Your Baby’s Growth Island Style Sizing
Growth is synonymous with pregnancy
37-40 WEEKS WATERMELON – Your baby is now full term, and you’re ready to give birth any day now. Eat well, and safe delivery!
– growth in size, and growth in appetite. They say the more you grow, the more you know, right? Well check this out Take a look at your baby’s growth from conception to birth, and whet your appetite for some tasty Caribbean foods -
you may just learn a thing or two
about fruits from neighbouring islands. We’ve got a lot in common. Who knew!
21-24 WEEKS PAW PAW (Jamaica) aka Papaya in Belize – You’ve passed half-way through your pregnancy, and your baby is beginning to look more like a baby at this point.
First Trimester 0-4 WEEKS GUINEP (Jamaica) aka Chennette in Trinidad and Tobago, Ackee in Barbados, Skinup in Grenada, Limoncill in Dominican Republic – Your baby is still very tiny, and you’re not yet showing at all. You have not yet started to gain weight, but your baby is growing and developing, so be sure to tank up on nutritious foods only.
5-8 WEEKS CASHEW (Guyana) aka Pajuil in Puerto Rico, Cajuil in Dominican Republic - Although your uterus is growing, you’re still not showing – especially if this is your first pregnancy.
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