Spir itual Gr owth
May Day 2022 By Jessie Bacon '22 Mar y lived her life in constant accordance with God?s will. She set a per fect example of how we can place our full tr ust in the Lord. She said "Yes" to being the Mother of God. With that "Yes", she allowed all of humanity to have the oppor tunity to love Jesus on a per sonal level. It is through her openness to God in His will that we may see what it is like to open our selves to the Lord. When Mar y said "Yes" to being Chr ist?s mother, God made sure she knew she did not have to do it alone. He was there with her ever y step of the way. The same goes for us. God has a beautiful plan for each of us that He wants to walk us through. It is up to us to say "Yes" to Him. God wants us to invite Him into ever y aspect of our lives. Mar y tr usted that God?s plan was one of much greater pur pose than a plan of her own accord. Like Mar y has shown us, sur render ing our own plans and allowing God to work in our lives is the key to holiness and fullness in relationship with him. We can tur n to Mar y, our mother, Queen of Heaven and Ear th, for intercession of all things, especially the cour age to say yes to God, just as she did. I was incredibly honored to represent the class of 2022 by crowning Mar y at Mater Dei?s annual May Day Mass. May Day is always a special day at Mater Dei. It is not only a time of fellowship with games and activities, but also a time of honor to Mar y, our Mother, and Patroness of our school. This may day was special to me because Fr. Ryan Hilderbr and, the pr iest at the par ish I attend, St. Philip, came to celebr ate Mass with us. We were extr a blessed because he brought along Nick Biever, a seminar ian in our diocese, to ser ve. May Day was a wonder ful day filled with community, fun, and a beautiful reminder of how we can tur n to Mar y, our Mother.