Uurimistööde kogumik VI

Page 183

I TÜÜPI DIABEEDI GENEETILISE RISKIGA IMIKUTE RINNAGA TOITMISE SEOS EMA JA PEREDE TAUSTAANDMETE, ELUVIISI JA ELAMISTINGIMUSTEGA Relationship between breastfeeding of infants with genetic risk for Type 1 diabetes and background data of mother and families, lifestyle and living conditions Ene Täht*, Reet Urban*, Anne Ormisson** *Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool, **Tartu Ülikool Abstract The aim of this quantitative study was to find out whether and how much duration of breastfeeding of infants with genetic risk for Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) during the first year of life depends on mother´s age, education, lifestyle and living conditions of families. This study was accomplished within the framework of the research project DIABIMMUNE using project database. Questions connected with breastfeeding, mothers´s and family´s background, lifestyle and living conditions were selected from DIABIMMUNE family questionnaire. The results of the study showed that duration of breastfeeding of infants with genetic risk for T1D depends on some factors of mothers´s and family´s background, family´s lifestyle and living conditions. Knowing factors which may influence the duration of breastfeeding of these children helps to plan and develope nursing counselling work, and to direct special attention to families who have factors which could affect breastfeeding duration. The results of the study are aimed at nurses and other medical personnel who are dealing with breastfeeding councelling. Key words: child with genetic risk for Type 1 Diabetes, breastfeeding, lifestyle, environmental factors.


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