“O Lord, Thou hast searched me, and known me.” Psalm 139:1 KJV
Dear Sister,
You are privileged in belonging to a God who has a perfect knowledge of who you are. Your identity rests in the all-knowing of the Savior. He does not hold you captive to what you have been subjected to in your past and He does not define your future based on what you have had to endure and overcome. You are the daughter of an amazing God who knows the woman of worth that lies within you, therefore has set you up for such an amazing destiny. God has for you a destiny of greatness that outweighs anything you or anyone else could have done for you. He has forgiven the thorns that prick and probe you to a constant doubting of who you are. He has wiped the slate clean and given you a new ground upon which you can stand. He knows you not by deed, but by creation, an intimate work of His hand. The workmanship of God. You are His most prized possession. You do matter. You are a woman of worth. You are a woman of strength and boldness. You are equipped to be everything that God has said that you are without apology or exception. He knows you. I dare you to come to know the woman that God knows.... she will blow your mind!
Love You, Dr. Jia