№ 1 (1), 2020 .
ECONOMICS IMPROVING THE INNOVATIVE POTENTIAL OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES IS THE MAIN CHALLENGE OF THE MODERN STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT OF UZBEKISTAN'S ECONOMY Naima Khashimova Doctor Of Economics, Professor at Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan, Tashkent Shahnoza Ulmasova PhD applicant at Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent
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ABSTRACT The development of industry is given special attention in the country. This is because the industrial sector has significant development potential. The experience of many countries shows that it is through the active development of industry that high economic growth and increased competitiveness of the economy are achieved. The reforms have made significant progress in the development of the sector. In order to develop innovation potential and make a decision in a management environment, it is necessary to develop the principles on which innovation is based. . .
, Keywords: economy, innovation, industry, innovation potential, technology. : , , ,
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industrial development has increased the contribution of industry to the economy of Uzbekistan from 20.6% to 26.3%. By the end of 2019, the industrial volume index is expected to grow at 6.4%, and the share of industry in GDP at 29%. Despite the positive trends in the industry, there are a number of systemic problems that hinder its further development. A number of factors influence management decisions. Factors of innovation activity can be divided into global, determined by macroeconomics and society as a whole, and local, micro-defined enterprises. global factors include the political situation at home and at the international level, competition in the foreign market, relations with the authorities, tax policy. Among the factors of micro-levelness are two groups of factors that determine innovation activity: internal, aimed at managing innovation in the enterprise, and external, contributing to the expansion of the boundaries of innovation.
At present, one of the priorities of the domestic economy is to accelerate economic development and improve the competitiveness of enterprises. The most important factor for sustainable enterprise development is to increase the innovative potential of business entities, which is impossible without the development of knowledge-intensive technologies, efficient use of intellectual resources, introduction of innovative developments in industry. Accordingly, countries that provide an enabling environment for innovation are winning in global competition. The development of industry is given special attention in the country. This is because the industrial sector has significant development potential. The experience of many countries shows that it is through the active development of industry that high economic growth and increased competitiveness of the economy are achieved. The reforms have made significant progress in the development of the sector. In particular, over the last three years, the period 2016-2018, the volume of production of the industry increased by a third. The high rate of 70