№ 1 (1), 2020 .
BOSHLANG’ICH SINFLARDA MATEMATIKA FANINI INTERFAOL METODLAR YORDAMIDA O’TISH Mahmudova Nodira Isoqovna Toshkent shahar Sergeli tumanidagi, 6-DIUO’T maktabining boshlang’ich sinf o’qituvchisi, O'zbekiston, Toshkent
ORGANIZING MATHEMATICS IN THE PRIMARY CLASSES WITH THE HELP OF INTERACTIVE METHODS Nodira Makhmudova In the Sergeli District of Tashkent City, 6-primary school teacher of the State secondary special school, Uzbekistan, Tashkent
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ANNOTATSIYA Matematikaning asosiy tushunchalari natural son, arifmetik amallar, to’g’ri chiziq kesmasi, aylana kabi geometrik tushunchalar insoniyat tarixining ilk davridayoq paydo bo’lgan. Matematika fanining vujudga kelishi va rivojlanishi bevosita amaliy ehtiyojdan-narsalarni sanash, xo’jalik hisob kitobi, masofalarni o’lchash, buyumlarning shaklini belgilash, quyosh va yulduzlar vaziyatiga qarab dunyo tomonlarini aniqlash kabi tirikchilik uchun zarur masalalardan kelib chiqqan. boshlang’ich sinfda og’zaki, yozma hisoblash qobiliyatlarini o’stirish kundalik turmushda keng ravishda qo’llanadi, og’zaki hisob o’quvchilar oldiga , berilgan har bir aniq hol uchun qulay hisoblash usullarini olish zarurligini qo’yadi va shu bilan ularning zehnini ochadi. Undan tashqari, u yozma hisoblashlarni osonlashtiradi. ABSTRACT The basic concepts of mathematics such as natural number, arithmetic operations, a cross of a straight line, a circle, geometrical concepts appeared in the first period of human history. The emergence and development of mathematical science arose directly from a practical need-from such issues as counting things, the calculation of the farm, measuring distances, determining the shape of objects, determining the sides of the world depending on the situation of the sun and stars, to which it is necessary for living. in the elementary class, the cultivation of oral, written computing skills is widely used in everyday life , the oral calculation puts before the students the need to take convenient computational methods for each given specific case, thereby opening their mind. In addition, it facilitates written calculations. ,
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Kalit so’zlar: arifmetik amallar, boshlang’ich ta’lim, interfaol metodlar. Keywords: arithmetic operations, elementary education, interactive techniques. : , , 79