Benz Lens March 2023 Volume 38.1

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BENZ LENS M E R C E D E S - B E N Z C L U B O F S O U T H A F R I C A Volume 38 | No. 1 March 2023 DIE THE Mercedes-Benz Anniversaries 5 Southern Cape Region 14 Central Region 27 Eastern Cape Region 30 Kwazulu-Natal Region 34 Northern Region 42 Western Cape Region 47 From MBSA: New Mercedes-Benz GLC 51 Sprint Reviews: C200 AMG Line & GLB250 58 From the President 3



While strolling through the manyislesoftherecentGeorgeOld Car Show (see our report in this issue),twothingscametomind.

One, why is it so unbearably hot? And two, with such a wide variety of new and old vehicles on display, are new cars better than oldones;orviceversa?

Nothingcouldhaveillustrated the evolutionary difference better than our club’s tent - which we shared with the local MercedesBenz dealership. Flanked by GWagons at the back and a few rows of beautiful oldies in front, visitors taking shelter from the blistering sun could also marvel at a group of innovative electric cars which bear thethree-pointedstar.

I’ve had the huge privelege of driving quite a few EV’s, hybrids, plus most new offerings by our favourite brand... yet I still prefer myclassicBenzes.

Why? I’m safely assuming it’s for the same reasons that most of

you, dear readers, chose to add an elegant old Mercedes (or more) to yourmotoringlife.

Firstly, they are much simpler. Andifsimplerequalsbetterinyour book, then I can end this text right here because - thanks to their ageolder cars didn’t have to cater to our modern demands. Which boil downtoalaptoponwheels.

Secondly, anything built in the previous millenium still has an air of permanence to it. We all know that classic Benzes can also break down, creak a bit, or have ill-fitting dashboardpanels,butallyouneed to do is drive a W204 C200 before going for a (very) leisurely cruise in a W23 200. That 70's Benz may drive like a tank but it also feels like one.Solid.

Comparedtomoderncars,it’s easy to see why new vehicles are often accused of being built by accountants; or those who don’t wantthemtolast.

In defence of the newbies, it’s mind-blowing how many different systems have been integrated into

a single car, and not baklei too often! I’m also certain that in a few decades, collectors and enthusiast will say exactly the same about today’s cars: they were simpler. It’s the way of the world, where progressisinevitable.

Perhaps one day, MercedesBenz will reduce their range or - as I’ve often hoped - release simpler versionsofexistinghigh-techcars. An S-Class without air struts, an E-Class with a single-DIN radio, or maybe a new C-Class that has a naturally-aspiratedengine?

Although this may seem counter-intuitive in our gadgetand status-obsessed world, the tip of Africa has a sizable market for simplevehicles;evenluxuryones. Whichbringsmebacktothose EV’s displayed at the George Show. It’s amazing to see what’s possible in today’s new mobility sector (and how polished the Mercedes-Benz EV products are) yet I completely forgot to take any photos of those newbies...buttookcountlessshots ofthePagodadisplay.■

Editorial Hanjo Stier
2 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023

What a fantastic start we have had to the year!

The Italy-inspired George Old

Car Show, held in February, was an incredible success. Many of our members played an integral part, not only in their passion and participation as MB members, but alsointheorganisationoftheshow asawhole.

HerewiththeSCOCCfeedback on the show, for those who have notyetreadit.Clickontheimageto openalargerversiononline:


3 from the President
Waldo Scribante
Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023


The MBCSA had an impressive 95 vehicles on display at the George show and I thank every single participant Taking center stage were the Pagodas and the W00 600's, both celebrating their 60th anniversary. It was also an extra special year for G500, celebrating its 30thanniversary

Other highlights included the Annual National Committee meeting at “the Apprentice” in George, attended by all Committee members, as well as our 6th

Valuation Seminar, masterfully presented by Chris Kühn. And then of course, my all-time favourite, the President's braai, was as enjoyable asever.

For those who were not able to attend,youcanreadmoreaboutthe MBexperienceoftheshowinRené's write-uponpage8


In my capacity as Chairman of the SCOCC and President of the MBCSA, I express my sincere gratitude to each and every one of our MB members who contributed

their time and energy. Thank you for helping to make the George Old Car Show, as well its associated events, thoroughly enjoyable and memorable.

The passion of our members is truly inspirational and makes me veryproudtobeassociated,notonly as fellow club members, but as friends

I look forward to sharing in more camaraderie, banter and fun at our upcoming events and I hope toseeyousoon.



FROM THE PRESIDENT 4 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023
The committee of the Benz-Lens Magazine CHALLENGES ALL OUR MEMBERS to submit their own personal stories and images. The winning articles will be published in the quarterly magazine and on our digital media. Annual prizes will be awarded according to contributions on photos, articles and Facebook posts.


January - March 2023


January 2023

Mercedes engine with overhead intake valves

21 January 1903

DMG delivers the first new Mercedes of the model year 1903 – the 18/22 hp Mercedes-Simplex. The engine is the first to be fitted by DMG to feature overhead intake valves activated by push rods.

Benz and Daimler deliver prize-winning aeroengines

27 January 1913

The Benz FX, a 9.6 litre four-cylinder engine with a rated output of 105 hp / 77 kW, wins the Imperial Prize introduced the previous year for the best German aeroengine. The 90 hp / 66 kW Mercedes DF 80 – a 7.2 litre six-cylinder unit – is ranked second, whilst Benz & Cie. also accounts for the third-placed engine.

Sindelfingen plant operates independently

1 January 1918

Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft's Sindelfingen plant, which was previously under the management of Untertürkheim, becomes an independent operation.

Staff-friendly: eight-hour working day


The eight-hour working day is introduced at Benz & Cie.

432.7 km/h: speed record in a Mercedes-Benz

28 January 1938

On the Frankfurt - Darmstadt Autobahn (motorway) Rudolf Caracciola reaches a speed of 432.7 km/h for the kilometre with flying start. This is the fastest speed ever achieved on a normal public road - a record that remains unbeaten to this day

Ladies team driving Mercedes-Benz 220 SE wins "Coupe des Dames"

19 - 26 January 1963

Ewy Rosqvist and Ursula Wirth win the "Coupe des Dames" at the Monte Carlo Rally, driving a Mercedes-Benz 220 SE.

"Stroke Eight" and other new products in Hockenheim

9/10 January 1968

The "New Generation of Mercedes-Benz" is unveiled at Hockenheim. Alongside the new 2.8-litre models 280 S, 280 SE (W 108), 280 SE Coupé and Convertible (W 111) and 280 SL (W 113), a newly-developed mid-range series makes its debut, comprising the 200 D, 220 D, 200, 220 (W 115) and the 230 and 250 (W 114). The "/8" added to the model designation, which refers to the year the car was launched, serves internally to distinguish the new from the previous models. The mid-range series is popularly known as the "Stroke Eight" on account of this.


January 2023

Mercedes-Benz successful at Paris - Dakar

1 - 20 January 1983

Jacky Ickx and Claude Brasseur win the car classification of the Paris - Dakar Rally in a Mercedes-Benz 280 GE cross-country vehicle. The team of Georges Groine / Thierry de Saulieu / Bernard Malfériol in a Mercedes-Benz 1936 AK all-wheel drive tipper finishes top of the truck classification.

Re-entering motor sport

15 January 1988

Daimler-Benz AG announces its decision to revive the company's official involvement in motor sport, and to provide works support to private teams in Group A and Group C racing.

Presentation of SL Roadster study with innovative panoramic glass roof

9 - 17 January 1993

At the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Michigan/USA, MercedesBenz presents the study for an SL Roadster with an innovative panoramic glass roof that affords optimum all-round visibility even in poor weather. The 600 SL from the R 129 series features a mother-of-pearl white special finish combined with two-tone black-and-white all-leather upholstery

Strategic decision: product range extension

26 January 1993

Helmut Werner, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz AG, states at a press conference in Stuttgart that Mercedes-Benz will undertake a far-reaching realignment of its strategic product policy in the next few years.

The plan is to evolve from a traditional luxury car manufacturer to an exclusive full-line supplier with high-quality vehicles in all market segments.

Mercedes-Benz presents V8 models in Detroit

10 - 19 January 1998

Under the slogan "The year of the eight-cylinder”, the V8 Mercedes-Benz ML 430 and CLK 430 models are presented at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Michigan/USA.

Detroit: many premieres

11 - 21 January 2003

At the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Michigan/USA, Mercedes-Benz starts the year 2003 with three world premieres and two USA premieres: On show for the first time will be the new Estate of the E-Class model series 211, the twelve-cylinder SL 600 sports car (model series R 230) and the F-Cell fuel cell vehicle based on the A-Class. In addition, the new 4MATIC models of the C-Class (model series 203) and S-Class (model series 220) will be launched in North America.

World premiere für CLC at Berlin Fashion Week

27 - 31 January 2008

The Mercedes-Benz CLC-Class celebrates its world premiere at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Berlin. The new coupe model series supersedes the sports coupes of the C-Class and has its market launch in June.


February 2023

Benz Victoria with double-pivot steering system

28 February 1893

Carl Benz registers a "vehicle steering device with steering circles arranged in a tangent to the wheels" with the Imperial German Patent Office (patent no. DRP 73 515 issued on 14 March 1894). This double-pivot steering system is used in the Victoria and Vis-à-Vis models – the first four-wheeled motor cars from Benz & Cie, which supersede the three-wheeled Patent Motor Car

60-hp Mercedes-Simplex as new top model

17 February 1903

Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft delivers the first 60 hp Mercedes-Simplex to Emil Jellinek. The new model is the most powerful Mercedes yet.

New products at IAMA in Berlin

11 - 23 February 1933

The International Automobile and Motorcycle Show in Berlin sees the launch of the new 200 (W 21), 290 (W 18) and 380 (W 22) car models. The 380 marks the start of the tradition of sporty and elegant cars with eight-cylinder supercharged engines, which is later continued by the world-famous successor models 500 K and 540 K. The 380 features independent front suspension using two parallel wishbones and coil springs – a world first which is to spread throughout the automotive world.

"Grand Mercedes" is presented as a revised version

18 February - 6 March 1938

An extensively reworked version of the 7.7-litre Grand Mercedes 770 (W 150) is presented at the International Automobile and Motorcycle Show in Berlin. Its supercharged 7.7-litre eight-cylinder in-line engine develops 155/114 kW, and with the supercharger engaged even 230 hp / 169 kW. Among its new features are an oval tubular frame, front axle with double wishbones and coil springs, and a De Dion rear axle (known internally as the parallel wheel axle). Another new product is a special cross-country vehicle with four-wheel drive and four-wheel steering. It is shown in chassis form and a short time later comes on the market as MercedesBenz G 5 "colonial and hunting car".

Front seat belts available as optional extra February 1958

Mercedes-Benz offers front seat belts on all cars as an optional extra ex factory

The lap belts are available for all vehicles with individual seats. From November, belts are also available for rear bench seats and one-piece driver's benches.

Last 300 SL and 190 SL built

8 February 1963

The last 300 SL and last 190 SL are completed at the Sindelfingen plant.


February 2023

Front-passenger airbag: optional extra for S-Class

February 1988

The front-passenger airbag is available as an optional extra initially for the saloons and coupés of the S-Class and is also offered in the mid-range 124 series starting in September

Ten-millionth passenger car since the war

17 February 1988

The ten-millionth Mercedes-Benz passenger car produced since the war leaves the assembly line at the Sindelfingen plant.

Five-millionth passenger car diesel engine since the war

25 February 1988

The five-millionth passenger car diesel engine built in the post-war era gives Daimler-Benz another "million milestone" to celebrate, this time at the Untertürkheim plant.

Cooperation with SsangYong now also for cars

10 February 1993

Mercedes-Benz AG and South Korea's SsangYong Motor Company also agree cooperation in the area of cars. Mercedes-Benz plans to support development of a SsangYong passenger car based on the Mercedes-Benz W 124 series.

ESP for the A-Class

9 February 1998

The first A-Class cars fitted with ESP leave the assembly line at the Rastatt plant after a three-month break in production.

electric smart in practical testing with energy utility

22 February 2008

Daimler AG hands over a smart fortwo electric drive to RWE AG in Essen. The first test unit of the electric smart operated in Germany will see daily use in the vehicle fleet of energy utility RWE.

Maybach brand adds Landaulet to its model range

22 February 2008

The Maybach brand adds to its model range the Landaulet, presented as a study in November 2007. The particularly exclusive variant of the 450 kW / 612 hp Maybach 62 S will be delivered from autumn 2008.


March 2023

Benz sales in France established Spring 1888

The Paris-based French engineer and designer Émile Roger is granted exclusive distribution rights in France for vehicles and engines from Benz & Co.

First production car in Austria

19 March 1893

Eugen von Zardetti, the Swiss artist living in Bregenz, Austria, takes receipt of one of the last examples of the Benz Patent Motor Car. Zardetti’s vehicle is the first series-built petrol-driven automobile in Austria.

Premiere for Benz series-produced four-cylinder

8 - 22 March 1903

The first series-produced four-cylinder Benz is presented at the Berlin Motor Show In contrast to the company’s two-cylinder models, the 16/20 hp Benz Parsifal is fitted with a chain drive.

Power-assisted steering for the Mercedes-Benz 300

3 March 1958

The Mercedes-Benz 300 is available with a ZF-Saginaw power-assisted steering gear as an optional extra. It is the first Mercedes-Benz model offered with power steering.

New SL and long-wheelbase saloon at Geneva show

14 - 24 March 1963

The Mercedes-Benz 230 SL (W 113) is presented at Geneva to replace the 300 SL and 190 SL sports cars. This is the world's first sports car to feature the safety bodywork developed by Béla Barényi. Its hardtop has a concave roof line which leads to it being called the "Pagoda SL".

Sports car level: V8 engine for 300 SEL 6.3

14 - 24 March 1968

At the Geneva Motor Show Daimler-Benz presents the 300 SEL 6.3 (W 109), whose 6.3-litre V8 M 100 engine is familiar from the 600 model and ensures performance worthy of a sports car

ESF 22 experimental safety vehicle

13 March 1973

Page over x2 for more details

At the Fourth International ESV Conference in Kyoto, Japan, Daimler-Benz presents the ESF 22 experimental safety vehicle, based on the S-Class (116 series).

Debuts at the Geneva Motor Show

15 - 25 March 1973

The 450 SE and 450 SEL (116 series), 450 SL and 450 SLC (107 series) passenger car models are unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show. They are fitted with the 165 kW 4.5-litre V8 M 117 engine and round of the range of S-Class, SL Roadster and SLC Coupé models at the top end.


March 2023

Motorsport: Successes for Schlesser/ Baldi/ Mass in the C 9

6 March 1988

The driver team Jean-Louis Schlesser/Mauro Baldi/Jochen Mass wins the first race of the 1988 Sports Car World Championship in Jerez, Spain, in a Sauber-Mercedes

C 9. Further wins follow in Brno, Czechoslovakia, on the Nürburgring and in Spa-Francorchamps, Belgium.

One-millionth car from the 201 series

29 March 1988

The one-millionth car of the 201 series compact class, a 190, is completed in Bremen and presented by Prof. Werner Niefer, member of the Board of Management, to a representative of the youth welfare facilities of the City of Bremen.

Coupé study

4 - 14 March 1993

Mercedes-Benz presents an elegant four-seater coupe study that reinterprets the Mercedes face at the Geneva Motor Show. The 210 series E-Class presented in 1995 and the CLK introduced in 1997 bring design elements of the coupe study into series production. The 500 GE, a limited special model of the cross-country vehicle fitted with a 177 kW / 240 hp five-litre V8 engine also has its world premiere.

Geneva Motor Show with new car models

5 - 15 March 1998

The Mercedes-Benz CLK Convertible (208 series) and E 55 AMG Estate (210 series) celebrate their world premieres at the Geneva Motor Show. The smart City Coupé produced by Micro Compact AG is presented in its revised version, scheduled to go into production in the autumn.

New Formula One Medical Car: C 55 AMG Estate

8 March 1998

At the Australian Grand Prix, the opening race of the Formula One season in Melbourne, AMG deploys a C 55 AMG Estate as the new Medical Car

The official Safety Car remains the CLK 55 AMG first used in 1997

M-Class launched in Europe

21 March 1998

After its successful launch in the USA, the Mercedes-Benz M-Class also appears at sales and service outlets and dealerships across Europe.

Series of debuts at the 2008 Geneva Motor Show

6 - 16 March 2008

Geneva Motor Show: Mercedes-Benz presented the “Vision GLK BlueTEC Hybrid”, C 180 Kompressor, C 200 CDI and new C 350 CGI, as well as the CL 500 4 MATIC, upgraded models of the CLS-Class and, with distinctly modified styling, the SL-Class (R 230 series) also celebrate their premiere.

you know? The Experimental Safety Vehicle ESF 22 (based on the Mercedes-Benz S-Class of the 116 model series) displayed important innovations in our production vehicles with early assistance systems like seat belts, airbags and bodyshell safety measures 50 years ago. Of course, it can now be seen in our Museum. Tickets online: #ESF22 #MBmuseum #MercedesBenz


Exclusivity at the highest level: since its release six decades ago, only 2,677 vehicles of the Mercedes-Benz 600 have been produced. And each of them unique. Every vehicle was entirely made by hand. Around 50 working days went into the production of a Grand 600 limousine.

#GrandMercedes #MBmuseum #MercedesBenz


We awakened to a beautiful sunny day, namely the first of January 2023!

The MBCSA Southern Cape

Region kicked off this first day of the year with a Champagne and Strawberryaffair

Ourinvitationwasextendedto include the SCOCC (Southern Cape Old Car Club) to join us, and what fun was had: a joyous morning filled with laughter and chatter abouttheyearahead.

We were blessed with visitors such as Erold and Sherryn Holtz from the Eastern Cape region, as wellasJP,NadineandMiekevander PoelfromtheWesternCaperegion.

Enjoying a few glasses of champagne and indulging in strawberries with ice cream is the perfect way to invigorate oneself fortheyearahead.

Here's to a fantastic 2023 filled with more wonderful events and gatheringslikethisone!

14 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023
SOUTHERN CAPE REGION 2023 1 January 15 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023

Southern Cape: 1st Club meeting



We were so privileged to have our first meeting for 2023 on the 7th of January with a record numberofmembersattending!

What a way to start the new year,fullofenthusiasm.■

16 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023

Classic Cars & Coffee @ Apprentice

Together with Apprentice we

held Classic Cars & Coffee on Saturdaythe25thofMarch.

We invited the local car clubs to join us, as it's always exciting to bring together enthusiasts and their cars to share in the passion and appreciation for classic vehicles

Everyone “kuiered so lekker” while we enjoyed the spectacular viewatthisgreatvenuejustoutside George. Amazing way to spend a Saturdaymorning.

The Classic Cars & Coffee event will be a regular occurrence every second month, and it's exciting to think about how it could

grow bigger and bigger with each iteration It's clear that there is a strong community of classic car enthusiasts in the area, and events like this are a great way to bring themtogetherandfosterasenseof camaraderieandsharedinterests

I'm sure that many people are lookingforwardtothenextone!■

SOUTHERN CAPE REGION 17 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023
“Amazing way to spend a Saturday morning.”
SOUTHERN CAPE REGION 18 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023

2023 George Old Car Show

It was a busy and exciting time

leading up to the George Old Car Show, with lots of opportunities to learn, share, and enjoy classic cars andtheirhistory.

The 2023 George Old Car Show was a great success this year! It's always wonderful to have joint efforts and collaborations, and the partnership with Stanmar Motors was a huge success. We had the biggest tent ever. Celebrating 30th Anniversary of the G500, the display of Geländenwagens was a realtreatforcarenthusiasts.

It's also important to acknowledgeandthankthepeople who put in hard work to make the show a success, like Kobus and his team. It's always nice to have club members involved in the process

andtakingonnewroleslikebanner putterupper,AndréFourie.

The60thAnniversarydisplayof Pagodaand600'swasstunningand the display of the 300SL roadster with the two SLS's were a beautiful additiontotheshow

Overall, the George Old Car Showwasafantasticevent,andI'm glad to hear that everyone had a greattime.■

SOUTHERN CAPE REGION 19 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023
“...the partnership with Stanmar Motors was a huge success. We had the biggest tent ever.”
SOUTHERN CAPE REGION 20 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023
SOUTHERN CAPE REGION 21 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023
SOUTHERN CAPE REGION 22 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023

President's Braai

Edition: 6th

Attendees: 140

Location: Scribs

Benzeum, George

Litres of ice cream and chocolate sauce

consumed: unknown

The sixth President's braai was

a truly special event for the MBCSA family! It's always great to spend time with friends and loved ones, and there was plenty of laughterandreflectiontobehadat theparty

It's also exciting to hear that there are plans being made for the future, as it shows that the communityisforward-thinkingand always looking for ways to improve andgrow

With 40 members and friends in attendance, it's clear that the event was a huge success and a highlight of the year for many people.

The camaraderie and classic MB banter made for a truly memorableevening.

It's always wonderful to have theopportunitytocometogetherin person and celebrate the things thatwelove,andthe6thPresident's Braaiwasaperfectexampleofthat.

Here's to many more fantastic events in the future for the MBCSA family!■

SOUTHERN CAPE REGION 23 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023
24 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023 SOUTHERN CAPE REGION
25 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023 SOUTHERN CAPE REGION

SCOCC Vettoer & Valuation Seminar

Driving a 1913 Benz on the Southern Cape Old Car Club's Vettoer is an incredible experience!

It is humbling to be behind the

wheel of such a historic vehicle andtobeamongotherveterancars and their owners. Meiringspoort is a beautiful location to take the car for a spin, and it's great to report that Waldo and I had a wonderful time.

At the same time, the SCRIBS BENZeum once again hosted the 6th Valuation Seminar. These seminars are always a great opportunity to learn and discuss different topics related to the valuationofclassiccars.It'sgreatto have someone like Chris Kühn leading the way and sharing his knowledge and experience with others.■

SOUTHERN CAPE REGION 26 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023

Central Region

kick-starts the year


On Saturday 28 January 2023, the Central Region kickstarted their year's activities with the traditional braai at the Kachelhoffer Benz Barn. All the usual elements were there – cars, bola, friends, more cars, fires, more friends and more cars.

Also, as per usual, the main

topics for the evening were those dearly beloved vehicles in various collections. Our Central Region members seem to be quite content with the states of their current collections as no new and excitingpurchasesweredisclosed.

The meat and salads were followed by ice cream and chocolate sauce – lots of chocolate sauce!

Our next drive was to the George Show and our region was well represented in terms of numberofmemberspresentatthe show. Johan Strydom reluctantly decided to add kilometres to his beautiful 1993 W124 220E (the odometer ticking over the 70,000 kmmarkonthetrip).

OurNorthernCapesectionwas also well represented even though our members from Upington (Michael Holland-Muter, Johan van der Merwe and Jurie Schneider) decided to do the long trip in their otherloves,VolkswagenBeetles.

We also had two Geländewagens which could park in the VIP sectionundertheMBCSAtent–the two lucky owners being Paul van Wyk (1981 240GD) and Jacques Pieterse (G500). As always, this eventwasenjoyedbyall.

Our next event was a technical eveningheldattheMercedes-Benz dealership, Garden City Motors, in Bloemfontein. Johan Strydom and his crew explained the technical aspects and advantages of electric vehicles and a quite impressive

27 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023

piece of information was the fact that they can accelerate from 0 to 100kphinaboutthreeseconds.

Our members were then spoiled with a test drive in the vehicle and they certainly tested thisfact!Afterthatweweretreated to a “worsbraai” and we spent the rest of our evening discussing the new era of the electric motor; and how this will feature in the current SouthAfricansituation.

In the meantime, our Vaalharts contingent also met for their regularweekendbreakfasts,andin Upingtonourmemberscontinueto take their beauties out for a coffee driveoverweekends.

OurnexteventinMarchwillbea short drive for a relaxed breakfast atadamnearBloemfontein.■

28 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023
29 CENTRAL REGION Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023
“...we spent the rest of our evening discussing the new era of the electric motor...”


Show Day at Maritime Motors

ehaveoftenwonderedwhatWit must have felt like back in the day to walk into a dealership filledwiththecarsofthatera.

Well, if you were at the open day hosted by Martime Motors in collaboration with the Mercedes Benz Club of South Africa, your dreamwould'vecometrue!

On 1 April 2023, the Eastern Cape region got together in full strength and brought out some of theirmostpreciousvehicles.

The vehicles on display ranged from the 1950s to the 1990s in all shapesandcolours.

The morning started off very well with the weather playing in our favour. Martime Motors kindly organised a coffee station and muffins, so members and the

general public had a comfortable starttotheday

With old beauties dominating the floor, there was also some space allocated to newer models. AbrandnewS500graceduswithits presence,alongwiththenewrange ofEQ(electric)cars.

Philip Stucken (whose father Rudi Stucken was the founding owner of Maritime Motors in 1958) was present on the day. Martime Motors is still a family-owned dealership, one of the few left in SouthAfrica.

Philip was very impressed with the range of vehicles on display, which brought back many memories of the cars which made their way through the dealership doorsovertime.

One car in particular had a major impact on Mr Stucken and the dealership staff: a W114 280 which belongs to club member MeguelGonzalez.

The car was originally ordered through Maritime Motors in 1973, withararefactoryfittedsunroof.It’s still in original condition with the dealershiplogoontherearwindow and boasting a low mileage of 52 000km from new. This 114 had returned home, to the dealership flooritoncestoodon50yearsago.

MyselfandFabianCairnswould like to thank all the club members who supported this open day. Furthermore, a gracious thank you is given to Philip Stucken and Martime Motors for their support anddedication.■

30 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023
EASTERN CAPE REGION 31 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023

Die Walskipper outing

Athe Eastern Cape, stick to the plan. What started off looking like an awful day (weather wise) to get the classic ladies out on the road, turned out to be a great day for a cruise.

s is usual with the weather in

We organised a monthly lunch ride out to the “Walskipper” near Jefferies Bay, which makes for a good drive and a nice distance to stretchtheoldgals’legs.

We met up at the usual spot at the EPVCC, and while we hoped for morepeeps,thethreatofrainkepta coupleoftheusualsathome,there werestillenoughofustomakefora fundrive.

We headed out on the N2 and, in wanting to keep it interesting, decidedtoturnoffandtaketheold

EASTERN CAPE REGION 32 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023

road through the Van Stadens valley The road is in reasonable condition, a little bumpy in places, butsmoothenoughforspritelygals to test their road holding... as well as their drivers’ cornering abilities. This made for a very interesting timeoncertainbendsandclimbs.

We finally arrived at the “Walskipper”andgotanicesurprise whereafewfolkhaddecidedtojoin

us and had driven through in their dailies. The restaurant is unique in that it’s literally on the beach; so ditch those shoes and off you go to your tables, where the soft sand and the benches can be quite a challenge;andtestyourbalance.

Nonetheless, good chatter and friendship, great food and the weather playing ball... made for a lovelyouting.

After lunch, we all headed back on the freeway to P.E. but not beforewehadsomeentertainment from a fellow in a pimped out Ford Mustang making some noise in the parking lot. We decided to remain composed and didn't rise to the challenge.

As always, fantastic support from the members for which we thankyou.■

EASTERN CAPE REGION 33 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023

Wynnifred's Year Opener 2023


the stars continue to shine at their brightest! Especially in the balmy sunshine of the KwaZulu Natalsummer.

Our Region opened the year's events calendar with a Saturday sojourn to Wynnifred's Café and ShoppeinCamperdown.

Welcome, Twenty-Twenty Three-Pointed Star!

Established at the beginning of 2020, Wynnifred's was forced into hiatuswiththeCOVID-19lockdown. Thankfully, they have been able to reopen with aplomb! A truly magnificent venue in the middle of the KZN green hills, it offers the most exquisite backdrop to members and their gleaming vehicles.

As temperatures flirted with the low thirties, the congregation

setforthfromTheMushroomFarm inOuterWestDurban,makingtheir way to Wynnifred's just in time for lunchandacoolingbeverage.

Ourspotofreposesetbeneath the canopies of wild fig trees, the committee took this opportunity to welcome a good many new members, as well as to share what istobeanexcitingyearahead,both nationallyandwithintheregion.

Dust off those driving gloves andgetreadyforsomehighoctane (andlow-sulphurdiesel)quests!


34 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023
“A truly magnificent venue in the middle of the KZN green hills...”
35 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023 KWA-ZULU NATAL REGION
“A truly magnificent venue in the middle of the KZN green hills...”
36 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023 KWA-ZULU NATAL REGION

Bunny Chow Barometer Britannia

Ann Peebles lyricised “I can’t

standtherain”,buthereinKZN we welcome it! Most of the time. Okay,reallyonlyonSundayswhenit means that the weather provides anexcusetoenjoyaDurbanstaple: theBunnyChow

A 144-year-old institution to Durban culture set the stage for a coolSundayofculinaryexcellence.

Unassuming from the exterior, this landmark along uMgeni Road (established by E.K. Green Liquor Company in 1879) is an assault on the senses. From the aromas wafting from the kitchen to the architecture and artwork, the Britannia is a true Durban gem. No visittoourlittleporttownwouldbe complete without it! Just ask our members.■

KWA-ZULU NATAL REGION 37 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023
KWA-ZULU NATAL REGION 38 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023
KWA-ZULU NATAL REGION 39 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023

KZN Region

Spanner Day

panner Days in the KZN Region Sof our club are more than just nutsandbolts,greaseandthesmell ofpetrolordiesel.

They are an opportunity for our members to get together, shareaboerieroll,ananecdoteand collectiveknowledge.

Our most recent KZN Spanner Day was hosted at “BenzBoyz” and that meant a tour in a late 1970’s Mercedes-Benz207D.

Lookingfornewthingstolearn, excellentcamaraderieandthebest food this side of the uMgeni? ALL ABOARDFORKZN!■

40 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023 KWA-ZULU NATAL REGION
View a short video here
KWA-ZULU NATAL REGION 41 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023

Year Beginning Function

The Northern Region had its

Beginning-of-Year function on 22 January in the lovely town of Parys, on the banks of the Vaal River.

As is now a tradition, we were hosted by Leon Erasmus and the Klerksdorp Sportscar Club. There were 62 members and spouses present, making this a wellattendedevent.

Gauteng members formed a convoy from Bryanston in Johannesburg and met the Klerksdorp-based members at the Engen filling station near Fochvile. From there, we took a leisurely drive south over the Vaal River to Parys,wherewewerewelcomedat the Garden Boutique Eatery for an alfrescolunch.

This restaurant is a newer additiontoParysandoffersquality artisinal food and drinks. Its quiet location off the busy main street makes for a laid back experience in the tranquility of a real Free State "dorp".

Anybody who attended this eventwillnodoubtrememberitfor beingoneofthehottestBeginningof-Year events, due to the heat wavethatstartedearlierinJanuary.

I'm sure the bar made an absolute fortune from us thirsty Northern Region members constantlydrainingandrefilingour glasses.

Leon handed out some prizes and I shared the committee's vision for the upcoming National GatheringandAGM.

The food was really the highlight of the event, with a threecourselunchbeingserved.Starters wereacombinationoftwoslicesof locally-baked bread with cheese, homemadepreservesandolives.

For the main meal, we had a choice of beef short rib or sweet and sour chicken thighs and drumsticks, with sweet potato, green beans in bacon and deepfried mashed potato balls for side dishes. Afterwards, we were all treated to a dessert of sweet Malva puddingwithcustard.

It was a most magnificent drive out and day at the Garden BoutiqueEatery. ■

42 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023
43 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023 NORTHERN REGION


44 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023
were 62 members and spouses present, making this a well-attended event.”

February Garden Luncheon


calendar kicked off with a Sunday garden luncheon in the beautiful setting of Buitengeluk in Broadacres, Fourways, with the classic cars showing off at the entrance of this beautiful wedding venue.

Marthie Van Aswegen planned a most delicious 3-course lunch in the lush green gardens of Buitengeluk. There was also a fun Quiz in the theme of “greens” –covering Mercedes-Benz famous green paint colours, green racing

cars,famousgardensandallthings green! Prizes were awarded to the topthreewinners.

This was a most enjoyable SundayafternoonoutwiththeClub family.■

45 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023
NORTHERN REGION 46 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023

Western Cape

Region meets at Stellenbosch Flying Club

As part of an effort to increase

member engagement and participation in the Western Cape Region, we decided to hold our regular club meetings at various venues throughout the greater CapeTownarea;inaninformaland socialenvironment.

The first meeting of the year took place early in February 2023 at the Stellenbosch Flying Club just

outside Stellenbosch and was well supported by members from the surroundingarea.

Later in February, a number of our Western Cape members travelled to the beautiful Garden Route for the annual George Old Car Show and, of course, to attend the famous President's Braai hosted by Waldo and René Scribante.

The 2023 edition of the George OldCarShowwasredhotintermsof the show's quality and the outside temperature!■

WESTERN CAPE REGION 47 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023

Western Cape Regions meets at The Bomb Shelter

As part of our roving club

meeting initiative, our next meeting was held in Pinelands at TheBombShelterRestaurant.

The meeting was well attended and was thoroughly enjoyed by everyoneinattendance.Thankyou to George Padley for making the necessary arrangements with the venue.■

WESTERN CAPE REGION 48 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023

Workshop Day at Rola Motors

ola Mercedes-Benz in RSomerset West hosted our members for a Workshop Day late inMarch.

Two technicians were available to inspect members' classic and modern Mercedes-Benz vehicles; andtoprovidesomeadvice.

A big thank you to Francois Botha and his friendly team at Rola Mercedes-Benz for organising the Workshop Day... and for the coffee andmuffins.

The Western Cape Region aims to have at least three workshop days during 2023 and we really

appreciate their support in this regard.

A few members joined us for lunchat“ImEimer”Restaurantafter theworkshopday,whereeveryone enjoyedtraditionalGermanfood.■

49 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023
WESTERN CAPE REGION 50 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023

The new Mercedes-Benz GLC

Dynamic, powerful and exclusively with electrified drive

From Mercedes-Benz South Africa

With the new GLC, Mercedes-Benz is continuing a success story into the future: since its introduction, 2.6 million global customers have decided in favour of a model in this popular SUVseries.

As the bestselling Mercedes-Benz model in the last two years, it is one of the most important vehicles in the German brand's product portfolio. Mercedes-Benz is confident that the new GLC, with its combination of dynamic driving enjoyment, modern design and functions such as the offroad cockpit and MBUX Augmented Reality navigation will thrillbothadventurersandfamilies.

The new GLC comes with all the attributes that make a Mercedes-Benz SUV what it is: uncompromising handling safety on the road, outstanding driving dynamics and superior performance when off-road. With its high level of ride comfort and convincing overall acoustics, the GLC is a superblong-distancecompanionandgreatfuntodrive.

For SUV-specific applications, the superbly innovative “transparent bonnet” ensures enhanced awareness when driving off-road, for example. For towing operations, Mercedes-Benz has introduced an optimised route planning functionandTrailerManoeuvringAssistforthefirsttime.


The all-new Mercedes-Benz GLC embodies modern, sporty luxury in every detail. It is the most dynamic model in the successful SUV family from Mercedes-Benz. Even at first glance, this is underlined by its design with unique proportions, dramatic surfaces, precisely moulded edges andaclearlylaid-out,high-qualityinterior


When the new GLC launches in South Africa in the second quarter, it'll be available only as a mild-hybrid with 48-volt technologyandanintegratedstarter-generator.

TheGLCisathomeonanyterrain:whetheronorofftheroad,it impresses with its comfort and agility. The new rear-axle steering makes it even more manoeuvrable and safe. Off the road, it scores with numerous features such as the standard 4MATIC,theoff-roadscreenandthe“transparentbonnet”.

Allinall,thenewGLCcontinuestheMercedes-Benztradition of combining sporty design with the best materials and construction to create a product that's second to none in its segment. The new GLC is now available to order from your nearest Mercedes-Benz Agent Partner, or online at

Good day fellow club members!

Your requests for another celebratory run have been heard!

So we are going to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Pagoda, but while we are doing that we also want to celebrate SL’s or any other 3-pointed star models that you would like to add to our celebration list!

So please come and join us for a weekend of fun and stargazing at the Gariep Forever Resort, Gariep over the weekend of 16 - 18 June 2023.

RSVP by 29 May 2023

Contact your regional chairperson for rates and registration.

We hope to see many of our members at this STAR Celebration Run!

Sprint Review:

You should know: The first

thing we should all agree on is that Mercedes-Benz played it fairly safewiththeexteriordesignoftheir popular compact sedan. It follows currentin-housetrendsbuthappily shies away from the more aggro bulgessofavouredbyitssportySUV cousins. It looks understated and elegant,likeaMercedesshould.

More info: Speaking of which, the C-Class has always copied styling cues from its big S-Class relative; and that is something else that hasn’t changed. On the inside of this newby you’ll find the large screen,slanteddash,digitalgauges and a steering wheel with more buttonsthanaCasiocalculator.

Why you shouldn’t: If you struggle with passwords and 2FA’s, step away from the new C-Class. Afterexploringitscommandcentre for a while, it’s clear that Mercedes tried their best to simplify a few

avalanches of technology… but… but…evenIhadtopullovertwiceto find a fairly simple radio or sound setting.

Why you should: Those of you who love gadgets, secretly crave a Teslaandadoretheconvenienceof 2FA’s, you will absolutely love this newBabyBenz.Also,beingamini-SClass, this car doesn’t just drive. It glides. Of course there are other, sportierdrivesettingsbutevenwith these enormous Edition 6 (AMG Line)wheels,therideisexceptional.

What else? This C200 is the entry-levelmodelyetsportsamildhybrid 1.5L turbo-petrol, so its 165kWor300Nmareplentyforthe nine-speed automatic gearbox to work with. Our best 0-100 time was… no idea, actually. I couldn’t locate the now-archaic 12V socket for our Racelogic Box… which is apparentlyhiddeninthepassenger footwell.

REVIEW 58 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Mercedes’ new C-Class made its appearance during the messy demise of COVID-19 so we never got a proper look at what’s changed...
Mercedes-Benz C200 AMG Line Click here: video review
1.5L i-4 Turbo-petrol 9-speed Automatic, RWD 150kW (165e-kW) 300Nm Claimed 6.8L/100km Claimed 7.3 seconds Claimed 246km/h From R900,000 SPEC LIST Engine: Transmission: Max. Power: Max. Torque: Avg. cons.: 0-100km/h: Top Speed: List Price: REVIEW 59 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023

Sprint Review: Mercedes-Benz GLB 250 Progressive

You should know: I've been

droningonforyearsabouthow modern Benzes are too brash and brawny, and while this relatively new compact crossover won't win any prizes for design delicacy, it shows a friendly roundness at the front, practical silhouette and a semi-agro-lookingtailend.

Mercedes-Benz just dished up a delicious slice for me when they gave us this silver GLB250 to test for a week…

More info: Typing of which, I've also often lamented the demise of yesteryear's practical box SUV's (think Freelander or first X-Trail) whosesquarerearquartersoffered extra packing space, easy loading andadistinctiveshapetotherump. Andnow–oh,happydays–wehave asolenewmemberintheclub:this MercedesGLB.

What else? For our market, the entry-level compact SUV range is available as a 2L turbo-petrol (GLB250) in Progressive or AMG Line trim, with two identical 2L turbo-diesel (GLB220d) 4Matic allwheel drive models as well. Prices range from about R970,000 to just over 1 million ZAR. So if you want AWD,youhavetobuythediesel.

Whyyoushouldn't: Everybody promised me that the GLB220d dieselisevenbetter…Ofcoursethe diesel will be lighter on fuel and offermoretorque,butIforonewas perfectly happy with this reasonablypunchyyetfrugalpetrol motor. The 8-speed DCT can be laggy at low speeds and ground clearanceisjust135mm!

Umm, what else? Stay away from the shiny AMG pack and you even get a smooth ride (by modern standards) thanks to sensible 215/65R17 wheels. 18's, 19's and 20's are optional, while the 19's come standard on all AMG-Line models with one more inch left to upsizethediscomfortofyourride.

Why you should: The cabin is spaciousandcomfy,highlyintuitive andpackedfullofgoodies.TheLED lights and sound system are great, so are the half-cloth seats, visibility isgoodforamoderncross-over,the boot swallows 565 to 1800L, and Mercedes includes a 2-year warranty and 5-year/100,000km maintenanceplan.

REVIEW 60 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023
Sometimes, just sometimes, I actually enjoy the taste of humble pie.
Click here: video review
REVIEW 61 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023 1,991cc i-4 Turbo-petrol 8-speed DCT, FWD 165kW @ 5,500rpm 350Nm @ 1,800rpm Claimed 7.4L/100km 7.40 seconds (claimed 7.1) Claimed 240km/h From R966,000 SPEC LIST Engine: Transmission: Max. Power: Max. Torque: Avg. cons.: 0-100km/h: Top Speed: List Price:
ADVERTS 62 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023
ADVERTS 6 Skew Road Anderbolt Boksburg North 1459 011 898 6600 www ISO 9001:2015 ISO 14001:2015 ISO 45001:2018 Our friendly sales team is awaing your call. 63 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023

Your Super Specialist Classic Workshop

Vehicle servicing - Fault diagnosis – Suspensionrepairs- Engine managementrepairs- Fuel injection system repairs-Anti-lock braking system- Ignition repairs - SafetyRelated system repairs- Gearbox repairs – Engine rebuilds

Car collection can be arranged - Drop off and pick up service available

Alan Poulter Owner: SASwiss

Tel: 0828921380 & 0727508090


Address: 80AOlifantsfontein Road, GlenAustin, Midrand, Gauteng, 1685

64 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023

Order your personalised custom Classic MB Club Shirt with your name and club badge embroidered on the front and “Classic Mercedes-Benz” embroidered on the back of shirt.

A privacy consent form will be sent to all members, or it can be downloadable form our website at



Magazine CHALLENGES ALL OUR MEMBERS to submit their own personal stories and images. The winning articles will be published in the quarterly magazine and on our digital media. Annual prizes will be awarded according to contributions on photos, articles and Facebook posts.


committee of the Benz-Lens
Club Shop South Africa
Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023 65


The only ofcially recognized Mercedes-Benz Club in Southern Africa Member of the SA Motor Club Association

Waldo Scribante (President) 082 802 3280 |

Annalie Kachelhoffer (Vice President) 084 205 5411 |

Johan Kemp (Treasurer)

083 457 1092

Anna-Lee Dos Santos (Chairperson: Northern Region)

081 474 7460

René Scribante (Chairperson: Southern Cape)

083 627 6757

Jaco Kachelhoffer (Chairman: Central Region)

082 771 1731

Marlize Heroldt (Membership Secretary)

073 305 6214 | 086 684 0235

Hanjo Stier (Editor)

082 646 4099

Regalia Officers

Jacky Lavin

084 399 8973

Leon Erasmus

082 353 5933

Jan-Willem Wielsma (National Secretary) 082 461 5883

Zillen Venter (Chairman: Western Cape) 083 440 6814

Fabian Cairns (Chairman: Eastern Cape) 082 900 0359

Avish Maharaj (Chairman: KZN) 061 507 8803

Marcell Mostert (Social Media Director) 083 704 3223

Sven Krassnokutski (National Concourse Director) 082 685 8204

Club Approved Insurance Brokers

Elsabé van Zyl (MUA) 086 196 7568 | 082 807 9052

Smythe Insurance Brokers CC 031 701 0226

Honorary Life Members

Sir Stirling Moss | Steve Rademeyer | Ettienne Geel | Ria Geel | Philip Kannemeyer | Graham van Heerden Dirk van der Westhuizen

Hero Awards

Kobus Harris | Norman Hickel | Louis Coetzer | Chris Calisle-Kitz | Maxim Erdmann (Posthumous) | Bill Tolken | Fred Winkel

Okkie Potgieter | Theo Claassen | Waldo Scribante | Annalie Kachelhoffer | Colin Meyer | Pieter Moolman

Special Members

Chris Carlisle-Kitz | Hein Lorentz | Okkie Potgieter | Brian Slingers | Anna-Lee Dos Santos | Selvin Govender | Warren Geyser Fanie du Preez | Jeff Sansom | Russell Grigg | Esté Campher | Ian Matthews | André Fourie

PLEASE NOTE: The placement of ads is a service rendered to our members. Neither the editor nor the committee accepts any liability pertaining to condition or ownership of goods advertised. It remains the responsibility of the reader to investigate these issues before closing any transaction. DISCLAIMER: The Mercedes-Benz Club of South Africa, although an authorized user of the Mercedes-Benz Trademarks, is an independent organisation and the views expressed in the Newsletter are not necessarily those Mercedes-Benz SA, Mercedes-Benz AG or the Mercedes-Benz Museum GmbH.* Opinions expressed are those of the individual contributors and should not be interpreted as ofcial club policy. While great care has been exercised in the compilation of the material published, members are advised to personally verify information, statements and claims before committing themselves to acts on transactions.

PO. Box 999, George, 6530 |
66 Volume 38 | No. 1 | March 2023
* Mercedes-Benz Museum GmbH is a Mercedes-Benz AG.

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