Investigating Science Task description: This handwritten exam style task assesses the working scientifically skills of data interpretation and analysis Type of Task: Formal examination: covers a broad range of syllabus content and outcomes, supervised under exam conditions (allowed in 2022 due to Covid exemptions) Method of Submission: Hardcopy Timing of Task: Week 9 Task date: 1 April 2022
Task weighting: 20%
Will this task be completed as part of the Assessment Block in Weeks 9 and 10? Yes Time allocated to task: 90 minutes Task completion details: Hour and a half handwritten exam style task Task outcomes: 12-1
develops and evaluates questions and hypotheses for scientific investigation,
analyses and evaluates primary and secondary data and information,
communicates scientific understanding using suitable language and terminology for a specific audience or purpose,
INS12-12 develops and evaluates the process of undertaking scientific investigations Instructions for Task Preparation: Students should •
practise past HSC Papers to gain an understanding of the style and format of the task,
check your class notes and revise content and knowledge of IQ's for Module 5 & 6,
seek teacher assistance for areas of need.
Year 12 Assessment Information | Term 1, 2022 | 19