. Even to this day, I have flashbacks from my advanced biology class mapping creeks, studying anatomy, and so much more. Many people probably do not know how hard he has worked to provide students with
exposure to the healthcare field such as through the Health Sciences Institute. His impacts on the Mater Dei and greater community are immeasur able, and I will always be gr ateful to have had the oppor tunity to
lear n from him." Mr. Voegel will be missed but we know he will be around, especially under those Fr iday night lights! Mr. Voegel plans to spend his retirement enjoying time with his gr andkids. When Mr. Rick Keith announced he would be retir ing, it was a sur real moment for many. Mr. Keith has been teaching at Mater Dei since the fall of 1968 and has left an impression on thousands of students over the year s, in some instances teaching three gener ations of family member s. One of those families is the Boots family. Ger ard Boots '72 stated, "Mr. Keith, as we all lovingly call him, is one of those special people who touches your life in so many ways.