Women Rock Magazine - Summer 2023

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Some Remarkable Women that History has Forgotten


Empowering Our Kids


Cultivating Joy & Happiness through a Positive Mindset and Positivity

Liam's Story

A little boy with a very big heart

Destination Hawaii

2023 Summer





WOMEN ROCK MAGAZINE is a virtual interactive online women's magazine targeted to female audiences 30 and up while maintaining the inclusivity of younger and older women of all ages. We provide inspirational stories and articles that motivate and nurture the mind, body and spirit. We are dedicated to providing fun, knowledgeable and meaningful content to amazing women everywhere. The Goal of Women Rock Magazine is to empower, inspire, uplift and support all women around the world while encouraging them to be their very best selves.

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MymissionistoInspireandEmpower women. Bringusclosertogether,betherefor oneanother.Everyoneisgoingthrough something.Let'slisten,findempathy,lenda helpinghand,upliftandsupporteachother. I'vecreatedthispublicationtodojustthat andIamthrilledthatWomenRockMagazine hasbeenembracedwithsomuchlove.It reallyisadreamcometrue.

Editor’s Note

Summer in Newfoundland, just as I remember, has always been unpredictable. You can expect4seasonsinonedayasmyNannyusedtosay,andshewasright.MayandJunehas been very rainy and cold this year but thankfully July came in with a bang It is 25 degrees thisweekandabsolutelygorgeous TheadvantageoflivingonthisbeautifulIsland,however, is that you will always, thankfully, receive a gentle breeze to cool you down, and that is a savinggrace Summertakesmetomyhappyplace It is my absolute favourite time of year Sun,beach,roadtripsandchillinatthepark Justwhatthedoctorordered!

Thespiritualmeaningofsummersolsticeistiedtowarmth,fertilityandharvest Summerfalls on June 21st of each year and it is the longest day of the year (in the northern hemisphere) Many traditions all over the world celebrate summer solstice as a special day for fertility, sensualityandbountyoftheharvest.It'stimetocelebrate!

are thrilled here at Women Rock Magazine to have all of these beautiful and inspiring ladies in our empowering publication We feel so proud and privileged to be associated with such incredible women. This issue is jam packed with heartfelt stories, profound messages, tenacious entrepreneurs, gorgeous design projects and amazing travel destinations. If you would like to be a part of our empowering online women's magazine please email us here at women@womenrock.net. We would be honoured to have you. Always remember ladies....YOU ROCK!!


Editor-in-Chief Dee Tobin Sinha Dee's Creative Corner
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We 49
03 EDITOR'S NOTE Dee Tobin Sinha OF 6 31 Travel Destinations - Hawaii The Hana Trail Dee Tobin Sinha 10 Fore Essentials Fadia Atme Khayat C O N
12 Smart Living Lana Burnley 14 Total Nutrition Diva Darpan Ahluwalia 18 How to Empower your Kids Deanne Tobin Sinha
O M E N R O C K M A G A Z I N E SUMMER 2023 T A B L E Liam's Story FEATURE ARTICLE "LIVE BRAVELY, BE FEARLESSLY YOU, TODAY, TOMORROW, FOREVER - YOU WERE MADE FOR THIS" Deana Wilson 16 Atelier Gabi von Gans 20 From the Writers Couch Ingrid McCarthy 27 Purposeful Habits Sheri 28 The Sky is Not the Limit Lori Chenger Page 36 Welcome to your Incredible Life Denise Frenette 38 Sweet Satiety Coaching Crystal Jean 40 Finding Your Life's Calling and Embracing It Madeline-DeGuilio 42 Attached at the Root Rosanne Janega 43 Co-Parenting after Divorce Marian Grande 44 Saorsa Essentials Ashley Mac Isaac-Buter “The journey is half the fun on the Road to Hana” 46 From Dead to Alive To Serve a Higher Purpose Natalie Piñate
H P E elping rphans rosper ducation through 69
dee'screativecorner Design,
48 C O
E 60
June Garber singer/songrw performer
Ottawa Property Gals Sonya Crites Lori Williams
Architecture, Elegance
Dress for Success Deanne Tobin Sinha 72 Mushale Collection Sandra Mushale 76 Empowering Women in History Deanne Tobin Sinha 54 The Art of Living My Mother - My Inspiration Dre Pontbriand
A Recap of our stories of HOPE Helping Orphans in Uganda
Marjorie Williams Tina Turner - A Superstar Deanne Tobin Sinha 64 Cultivating Joy and Happiness Through a Positive Mindset and Positivity Jul Hamilton 66 Coming out of the Closet Carol-Chantal Séguin

Liam's Story Deana Wilson

Meet Our Hero: Liam Wilson

Condition: Cystic Fibrosis

Birthday: February 14, 2015

Primary Doctor: Dr. Felix Ratjen

On Valentine's Day in 2015...

Deana delivered her baby boy, Liam, through a c-section at her local hospital in Milton. She remained in hospital for two days to recover and was sent home on Family Day morning. The very next day, Liam suddenly began breathing abnormally fast, so Deana took him to the Doctor for a routine checkup. Liam was also not gaining weight and was quickly losing it, which was very concerning. Liam underwent a variety of tests, and after 3 weeks in the Oakville Hospital just as they were discharged and on the way home, Deana received a call regarding the results of the newborn screening test. The test indicated that Liam had Cystic Fibrosis. Deana dropped her phone in shock. She had never heard of CF before and was immediately worried about the uncertainty of Liam’s future.

Liam was referred to the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic at McMaster Children’s Hospital to undergo a variety of tests to assess his lung function, sweat test and more. Early on, Liam was seen by his medical team frequently to monitor his illness and build out a treatment plan. Eventually, he was only seen every three months. Liam started his enzymes and treatments very early on in his life. Over the years Liam has had a couple of scares requiring emergency room visits.

Liam’s grandpa was very adamant that we needed to raise awareness for his only grandchild. He used to tell everyone about him, knowing raising awareness would help people understand and not treat Liam any differently than anyone else.

Liam did his first CF walk at the Toronto Zoo at the age of 3 months old and our team raised just over $15,000 - this was a huge win for us. We started hitting the papers trying to raise more awareness and getting the word out. We then decided to do our first event on August 2015, and that’s when it all started! We raised a ton of awareness, and we raised some funds as well. We have been putting on events ever since then and loving every minute of it. We have met a lot of amazing people that have become more than just friends they have become part of your family. We were also adamant that we wanted to have a CF Walk in Milton as well. This was one of our biggest wins, I helped spearhead the first 2 years of it. We also have been raising a Flag in Milton as well for the past 4 years which I put into motion. In Port Credit they put Teal on the Light house for the past 2 years.

Liam has had a few hospital stays, nothing more than just a few days though due to his illness. In 2018 going into 2019 was the beginning, Liam would be entering into JK something I feared happening as I knew he could end up very sick, and I wasn’t sure how the kids would treat him either. I knew there was really nothing out there to help Liam help other kids understand his illness. So I spoke to my aunt who is an illustrator and we talked about creating a children’s book to raise awareness but also help Liam. The next step was that I needed someone who could help us write what we wanted to say. We of course also needed a book publisher. My research had begun. I sent tons of emails out and finally got a response from Iguana Books. I explained what we were looking for, and what we wanted to do - and next thing you knew, all of our STARS were aligning. My parents were over the moon, they knew this could be a huge game changer for everyone, and it sure was.

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Liam's Story

Ittook us 6 months to really figure it all out, but we did it. It didn’t take long for my aunt to create some amazing illustrations. We set a date to release the book, we planned a launch and we got everything done. I thought... I am a marketing master!

When COVID hit and our original plan fell apart, I started to worry. I came up with an alternative plan however, a brilliant idea, and decided last min that we would have an ONLINE Party instead! Everyone who promised to show up still did!!! Can you believe we had Doug Gilmor, Akil Thomas, and Mohamad Fakih all come out and support Liam, plus his school, neighbors and complete strangers as we did it on zoom then streamed it on Facebook. It which was absolutely amazing.

“Liam, Strong as a Tree” was about Liam’s first year in kindergarten and all of his challenges. It was also about making friends and teaching the kids to be as strong as trees, just like him! The first year we sold over 1500 books which to us was phenomenal. We are still selling them to this day. We have continued to do numerous events and raise awareness for Cystic Fibrosis over the years as well as raising funds for SickKids.

In October of 2020 my father got very ill he was diagnosed with Stage 4 aggressive Lung Cancer. It was very hard to watch such a strong-willed man go down hill so quickly. Liam was his whole world and I know Liam felt the same way about him. My dad taught him so much. Liam was very close with his grandfather who heavily advocated that Liam should have his care transferred to The Hospital for Sick Children as it is one of the best pediatric hospitals in the world. Myself, along with the hospital began to research how to transfer Liam’s care. However, when Liam’s grandfather got very sick, everything was put on hold in 2020.

In February of 2021, Liam’s grandfather unfortunately passed away. It was a very difficult time for the family but also motivational. I was determined to transfer Liam’s care to SickKids in honour of my father’s pursuit to ensure Liam received the best care. In the summer of 2021, Liam was successfully referred to SickKids and had his first appointment on August 24 th with Dr. Ratjen, Division Chief of Paediatric Respiratory Medicine. Liam loves visiting SickKids and runs around the 4 th floor like he owns the place. He visits SickKids every three months for a check-in.

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Liam's Story


Do you feel socially isolated and if so how can I combat it?

When my son first got his diagnosis I was devastated to say the least. I always felt it was my fault and my head was all over the place. In my mind he would be classified as different from all the other kids. We would go out for dinner or lunch or just out for a walk and my dad would always talk to people and random strangers, he was always so proud of Liam and he would tell them all about his diagnosis and explained what it was all about. I would be so upset with him and tell him I didn't want people to know what was going on with Liam. While my friend’s children were starting preschool, t-ball, and creating friendships all on their own, we were doing physiotherapy, taking medications, or sitting in a doctor’s waiting room. Little did I know that I would eventually combat my isolation issues. I heeded my dad's advice, I got out there and started joining FB Groups relating to Cystic Fibrosis, making new CF Mom friends, and I started raising more awareness as my dad wanted, and needed me to do.

I also have an amazing support system and the best of friends. It truly does take a village, as I figured out. So if you have a friend whose child is in any age range, please extend your friendship, as that friend likely really needs a friend to reach out. Ask her to go for coffee, come over for lunch, or do something as simple as going for a walk together, it truly does make a huge difference, take it from me!!!

What are your day-to-day challenges with your child with special needs?

Parenting is always challenging, but the challenges reach new heights when you are parenting a child with special needs. Empathy and understanding from others is so important, so many families are faced with a lack of understanding from others when it comes to the challenges of raising a child with special needs. It might be that you can’t attend a birthday party because it is too loud, and for him. Perhaps it’s the stranger staring at you when your child has a ‘meltdown’ in the supermarket. Empathy and understanding are so important and it can make all the difference. Please remember Kindness Always Wins.

Meeting Other Parents I know can be really difficult but take it from me, been there, done that! But I really do believe that it truly does help to meet and talk to others who ‘get it’. You can’t beat advice from parents who have been there and truly understand the ups and downs of raising a child with special needs. YOU GOT THIS!!!

Do you ever feel overwhelmed?

Every single day, from the doctor's appointments to the hospital stays, to the results from his tests, to when he gets sick. I feel it all the time. It's very stressful, but as they always say YOU NEED to look after YOURSELF before you can look after anyone else. Parenting can be stressful under the best of circumstances, but moms and dads of children with developmental and mental health challenges often have to deal with strains of a different magnitude. Caring for a child with special needs can become a full-time job — and an overwhelming one at that, if you don’t have adequate support. Without enough help, parents may be headed toward caregiver burnout, which negatively affects everyone.

To avoid burnout, it’s important for parents to take care of their own needs. That includes getting enough sleep, exercise and drinking enough water. Parents sometimes feel like they have to do everything by themselves, but getting help from other people is crucial. Support groups, spending time with friends and even just making time for fun activities can all help you.

and Deana
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Liam's Story

Liam might be small, but he has a BIG heart. He absolutely loves to give back to others and SickKids. Liam has been featured in a variety of news articles recognizing his generosity but also to recognize his published books! However, Liam’s achievements don’t end there, in July 2022, Liam and his mom hosted a successful event to fundraise for SickKids. We created calendars with SickKids Kids. In June 2023, Liam will be graduating grade 2 and will be enjoying the summer with his friends and family. He continues to spread positivity and is excited about the upcoming Toronto Maple Leafs season!

We have raised $20.000 over the years and our goal is to get Liam’s name up on the SickKids wall. Liam has now worked on his second book called Liam’s Hospital Stay and it was released on May 6th 2023. Liam has also been in the new SickKids commercial and is a proud ambassador for the hospital. We are also working closely with the John Tavares Foundation; we were able to donate over 200 Stockings this past December to the kids in SickKids. We also donated 100 to the Tavares Foundation as well. Liam loves playing with his friends and spending time with his family, swimming at his uncles, playing with his dog Chloee, playing video games, playing hockey (his favourite player is Auston Matthews) Liam’s favourite quote is: Never

In October of 2021 Liam had decided to Honor my dad by creating boo baskets and giving them to approx. 30 people who were very close to either him or my dad to honour his memory. So many people were shocked by this small gesture from Liam, my dad loved Halloween. In December 2021, Liam got sick and was admitted to SickKids for two weeks of IV antibiotics. He was discharged and then went back on March 3 rd to check-in. Liam had lost about 25% of lung function and dropped 3lbs. They put him on a stronger medication which was successful. However, because he lost so much function in his lungs, he was fasttracked for a recently approved drug called Trikafta. Trikafta is a transformational drug that does not just treat symptoms but targets the basic defect from specific genetic mutations that cause CF. On June 12, 2022, Liam received the exciting news that he has been pre-approved as a candidate to begin treatment with Trikafta. First, Liam has to undergo many tests to confirm his candidacy, so he continues to address symptoms with inhaled medicine and visits SickKids nearly every five weeks for check-in with Dr. Ratjen. Liam started Trikafta in Sept of 2022 and has been doing amazing. He’s put on weight, his PFT are through the roof and he’s running around playing with friends like a little boy should be doing.

Give Up, Keep reaching for the stars.
Click link to go to website Women Rock Magazine | 9 https://liamsmission.ca/ https://www.facebook.com/deana.wilson.946 https://www.instagram.com/liamsmission/
The gratitude we have for Sick Kids and The Staff is Amazing. We love them so much and we feel so privileged and grateful to have changed over to this phenomenal hospital.

AboutWhat does FORE stand for? Well it’s simple! It’s an acronym consisting of the first letter of all my family members first names, this way they can be apart of this journey at all times Since I was young I dreamed of launching my own product line where I can sell items that are hand-crafted using high performing plants, herbs, and essential aromatic ingredients with outstanding results for all skin types. I started my journey when I went to school to become an aesthetician. During that time however, I always knew something else was missing, I always knew there was something far greater waiting for me to find it. After having kids, I started experimenting much more with different types of plants, herbs, oils, and natural ingredients. That's when I really found my true passion in life and that is what ultimately brought me to the point I am at today This journey has definitely taught me that no dream is too big, no challenge is too great, and nothing we strive for will be beyond our reach


This is a female owned business with products handcrafted in Canada using all-natural and organic ingredients to best suit all skin-type needs and requirements Our FORE Essentials team strives for quality, reliability, consistency, and satisfaction with every product we send out to you. All of our products are made using natural and organic ingredients from top suppliers to ensure a consistent and safe usage for all of our customers. Our site offers exceptional skin-care formulations as well as spa-quality and salon-quality items to tailor all your needs.

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Compared to other parts of your face, the skin around your eyes is thinner and more delicate, making it more susceptible to early signs of aging. Under-eye problems, like dark circles, wrinkles, and puffiness, can be addressed by doing more than just bearing it. That's why it's so important to use eye cream in your everyday skincare routine. Although eye cream has many benefits, not everyone knows how to apply it correctly. The following are some tips on how to properly apply eye cream.

How Often Should You Apply Eye Cream?

With all skin care products, it is crucial for you to determine how often and to what extent you should be applying your eye cream. If you find that your under-eye area is on the dry side, incorporate an eye cream into both your morning and nighttime routines to keep moisture and results optimal. If your under-eye ear is on the oily side, apply your eye cream only once a day, whether it is in the AM or PM is totally up to you! However, note that some eye creams may have specific instructions for their own products. Make sure to always read the labels and see what that specific product is recommending to you!

When Should You Apply Eye Cream?

Order, order, order! We can not stress this enough! The order of your skincare application is the key to reaching optimal results! If you read our “The Best Everyday Skincare Routine” blog post, we go over our 6-step skincare routine, putting eye cream at Step #5, applying it after your eye serum and before your face cream. The way this works is every routine starts off with the products that are the most fluid or lightweight in their texture, like serums, and once all those products are done, we start with the heavy-weight textures, such as creams.

How To Apply Eye Cream

Now that we understand the frequency of how often to apply eye cream and when to incorporate it into our routine, it is time to learn exactly how to apply it to your eye area.

A little really does go a long way with eye creams. Applying too much eye cream increases your risks of gaining milia in that area or cause congestion. For this reason, it is crucial to pick up only a small amount of the eye cream, using your ring finger, and lightly dot it around your eye area, working your way from the inner corner to the outer corners.

As you know, this area is extremely sensitive, therefore, the way we touch it is important. Skin care is not a race, do not rush this process and risk potential harm to your skin. You may be in a rush, however, dabbing the area too quickly and without attention may be too harsh for that area. Applying eye cream as gently as possible is a must when dealing with this product. The eye around your skin is extremely delicate and should not be maltreated. Once the product has been dotted on, use the pad of your ring finger to pat, not rub, the cream into the eye area to help absorb it into the skin.

Note: Use your ring finger as it is the finger that is the gentlest to use, as it has the least amount of movement.




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foreessentials com/
instagram com/foreessentials/
Fadia Atme Khayat



Buyers Who Couldn’t find their Dream Home


... a lovely couple dreamed of finding their perfect home. However, they soon realized that traditional home searches had their limitations. Undeterred, they embarked on a remarkable journey that would forever change the way they looked for their dream home. Join us as we explore their story of how Lana’s thinking outside the usual MLS box, connecting with potential sellers, and securing the right house at an affordable price.

Thinking Outside the MLS Box

This couple’s REALTOR®, Lana Burnley of Smart Living Real Estate Ottawa - a team under the Solid Rock Brokerage decided to break free from the constraints of the usual home search methods and think outside the MLS box. She delved into alternative avenues to uncover hidden treasures that others might have missed. By tapping into local networks and communities, Lana discovered valuable insights and leads that opened new possibilities.

The Power of Personal Connections

Understanding the value of personal connections, Lana harnessed the power of her networks to aid her Clients’ home search. She reached out to friends, family, and acquaintances, seeking recommendations and referrals. Her social networks proved to be invaluable resources, as they connected with individuals who had insider knowledge or knew someone looking to sell their home.

Connecting with Potential Sellers

Armed with determination, Lana took proactive measures to connect with potential sellers. They identified target neighborhoods and properties that aligned with her Buyers’ vision of a dream home. Armed with this knowledge, Lana had her Buyers craft heartfelt messages that highlighted their sincere interest in the properties and conveyed their commitment as serious buyers. These messages caught the attention of potential sellers, initiating conversations and establishing trust and understanding.

Building Relationships Based on Trust and Understanding

Nurturing relationships with potential sellers was crucial to Lana and her Buyers’ success. They engaged in ongoing conversations, demonstrating their expertise and understanding of the sellers' needs. By listening attentively and offering tailored solutions, Lana built a strong rapport with sellers, creating an environment of trust and cooperation. This connection set the stage for a fun negotiation process and paved the way for mutual satisfaction.

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Understanding desires and financial constraints was key to findinghercouple'sdreamhome Usingher23yearsofreal estate experience, Lana conducted a comprehensive assessmentoftheirneedsandbudget,determiningtheirnonnegotiables and priorities Armed with this information, she approached negotiations strategically, identifying favorable terms and conditions that would benefit both parties By presenting a compelling offer that reflected their genuine interest and affordability, Lana demonstrated her Buyers’ commitmentandsecuredtheirdreamhomeatapricethey couldafford


Lana’sjourneytofindingherBuyers’dreamhomeservesasa testament to the power of creativity and connections. By thinking outside the usual MLS box and embracing unconventional methods, they were able to connect with potentialsellersandsecuretherighthouseatanaffordable price Embark on your journey of house hunting with REALTOR®Lanafullofenthusiasmandanopenmind,and youwillfindthehomeofyourdreams.


Whenyou’reraisedinamilitaryfamily,movingis apartoflife.Duringherchildhood,LanaBurnley experienced this firsthand – and it led to her fascinationwiththeprocessofputtingthefamily home up for sale. It gave Lana a keen understanding of just how emotionally charged thetransitioncanbeforparents,children,even familypets!

Lana’suniquejourneyofmovingfromonefamily home to another culminated with her move to Ottawain1977–thecitydestinedtobecomeher hometown. Lana’s path to home ownership informed her strongly held belief that everyone deservesasmuchsupportaspossibleinfindinga homethatmeanseverythingtotheentirefamily.

After 15 years in the High-Tech industry, Lana pursuedherdreamofobtainingherPrivatePilot’s license Nosmallfeat!

Lana, an award-winning REALTOR® since she startedinthebusinessbackin2000,hasbeen votedOttawa’sBestRealEstateAgentin2021& 2022 & the Ottawa Faces Award for Ottawa’s Favourite REALTOR in 2023\ She has twice survivedBreastCancer,andispassionateabout providing heartfelt support to the families she serves




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Women Rock Magazine | 13
Lana believes her clients deserve nothing but the very best and she is the REALTOR® that will give you the fresh start you are looking for when you need to move.

Context Eating Method for Weigh Loss and/or Hormonal Balance

Darpan Ahluwalia

There are many reasons why this may be happening and it’s importanttoidentifyandaddressallrootcausesthatarecontributing to the problem. Simply trying to patch the issue with more restrictions, more exercise or more “magic pills” never works and can lead to bigger problems One of the most common contributing factors to unwanted weight gain or the inability to lose weight is dysregulated hormones Yes our hormones have a significant impactonourweightandbodycomposition…Here'show:

Estrogen Dominance: High estrogen levels can lead to weight gain, especially around the hips and waist. This is often seen in perimenopause, menopause, and in those with slow digestion (constipation)

Low Progesterone: Progesterone counteracts estrogen Low levelscancauseweightgainsimilartoestrogendominance

ThyroidIssues:Hypothyroidismslowsdownmetabolismandcan lead to weight gain Fatigue, cold intolerance, and hair loss are otherindicators

High Cortisol: This 'stress hormone' can lead to weight gain, especiallyintheabdomen

So how can you tell if hormones are at play? Aside from weight gain, look out for these symptoms:

- Unexplained changes in appetite or cravings

- Persistent fatigue, despite good sleep

- Mood swings, anxiety, or depression

- Changes in your menstrual cycle

- Persistent acne or skin changes and more... https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1738822710/ref

Remember,hormonalimbalancesarecomplexandcanmanifest differentlyforeveryoneIfyou'reexperiencingthesesymptoms, it'stimetospeaktoatrustedhealthcareprofessional.

Youcanalsopickupmynewbook,TheContextEatingMethod forWomen–HowtoLoseWeightwithoutsuckingalltheGluten, ChocolateandWineFilledJoyfromYourLife”.Nowavailableon AmazonandAudible.

https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1738822710/ref=tmmpapswatch0 ?encoding=UTF8&qid=1677505846&sr=8-1

It’safunreadIwroteexclusivelyforwomenwhoaresickof dieting and want sustainable tips and a common sense approach.Itteachesyouhowtoeattosupportyourblood sugars,digestivesystemandhormonesandIincludedsomany ofmyfavoriterecipes!NextbookonHormonescomingsoon Bymakingsmallchangestostartfixingyourhormonalbalance, youcanexperienceimprovementstoyouroverallhealth-such asincreasedenergy,bettersleep,improvedmoodandbetter bodycomposition

ToBookaonetooneoranonlineappointmentemail darpandiva@gmailcom


Ladies, we've all been there. Despite restrictive diets and regular workouts, sometimes the scale just doesn't budge or even move in the opposite direction.
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Is there something I could take for chronic migraines?

Every person has different triggers, but common ones include a lack of sleep, caffeine, and being under stress, too much sugar, allergies or food sensitivities, hormonal changes or imbalances, leaky gut (read previous article on gut health or reach out for a mini one to one consult) Things that can help are:

deep breathing exercises

smelling peppermint and lavender oil and putting on temples ( as long as no allergies) can help esp added to castor oil berber relax in a dark room with a cold compress on the head My Goldenroot - 1 teaspoon a day


magnesium is highly beneficial, once we know the person's symptoms and imbalances we then can better understand the form of magnesium that would benefit the most to that individual fever pressure point to press on the hand called hegu, it's located at the base of the thumb and index finger


Hope all this helps!

Do Live Blood Analysts check for Celiac Desease?

No it does not diagnose celiac disease, it can pick up gut issues of all sorts, microbiomes,leaky gut, and a lot more that can guide you by finding roots of the imbalances occurring within the body in a hour, but it's not a Celiac test. You need to book an appointment with your medical doctor for this. We also can send out other types of test/kits that are then sent out to the third party labs for those specific types of diagnosis


Can I take B12 on a daily basis?

It all depends on what form and dose you are taking on an everyday basis or if you are low when you had your medical blood test, or have certain health issues- example: people with bowel disease are often low, due to absorption issues If your menstruation cycle consists of heavy bleeding you could be depleted in iron and B12 etc B12, even though it is a natural remedy you need to know when to take them and when to stop Hence meeting with a qualified practitioner like myself can help guide you The good thing is, your body will absorb what it needs and excrete the remainder But I still wouldn't play with it long term unless necessary Food sources high in B12 are eggs, salmon, nutritional yeast, apple, banana, alfalfa, beets, butternut squash, mushrooms etc..



W e l l n e s s C o l u m n Link

A S K D A R P A N to buy Goldenroot ™ Follow me on Instagram

https://ww w.facebook.com/DarpanTNDoC

Is there a supplement I could take to help with ADHD?

https://manoticknaturalmarket.com/ products/golden-root


Women Rock Magazine | 15

ADHD is such a huge spectrum, so much to look for in an individual first, and then the causes Generally you want to work on the gut with ADHD, so back to basics, first would be My Goldenroot TM, magnesium, omega to start with removing and/or reducing sugar, colors, preservatives, dairy, wheat. Vitamin B, C, E, iron, magnesium, gingko biloba, pine bark etc.

Gabriele von Gans, (Gabi), was born in Vienna, Austria, one of the most artistic and cultural cities in the world. She loved people, animals, music, and art as a young girl. Her talents were spotted very early and grew quickly. Gabi came to Canada with her immediate family in time to begin schooling in Ontario. Gabi’s grandmother also tutored her privately in protocol and large estate management. Already speaking two languages, she added English with help from her teachers in a separate school system. Her love for all things art were noticed early there, as was her interest in math and science.

She soon began organizing and writing plays, musicals, and variety shows. Gabi’s love for design on stages and in fashion were big expressions of her combined eye for light and form. She designed interior spaces and fashion pieces by the time she entered high school. Gabi was known to many as the "Artist of Bayside" and featured in the local newspapers in her early teens. Most knew her as the singing stage performer and fashion designer until one day a camera was placed in her hand. The view through the lens changed her direction completely and lead Gabi to Loyalist College of Applied Arts and Technology. Two years later she graduated on the Dean’s List in Advertising and Photography, launching her as Catalogue Photographer in one of Toronto’s top advertising studios. During those years Gabi was one of few women behind the lens and soon became known for her portraiture and detailed darkroom work.

Her leadership skills were honed on location assignments for a varied clientele. Gabi’s courage to accept high profile projects and diverse multifaceted jobs brought her notoriety and nominations for awards. She was nominated four times for the Premier’s Award for Excellence in the Arts and several environmental art awards as well. Her collection “My Backyard Ontario” was awarded the York millennium award in 2000. Gabi received three letters of congratulations from Queen Elizabeth II, and was nominated twice for the David Suzuki Award, the Robert Bateman Award and Rotary Public Speaking Award. She is Creative Director for Studio G Group Intl. and Kincaid Gray Productions/RLM Jr. for the last fifteen years. Concurrently with her business she also produced benefit shows for charities with her spouse, musician-composer, Rob Mullen Jr., and performed on stage alongside him for the last twenty years.

Usually, Gabi was the producer/ fundraiser and stage director as well. Gabi’s projects to date include a huge body of portrait photographs, four self published books, five perpetual benefit calendar books, thirteen annual calendars and three DVD’s. Most recently a children’s storybook series evolved from an actual encounter in her backyard with a fox family. This encouraged her to re-envision her brand and stress eco-friendly approaches to all her current works. She is designing once again, this time in wearable eco-art fashion clothing and home decor products. Her commitment to nature, usable art items and earths' environmental struggles are now the focus and implementation of all her accumulated talents. Her focus is global and green.

All photo's courtesy of Gabi von Gans
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Gabi - The Artist of Bayside

The Life and Times of Gabi

All photos are by me or of me and there are many media stories and releases about me the fashion part has always been there since childhood and then usurped by my life behind the camera with my left eye Rob and I run a multi-media company and have a host of fine artists and pros at our finger tips We have co-written a musical for stage and screen in the last ten years and also, have a 2 six-pack CD of original music We are quite a handful together and have collaborated on many things over 23 years I am on Facebook, Twitter, Alignable, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Georgina Chamber of Commerce, and the visual/ writer on Rob's website

sentative on March 11, 1989 in Toronto

Photo: (with special consent" Ron Watts and Gabi von Gans/First Light Assoc (C) 1989

Over the years my skills have been used and upgraded through interesting areas of experience including being a speechwriter and spin doctor for the feds I have styled many politicians and upper management professionals I get the calls when they wish to go forward on their public life journeys. My greatest joy is portraiture of all types and that is reflected in my many collection and books, animals of course, have me by the heartstrings

Canada is such a beautiful country and the landscape wonders never cease to amaze I speak German ( Austrian & Germany business) and conversational French as well as my third being English It is said that when you can joke in a language, you truly know it between my writing skills and Rob's we have a barrel of work created and are continuing to hone the screen play/stage play The fashion part came into play after the creation of the "Backyard Garden Tales" #1 volume "A Fox Family Adventure" that really happened here

The eco-friendly products are sourced from Montreal and produced with my designs Quite a company that has been in operation for 13 years I have designed my storefront with them over the last year and have already sold across Canada to clients via Canada Post Excellent production of individual pieces made to order Affordable, wearable art in many styles and on earth friendly fabrics like eco cashmere OMG!!!

click togo to sites

Atelier GabivonGans -Art Design Decor


www gabivongans com

https://www legaleriste com/atelier gabi von gans

Gabriele vonGans -InternationalPortrait Photographer ~ProtocolSpecialist

Writer Designer Image

Stylistatelier@gabivongans com

Box 1545 SuttonWest,OntarioL0E 1R0,Canada

HRH The Duke of Edinburgh receives a Ranforest certificate from WWF repre
Women Rock Magazine | 17


There are 8 million kids in Canada and they all have something in common – their rights! But there are many children and youth who don’t know this truth. A poll conducted last year by Abacus Data, and commissioned by Children First Canada, revealed that 44% of children (aged 12 to 17) are not aware of their rights. And 73% don’t know what to do if their rights are violated. The first step to empowering kids is to educate them about their rights, self-worth and value as young citizens.

3. Do not hide your feelings

Parents play an important role in helping children learn how to interact with others and to process emotions well. That’s why processing your own feelings in healthy ways instead of hiding them is a powerful teaching method.

1. Let kids know their voice matters

Children deserve to be involved in the decisions that affect their lives. This is something that can happen on a daily basis by giving children the opportunity to make choices (e.g., what to wear, which snack to add to their lunch, etc.). This doesn’t mean that you are putting kids “in charge”, but it does mean that kids are invited to be a part of the decision processes that relate to their lives. It is also healthy to ask for your kids’ opinions and views on topics as part of your regular conversations.

2. Teach kids about personal boundaries

One way to help empower children is to start with the one area where they should have complete autonomy: their bodies. Children and youth need to know from an early age that no one has the right to harm them physically or abuse them. They need to know that there are personal boundaries that no one is allowed to cross and that they have the right to be protected. To help uphold this right, parents and caregivers should avoid forcing kids to show affection (i.e., hugs and kisses) to others if they are not ready or willing to do so. Kids need to know that they have control in this area.

Children need to see their parents when they are both happy and sad. Burying these emotions will only teach them to do the same. The same is true about conflict. Resolving conflicts in front of them rather than bottling up anger or lashing out in unhealthy ways will go a long way in helping them to control their own emotions.

4. Tell kids it’s OK to make safety judgments

Another way to help empower kids is to give them the ability to make judgments concerning their experiences and surroundings. Educating your child about “safe” people and situations will help them feel more empowered to live in the world. There are moments when a child doesn’t feel safe, and it’s important for them to be able to act on that.

Encourage children to be alert and trust their intuitions. Making safety judgments, along with having personal boundaries, will help kids to feel more secure when interacting with others.

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Here are some ways to help kids develop confidence and resilience from an early age:


5. Help children to understand their challenges

Encouraging children to acknowledge when they need help or assistance will empower them to be more confident and not ashamed of their challenges. This also helps them to feel more at ease with doing something to address the difficulties they face. But the first step is to talk with your children about their specific challenges. It’s not uncommon for kids to feel like something is unfixable in their lives if parents refuse to talk about it. It’s important to give children the resources needed to empower them and feel in control of such challenges.

Empowering children matters

Children and youth are leaders today and will be the leaders of tomorrow. It’s important that the caring adults in their lives help them to develop healthy selfesteem, confidence and resilience. Empowering children today helps to ensure a better future.


Deanne Tobin Sinha

6. Encourage daily routines

The word “routine” should get more credit than it does. While the fun-loving and whimsical types might argue that routines are boring, routines can be valuable in many ways. This is especially true when it comes to helping children to feel empowered. Routines provide the structure that children need to develop basic life skills, and they create space for kids to take ownership. Routines help children to organize, plan and schedule. Through this framework, kids gain valuable pathways to learning and accomplishment.

7. Teach kids to dream big

When your kids come to you with big ideas, it’s important to let them dream and don’t be quick to dismiss their thoughts. Kids who feel like their parents believe in them, are more likely to believe in themselves and have confidence in their capabilities. When it’s safe to do so, allow children to take risks and experience things for themselves too. Kids will achieve much higher levels when they understand the potential you see in them.

Visit our Young Canadians’ Parliament page to learn more about how Children First Canada is empowering children and youth to be a strong voice for their generation. https://childrenfirstcanada org/ click to go to site Women Rock Magazine | 19

From the Writers Couch

In my spring column, I wrote about what to consider if you’re planning to write a memoir. But writing a memoir may not be what you’ve got in mind. You have a story buzzing around your head that you wish to tell, perhaps turn it into a novel, and you feel intimidated because you’ve never written prose fiction of any length before

Don’t let that discourage you. The important thing is that you have a story, a plot, something fascinating to tell With that in mind and as an exercise to get rolling and hone your skills, I suggest you start by turning your idea into a short story, which should contain your fully developed theme

It should be a story that can be read in one sitting usually between 20 minutes to an hour. There is no maximum length, but the average short story is 1,000 to 7,500 words. Aim for about 2,500 words or more and try not to think about style. To quote Judy Blume, author of Are you there God?

It’s Margaret: “There are no hard and fast rules for writing, and no secret tricks, because what works for one person doesn’t always work for another. "

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Ingrid McCarthy

Everybody is different That’s the key to the whole business of writing - "your individuality ” When finished, write another short story, perhaps several to end up with a collection Show them to trusted friends and ask for their honest opinions, and accept them graciously, whether you like them or not Make corrections, if necessary Then, search the Internet and find magazines that accept online short stories, and go for it! In my next column, I’ll talk about how to turn your favourite short story into a novel. In the meantime, have a fabulous, safe, and creative summer.

Ingrid McCarthy lives in Ottawa and is the author of tales for adults and children. Her most recent work is a post-WWII childhood memoir "I Stood Among The Ruins And Died" and "V for Vanished", a murder mystery written during the pandemic. To contact Ingrid visit her website: www.ingridmccarthy.com

https://www amazon com/Stood-Among-Ruins-Cried-Illustrated-ebook/dp/B09G5KJZNZ/ref=sr 1 1? crid=9HSQCWKS68HY&keywords=ingrid+mccarthy&qid=1674873753&s=digitaltext&sprefix=ingrid+mccarthy%2Cdigital-text%2C84&sr=1-1

https://www.amazon.com/Vanished-suspense-heart-wrenching-discovery-shockingebook/dp/B09JS9L8PC/ref=sr 1


https://www facebook com/rosedfranklynauthor/ https://frottawadw.ca/biog/ingrid-mccarthy/

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DEE'SINTERIOR DESIGN &STAGING INTERIOR DESIGN www.deesinteriordesignandstaging.com Women Rock Magazine | 22 Click to return to Table of Contents


As an Interior Decorator and Home Stager having visual impact in a space is crucial. Visual Impact draws the eyes immediately. It pleases the eye and tickles the senses. Visual Impact in Home Design makes a room come alive. It makes a statement and tells a story about who you are and what you love.

Dee Tobin Sinha


Women Rock Magazine | 23

SERVICES OUR Welcome to Dee's Interior Design & Staging


Selecting a colour for a space is the easiest and most affordable way to transform a space. With a great eye for color and coordination Dee promises to select the best colour that suits your taste and style, making it work in that particular space at hand. I encourage my clients to not be afraid of colour. This simple concept can make a room come alive as well as the person standing in it! A Colour consultation with Dee usually takes 1-3 hours depending on the space being covered. Colour consultations are $130.00 per hour plus HST.


Design Consultations can consist of a simple "walk through" where you pick my brain and I give you ideas and concepts on what you need. It can also be the beginning of a design project in combination with a colour consultation. From this consultation I can also design a storyboard for you to have a visual concept of what the space would look like. The initial consultation with Dee usually takes about 1-2 hours depending on your design challenge. Design consultations are $130.00 per hour plus hst.


Getting ready to sell your home? Staging is one of the THE most important steps for selling your home Getting your home ready for other people to see can be an overwhelming thought We at Dee's Interior Design and Staging can help stage your home to make it sell!

Home Staging is a proven method that helps sell your home Typically, home owners should expect a 5% or more increase in their selling price as a result of staging, and see the average days on the market cut in half Homes which are staged sell 65% faster and are known to make a home owner more money in the sale, but it will also save you money because your home will sell more quickly resulting in a higher resale price and no additional monthly carrying costs. Rate is $130.00 per hour.

Women Rock Magazine | 24


Dee's Interior Design & Staging, we offer renovation of kitchen and bathroom cabinets with professional painting of the cabinets doors and trim. This option is a very cost effect method to revamp an old kitchen or re-imagining an existing kitchen.

Often, when you are thinking of buying a new home, you may find a perfect fit except the kitchen and/or bathrooms have cabinets you are not happy with.

Or you have existing cabinets which are dated and you just need a fresh new look

Instead of tearing out existing cabinets and rebuilding, which will may not be within your budget, repainting is an option that results in an absolutely gorgeous new kitchen you want at a fraction of the price Dee will work with you to pick the perfect cabinet colour to match your decor and your vision, and work with her team to execute the job with meticulous care, precise workmanship with a quick turnaround time. NO waiting for weeks on end for a beautiful new kitchen.


Women Rock Magazine | 25

Are You Able To Inspire And Motivate The People Around You?

The best thing about having the ability to inspire and motivate others is that you find satisfaction in giving more than you take Not only will you have inspire someone to be better, but helping others can actually drive your success. It’s a win-win situation. Bear in mind, you are no magician. The person you are trying to inspire and motivate should be open to receiving your message. Different people are motivated by different things, so the key is to understand what motivates the person you are trying to help. There is someone in my life whom I feel the need to motivate and inspire. I want to help this person as much as I can. I am aware that people may have all the expertise in the world but, if they’re not motivated, it’s unlikely that they’ll achieve their true potential.

What Are The Different Forms Of Motivation?

Intrinsic Motivation – This kind of motivation is internal. It is about having a personal want to succeed and do well.

Extrinsic Motivation – This is the type of motivation you receive from an external source. For example, at work you may receive a bonus or some time off.

So what are the 7 easy ways to Inspire and motivate others?

1. Always Listen Actively

In order to inspire and motivate you need to be a good listener Some of us listen to respond

To be a good and active listener, you need to allow the speaker to feel free to communicate with ease. Be empathetic and patient.

2. Identify Goals And Dreams

Create timelines and set goals for yourself.

Choose both long-term and short-term goals depending on what it is you want to achieve. Write them down and share them with others

You’ll learn to hold yourself accountable and be motivated to continue towards a path of success while inspiring others to do the same

3. Be Vulnerable

Vulnerability has never been my strong suit I am still working on it because it takes practice

In order to be vulnerable, you have to be alright with who you are Being vulnerable is not just about showing the parts of you that are great We all are vulnerable at different points in our life. Share your failures as well as your successes.This will help others relate better to you.Vulnerability is so much easier when you love yourself. You can inspire and motivate others by letting them understand that they’re not the only ones with struggles and challenges.

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Are You Able To Inspire And Motivate The People Around You?

4. Be A Good Communicator

Your ability to communicate effectively is critical for you to inspire and motivate others Be aware of your tone, watch how you speak and what you say

You can change the way a person is feeling about themselves by the words spoken out of your mouth

5. Care About Others

Ask questions Take a genuine interest in the people around you You will become an inspiration by showing how much you care about people

Don’t ask people how they are feeling, or if they are alright unless you really want to know You know how it is when you ask a colleague, “how was your vacation?” or “how is your day going?”, only ask if you are genuinely interested

6. Show Encouragement

Everyone goes through tough times. Encouragement and support can go a long way in helping them through these times.

This is a great opportunity to inspire and motivate a person to see the best in themselves and in the situation.

You will see the quality of your relationships improving.

7. Share From Your Own Experience

We all have life stories to share. We have been through many life experiences both good and bad. Why not touch someone with your inspiring message?

Inspire And Motivate Others Daily

Seven easy ways to inspire and motivate others. Simple things you can do to change your life and help someone else.

Possessing a genuine desire to give and to make a difference in the lives of others is a rewarding feeling you can savour every single day.


Make people feel good after conversing with you www.purposefulhabits.com

motivate inspire Women Rock Magazine | 27

The Sky is Not the Limit

Your Mindset Is!

I became a heart centered person when I learned to embrace my challenges - because they are your gifts and not your barriers. I am often presented at speaking engagements with my tagline; “I am a hostage negotiator of the mindset.” Your path is a spiral, not a straight line because you continually come back to things you thought you understood, only when they come back to you the deeper truths now become more visible. Some of the modalities I trained in are hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Subconscious Release Technique, Spring Forest Qigong, Reiki, and Hakomi. Careers that I have been blessed with that provide hope for others are within the fields of mental health and addictions. What is HOPE?

Helping Other People Evolve.

Hello, my name is Lori Chenger, creator of Black Sheep Academy. Programs to help youth be seen, heard, and understood. Growing through a family narrative of poverty, addictions, and abuse leaves a mental imprint and changes the lens of how you view your world.

Be Seen. Be Heard. Be Understood.

Numbers do not define your age, they define your knowledge, and knowledge does not always equal understanding. The power of knowledge comes with taking growth action steps. Recently, I was nominated for the 2022 Global Evolutionary Women Awards in the area of education - women who teach, grow, nurture, and develop others mindsets. I have taken my knowledge and wisdom from my life experiences and careers and became an international best selling author, published three children’s books, began speaking at colleges and universities, found a talent agent and began auditioning which landed me paid stage work, background roles in movies, photo shoots, commercials, and appearing in a music video.

Lori Chenger
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All the latter occurred in the last three years beginning at age 59! At 62, having immersed myself in my own philosophies of the importance of having a “wealthy” mind, I challenged my beliefs again and entered New Beauty’s Fabulous Over 40 contest. The adage of growth does not happen inside your comfort zone really is true! I really unpacked more beliefs that no longer served me and stemmed from the views I had as a child A requirement to win the grand prize was to ask for votes

This quickly uncovered an old belief that although stemmed from unhealthy life situations, made me realize that this contest was serving as my testimonial to women, men, and children that you are more than the situation that occurred and that a wealthy mindset can move you forward in so many unexpected and healthy ways no matter what age you are That realization was the asking of donations The BIG takeaway was that heart centered people are great at giving and can be challenged by asking and receiving.

I learned that asking can stem from life challenges where you were used to only relying on yourself because that was your only choice and when you change your mindset, you change your life and thrive with choices! This project allowed me to support breast cancer research and my two passion projectskeeping families connected during the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and dementia and helping youth with their mental wealth A mentally wealthy mindset is like a thermostat, where is yours set at??

Live Inspired !

Lori is known for:

5 Element Mind Mapping- a signature program for internal change

Co-author with Marie Diamond (Global Transformation Leader/release date June 2023)

Rise To Greater Heights Award nominee 2023

Global Institute for Empowered Women Award nominee 2022 (both of these awards are for women who lead, teach, educate, and inspire all learners)

Join her on her journey to a healthy mindset and reach for the sky!

https://wwwfacebookcom/groups/2408487362805429/permalink/3265774183743405/ https://wwwfacebookcom/groups/778138189405649/permalink/1206626039890193/ "WhatMakesYouYou?"--LoriChengerEpisode22




Your Mindset Is!
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Women Rock Magazine | 31

our bags are packed, tickets booked! You are on your way to....Hawaii!

If you are anything like me, Hawaii holds an enchantment that makes it a definite bucket list addition to your travel destinations

The default destination for most travellers is Honolulu, on the island of Oahu. With its bustling city vibe and the world famous Waikiki Beach and breathtaking vistas, it is understandbly the place you are going to land to start your adventure.

The challenge, but at the same time, excitement of Hawaii is that it is not a single point of arrival Hawaii itself, is made up of 8 Major Islands, Niʻihau, Kauaʻi, Oʻahu, Molokaʻi, Lānaʻi, Kahoʻolawe, Maui, and Hawaiʻi,

TravelDestinations -Hawaii The Hana Trail -Maui-

However, believe it or not, Hawaii s actually comprised of 137 volcanic islands in its 2400 kilometer span. Of course, many are uninhabitable, with active lava flows and no vegetation or wildlife. The Major Islands however, are a treasure trove of adventure, beauty, beaches, food, culture weather, waterfalls and on and on.

So where to start The options can be overwhelming, but this article focuses on something unique and definitely worth the time and effort to do It is not a location as such, but rather a Highway, known as the "Hana Highway", starting from the town of Kahului to the town of Hana in east Maui

“The journey is half the fun on the Road to Hana”
Y Women Rock Magazine | 32 Click to return to Table of Contents

elow, we have listed some of the main attractions you will find on the Road to Hana Before we begin, some details you should be aware of

The Highway from Kahului to Hana is 104 km long The drive itself takes about 2 5 hours if you go non-stop, but of course, while scenic as it may be, this would defeat the purpose of doing this drive as part of your vaction fun Be advised that the highway has many curves and hills, and many points are narrow There are over 50 bridges, and over 40 are single lane An experienced, unruffled driver is highly recommended, and vehicles that are small to mid sized would better suit the narrow passages. If this seems daunting, go ahead and look online for the many bus tours that do the hard work for you!

So if you are ready to do the drive, here are some amazing wonders you can experience along the way that will heighten the experience to a memory to last you a lifetime


TravelDestinations -H

The trail offers many spectacular waterfalls, some are easily viewed from your car, others, you need to pull into a park area and go on a trek to reach. Here are 4 to add to your list

Twin Falls Twins Falls is located at Mile Marker 2 on the Hana Highway This is a very small waterfall and it sometimes can be difficult to actually locate the true Twin Falls. Several small falls are located at this stop

Lower Puohokamoa Falls Located 0 8 of a mile past Mile Marker 10 is Lower Puohokamoa Falls The falls can only be seen from within the Garden of Eden (there is an entry fee, but it's worth it), which is located just before the falls.

Pua'a Ka'a Falls This falls is located inside Pua'a Ka'a Wayside park at mile marker 22 on the Hana Highway There are larger falls within the park, but none are easily accessible, so the small tranquil falls at the picnic area is probably what you'll want to enjoy.

Wailua Falls Wailua Falls located at Mile Marker 45 This is a wonderful falls and has a short path on the right side of the bridge that will even allow you to get a closer look if you'd like. Just be careful on the often slippery rocks.

Source: https://www.hawaii-guide.com/maui/articles/road-to-hana-waterfalls

Han -M
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TravelDestinations- Hawaii The HanaTrail


What good is a day trip if you can't experience the local cuisine? Well, on the Hana Trail, you won't be dissapointed and you definitely won't go hungry From food trucks to diners, the choice is wide and exicting. Here we list 5 places that will give your tastebuds a tingle!

Kuau Store - If you’re feeling hungry, stop by the first of several country stores you’ll see on the Road to Hana Try the poke bowl! Or anywhere you see it available A poke bowl is a Hawaii specialty Country stores also tend to sell locally made products. The Kuau Store hours are from 6:30am to 7pm.

Jaws Country Store cafe - With a name like this, it HAS to be interesting Jaws offers fresh fruit smoothies, amazing handmade local cuisine and an lovely outdoor seating area

Aunty Sandy’s famous banana bread - The banana bread at this stop has been featured on Food Network, and boasts probably the best banana bread in the world You be the judge!

Da Fish Shack Hana - You can't come to Hawaii and not have fish. This is the choice of many travellers and locals alike. Offering what are claimed to be the "Best Fish Burgers on the Island", shrimp, and awesome seafood combo's, the service is friendly and the atmosphere is relaxed and puts you in a paradise as you snack on community picnic tables amongst teh lush park like setting

Troy’s Plate Lunch Food Truck - Hawaiian style plate lunch with a side of rice and salad is arguably the most popular style of meal amongst local kama’aina Troy’s Plate Lunch does all the classics well with our favorite being the chicken katsu and BBQ pork Don’t forget to check the changing specials chalk board for kitchen artistry and new concoctions.

Source: https://www.hawaii-guide.com/maui/articles/road-to-hana-waterfalls https://blog.emauirealestate.com/2022/08/12/the-best-food-truck-lot-in-hana/

"Shave Ice" A Hawaiian Classic!
PO K E Women Rock Magazine | 34


The final and of course, the obvious destination spots on the Hana trail must be the beaches. Hawaii boasts hundreds of beaches, from the tourist hub of Waikiki, to isolated and often rugged volcanic beaches. Here, we list 5 of the best beaches as you make your way to Hana.

Hamoa Beach - Beyond the Hana town limits, on Highway 31, you will soon discover nature’s gem. Please turn to the makai side, and catch a glimpse of Hamoa‘s stunning crescent-shaped beach, with its dark sand and cobalt water. Visitors find the contrast between the lava rock and white coral sand alluring and irresistible. Native Hala trees, palms, and flora highlight the contrast between Hamoa’s dark sand and cobalt water.

Black Sand Beach Maui (Waianapanapa State Park)Maui’s famous black sand beach, named Honokalani and located in Waianapanana State Park about three miles north of the town of Hana, is more than just a beach. It was historically a very important place for Hawaiians, and there are various Hawaiian legends about this place – it is deemed as sacred by the Hawaiian people. The park itself comprises of 122 acres, encompassing the beach, lava caves, windtwisted foliage, Hawaii’s largest known heiau (temple), stone arches, and blow holes. The park is very interesting to hike through, and there are even a few wet, spring-fed sea caves and lava tubes.

Hana Bay and Beach - While you're in Hana make sure to take a moment to stop by Hana Bay where you'll find a large black sand beach. The black sand was formed as lava eroded slowly over time, eventually washing up around the bay.

NU’U Bay - Nu'u Bay is a little rocky patch of 'beach' in Southeast Maui. When the water is relatively calm and the wind is at a minimum, swimming and snorkeling can be enjoyable. Do not go out too far because the current is strong.

Hookipa Beach Park - The steady winds on the North shore produce the best kite surfing and windsurfing on the island. Witness the captivating, dramatic surf break that emerges from the reef system stretching across the bay. Come to Ho'okipa Beach for world-renowned windsurfing and daredevil water moves



TravelDestinations- Hawaii The Hana Trail -Maui-

Women Rock Magazine | 35

Let’s make it happen!

UNDERSTANDING WHO YOU ARE IS KEY. It’s where change begins.

Denise is intuitive, insightful, knowledgeable and practical.

With over 30 years in the health field, her grounded, no-nonsense approach as a Life Coach – Business Advisor – Psychic Medium – Natural Health Practitioner and Iridologist, provides her clientele with realistic and feasible goals to get them focused on what they love, value and want from life.

As a mother, life partner, entrepreneur, and as someone who has experienced loss and grief, Denise understands how challenging life can be. Her intentions are to instill a sense of hope, clarity and renewed energy.

She will inspire you to set healthy goals while helping you understand the importance of the process of life and the ultimate importance of finding joy and purpose in the present.

Intuitive Life Coaching

AS A LIFE COACH, Denise will help you identify and discover personal strengths while addressing areas which require improvement. Her attention to detail, interpretive skills of perception and her intuitive gift has created an ability that allows her to find solutions that bring forth change, happiness, clarity and results.

Inspirational Speaker

AS AN INSPIRATIONAL SPEAKER, Denise's strengths are to motivate, inspire personal growth and positive change in individuals who are seeking an improved sense of direction and fulfillment.

Psychic Readings

As a Psychic Medium, Denise will facilitate the receiving of messages from your loved ones who have passed and help you connect with your spirit guides

Psychic readings can help with:

clarifying your life’s purpose guidance in navigating life changes improve personal insight and self-reflection

fostering awareness the grieving process finding meaning questions such as... Will I find love? Is my pet with me?

There’s much more to life than what we can see. Denise can help you discover a new world and incredible life, a world with more love and hope than you ever imagined

Denise can help with:

recognizing unhealthy thought patterns clarifying vision and purpose establishing healthy boundaries improving personal relationships getting to the core of your challenges creating better work/life balance breaking bad habits identifying obstacles defining personal goals eliminating long-held fears and self-imposed rules understanding the person behind the behaviour understanding forgiveness and letting go of past mistakes

Denise is a professional who specializes in coaching individuals seeking change whether in their personal or professional life. In the past 30 years, her success as owner of two wellness clinics, personal coach, natural health practitioner, public speaker, intuitive reader, life partner, mother & step-mother, is what Denise brings to the table as an incredible Intuitive Life Coach, powerful Intuitive Business Advisor and a Psychic Medium.

Popular topics:

Power of perception Changing the way you view situations

Understanding boundaries, forgiveness and personal growth

Defining personal success and inherent greatness

Understanding intuition

Compassion Understanding the person behind the behaviour

You have the courage – I have the tools.
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Denise’s experiences as a Life Coach, Business Advisor, Psychic Medium, Natural Health Practitioner, entrepreneur, mom, step-mom & wife, and someone who has grieved the loss of loved ones, has equipped her with knowledge that allows her to offer meaningful readings reaching far beyond traditional expectations.

When you work with Denise, you will gain insightful knowledge which can inspire positive change that can transform and improve your life. Her gifts as a Psychic Medium bring healing, hope, comfort, clarity and meaning to people’s lives. Denise’s passion and mission are to help people with her gift. Her “tell it like it is” style, dry humor, mixed with grace and undeniable caring make this experience unique, authentic and meaningful.

I haven't always wanted to help others. Don’t get me wrong, I’m now very grateful for my Gift, but I wasn’t always thrilled about it. People often said to me, “It must be great being psychic and knowing what people think!” At one point in my life, I remember simply wanting a normal life; even if I knew I was “different”. I personally thought my Gift was an invasion of my privacy, and quite frankly,I didn't care for it one bit.

I sarcastically wondered, “What was I expected to do with all of the personal information I was receiving from these strangers? Go to them, tap them on their shoulder and say, “Hey, I've got a message for you?” How absurd would that be?! That would make me look crazy and unprofessional, and the last thing I wanted was exactly that.

Professionally, I was a Natural Health Practitioner and as my practice grew, I discovered a love for helping people with their physical and emotional health. My intuitive abilities always guided me –and I was very much aware of that, but did not share it with my clients (of course not– It was all about IMAGE, right? ). Throughout the years, my husband insisted that I should come out and publicize my intuitive gift as a psychic medium. However, I didn’t feel secure enough and was way too concerned for my “professional image” and what others would think of me.

So what was the turning point? What changed my mind? My answer? Life happened. Little did I realize the impact of what was to about to come.Let me expand. It was 2017… I was happily married with two adult children. I was the owner of an established multi- disciplinary wellness clinic, and practising as a Natural Health Practitioner. Things professionally were busy, but going well. Then over the next four years, an unimaginable series of events happen…Both my sister- in-law and mother-in-law passed away within a three-month span, then my husband and I decided to purchase an old farmhouse and start an extensive 6-month renovation that included the building of a second wellness clinic. Following this period, my husband had a life threatening heart-attack requiring emergency open-heart surgery.

Then in March 2020,the pandemic was officially announced forcing me to close my wellness clinic…leaving me in massive debt. I was barely holding on by a thread. The final straw? My father passed away. That was it. I was done. Emotionally and physically burnt-out. I was devastated. How could I possibly process the loss of so many loved ones? I was so angry and fed-up. I had had ENOUGH. It was during this time, I started the difficult journey of grieving the loss of my loved ones, the loss of human connection, the loss of freedom and what I felt was the loss of my joy.

It was through this difficult awakening that I truly discovered the meaning of the word ENOUGH. The reality of how easily life can be taken from us was brutally shown and it was with this realization that I decide it was time to finally be ME. JUST ME. I learnt the meaning of boundaries, the meaning of love and with that, decided to trust in the process of life. ENOUGH is ENOUGH! My husband’s words on this? FINALLY! (LOL) I am ME–And not only do I feel it’s OK, I now embrace who I AM and what I was created for with a grateful heart and a determined spirit.





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Sweet Satiety Coaching

Crystal Jean


my name is Crystal I began my career as a Registered Nurse in British Columbia over 14 years ago I have had the honour of caring for people in every stage of life. My expertise as a Mind Body Eating Coach is to help those who feel powerless over their eating behaviours fully expand into all areas of life. Most clients are very surprised to learn that their challenges with food have very little to do with food itself

Like many coaches, I found my way here through my own challenges. I had eating concerns most of my life. Some days I would wake up and eat junk food and not stop until I went to bed. I was using food to regulate my emotions since childhood I carried a lot of guilt and shame for my secret eating behaviours At 18, I got stuck on a vicious diet cycle, losing and regaining a total of 300 lbs in my 48 years I truly believed that I would never be able to eat like a normal person

Mind Body Transformation

After the birth of my third child at 41 years old, I dieted and exercised my way to a 70 lb weight loss. I was immersed in a numbers game. The scale symbolized food compliance and dictated my self-worth. Two years later I found myself living in peril of 100 lb weight gain I was in burnout and remember feeling anxious, depressed and ashamed of yet another diet failure As a nurse with a clinical mindset, I thought I knew everything necessary to lose weight, but just couldn’t do the things I knew I should do

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Crystal Jean Sweet Satiety Coaching

I found the missing link in Mind Body Nutrition and Dynamic Eating Psychology. During my 8-month online training as a Mind Body Eating Coach at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating, I experienced a whole-souled transformation. This comprehensive training elevated my personal and professional skills through a deeper understanding of embodiment, energetics and the archetypal journey Words cannot fully express my gratitude for Marc David and his 40 plus years of dedication to creating such life changing and impactful work I am honoured to be part of a collective conscience of, who I feel, are soul-led practitioners

Today I receive pleasure from all kinds of food without fear of losing control I have a relaxed view on fitness and have found a wild kind of love for weight training, hiking and stretching on my yoga mat. One of the best decisions I ever made was to trade time spent counting calories and tracking macros for journaling and meditation. These practices have alchemized profound shifts in personal power and metabolism.

Reducing toxic overload of the body, mind and soul are key elements to my coaching. I embrace an energetic and intuitive coaching style that leads my clients to a personally meaningful transformation experience. I do offer group coaching, though one on one coaching holds a special place in my heart.

If you would like to explore working together, please email me at sweetsatietycoaching@gmail com

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Women Rock Magazine | 39

Finding Your Life's Calling and Embracing It


My uniqueness began at the young age of 2. I lost my uncle who was a police officer the year before I was born. My story begins when late at night - my parents would hear me talking away from my bedroom. When my parents would enter my room they would find me sitting up in bed talking away, They would then ask me "Madeline who are you talking to?" My response would always be "Uncle Ken!!" But how could that be? He had died a year before I was born.

I have always had strong spiritual beliefs and was always drawn to angels. From there the encounters continued - I would know personal information that only my aunt and uncle should know. It never scared me at that age, but as I grew older I didn’t want to see spirits anymore or be different. I came to learn that I come from five generations of mediums none of which did it professionally.

I remember like it was yesterday sitting and listening to my grandmother tell me stories of their gifts. It fascinated me!!! My grandmother was my number one supporter when I was experiencing everything. I always had a lot of friends and was popular, but always felt alone which created inner conflict. I started a constant battle within myself to change my different-ness. This went on for the next twenty years, It was incredibly exhausting and I was very unhappy. Then at the age of 29 I was sitting in my bed wide awake, still full of confusion, anxiety and still not understanding my purpose when suddenly, the brightest light lit up my room!!! It was blinding! A sense of calmness and peace came over my soull, and for the first time in my life, I felt loved and wasn't scared. Two arms emerged from the light, I couldn't see a face the man spoke to me and said, "Madeline you’re ready" And just like that I had this knowing come over my soul and I knew for the first time in my life what my purpose was!!! I was meant to help people.

Today I’m a proud mother of 3 kids, A bestselling author, Reiki master and life coach. My passion is to help others uncover their true self and heal, Discovery things that empower others to embrace their differences. I was amazed at the life changing effect it had on me.

We all are born with free will and a purpose. A lot of people struggle to find there’s, for many it takes them most of their lives to figure it out It took me until I was 29 years old to figure out mine. I have struggled with my different-ness since I was a young girl. I grew up trying to change the things that made me different in order to fit in. I wanted to belong and feel loved, I was shy and I loved lots of time on my own.
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Finding Your Life's Calling and Embracing It

This way, you’re better able to find your passion. When hiding my true self, I could never know my strengths. After learning this about myself, I was able to offer my friends and family advice when they needed help, I can combine my passion for writing and helping people. Once you allow yourself to be who you are, you’re free to find what you’re good at and what you love to do. You start appreciating yourself. When you truly embrace your differences, you begin to find reasons to appreciate them. I now appreciate that it allows me to enjoy time on my own, which is where I’m the most creative. I have finally discovered my strengths and weaknesses. I own them and I am grateful for them both because they make me who I am. When you start seeing your “weaknesses” as potential strengths, you develop a whole new sense of appreciation for yourself.

Set aside time every day for intentional reflection and writing so you can assess where you’ve been and where you’re going. You could find these reflective moments of journaling actually challenge the beliefs you once felt so sure about. But don’t worry, that doesn’t mean you failed, you’re just finding a deeper sense of clarity that allows you to nurture your sense of connection and meaning in your life. It is just as important to nourish your soul with spirit as it is your body with water and food. What encourages you to live a kind and welcoming life that fills you with wonder and joy? Meditation and spirituality really work together. Being in tune and feeling a connection with something bigger than yourself , you won’t only be giving yourself an opportunity to gain clarity, you will also be able to work toward connecting with your highest self. You will bring more peace, happiness, and self-reward into your life if you live in line with your values.

Identify the things in your life that are important and the things that aren’t. Spiritual growth requires taking a leap of faith every once in a while–regardless of what “faith” means to you. Having gratitude helps us recognize value, dignity, and worthiness in everything. If you’re like me, you may go through periods of time in your life when you’re oblivious to all of the positive things that you have, or you fail to proactively consider them. One thing I’d like people who are reading this article to take away from it is no matter what you are going through in your life you can always move forward and heal. Life is such a blessing filled with turns and twists. We truly are never alone and are guided by many.

When you embrace who you are, you stop living in fear. Trying to be someone you are not is exhausting. Being your true self is a courageous thing to do in a world that is constantly trying to change you. When you realize that living the life you want is more important than pleasing other people, suddenly you feel free. You form deeper, more connected relationships. I was able to sift through my relationships by loving my differences and being myself. This allowed the right people to come into my life who loved the real me My relationships are now all fulfilling and genuine. Treat yourself with kindness. For me, accepting my “weirdness,” I went from telling myself, “because of my differences, I’m worthless and no one will ever love me,” to “I have to be true to myself. The people who really matter will accept me for who I am.” Keep

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showing up for you!!
Women Rock Magazine | 41

Hey there lovely people! I’m Rosanne, founder of Attached at the Root I wanted to take a moment to share a little bit about myself and why I'm so passionate about what I do I genuinely believe that a deeper understanding of our roots and background will bring self awareness, which will bring clarity and growth

My journey into this field has been organic, fueled by my own life experiences, upbringing, training and career paths With a background in Social Emotional Learning, Child and Youth Care, and Human Services, I've gathered knowledge and skills and now, I want to make a difference.

I can't wait to connect with you, learn your stories, and support you on your own unique journey Check out the website and reach out anytime!

I just opened my Insta so there isn't much on there but I'll get on it ASAP! lol I am not great at Social Media but have recently hired someone to help me, we will be up and running with new posts for July :) here are my links

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Rosanne Janega | Attached At The Root (@attachedattheroot) | Instagram

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Thank you!


Women Rock Magazine | 42 Click to return to Table of Contents

Co-Parenting After Divorce

Nurturing a Successful Summer for You

Divorce can be a challenging and emotional process, especially when children are involved. However, with the right mindset and strategies, co-parenting after divorce can be an opportunity to provide a stable and nurturing environment for your children. As summer approaches, it's essential to approach co-parenting with a specific focus on creating a positive and memorable season for your children. In this blog post, we will explore effective coparenting strategies, communication tips, and activities that can help you and your former spouse make this summer an enjoyable and enriching experience for your kids.

Prioritize Effective Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful coparenting. During the summer months, clear and consistent communication becomes even more crucial. Start by establishing open lines of communication with your co-parent, whether through regular phone calls, emails, or shared online calendars. Discuss summer plans, including vacations, camps, and any other important events. When making decisions about your children's summer activities, be sure to involve them in the discussion, considering their preferences and interests. Maintaining a cooperative and respectful approach to communication will help set the foundation for a harmonious summer co-parenting experience.

Establish a Consistent Schedule

Consistency and predictability are essential for children, especially during times of transition. Create a summer schedule in collaboration with your co-parent that outlines when the children will be with each of you. This schedule should be realistic and consider both parents work commitments, vacation plans, and the childrens summer activities. By establishing a clear routine, you can provide your children with a sense of stability and security, allowing them to adjust to the summer season with ease.

Encourage Quality Time with Both Parents

Summer offers ample opportunities for quality bonding time with your children. Encourage your co-parent to spend quality time with the kids,emphasizing the importance of their relationship. Discuss the importance of maintaining a balance between structured activities and unstructured playtime. Whether it's planning a day at the park, going on a hike, or organizing a family BBQ, prioritize shared experiences that allow your children to create lasting memories with both parents.

Embrace Flexibility and Compromise

Flexibility is vital when it comes to co-parenting during the summer months. Be open to adjusting schedules when necessary and accommodate changes in plans. Sometimes unexpected opportunities or events may arise, and it's essential to be understanding and willing to compromise for the benefit of your children. Demonstrating flexibility will teach your children valuable life skills and help them adapt to changes as they arise.

Plan for Coordinated Parenting

Coordinated parenting involves maintaining consistency in parenting styles and approaches across households. It ensures that children receive similarguidance, rules, and expectations, regardless of which parent they are with. Discuss discipline methods, bedtimes, meal routines, and any other relevant aspects of parenting with your co-parent. Consistency between householdswill provide a sense of security and help children maintain healthy boundaries during the summer break.

Encourage Educational and Recreational Activities

Summer is an excellent time to engage your children in educational and recreational activities that stimulate their minds and bodies. Encourage your co-parent to seek out opportunities for your children to learn and explore. This could involve enrolling them in summer camps, participating in community programs, or exploring local attractions. Balance these activities with free play and relaxation time, allowing your children to recharge and enjoy the summer break fully. Coparenting after divorce during the summer months requires careful planning, effective communication, and a commitment to prioritizing your children's well-being.

By fostering a positive co-parenting relationship, establishing consistent schedules, and engaging in meaningful activities, you can create a memorable and enjoyable summer for your children. Remember, the key to successful co-parenting is putting aside personal differences and focusing on the shared goal of providing a loving and stable environment for your children to thrive. By working together and embracing the spirit of cooperation, you can ensure that your children have a summer filled with cherished memories and positive experiences. If you are going through a separation or divorce, or need help co-parenting, contact us for a free consultation.

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Using Your Intuition As Your Superpower

Do you ever wonder how you know something, but you’re not sure how you know it, you just do? Or have you ever had a “light-bulb moment" where you got a good idea out of nowhere? Some call this a gut feeling, others refer to this as their inner guidance or intuition.

I refer to this as intuition and I use mine daily. Being able to access this knowledge within you is a superpower we all have and many are not utilizing it. I want to share with you how you can use your own intuition to bring clarity to your life. In 2014, my husband and I just finished months of fertility treatments to try and create the family we’ve been dreaming of. I went through much of that year with blinders on, pushing through to the next appointment, ultrasound and scan. Eventually we were told by our specialist that there was nothing more that could be done for us. We were devastated and wondered why this was happening to us. A few months after this experience, my husband overheard a conversation of a couple who were preparing for adoption. As he re-told this story to me, we looked at each other and said “what do you think?” In that moment I had this deep inner knowing that this was the path for us to create our family. I had no idea on the “how” it was all going to come together, I just knew it would happen for us and it did! There was no coincidence that my husband was meant to overhear that conversation and share it with me.

We’re being guided every moment of every day and it’s up to us to listen to these messages and trust what’s coming through.

I could have ignored this inner knowing and made excuses not to go down this path, but I felt that there was this energy more powerful than my logical mind, nudging me forward and so I followed this guidance. The messages sometimes may be so subtle that you may feel like you’re not receiving messages at all. They might be simple or they might come out of nowhere like our conversation.

( A s h l e y M a c I s a a c B u t e r )
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o matter how they come to you, these messages have the ability to transform your life. In my situation, by listening to my intuition, I now have someone who calls me mommy. Our intuition is not something that is a new concept to this world. We all have this ability, we’ve just been conditioned, especially women, to not listen and trust the messages that are coming through. You’re being guided every moment of everyday and once you learn how to use your intuition to help guide you, you will experience more clarity, you will feel grounded, less in your head (hello hamster wheel always spinning ) and you will have confidence in the decisions you’re making because they’re aligned with your soul’s path.

In society, we’ve been taught to drown out this steady yet calming voice, especially us women, and yet we now know that this inner voice that’s guiding us is doing so from a place that is deep within us. Where we trip ourselves up however is TRUSTING the guidance and taking the inspired action towards what we want. That’s part of being a human being, we have the free will to listen or not. To act on the guidance or not, it’s really up to you. Your intuition is your superpower and I encourage you to use it in every decision you make. If you've resonated with this story and received value from it, I’d love to offer you one of the many tools that I use to teach my clients how to connect to their intuition for guidance. Access the recording at www.saorsaessentials.ca/intuition

Ashley is the creator of the Savvy Sovereign Woman Method™, spiritual guide, speaker and published author. She serves high-achieving women and entrepreneurs, guiding them to awaken to their full soul-aligned potential by tapping into their superpower, their intuition, and using it to transform their life in a way that feels aligned in every way. She helps women break free from the masculine energy of doing things, controlling, forcing, and pushing above all else to succeed by disrupting these patterns and creating space to receive the freedom and flow in their lives that they are searching for.

Using Your Intuition As Your Superpower www.saorsaessentials.ca Saorsa Essentials with Ashley Mac @ashleymacisaacbutler click to go to sites Women Rock Magazine | 45 N

From Dead to Alive To Serve a Higher Purpose

Energy coach, Shaman, Louise Hay facilitator, Intuitive guide, Soul integration facilitator, Roots of empathy guide, Respite worker, Conscious mother of two

In the end, the titles are not what make me but my experiences, the deep journey in this existence and the dedication to each Learning inmersion and how to delve into the depths of the root of every situation and connecting emotions, thoughts, behaviors and our creation My journey to the shadows and health began when I was 19 years old - when I went through the experience of an autoimmune disease called Lupus, which (as I like to refer to) it took one of my lives

“When I was 18 years old, I was an older adolescent, supposedly an adult almost 19 years old, I remember it was the end of the summer holidays of that year, and I began to wake up daily with pain and inflammation in my fingers, red elbows and sometimes knees, pain and inflammation that did not even allow me to button my pants Throughout the day the inflammation went away”

(Extract from my self published book "Hello Lupus)" Imagine a teenager experiencing all the emotions in the world, the hormones not in harmony, trying to understand the world and make sense of life, experiencing hate, happiness, sadness, and more every couple of minutes, feeling emotional chaos, now add this pain, and uncertainty

After a long time of jumping from doctor to doctor, we finally got the results saying I had LUPUS, After this, things started to get more and more complicated, the cortisone (medicine) had my face looking like the moon, my feet were swollen, I was feeling tired, upset, depressed, with so many repressed feelings, trying to keep up with a normal life, I didn't like myself physically anymore The horse I had - had gone to heaven, my two year partner relationship had ended, I was feeling alone, angry and depressed So this was a perfect cocktail for the disease to take over and for me to not want to be alive anymore.

I was in and out of hospital because of seizures, and another time to be able to receive higher doses of cortisone through the veinthe last time I was there for one month This time was the most intense one I was in an induced coma after my lungs were filled with liquid and my last memory before that is experiencing that I could not breathe. This is something that I can still remember as if it was that moment The doctors told my family to say goodbye to me because I would not make it to the next day

Well... I came back, I believe my family, even my future kids brought me back, reminding me that I had a commitment in this lifetime and giving up was not an option. (All the details are in my book). This experience was decisive in restructuring my life and walking new paths. Besides the regular medicine, I started using homeopathy guided by one of my doctors, I learned about psycho inmuno neurobiology, where I learnt how the cells act in my body, what was really happening inside me and the war my cells were having. My diet changed, I started working with healing visualizations and understanding the emotions lying below the surface of the Lupus. Understanding that fear and hate were teaching me so much about myself and life was key in my healing process.

Since then I have fallen a thousand times and gotten up a thousand and one Many moons have passed since my experience with my friend Lupus I even wrote a letter of gratitude Nowadays Lupus is not with me any longer And Yes I healed from this scientifically incurable disease Today I live with the certainty that we have the ability to heal ourselves just as we have the ability to get sick and that we have the choice to create our lives consciously or unconsciously Everything in life is a choice.Thanks to my experience with this disease, I began my inner path to later train as a therapist in different fields to guide many others in their personal chaos. And I have the joy of having assisted others that were committed to their healing, to find the meaning of their lives, to reconnect with their greatness, to really uncover the teachings the symptoms bring us

Years passed and I was led to a Family Constellations session that again changed how I view life So much clarity and how we repeat unconscious patterns coming from our ancestors was revealed And that day I knew I was going to become a Family Constellation therapist Nowadays I guide group Family Constellations sessions, and I offer online family constellations I Provide healing space through different tools under shamanism like cleaning and balancing your energy centers, cutting and healing cords,I have adapted "Louise Hay" philosophy to my practice as well. I provide a safe space for women healing circles and I offer different topics workshops like how to connect to intuition, emotional detox and more. Nice to introduce myself to you.

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Book : Hello Lupus


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Natalie Piñate is a Venezuelan- Canadian Living in Canada
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Unleashing the Selling Power of Staging

Sonya Crites and Lori Williams

Hi there! We are known as the Ottawa Property Gals and have been a dynamic team since 2013. Friends for over 20 years!

We are passionate realtors who are dedicated to helping our clients achieve the highest possible price for their homes. In a market that is constantly evolving, we understand the importance of standing out to buyers. That's why we go the extra mile by staging each home to perfection. With rising interest rates and buyers becoming increasingly selective, it has never been more crucial to make a lasting impression.

Today's buyers are looking for a home where they can settle in without the hassle of extensive renovations. They are investing their maximum budgets and want to feel at ease the moment they step inside a property. We understand these needs, and we know precisely how to meet them.

Our secret weapon is staging. By highlighting the best features of our listed homes, we create an environment that feels open, bright, and welcoming. Staging allows potential buyers to envision themselves living in the space and helps them fall in love with the property. We have witnessed time and again how staging can significantly impact a buyer's perception of a homes value, leading to higher offers.

To ensure we have everything needed for staging, we have invested in two storage lockers packed with carefully selected items. From furniture to decor, we curate each piece to enhance the unique characteristics of each home we represent. Additionally, we purchase additional staging items as necessary to guarantee that every property is presented in its best possible light.

Our commitment to making homes look their best goes beyond staging alone. We combine staging with strategic marketing efforts, leveraging professional photography, virtual tours, and captivating listing descriptions. By showcasing each home's most enticing features, we create a compelling story that captures buyers attention and leaves a lasting impression. Our results speak for themselves. With every sale, we demonstrate how our combined approach of marketing and staging helps our listings sell more quickly and for higher prices than the average.

Realtors in Ottawa know that when they bring their buyers to view a property listed by the Ottawa Property Gals, they can expect a well-presented home that commands top dollar. With each home we have sold, our sellers were impressed with what we brought in and that we included our staging services for free. Here is what one recent seller had to say

"Our house sold for significantly over asking. The past week, with the expert help of our realtors, we decluttered and emptied the house to stage for photos and showings. It was so exhausting but so completely worth it. I cannot say enough good things about the Ottawa Property Gals, their knowledge and design style took our house from beautiful to showstopper. If you or anyone you know needs a realtor, these are the ones for you. Thanks Gals!!"

At the heart of our success is our genuine love for what we do. We are driven by the desire to provide exceptional service to our clients and help them achieve their real estate goals. Our passion for real estate and staging shines through in every aspect of our work, and it is this dedication that sets us apart. So, if you are looking to sell your home in Ottawa and want to maximize its value, trust in us, the Ottawa Property Gals. With our expertise in staging and marketing, we have proven time and again that we can help you achieve the highest price possible. Buyers will be captivated by your beautifully presented home, and you can rest assured that you are in the hands of realtors who love what they do. Contact us today, and let's make your real estate dreams a reality!

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Design, Architecture, Elegance

When we had first seen this home that had been rented for many years we knew that we had our work cut out for us, but having renovated many times as an Interior Designer the thought of taking on this hugeprojectwasactuallyquite exciting!

Iimmediately envisioned an elegant kitchen incorporating a contemporary and rustic feel. The kitchen cabinets were in great condition, a solid maple, structurally sound and aesthetically very pleasing. The layout was perfect for our little family. It overlooks our treed and landscaped backyard which is very private and absolutely gorgeous.

Dee's Creative Corner
Dee's Interior Design & Staging Creating Beautiful Homes to Live in Women Rock Magazine | 48 Click to return to Table of Contents
The kitchen cabinets were spray painted blue and white in a satin finish I incorporated a rustic stone backsplash in gorgeous soft earth tones, a classic stainless steel sink and matte black hardware were chosen and wood/iron stools were implemented A gorgeous stainless steel chimney fan was installed and the vinyl plank floor was a perfect addition with its soft gray and brown tones This kitchen feels warm and inviting, exactly what i had envisioned

Dee's Creative Corner

custom roman shades add a very sophisticated and elegant feel to this space

A gorgeous gold embossed flower mirror is paired with a whimsical glass based lamp incorporating a soft gray shade, 3 ocean blue antique glass vases and a beautiful white orchid. This brushed gold/glass console table is a perfect venue to house these eye catching accessories



Panoramic bay windows encompass our traditional round white table and 4 very comfy rattan chairs It creates a perfect breakfast nook for family gatherings A rustic round farmhouse chandelier compliments the space These very unique cute chairs also add a beautiful texture to my design project which is always an important element. I incorporated a solid deep blue velvet cushion and paired it with a nautical blue and white striped cushion to add interest, texture and colour. The flowers add that splash of elegance, whimsy and wow factor that is crucial in any space

An upstairs hallway receives a wow factor that shines from a distance!
Women Rock Magazine | 49 AFTER

Dee's Creative Corner

Dee's Interior Design & Staging Creating Beautiful Homes to Live in

Having that cozy space , a place to go and just chill I believe is very important to ones mental health. Everyone needs somewhere to hide away on those days where you just feel like having some ME time. Mine is my bedroom, my sanctuary, my little world all on its own. I absolutely adore my bedroom. I feel a sense of calm, a feelingofpurecontentment.

As a Designer I love to layer It gives a cozy and romantic feel I started with my main inspirational piece, in this case my comforter, and I chose colours to compliment I placed a plush pink king size blanket over crisp white sheets, 2 large beige striped euro pillows, 2 large velvet euro pillows, 2 blue and white striped smaller pillows and a deep coral/pink "Hello Gorgeous" toss cushion Balance is a very important element in design and these pillows definitely make the cut

The beautiful blue/gray comforter and painted blue/gray sleigh bed sets the tone for this retreat The contemporary round teal based lamps and real garden flowers add that a cute romantic touch

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Adding a large expansive window in our dining room was a must. With having this gorgeous treed backyard Oasis it was imperative to be able to enjoy every inch of this 1/4 acre park like setting www.deesinteriordesignandstaging.com

Women Rock Magazine | 51 AFTER
Women Rock Magazine | 52 Dee's Interior Design & Staging Creating Beautiful Homes to Live in
A Retreat All On It's Own
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My Mother - My Inspiration

My mother is one of those larger-than-life beings whose entrance into a room commands the attention of all. Although she is generally adorned in the brightest of colours and a 1000kilowattsmile, those who know her understand that her outward extravagance is but a pale reflection of the vastness of her heart.

Born in bright and bustling Mexico City, she came to Canada as a diplomat forty years ago. She had no intention on remaining here beyond the end date of her contract since the friendly North back then was not exactly welcoming to a woman of colour She missed the vibrancy and the warm embrace of her land, her people, her home Alas, the sparkling green eyes of a small-town French-Canadian man, my father, implored her to stay, and so Ottawa became her home, and the family grew

After giving birth to me though, her health deteriorated to such a point that she was unable to continue working For the independent woman who had worked multiple jobs from the age of 16 and was the sole supporter of her parents and brother back in Mexico, it was as though the world had stopped spinning. Who was she, if not a successful businesswoman, a bread-winner, a worker bee?

A neurological condition gave way to severe depression Though my sister and I wouldn’t have known it from the way she greeted us after school with a beaming smile, and a healthy meal made from scratch Despite her exhaustion, she was always ready to drive us to the ends of the earth for our countless extracurricular activities

Much like the glorious Frida Kahlo, she became an alchemist of life - turning tears into rivers of inspiration, despair into glory, pain into magic She had spent her whole life doing what she had to do to get by, suppressing her soul’s calling to bring more beauty into the world So, with the stroke of a brush, her journey took an inspiring twist and she went on to become a successful, world-renowned visual artist

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My Mother - My Inspiration

Children from broken homes with worries far beyond the scope of what many of us here in Canada can even fathom. Children forced to grow up too soon - who have never known what it is to play. Children who have never had someone take a chance on them

y mom taught me innumerable invaluable lessons, but perhaps my favourite one of all is that although it may not be what makes the world go round, art is what makes it worth living. She showed me through her example that the most authentic and fulfilled artist is the one who understands that life itself is the ultimate canvas. There is nothing in the world more powerful than the point where art and life intersect The measure of success of the true artist then, lies in the answer to the following question: Did my existence leave this world a little bit better than I found it?

My childhood is filled with memories of countless art expositions, workshops, events, and fundraisers where despite her physical fatigue and declining health, my mom rallied people together to help those in need: the disenfranchised, victims of natural disasters, at-risk youth, children with disabilities, people fighting life-threatening diseases

My favourite of all her efforts though, is one that began a few years ago When my father retired, my parents decided to become snowbirds. So every January, they head off to the sunny town of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico to decompress until glacial winters thaw into glorious Canadian springs. In the bright-eyed faces of children selling 5cent gum and home-made dolls on street corners, mom saw an opportunity to instil hope and brighten lives. So, she got moving, found a space, and created a program where underprivileged children would come and learn how to paint

Seeing the way they have come to life over the last few years simply because someone has believed in them is enough to bring one to tears Maybe they will go on to become world-renowned artists, and maybe not, but at least for a brief time, they have a safe space where their troubles can be left at the door At Painting Hope, they get to be children

As they’ve grown increasingly passionate about painting, my mom has begun selling their artwork to her friends here in Canada through social media She uses 100% of the profits, in addition to her own out-of-pocket expenses to take them on an annual outing where, with the money they’ve earned themselves, they’re free to pick out their heart’s desire toys, clothing, toiletries, whatever they need. Above and beyond just learning how to paint, is the fact that these kids are seeing that with determination and perseverance, anything is possible. Though their life circumstances may be unfavorable, they have been given the gift of hope, and tools for the most important art form of all the art of living beautifully

facebook com/gilda pontbriand Women Rock Magazine | 55


As an Interior Designer and Home Stager I pride myself on looking my best. As a professional your appearance says a lot about who you are and how you carry yourself.

Portraying a sense of confidence and self worth is very important to me as I really do believe that it is infectious. It not only gives people the impression that you take pride in who you are but that you care enough and respect others to show them your very best.

What's New?


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SoI will admit that I have an addiction to shopping. I get weakInthekneeswhenIgoto a mall or visit my favourite clothing boutique. I feel like a kidinacandystoretobequite honest. Shopping in general makes me happy, content, giddy. And if I am being real It helps my anxiety. It is like a drug for me and I am ok with that. I feel pretty, confident andunapologeticallyme!



have fun with fashion

OK...so...YES!Summerismyfavourite timeofyearasmostofyouknowby now.Summerbringsmetolife.The sunandthewarmthticklesmysoul. I feelmostatpeaceduringthistimeof year. IamabeachbumandIoffer noapologiesfornotlovingthecold weatherlol.ThisiswhoIam!

Women Rock Magazine | 57

HaveFunWith Fashion!

Be Unapologetically You!


I have always loved the look of a tutu! They are absolutely adorable! So I thought "why not wear it for my summer cover pic?


Women Rock Magazine | 58 Dee
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elping rphans rosper ducation through

On August 13, 2015, our lives were forever changed. Our small group of Newfoundland women were introduced to a group of Uganda that simply stole our hearts. While living in a state and sickness, orphaned by their parents who no doubt suffered from HIV, they were the happiest, most beautiful children we met. They were full of smiles, full of dance, full of song gratitude for the things we had brought to them that we thought time would help. But, we soon realized that you can’t treat a Band-Aid and Band-Aids were all we really brought to them. committed ourselves to contributing to the betterment of through education and empowerment. Our love is strong believe in the children. We want to give them the chance deserve.

A Newfoundland based charity that provides compassion and support to Ugandan orphans through education sponsorship.

We originally had four of the children placed in a boarding school, then ten, and within a year or so we were fortunate enough to have all 24 of the children in a boarding school. These boarding schools take them away from any challenges they face at the orphanage and allows them to have constant and reliable access to food, water, shelter, healthcare, education, supervision and compassion. Education can often be the escape route from the poverty cycle which they need. An opportunity to go to boarding school is considered a privilege, a luxury and a right that so many children go without.

Later, we came to realize that the children were constantly getting ill, mostly when they were on school breaks. Quite often the children suffered with malaria, typhoid, infections, tuberculosis, etc., sometimes getting so sick they need to be hospitalized. We endeavoured to seek out and find a Doctor who was willing to check on the children every month to prevent their sickness from worsening and was able to treat their illnesses when they were minor.

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We have been fortunate to be able to visit the children in Uganda every year, except through the 2020/2021 Covid outbreak. Each year, we brought them some small gifts, but mostly purchased what they needed from local vendors in order to support the community as a whole. But through the love and compassion of many people, we bought them local gifts such as hand-knit teddy bears, clothes, book bags and pillowcase dresses. Some of these dresses were made by teenagers at Holy Trinity High School in Torbay, Newfoundland as a class project.

Last month the team concluded our annual “Baskets of Hope” fundraiser. Marjorie, who is a gardening guru, has led this project for seven years. It has garnered quite some attention and the flowers are a hot commodity every year. Each spring, hundreds of flower baskets are prepared in her garden to be sold within our community of support. The team, as well as some dedicated friends and volunteers, put in countless hours making this project work. From scouring local stores for the uniform straw and wire baskets, nursing the array of Begonias and Lobelia from the local flower shop "Rise and Shine Nursery", building and lugging the soil and tossing the compost.

We first met Cathy seven years ago at the age of 13. She was living with the other twenty-three children at the orphanage home, destined to live her life in poverty, uneducated, pregnant with a child on her hip, and another at her feet, all hungry. H.O.P.E. is committed to helping educate all 24 children, giving them the opportunity that they never knew existed. An opportunity of education which would provide for them a chance to break the cycle of poverty that they are in.

Currently all 24 children, half girls, half boys are being educated. Most are in boarding schools where they live during their schooling terms, and back to the home while they are on break.

The youngest, Jeremiah, is five years old and is in kindergarten. The oldest, Nelson, is 22 year old and currently is in law school. Cathy, our recent high school graduate, told us seven years ago she wanted to be a teacher, and we are so proud that in September she will set her dreams in place.

HOPEinNL@gmail.com Click for Email/Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HOPEinNL/ Cathy! Women Rock Magazine | 61

Tina Turner: Superstar

“What’s Love Got to do With It”… One of Tina’s greatest hits, has a line “Who needs a heart, when a heart can be broken”. This may very well be indicative of Tina’s relationship and marriage to Ike Turner.

Born Anna Mae Bullock on November 26, 1939, in Brownsville Tennessee, Tina met Ike at a young age and began her climb to fame in his band “Kings of Rhythm”. Many hits came out of that era, such as “Boxtop” and of course “Proud Mary”. However, behind the scenes, the marriage was far from a love story. While Tina did love Ike, and was very obligated to his mentoring of her as a small town girl who was becoming a star, Ike was abusive, mentally and physically, and he spiraled into alcohol and cocaine abuse as he took a back seat to Tina’s rising stardom. Finally Tina split from Ike after a very violent incident in Dallas. They finalized their divorce on March 29, 1978.

Tina had an uphill struggle to re-invent her career after the split, but she kept the last name Turner. She realized that the name already had clout in the music industry and with the audiences, and at least, it would help her not have to start from scratch. After playing and appearing on shows such as The Hollywood Squares, Donny and Marie, Sonny and Cher and the Brady Bunch Hour, along with small venues such as Cabarets in Las Vegas, Tina’s star slowly started to turn and launch.

In 1984, with the launch of “Private Dancer”, Tina reclaimed her superstar stature, and soared to become the “Queen of Rock ‘n’ Roll!” In 1993, the story of Tina was released as a Major Motion Picture “What’s love got to do with it” starring Angela Bassett, documenting her rise to fame, the abuse, and ultimate divorce from Ike, and her pursuit of a Superstar career on her own.

Sadly, we lost Tina on May 24 2023 at her home in Switzerland. She died of multiple health complications and left a resounding hole in the lives of fellow musicians and fans alike.

Historical Source


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Tina Turner was the embodiment of a Woman who Rocks, and defines much of what this Magazine is about. From adversity, she rose to claim back her power. She had vision, determination, and finally, the sheer will to make it all happen. She was, and is, an inspiration to me, and to many people around the world who can look at her legacy and see hope. Rest in Peace Tina.

https:/ /www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/pictures/tina-turner-through-the-years-the-singers-life-in-photos/
Magazine | 63
Photo Courtesy of:
Women Rock
Written by Deanne Tobin Sinha




“Every thought you produce, every word you say, everyactionyoudo,itbearsyoursignatureofwho youare.Thepresentmomentisfilledwithyourjoy andhappiness.Ifyouareattentive,youwillseeit.”

Inthepursuitofhappiness,weoftenfindourselvessearchingfor external sources of joy – earning that promotion, acquiring a newandfabulousdesignerhandbag,agourmetdarkchocolate dessert,andvalidationfromothersintheformofInstagramlikes andfollowers Igetit,andIamalsoguiltyofseekingthisexternal source to lift my mood But what if I told you that true joy and happiness lies within you, and that cultivating joy is a mindset that can be nurtured and strengthened? Empowering ourselves to embark upon this journey within allows us to redefine happinessandembracethepowerofourauthenticselves.

Let's begin by debunking the myth of hedonism, the belief that pleasureandmaterialacquisitionsleadtolastinghappiness Of course, as humans we seek pleasure over pain, comfort over discomfort, accolades over apathy. Studies have shown that those who prioritize external achievements, such as wealth, professional success, and attention from others, often are the least happy True happiness stems from a deeper source - a mindset rooted in positivity, gratitude, mindfulness, and selfreflection To embark on this transformative journey of selfdiscovery, it is essential to shift our mindset. By consciously choosing positive thoughts and beliefs, we can redirect our focustowardsthejoysoflife.

Mindfulness and self-compassion play a significant role in this process Avoid ruminating over negative experiences and embrace healthy habits that bring joy and contentment

Mindfulness brings us into the present moment, without the angstandworryofyesterdaysandtomorrows. ThichNhatHanh reminds us, “When we are mindful, deeply in touch with the present moment, our understanding of what is going on deepens,andwebegintobefilledwithacceptance,joy,peace, and love” Consider seeking out healthy coping mechanisms and habits like exercise, meditation, or engaging in creative activities. Nurturing positive relationships and connecting with lovedonesarecrucialforfosteringhappiness. Engaginginselfreflection and seeking spiritual fulfillment can also aid in the pursuitofjoyandpeace

Jul Hamilton is an author, speaker, and educator She has a passion for transformative learning as she works in HigherEducationasacollegeProfessor.

She teaches writing, English and language learning classes, yet her favorite classes to deeply dive into include personal development skills such as building resilience and accepting personal responsibility to shift mindsets Jul writes and speaks professionally also, sharing her knowledge of connecting to the authentic self, cultivating a greater purpose, overcoming a trauma mindset, and living a purposeful, grateful, and joyful life. Jul’s life with her husband, four children and twoson’s-in-lawsisjustthat-purposefulandJoyful

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hile happiness may seem intangible, especially during tumultuous times, positive psychologist Martin Seligman outlines five elements critical to finding fulfillment.Positivethoughtsandemotions, engagement in joyful activities, seeking meaningful relationships, and achieving personal goals that are challenging and rewarding form the foundation of a joyful life. Embrace these elements and infuse them into your daily experiences One powerful tool to harness positivity is keeping a gratitude journal Take a moment each day to write down a few things you appreciate, moments that brought a smile to your face, and lessons learned As you focus on gratitude, your mindsetshifts,fosteringadeepersenseof well-being and compassion for yourself and others Remember, there is always somethingtobegratefulfor



I am reminded of the desolate and tragic circumstances that are shared by Corrie ten Boom in her book The Hiding Place Corrie and her sister, Betsie - prisoners in a Nazi concentration camp - suffered in filthy living conditions crawling with lice and fleas. Determined to “give thanks in all circumstances,” Betsie thankedGodinprayerforallaspectsoftheirsituation,including the bugs. The lice and fleas that crawled upon their floors, bed, and skin kept the Nazi prison guards at a distance, actually protecting them. Similarly, keeping a daily emotion-tracking journal allows for introspection and evaluation of your mood and mindset. Approach this practice with wonder and curiosity, observing your emotions and thoughts without judgment. Ask yourselfquestions,exploretherootcausesofnegativeemotions, reflect upon what is within your focus of control, and determine healthy actions that can uplift your spirits Writing down your emotions allows you to explore possible triggers, past wounds thatneedtobehealed,andopensthepossibilityforfurtherselftransformation Leanintothediscomfort,andchallengeyourself towonder,exploreandeventuallyhealtofosteragreatersense ofauthenticjoyandpeacewithinourselves

By expanding our positive experiences and consciously choosing joy, we can transform fleeting moments of happiness into a constant state of inner peace and contentment With heightened awareness of our thoughts and beliefs, we can make choices that have a lasting impact on our overall wellbeing As our state of joy, contentment and peace radiate from ourthoughtsandourbeing,thisinturnaffectsothersaroundus in a positive manner, spreading happiness With our mindset changeofadeeperlevelofauthenticjoy,ourenergyalsoshifts into an energy of gratitude, love, and compassion. Remember, empowering ourselves and cultivating joy is a journey, and it requireseffort,practice,anddedication.Embracethepowerofa positive mindset, practice gratitude, engage in self-reflection and mindfulness, and take proactive steps towards a fulfilling life. Let us empower ourselves and each other to embrace the happinessandjoythatresideswithinusall.

Women Rock Magazine | 65 W

oming out of the Closet

By Carol-Chantal Séguin

Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant Reading

Awakening your Spiritual Enlightenment Journey

Weekly Free Sessions every Mondays (unless it's a Holiday then its Tuesdays)

Carol-Chantal Seguin started her journey into the Spiritual realms and received the gift of *Knowing* - what we call Psychic, Medium and Clairvoyant at the early age of 16 years old! She started sharing these wisdom insights with family, friends and coworkers and other clairvoyants in Ottawa.

When she moved to Montreal in 1986 her gifts followed her to the big city! She was able to stay unknown. She didn’t like being Public, because back then it was not fashionable for young ladies to be seen differently and she was often told to keep her gifts to herself (going as far as "she was scary"!). She was receiving messages and was able to give out information about events and happenings prior to people knowing!

She would receive messages from the other side of the realms, she would get answers to questions about love, relationship, family, health, wealth, income, job or even future events. Some would find her a bit odd, weird and even scary for sharing future stories that would actually happen. So, for a long time, she only shared her wisdom with those who weren't afraid of what would come out of her mouth!

When she moved back home to Ottawa in 2015 she knew her gifts would follow her, you just can’t turn it on or off… it's there forever - KNOWING as she calls it! Her gifts of Clairvoyance, Psychic and being Medium would be there for her to SHARE with others!

Her intuitions , visions and messages were a blessing and sometimes more scary than she wanted to share! But she embraced these gifts with humility and always said it was a Blessing from God! To the average person , CarolChantal was just very smart and knew so much. What people didn't know is that she was getting her guidance from the other side of the Realms from a very young age, she would meditate, get clarity, tap into different dimensions and speak to souls and receive messages!

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But recently, in 2020 after doing an Orgonite with a friend, they started talking about gifts they did not share publicly and both decided to start sharing their gifts for receiving Spiritual Messages. So every Sunday for almost one and a half years, she gave Sunday nightly messages to attendees in an online Zoom platform.

What started as a fun evening of sharing messages, sparked something in Carol-Chantal to share publiclyher GIFTS of *Knowing*.

She definitely came out of the Closet ! Took her broom out and is now flying high creating more Spiritual Awakening evenings & Woo Infinity Spiritual Summit events!

Two years ago she created a Facebook group called "Spiritual Awakening Enlightenment Journey" and every Monday she gives FREE Spiritual Sessions where she shares her gifts, and researches different topics. Every week for one hour of discussions, revelations, knowledge and intuitive readings Carol helps the community of individuals that always have thirst for their Spiritual Awakening Enlightenment journeys!

This group session benefits those who are searching for guidance in a more intuitive,fun and interactive way to navigate their enlightenment in Life & help on their Spiritual Journey.

You can connect with her for more information via email at carolcsmiles@gmail.com or for any questions

,You can also message her on Messenger : CarolChantal Seguin founder of WOW World of Women Social Network and co-founder of Woo Infinity Spiritual Summit


oming out of
in Spiritual Summit C Carolcsmiles@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/groups/wowcanada https://www.facebook.com/WooInfinity www.wowworldofwomentalks.com/ Women Rock Magazine | 67
the Clo
et Carol-Chantal Ségu


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June Garber singer/songwriter /performer

Emotion Warmth Energy Women Rock Magazine | 69 Click to return to Table of Contents

June Garber singer/songwriter/ performer

My father, Eric Garber died in a plane crash when I was only 3 years old. Even sadder, in our “new” family we were never allowed to talk about him. Quite late in my life I found out he was a phenomenal Jazz drummer, and I believe that’s where my passion for music comes from. I know he would have encouraged me to follow my dreams of becoming a singer. Among my earliest memories, from age 4, are performances for friends of my mother and stepfather in home concerts, and dancing in many festivals totally in my element! Imagine my shock to find out as I grew older that my career choice of being on stage was not going to be condoned or encouraged by my parents. Instead, I was steered into a teaching career. Honourable, yes; but not my first love. However, the desire to be performing on stage never left me. I never gave up on my dream! I persevered and finally, after moving from South Africa to Canada, I made it onto the stage. I have never felt more joy and freedom than when I am singing. There is nothing more wonderful than to connect with the musicians who are sharing the music with you. And then comes the ultimate ... sharing that magic with your audience. For me it means “inhabiting” a song. I choose only songs that connect to my soul whether it be a ballad or an up-tempo tune, you have to connect to a song, otherwise how can you possibly share it with your audience? I think this is a vital part of performance

Finally, what is of supreme importance, is to have a partner in your life who shares in your own desires, and who is supportive of them I haven’t always had that, but now I am fortunate enough to have a husband who not only shares in what I do, but pushes me forward and encourages me to share my talent. This is the ultimate partnership that you could ever ask for.

"I think I was born with an innate desire to sing."
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W June Garber - Biography

ith a performance career spanning more than four decades, June Garber is an acclaimed and much loved Canadian jazz vocalist who is now living in Australia

June began her singing career soon after arriving in Canada from her native South Africa in 1975, joining a Toronto-based band as a back-up singer She later formed her own 8piece band, self-producing shows that were primarily contemporary.

The band enjoyed huge success with long engagements in Las Vegas, Atlantic City and Toronto, as well as single performances in cities across Canada and the U.S.

Seeking a break from the rigours of touring, June later turned to the stage, her other love, acting with leading theatre companies and some of Canada’s best actors.

June began to sing jazz in 2003. She has recorded four albums, Smile (2005), Here’s to You (2008), This I Know (2016) and Off the Carousel (2021) June has toured and performed as a singer in major centres in Canada and the United States and in Cuba, the Caribbean, Mexico, South Africa, and Australia She has performed at jazz festivals throughout North America and with big bands in Toronto and Sarasota, Florida This year she will be performing at jazz festivals in Brisbane and Noosa Heads, Queensland, Australia.

https://www instagram com/junegarbermusic/

www junegarber com

https://www facebook com/junegarbermusic

Women Rock Magazine | 71


My name is Sandra Mushale and I am the founder and creative director of Mushale Collection - which started as a handbag design house but now has expanded to clothing.

About me: I am a small business owner, a Canadian designer from the origins of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa.

I launched my handbag designs and business on February 2011 in Toronto My business enjoyed a steady growth and became quite popular in the year 2016, which inspired the opening of 2 stores in Regina,SK. Like every non essential business during Covid my business was hit hard and plummeted in 2021.

However, With hard work, determination and persistence, Mushale Collection is beginning to regain balance and steadily rising again with the creations of new designs and additional products such as yoga pants and casual wear

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http://www mushalecollection com

https://www facebook com/MushaleCollection?ref hl

Info@mushalecollection com

I have always believed in designing elegant, unique and fashionable pieces that are affordable and I also believe that no matter what your background is, you can always turn things around to become a good and productive member of any given community

The world knows that the Democratic Republic of Congo is one of the poorest and unsafe countries to live in, not only because of the forever ongoing war in its eastern parts but also because of its devastating standard of life in which women and children are the most at risk of poverty and security related concerns. All the daily challenges faced by people, precisely women in DRC did not stop me from being creative, my life experiences enlightened me into discovering my passion and the love of fashion I always say, one can learn from one ' s personal experiences to create a better life for themselves and others

W e c e l e b r a t e u n i q u e n e s s !
Women Rock Magazine | 73
photo credit Kamiki Piks Photography

Dee Tobin Sinha

a sweet summer escape

I cherish every moment when I chill in my beautifully landscaped backyard. The heavy lifting, dirty fingernails and many trips to the garden centre was so well worth it.


We named him Henry! Our newest backyard family pet was quite comfortable hanging out in our meticulously landscaped backyard. Maybe it was because we had a variety of plants and fruits for him to nibble on. lol

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WowFactor Women Rock Magazine | 75


Some Remarkable Women That History Has Forgotten

Women have brought countless amazing contributions to society throughout history, yet their accomplishments have often been passed over due to their gender. From successfully getting an astronaut into space to leading the suffragette movement, these women have done remarkable things

Cady Stanton

Elizabeth Cady Stanton helped organize the world's first women's rights convention in Seneca Falls in 1848 She also helped form the National Women's Loyal League with Susan B Anthony, and co-established the National Woman Suffrage Association, which ultimately helped women in the US gain the right to vote

Jeannette Rankin was the first woman elected to US Congress, and served two terms in the House of Representatives She was also a lobbyist for the National American Woman Suffrage Association, and lead 5,000 people in an anti-Vietnam War march in Washington, D.C.

Josephine Baker

Josephine Baker was a famous dancer and performer, becoming the first person of color to star in a major motion picture (the 1934 film "Zouzou") Refusing to perform for segregated audiences in the US, she's also known for her contributions to the Civil Rights Movement If that all wasn't enough, she was also a spy for the French Resistance during WWII, as she smuggled messages in her sheet music

Here are a few incredible and empowering women you probably don't remember from history, but should!
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Jeannette Rankin


Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi was the first and only female Prime Minister of India. While often considered ruthless and authoritarian, she was a successful leader, having helped India gain self-sufficiency in food grain production by spearheading agricultural improvements, and leading the country through the Pakistan war She is the world's longest-serving female Prime Minister to this day

Huda Sharaw

Huda Sharawi founded the Egyptian Feminist Union in 1923, and later became the founding president of the Arab Feminist Union in 1945. Her best-known act of protest includes removing her face veil in a crowded Cairo train station upon returning home from an International Women Suffrage Alliance conference, which was a turning point in making wearing a veil a woman's choice, not a requirement.

Gwendolyn Brooks

Gwendolyn Brooks was the first black author to win a Pulitzer Prize, and was the first black woman to hold a position as a poetry consultant to the Library of Congress She frequently wrote about the struggle for racial equality in the US, which received harsh criticism at the time.

Some Remarkable Women That History Has Forgotten Women Rock Magazine | 77


Zelda Fitzgerald

If you were one of the many students whose required high school reading assignments included "The Great Gatsby," then you may or may not know that many of the words that were thought to be F Scott Fitzgerald's may have actually been written by his wife, Zelda

A writer herself, Zelda Fitzgerald is said to have been a very large inspiration for her husband's work Outspoken and ahead of her time, he described her as "the first American Flapper."

Ida B. Wells

Ida B. Wells was a brilliant journalist and social activist whose articles and political essays lead to her becoming part owner of the Memphis Free Speech and Headlight newspaper in 1892. She went on to form the National Association of Colored Women before later co-founding the NAACP

Adrienne Rich

Author and activist Adrienne Rich was a poet and radical feminist best known for bringing the "oppression of women and lesbians to the forefront of poetic discourse " She won countless honors for her work, and was one of the mostread poets of the 20th century One of her most famous essays, "Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence," was a major influencer of the radical feminist movement of the 1980s

Some Remarkable Women That History Has Forgotten Women Rock Magazine | 78


Some Remarkable Women That History Has Forgotten

Ada Lovelace

Ada Lovelace was a 19th-century mathematician who is said to have worked with Charles Babbage to write instructions for the first computer code in the 1800s She was also the daughter of famed poet Lord Byron, who called her his "Princess of Parallelograms "

Valentina Tereshkova

In 1963, Tereshkova became the first woman to travel into space. Having spent a total of 71 hours out there, orbiting the Earth 48 times, she returned to solid ground having been in space longer than any other astronaut at the time.

Lee Miller

A 20s fashion model turned photographer, Lee Miller is known for the stunning photos she took of women serving in World War II One of her most iconic images is a photo of herself in Adolf Hitler's bathtub, which she took after having accompanied American forces who raided his Munich apartment in 1945

“I was living in Hitler’s private apartment in Munich when his death was announced.” These words came not from a high-ranking Nazi officer or a hardened Allied soldier, but from a fashion model-turned-photographer. Lee Miller – who became the muse and lover of Surrealist artist Man Ray during the early 1930s after appearing on the cover of Vogue – was one of a small number of female combat photographers embedded with Allied troops in WWII.


Women Rock Magazine | 79
All The Amazing Dads
Celebrating Our Beautiful Country

Happy Multiculturalism Day

June 27th

June 21st

National Indigenous People's Day
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Articles inside

EmpoweringWomen Some Remarkable Women That History Has Forgotten

pages 79-81


page 78


page 77

EmpoweringWomen Some Remarkable Women That History Has Forgotten

page 76


pages 73-74


page 72

W June Garber - Biography

page 71

June Garber singer/songwriter/ performer

page 70

oming out of the Closet

pages 66-67


page 65


pages 64-65

Tina Turner: Superstar

pages 62-63


page 61

H P E elping rphans rosper ducation through

page 60


page 56


page 55


page 54

Dee's Creative Corner

pages 50-53

Dee's Creative Corner

page 49

Unleashing the Selling Power of Staging

page 47

From Dead to Alive To Serve a Higher Purpose

page 46

Co-Parenting After Divorce

pages 43-45

Finding Your Life's Calling and Embracing It

pages 41-42

Finding Your Life's Calling and Embracing It

page 40

Crystal Jean Sweet Satiety Coaching

page 39


page 38

TravelDestinations- Hawaii The Hana Trail -Maui-

pages 36-37


page 35

TravelDestinations- Hawaii The HanaTrail

page 34

TravelDestinations -H

page 33

TravelDestinations -Hawaii The Hana Trail -Maui-

pages 32-33


pages 30-32

The Sky is Not the Limit

pages 28-29


pages 25-27

SERVICES OUR Welcome to Dee's Interior Design & Staging

page 24


pages 21-22

From the Writers Couch

page 20


page 19


page 18

The Life and Times of Gabi

page 17

Context Eating Method for Weigh Loss and/or Hormonal Balance

pages 14-16


pages 12-13


pages 11-12

Liam's Story

pages 9-10


page 8

Liam's Story

page 7

On Valentine's Day in 2015...

page 6

Editor’s Note

pages 3-5

EmpoweringWomen Some Remarkable Women That History Has Forgotten

pages 79-81


page 78


page 77

EmpoweringWomen Some Remarkable Women That History Has Forgotten

page 76


pages 73-74


page 72

W June Garber - Biography

page 71

June Garber singer/songwriter/ performer

page 70

oming out of the Closet

pages 66-67


page 65


pages 64-65

Tina Turner: Superstar

pages 62-63


page 61

H P E elping rphans rosper ducation through

page 60


page 56


page 55


page 54

Dee's Creative Corner

pages 50-53

Dee's Creative Corner

page 49

Unleashing the Selling Power of Staging

page 47

From Dead to Alive To Serve a Higher Purpose

page 46

Co-Parenting After Divorce

pages 43-45

Finding Your Life's Calling and Embracing It

pages 41-42

Finding Your Life's Calling and Embracing It

page 40

Crystal Jean Sweet Satiety Coaching

page 39


page 38

TravelDestinations- Hawaii The Hana Trail -Maui-

pages 36-37


page 35

TravelDestinations- Hawaii The HanaTrail

page 34

TravelDestinations -H

page 33

TravelDestinations -Hawaii The Hana Trail -Maui-

pages 32-33


pages 30-32

The Sky is Not the Limit

pages 28-29


pages 25-27

SERVICES OUR Welcome to Dee's Interior Design & Staging

page 24


pages 21-22

From the Writers Couch

page 20


page 19


page 18

The Life and Times of Gabi

page 17

Context Eating Method for Weigh Loss and/or Hormonal Balance

pages 14-16


pages 12-13


pages 11-12

Liam's Story

pages 9-10


page 8

Liam's Story

page 7

On Valentine's Day in 2015...

page 6

Editor’s Note

pages 3-5
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