held at Mike Simmons Den (across from
-30. Rotaract Blue’s weekly meetings are held
Mango Tree). During the Breast Cancer
at 6pm on Wednesdays.
The APF is a not-for-profit organisation that
Awareness month of October, the club
aims to improve the mental health of children
provides mammogram vouchers in addition to
Rotary Club of Grand Cayman
and adolescents in the Cayman Islands through
educational programmes to spread awareness.
advocacy, awareness and support. Throughout
The Club supports local and international
the year they host various support groups,
The Lustic Life Book Club
community projects in the spirit of ‘Service
educational programmes, and events.
above Self’. They meet every Thursday at
Meets monthly on the last Thursday of every
12.30pm at various locations including Grand
Alzheimer’s & Dementia Association
month at West Indies Wine Company to discuss
Old House and the Westin hotel. Meeting
of the Cayman Islands (ADACI)
their book of the month. The book can always
locations are subject to change, so visit their
Tel: (345) 924 4170
be purchased at Next Chapter, and a 20%
website beforehand.
Email: info@adacayman.com
discount is offered if the book club is mentioned.
ADACI aims to create awareness of the Rotary Club of Cayman Brac
different forms of dementia with a focus on
Optimist Club
Meets the second and fourth Tuesday of the
Alzheimer’s. They source and facilitate training
Tel: (345) 928 8098
month at 6.45pm at The Cayman Brac Beach
for medical professionals and first responders,
Email: optimistcayman@yahoo.com
Resort conference room, West End.
counsel people with Alzheimer’s and educate
www.optimistcayman.com The
caregivers and family members about the to
Rotary Central Cayman Islands
stages of Alzheimer’s and how to properly care
opportunities for children in Cayman. The club
for Alzheimer’s patients. They also provide
hosts the Optimist Oratorical Contest and
President: Mrs. Corleen Goodman-Hoptroff
one-off financial assistance to patients.
the Kids Speak Out (where children speak on
Meets at Saltwater Grill, Galleria Plaza,
a given subject and win scholarship funds),
West Bay Road on Tuesdays at 7.30pm.
Bethesda Counselling Centre 68 Mary Street, George Town
Respect for Law and various projects aimed at
Rotary Sunrise
Tel: (345) 946 6575
providing opportunities for youth. In 2021, the
Email: bethesda@candw.ky
club ventured on an entrepreneurial mindset
Email: rcgcsunrise@gmail.com
contest where young people were invited
Meets at George Town Yacht Club, on
Individual and group counselling/therapy; also
to pitch a business idea that they would like
Wednesdays at 6.45am for a 7am sharp start.
online counselling offered for all issue types.
Constitution Hall (previously named the Town
Counselling & Support Services
Cayman Connection
Hall) at 6pm on the first and third Tuesdays of
Email: hello@caymanconnection.org
every month.
Tel: (345) 928 8843
Email: caymanalanon@gmail.com
An organisation for Caymanians and those
Plastic Free Cayman
affiliated with the Cayman Islands who are
A support group that provides strength,
now working, studying, or living overseas.
An organisation that arranges regular clean-ups
understanding and hope for friends and families
Supported by the Cayman Islands Government
in the hopes of reducing plastic pollution. They
affected by someone’s problem drinking.
focus on educating and making the public aware
Meetings are confidential and each member’s
Connection assists and connects Caymanians
of the harmful effects that plastic pollution has
personal anonymity is protected. Meetings are
overseas by providing weekly virtual support
on Cayman and the world. Join the fight against
held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm.
calls, networking opportunities, events with
to receive funding for. The club meets at the
plastic pollution by taking their 345 Pledge and
special guest speakers and advice and guidance
help work towards a Plastic Free Cayman. See
Alcoholics Anonymous
their Instagram page @plastic_free_cayman to
Tel: (345) 926 9044
find out about upcoming clean-ups.
Email: caymanaa@yahoo.com
Cayman Heart Fund (CHF)
Tel: (345) 916 6324
Rotaract Blue
Meetings are held at least once a day. Check the
Email: info@caymanheartfund.com
Email: rotaractblue@gmail.com
website for times and locations.
about living overseas.
A non-profit, non-governmental organisation
Rotaract Blue is a non-profit organization that
Alex Panton Foundation (APF)
dedicated to improving cardiovascular health
caters to young adults between the ages of 18
Email: info@alexpantonfoundation.ky
for all in the Cayman Islands through educating
www. c a y m a n r e s i d e n t . c o m
Essay Contest, The Internet Safety Seminar,